S 'caI & Pesoalin~' BowsSquare Dancers Elect Nw Executive for C'mng Yar 'ana MCo, (ý 0c1aScholars Phone 623-3303 Oshawa-The Motors compan today announce( Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson is Service that R. L. Evans, T tion of the n, Viiting ber daughter Dr. Ruth C. .1ce! ad Faci coasi l eesndamîîy, Charlottes- Thompson have completed 25, 25 outstanding Ville, âirginia. years: A. J. Farrow and L. nrdex f il ine MiSeuth Werry has Suc- Forsey, 20 years, and R. G. etfl.Sn .completed her sec- Rogers. 15 years. Ah aemn 195 ofld .3aa'ý at Macdonald Hall, employed at the Goodyear able young Ci Unfiversity of Guelph. plaint here. gone ta univei Miss Tina Hughes. of St. Bowmanville Rotary Club for careers of Joseph 's Hospital School of President Don Morris and his i un. r this Plan NurSng.Petrboough spnt ifeDorthyincmin Vie-!Selection of the weekend with her parents, President AI. Witherspoon andý scholarship reci Mr. and Mrs. Glenholme his wife Phyllis, and Rotarian' faîl of 1966 is ni Hughes. Ait. Allin and his wife Mar- te partCam Mir. and Mrs. G;eo r ge garet attended the Charter Imc.Bt }annRh. Lan-bs Lane, spent Night for the Rotary Club of'I.% * . the holiday weekend with Fergus held at Paradise Gard - yaung women relativefs in Iroquois Falls and ens, Guelph, on Thursday ev - a.pp.. lyM co also visited relatives in South ening, May 26th.' leatcinghs Porriipine. Mr. Wesley Davey, Detroit, edn ihs Mr. and Mrs. A. Marier- Mich., is visiting his sisters iandgstesahol last Friday evening tram a: W. .1. Bagneil. Mr. Davey was four undergradi triends and relatives in South and son-in-law, Mr. and M!rs. Followingth annulbnutad dne Maple Grove and Mrs. Tony Horstmnan, Vice Presidents Mr. and Mrs. David Reay,i scholars tradi Porcupine. M. Skoransko, arriving here United Church Hall on Saturdav evening, the square dance group Secretaries Mr. and Mrs. Dave CotyTesrsM. dStn ad-- -- Mr. Richard Lander, sol, of last Saturday. Mr. and Mr.s.'elected a new siate of officiers. TÉhey are, f rom left to right, Presi- Mrs. Glen Dowson who substituted for Mrs. Stone during the picture Mr. and Mrs. W. Glenn Land-,Skoransko returned ta Detroit dents Mr. and Mrs. Jim Schultz, Flouse Committee Chairmen Mr.. taking, Past Presidents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mann. er, Division Street, has suc- on Monday and Mr. Daeo l ~ cessfully completed his third will spend a few weeks here. taria Convention and banquet!f *~ Mr. and Mrs. Dave MeMullen have put forth in this very year in Honor Economnics atý Mrs. John Osmnond, Liberty' held in the Concert Hall at f .- I II aiv r at Hillsdale Manor, Oshawa.1 important 4-H Club work. Qufppn'q. University, Kingston. Streci, North, attended St.,the Royal York where Joan DOl I ofJI VI J1IDr L5i riends regret Mr.- MeMullený Sympathy of the community Mr. George Brown, Detroit, Joiin's Anglican Church an:MacDonald was recognized, i now a patient in the Gen-is extended ta Mr, and Mr,, Michigan, formerly of Las Sunday, May 29th, when her 'vith Queens fram other Can- 0 WIl'eral Hospital and wish him Perey Williamson and family Angeles, California, visited son Darral was confirmed by adian chapters and presented impevîcw health. inathevening.Af their o h-Sun- !Mrs. Gea. W. Graham and Right Rev. G. Snell of Toron-Ipound plus lasers. ýBelleville, were Sunday guests ing, furniture and the car family, Jane Street, on Sun-'ta. Darral's godparents, Mrs.ý Canadian corporation prof- the gain in corporation profits with hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. were burned and firemen had Of day. 'Ivor Thorne and Mr. Stanley[ its seem likely to rise again ta a relatively modest 8 perlRalph Saddler. dsffculty in saving a pile of Mr.an Mr. esie roksýOson, bthofSomrstT'vTRONT this year, although at a more cent that year, compared ta Mr. and Mrs. Wallace hardwood limbs. Mr. n Mrs. Leslie Broks, smognd, banttheof Soesets mociest rate than in the years year-over-year gains averag- ýVaughan, Stouffville, were The tire, apparently, started tow, nd Mrs.E m rowWerst nlnsn i estwsh-since 1961, accarding ta the ing about 12 per cent in thei Sunday' visitors with Mr. and in the sumrmer kitchen, tram Hiian rs B. cater e.Owing ta soi many children Bank of Montreal in its.Bus- three previaus years. Mrs. Eli Mairs. the sparks tram the chimney of Toronto attended the fun-ý According ta the May issue sick with measies, the Youthiliness Review for May, just "Although the rise in prof- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson, and it was toa tar advancedS eral of the late Clarence L.'ot The Wingfoot Clan' the[Parade Sunday morning wasilssued. its since 1961 bas been same- Scarborough, and Mrs Sid before it was discovered. The'À unkiat acyeno a-nwy lce feso h maîi tedne eea Examining the record of be- what faster on the average Lockyer, Brookîmo, were an- Cartwright Fire Brigade an- uray Goodyear Emnployees' (Bow-, of the children took active fare-tax profits, the B of M t han the growth of the ecano- niversary guests with Mr. and swered the rail and did a good UW ED Bowmanville Lions Clu&rmanville) Credit Union are: parts in the service. Mr. AI-' tte," the present circum- my, this was ta be expected Mr.Aa1isnad~i epn h ieta President Ed. Leslie, Mrs. Les- . Board of Directors, Austin fred Knowlton, Tyro leader.' t the In mdaeqeto ic tetog rmwih Mr. andWisn RegSuttnspreain keta other builings liean seerl the LonsStphns.PhlipPatrcktheeread the scripture, chapter 6ýis whether the maderation in corporation prftMeoee r. and Mrs. WagltFr Club members and wives at- 'years; Jack Dunn, Harry of Ephesianý§. The Junior profit growth that occurredlwas much deeper than that of gsn omnil, wr h ecedDrotAs tended thelDisictLonson - SaundIers ow, toneyear.s ad er- df he snandnthM, "LRrdlast year and the slight decline1 the grass national produet. Sunday dinner guests with catt, Courtice, was guest min- vthion eldinLada, nt, eeowellontee R.ciSue r- thýresaLans. wtles .experienced in the tourth Furthermore, although gains M,. and Mes. George Bowers. ister at the Nestleton United Opf thi wek Rtaran vsoy CmmtteRobr Rrgss s rgnit.Rev. Da- quarter peesage an early during the cuerent business Mesdames M. Emerson, R. Church Suriday School Anni- Bowmativille RtrasPaul Jones, three years; John Stain- vid Northey gave an illustra-!change in the direction of the expansion have been sub- Saddler, D. Davison, B. Heas- versary for bath morning and Newv Displ Andrus Ken urdy, T hompon, t o yearan CMrey tedtl nChmsr n course of profits, with all that stantial they have not been as hip and Miss Ruth Prout at- evening services. CoowaDa, Muran nduJckayompsnd neayar. redi rCsristanit.y T T r r leaers,'thar coldtiply orotelgn- mrongasfioeatieereco- tededthe ospias Ainlary o th moeing theJunirTANIUU Bryson attended a Work Party îCommittee, Arthur Hone, three Messs. A. Knowlton, R. Bur-lcral state of business. eries." Spring Fair in Port Perry on choir was assistcd by the Tinv. ALE" at the Blue Mountain Crippledl,,ears; William Holroyd, two gesss and Allan Vivian: Ex- MsinuteshvsardSudy.Tsofhe udySill4 ChidrnyeCapr.llnWood, plr leaes .J a pear s ta be no let-up in sight in the profit growth in the past Mrs. Lawrence McLaughilni-,lwith Cheryl Metcalf and Bon-i on ~ ~ ~ .er th ekn. npe.DckBw pntearisn ot hc five years, the B of M states. leader, and Mrs. Lawrencenie MValcolm at the argan. Iný Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Goheenl Mr. and Mes. Ross Cook ers. hv ectybe utn n But it points out that the Malcolm' sitn edradh vnn anewsag lef Sturaymoein byaiand family of Prairie Sidingl Mes. A. Harevyanid Mr 'creasing pressure on profits. profîtgot ftefnne ten 4-H Club girls, 'The Nifty;anist for the Junior choir and Museumin ta attend the funeral of Mrs.[spent the weekend with his !and Mr.Jae 'oombeq a-lFuethermore, there is some insurance and reaI saeNel okrlteddteae apelsn oo Mabel Wallace, a long time!mother, Mrs. F. R. Cook, King'tended the Henderson-Waeren indication that capacity bejng ageou o hc bn rft AheeetDay. in Bls!-hodsnG wardyefen.Ths iver friend, in Tampa, Florida,' on St. East. Other visitors with wedd!ng in Peterborough. 'installed in some areas of acont for about a third Of stock on Satura.Teglsfsngwsavrefcte Saturday aftcrnoon. They are Mes. Cook during the week- Mr. and Mrs. Bill BraddI, Canadian industry may be out- the total, bas "noticeably presented their skit 'Details part of the service and the expeced hme tday.end included Mr. and Mrs. Oshawýa, callcd an Mrs. R. pacing the growth in demand, ,lge" Teppr nutyAre Important.' Much credit is leaders are ta be congratulat- A MSI exetdhm oa. 1Frank Cook and Frank Jr.,, Scott. while campetition tram cx- also falîs into the latr'deMs.MLuginan e.cdfrth ie igngo h Me.Ga .Jm S lise- Mes. Sid Mitchell, Me. and' scteoy turned to Bowmanville after MerGog MtoM . an d MrdMs. K. Black arldteenal sources of supply "cTe g. avrale alcolm in the effort they childi;en. a lengthy convalescence in MrsiGeorgen vi.sitred ýat Harlowe growîng stronger.Th geral faoal______________________________________ Mesnto Reg.ig sLandt n MrdMs 1oilde iie "On the other hand, ah- profit performance of Can- Toronto EdwinoCiokg Mrrgard tas. and Arden. tog hr aesm ekadian corporations in recent Edwin Cook, Me.re andeMes. correct a broken hip. Mrs.lJack Ovenden and family, Mr.! Mr. and Mes. T. C. Dolddspots, there are no signs of al years bas been good ncws, not James is now eesiding in the 'and Mes. Cyeil Smith and and Barbara Anderson visited developing shoet-fall of 0ver-only ta their millions of share- Hendry Apartmcnts, King St. ifamil, Mr. and Mrs. Ron ýMe and Mes. B. Smith, Tor- . aIl deman d in the economny1 holders in Canada and abroad East. :Broome and Kelly. Me. and onto. Me. Alex. Guest of Tor-land most forecasters arc look- but also ta the tax collectors i A Congratulations ta Bill De-iMes. Rass Cook and Mes. F. onto, who spent a week witl'Uîng ta fuether substantial gains who take the first bite out of pew, son of Mrs. Depew, Lib-IR. Cook were Satueday, sup-1the Dodds. returncd home on ýin total activitv in bath Cana- the profit cake. erty Place, and the late Me. Iper gucsts with Me. and Mes. Moda.da and the United States. "oprto nan ae Thomas Dcpew. who reccived!George Mutton. MeInne.B.Rsel "ota onr, hr a absorb mare t=a 40 per I 88.2 per cent in examinations' n hideOqhawa, were a strang risc in corporation cent of aggregate profits, cam- - for tirst ycar Honars Chem-i On Thursday, May 26th, Mr. Saua and Suidr n da t-poisi tefrtqatro pared with Iess than 10 per lstry et Queen's Univer Sîty, and Mes. Gien Dowson, 712' onget fMe n r.ti ea n nCnd rcent in the late 1920's. ]iîngston. 'Chesterton Avenue, Oshawa,,D otwh.lmncyidctostcte "0f the balance of profit re-i Me. and Mes. David Pcthick opnely rduate wign' M.antMshLoye;ih samne period suggest thet the maining atter tax appraxim- oee ti aP I E O D U TL J N t gnd children, Ted, Bobby and'Bows. This was in the forin Rirky and Neil, attended thecline xpeicned atein telNhaf i ditriute as Sac h of Grosse Pointe Wos o aewl stegopSmith-Elliott wedding a Per- 11965 bas been reverscd". dividiends ta sharcholders. Theý ~~~~vTi~~~~~~~~~ 1eet Was fafewl stegoprtw.Lnaa portion retained, tagether with oMalre cena uetofnd ram Bowmanvilie, having'r the -Miss LnaSmithî Profit Rcr depreciatian allowances, con-_______ completed ~theirfrtya sws beidesmaid. ThBaiMosre that, stitutes an important source of tldPethick. David is a iPineridge Peomenadees, mnoves' Miss Hiiary AnseIl, Missalthaugh business activity was ýfunds toc modernization and Iicensed pilot and flew bis up and joins Me. and Mes. Wm. Muriel Griffin, Toronto, were ý continuing ta expand strongly expansion of plant and equip- E N A MTGIL ' eamîly ta Oshawa Aieport for 'Carcy, thcir new calIes in! Monday evening caliesof in 1965, risingcosts reduced 'ment," the B of M States. T E C E IG G M L X TV *L.A.C. and Mes. G. Sartor- 'square dancing, the hostessl Me. and Mr.s. George Al- A al Ktcnai étto and daughtes, Margaret ' scrvcd a deliciaus bot lunch deead visited on Sunday with ntrio,0 Ni Commissio KitS Gu ardDe and Teresa, Ottawa; Miss wihecyoeejydimn-!Me. and Mes. Leslie Justice,1 6SGadDo 1etty Luxton of the Tarantamenschy. Dueing the happ- Ricbmanu Hill. Hair Dressi: GenralHosita stffMis event, Ted Stone on behaif of 1 Symnpathy ta Me. and Mes. Me. Bih MaHoual, sta , .DwsMiihassei br1aheMr irdConducts Two - Year StudySU .SP C ASUG LI Joan Luxton, Oshawa, and 1 the group prcsented Me. and John Cook on the pass,îng of ISTG .rBilM DuglOhw Mes. os wt oeyhrfteM.WlrdSmale,'LST 4 7 cLI fpent the recent holiday week- teay, saying they would be Hampton. Ontario Water Resources extension of a similar one 55e S E I L 4 7 pdwîth Me. and Mes. N. Lx greatly nîissed by the group' M'es. F. L. Byani, Mes. E. A. i Commission vessels are on the initiated hast summer, which on.Lux and thanking thcm for their: Virtue, Mes. Annie Rivees Great Lakes marking the start!involvcd primaeily the western 1 th igotCa epatience and guidance duringispent last Wcdnesday with'of a concenteatcd two-yearýbasin of Lake Brie, the De--_ _ I th ngotCa ethe pest months of training. !Mes. C. Shaw, O.Fhawa. pollution study announced'hast trait River and, ta a lesser r i* ~Iotce in the Milestonesof Tee epsctie of Mes. Annie R* es pcnit month. !extent, the St. Chair River. P OV i.A R O I Thr0.P.S. B swm avBleso Sundav with ber brother. Me. The study is designed ta Samplîng points esteblished and Mes. J. Haldstock, Bow-:tabulate the quantity and type y te ItrainlJit C BO M n ,1 Leader Marie Brooks, First K. minvillic of industriel, domcstic and Commission were used aimost' OOL-RAY SUNGLASSES Bomanville T....Q nfr Sv'npathy i extended ta1surface pollution tram Ontario :cxrlusively in that survy% bu dA ROUND EYE COMFORT 200"S onsi. ece tebrering« this year the OWRC wiil adop 16,Joan MacDonald, arrivedthepasinobet hresr.rot heriG ea Laes nthe efctbar ntniv rorm hoelaeSauda igttrmMeHwadStvnso E-ths1dshags ente L- i, ff akoespinn i b o nc SERVICEChurch wes hcld lest Thuesdey even-1ITUui eos. werMe.an days ado u SRIEing for Miss Caroline Tennant1 i U ARY orshia, .and Me Johnrdon Worship Services et the hmeof heraunt, Mrs. MS T1ASTB Swaihc, Oila n M.Jh E -VOTEX Hair Remnover - Speciaî2c ME C Wed. Jue 8nt 731)p.m Llod SithandMr. mit. 1MRS.THOAS ABB Hawstro, Beooklin. GuestsPeakr: a.n. MrS. R.Virtu and aullM. and Mes. Oram Moore25 E A Wed. Jue 8 t 7311p.m.il rn.MorevS.Ritue andPru Mes. Carnie Tab, wifc o! enjoycd the holiday weekcnd; 7:30 p.rn. 'Mo ore wiiedM a nd Mrs5ýThomas Tabb of Orano, passed in Ottawa. Me. and Mes. Maur-: Guet seakr: Laefiîd,00'way suddenîy an Sunday ire Neshîtt and famî an W oodbury Shampoo Specia89C Wilking REV.~~. PARKINSOFN M l asdemaning, May 8th in Memorial brpeet, Me. and'e of Trono Bak T GodIlo reecently visited Mr.endMC.Hospital, Bowmanville. iGeorge Heaslip were misa iný i nMoe. .Mhs The deceased was the Otw iiigwt e ly ~ uEX 1' ug it5c2fr8 c A5 CKLB.Lnd MrGeoreH daughter of Me. Hall Brown Heaslip. K T X 1' ug it5e2fr8 c A S "Where the Word 9:15o m r. nand gMs.Gornoe HI!iarn..dlFenny Lau Brown, and Me. Jas. Harris, Lindsay, A laery Sunday, :15 p.rn. il Annis, Trt, ist was born et Mdc a ,visited with Me. Marvin Nes- Tni1 oin2o.$ .9 S I . OdMsAn ie Hur athrl. 1889. Mdc a ,bitt and Me. Ted Lennard and *eT n ïg Loin2z.$ 59 S I 1 On n. ler veig Mr. She had been in poor healthlcalled on other friends in the, and Mes alte rpridgefor quite some tinmend shvillage. N T R L N THi y ~ ~ , 'ihe heTewnfaiy el esds ir ubad seMe. and Mes. Grant Thomp- r. 1D wt he bi r eewi av mt e s n soefBric ison were Friday business et thei home a celc rnt o0l a nephew Gordonvîsitors in Lindsay and cehlcd ________________________ IULIUTrfttheir lOtb wcdding anniver-'Beown af West Hill, a niece et the home of Mr. and Mes., TRIN TY NITE CH RCH saey and te present tbcmni(Evelyn) Mes. Clarence Brown Jas. Harris; Me. and Mes. John' Sylvania Flashbulbs AGi or AG1B - Sugg. Iist $1.80. $1., Minstr Re. eoge . ar, BA. BD. with a lovely gif t. Congratu-;of Delvin, Ont. Shemon, Enniskillen, were lations The funeral was held on.Sunday evening callers with Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M.. A supper party was held on Tuesday, May 10 at the Bar-ýthe Thompson's. ,RSRPIN Sundey et the home of Me.ilow Fuinecal Homne. Rev. Basili Me. and Mes. Cecil Wilsoný RS RPIN 11 &.m. - Morning Worship mad Mes. W. Loveeidge in E. Long officiated. Manv'were recent dinner giiests of "MEMBES 0F CRIST'SBODY" h'nrstening Paul M e. an M ens.' adthei rstt a gad!mand Littleran tabrth- "MEM ERSOF HRISIS oDyl, hrin of baby aTin' frns and neibrescttendedMe. an Ltes. rman od- A t E X M Arthur Trewin, Mr. and Mes. 'woman and a good neighbor.'day party for their little Sacramnent of The Lord's Supper Walter Loveridge received as' PelI bearers were aîl cousins geanddaughtee Lori Lyons their guest.s, Rev. David Noe- of the - deceased: Gardon Other iuests were Lori's par-.À LXM SUNDAY SCHOOL they, Tyrone, Me. and Mrs.'Brown, Allen Brown, Clayton ents Mr. and Mes. Norman David Malcolmn, Me. and Mrs. ýBrawn, Gardon Baker, HermnnlLyons and her paternel grand- eR 9:30 &.M. - Junior, Interniediate and Senior J. Patts, BIh and Mary, Mes.'Webb, Laurence Adams. The'mother, Mes. Bdith Lyons,, R 11:20 a.rn. - Prirnary and Kindergarten ýW. Martin, Mes. T. Cawirgbeautiful flowerç shôwed thelUxbridge. Haydon. Sunday evening cal-iesteem in wbich she wau Mr. and Mes. Clarke Will- 11:00 &.m. - Beginners lems et the Loverîdge home.held. lamq and Me. and Mes. Arnold 5 KING ST. W.- were Mr. and Mes. Earl Tee-'i Interment was in the family1 Williams attended the 71st, win and Donald, Iredn £iesr at nnUskilUmn.Iplot at Betheada Ceetery. lwediganveraroprtyM [ON - - Aduits 25e Children 10e 'TE RAZOR TRAVEL KIT ERFECT FOR VACATIONS ns Razor, Foamy Shaving Cream, Right dorant, After Shave Lotion, Heads Up Jng, in compact box. ST $2.79 'ARKLING COLOGNE MIST IIST SPECIAL $1 1 1T POLIDENT ,POS DYE Denture Cleanser POSE DYE16 Tablets 0 3cList 59e kFirst Aid Ointment Sugg, List69c 59C ison Blades 5's speciai59c RE Spray Deodorant 5-oz. $1019 M INT 36's, Sugg. List $1.98$159 A SHAVE 7-oz. Aerosol 77C .49 M2 or M2B sugg. Iist $1.92 .$1'.59 - 1. D. A. REMEDIES mGREGO'R GS.0 - PHONE 623-5792 -2 ÀP . a statesmnan, Eowmanville. June 1, lo60 7 high in academic perfornmnc ntinues nd campus leadler-hip, ~hiu>Stipends range from an hon. shic !orary awuard of $200 per year eseven General to a maximum of $2,000 per tes cninuCa- dyear based on demonstrated cdtes cnin Can which is determined by nationwide GM the universities. Universities an under which also receive a grant-in-aid ghigh sehool rangîng from $500 ta $800 per enter university!year for each GM scholarship. ce it 0sals- f the current GM scholar- more than 315 ship holders now at university, anadians have,34 are Iooking to careers in rsity ta stuldy leducation, 15 in medicine; 13 *f their choice f eerh. seven in engin- ,n. ý ering, five each in law and tthe 25 GM 1the foreign service; three in cipients, for the 'social work: two each in bus- 0oW being made mness, psychology and the iadian universi- rýmnistry and one each in com- g in nine prov- puter programming, physica, ýoung men and mathematics, biology anq are eligible ta architecture. 1Interesteel students shoul4i institutions se- ý see their high school principal lars fram their or counselor for a complete chool applicants listing of the participating àrds for renew- universities and application arships for the should be made directly. to, uate years. GM the institution. No G-M appi- tionally rank'cation is necessarv. WMAN VILLE MUSEUM 37 SILVER STREET icial Opening Unveiling of a plaque in memory of the late ;ARAH JANE WILLIAMS ýNESDAY, _JUNE 8th. 1966 - 7:0p.m. EVERVONE WELCOME - ding Night Admission Free Inays ECLOCKS - OIL LAMPS KANDER FLETCHER SWORD -TOKENS- SEWING ROOM is Open Every Day Exeept Monday ýen Mondays When a Holiday Hours 2 to 5 p.m. .s2.49