er played by 14r. J. KiopPeT. ~~ Giveri in marriage by her Ait.o wit el- fahr the bride wore a gown 10w ~ ' nm E lfs of white nogazaoversai an~d pal IU gaii rmed appliqued with ChantillY lace en:. a aetthng In the and ernbroidered with seed ~ C~rh~Ph leforinedpearis. The gown wasdei- Cl~ud~ iefor the ed with long lily-point sleeves CI Ïôn Saturday atter- and teflie lrt was flaor-lengtb. 310%jeIy 1966, at 4 A chapel train, falling from o f Alice De Goo- the shoulders, highlighted the YeÉ" M ô na Mrs. gown. Her boffant tulle il- J.yer, ewcastle, lusion veil, appliqued witn an C#>re Van Sohel- Chantilly lace motifs, was of M. C.Vaýca'ught ta a headdress of three Se HeegHoIIan i, rocees adorned with pearis, lote Mrs. Van Schel- an she carried a bouquet of in red roses and. whiite stePha- officiating clergyman notis with wite lace streai-1 'W vr. Hoytelna of Cobourg ers entwined wMU tiny redl in the wedding music was rosebuds. Mrs. Bert De Bruin, cousin I i Î of the bride, a mtrno Please Se d in honor andth rdsas 1were the bride's sister, Miss I~ L lien De Gooyer and Miss I ce Do a i n Margie Zwier, al of New- castie. The matron of honor Newcastle:- The Newcastle was in aqua cryst'alette and Artificial Ice Association re- the briidesrnaids in yellow Ports that their canvass is ail crystalette. Their floor-length but completed in the village gowns were styled with an with only a very few resi-1 empire waist. short râleeves dents who have flot as yet and A-Uine skirt. They wore been contacted. This will bei matching wedding ring. head- done in a day or two. pieces with tour layera of There are, however, a num- veiling, white sh.oes and ber who indicated that they goves, and their bouquets would send in a donation "in were of white carnations and a few d'ays". These donations yeliow 'mums tied with aqua have not, as yet, been receiv- ýbows. The senior attendants' ed either by the canvassers gowns and beadpieces were involved or. by the treasurer. made by the bride's mother. It would greatly he1p thel Little Miss Debbie De comrnittee if these promised Bruin, daughter of the mratron donations could be made so of honor, was flower girl in that final returns o! cash and a white floor-length trock plediges could be talied. The with short lace sieeves and township should be conTpleted aqua sash. She wore an aqua very shortly and final figures headband with white veiling, et the resu IL% from Newcastle white gioves and shoes, and an-d District may be available carried a white basket filled byOur next issue. with red roses and white OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! Take advantage of it! 24 hour ser- vice; and radio dlspatehed trucks always on the ready ta serve you. Fuel Oil Budget Plan availabie. NOW IS THE TIME TO CONVERT AND CALL McLAU-GHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES LTD). OSHAWA 723-3481 BOWMANVI LL E 623-3278 110 KING ST. W. ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE PETERBOROUGH CLUB Membership Fee $15.00 328 Water St., ($3.00 entrance tee for Peterbordizgh, Ont. first year ONLY) OVER 50 YEARS 0F SERVICE TO THE MOTORIST * 24 hr. Emergency Road Service Personai Accident Insurance 1policy up to $3000.00 *Le gai Advice and Defence *U. S. Bail Bond up to $5000.00 *Domestie and World Wide Travel Materiais * Canladian Motorist Magazine Atfillsted witb Canadian Automobile Association Amexlcan Automobile Association ild Auto Clubs ln Countries ail over the worid .T ..- F.I.A.C. - A.I.T. - FJ.A. 4or more information write to OML - Peterboroughi Club STHAT REMEMBER DAD BERMUE SHORT Ito 3o5$ P I Il ti"iuK ft m qugm Del Vries. Newcastle, cotLin of' the arm was ring bearer, carrylng th weddiflg bands on a lace trlnwnetd pElow. Mr. John De Gooyer, Bow- manville, brother of the bride, we a besit en nd thse ushers were Mr. Han, De Gooyer, another brother of, the bride, andi MT. Dick Biersteker,ý cou- sin of the bride, bath of New- castle. Thse reoeption was held in the Knox Christian School Auditorium. For thse occasion, thse bride's mother wore a two-piece, emnpire waist dres in gold, pastel green and beige brocade witfn beige ac- cessories and comafge of white 'Inmm andi yellow roses. As thse couple left for a honeYmnoon in thse United States, thse bride was wearing a three-piece navy blue suit accented by white triTn on thse jacket, white blouse, and corsage o! pink sweetheart roses and white mnumns. T'hey wiUl reside at 12 Sunset Rd., Bowananville. .A registered nur-sing assist- ant at Memorial Hospital, Bowsanville, the bride re- ceiveti her early public sehool education in the Netherlands. ;After coming ta Canada se 1attended Newcastle Public .School, Knox Christian School :and Bowmanville Hagh 1Schooi. The groom received ;hk public and high schoolý [education in the Netherlands and is an employee af Gen- oral Mtois, Oshawa. The groons's father and grandmother came f rom tise ,Netherlonds to attend the 1wedding and rernained. for a ,four months' holiday in Can- ,ada. j Prior to ber rnarriage, the 1bride was honored by a shower held by the nlursing,- istaff o! Mensorial Hosipital at the h0ome of Mrs. Stan Gra- >ham in Newcstle. A miscel- 1laneous shower, attended. by friends and relativesl, was given by Mrs. Bert De Bruin. the matron o! hbonor. F DeMAN - TILLING Northmninster United Churüh, Oshawa, was the setting re- cently when Roberta Joan Tilling becamne thse bride of Arnold Peter DeMan. The bride is the daugister of Mrs. Kenneth G. Calder, Oshawa, and thse ]ote Mi. J. E. Tilling, and the bridegroomn is the son 1o! Mrs. Hen!ry DeMan, Bow- inanville, end thse late Mr. De 1Man. The Reverend Wesley ]Her- bert officiated while Mise, Hazel Rundie provided thse Music. Mr. Donald Ailman sang thse "Lord's Prayer'l, "Thse Wedding Prayer", and "0 Promise Me",. Given in marriage by Mr. Calder, thse bride wore a for- mal gown o! white peau de ,soie witih a scoop neckline and long sleeves. Appliques of Alencon lace enhanced the bodice and accented thse hemn- 1line which flowed to ta gentie ehapel train. lier shoulder length veil was held by a dainty ürYstal coronet end she carried a cascade bouquet of golden roses and steiphanatis outlined in ivy. The miaid of honor was Mi;ss Sally Callison and the brides- maitis were thse Misses Sus- anise Fine, Sally Go'yne and Barbara Tilling. iMr. Adrien DeMan was his w w w w w ON SUNDAY, il rs 6,e95 HEWETSON PLAY BOYS $9095 SPEC UAL' ALL-WOOL su IT PANTS Reg. ta $16.95 Recently Wed in Rehoboth Church Mr. and Mrs. George Van Scheltinga, in the above photo, exchanged mar- niage vows in the Rehoboth Christian Reformned Church, Bowmanville, on Satur- day afternoon, May 21, 1966, at 4 o'clock. The bride is the former Miss Alice De Gooyer, daughter of Mr. and Mis. J. L. De Gooyer, Newcastle, and the groom is the son of Mr. C. Van Scheltinga, Heeg, Holland, and the late Mrs. Van Scheltinga. Photo by Astor Studio ENNISKILLEN brotlsor's best man and usher-1 mng were Mr. Cary Vermiue-1 len, Mr. Everett Groeneveld and.Mi. Edward Tiliing. The wedding supper was held iun Nothininster Church .Hall !olloywed by a dance at thse 420 Wing Oshawa Airpors. Beforo the couple left on a1 honeyrnsoon trnp to Washing- ton and points soutis, thse bride ,ohanged to .a threo piece gold boucle suit with fox tri.m. Uer featlsered pilîbox hat was in shades of gold andi brg.w.. er -aeopeaws weré, bone andise wore a corsagP of gold andi white carnations. Mr. andi Mrs.' DeMan will returi to reside at 57 Went- worth Street, Apartment 3, Oshawa. ECIALI EAL' mi SPORT SHIRTS the "HENLEY LOOK" JAC-SHIRTS, Etc. DRESS SHIRTS White - Short Sleeves I ~Ii Is295..50i~ oIeis - SOXS- CUFF LINKS & TIE BARS - TOMLMRES4 WEAR EMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILI.E Mrs. Gea. A. Scott, Oshawa, ing their l3th wedding anni-1 Misses Louise and Marianoe versary. Mclntosh, Whitby, were week- Miss Winnifred Cole, Wii-, end guests of Mr. and Mrs, îowdae a atWde Geo Irin nd odny. luncheon guest o! A. WerryS.I Mr. and Mrs. Earl Masters,ý M r. and Mrs. J. Bel1 Trent and Cindy, Bowman-i--_____ - ville, were Sunday callers at, R. Virtue's. Mrs. Fred Toms, in com- pany with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon and family of Haydon, on Sunday. Mis. Albert Baison, Hamp- ton, was a rcnvitor o Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright.1 Mr.-nd Ms.~Roy anS maid, Solina, were callers at Mr. andi Mis. R. McGill's. Congratulations ta Miss Shirley Avery who bas re- ceiveti word that she has suc- cessfully completeti ber first year in General Arts at Trent University, Peterboroughs. Mr. and Mns. Perey Tam- blyn, Newcastle, Mrs. J. D. Brown, Mrs. Ed Mîlison, Orono, Miss Marion Brown, Oshawa, were Sunday callers at Mn. anti Mns. R. J. Ormiston's. Mr. endi Mis. O. C. Ashston, Miss Lois Ashton, were visit- ors with Mr. andi Mrs. G. Beech and Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Maple Grave. Mn. anti Mrs. Floyd Pethick and Bill, Scarborough, were Sunday visitors o! Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Petisick. Mr. and Mis. Jim Rowan, Mr. and Mrs. Merv Englisis, Oshawa, were Suntiay callers o! Mr. and Mrs. R. Rowan. Mr. and Mns. Joe Lake were, weekend guests o! Mr. anti' Mrs. Archie Lleweliyn, Lois. don. Her brother Dale returns- cd home with them- for two weeks' vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Duquettej anti son, Toronto, spent ai couple af days with Mis. Herb Staintan. Mn. and Mrs. Murray Ax- ford, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Clemens, Brenton andi Brati, Hampton, wene Monday evening guests cf Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright. Mns. E. Wright, Miss Betty Wright, attentict a personal sisawer for Mrs. K. Sharp, at the home o! Mis. Murray Ax- ford, Oshawa, an Wednesday evening. Mr. andi Mrs. Jas. Evans] Woodville, were Montiay guests at Mr. and Mns. R Rowan 's. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylorl and June, Bunketon, weneý Sunday tea guests o! Mrs. F. Toms. Mrs. Jim Muller anti Dan-; ryl, Oshawa, spent SaturtiayI evening with E. Wright's. 1 Mr. and Mrs. James Henry,,- Ayr, Scotland, spent a few deys with Mr. anti Mis.A. Sharp andi with them wereéj dinner guests af Mrs. L. Den-. by, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp and Mrs. L. Denby, joined a- num- ber o! cousins and were guests at tise home af Mr. and Mns. J. P. Goîden, Newmarket, on Thursday ta say farewell anti sale home ta Mr. and Mrs.1 Henry who leave shortly for Scotimndi. Mr. and Mns. C. Staintan and girls, were Saturday evening callers at Elwyn Dickey's, Bawmanvile. Miss Alice Stevenson, Mr. Harold Stevenson, Mr. Dennis Steveneon and friend, Willow- dale, were Sunday visitars at Mr. and Mis. Ralph Lamb's. SMr. and Mrs. Louis Jewell, Sunderland, M. and Mn. A Herrlng, Oshawa, were Suiday visitons il L. Lamb's. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Reid on celebrat-1 RICINS *i; &s F. IPhillp and Karen, Oshawa,' Mr. and Mrs. W. Griffin, Heather and Dale, were Sun- day tea guests at R. Griffin's. Sarry ta report .Mr. Fred Draper is in Bowmanville Memorial Hospital, has beeni eCanadiain statesman. 3oewmanvlfe, Jima 15, l~i u sîpovn uia e ut 1M~ yery ~Elsie and Albert Oke. today. Sympathy ta friends -et th, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt, late Mrs. Fred PosWq,*Pw Bowmanville, Mr. andi Mrs. Hope, who passedaayvy. Cameron Oke, Oshawa, were suddenly.- A gift the entire family can en loy 1. t Visit aur Calor TV Salon todayl Se. for yourself the beauty cf living colore TOP VALUE FOR YOUR PRESENT TRADE-IN HAR'RY LOCKE, TV 20 KING ST. W. BOWMANVI LLE LveDDe "Rest" of hs life ts w DESIGNS by KROeHLgR- For Father's ]Day...- Give a gift of comfr Dad deserves the luxury of h«vlng Me own personal chair. Give hm onethaet designed wit I a perfeetly pltched bock and seat to give hlm restful comfort and a peaceful snooze once-in-a-whlI.d A Signature Chair made by Kro.hlmil just the chair to give hlm that comtovt. Chaos. tram rockers, recliners. swivel and lounge chaire-ailt phol- stered ln n.w decorator fabrics and ait priced ta please even the most, maodeet budget. Visit us soon ... ask about our cooe, vet'ient payment plan. ý_ontemporary styled Rocker-Relaxer eaeily adjuis for TV-viewing and loungina. Diamond tufted back and luxuriaus seat cushian are designed for Iong-term sitting comfort. Height 39-inches. SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION 0F SUMMER FURNITURE *1 - ALSO - SMOKERS FOOT STOOLS *MANTEL RADIOS 1199t A. Value-Priced Relaxer reclines ta th. e fea position for either TV-watching or napplng. Carniage-seat tuftlng on back. Too-quallty seat construction assures mai17y yf O.uuld comfort. Hight 4Oinchee. 1gAmerlm astylo swivelreelga .P«sge coniut tWsbk «Is*4Il- imi oc. Neveraibe zlopuel sest euabhehioft100% poiyaeiel t. sox ~leo mMt. Redise oisiestfui M dourson bell beaias, 54Mes b. Mimhseb~99-95l LTDis S WMAN VNU Traditofial Swiwei Rocker bat luxuri. eue bssvlly padded 100y% polyurethane foam atm and 3-inch foam back wrapped ln Fortrai for ultimate com- fort. Rock«r swlvels full 360-degrets.. on ball-bearlnc, 5-lea base. Fully fined skirt. Reversible, zippered 7-cushion. Choose from a rulnbow j W eloent fabrice. I4eight 3-inches, KRAMP 3 FLOO RS0F FINE' FURNITURE. 37-41 KING ST. E. li SPI CARDIGANS Reg. $12.95 .1 ML,, "Ir I& ý& Aý ý ÀL -À& A, AL AL ÀÉK AL la -1 1 t.Uf.t Oit. ML.L.-VVWNOR-