10 I's cnaia ~ 1,,. 1*5I ~PIu.II ' Isitors t Mn .M. Bertrim's. SUN r ----~~Iomanfle, v.ndow rîîîea With Jropnies Mer. aWnd MH. GoConventio [f I ~guests of M.and UO ta a un A3.2. II'i ( riRm andfhWCJanet Shiarp,Th Onai T h r n esEnniokillen,, spent the wee- Th n aoio otclua sso h eta xei I I ~~~~~~~~~Mr. and Mrs. L. Ashton tietti Annual Cneto t Kynt pae ilb Mrs. James E. Richards- Editor MrS.anand red aLl ndd O Jun ret2 nd i t nVie Peien f Ke I~~~~ Mr. nand Mrs. Lloyd Siemon Caure2 n diest ta 'AlnH edJ. xctv Blcstc anvesrysr nounced todey. c H Dr. Ir A. Knox of Kingston Graduation Exercises of St.lSherman, son of Mr. andi Mrs. vice on Sunday afternooni, and~ A wide and vredrgrmwlta shssuec R- an Ms.S R Clwel fJoep' Shol fNusigifIvnTikl.Enfield anniversary service has been prepae fo te ltAintUies. and MHopeSwRCwe lu fJsp sSio !Nusn i Ia îkeoccasion with a 3 ietu P~r oew r ucheoni Peterborough June lst, were! Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan jfin4the evening.ofOtwan Yfýtbl nlest Tusa. mnMs.CclJnsadCecii Jones, Mrn. rs.1 Beth, Barbara and Allan, at- inga ea eat uedfrens-qeto Thraye Mn. and Mrs S. (Tigger> daughter, Mrs. Brian Priest'Brian Priestley and Alison tended Enfield anniversarydaevnnJe2.Thr-JnFihr Pae dsc- Morton left the Inte!rnationalilc*y Mrs. Jîm Major and were luncheon guests of Mr. service Sunidey afternoon, and day's prograînwl nld ,sos ntml ujcawl 4irPort, Toronto, on Wednes-idaughters Marilyn and Sus- and Mrs. Francis Cowan and called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred t o ur of the raetl lob faue tFie' day for a three weeks' vîsît ýanne- daughters Melanie and Nancy *McLaughlin, Columbus. grounds and rsac aU-ssin wîth hèr parents Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson:on Sunday- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton 1i-,twnweeupegesso tM. Cook, Godalming, Sur- spent the weekend with Mr.ý Please -telephone Orono 1 27' attended the 50th wedding SAL1.I reY, England and also to pur-: and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson at.re your renewals or new sub- r. ndMrs E.Twst.Mr store antiueortHe" rn Clmus. Ovile Chttrton, ns tems pr asDouglas McLaughlin, Oshawa. The weatherwaieafoMpeGrv; r.nd rs "heaTiueor th eir roo1olmus. Oseriptions to this papertams. Congratulations to Mr. and our anniversary evcso rdTit hty r n Miss Agnes Ferguson of Carol and David, spent te lthehei.Ro rahamont w eg a nnhor poThed Ecilmsc'eeeigcles BochÊester N.Y., is visiting Mr.1weekend with Mr. and Mrs. nthi21 wdngan-Corpvde aftd Mrs. Alex Watson for two:John Cook at Scarborough. versary at both service.Rv(. M.adMs ibrBak Weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones',Dalo n Classes Mr. and Mis. W. Blackburn, Northey spokeescilythuelanDaeMr.K Mr. Tom Lewis is apatient vîsîted he mother, Mrs. R.Dale and Neil, and M.rs. K. the children inthatmno.CwiHaon Mran ,,Mr.Theomwsha a tintGentd erarco m ot Heron RecitaCowlîiug attended Salem an- He used 'Flowers shstp r.J.HlM.W alr nitheOsaw. nra Hs:Mcod ay. Portanpe Wniversary services and wr i.He compared hc euyo tw;Ms ooh alr p!a.,Mna.0'ln R ctltea guests of Mr. and Mrs. the flowers to tebat fTrno m n r.Jh .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoar re- Mr. and Mrs. Neil Raine yl, Farewell Blackburn. Jesus. In the eeigM.Knhr n aiy in ttnrned home last Wednesday and son Charles o! Canningj\J Mr. and Mrs. M. Pollard John Twist chosea i u on etae oia aster spending a week with ton were dinner guests of Mr.Ne tT u s a "'ad ail i.td.. adjet"TeChrh n.t..ihMr.ndMs.F.Bak n. and Mrs. Paul Snodgrass and Mrs. E. Rainey and sup- Mrs. Fred Lamnos, Oshawa, World". He disuedmybrn aldson David at Rochester, per guests o! Mr. and Mrs. The Bowmanville RecreationanM.adMr.AtPlad ashecuhwilavto M.nd r.Rssanad Mis ois.oa o o-Wm. Hoar on Sunday. Department Baton, Tap ad andC .areot Sn d .AtIay. ca hane ritsy !sriei ai hws issRb 'isLus oaofTr!Mrs. Arthur Tennant tBaltcass ilhodter - Mrs. Olesen, Mrs. J. Potts our communitiesadcte aead on icx on Otto visited hier cousin, Mrs.'tended the Woodlock - Ten- sprîng .Recital in the Audi- and Mrs. Christensen motored in this changingsoilwrdwih r.ad r.LoyRc- Howard Linton. :nant wedding in St. Peul's!toriu.m o! the Town Hall on to Huntsville and Lumina He left us with elchl ad Mrs Fan Pperrsank-lniPdChrcrwmnvllTumda Runsl6h t 3w .. ....., l ode o 'husdy.legein hewok ! he Mr an Ms.C.Weshan Bell Carter, Mrs. H. Luxto on Friday evening Ms.K of Bowmanville, Mrs. D. K.! Seven meetings of U.C.W. The ecital will consist cf, j Mr..s»............. own vii!ed church. Mt frs.Sm BteyBty m n r Iio ?XcHugh o! Ccoksvîlle, Mrs. A. ýweme reld on Tuesday: Unît'thc verious classes in Baton, Mrs.on Colay oma lCogastianifonh evcs udtw;M.adMs Emil end . M r. Gnd r E ar e! 1, a int h allomet 8:15 p. m . n thTap ,ndk ll eh tt, d em n t rtngM erv B rock, one of B ow m anville's K ng St. barbers, and an ar ent la nnde sda . LI Coýangratl t io ns a d b st S d L nc sernd Dr.e llrook. Mr. and Mrs. RHar2 at the hme e!Unrs.3 Wm the ugtkuis the atte were bowler has a unique collection of bowling trophies in h s window ...al ofi visited Mr. Roy Ashton and Woedlock (nec aoy e-'Ms .Btcy Mercer and daughter, Cenol,lhome of, Mrs. Everett Staple-: The Bowmanville Batni themn won last season. He hopes they will be retai'ned this season. Included are1 Mr. Cyrus Ashton, Burketon,' nant) whose mrrig ok M.ad«s.BbDve Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mece,ton, 2 p.m.; Unit 4 Upper C.E..Pements Association ilsi'tePtroog îtoktoh o e' obe n whih etemd vth on Sunday. Gled to hear Mr. place in St. Pu' ntd'n aiy ecsilwr Cx'rus AshtontisbfeelinglmuchoChitrchyBooranvilledoubeksninvisitorseandaMm.dand Mrs. Jack Mercer weme among Auditorium, 8 p.m. Unît 5, candy at the Recita].1 Clarence OkteL ef rpyformxd dblesfronPtbuh that he "te.Ms -rw teeate radutien on tinthe he'oitMrs.F.nVaggTaeBndthedre ctine!ss! wn ith his wife as lead, the Carter trophy from Bowmanville won by Clarence Practice Sunday morning.1ttended the Seno(tdnsJntile eeSna ii Miss Sandra Mercer in Peter- 8:30 p.m.; Unit 7 et the home I. Harvey and assisted by MNrs.1 Oke with Mr. Brock as lead, the G. O. Little Newmarket trophy for triple where 1minuEs'to 1l o'clock. 'Graduation andGednPty'oswhMman Ms.W Note the change in the time at BranksomeHalTontCag liPrough on June lst. of Mrs. Calvin Hamm, 2 p.m. J. Fowlcr, Miss Petsy Blake,I he bowled with his wife and Les Laings and the Nicholson File trophy from fer church service which will last Fmîday, whnMisJa.M.ndM.EnetFey adMr. John. Cttert Ion. thMe andmns. L. Buckey Miss BMnameenntin and Port Hope, for men's doubles, with Clarence Oke as lead. Mr. Brock 15 busy 1be et 1:30 p.m. Rcv. Herding,~lltwsono!tegduMisHceClwItn;ns flavelock, Mrs. E. Stevens o! are moving this week to Les- Mrs. J. Fowlcm is in charge prctipcakem. Annîversary Visitors: Hperfrmanc.and, Crydemman, Estherates Scarborough spent Setumday kard. cf the Tep and Ballet classes. n TnyBrcin e e r Annd ms. amec avyad ephViseGoewt ton.h Mrs. mrsalCatr lfod Jr., son o! Mm. and It is hoped thet tle parents alSnd ey ecilret he Joes Mr. adM te. r.Jim Bruton is a patient will take the eppertunity tc1 - C'RTTTcler t h Jns'eyOhaa -vLs. D. G. Hooper and hem in the Sick Childmen's Hespi- come eut and sec these yotzngr home. LONG SAUL j Gri!!iths, town,wihM.ndt. ÊÛest Miss Nina Hodgson ef tel, Toronto. baton, tep and ballet pefonm- Mr. Peter Singer, Bade, ýMr. end Mms. Bert Ashien,' Mn. Don Cemeron and Mn. Mrs. L. Welsh. Mn.Rln hcltn m Washington, D.C., spent Sun- Rcv. Besil E. Long baptized ers in action. ýSwitzerand, is spending the Toronto. wcre Sundev supper Peter Singer went to Oshawa -Mr. and Mms. Robent Cern- Rev. D. NO]tc yoe odnSekeo n il dey with Mr. and Mrs.,.Ray-, the folIowing et the regulen The admission is fi!ty c-entŽ; wecks with his wife and dani- gUeSts cf Mr. and Mrs. J. to sec the tmooping cof the ernnand !amily were Sunday Mm. John TwistCmevn teddteSt edn mond Clapp et Hampton. service on Sunday: Alisen for aduits and twenty-five aihter at Mr. Don Cemceron's.iPottýs and femily. colons cf the Ontario Re* i- evening visitons o! Mr. and Miss Lois AshtonEnsiln;nivreyecton !Mm Mn. and Mrs. Fred. Stors-IMarie, deughtcm o! Mr. and cents for childmen. Mr. and Mns. M. Leka andi Mr. and Mmrs. Elmer Ward, ment, on Sunday efternoon. Mms. M. Kellctt, Janetville. Mr. and Mms.RyTwsadMsChneTylrt b'ergen were holidaying, inIMms. Bnian Priestley o! Van- These classes are sponsomedI Mns. Martyniuk, New Toron- Toronto, wcre Setumdey ev- Mn. and Mms. George Ber- Mn. and Mrs. Norman Davis Oshawa; Mm. DaIdCyc-OoonSuay!tnon Toronto and Niagara Falls lest couver, B.C.; Nancy Marie, and conducted by the Bow-Ite, spent Sunday with M,. coing guests of Mn. and Mns. trim and family, Taunton. and family, Pontypool spent man, Maple Grov( Ms e- Ms.Kn Fece e Week. deughtem cf Mr. and Mrs.I menville Recreation Depant-jand Mns. Peter Singer at D. J. Joncs and femil ' . Mr. endiMn. and Mrs. Arthur Ttewn'zunday with their parents, olyn Betty, BrooinMmadhstsfo edeotrio Amongfriendsettending the Francis Cowen, John Louis ment. Cameroi'. Mrs. Wrr. 'oberts, Wilrna -.d family wene SeturdayMr. and Mrs. Ryc, Gibson. Mrs. Clerence Bel n eiy at etWdedy r., r I I i I I i I I I I I w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w laune1ditate eh' BUY NOW SAVE, $$$ CHE OLOS WHEN YOU BUY YOU BUY ON THE DEALER! ROY W. IAREA FOR OVER 1965 CHEVELLE CONVERTIBLE Vengine with power steening and power wiewaII tires, wheel dises, white withb tnim. A one owner automobile. Lie. 306670. h1964 VAUXHALL 4-DOOR One owner, a gas saver!! Lic. J15840. 1964 PONTIAC HARDTOP V-8 engine, custom radio, one onr Lic. J45931. i (OURTICE Phono 728-6206 L abÀI0AI. ÀaÀM 'ne -and MO BILES A NEW OR USED CAR very BE READY FOR SUMMER. DRIVING PLEASURE! a 0 REPUTATION 0F THE AUTHORUZED NICHOLS HAS BEEN SERVING THIS 40 YEARS! 35 USED CARS '1 CHOOSE FROM top, blue 1964 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR DELUXE STATION WAGON V-8 engine, one owner. Lie. Xt.0361. 1963 CHEV. 4-DR. STATION WAGON V-8 engine, custom radio. Colon: white with red tnim, one ownen. Lic. X10268. 4 - TO CHOOSE FROM - 4 1962 CHEVS AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR CHEVROLET 1960 OLDSMOBILE SUPER "88" 4-DOOR HARDTOP Power equipped, one owner. Lic. J16240. 1960 PONTIAC 4-DR. STATION WAGON Custom radio, good shape mechanically. Lic. 42802X. 1960 METEOR 4-DOOR Lic. J10576. - OLDSMOBILE 1959 FC Lic. 1958 CE Int Lie. - GMC TRUCKS CONTACT ONE 0F OUR COURT90US SALESMEN ACE RICHARDS LOU PHILLIPS TED MILLER HAROLD MICHELSON ro_ )RD 4-DOOR .93192K. ~ ~ REVROLET 2-DOOR top condition, dlean inside and out. E 10 WMAN VILLEE ione 623-2556 or 1 ÀL AL ÀL À6, ÀL A, I& À& ÀL À& l' IV, 'w 'w Ir 'w IV, Ir lqr Ir lqr IV lqqr ,FI wr IÇF IIF Ir lqr MI 19, IF -Pl W, 'w 'w Mr Ir Ir lqw 'w nr 'w 'w 'w 'w 'w 'w 'w 'w 'w lqw 'W, IÇF 'IV' "Ir "FI 'IV'