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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jun 1966, p. 9

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Darlington Coun cil May Rebat e $400 Tax For Land Separation RtxM&UN have reaohed The special eccout payiag two 8tatannan office regarding per cent latenest. b e rebate of a Tte Derlington Ratepayens $0. tIL paid by Sanid Asociation took a keen in- residents for lan terest in this mnalter. Ia 1961, up~on sale of lots President Ca-rl Colbary and ln th Townhip.the secretary, Mvi. Mary Bu- As E. R. Lovekin of! New- dei, consulted E. R. Lovekin, castie acted as solicitor for iawyer, aI bis Newcastle of- the Darlington Ratepayers fice. In August 1961 Mr. Assocation he wes telephon- Lovekin was retained ta take .d and asked to comment on action on tlieir behali by 15 the case. people who had paid thie Lad Mr. Lovekin explained thet Sepevatiomi Tex. Ms the resuit of a test case Mr. Lovekin had Feigrnan heard by Judge J. C. N. Cun- and Ohernos, Toronto, as relley ini the Couaty Court, caunsel for the test case. The Coburg of Northunmberland Towaship's solicitor, A. H. and Durheani, pnocessing ai Sîrike, lad thie Toronto hirm epplications for a rebate have of Mason, Fouàds, Araup and been eoenpleted by several Associetes as counsel. interested persans. Thflis tax was passed by th e 1956 Darlingtan Township O BITUARYi Counicil, and paymnenl ofit i was required for each land ARTHUR W. ALLIN Meparatlori whelher or nol building was contemplated. Followiag an iliness ai ep-1 Thle total amount received by proximatly twa weeks; the1 the municipality fnomn 45 pea- death ai Arthur William 'Aluin1 ~ ewes la exoess of $18.000. occurred et Memorial Hos- %- money was placed ia a pitl, Bowmaaviiie, on Fridey, ENNISKILLEN Mr. Her'bert Wright, Misses Janet and Linda Wright, Mr.; and Mrs. N. E. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright, Miss Betty Wrigiht, Mr. Lawrence, Wright attended the Wright- Doner wedding on Saturday at Wasaga Beaoh, the groom, bemng the son ci Mr. Herbert Wright. MT. Lawrence Wright, was his cousin's best man., Congratulations ta thia couple.' Mr. and Mrs. Jim Muller1: and Darryl, O»hawa, werei Suinday tea guests ai E. Wrwht's. Brenton and Brad Clemens, Hamipton, are visiting with their grandparents, the E. Wrights. Miss ilsie Oke spent last Iveek i Toronto with friends. Misses Susan and Nancy Lee, Kedron, were weekend ouests of their ecousins, San- dra, Sharon amna James Werry. May 27, 1966~. i-e was in hus 7lst year. Bornaet Hampton, be was the son ai the laIe Mr. and Mrs. Fred William Allia and ettended school in Hampton. On March 16, 1922, be manried the former Cana Leona Clarke who predeceased him in Octob- er, 1964. A farmer, the deceased hadi nesided la the Hampton ereà the whole ai bis lufe, and was employed on the fanm ai bis sîster-îa-iaw, Mrs. L u t1h e r Allia. He was a member ai Hampton United Church. ýi Mr. Allia is survived by a son, Percy ai Newcastle, and Iwo daughters, Mrs. Ken Palmer (Marjorie) and Mrs. Ken Hooper (Florence), bath of Bowmanville. There are aine grandchildrea. The funeral service was held on Moaday, May 301h, from the chapel oi the Norlhcut and Smith Funeral Home, Bowmaaville, and wes con- ducted by Rev. Chas. Cataaof Hampton. Interment wes in A bithday penty was beld îIHamplaon West -Cemetery.- at the home cd Mrs. J. Lake' Palibeaners were Messrs. on Saturday ini honor o! Mrs. Ralph SimsaEdgar- Caton, P. W. Werry. Guests wene Hanvey =fog Edgar Horn, Mvi. R. Sharp, Mrs. F. Don- Claence Yen and N. Sherbe. land, Mrs. E. A. Werny, Mrs. 0. C. Ashton, Mrs. H. J. Mc- Gil, Mrs. A. J. Werry, Mns L. Koepp, Mrs. T. Wevry and OUBITUARY Mrs. A. Sharp. Congratula- tions ta Mrs. F. W. Wenry. MRS. HENRY CARPENTER Mr. and Mns. Don Wearn The death ai Mrs. Heny and fa.mîly, Dundas, were Carpenter, aged 85 yeans, oc- with Mr. aad Mrs. A. L. curred aI Memorial Hospital, Wearn, and all visited the Bawmanviile, on Friday, May grandspaveats, Mn. and Mns. 27, 1966, followiag a briefil11- A. M. Weann, Cavemoat. ness. We are very pleased ta r e- Daugb er ai the laIe Marvin paort Mmr. IR. J. Ormiston Is and Mary Grace Grills, the hoe froni the hospital, im former Greta Maude Grills pruving nicely fnom an eye was bornaet Veleatia, Ont., opeg#tiof. E ý where she altended schpol. lar ffawadMrwz E.J.Harrison, 1901j she manied Heny Car- Toranto, weve necent visitons penter who predeceesed ber. of O. C. Ashton's. A housewiie, the laIe Mrs. ftr.G. MoLean, Bowman- Carpenter had resided in Bow- 'DTvlsited. with Mrs. F. maville for 42 yeans, comiag ToMs, and together altended here from Veleatia. She was Bndield annivevsany services a memben ai the Peatecostal and wene igueseoa Mrs. T. Church. Taylor. Mrs. Carpenten is survived Iad Mrs. Reg. Brock, by a son, Harold, ad a daugh- Lin" anad Brenda, Bowniaa- ter Grace, bath ai Bowman- vile, were. Sunclay visitons ai ville. Aiso surviviag are a Mn. and Mrs. K. McGill. sister, Mrs. Elle Austin. ai MT. and Mrs. F. W. Wenry Port Hope, a brother, Mn, attended Blackstock anniver- Haward Grills ai Oekwoad; a gary services and were guests granddaughlen, Mrs. M. Hutch- &i Mn. and Mrs. Wallace inson, aad two great-graad- Ma;rlow. cblîdren, Tvudy and Paul Mn. and Mrs. Bert Wanna- Hutchiason. gneker, Seegnave, were Tues- The funeral service was day eveniag callens et A. held fnom the Marris Funeral Sharp's. Chapel, Bowmaaville, on Mon- Mr. and Mvs. S. Lamb were day, May 301h, and was con- Saturday evening visitons at ducted by Rev. A. Kudra. In- G. Wery's. terment was in Bowmanville Mr. James A. Werry, Miss Céemetery. Susan Wery, Mn. and Mns. Amang the may lovely flor- E. A. Wenny were Sundavial tnibules, evidence ai the visitons ai Dr. end Mns. Clark esleem la which the deceased Werry, Etobîcoke. iwas held, were those lromn the Mn. and Mrs. F. Doniand Pentecostal Church, and the wene Sunday tea guesîs ofj Preparng DepI. Goodyear Tire Mn. and Mrs. J. Lake. & Rubber Ca. Mvr. and Mrs. John Belle, Palîbeaners were Messrs. philip and Kara, Oshawa, Mn. Aubrey Austin, Roy Grills. and Mrs. R. Gniffin wene Arthur BrunI, Thomas Brook- Sunday tee guests ai W. Gril-I ham, Henry Adams ad AI. fin YS. FIetchen. SA&VE! 'j' SAVE! ON BEAUTI m TONE TOP QUALITY HOUSE PAINT GAL. $7,e97 WHITE AND ALL COLORS in Exterior Latex - Exterior Glosa SemI-Gloss or Gloss Enamel Sold Only et Your Home Hardware McGregor Hardware LIMITED 95 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE PIHONE 623-5211 been present 30 - Sundays mr S _ morte. A suitable' date for the Ta e ar i G ad-toni Sundey Sehool Aniesar Take art i Gre dûôf wasdiascussed as mostof the Niagara Fails on June 19. Two th items were let for future dis- B cusin, a coverig for the. ce kitéhenfoor and a donny- de biook sale with an efternoon tIl tee. A tasty lunch was served Ui by aur hostess, Mrs. Wood and A: Mrs. Cathcert. TI Miss C. W. Stewart wàs *the w, guest ai Miss Marion MeKel- b: vey ad Jack for dinner, Sun- pi dey. a Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moore, ir Garry and Ronnie visited Mr. L and Mrs. Carl Langstafi, Set- vi urday. Garry stayed aver nt with Ray Couroux.M Mr. and Mrs. George Clark bý were down ta their summer Ti home for the weekend. - ~Mr. Aylward Little was SI dow"~ nta see his mother, Mrs. FI . ' ~ Neya Little in Memorial Hos- pl ~v~ ~ pitlIand came on down ta the cl Shose. There is not much p: e .... .... cage noticed In Mns. Little's m .~ -"' condition. pi qi Larry Hoskïn Miss June Devis b snArdu 1John MeArthur son ai Mr. and Mrs. Frank daughter ai Mr. and Mrs. OBITUARYB sonof r. ndMrs. J. A.,Hoskin, Blackstock, graduated Walter Davis, Kedron, who' cl McArthur, Blackstock, gradu- on Monday, May 30th with a will graduate from the On- C. H. STEVENS ated recently from Waterloo-1 i cnmesfa h a iHsîa cho iNr- The death ai Carias Howard V Lutheran University with týeMeMaster University, Xamil- ing on Friday, June 10. Miss Stevens occured suddenly at degree af Bachelor ai Science ýtan. Larry is returnîng ta .Davis veceived ber educationîMemorial Hospital, Bowman- C He received bis early edîma:'IMaser ta further bis stu- in East Whitby Township!ville, on Sunday, May 29, 1966. lion at Blackstock Public and dies next year. sehools, and graduated from He was in bis 79th year. P, High schools wbere sports was ; Donevan Collegiate inl 1963.- Son ai the late Mr. and Mrs. IV. one ai bis mafly interests. He'- She is tbe graaddaughter ai Eaoch Stevens, be was borna t tc was a biology assistant bib. ~"<~"" , Mr. James Cookson, Maple Salem, and atlended school et ae demonsînator during the 196(5 . .. -I... IGrave, and Mr. and Mrs. J Enniskillen. On December 25, ir 66 school term. Ardîs intends H. Davis, Oshawa. 1907, he married the former1r ta futher bis education during' Muriel O. Stainton who pre- the next iew years. deceàsed bim in 1961. ai . ~ .~ The deceased resided almost C al bis life at Enniskillen ex- 1V '* cept for a briei periad in 1V :. Western Canada. He retired si n ine years egoafaler 14 years d * i~ ai employment with the Goad- t( year Tire & Rubber Ca. Mr. ci Stevens was a member of the a United Churcb.I A son, Gardon, et home,9 and a daughter, Luella (Mrs. a C. R. Wallon) ai Kingston sur-o vive the deceased. Also sur- n ~4. .viviag are three sister, Mrs.c * 'Robert Burgess ai Tyrone, i Mrs. Avîbur Stephens ai Wil- klowdale and Mrs. Elmen G. E S Bayd ai Pickering, and his 1 S eldest brother, Mr. W. E. ' (ert) Stevens ai Hampton. There are tbree grandsaas and six great-grandchildrea, al ai Miss Patricia Adams Kingston.1 daughiter ai Mr. and Mrs. Carl .~Tefnrlsriewsb] Adars, esîlton bassuces- ~"from the Marris Funeral Cbap- eBowmaaviile, on Wednes- sfully completed ber course aI ueiI adwscn lgPetbas acers'Col ducled by Rev. Mary A.1 ee albsacetda posi- Miss Joan Marie Bradburn Dougherly. Inlerment was in1 lion with the Bowmanvilleidaugbter ai Mr. and Mrs. J. Hamptan Cemelery.c Public Sebool Board. iW Bradburn, R.R. 2, Nesîle- Palîbearers w e re thbr ee Geraid Kiapper I ~~~ton, Ontario, graduated fram gadas ariRnl n Gerald Klopper ~~~Oshawa General Hospital Teadsos arlRnl n son ai Mr. and Mns. John School ai Nursing an June e Wallon; Messrs. LeonardE Kiopper, R.R. 1, Bowmanville, Sewîlb ammbna Stainton, E. Boyd and A. c graduated witb Honors aI the! Ihard hwastaff in Septem- Sarp. th an ovl Convocation exercises aifte Obw mog Iemaylv Kempîville Agricultural Scbooli e floral tributes, evidence ai ther on Saturday, June 4th. He ob- esteemn in which the deceased1 taiaed the bighest average~ 7~~T~ was held, were those from the marks in bis year, 81.6% and .I&tIIIJA.LIMasonic Lodge, General Mot-1 41- - M-+à *'ninel .. zfl. ors Paint Shop, Nichais Motar1 c I s NESTLETON Mr. Lloyd Fourney who is1 erving as student minister ta ie Nestîcton, Milbrook and 3allydufi congregations,, .re eivedl his Bechelor af ArtsJ lgree et the Sprlng Convoca- aon af Sir George Williams iniversity held in Place des1 ýrts, Montreal, on May 30.1 rhis September Mr. Fourneli1 viII ,begin studies et the Pres-i )yterian Callege, Mo ntreel, in )reparetion jior the ministry1 )f the Presbyterian Churchi n Canada. Mr. John Fourney, ýancaster, wes a weekend9 isitor with his son. Mr. Four-1 iey has been attending the' )nd Conference ai the Pres-1 ýyterian Church af Canada in roronta. In the Presbyterian Church, unday morning, Mr. Lloyd aourney delivered a very lm- ?ressive sermon. The text he hase was. "Lord, Teach Us te Pray". He said that the three nost important requisites for rayer are, a quiet place, a juiet hour, a quiet heart. 'The Dest guide for prayer !.s the Bible - in the Psalmfs. 'The ,hoir sang the anthemn "It Is Well With My Soul" and Mrs. Visser sang a beautiful solo Trust in Jesus" with Mrs.. Chas. Briggs accompanying. Nestieton friends w er e pleased ta welconie Mr. and 4 rs. Stan McNeilly, Toronto, te their morning service. Mr. and Mrs. McNeilly are holiday- ing at their cottage, Williams' Point. On Saturday evening iriends and neighbours met in the C.O.F. hall ta bonaur Mr. and tIrs. Richard Jenkins (nee tIarilyn Adams). Round and quare dancing was enjoyed Luring the evenin.g. Mr. Vic- tor Malcolm, as master-ai- ceremanies, escorted Marilyn and Richard ta seats. ai honar. In well-cbosen wordq he con- gratulated the young couple and presented them. on behali of the community, with three matcbing tables, an occasional chair, a. hassock and a match- .ng pair ai lamps. Bath Mari- .yn and Richard replied and expressed their tbanks for the Lovely gifts. A deliciaus lunch was served by the committee [n charge. Mr. and Mrs. Jenk- [ns are resîding in Bethany. Mr. and Mrs. James Ferrier, Perth, were weekend guests ai Mrs. Nelson Marlow. On Sat- urday they attended the wed- ding o Mrs. Marlow's grand- daughter, Carole Marlow, ta Mr. Donald Rougbley in Whit- by. The reception was held at the Genosha Hotel, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Mill- ard,,Whitby, were Wednesday evening callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- son. On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Thompsan visited his rnotber, Mrs. Jas. Thompson,ý Wbitby. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lyons and Lori, Uxbridge, and KarenRodman, Little Britain, The Canadian Stateanian, Bowmaanvllle, June 8, 19608 St. Poul's C.G.UT. Holda. Mom, Do'ughter Dinner- The annual Mother and operation in niaking the bsn. Deiughter Banquet of St. quet a success. Mrs. Ray-B]rv?' Paul's Church C.G.I.T. was son in replying thaniked th«" held Monday, May 3Oth pan. leaders for the work they in the Lecture Room. The have done in the past year. banquet brought the meetings Margaret Werry was in ta a. close for the sumnier charge of the devotianal. period months. and read a meditation on The chairman and president, "Love". Betsy Siappendel Georgeann Graham, welcomed read the scripture. The hynin, the- guests, Rev. and Mrs. Mothers af Salem, was sung Turner and mothers, and and Margaret closed with a thanked the mothers for theîr story and prayer. support, ending her speech by Mrs. George Graham, lead- calling an Rev. Turner to say er, welcomed the guests and Grace. Ail enjoyed the abund- th'anked her assistants, Mrs. ance of food after which the Pat Rundle and Miss Carol president called an Darla Sheehan, also Mrs. Bey Hend- Bacon to propose the toast ta erson for the wonderful sup- the- Queen by singing God port given the group with pro- Save -the Queen. . jects. Also, she told the girls Carol Cowan proposed the they had earned their chev- toast ta the church and Rev. rons and had their chevron Turner replied fittingly, teill certificate ta frame. At this ing -the girls af their responsi- lime Susanne Graham on be. bilities towards the church. half of the C.G.I.T. girls thank- ,Susanne Graham proposed the ed Mrs. Henderson. and pre. toast ta the mothers and sented her with a small gift thanked them for their co- of appreciation. Keown and Mr. and Mrs. Lionel McKeown, Mono Roed, were Saturday visitars with the Bruce Heaslips.' Mr. and Mns. Frank Mal- colm, Oshawa, visiled with Miss Ruth ProutI necently and caiied on other friends in the Village. Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Bea- cock malored ta Huntsville, stapping enroule. ta visit friends in Barrie, Elmvaie, Midiaad and Bracebnidge. Mr. and Mrs. Neil'Aber- aathy, Pont, Credit, were Sun- day dinner guesîs ai Mn. and Mrs. Oram Moore. Mn. and Mns. George Finale, Port Hope, and Mn. and Doug Feuls and family; Bow- manville, were Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Clarke Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Williams aad famiiy had Sun- day dinner witb Mn. and Mns. Ken Gray and lamily, Orono. Mn. and Mns. Ralph Bow- ens and Ian, Tyrone; Mn. and Mrs. H. Trick and Mn. and Mrs. John Frolalochi, Lindsay, were recent guesîs ai Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Bowers. Welcome home la ýMns. T. G. Laagfeld wha bas.. neceatly neturned frpm Fionida. Mrs. Laagfeld's Saturday visitons were Mn. and Mrs. George Seagraire, Peterbonougb; Mn. and Mns; Philip Langfeld, Heather, Janice and Chenyl, .Hamilton, and Mr. Gea. Dan- neral, Maple. Sunday guesîs were Mns. Wm. Ab- bott, Toronto. Heather Lang- ield is nemaiaing .for a holi- day with ber gradmother. Mr. and Mrs. Carl EliotI, David and Kini aand Mn. and Mrs. Dick Devisan atleaded 4- o)r4L l, l .Ane &n iiprur j; * i. * t * i singsong, with Mrs. George Graham accampanying her at the piano, while dishes were cleared from the tables. We were happy ta have witli us a former leader, Miss Dora- thy Somervîlle, who showed pictures of her trip ta europe. Mr4s. Pat Rundle thanked Dorothy for coming and tak- ing us on a trip through Europe. Ail joined in aur friendship circle and had Taps. The C.G. I.T. girls and leaders would like ta thank the U.C.W. ladies. BANNER PASSANT 623-3258 Bowmenvilie Sun Lif. Assurance Miss CtW. Stwart as ac-SalesBibleClass-a-nd-U.-C.We.1 ere Saturday'eveniflg guests1te m t e ZDU viu"g tLIIiIC4.y eopay r Lrz o enor and heMarr cepted a pleasant position for ai En icilien United Church, of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson. of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gist, gement. He will return tol the afternoons ai the month neighbors and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Weylîe M-,Lang. Kemptville in the faîl fori of June with the museuma in- ________________________________ rurther studies on Farm Mech-i saa dw yth ae mies Duingthe ummr, r.1Mrs. Mary Luxon spent part ~loper s emloyd byBic's~ " oa the week iwPort Hope visit- Kloper s emloyd byBic'siing hier daughter, Mrs. Lorne Pickles. Martineli and other relatives. - Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mercer of Guelph spent a few days ..~ here at hier father's house and M4. had some ai the furniture ihiped out by van. Guests for a pienic dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Hatcher aoster, Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fonk and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carruthers Mis May Rth sbone and sans. Donald Fonk came daughter ai Mr. and Mrs. ai o the hospital -last week without his arm being put in ... Nelson E. Osborne, reccntly a cast and has boen with his graduatedfrm eerrag grandmather, Mrs. H. Foster. Teachers' Callege and nextiX-rays showed the bones past September will commence Ieach other so hie was taken teaching duties at the Ontario back ta the hospital, Sunday, .~ St Schol, own.ta have a cast put on. Il is lgood that Jack is able ta be homne aiter his operation. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hughes and Gloria, Port Hope, vsited 4 Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and Mrs. Mary Luxon. Mr. and Mrs. David Mercer have had their house raised s0 a cellar may be put under it. They are also planning on JamesByersadding a couple ai rooms. Mrs. Alva Swarbrick attend-......... son ai Mr. and Mrs. Murray1 ed the wedding an Saturday ... Byers, Burketon, R.R. 3, a e rnsn graduted rom he Kmpt-Roughley and Miss Carol Mar- ville Agricultural School on' low in the church at Whitby. June 4. He was chosen for, It was a lovely aiternoon, fine the W. B. George Award for brdipcue.Sry, presented by the Su s folks, in a previaus issue I Counicil 1956 ta, the grauadens had the mistaken idea that it student in agriculture who! was Ross Roughley wha was through the twa years has;1 getting married instead ai best exemplified in his rela- I Don. tionship with fellaw students,, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Swar- those qualities which are held brick of Buffalo were aver for worthwhile in the best tradi- the wedding« and on Sunday, tion ai lufe in residence at along with Mrs. Wilired0 the X.A.S.____Elne outa Roughley, visited Mrs. AlvaA ad a I MissSwarbrick and Mr. and Mrs. idaughiter af Mr. and M,ýrs. 'Truman Garbutt. Bruce Mountjoy, Blackstocký,! Keriny EIsey and iriend ai hassucessull ~opleed erToronto spent the weekend year at Peterborough Teach- wt ereMre' os the dollar .-. mstretebiîigbudget- l'vii.g ers'Collge. ainehas c-iMr. and Mrs. Oscar Selleck, cepted a positian with the GorgetoMacDoald and hers Oshawa Public School BoardhurgebanDnad anSun- day Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald, with bier mother, Mrs. Selleck, at Omnemee. Sunday the Rev. R. C. White Acadian. A low-price car and proud of it' It won t Acadian s six. low-price models and you've just Iiho r bise sermon. Crom- try to convince you il s an expensive car., 0f course added another budget-lover to the family. And as fart ye, comnfort ye, my people, other people may get an inflated impression of we ail know, you just can't get too many of them! 'saith your God. Il suggests a - sarh o qestfo th cm-Acadian's cost. They l envy you your new You'il find a wide selection of inodels at' . .. .. farts ai lufe such as food, Acadian. That's contemporary styling for you, your Acadian- Pontiac -Buick dealer's. Y $j ~clothing and housing and their 1mi cautepa~s n rliionwhchAnd Acadian bas so much luxury,. comfort, Trade-in allowances are high, the deals is also greatly needed. The roominess and performance, too. Pick any of are great and delivery is fasterc a vr choir sang "Sweeter as the Years Go By" with Mrs. A. xFoster playing. The second Sunday in July was set for our Sunday School Anniversary. e The U.C.W. meeting wasAadn ~~ '~i~" ~I~'* held Wednesday evening . aI t ~ . the home ai Mrs. Keith Woods Jaklug charge ai the president, Mrs. A it f son ai Mrs. Reta Humphreys, R. Elliott. Rev. R. C. White Torata, nd nphewof M. ld in prayer. Mrs. K. Wood and Mrs. Douglas Martin, G. athcarth gae thndev- CISOC*so y General M otors" Bowmanville, and Mr. and G at£ gv hedv- yAGENERAI MoTrOftB VALUI 'Mrs. Roy Conners, Maple' Mr. John Allin Itional the Social Conscience, DeIuii@ Coupe Grove, received his Bachelor son of Mr. and Mrs. Clare E.Ibased on the Psalm. In the -Be sure ta watchiv"elmîope", "The Fugitive" and "The Red Skeiton Hour'* now showans on Icievision. Check local htnis for tim and cool.- oi Apýplied Science degree at Allin, received bis Master of absence af Mrs. H. Foster Miss AtpidAainPni-BikD l aBw m the Convocation af the Uni- Arts diplama, when Gradua1-iC. W. Stewart gave the topic AtçI'm cd8.Oli~3kDo i omuIo versity ai Toronto, Tuesday.Ition exercises were held at which dealt with "When a May 31st*. He bas been award- 'Convocation Hall, U. af T. an Family is a Family" as takefifh l his studies and will be attend- ,tinuing bis studies for a Ph.D. U.C.W. voted ta, furnish money ing Wtro University i t the University af Illinois, for the prizes for the 10 Sun- 166 King St.IL E. &ptember. k Urbana, Illinois. day school pupili -Who have _______________________________________________ QUART $ .3 1 1

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