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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jun 1966, p. 6

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Ti.eandlaE statuman, nIomvmefh, Jime 4 0 M d u.31111 .-see h Mncralof Il*F e"Up CeremonyeB_____ A'skeLivetA gain MukMrew; canned gonds, Mrs1 ,FymU eem n1 Pb t e Rep rt rom OtawaIADcta, tondgilLeeHmy yTheA seeiOno ark R ep o rt from O ttaw Betty Newman, Glen Farrow; On Tuesday evening, in the Ramona Wildmnr Diane Bic- ro o y ro ber 1927,dawned'uInn By RusselIl C. Honey, M .P. dish, Jim Stark; tee towels, Girls Gymazlum ther, was;She then presented ballet drnchd th r a<i Opra d1re egiern n cmretus ai1,aM o siy orar wnianvllle 3rdan'p Elizabeth Meihm.o st Thé and omminttee and thie factors which in- prises culture aud maniage, W* ood, ett emn a neetI lperDbj R tshee ad nw.Iteas d ef eul ehan jstfluience Isaotivlty <sou ment, brMW*and ge DontivTrim; plasic douleài Pack Brownien and seven ShiThe Brownies' af both the! lindeos ed ata l odiepal hsme îlleo t OM4wM Lts tudy of the utatus, pesta and general tic, sc Md1seam eoen- adrnerGoiaTdPckBones n ls r nd5îPck hn r ateA s iyt, 966th ewae folendO rs e acta ilostepbi h ilb .stbate, cdthc Researeh environmcnt>. trol, curln« and pIiyàiologY. Leo Faills; toilet pagier cover, Walk.Up for two 5th Pack ed an archway, and as the 11 i orae wthnth iesde Ford showrooinalteMdlA"eh u Scanh of thc Departinent Geograpliically .ipeakig, The Rfesarch Station l-Jen Ellilott; pie server, Dane Brownîeu. girls,, Who were ta Fly-Up and ai Orono will l'e încreased l' ur large citiesz n wr aiAlutue TeDeathett closat station to Dur- cated at the Central Ex- W ane; ib quilt, Mr&. The Fly-Up to Girl Guides the two, who were ta Walk- aI least ten percent. Damestiecîamouring for a fira iwo ~1*it mintin, 7 Eper- hm laticSmlhfle4 E- primntalTarn a Ot a w bath towels, Mm. l frgirls who have com- Up, passed under the arch i usera wil have the greatest the "Debutante o 1elen menta Farna an Re anrtemtfil x perimin* ai ot n ea l a ri set OttawaZ- MerPandoif; glass bowl, In. pleted *Ilitheir Eorwnie re- hand8 the Brawnies sang a increase under the new ratury" , oe,"" e mfations acrocs Canada. The wcst of Trenton. This Fear.tin Canaa. The responsi- bel Tria». quirements, and tie Walk-Up speciai song. structure. Ail hydro bui ills usew nstl, istrul oatoiof tie Research hm a prograi on. cuturel bilities of thua station coin- Head marif, Stark girl; pink- Is for tiose who have net yet The Brownie archway end- become net with a five per-ý utr.i tl ~i~anh a.n eachai tc mangemen o! rees nd prsse reedig of erea s h~sears, Mas. Rypstra; pop.. flnished tic full Golden Rand ed at the foot ai the Girl cent extra charge for late"in design, economicatami- Ten ai taton opert- amîlfrutaan veetblsforage crao, corn, s aw sicle maker, Norma Hallowell; requiremnents. Guides horse-shoe. Brenda payment. tande A pen a n ion and Sytats areraly re- t itbe vedig ca by-bee, s, n pa-dih clotis, Gloria Worsley; ! e rrony nIaited wien Henning and Linda Morrisan The necessary resolutions'Moe"A rngm m- ZbyItwascaefulyre-toatebredngcrp py-b«Teo amesandpet-towels, Irene Somnierville, Mi-,. J. T. Mcflonald, Brown welcomed the Fly-Ups and are l'eing prepared and ap-1Imediate leadershipan cp- ami y tihgtare o a t- ic t s mb Ui ndfod rcmDopai-t- nue aets trs o Barbara Stapletoan, Ms. Guti- Owl of tic 3rd Pack, ealled Walk-Ups ta Girl Guides and proval is tael'e sought f gluttned wa tithtrcr. Mme 1might bre i f uter to me ts to t heo rtieulur l de nu t er on f hcul-re rey, Mrs. Dobeon, Mft Cont- the assembled 3rd and 5th introduced them ta the Girl tic Ontario Hydro se that the lutsold, atperform d an' My consituenta in Durhami, progra». hural orops; contraio! of cri man, Mms. George Mercer; Pack Brownien to tic Fairy Guide Captain, Mrs. L. Lucas new rates will corne into ei-, uîtimateîy autîasîedalc- Tupperware, Jim Stark, tu, Ring and tien sang a Brownie and her Lieutenant, Mns. Mer- feed on July lst. The newîpetitors and in its or re patclarly those engaged 'The prograni of the Ta- diseases; ifielid op -OPmnage- usn.Strk Prs grl V1Jo..sng. rnu Brown. rates were cstal'lished follaw-i he i agricultural indushry. bacco ExpSrlintal Farin ment; plant genetici; plant neSTrharna m e ic ownies wio were ta Captain Lucas received a meeting between the' yars ai producio (12- etn mardt igl 1Delhi, Ontario, la devoted pliyaology and develapnient nî Sak pos r. e-FyU n akU wr oteGr udsand theyj local Board and representa- I19eanedas ht iRal popultect agrculturail 0ely ta tol'acao and coin- aofaap1e rotocks. ieM n . To dd tJoyes latowem, FIY-Up and Wak-Up tee ino the Girese Guides vso h ntroHdoo countrlen uci as tic U.S.A. om. Hale, Mrs. George Me. centre oi tic ring by tic toad- and Brownies then enjoyedýTuesday, May 31st. Rye anid the U.S.S.R., Canada I I r, u t r e;tuVoa Mlrw stool. Mrs.. Thomas Wetover, some rhythmic dancing andi Domestîc rates Increas Even today Mode A a bas relatively liite r lQ ay ila M ul 5t mc ranOwredti ymahiuS3e,15a .1testhetic appeal wl i l O r nlHo ti u tUep 5h PkBonm. en teGuideatai n uacrm4'Iniusperac o hr tbnya olintefeve O rn psrycutr, th3., . ad . t 4Z strei.Tees lasShirley Robinson; berbecue Fl-p'om ude a*fnLua pre- 16 and 1. with bills being net' antire a eat fr m Iit the danger that we wiiil5 lf tools, Jean Eliiott; grsvy bas- Thc 3rd Pack Brawn Owl, sented a satisfactory fiandialhaiving ne discaunt for early tuncîlal simîcty antim spread our resaurces 90 S > C eS T Itisr, Viola Muldrew; aiueet, Mns. MeDonaid, assisted l'y repart. She also reported t atiyment as in the past. The nnels l ha nithe owr thnya ob nf et MmmeBarma;sbcdjacketsAnneMrs. Clinton Henning, thenithe Girl Guides have beenincasefr i ropWl]O'n or bIt ackward loau everywhere, in a country Todd;nylron, Mm-ja. eorgAne presented Wings ta Cathyigiven access for the summ er1b reaer thathhe ten per-tee ios n awr bulte lik.e Canada. The repart- - IMercer; purse, Mra. Brysan; Faorter, Lynda Rowe, Susanito an attractive property, cent. luthee st suggestonai.ngà ment do«o strive ta concenrifA- a-etMr a ok Jones, Gloria Chishaîni, anditwelve and a hait miles fromI omeril rte can rests. taiate on the more ip tn " r~f ing iulw er S O bvwsMr Lu Tok uh , e Bwavil.A poeret Cmecil rae cagefins, jets nor Moock blanket, M'rs. George Mercer; RtCra.Bw nileAsacusetfrom 2.5, .8 and .5 ta 261,;"A" has a priceleingei Iproblemn but to neglect no back scratcher, Bey. Caswell; Mrs. wetoer 5th Pack and other equipment have ý.7 .45 with bills being net. cnt - intiegrity. pressing problern in any e- The Qi-ana Harlîcultural Sa- way, also the finms who donat- jelîy mould,. Margaret Elliat;: Brown Owl, presenhed Wings been purchaseci and camping giOn when it ciety beld a very successful cd pizes.. fly swatter, Marie Tri; kit- te Jeannette Bryson, Cathyýwill l'e enjoycd there by the Industriel rate change li On June 12, 1966,e mn 'TL~ ;i"sÇ probable that gul'- meeting and Spring Flower Tnecevening ended with a ohen utensils, Wiinna Robin- Locke, Evangeline Merkiey, Guides, Mmu. Lucas said. :fi-a 2.0, .5 and .33 ta 2.1, Community Park,38 eas rlL ue IS stantial progress can be IShow an Thursday evening, deliciaus lunch served l'y the sn ahseH.AerRte-5 and .3 with bis being neUt.,er, the AntiqueAtoble mrade rapidly l'y applied1 May 26. Atter a bni l'us- convenor, Mms. E. Cauvier and sienrctrl o n u The eil-eiectric rate changes Club of America Otra~E Th eann' esearch dernonstnating flower arrange- Mrs. T. Fairbi-other and Mrs IJVumImigton ouncI for the tii-st fifty hours and'Model "A" will rlv h TheDearmefsreeachments entitled "Adventures E. Cauvier are dèlegates tu the D11311038 uuuoemtewa the remainder et le. Here!four-year period (9813) prograni is desigxmcd ta With Fîowers" was show», Ontario Horticuitural Conven- egain al bis wiil be net. No when Model "A" gie l o clh ragv cover as edfectiveiy as po%- caurtesy af Smitilers-Qasis tion, Ottawa, June 23, 24. ACCUntan y Dailinglôn Township Coun-1 pended taor the duration aof'gi-et change will exist with'popularity. *lbI ail principal phases Comrpany, Ajax, Ont. Tien. Junior Gardenerâ ~ ~un£Mf cil met in thc Municipal Buid- this meeting. all-eiectric customers. This wil l'be the dAnul1hAIUsakaio- et crop and animal poduc- were 21 exhibihors in the Pit@îseWinners RAY J. DILLING ing, Hampton, on June 2nd,l On motions as tiled, a By-1 Water heater i-aies remain Model "A"' mcc e ida'bsig woeoed loins aifnd prda ipcssin Fand entniShownsiith lauat i- iin6Tb5 A- Chartered Accaunitant al members present and Reeve .'bth same but bllings wil l'e 'Orona. Thenre lIbemp lestofoe fro si m a cn- d sao t a plni ans 1-nient-6-l Table Aore- 9 h hS-Ct Becad rsdnlaw ta amend By-iaw 2.106 storaýM Ê-om frMovtd l'y-Cauncis.ior Budaing the given iestseveralrsrcadiegs,93netrwithtreetdisacuntd. praiimet.1enet 0-75 carssci-ng- !oodma.eCyl50-7 wr ésnl aa peddrne623-3861 oe yCuclrBda'sgvnitsvrlraig, A bonus lock af five hund- îstered ta partîcipaeilh sumer. display. tries. 12-16 yis.-1I Evelene, and Deputy Reeve Muir Ihat ýsigncd, scaled and numbcred red haurs is being applicd ta judging and gaines.Tohe Agnoultue utilizs plants Tlie ceBrown, 2nd Donna Chailice, ILEONARD JAMES BROOKS the objection te the passin fiidmsi sr aing awl egvnI _al ugsweme 3rd Julie Schmid. Chanteréd Accountant B a 30 ie ySidney 233 i. ly Deputy Reeve dmetic uswers evig awiile ierfrcrste and animnais In a sia M. IR. ca Zton and M1r. L. Clas 2 - Disi Arrangement Trustée in Bankruptcy B-a 30tldlyM 'dmtrdwbrbae.Thishave been fuliy Ysoe, o A envirenirnient tu, praduce Johnstan af Oshawa Horti- -_-1ys- aeEas ut 0W7595 Cornish and hi& equeut for a Muir and Councillor Gibbls1 block will supply fiv. hundred1 cars in original coniinfd fond. Institutes of the Re- cultural Society. Charmaine Newman, 3 Laurie OshawaShoppingCentre cagenbcB-a asbe hterpr n h Twn- boums a et 8cee b -t 2 even tolPAh; o knawledge aMutJ.lantsbprîzewfantheich i-s4Mche.- s.-W.J H o S and thal au Ihis Council Iels miîted by Mr. McLel an otan onIbe ncw rates for such'under its own power annledgeabothe lantsr- Sh o, thé Beat Tuiip Inth 12-16 is-- Donna Challice, Charteréd Accauntant that ilt i desi-able ta ask for Frenk Cowan Ltd., l'e edoptedidomcstic users.Ondslyte acimas n d ihh intrFanho, donahed l'y Hillsvièw 2 Julie Schmid, 3 Peter Ons. Lbry t . amniieapoa theBylwa n htlb raue' on ttemeig b o-13 oel""rase wi-t POE6354 wtio wit théenviron- FrmR.R. 4, Woodstock. Clans 3 - Cup and Saucer 15LbPhoneS, 623-3612oa o h B-a sadtatteTraue'sBni ttemetn heCm 13 oel""r mient. This knowledge 15 Mrs. T. Fairbrther had thceI Arrangement - 6-Il1 yrs.-1 - h n 2331 passed, and as the Townshipl' increased l'y $15,000 as1mission made some nevisian'ed l'y Don Scott iOsea essential te a progressiveBa lwrArneet h vneShemkr ah SN UR Planning Board bas been ad- sggestcd, thet lbe fire cav- on salaries. Timesend a Fard Mustan(cmi and expandiiig egicultural prizé l'eing donate by Ceres- Milison, 3 Elaine Vegg. 12-16 Chartered Accounhants vised ai the abjection and has lnduetry. Efticency aiflPro- dale Fertilizer Co., Newcastle. yrs.-l Donna Chaihice, 2 Eve- 323 King St. W., Oshawa, Ont. made no rècammendation for dtoncntl' nirvdOther pnizes were donahed l'y lent Brown, 1 Julie Schmid, Partners: hng i Ceki inthcb nor cari lasses fi-rnm pesti Bookdale Kingsway Nursery 4 Dennis Cabbiedick. Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. ed tri make applicationhate and diseases l'e pmevenhcdad Jaka &So Cas -TalaIe G. Edmand Bui-naws, C.A. Ontaria Municipal Board for unîeu we understand the Flonisîs, Bowmanvilie. Prizes rangement 6-11 yrs.- I Phone 728-7554 approvai iB-a 30a nature ai lhe praducta, the wei-e won as follaws. laine Vagg, 2 Laurie Schmid, HALL, PER - ---N passed. pr'oduction machiner y "~.îesPrri" na-iDl v.1-6yrs- MCILA &o ~ed l'y Deputy Réeve (iplanta, fond and animralg) -48resPrri"aai.3DlEvn.116y.- MaMIAN&C Muir and Councillor Gibbs t rangement a! Spiing îîowers Chris Jongensen, 2 Donna Chamtred Accountants that E. R. Lavekin, Special ~ with nahùnai wood--Mrs. T. Chailice, 3 Evéléne Brown, 4,336 Klng St. F.- Oshawa Salicitor for lbe Township in I Fairbrather, Mrs. E. Schiid, Wendy Mercer. 725-6539 thc mater of Bawmanviiie Mms. 0. Ciallice. Thc 1965 4C Awand Trophy Kint St. Box 245 Newcastle ulcUiiisCmiso "Sunday Tes", à dining table was presented l'y the sponsori 997-4240 wali te miis Cinstc ido a-gentMs.E. Schmid, Mrs. 0. W. Rolpi ta 12-year- Partners : elstfrnheÈotivle Mrs. C. Billings, Mns. T. Fair- aId Donna Challice. William C. Hall, B.Camm., C.A. rqetf-r h omnil brte.NetJnormeig atr Dvi .Prkn .. Public Utilitien Commission an t broter. exIJunir metin, aier avidG. enki, C A nswer ho the Townshîp'S ' *"Tall Shany", an arrange- School ciasiiig, will l'e a Nature J. Graiam MacMilan, C.A. Resolution dahed May 5, 196. ment o! tire. tulips and Ramble, followed l'y a wiener - Moved l'y Cauncillor Gibl's BEST BUY! Save 10c! 12-oz. Tin SAVE lc wf rmu efo ns ~i ~ .,~Uj4% branches in a long-necked roast. Calc ilcn , l1ro raCiiC andDpt ev unla bote - ir.E. Milluon, Mrs. Mrs. O. Calc Pro-C io r ctc n euyRev urta K. Schonnmaker, Mrm. H. vene the Décoration Day sale -G. EDWIN MANN, Roé 1ad Accunta fon May 1966, Bailey. aifiowei-s en Satunday, Jun~e C spato pproved l'ythie Road Com- Prem Luncheon M eat 49c 4SE W S 2-. i 9 "Réflectian of Spring",' an 251h. Office : Ciopatn .. i tic b, amnuîa ,Oooa AE Sotnlg3 -arrangement in a shalow.con-- 15 Plgini St.,, coi-. of Horsey S tt, pi.' ' I1-.P lainer witi water erposed as Pen 63559'Mo"Cd'by Cmcilr's ¶l7 E U! Sive 22e! Gem Coloured JE UV~ g Irt f hearrangementi-Mrs. TAK LL Office Hours: By appointment and Budai tuat the Cienk l'e PurchmentorRgl 11.P s SV Ms. T. Fairl'rothem. A Penny Sale was held In1 D e n f ai for tie expropriation o! land SDA D ÇA7A Bt Arruangn, M Nso.icesndin Lot 20,C1, adin Lot o eua 1l.PgSAVE e odnsIsat3l.1g PlaSe ai mswyw.:ly-fMrs K. Treunna Mrs. day, May 28th. Below in the n»- W. M.- RJIELL, P-D.S rawicnatiti. M A R G A R I E 3 79 Bimt mye:Eat AnRragmn, Nov, ics eta rile iiandth in-at Kig -.E.21, Cile oadwn. t, ordlitpur oea!M ~ MI AV 6eFrchPeaed-o.J as m m kwn e and mi mari. Office a HP-'ôad tÎ~ ~ 1urg : B innviei instruched have notice ai BEST BUY! Save 24c! Mail In Offer!M ~ Violt = Mi. af'loed Srda BdSttdasecutive issues o! tic ow- Mx10 l-0z. Jar M UTARVE5 Garey M. .pDanwMs.C PSdWcsforMs.ButeiII 9am.h 6pm diy aepuiise n or o-The Elephant LqI eegn Billingumy -. Den, M i-. . ,.p. Kesalr, Jean Bell ' i-i y - - MAWELLand SuIAL. Turc.h ledlio"ips-Mrsm Hy. s. FeigsjiiaoEv1n : Office Phone - .823-5790 rnville Canadian Statesman,$1 b 2-.SeUW Thre edTulps-Ms . MsF6 Ev. nEm- es PhneNecatle99-491and ta have six notices posted M XFL bec yor ced ponstlyBiritig. èd<i-g, Dctty Tril, J. DR. C. Fr. CATTRAN, D prO FFE.E HOUSE Instantc!Jt SryVEosl i VomI deyecalng s. W caoMuraylCrl illug, ngs. C tarkDillty UowiIel; nlae.P i O ffNicea D. loe 9746 ntcnist.viînîy i ie EsAvE S a Tamblyn, Mrs. E eaM i.*rK, . a fowel; vaeOffce our ice ad wy Ctth auncilor f Bdai EST BUY! Save 12c! Kraft 16-ozJaB OA M63 Ma-m K. Farrow; ylowebudase ,OffiTe oui-a: E SAVE t0e! Gold Seal ofncheSoomeie-WSATi reaise T Ti-e Pari-oh .Tulips.-Mrs George Moore; quilti, M!rs. L. 0 a.m. tai 6 p.m. dally heerAjuentar inCmmît-Ew 63 LJ toasasure you o raisi,1 j d, Ma-s. uteil bib, lsdSaturday adSunday a d usîmr etur.nics - _ irotection against the posai- Tamblyn, 0. W. Roi i. MarytLou'Funk; pincuhion,Teéîe Oîie2.55 Moved l'y Cauncillor Down CHE H Z6C SV 0!Pl adn10l el a biiiso innilla.Tii-cc Yellow Tu Jps-Mmr Beli Hoqicroth peppermint DR. E. W. SISSON and Deputy Reeve Muin that SV bieofinnillsF.Vagg, Mrs. L. Bawins, Mns. pallies, Nancy Hallowell, Dick L.fl.S., n.».S. W. Petryuizyn l'e iniarmed BEST BUY! Save 32c! Assai-ted 12-oz. Server Jars TEABA G S69 E. MilUaon. Brennasi; h a ni k le s, Susan Office in his home thatth Townsiip's Zoning TEo~ ur P Five Tuips (nixed colra)5k, Ma-s. K. Farrow; waste- 100 Liberty St. N., Bownuanvile D tU C~SV . dysPcueEo atn -O. W. Rolph, Mru. H, Dean, basket, Ted Stark; mYofléy Pione 623-5604 0 SAVEM~M V' 5 O'. Mrs. E. Milson. ($1.00), Mrs. L. Reid, Barbara office Hour: OBITUARY ~~~P A ~ L E le IIq aiTii-ce Dafiodils an Narcissi St.pieton~, Doris Réynolds, 9 &.M. tea 6..dâiiy D I MI E Orine Falls, plants, Ej &ýzy M1, J. yv---------------------_..- - _--- --- #P Hus9- al Set., 9-12 1961. BA AI'D Debeon, Mrs. J. Ogden, Ber- Hus Phone 987-4735 His fi-at wite predeceased I EA C ËN - 1 " THE PREMIUMS ARE LOWER nice Stark; colander, Jim _________in__1_95__.__He_________________ ABek 4sba rea als y bis préert wile lie fôrMer BIG SAVINGS! " TH BENEFITS ARE. GREATER Neil 3em*n; #hot bag, Di- H4gi EB. Fleming, Q.C. Agnès Colemn, anc son R. Reg. 97e! - Roll-On Lian Boneles Pot Mos MOEFRIS AC iat Wybenga, Isabel Tnim:. Apha I. Hoedginta Gl[enn Fi-ern, and two sbep- "o aeTie " GET MR FRYOUR ISR Ei b*okgs, Iren Moncen, Siari.né IBirses-Slctr » DOLLAR H~~~~~all, Mms. Coatmari, baby Notails Public ersandM. HaouyasN DEODORANT c"YuSeTlcWihTs»ndri" DLAteMzyLau FPmnk, Elemnai- 14 Frank St. Eowmanville Mery(Lur) 0DÔc uîa h- eg. 890! 3 -U'UIfIBTube l Send for information. Poaster; glass,. Mrs. Welters, Télephone 823-3351 ingara ûean brother, SCORE RaI- Dressîn; 73c R lwd S Mina. Kesaler, Anne Todd, W. STRMKZ ad STRIKE Mn.. Leslie Jackson (Cii--WlTr dTeer "eaFo eBrbc" You will be under no obligation. Staria; julcer, Irene Sommaer- Barristena, Solcîtors tine) and Rai-iy G. Treeman, 1Tinmded ville, Mrm. MKnight; jai- Notaiic Public bath o! Bowmmnville, and Phones opener, Mary lmu Tank; cake W. R. Strike. Q.C. thrce gi-andchiidren. Sunshn rs rdc keese-r, Mina. H. Reid; %ce A. A. H. Strike, BA. Mr. reernan was a mem- M.lIow - Sweet - Chiqulta L D E[*pto 26-274 Backtoc 98-495 ca",Mar"îiiarrwWilmai Edad C limn e teUnited Missionany obnoDonna'Souch0e, J n g B.A,, LL.E. Churci, and was a Past st GOLDEN YELLOW FRUrT Lan - Durger Dlcnd-FiehMne Otan. 36 ni 88-43*5 Stock, mlroi-. Edria D ,4 igSt. W. - gownmnvillt cm o! Maple Lea! Massnic Coea Cala, Mn.. Etwel Junu Téléphone 823-5791_ Lodie Na. 103. Ttc officers G O N Iwrite tothofie rnO. Brexuis», m Rutherford and members a!tic eýladge ield B n n s 2 b- 5 wf rmu e Tom DRUAMc,<~PqyMra. Trebandul; grec îîn; M o r t a g e s a mém~oialîservice on l'iday Banan as v bo3 c HU K b.9 CO-OP~AT1VECae aOr Iey Tan AINR ITN veilng, May 201h. He was Lusciofis -FUo lvtrEh RINDLESS BACON..........b 9 ~~ ~~~ '49sa, -Mr. R. Tedd, Beth Pione.1ir 1~« 18' St. CaAthTarinUeIs3.c SwIfheNLESm-MIldEmNE .........b , MOCA SV E9Br 's r. Jakeman, note Tirest Motgage Funds Tic funreal services were Plump -'Grecen - Sweet Ne. 1 0uit#7 Swift Premium ORMOT a"'Stort ginl, Martha Reaiences-Fminus conductcd by Mm. Ted Mont- PPP R o 9 RS LCDBLGA.....b 9 remw; pot holders, bai-cen Business Protertieu $y f t. Catharines aIP P E S3fr29 RS LCDB plu eddtiso er ae n eeg, a. Woods. eg qwpar;ta-Patsy -eFuncra Hame a! Winber Criup and Crunchi - -No. 1 SwitPremlum - Tire.rete Nbxlwpy; canniaters. B4v. Cas:0UP t O M e t r y and Winten ut 11:0 ar.n n SNACK CHUBS2fr59 Iwell, Doreen lii, Judy Pen] , -..~~.-~--- Saturday, May 218t. inter- CELER Jumbe lk#29 î ciione, Mrs. Guthrey, Hazel aITE&. ULT, .1. ment was in Xbener Cerne- ________ *Lune, Marl o 'ster, .irn bei-y; Rev. J. P. Romeril, B.A., Sa, Aile.Hoaey; pitcher, 143 Ki Xl .-nemnieBD. tCutce »dce Jean ih. ard:mauigofc ius By api tic hegraveside service. A. Tddiçicure. Telepiont 623-3252 Ey-law permit the "L icE R DWI j aiauFarrw, Donna SyI-i Mon. - Tues. - Thuma - Tr.oeig o pit o uryI 'y veer lnkt trk .d.L win leutrizoe.CRNISH'S RED 4 WHITE !n f~~rAJLiu boumd Kî Wed. and $et. - 9 -12 aftlyCunilr ua Ruuknm; ton., udy Foni Thuruday eveninfo and Down tiat Rule 33 b. sus-

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