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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jun 1966, p. 16

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w N E 59 w w w w 0W RI OPEN! DD MM STAURANT (formerly Stanley's Restaurant) KING ST. E. PHONE - BOWMANVILLE 623-5583 ABOVE 15 SHOWN TEE MODEEN GLASS FRONT AND ENTRANCE Be Our Guest FREE - Thursday, June 9th COFFEE After the damage by fire last December . . . the restaurant has enlarged and re-modelled wth the Iatest ultra-modem equipment availa ~Ie for your convenience and pleasure! w w (HINESE FOOD A SPE(IALTY w w Corne and dine where good food is served in be~utiful surroundings, whether it Be: INfl8IP~ VIEW 0F BEAÙTIFUL ULTI~A.M0DE1LN ~ ~ A F~JLL COURS! MIAL OR A COFFIE BREAK .4 t' l'h. Canadian Statuuman, Eowmmnville, Junel, iON lji the Vunlsbl4 Parties work. I Di~mv'~nvI Jubilee Thefirat hosOsus Invites 12 the 12 gueuts ai thJs party R«eiVe Buis Soon uiyuro people for tes or cards. Each peaki 40 Rotarians gives a party for eight ~5R~M~ f She sald that it had been WUW.W.. hould Use Imagination give a party for four guestu. F or U~dINUII every party pay $1. and that Persons who apphed for ally large number of persona the firat party be' given by rolment m tlie Ontarjo who .g~>iied for OMSIP mem. ~n Workin~ Ouf Problems ~ouse.~eprern~en~ MrL Planandwhoar~ r~~r ~v~î'a~2~ Mrs. Hooey, Chairman of ~e oest wlII ruceive effect tht Uic Shop Committue, re- Irat premium bifls within the hait be~en xeceîved" the jSays Former Head of Hydro ~t sales durmg the ~ ~w ~ ~lms: Canadians should flot bu- cated a utudy of Immigration also interested iii up to date She mo~ed Uic adoption of her flounCed today. premiuni bull - or the Canada's resources, but and a c~ear policy in thîs ru- reforestatuon, he added report. Mrs. R. R. Cailan sec- "Ail prenuiu.m notices for registratuon card for d use imagination and un- gard In Manitoba the Nelson Riv- onded the motion, and it was those who sent in applications thOSe eligible for total pre. uity to work out problema "Canada's natural resourcus er projeet wîll give 400,000,000 carrîed. during Uic initial OMSIP miimi assistance will serve bulld on the firm founda- are there to bu deveioped. kilowatts, the speaker pointed Presidunt Rudeli spoke of open enroiment period sh<>~dd as officiai notification hi that bas buen ustablxshed. Thuir accumulativu uffeet out. This wil augment in the hospital patio, and men- bu iii tAie mails next week," sai~. Rosa Strike stated on Fn- couid bu far greater than can expensive powur supplies, bu ~ y. Ru was the speaker at bu îmagîned added. In Saskatchuwan, pot ~ ~ ~ ta~~c~ the prevîoUs donation he sa~ ~ ~ mcdl. luncheon meeting of the In Newfoundlanc~ both the ash, wheat and ou undertak ~ ~ of the patio furniture by the O!vTSIP registration cards cal care Insurancu Plan, those auxiiiary for thu us~ of for tihose pensons who are un- Ontatrio resîdents who applied wmanvilie Rotary Ciub held Rothschllds and Krupps are iiiga are. being developud, and ~ patients. She spoke of the titi~J ta coveragu at ni> co~t for memburdiip beforu thg t the Flying Dutchman Motor awaîting Jouy Smallwood's large coal deposits have p0 need for hrightuning thu patio to theinselvus are aiso in the end of the open enrolment tel. ime Joe~ is quitu an ente- tential for cheap powur, Mr area, and suggusted that flow- process of buing mailed ont, puriod will bu oovured agaîns~ Mr. Strike, a former Mayor preneur but he must learn Striku stated er boxes wouid bu suiiabie. the Minister added. moat 0f the cosi of practicsllv Bowmanvillu, and a Past that negotuations should not He toid the Rotarians that Mrs. Smith moved that five Dr. Dymond said he was ail doctors' buis trom July 1. uuident of Uic local Rotary be conducted in newspaper British Columbia with its four-foot boxes each filled making lAie announcement on. tub, who recently retired as headlines. glaciers and ram has Uic larg with suitablu fiowers bu pur- because a number of peinonS "Persons who have applied of Uic Ontarlo Hydro Mr. Strike referred to a est run-off in the worid. This . ..~. *. chased for the bospital patio. who had applied* for OMSIP and w'bo have not recuived ectrie Commission, was in- gbost that la walking as the is -iiOw bemg captured by large .~..* X . This was seconded by Mn. mernbership had expressed ettiier their premiuni blîl or uced by bis son, Allan resuit of the fact that thu dams, and wili bu utiiized tnlke. boundaries of Nuwfoundland for inexpunsive power, McLaughlin, and carried. concern thet they had ru- their OMSIP registration card The tremendous changes and Quubec concerning Labra- speaker explained. Ontario marks its 6Oth this month (June 7>. the Mrs. O'Neil, co-convenor oeived no officiai notification ~ W~ines~y, June i5th. anadians have iivud through dor are not clearly defined. Mr. Striku also mentioned tremelidous Hydro birthday Refiecting for thu Marathon Bridge, ru- that their applications had should contact my Depart- changes which hav*e taken place in the electnical industry, helicopters ported that the returns from been accepted. ment iinmediateiy," strussud recent decades have, gen- "Thu resources of this area B.C.s minerai resources, and and other mechanical equipment have replacud the pike poles, strong backs and this project duning thu month "In vi~ew cf Vhe exception- Dr. D~ond. ally spuaking, been good, Mr. are so vast that ingenuity, its huge stands of timbur, derby-wearing foremen involved in une construction in the early days of the wure $31.50, and that the ,total Etrike stated. "But one area imagination, lcadership, and wbich wili bu procussud fo eturns for the season amount- appreci>tion ta Mr. Holden. The acklruss us: Medical Eau not cbanged much, buman plain greed will finally salve lumber and puîp. B. c. ~ century. Ontarjo Hydro now operates 68,000 miles of une - nearly enough to ~d to more than $300. Tea ~nd sandwiches provid- Services Insurance Division, i~ature. The buman element thu difficulties," Mr. Strike also close to the teeming mark- circle the earth three times. The 358 municipal electnical utilities and Ontarjo Mrs. O'Neili moved the ed by the hospital staff wure O n t a r i o De'partment 0f any equation is a van- prudicted. uts of Asia, and this provincu Hydro serve 2,100,000 customers across the province. In six decades, power ru- adoption of ber report. This served, also a number of de- Hualtlh, 135 St. Clair Avenue blu," bu added. Hu discussed the situation is taking thu initiative in thîs sources have increased from 7,400 kilowatts ta more than 8,000,000. was seconded by Mrs. E. V. luctablu desserts donatcd by West, Toronto. Tuiephone: t"In Canada apparently wu in the other Maritime Prov- direction, bu asserted. Hoar, Marathon Bridge Co- Mrs. W. A. Courtnuy. 365-5508. eein ta bu working stuadily incus, and said that a Belgian The speaker said that Can- convenor, and carnied. t duvuiopin an infunionity firm of some magnitude has adians are too hable to con- *g5 President Rudeil rcported on mplex in t e industnial and signed a contract with New sider that intercst in cultural e~ET~1E MI~, Ho A Dec to the Regional Meeting huld in Congratulations iturai fields. We ducry our Brunswick for a large lumber pursuits is lacking in this ~L/IIL5I LIA. IL5~~ shawa in May. She said that wn comparativuly puny cf- and. puip undertaking. country. Hu spoke of thu fine E she appreciated thu support orta. Wbiie we should stnivu Nova Scotia has set up a auditorium openud in Char- Il I e that she had been given at this r improvument success is deveiopmunt corporation to lottctown last year, the Ville L ~ I V reqhh$jir. umh m'a agi I meeting, which had buen tter achieved by facing ru- attract industry, which already Marie dcvelopment in Mont-~~~~ 11.1 ~J I '.eiiieiiiiicii attunded by 12 other mcm- f lity rugarding aur circum- bas had some success, he real with its gruat auditorium bers of thu Womcn's Hospital Ofl O pe n i fl Ol nces and situation. pointcd out. Fudural grants and thuatre, Toronto's concert The Women's Auxiliary of J. Cuddabee, the recordîng factory financial statement Auxiliary. Mrs. Rudeli point- g onu of which have helped the fishing halls and thuatres huadud by Memonial Hospital will bold a secretary lt was decîdud that and moved its adoption Thîs cd out that this waa the larg- "In anua Canada is - . est dulugation at the meeting e largust countnies in the fleet as wull as processing and O'Keufe's, the Royal Alex Cuntennual Tea in 1967. This the next meeting of the Hos was suconded by Mrs Vice from any onu hospital aux- onld. In population Canada canning undertakings were andria and Massey Hall, with was decidud at the meeting af pîtal Auxîlîary aftcr the sum and carnied. îiiary. onu of uic smaîîer of the aiso nicntioned. its wondcrful acoustics; Win- the auxiîiary beîd in the Board mer reccss wîîî bu beîd on Mrs. ~. A. courtnuy suc She aiso toîd the loc~ aux- L o S a e s ddle powurs. lt is high in "The natural resaurces of nipeg's auditorium the home Room at thu bospital on Fniday September 9th tural resources. Quebec are stupendous. These 0f Canadian Ballet, Ednlon- ft Tb Pdt M onded by Mrs. L. Hurson mov îlîary members of the excel- "We are thu senior mum- arc beîng steadily developud ton's theatres, and Vancouv aurnoon. c resen, ns. Mrs George Vice tb~ Cor cd that Mrs. Cowîc be autb lent addness givun by Mrs. r of the Bnitisb Common- by foreign and domestic cam- ur's theatrical and concert fa W. M. Rudell, presided. rcspondîng Secretar3, in ber onîzcd to pay bilîs durmg the George Raymond, Presîdent of It was our privilege and pleasure to renovate ealth. Canada bas the repu- panies. I bave admiration, cilities. He also spoke of the Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin sug- report for the montb stated summur montbs incurred by tbe Hospital Auxilianies As- the building as shown beiow. tion o! stable government respect and sympatby for the National Ballet and tbe Na- gested that a Centennial Tua that a letter of tbanks had the auxiliary. This motion sociation of Ontanio. d currency. It bas a bigh way Quebuc is trying to gain tional Opera Company. be held by the auxiliary, and been sent to George Forsey for was carnied. Mrs. Rudell announced tbat DON SPENCER tandard of living. It bas its objectives. Dr. Kcith Slemon wbo mov- that the idea bu carnied out donating the Gift Sbop sign, Mrs. Duncan A. Smitb, the Women's Auxiliary. of thu ood and effective transporta- Frencb Canadians are log- cd a vote of thanks to Mn. cornpletely witb evuryone and a lutter of congratulation Chairman of the Buying Com- Cobourg District General Hos- CONTRACTOR ~on facilities. ical and realistic, and hiku us Stnike ruferred ta him as onu assîstîng in 1867 costumes, and and appreciation bad been sent mittue, ruported on the suc- pital will bold a Garden Party Phono 623-3411 "Canada as a large arua is have an eye on the dollar. of Bowmanville's mast dis- using silverware and china of to the Women's Auxiliary of cessful sale of the auxiliary's on Wudnesday afternoon, June 30 Silver St. tard ta govcrn. Theru are The present problcm is that tinguished citizens. President that penîod. Oshawa Genural Hospital for cook books. She said that 8th, on tbu lawn at Dr. D. E. ~lfferent living conditions in tbey must pace themselves Dan Morris expressed bis pur- This suggestion was receiv- the Regional Conference. only 10 arc left in Newcastle, Mikel's rusidunce. She urged . HIGGON ELECTRIC LTD. %ach province, differences of financiahly, and refrain from sonal appreciation to Mr. cd with . entbusiasm. Mrs. She reported that a rose and and that the few that mcm- local auxiliary. members ta ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR aumate n a t u r a i resources, uxtending themsclves toa fan Stnike for bis excellent address Lloyd Ayre, lst VicuPresident, vase bad beun sent ta Mrs. R. bers had at the meeting would attend this event. ~vallabil1ty o! mankut, popula- and too fast. and Bih Thiesburger present- moved that tbe Centennial Tua P. Rickaby, and also to Mrs. bu placed in thu Gift Sbop. Bennard Holden, Adminis- 16 Temperance St. Phone 023-3305 on growth, and other con- "Ontario is continuing to ed the speaker witb a mink bu combined witb the Hospital F. A. Kurslake when tbey bad President Rudull expressud trator of Memonial Hospital, ROBT. TAFT tions. duvelop its great natural ru- tic. Birthday Party, and held in been patients in the bospital. thu auxiliary's appreciation to conducted a tour of the bos- ~4 "Wu must continue to stnive sources. Texas GuI! sparked Tom Rebder, the Attendance March on tbe usual Birthday Flowers wuru also sent to the Rickaby's. Limited, for selling pital laundry for the aûxiliary PLASTERING r some sumblance of parity the whole Timmins area, and Chairman, presented a 12 Party Tua date. This was sec- ladies in the Chronie Ward the auxihiary's cook books, members. Everyonu was in- living conditions in the was able to take up the slack Yuars Perfect Attendance Pin ondud by Mrs. A. L. Hoouy, for their trays on Mother's and asked that a letter of terested in viewing the up-to- 50 West Beach Phone 623-5030 ~ovinces. Somu progress in as thu aider gold companies ta Dr. G. Edwin Mann, a Past and carnîed. Day, Mrs. Vice saîd. tbanks bu sent to the fîrm. date and extremely efficient bas been made were closing down." Prusident, and an 8 Yuars There wure 22 mumbers She also told the meeting Mrs. J. ONeili, co-convenor procedures, and tbuy were par- Uurough Fedenal - Provincial Mn. Stnike spoku of the mon Perfect Attendance Pin ta Bill present at the meeting. Presi- tbat a sympatby card had been of thu Marathon Bridge, ne- ticuianly impressed witb the SELBY GRANT ~onferences and Agreements." mines that are starting in Thieshurger. dent Rudeli welcomed Mrs. E. sent ta Mrs. George Stephen- quested that Rickaby's, Lim- new machine for repaining ROOFING & SHEET METAL WORK Mn. Stnike stated that North West Ontania, and said The birthdays of Dr. W. M. Patterson back ta the aux- son, and a "get w~ell" card ta ited, also bu tbankcd in the linen. Ç~ada'u population growth is that they bave great capacity. Rudeli, a Past President, and iliary. Shu also w*elcomed a an active member. lutter for taking in money for After the tour. there was an 6 Miii Lane Phono 623-3771 ~r~sently tapening off becausu He also muntioned a new Ken Purdy were celebrated by new member, Mrs. M. A. Mac- Mrs. Vice movcd the adop- the Marathon Bridge projuct. informative q u e st i o n and e! an immigration lag and a plant for processing in that their fellow Rotanians. Gucsts Leod, introduced by Mrs. tion of ber report. This was Mrs. Jesse Van Nest, Chair- answur pcniod. A vote of JACK BURGESS ~ecilne in thu birth rate. This area. present at the luncheon muet- Hooey. seconded by lst Vice-Président man of the Financial Commit- tbanks ta Mn. Holden was PLUMBER wUl only dulay the population Pulp and paper companies ing were Murray Smith, Tom The minutes of the last Ayre, and cannied. tee, spoke to the meeting moved by Mrs. S. R. James ~ro*th that is bound ta corne, are unlarging their plants, lie Dobbie, Hoît Webster and Jini meeting and o! tbe uxecutive Mrs. R. G. Cowie, the about Vanishing Parties as a The Prusident, Mrs. Rudeil, 3~fi~. Strike duclared. Ru advo. said. Thusu companies are Vessie, aU o! Osbawa. meeting wenu read by Mrs. J. treasurer, prusunted a satis- projeet. She explained how also expressed ber persanal R.R. 4~ Bowmanville Phono 263-2151 r w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w

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