de),"FIght ni the Blub M LaTheCanadian Statesiaow nvl, ue 16 iAtten ed bmn50the basemede st.n thelhomeeM ro.Lawre.e Bert HStaple-u Thenesuhts Liatlembined onan:wminvihe, last week Fa"(Grahms). !effort were Mosi tifig Ms elhHloel DI In the grades five. sixa and eapcit iseven there were also severil and MrseHatwel Loery Af Banquetf in Roseneath et& ýE- fs Chartfer 0 fficersa : Abo&;360 persons attended the commissioners although a one-third exemption on any Blue Gown"; Mary Hogel and The first meeting of the conducted the election of offi- province. Through stides which Alrecodatne h the ar aa, UnitedCoutehe held no officeas commis- 'earning over $1,000, for sc Penny Carder, "Littlei e wl -formed Bowmanville cers. The newly-formed ex- he procured from the Canadian S A K I Warderr,3 banquet Iast Wed-1 sioner. officiais. Waltz", Mary Pat Bradley and District Horticulture So- ecutive for 1966 includes:!Centennial Library, he showed:Pnv Sl nesday i*'Roseneath in honor i Came Under Fire He said there is a growing «and Nancy Bradley, "Bright ciety was held in the Library President, Mrs. Lawrenceth audience what has been Mr. and Mr.r. Stn alsshoStrayenigMr Of S. J. (F'1ex) MeMillan. reeve' In 1907, the commissioner feeling among provincial and As A Buttoe Polka". Jenni- Auditorium on Wednesday, Mason: lst Vice-President, Mr. done by other clubj. and sug-,Toronto were Sunda ussJh tne rnslce of Alnwick. system came under fire and dominion legisiators th a tfer McGill and Vaneta Me- May 25. Mrs. Thomas Fair- Eber Snowden; 2nd Vice-Presi- 'gested various projects and at Mr. Orme Fallk'. Th bnqetwas a double when the issue came to a municipal officiais are "$theGi, I"Viennese Waltz". Mrs.bohr ietrfo h et r lodFecer;.activities which could be at- Mr. and Mrs. An rv rils honoir for residents of Alnwick vote, the commissioners turn- most underpaid and the least!McMa'hon accomipanied Gai] Orono Society, brought the Secretary-Treasurer, Mr. Mer- tempted by any newly-form- Barrie, spent a few dv at R'.G ad rnt Township. Warden MeMilian ed down a motion to revert recognized of anybody in pub-'Carder in a duet "Tales froim large gathering to order at lin Slute; Assistant, Mrs. M. ed group. week at Mr. Sid Haloels nîdCuc.Bwavie is also reeve of the smallest to the oid system. lic life." Vienna Woods" and Phyllis,8 p.m. and presided for the first Slute. Directors for two' Mrs. L. Mason In closing the Mrs. Lawrence Faro vit- il be gst pakra mnember municipality in the The reason was thatif M.esspkinrpyo Younfia in "Nota". 'part of the meeting. She dis- years, Mrs. A. Garson, Mr. !t:eetiing, thanked those rs e Unîcd ouniesandisthe municipalities were represent- a os ote oiinGv Miss Katihy Bristo>w of Yel-!cussed what work had been Henry Bons, Mr. J. Cruik- ' for ciecting her to the positione ii udy seilmsrb h onr first warden from Alnwick in ed individually, jealolusy and! ernment by Cobourg Mayor J. verton gave several tap dane- donc thus far in attempting.shank, Mrs. Kénneth Fletchero! president. Door prizes e il udy o e s ke m n or t e s I. Hn oev r, a yeaIdrl ertir a i e t e s c et . A - n r .A ul i e t r o e e o y t e f lo i rAsepay esa "orhvthes"It oe w as cangd e i n g a committee of the Ontario companîed hy her môther, though Bowmanville is noted one year, Mr. B. Dilling, Missî rose (donated by A. Fletcher) routepy t our townshvte the prtemst. Municipal Atessocatonwhich Mrs. Dorothy Brstow at the for its various nurseries and Isabel Davis, Mr. J. W. Robin- Mrs. E. Bradley; liquid fertil- hiogh esthoourossiIýte Wrdten sMlln aîh as been meeting with higher piano. igarden centres it bas been 'son, Mr. Wmn. Axford and Mrs. izer (donated by Jackman, hges are pr ossibvrnlteuhriis o MisVaeaMcndaso01any years since there was Alfred Brown. Auditors, Mr. Florists), Mrs. Cecil Pascoe;ý you. Unîted Counties and other 'brîngi about tax exemptioni Yelverton, sang two solos an organizedHriutueS1 _£ .Dîin) ~MAte ai Guests of Honor ýcounties throughout the prov- legisation.-Examniner. ý"Winter Song" and "Thle Lit- ciety within the town. It wasiBradley.B iinJ.MAeroas Amnong the guests of honorlince might have commissioneri - i e ak côpne noted that Bowmanville had a Mrs. Stehens introduced :holders, Mrs. V. Frank, L. vveirbeoreMrs.,MPJeanneernenMaganMi thon. thriving club as far back as 1867 the silïrof the evening, Johnson, Mrs. K. Fletcher, A.' Northumberland); R u s se 1ilfuture with the advent of area 1PTT M Mrs.MM nitouejM.D. MacMillan and Mr. Mr. R.jF omme, Secretary Garson, J. W. Robinson andý Honey, MP (L- Durham); governments. bher pupils and gave conimentsîLloyd Johnson brought gret-Ofth Onai HoiclueN.Bok Rnuthelcomposers o! some owing5randebest wishesrfromthe!Asýsociation. Mr. Gomme ex-' Anyone wishing ta hecome, NrtuerlanRowe, MPP Cr- wee, eadethr piers, Toroiiîîthe recital number s, shawa group as did Mrs. O0PlainecI the work and aims O!Ua member of the societyP NI ruthers, MPP (PC-Durham):!the county counicil. was the guest of M.r. and Mr' thanking the guest artists and, Challice from the Orono Club. ýthe various societies in the should do so before June 15. Cobur Myo J A Henn; HL, urged the councils of Walter Neals for the week-tepansfothrc-pr- Ms.F Stephens, Harwood,choupdanmrose Poor theorco.nties and athl parmberferd.heir Toopera-1 TTs F Hop Maor . . Eer-L1'414hM1LLL~ whi provuided atwmovchora PotHp ao .C vrIh or tie kdai mm tî,ed tin. iwho is director of District four,ste gon; Campbellford Mayor Mor- municipalities to cep up wi RcvhArthu Alleron. Mi. nume r i teaftero oritaEA T ley Tanner, and Past Wardentene lesatofrm ig- Allerton. Mrs. William Ph- A. . lachadReve flr evls.s.In Pame. rI As the S. S. Anniversary two delightful selections hy Daringon ownhip He said the greatest threat. Ni o, M ir isrt eason has arrived again ouir the tiny lots. Io the evenîng Thewaren' wie, ori. t auonoy i no beng re-ScotMr. Morgan Rigelov\. the banquet held at the Rose- Lookîng Ahead tor Morton and Mrs. Douglas ro h aine 50 ears Ago5,189one of the cootributing factors ber by a male choir consistiogý neath fair grounds. They are Looking ahead, the wardensmrelt attended the Anglican omTe aninSaemfl to the success of the services of the members of the Sr. and (Caol)Mr. Rber Eglean sad 10 ile o!ne rod hurh Danry eeing Through the columos of The Statesman we'd sirmply make which were heid in the Jr. Choîrs. Mr. Ray Ashton 5KIGSTET.ES (Cakl MMilanRodhr s wif o un ies1 witines fnextfie ambltor, nThrsayuBwanile nsihtofBleOnara oona.wa tegustmi-Suan Wernpovdig ; Scarborough, and her busband;!will be constructed in tebdatCitsChrhj i knawn, church. Rev. Milton Sander- directed the S. S. Choir witil McMillaThat hin iDurham's noblehn tauntyt ist thedvillage of Tyrone;'in unty ofthmmvinlel oChurch,; MissesEmShirleyhuAverMisaod.hirleyAveryLan AuMireyanRoseneatormhisBpar--yehrreister. il was returning home'orgari and piano accompanii- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mc-.: The United Counties are alsa M:r and Mer s ormonothPshHI Millan, ad sses Mr.Iokn incnuconwtbyadtersnJhnspeol And the dailv mail is carried by the active BillY Moore. for ihis brilliant speaker as ment. Mrs. E. Wright, was inPHO N E 6 3 7 4 William Halstead, Mrs. Jack!,the provincial and domninion!ath woeekHllw rlti he attended our Church and'charge of the maie choir chor- FR P McMeiily and Mrs. Jack Allen. ýauthorities ta construct ria CeHiI Various tradtes are rcpresented in this tbriving little place, Sunday School as a boy. Rev. us. RAPO TMN On behaîf or the ratepayers, bridges along the Trent Canal' Harry' Ryley is a patient And its people in no manner lack essential means o!fgaci Sandersan's afternoon mies - By kinrnes-, of Mr. L. counicillors Jack Webb, James system. in Civic Hospital, Peterbor- Look at our handsome church with its tait and pretty spire, sage elaboratcd 'on the stary Wearn a loudspeaker syslern* Lintn, homs Lan nd . Wlh te hrin o!an ssit- ugh.Andilspulitsfiled s they are billed by Kenner and of the boy wilh his lunch iwas installed in the basemo J. Robins presntd the M - ant counties assessr this year,, M r. and M s. Creig hiton by Dyer. wh .a r u h t T ss b o ac o m d t h voA Br n Ne Sa o Millani with a reclining chair., strides are being made taward1 Carr and their children, Da- 'Andrew ta help feed the large! from the main sanctuary of the, Wardcn~8 Adress cauntyasscssment.The borS.dAn.yna o i ton. h A 0, have busy been in scarching atter souls, crowd. He likened the pres- church. The nitd Cuntis Cun-of health is studying the ex-F spent the weeken'd with Mr~. And as they sought thcy nicely caught the stalwart cnt day Andrews to the S. S. Supt. A. J. Werry assisted . Wt lr-oe Tie Uaniteerttcisson- ipansian o! the health unit'and Mrs. Ross Carr. Wm. Sproules, . eachers and parents who at bath services and extenldedEqi en ers in er therecoiesutrein- porm r n r.Sde {-Their work bas been a noble one, deserving or ail praîse, ro u peetyune qam ecm o h ag ers in Aneeducatianefuturdyin-M.Kinnon. Cle Sdney M('- They strive ta save the crring anc and lure ta wisdom's ways. generatian ta Jesus. The ev- congregalions and expressed stadofrevs nddpuy- iteeba ee st pteexening sermon wvas cntitled !appreciation ta his S.S. staff .frtelts sta !reevesad e ut- mite asben set up ta cx- were weekend guests witb Tuck Gardiner, too, ik stili on band new ouses for ta build,,,Th2 Power o! Personal Ex- and al who assistd in this i ar syi g res, Wi sare ix cila amine the future o! education. Mrs. James MeKinnon. Whiîe Jimmy Bingham the painting does, though perhaPs perience"i and provided much 'special event.inhi He ecaled th t a th sart sch oî re s o th s me cal ~ John Palm er is a patient he cann ai gild, food for serious thinkiiîg. M onday provided a short. nitepeetcntr h w nCivic Hospital, Peterbor- And as an agent be ik bere rcady with beart and hand ' h udy Scbooi Choir!sports program at the school ____ o!s the present century tdestricts___The_____ counties were rcprcscnted b as present bîg cholditrctou gh. To take a first-class martgage on bouses, stock or land. or manyynears btwe te He said steps will be laken Mr. and Mrs. Ted Moulton.ý For msand 1907 bewenilr-aemnt thehamu gap Toronto, werc guests with Mr. This world is ail a fleeting show for mans illusion given, vcrte ta te reee - dputybetween grade eight, public! and Mrs. Henry Jakernan dur- 5h11l first-rate gonds caonowb a rmores-n vreveyte the Counties o!y school. ta grade nine, second- ming tihe weekend. merchant Stephen, h' atcvladRnei Durham and Northumberland ar-y school. He predîcted more! Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Chase And white in Manitoba saw the lamented Louis Riel. were represcnted on a board cocnrto nhligso r. and Mrs. Gardon Chase of cammissioners. students and new facilities and fa'mily were honored by' Life ig not an empty dream and the grave is nont ils goal, There were six arcas in each fortuechia ndvctoniteBlaycomnt wilib Sa if vou want a wagon built just itriwMt ae county wîth two representa-sudns a farewel party in St. Paul's'1 Who stili continues on bis work in that shop se antiquatied, tîvs Te cuntes eredi- He also predicted the mcrg- Parish Hall on Saturday ev- utwh, work is donc surpassed by none and is niucb vddirrespective o!mui ing of schoi and library ening, prier te their movine appreciated. cipal boundarles. services under a single board., to Fevcrsbam, wbere Mr.' Edward Weir was Reeve af!ý Durham M.P.P. Speaks Chase bas been transferred as,:st h ieo ot and shaes we're seldom in a fix. AInwick in the early 1890's ' Alex Carruthers, M. P. P.~ manager o! the Tronto-Da- Manning and son are working on and son is Jahnny Hicks;%11 and in 1.906 was namcd Ward- , PC-Durham), warned the miniori Bank. For Johnny is a business man and be and bis dad togetherýý en of the United Counties by United Counties, as prime ag- BbRly nbhi !teCao make if tbey choose gond boots and shocs out of ricultural areas, against apa- ,cornm.unity, presented Mr and! first-rate leather. tby.Mrs, Ch.ase wit'h a purse o[ ~- - * He said the future o h odlce aterNw Geordie Welch he î'uns a forge; as Ia the othe-r mie, ,mm marea is bright and predictedi daughter Karen and a waîîet I t's run in style, oh don't you smile, by Mr. Emmersan; *MMMIMil wili became anc o! the 'to their son Michael. And day andi night they can be found at their respective ~~~ ~ mast important links bteinssDvsn ctheheadI beiiows.I ' "Golden Horsesboc" which' And take the twain just ail in ail they are prettydcn stretches from Niagara taeFdress, exprcss'ing thanks tea, feliows. 'Oshwa.the famiiy for tbeir share in; IL L. F s~a d thUitd Cou-iail (RWunFlity activities. Mri. The loft'y Samuel Bingham, too, though far from bcing a 'o tic wili par a rtthe Athietic Association, pi't- Conduets ataebdmo as mdein Yui'old o atcamiara techer for the men'%safthalaatan oe nae Yuî~ l near future. cooperage. "We bave thiree main 1lines teaým andI coach with the * il-].I The number of barrels turned out by himn is %omnething: o! communication passing 1mbos softball and hocke-y qisrpîig through aur area: Tbe St. 1 te 14nis. Mrs. Chase wRs 0on Yet he wouldi nothing tise did he diffuse à lutIle mare Lawrence Seaway, te Mac-bceeuveo th UneIF advertising. oal-Cartier Freewýay and C.urch Women and the Wo-1 pthe railways. meîs Instute and active inl But if a butter tub is wanted or a barrel for beer or wine' "Last ycar, 40,000,000,000atcmiutyefrs Just make il known when in Tyrone ta the noble tdors" e f i..scotetI a gifI from tbe Wo- For he's a cooper o! repute andI with brainç not lightiy laden, Paintinig ta Talbotville, near mnen's Institute aiso canvey' - And he mavcd lasI fai with kit andI al from the anctent The neest, misit St. Thomas, he said be hoped ing their th'anks ta Mrs. Chase' village Haydan.LenM tySd Thenew~tmo Int shake any apathy baose, for ber graup leadership. modern way to heat Taibotville, he continued was,' Bath Mr. and Mrs. Chqaýe;Postomaster Welch is neyer slack In arswer business calîs, until î'cccntly, a prime agri-lexpressed their thanks for! And make in style for young or old, coatis, panîs and your home . . . cdean clur1ara the gifts anld their regretIs in overalîs. S I S7 ersret'ergtt and economical !"Then the farmers woke up ieavi'ng the frieodly commî-' And thaugh engaged in work like Ibis, bis home the fad limit quantifies one morning te find 159,000 nity or! Beîhany. disclases, Unifor, evenheat -acres of industrial landI instead1 Robert Sisçxon';s Band sup- That hle bas a lave for nature's beauties in the form of rbe teSnesvrwe RdlsSieI electric heating keeps o! farm land. Il could also plied music for dancing with lovely roses. home heathfuslyhappen here," be cautianed.i Creighton Carr "caliing" thceL P ~ P~ yor IThe Ford Motor1Chmpiny1F square_-ances.:The liqtiir seller now has power, by virtue oi a license, 1.1b. r.IC. rMIu UN rdso.sT e itionv Walz. Long, long he's teamed through summcr's beat and wintcr's,-1 ttr, in Ibisseto were leecy snows; .u U a U ~ ~Sonia Vizino and Marilyn Vet his noble farm is well supplied with matter adipose. G U KMIIEE.EYVungman pl1a yi n g "Little GU R N E DDuîoh Dance": Dawne, . WiIh rmagie tauch, OIe Bull produced music thrilling andI Poueo ...-Cnd o rd ICabe andI Gloria Mitchell1. Btentrancing. Proureo ...CtNd o rd "Easter Parade'. Timmv Mit-Bu Gilbert Bingham is the lad ta make you feel like dancing: TRUST CERTIFICATES chell andtI x ýCbe T He bas for ycars the fiddle scraped at social bail and party, Richrdso an Dal Hylnd, o! melody. * isue in amorît Grrai$10 our enl". reýVitoria long in Engiand ruled, in Russia Alexanders, uwrsfor 3, 4 or 5 years. rae our tdeants"Daw.,-e But a prince among miliers here resides, bis name is upars al HlatIplyig'Dae- Mr. Sanders. GOL DE N R IP E Hylad. 'Firt Volet~', the skill a! man, yearly by cheque. "Bllade". Dale and June H ' '- AntI aI any bour yau cao gel gond flour as well as chop F landI played a dt "Ct' l antI bran. * authorized invesîmnent for ail Gardens". ue un L S Canaian Insrane CmpaiesGradie five students were Many ycars have passed and gone antI changed is our and trust funds. "Dance of the FieldI Mouse", Since first we met with the mcrry set in tbheoli 'Mozarl's Waltz in C", Kath- Tyrone Division. ryn Mitchell, "The Raindropiý There was Hugh McKay andI Mr. Gray and Charlie Keith,ÀNÀNÀs Prelude" (Chopin), 'ýRumba"Il the boy, (Weybriglt), Doôn na Hoy,! With Windatt, Younie, Vanstone, tona, and Ehenezer Roy. THE "Sumxner Morning". Sona- lSing hitt): Mýabe-v_'gc. AndtI t that Division there belongcd the genial Samnuel Burden, "SwaingPin&'. Kable! With Mahaffy the sailar, and Welch the lailor, and Gib sky's% Waltz"; Penny Carder,' antI Thomas Jardine. STER L N G T U STS"The Slcigh Ride" (Couîts't.! Some are living yeltat tel] of he pleasant bours then spent', OPO TIN"Little Prelude" (Bach): Mary' Some have gone as we ail must go, for lice is only lent. Bwav e l G "Banjo Song". AntI now, ye people of Tymone, that village elevated, Grade six stuidentç were-i May every brigbt andI jayous hope be fulIy consumnmated, Alex McCabe pl.aying "~The. AntI may your noble basebal fine be of vict'rys the V2 boy st., 33Dunlp St., 73 l 4 H'appy Farrmer", "Sonalina", achievers, 10 W M AN VILLE Terte gard (Lichner): Nancy Bradley,1 AntI when the day of triai cornes lake the pelts right off "Rondo" (Peyel), "Toccat,- the Beavers. na" (Kabelevsky>: Jennifer M.jLlG . "llegro Vivo" (H-an-i The En&