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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jun 1966, p. 2

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2 % TeCanadian IStatu lun Jut h, 1996 MiDke Harrison, Port Hape 1 td for the Crown ii Citwn Attorney G. F. Banal eatla's absence. Aathony Pari-en, Thursfiel) Crucent, Toronto, a salesman pIoWed guilty te, illegal Poo oei c f Ilquca- May 28th. Olanutble T. A. Yerdy, OPI said b e cheoketi a cor east boenid on Hicuway 401 an( touncf a lottie ocf vodka mai mue of wlne, bots open, aru in thretove conpartmentj full 'bole cf licruor, unopai ed. Heaocdaci that Paru-an ad eitted ownership of the ful bottie. The cfficex- sid h, ebulti amail liqucu' on thl breallu o! al four occupent of thue cor. Mr. Farî'en arguati bis 0Vi came. He sa"i hat on the Pre vicuas evenlnig ha bd attend ed la pmrty $or bis bu-allez Who was gattiag Mariei, an, thet ha waa con bis way t Trentn, iaking the baille l thre e1ve cooeprtrnent fori gatont. He expiai nad the just tast ef Toronto ha ha, pi*leci up thare men wl, were hitchhiking and car:y la<, a brown piaper balg.7%11 lh. feui,cont.ined tus o! vodka andi wine. H wue tired and wim-tn ec thea hitx*xikers offeredt d*Nv lit let hlmr. NH.bhi dozecifor &ar ox ntey2 mulet wheu t e corwae istou ped hcv the officer. "I lied 401 winks in the f-on seat w'h.le ho drove," sal )%rren. "The other two wer In the back wituh the bottes Ma*Wotrate R. B. Baxter re vdthe pleat ta net guili- Mnd dlwmgussd the. casa. i a4viemcd aru-en ta ha anc caneful i future about whoi he pced up on the highwaý raifle tickets: (Consial L.R. JIames. OPP) jame CMrbell, 201h cf Apri Rtglway 401, speedirLIg milue an hour, $15 andccst or live cinys, (Corporel 1 Ninlgoni, OPP) Walter Arar et'eI¶g, April lots, driving tc alowly aastbound on Highwa 4011, 40 miles an hour. Tw hours previoushly the oflic( biad ti sqed tlhe sanie du-uv westbound and acivised hii to drive fasteu- or taka Hig! woy 2. $30 Rad costs, ori fi- daye. Reginalci W. Stewar .Apil 9ih, 70 miles en bht en Highway 401, $10 av oasis, or f ive daSs. (Canstable T. A. G. Speri Iey) Walter Chlarles' Zala May Znd, disobeying o utc ign on a service roaci, $ andi cosis. or five dayus. Ji dith ManCorxack, ahiiegec' thea driver-, Apuil 26th, Cou tice Reaci. ne cperatar's cèniae, $10 and oasis, or fii days. Thie officex' said NM Maeçannack's niother hý heumed lieu- ughter's ati No, one "is in court to, ari the case so a conviction wu reglstered. Muraay Edwau'cfFiemii Coluunbus, pleaded not gil ta, an impr'oper passing echou [ld Aprîl 23rd. Ha wasr pr',0ted by Eci MeNeea Constable D. Stuar't, OP toud he court ha waasment ivw«UMgte en accidentt R*'bway 7A lI Cantwrig Towiwhip. He fouadti hat ear divea by the accusaihi Lemiience-125-6604 Over 100 Cars to Choose Fromn WRE< OLD POI KING and TE AUl Matriale for sal TOWBR CLOCK - WINDOWS and Di IOIZMand lA MEER 0F v 1 tSTPA and CIECUI tauSOI1n Kirn frora Port Penny, Mi-. Hasillion altr ' Ii The udeBuownies andirb~oua ae and Mrs. Art Sulllv*n, Tor-,'mnen 'gth a A surparisei ~yparty ta honni- nata, Mu'.. Caliant andi aonWilf. Sale. Miss L in d .J'un'e 19t andha a yUp Anniveu'sary wsmhd o uby A Mu-. Morley, Tor-onto. ,S- --Trnt, -saioinHaptn.Lisurayafe-onMa-2 Mr-. ami Mn-. A. J. Vaillan- hMerfoa'diMrweeKend. i Hrpon as ilno h hm f n ac n court ententaiuuc n . aMu.d Mrs.enP andDaneHnc ma ohY Coul- Everaît V. Hoar, King St. E.,___ Mrs. A. Gogqîen, Mr. andi Mi-. wara auppai- guests wiîh Mr. ter, SMlY Mafipnize, Mary Bowrnanvllie, ululer and bo-1 and Mus. Sid Kei-sey on Sun- Ana ShrÏachier f1mw u.> hy theu-fn-law of the annivergarY L. Roberta a!f Oshawa on Sun- dy.thei- frownle wlnga an be-gom u. ad Mms. dywtabuftupe. Mr. and Mu-s. Hon Luke, came Guide recrultu. Alter Srith's chilciren, brothel'u and t otc nai Mirs. Diekerson, Ms. Ki-l Robbie, TSwar- nd bS!ni etitis the Captain presentedesistrn1hsad ehw Customers wishing t otc nai borne were Saturday eveainx et*Dm e = cottage, ' Bueir Or * it apasenuecet fodrnthewgal ciller#, Mu-.and Mr$. Bruce qîsi SuBuebani-ci . garlo f h pia-we present o-tegl queant Iaslgrln!d.îs vent, aswell as Mns. Srith's Mn. and Mn'. A. Macklin Patrol receiveti Guide pans uni, Mrs. Pi-ad Tamblyn cf Hydro's BowmanviIe Area office on or after and ahiltiren visiieci ber par- for eurning thie highesl points Ou-ana. Ilents, Mu'. andiMr&. Wolhead foui the Year. Canaay Patrol Prlor tb the deliciaus buif' Monday, June i 3th are directed to the o. f Aglacourt, on Sunday. came in àsecnd w1th caly fat aupper, Mr'. and Mrs. CN John andi Suzaune, o« Toron- Pa ow aedi thirci. Tbf. gifis frora those assemtbled and n w building on SCUGOG ROAD Co v.siId N. nd Mrs.Met prlIs shore pteote mthe gran::hiwer atAhe nohen lm sofBw nil. cal! and Romo on Sundey. patolds by having &Xi thaîr beautiful aaniversary cake OF IC14r. and Mxo. hM. Muuntjoy gilo stfor th cook-oul centred th perfectiy appoint- a h oten lmt fB w avle atteaded the.anniverouy ary es t ay. m e al hc anaoa EMPERANCE STE. vie andi were suon-er uestu nta he foflwing reived ed wth bouquets cf ruby red wlth Mcr. &Md ?Fo. iusun badges:, ChIld (02re, Marion carnations andi ruby candles. I. wiastng f:Moutjoy ai Blookutock. Mor*i.ui, 8asinie C h&an t, Befone andi after suppor the IIAe WO OD FLOORINt:M. andi Mn. W. Potts and Becîda Teri-ill;Roues., Km- guets strlied tbnougb thePh n :6 3 2l 0018 -OO FISE ESCAP hâdren, O*iwa, wore wtth thy Van De Bell, Bu-nda Ter- Iovel y ancens ai the Hoar )OS-FR Mui. H. Patter. rill, Sylvia KatzOr, Eevei'lY home. eter in the avening 62 «2 6 DIATION - PLUMEING Cellme r M. and Mrs. A. Guast; Noedlewoman's. KathY Mr. Heur ahowed pictur. lia- VEIY )ECRPTONW. Premttao durnn the week NolGn. as taken on thair recent tri p NU )ABPINand on aunda re w . M , . Then we plaYed gamma and ta Australia, New Zeland, Qeih 2 2 2 ~~' ~'L~ Knlbta *hwa, Mr. and Musng Zia.b Se aif pan, llo Kongand! othar LATING PUMPE. John èrnigan andi Douglas, Cu-5 UStb X fKoaa countries. Xe maniorable oc- non en Job W ýMr. mand Mr&. Mel ~hv eoa so no sget i- M aeW. R. ÂIale 5~ & RECKIG CO. Prima is Mr. Prîme'sà unce,'t5psac ii patmrth. asnlversanýy couple for nianyM nqevaer CO* Mr. Stanley Cossaboom ra r'If veu wan'it t pais any y Yu mare yeors togetheu' and with N ILOAD TORONTO 8 North Carolina Whuo ii hart I c anytime, juit eheck wtfài1 thmnka te their-bouta for their for a boUdai. ?Aa* dI a ithu h. edoeda.graclcus houpflaflty. t 'J, j! i t r- Sn* o a* ,3n 8 98whcm he bl d xistin. f U~em ~.gratulatizig that orgiattbn es, and carried.IRotary s j. ~idy ad ~ UM~*~ ~ VM UVUon the success of the BlOssOm A letter from the Bowman- Mr. &nd-, Mn. W. Holroyd Tour it sponsored, and that a ville Museum Board cont*ined 1R a y f with *w chiirm took&d-lettr b sen totheeditor of information concerning acti- vantage of the rilce weather Jeffery Allin Bedford, age lR.R.- 2, Bowmanville. Con- the Canadien Statesman com- vities of the mnuseum durmol istrate s C o0urtka ifl bei r, y crm tabIn.-. rei, izmet;:: 0 rnC. Of C- 1985, and Its proposed budgtPubi s toto i o%65 Scgo estigatedl. on that undertaklng. This for 1966. It stated that h Paîrk. Stree on Thursdayevening At 4:12 p.m en Sunday two motion was ueconded by Mr. board la planning to have e u lc U N ~ .Mr Judy wereSat.ryoevniand1 minutes ta elght o'clock. cars collided on County Rond Bell, and carrled'. aira made to the carniage Tne crek voiléyIr n~ H-eId in Bowmanv~iIe Jd eeStra vnn tl osno '9SmsnAeu gueste with Mr. and Mis.H. ~Tle by onc r. and No. 1, near the Erinli Golf A proposed ParkseEquip- ouse. Smubyvneben e Mrs. James Bedford, was Club. The drivers of these cars ment Centennial proj et was In the latter igned byvlp bthKoa lb f rin fate lthe back of a faerra presant the "irge wau dis-. Wilson nt Lesside. rushed by the Bowmanville were James Garnet lckard,idlsuuued. This would pro uenBadCairman A. v'P" Yt' W< I uled~ by a tractôr. mimd. C~~mber M.adM, .3 one Arta Ambulance ta Memormal R.&. 4, Bowmanville, and Gil- vide playground equipment, M. Thompson it was tate Ilb eyfrjbl Ris estimate daiaeto the! Jack àld.Chamet nay were in Trenton on Sat- Hospital where hie received lis J. Rancourt, 306 Harmony flood lightlng, and fencing, At that the board greatly appre- une tisl aunimer. an ca n ra wt n omt ria's ergency treatinent, and thenRoad. Oshawa. Constable H. wax tated. Mr. MacGregor ciates the work cf Its two Y. n fvor tth oa- çdedad riouemity of a chare other, Mrs. 'TbSnu, and was transferred by the ,ame 1Cooke, OPP, was the investi.!suggeuted that consldieration be meniber appalises fromn Town Durig the ai .gfvel o wreate b or.din2dairstig nofce called on other relatives, ambulance ta Sîck Children's gating officer. given ta capitallzlng on the Couneil, ounicillors E. J. Rtations havea 9u Ldî cle th e eun an id in Ëtanh e xitisiaof iertyThey called on Mr. and Mrs. Hospital, Toronto. Two cars collided on Satur-,fine nnurseries in the ores by Rundle mnd Paul Chant. bours prisparImath ae Id thek estendd boc koi- Jn te e 2nd.f isduyH. Mountenay, Columnbus, on Teijue-hidl silday afternoon on Concession promnotin g Bowmanvllle as a On a motion by Councillor for pubile use. A lreae 0-mont 100 feet. Ralph Raym@id Fortunp Sunay. unconucious, but has been Street East. The drivers were "Flower Town", and of gettlng Nicks, seconded by CouncilIor, bas been ueeei emnk Arhlal Lagll, .R 2ipleaded not guilty ta resisting Mr. und Mii. Morris Brad- taken off the critical llst. He Ronald George Arends, 29 the co-operation of the aura- Annle Oke, the latter fromthef NestlOn, agle , sae n fla nc saI ii n ley eand ohild-ren attendad a suffered a fractured skull and Squires Avenue, Toronto, and:erieu and of the newly fornied Museum Board wau wcei e od a res on fieldai driercft2e ra- June Znd. Both requested shower et Ashburn, a13o visit- other injuries in the accident, Rager Joseph Goodwin, R.R. Horticultural Society In thisandA late r eer Ko wal Ithceekarts oomletc Itaînecwasthat trie te agcn-Legal Aid and were romand- ed Mîr. and Mrs. Frank Lyrnde. which was iîvestigaThed A adaruon nveiged. C Dsam-er.eelearddM. AReaEtte, ferPedte pur- fo theueue iu lia id taned about three tons of ed in custody untîl next week. Mr. and M&a. IHoaen Smith Constable Don Adro.TeýM.Blscne yM.Ra sae fee opr id fertilizar. Haessdlolonecar 1 Traffie tickets: (Constable attended Enfleld cliurch an- driver cf the car whlch hjitg a ah ehceaws acrgomoedPltt an6se oThi8,19rd 20et o r airotabes fe lma.Pe a pmed hlm, ha looked around B. Tillon, OPP) Ma rt in niversary and vWated Mr. and the littie boy was Martefl miCnstbernero.saloC. of C. agree ta uupply re- Plan,047.onnhird Stter r tic t ab a renow belm n- and, at that imtant, the sec-, Flowerarnitku, Fébruary 28th, Mrs. Edgar ànd Donald Pres- Stel, R.R. 2, Newcastle. !teonvstae nd erfor lceetbags ta the end of $al 000tIn bu ttar rezed mai e aeslas e paell d-~ ond car sammed fato the!Hghway 401, fEailing to pro- cott. Miss Violet Esther Myers,: 1car6 for the garbage containers I th fed tha h ese tht the a re s u sn hy r Ilduce licease on request, fivel Mr. mnd C. Terpotra Milliken, Ont., lost contrai cf ItetNrha 4 ...~paat donate for the ti fa slu hnteS-ray ,dollars and costs, or five from, Rosemere called, on the car the was driving at he S tet, dta iv aa rislvleta h sig, Ars aalgt h .11Hi rea r shp edth the dys Constable D. Stuart, friands ini the village o e .io n f 7A aadNo. aturday contirersfor tese bagi b. price, but sget hta'ares sa being rpam 4e oshpsatdtat(N.35' The driversaf nvolved w contamnera th b s e uggsted atas evdac hoe s tas tOP-zP) Ifhikar Ahmld, May urday. Satigu;tpygo on Sundmy eveafgJhnn haza r 4ar l ttgtmnyPUvdni hwdn tep purchased. This wacarrled. bidn a b utle 5where ample purligwf to pass ond 7thohe partrzaur, . ____________cersutMfri.t o ey p esaibe avalable. 1tauel tslen pasond tAe rt fr M hd 2nd 0 miles an hour on Mrs. W. Laurie, Bowman- at 10:24 o'clock, and the va- lRenaedy Road, Toronto, aad;, in aperation throughaut Can-of Simpson Avenea b Flemo ing Highway 41 $0and ts vllevi t r.and M'rs w.hicle went ofthe rg.Con-v j ndeBrnr,18 a T! m r e cc ed of ha 401,t$10charge. stable n., on OP , rm ndewrauaaW , h ofrbeoie~ dê Cream ofEal 1II 't Lms h hre. or five deys. Dermoti Power, Hokroyd. stbeJ.C atn PWý att Street, Ottawa. TGtal Deputy-ReeveWelyFc Fred Konoauki, BilIu GlaessMay 22nd, fai]ing ta produce Mrm. Horoyd and chi he investigating officer. Idaae ath cr aontd ad htnltcn T e publoer heare adt d'tend Mrou ve dgUltY di'er lcense, five dollars :t Mr'. and Mr#. S. Fryua'u Mi." Myers, who was 'r'- ta less than $100. ssaiid1 buhtlyhoef tw o ikauserofthesemoapb 1&î 0W a srqie~b adctsWord, M ays;Lgth, e WstBechonSaturdaey. jured ia the accident, siMinor damage was s tiie w$3,30.Mayor Hobbs agreed. f fcitea nym. fia le te u1mwe b ai od ayItHg- S glad Mrs. A. Reynoclds taken ta Memorial Hospîtal bv' two cars la a collision on a d Couacillor Hughes movà eelttse la E R way 2, failing to dira head- and Mrs. Repton &,te feeling where Phe lm receiving treat-ÇChurch Street ai the Cana-' (FROM PAGE ONE) Ithai the offer frein Mr. Kowal E.ntRcfLovekia. who acted ight.s, $10 and coets, or five bettes'. ment for lacerations ta herdcian Tire Store driveway. The, h Okecnd cariB h p S eI admn fJuatice. sald thai ha 22nd, no muffler, Hi-glway We wish fier a ffaady re- jury ta her righi knee. ,Laureace Goddard, 25 George pI was Jamesa Fair with 859.Bieop ho bai discutsued thie n'mter 401, $25 and cots or five covery. On Saiurdp.y morniag ai Street, and Gleena Frost, 172 Th rsaabi aM' arev Litte tld onl with Mr'. Konafackis ac- days. bnauaioet the wi.f- 9:51 o'clock, Miss Parici neLiet Street North. Con- was miade by Preuident Va- Rht ev sreve e cail P rfîicipate i la countat and fa t that hae (Constable Ian Smith) Janet ners for their sucSe on Pild Short, age 22, 231 McPherson stable Anderson Iavesiigaied. nasse. camplaints thai the street )t- would probaibby receive a re- Lockbart Rice. speedfng 56 Day et Ham'ption School. Avenue, Toronto, lest contrai A car driven by Franký The Men'o Higtî Average lighîs la the tawn are not i de baie wban tiha proper forma miles an hour Ia a 30 mile Quite a few fron t1he c f lher matorcycle on the CPR Sworik, 863 Myers Street,! Trophy was won by Mu'. An- coming on early enough in 1the D #I.I-ation Ofwemue fîleci. zone, $25 and coots; Diok mumity attenieci the race utîbridge et the western enîrance. Oshawa, andi a car driven by naeri. This preeeniaiion was everiings. Deputy-Reeve FiceD ta Te fine wus $10 and coulas, deWitih, April 15th, 44 miles Mosport. Sure wax a alce dey ta the towa. She was tossed lLea Ehasoo, 16 Coehili Drive,! made by Faîher Hicksoa. said hie also lied recelvedi St. John's AnglicnCu, ad or five days, on eaah of thie an hou' on Liber'ty Street, N., for the avant. ta the rosdway when heu' cyclelToranto, collided ai 11:10 a&.. Mrs. Maurice Annaert, Or-' similar complaints. was full on Whitsudys 21) tw'o charges. radar, $15 end casts, ou' five Mir. T. S. Mountjoy enter- siruck a guard rail beyondon Thursday ai King andiono, with 292, wue the win- Reeve Litle, saconded by 29tht11amm 9- St.anley Charle White, 134 deys; Murray Frank Madîll, tainei Mu's. A. Stepheas of the bridge. ýLiberly Streets. More than ner of the Ladies' High Single Couneillor Oke, moved that a R ai ilrgea.m.wentert High Street, pleaded guily ta April ZOth, 58 miles an hotu' Toronto, M'us. R. Burgess, Ty- Taken ta îerorial Hospi- '$100 damage was sustaiaed by Trophy, and ahe wasalmsa the latter be sent to the PUC Rv ed1 org e nel ofr fillegal possesion cf liquor on Liberty Street, N., radar, rau., Mu'a. W. J. Chaalis, Bow- tail h oiecusrM1hie twa vehlicles. Corporal wi.naeu of the Ladies' Highl askiag that the lights be tura- edu1l yug eol and airiv ntArilZlat. Thie fine was $25 $25 andcoasis, or five dyedanIay, s. n. eeiec reienvi healnMGuy nesiaMr. Trpe iah7ndPrsdei donautl ei-ir.TSswordtl ac received oaa con-t- oh cGe ivstgt and caste, ou' five de. a nd Jobin MeRae, April Illh, Béit Stevens, 1Ham'pton, andiOut-patient Departmeat forý Vanasse pu'esented these carrieci.*dtt hlaConuinBîo Sî, u',e tii berws nfietc. 5 iles an hour on Ontario Mirs. C. Barrett, Newcastle, ýbrus1h buras ta hieu' rms. -awards 10 Mrs. Annaert. C)UWilO' keSeomuion.ucedth t1Rv S., h Cosble ws oisrtd iOnýCuelo k da IIegaru-l scc Costbl the Snmih told Street, $20 and casts, or five Monday for luncJh. IConstable Ray 1Hari investi- U<Mca. Passant preseniec t'he h'as heard complaint eard- F H. Wilkinson asà ahpc tecourt lhe checked a car, days; Alan S. Plummer, April Mu'. a %M-. .Roesand ae heacdn.a wrstalh eVs30Cu ng the appearance of Trthe l Jl, poe n i ndntafniaT.two eblîdreneaathe6thcid2nmiles an hoarrLiber-tMarkewirs Sa0urlubaiieurîw01car cwl.. Mayor 4o1ohighway. Mayo ýt coiw euistaout 7:30 p.and. t S2 iles Nadahr, L$25 .and col er wiih u'. am igh There was a t ara. col,,e1 Pas fo1]ows: Jamaes Fair, Mau- I'obhs suggested thai poplar sermon of the canvcin h reta dls about 7:30..A T *1 t te. ,N. adr 5ad ce'lerwth r adMrSw . J. Jlision et 11.50 ei. nTesi C Ur S rice Annaeri, Albert Saran, trees planted there would be courage and the cmaso off ma .i R4in a n te coss, or five days, ,Mich.ael Rogers r. dcay ai Varcoe's Road andi No. ý Glen Nihili, Michaoel Kennedy, effective as screaniag. On a which the Holy Spii] ivst )r rotoethefuida aeof Rosseau, April l4th, 49 rafl" Mr. ad Mu'. Chester B<Orek 2 Highway. The drivers cf the P(ROM PAGE ONE) Justin Murray, and President motion by Councîllor Nick se , Ch iintswo'd Ybeer oontaining aome full and1 an hour, Waverley Roaci, $201 wpent the weekend at their vehicles involved wara Fred- ý aes.J'flo hiti leOrne empty botiles. He ob-1 and coass, or five days; How- 1 cottage on Lake Kmshabog. erick Hoad, 4 Maple Stre~et, Progu'ams fou' Youth, and s an:ssa. conded by Councillor Hiugh- leasrvai t hai Mi-. White wis lard Sturrock, April l4th, 541 Teresa went to Belleville Oshawa, and _Wayne Down, Senior' Citizans Course. The awards for the Ladies es, ti atrwsrfre o hs ofre rl digtwo pr bottas udrmLles a houir,WaereRnad,laongwithth Boyce Ril. Applicants must ba aveu' 18 250 Club weu'e prasented bhY 1îhe Roads and Streets Cern-i ed w ere: Robert DuanJme 7his coat.1 $25 and casts, or five days;l Dan'i forget the Decoraîlon' years of age. Each applicanli Presideal Variasse ta Mrs. An-1miltee for investigation. Dustgn, Douglas EanSp- s, Perey Skinner pleaded notIHarry Wagenaar, April 6lih,lSa.rvice on Sundey, June 121h, 10 DNpsnýn~ must hava a minimum of 241 naert, Mm. Leddy, Mris. Roy1 an Living, Siephn Eas M- guiliy tb a charge of illegali 53 miles an heur, Libertyl ai the north cemeîery et 2:30112 eipien ~heurs of instruction in the! Trudeau, Mi-s. P Selfs. Orano,' Darrial Osmiond, DoadRI Spossession of liquar Aipril l0.jStraei, N., $25 andcas, or p.n-. ,< skill ha choosas as his aplionl.I Mrs. Justin Murray, Mrs. Va- au', Patricia Balet evre »I Because the officer was net five days. ____ Mis, W. S. Staplee of \AoIwie- There will be a general nasse, and Mrs. Garvin. The unior Heari, Alice Chiliik îd 'ay- manville sperît Sunday Bw (AO f W elfOIe registration feaeof $10 fou' aachi Ladies bow Siingle award wasM Grace, Brenda Heing Ae liheu' coulin, Mrs. A. E. ith opîîaîîn payable by heue received by Mrs. James PZar, Fo lee Karp, France Hrnig is RyWlon uing I apayable to "leader'ship Train- and the Men's I.ow Single IIÎO S AnReader, Kath] Rdtoe Glennr and ME.dO, ithMi-Y îng Accouni", and sent in ad-' award was reelved by RoyPAE N) IRobert Barreit JamsFa un Iarn youu' new news editor Tiak Sunday visitors with and Mrs. Grafitau Dallas My vancewf1 th reiraonTuauon rîig irdys ndavcTicckDvlHm vafor Hmpton. For items, sub- Mu'. end Mrs. E. WiIbur. iSunday. Welfare expenses fr 'fu' tathe District Office of' President Vanlame n a giaf irhdyandaPairbey, eyyn Gb ive o lie al23'Sperget ihM'.ac 5r .Pamro o-na aounted ta $5,140.48, but aslthe Community Prograras Dlv- haf ef he St. jseph BOwl.versaries. Cd Ta aiey irtscrptios ad Ieew s. W. Fwer esswer MMr. and .MseaA. PalmeraofTortthe expected rcveisfrom!ision. This teea wll caver some ing League members present- 1V thtietJi rdr-ýA hercpi n ud 42. Thonk you, 2Mi-..D.Mis. D o 1.,eex~ eiîhMr. n a se is. . Ba wee . provincial and federal subsi-' of the casts of egch institute, ed a gîfi lte Father Hfckson'man called the man's meetingý service, refreshmer wr moi 242. hankyeMMr.,Dand M Do.LC.anWaerrhfnmdies ancf charge-hacks amountland will provide for a sociall with their besi wighes for!President, introduced the guast serveci by the ladisc Hood. Ea'field, on Sunday. M. and Ms. A. W Bk n , do $4,370.14, the actual cosita oand recreation peried eachý success in his naw acadeniic ta order anîd Don Welsh, Pasi G'ild of Si. John' Curh ic- We welcome new families; Mr and Mrs. Guesi attend- 'Mr. andi MiA. L. lmanchard,' the tawn will hae nly $51448. ,evening while in residanc e ndeavors. The gift was a ýspeaker, Mr'. Deug Logsdale. u an, ta the comn'unity - Mu'. and iad thewedding of Linda Pies' n i. lv rtuatn' The repart of Welfare Ad-< Students must pay for ihleir hnsm lu es e. Mu'. Logsdale gave a veryin TeBsopacdditea top Mran i aRn-.ani'le, Mu.tii-an oetO'Brien, Sat- aeci t e vhu'ire apringd ministraor R. J. Welsh fou"own roam and board in resu Pi-anside ant insset. s Iterestiag and informative ad- naw set cf HolYCa unn OsiuGrantrainoBweu'eiilubr a.ttedai ta Town Council ater monial ai Guelph. tr~<he lest month, which w9s denca. elected ta this office fortudesonheseofriizsienthgfif theWoa' lu- and Mrs Leonard Brry from. t1966-67ndMeas DonOther'sofnicers'ttehitoTowwasofellewed hyhihawshortlAuxiliaraysortfiarnoonyBratchr u- and ~~~~~~~~~~Mrs. oad euyfirnaMx.adMsDoSuts l Ms.Jack Carter, Cendy the meeting helci an Moadayi 96-6letd o Other oîng i qestion and answeu- perioc. in cammnernoratio f hu lly Glenroberîson. i Bowmanville fou' a graduation and Christine were ung hwdta letdfrteamn er ur- r. nd rs.Freerik Hl-iurses' art, eenyearheý Do Rickard thanked the 751h Annivarsaryactw nurses andih Mr aMdrs . T. <were Vice-Pu-esident James'guest speaker andi presenied pairs of naw vasesam or ryen ynwera audywr 102 welfara recipients lii P a nsPair, Secretary Banner Pas-hinwha aî ito!M'LarceBcel 11.' royd md Lyna were Sau Mrdavna Mr. Hill were Chant. My he efueapia ve evenlng callars aI Mu'. andawayfoMyrTre it sal it.o M.Larn iss Mu-s. P. l{olroyd's Sr-. !ig o the weekend visit- Mr'. end Mis. T. Chant tiens were filed and accepted,I Asant. and Treasurer Maurice At the conclusion of the the gifi of bis wife nifniy ad ir am Mrs.Geal B ing relatives ai Gananaque. visited Mu'.muid Mu's. Arnold and mîyetwa rcr naaert. o iic h la u lade , and Msm.ily al d B the ca rMi. andi Mrs. L. Truil, Bow- Venniex' ofLittri t*P ip,,..Thed blance of the ' d Ààe dAn'separate prograras, the twa alto a new Canaiaf 1h se rcs i eernoSauda.manville, with Mr. andi Mus. Ùrday evening. 'orfiepeplO Mve n AoGsgahre ONgtE) gY ne racametDee hometc Sara Haroic air isPy mth s'wThe welfare racipieîîts for', POM iG OE)was spent in dancing ta the the lawn fer a light lunch. People's Assoclatica h e ,lu Ph'l' cm'oewthato dSàt isFy Sih saa May included 12 heacis of Central Agricultural Society populai' music of Ai-chie President Gary J eff r ey candlesticks ha le adba vas phy. Gaod luck, Phil - Mr.1eogeHenessey, Mu'. Miss Betty Ellen Spague, families with 36 dependants, Fi ta be helci in Orono. This Courtica's orchestra. thanked the Brewna fou' iheir dedicated on May t Calen whMir ad "'ad Mrs. William Dale, Mises Beliville, speni the weekend five deserted cases with 131 was secondeci by C. A. McDon- enugltyadpesne henmr o r l Caler wih u'.an M' Jennia Dickey, Torante, wi;th with Mr'. and Mirs. D. Hall dependiants, lb patients inýalci, andi carrieci. The amount i oitait on pesenieoDur-them m aryo! uErc H rg, R. Claupp were Mr'.end Mra. Miss Rita Dickey and hro- and Derlene. 1 igeh i 'ihagf nbhi !Dr h a hrhWre~ it lyd WebbNewcatle M.îh' nursing homes, 1 igepar-a f ti oaini hsm harn Couniy Junior Formera' many years, the gio l lly Necste e esas M- nd Mu-a.W. Nash and sons and 12 people who re-j as that ana given by tha lcal Cha ntM Association. wife. e Ajax Mia. Dea Uodgson, MMu' and Mra. L. Mouatjoy, S avofn, Mu-. and Mira. M.urray caived O.A .A. or O.A.S.!C. of C. ta this annual fair_______________________ re- jax Mis Nna HcigonMxr and Mra. C. Brigpg, Nes- Axfo'rd we're Sunday supersupe ntrAi.asya. ly hno , s lonM' Tua Asi geA w U'. and rsThe expenditures for the, It was decidaci to holci a UV* oP, uM r no r. PryDwl Wesbeyville, Mtr. and Mr., William Axfcîrd. mior.h were: direct welfare two-pau't sturvey of industry .DlitPedeHsls&Su MOaduglsatM'. ercyDew uresl Dan Bldack, Courtice, weu'e Miss Heather Ballardc haci $3297.96, nursing homnes $l,-ýand employais in thîs aiea ta L FROM4 PAGE ONE) eotMadrHskn ilS teoai oula ateudd uresguests of Mu'. and Ms. C, a hirthuday on Friday and had 369 75 ' supplementary aidiobtain information concernilg' On graduation in Oshawa, aLIsa Slemon. a big lima ai Bowmanville $240,> excass ad medicines1future raquf ramants foreu'ar- Paul Leprade, H. G. Perfect, with whoni are now mertei ght called on Mr. andMu-s. D<'ig- ~Mu- and Mis. C. Sienuen Zoo. $3.'.poas h w eieso Earl Ross, and Louis Phillips, M netReiW tr a a las eLaugoh wingannovrcf-. n ia .Bakvst nHoneymnooneu-a The report o! Building la- this survay will deal with former amplcyees a! the icwn, m atr. t ednganvr eci Mr. and Mu-s. Robert Doubla Club held a wiener spector Ronald H-etherington1fi-ms with 50 or more ara-I appeareci before counicil. Mu'. M.adMu-. A. L. BIan-: ûnna iKedlSna oai Stud i nui l for May showed that 16 build- i ployees ad with sniaîîer cern- Laprade was spokesman. They Chree conat cihard recently atiended te evenîuug. Pamtn 14rk. They had a ing permits aci six'panies. msanted ta withdraw the monayý Ailn -Poluche wddi« a Visitai-s with Mas. W. Smnala singso9ng with aoconpanyiagpumt were issueci dui'ingl The survey was suggestad thay haci paici into the Era-, Montreal Oshawa Toronto Rmità lweu-e Mr. andi Mrs. Jerome guitau's end movie filnii weu'e the month. The total cont cf ai a i'acent iîifoi'nul ltincheorli Wiiidsar WwmfpgPengionCaPlan. RAton Mernorial Ohuu-chTor- Bau-iy, Florida, Mr. andi Mra. also shown. Lucky prizes 20. MeWinGsorpWPensiag Plgn. ,onta, and tihe reception at the Eki- Golding, Mir. and Mrs.weu'e *ion ~-~i< ,constr'uction was $111,72 meeting of the C. of C. ciîrec- Couacîllor Ken Nîcks moveci dmiio Prince George Vauve Park Plaza Hotel. Mr-. andi Lei, ahfrDogNaaM. and Mu-s.o During the mnonth Mr.'.Ileth- tors which was attendeci by E. that the Emnployeee Group Emno Mrs. Blancihard aiso atlended lieisaoh rmR- Du oeM.edMs o eriagion made 00 building! P. Chai ssoa, Ontario Repu-e-. Pension Plan b e ameadeci 50 ih bnue nc dne tchester.1 Jackson. Thase gifts were inspections ad four tranchi;santative of the Canadian thaI an amployae on thei Gordon W. Riehi, C.A., K.L.A. Burt R, WaterCA

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