~Tek a ina Lok-àOLcPost Offie VOLUME 112 16lPages eOWMVbLLE, ONTARIO, EI ESAY, JUE ,100 0 Per -Copy NUMBRI On Tuesday afternoon, protective boarding was erected around a Bowman- ville landmark, the old Post Office, erec ted in 1903. Within a short time, this Imrposing structure will be tomn down w ith the area converted to «a parking lot u.ntil such time as the Bank of Montreal decides to construct a new building on the corner. The building bas had an interesting career. First it was used as a post office, later converted to the library, with upstairs offices being occu- pied by the town's Board of Works and. several other occupants. Soon it will be a mass of rubble. The familiar town dlock probably will be missed more than*any other part of the structure. Congratulates Ororio on 'Blossom Tour' Chamber Plans A head by Seffing, Holiday I-ours. .Fior Town's Refait Ouf l ef s 'Retail Merchants Sec- t*on of the Bowmanvile Chamn-4 beof Commerce has agreedi Ohtw..en a public holiday1 dccurs on a Fridav that stores hiere will close on Wednesdays1 at 12:30 p.m. remain open . Until 9 p.m. on Thursdays, andi close ahl day on the Friday.1 This was announced at the1 meeting of the C. of C. Board1 of Directors, held at the Lions Centre recently with Presidentg Wilfred MeMechan presiding.1 Plans for a golf tournament Were discussed at the meeting. President McMechan appoint- cd a committee composed of, 'Robert Lawtan, Don MacGreg- or and Arthur D. Hoaper ta make arrangements for the tournament. Mrs. R. A. Frank, the secre- tary-treasurer, reported that $790 has been received as membership fees. She stated that the organizations bank balance is. $1039.99, and that the accounts due amounted ta $71.17. James A. Bell, second- ed by Mr. Lawton, moved that the accounts be paid. This was carried. W. B. Syer moved that $10 be donated ta the Durham (TURN TO PAGE TWO> Graduates' junior Farmers Hold Annual Parents Night The Annual Durham County Junior Farmers' Parents' Night wsheld at Browvlew Farm, ;."R. 2, Newcastle, the home1 ot Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Brown, *oiThursda>' evening, May 26.1 Marg. Shackleton called the ladies together in the house tp enjay a very interesting demonstration of cake decor- ating. Barbara Rose introduc- ed the guest speaker, Mrs. B. tOray, Garden Hill, a former junior Farmer, who pointed <at that she became interested 1hher hobby while represent- Uii the Junior Farmers' As- sociation of Ontario in Great Britain several years ago. A wedding cake' which she had decorated recently, and variaus other treats, appealing to children of ail ages, were evidence of the advancement of her hobby. Mrs. Gray also had a display of Artex work which she explained briefly to the attentive ladies. Marion Buttery* thanked Mrs: Gray and presented her with a small token of appreci- ation. The decorated cakes were then given to 'those cele- (TURN TO PAGE TWO) John Twist son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Twist, Middle Road, Bowman- ville, received his B.A. degree in General Arts, at Queen's University Convocation on May 20th. Mr. Twist is Stu- dent Minîster for the Minden- Carnarvon charge for the summer months. $7,300 to Be Raised by Special Events -and The st. Joseeph's Bowling League Banquet and annual meeting held in Si. JosePh's Auditorium, Liberty Street South, on Satuzrday evenin~g was an enjoyable event. President Ray Vanmse pre- sided. Others at the head table were the secretary, Mrs. Vaname, Rçv. C. L. Hickson, Stewart Chisholir, President of the Hioly Neme Society, Mis. ChLhoIim, Banner Pas- sant, the M.C., and Irs. Pas- sant. Goace wes said by Fether Hickson. A beautiful arrange- ment of Miue and yellow snapdragon centred the head table. The Cathoie Wonien's League catered for the deli- cious neal, and Mm'. Bert. Ca nvass Coni prves Prlks 'Proposaid'ý As Town s Project for Centennuaol'., A Centennial Parks Equipment- project proposed by an- interim Inter- Club Centennial Committee was -dis- cussed at the meeting of Bowmanville Town Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday eenig. Al members of council were present at the meeting except Councillor Paul Chant. Council was informed by~ a letter dated June 6th f rom T. A. FanBing, Director of Recreation for Bowman- ville, that'this project would supply playground equipment, flood lighting and f encing fôr the parks. The letter stated that the- Coun. Glenholme Hughes organizations represented at suggested that the mover and the Inter-Clubs Committee seconder include in their meeting (Bowmanville Cham- motion" that the Inter-Clubs ber of Commerce, Memorial Centennial Committee must Park Association and the local work on, this project with Lions, Kinsmen, Rotary and Town Council's Centennial Kiwanis Clubs) are willing ta Committee. support this Centennial Parks -Both Councillor ]Bourke and Equipment project by raisiflg Coincillor Nicks agreed with the necessary $7,300 through this suggestion and included a canvass, and possibly other it in their motion, which was money making undertakings. then put t>o the vote and car- The $7,300 is required for the ried. municipality's maximum share His Worship, Mayor Ivant to obtain the maximum grants Hobbs stated that council of $7,300 each from the prov- must have a breekdown of the]1 ince and federal governments. proposed plans for the pro-( The Inter-Clubs Committee ject and of the. Inter-Clubst through the letter asked Town Committee before making ap- Council ta accept this propos- plicatian ta the Ontario, Gov- ed Parks Equipment project as ernment's Centennial Commit- the Centennial project for the tee for. its approval of it as town and- requested council a Centennial project for Bow- ta obtain Bowmanville's grant manville. from the next meeting of the United- Counties Council. Counillor James Bourke, seconded by Councillor Ken Nicks, moved that councîl concur in the request, asic Counties Council ta relinquish the town's Centennial grant, and apply ta the Ontario gav- ernment's Centennial Commit- tee for approval. Town Clerk Robert L. Byron said that I effect the Inter-Clubs Conlttee 1, asic- project, arrnge- temn oi'iy finaficing and obtan the Cen- tennial grant. He added that the invoicing and al Arrange- ments would have ta be donc in the name of the Corpora- tion of the Town cf Bowman- ville. SkUI Courses WiII Be HeId JuIy iith to l5th Newly organized Regional Skill Courses will be held from July llth to l5th inclu- sive at four centres in this province, Ontario Ladies Col- lege, Whitby, the University of Guelph, Eastern Ontario Agricultural School, Kempt- ville, and at the Continuing Education Centre, Elliot Lake. The five day program of courses at these centres have been devèloped to meet the increasing demand for recrea- tional activity skills, and will be carried out under the aus- pices of the Community Prog- rams Division, Ontario Depart- ment of Education. At the Ontario Ladies Col- lege, Whitby, it is expected that the courses will include Art (Composition, Landscape, sLife Drawing, Printmaking), Creative Dressmaking, Design for Craftsmen, a Ladies Keep Fit Class, Elementary and Ad- vanced Millinery Classes, (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Top St. Joseph's Mixed Bowlers Receive Trophies Pum~lg the annual St. Joseph's Bowling Làeague declared champions of the season. They were, fro12 oni Saturday evenin, individual trophies loi t to ri.ht, Maurice Anat Bren "iil èý& MINISTERIAL ASSN. BLECTS NEW OFFICERS Bowmanville Ministerial As- sociation met on Tuesday at the Salvation Army Citidel, Division St., and elected their officers for the coming year. The Rev. A. Kudra is the new President and Capt. Herb- ert Fraser, the Secretary- Last week, at a special ceremnony, 14 Brownies took a most important step in t heir careers as they participated in a Fly-Up that introduced thern to Girl Guides where they will continue their training-later this year. Those included in the group aré, front row, left to righit, Janette Bryson, Cathy Locke, Ruth. Easter Holiday At, End of, March Next year and for the foreseeable future, sehool pupils will take their Easter vacation at the end of Mareh, NOT at varying times accordlng to when Easter occurs. This - amicuncemelit was made b>' Education Minister Davis on Tuesda_., e 1xrasr. - .____ ._____9_ ÇItsaniIPCe i M.USEUM - This evening, the officiai opening cf Bowmanville's Museum for the season will take place and there will be a special unveiling cere- mony cf a plaque to commemorate the donation by the late Mrs. L. B. Williams. Without ber generosity, the museum would not have been in existence today. t t i t DESPERATE - Local doctors have arranged for an. intern. to be -in attendance at Memorial Hospital during the summer montbs. But there is a catch that is causing some concern. The young doctor, bis wfe and small child will require a furnisbed apartment from July lst to -Labor Day and se far prospects bave been nil. If you know of such an apartment, please contýict Hospital Administra- tor Bernard Holden as soon as possible. t t.' t t t CLEAN UP - This Saturday and Sunday should bring about a remarkable change in Bowmanvile's Beach area. On Saturday, Ontario Training Scbool boys will be tidying up the shores of Lake Ontario on both cast -and west sides cf the beach. On Sunday, members cf Oshawa Diving Club, led by Bill Mitchell, will don their SCUBA gear and endeavour to remove broken bottles, old tires and ail other items that could cause trouble for bathers. This is a volunteer effort that deserves considerable praise. t t t t t FANTASTIC - Mrs. Harold McGee, wif e cf "Fibber" of Specialty Paper Products, was an astonisbed woman on the weekend. While fishing at French River, she booked wbat must bave seemed like a whale. Actually, it was a 51 pound sturgean, 60" long. After a few minutes, she hand- ed the pale te Mr. McGee before the f ish pulled ber into the water. He played the giant for over an heur bel ore brlnging it close enough te the boat ta be landed. Later, they dumped it (stili alive) in Carl Schwarz bathtub at the Pine Cave Lodge.. and was be. surprised wben he discover- ed it. i. t i. t t i. CANCELLED - Bowmanville and District Scouts will not parade here as scheduled on Sunday, June 12th. The 'alfair bas been cancelled. However, Newcastle Scouts, Guides, Brownies -and Cubs bave a cburcb parade this Sunday morning. t t t t t CON VICTD - This morning's Globe & Mail carries a story about 26 picketers at the Tilco plàant in Peterborough,- being con victed for con- tempt in defiance cf a court order limiting picket- ing. This could bring some interesting reaction from labor circles. t t t t t OPENING - An advertiscment in this issue tells of tbe're-opening of Stanley's .Rst4urant, 1under the fascinating name Lotus Gardens. 1'he-interior bas been completely renovated sinoe the lire about six months ago. New fixtures, ligbting and other improvemcnts bave transformed the place. Every- body wil be flocking there-.Thursday for free cou ce. t t t. t t' FME - A brush lire on'Brown Street last night got out. of b and -and the lire brigade answercd the caîl, followed by dozens of cars filled witb i foiks looking for excitement. There was no dam- i *e and the blaze waa.brougbt under control in Crago, Susan Jones, Elizabeth Meihmn; back 'romw' Cathy Porter, Diana* Bickle, Debbie Bickle,. Lyna Rowe, Valerie Bothwell, Gloria Chisholmandý Evange.- line Merkley; absent, Carolyn Ileydens and ýRamona Wildman. Dueto Impending Move, A By-Law authortzing thetu Mnci tyh varlous According ta election reés-t lasun-I -fe~nfReë;nUaaet5~ re<dMuivdce PrFout woula e i dàmounte -f$0980.=frJhentin u thIye tot cn ilm af11tevçnyî1 contucion29,7c4fo r etheie raotin anbu cte ration inbyMr.net s r te v izratong ctrtito noft herewaesidfrto a nd ct wom I aveion A dep.uhata srgitin ompoed'0 tr~e stt plant ee cf -wrkdoMorr llwih obbs haned I <tURTiOn àPAG Ti..ý" .anvied Towemtngouncil held iail Me M yrs c Cou ndcil I offexTWQ).ý the Coundil Chamber on Mon- day evening. This By-Law has already, received the approvai of the Ontario Municipal Board as ta its form. The following letter was re- ceived from Councillor Paul F. Chant:- "As I will be mov- ing from Bowmanville at the end of this month, I would asic that you accept my resig- nation, effective the 30th of June, 1966, from the Council and from the Boards and' Com- mittee ta which I have been appointed. During the years that I have been privileged ta serve my sincere thanks and extend mny. best wishes for conitinued success i your endeavors." Coun. Glenholme Hughes moved that Councillor Chant's resignation as of June 3th be accepted with sincere regret. This was seconded by Reeve Sidney Little, and carrled unanimously, Councillor E. J. Rundle, seconded by Heeve Little, moved that the' vacancy to be created at the end of the month by Councillor Chant's resignation be referred ta the Striking Committee. This was c'arried. ___________ Gradua-tes.- Allan T. Woodlock 1: son of Mr. and Mmi. Tho.u, D. Woadlock, Centre St., wul granted the Bachelor of Aris degree from trawec University, Canton, N.Y., au Sunday, June 5th. He znajoréd ini Economics, was a mezmbo of the varsity hockey teaiu and a letterman i that ap4 He te aima a member of Slai Pi fraternity. On Friday, bu, Woodlock and Miag CarôlYA Tennant cf Orono were zmw. ried and are now hontymoÔ#i. ing in thc United'States. Abe present at the Sunday coflvoq cation were Mr. and Mns. . Woodlock and Mrs. Wyn Wou* nacott. Allan Woodlock- tXp accepted a position wtti (lis. cmal Motors of Canada ' St. Joseph's Bowlers Presented Awards At Annual Banquet venor. Father HIlekuon presented the. Trophy for the League, Champion Teazn to the win- ners, Captain Maurice Anna- ert, Orono, Mms. Pat Leddy, Mrs. Justin Mur'ray, Mrs. Al- bert Samien, James Bouton, Orono, and Roy Trudeau. Mx. Ohisholm preseted the Troph5r for the Play-off Champions, Captain Pat Led- dy, Mi. M. Garvin, Newcam- tle, Mi.James Bruton, Ororia, Min. Vanasse, Robert. Poste, and Gien Niilil. President Vanepresent- ed the Men's HIgh Single Tro- phy ta Michael Kennedy, Courtice, 359. Tie winnmer cf <TURN TO PAGE TWO) Multi - Headed Cob of- Corn' The City cf -Guelph nma b. in the newg ~ but Bowm anville has a diflrent col, of corntaitar to six separate sections. Don Mihilgn, owner1 of BoVm brougbt it to the Statesma A par«tIy, it ha&4bn X Prout Next in Line Paul Chant. Resigns As Town Councillor Ji là