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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1966, p. 12

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14' h aainStatesman, Eowmanvifle, June 15, 9 U rle frmim i, OIbb cubI o igs edVp oin meà niw t Bridgeporf ot.H lig be d A p it e t Mothers Entertained e DThecedo*pww ciwaal by Geo.Tufford, Lloyd Keflog and Russell Ba- By5h PakBow i -ker. EolyHilwmotrf _18Y Sth Pocic Brown Se ceremonies forth aly1 prqpmn preented by cu The Bowmanville Mb FPack son, Janet Locke, Karen Bail, menthers assted by Garyt Brownien' Mothers and Daugh- Carolyn and Theresa Heydens; Mlpian.'ofa Canton, andc tera Supper, held on Tuesday Book Lovera, Theresa Heyd- L. Waliger of Welome cverang, June 7th, at the ena; Collectors, Brenda Brock; piaying fthc a«morion. Xvery-t Lions Community Centre, was Hanse Orderly, Tracie Stutt. ance enioyed the. good auppert an outstanding success. 5ii The. Best Senior Browniand tihe fellow-shipoif the Pack Brown Owl Mary West- Award was won by Ramona wliole evenlng.t over presided, and the event Wildman and ber prize was a Mna. H. Reeve pravidcd Uie was enjoyed by 68 Brownien, pretty Bunnikins cup and aCcoanmnent for Uic Wei- their motiiers, and guests. saucer and bread and butter couei quartet on1 Sunday ai- Packie Susan Etcher was in plate set. Brenda Brock was ternoon (l2th) when tliey charge of the guest book the winner of the Best Junior sang at thec annual Macklin which was signed by ail the Brownie Award, and her priz- cemeterY niexnrial service. mothers and guests. Ramona es were a pack of Fairy Tale She was entertained af lunch Wildman and Cathy Patterson cards and a Brownie hankie. by Mxs. G. Campbell of Wel- farmed the reception com- The prize for the best Six, a ooene.c mittee and welcomed the box of Brownie Cookies, waa Mesdames Clmreio Nichais, znothers and guests. won by the Pixies. A. Ford, H. and E. Barrow-1 Little golden yellow rose Brown Owl Westover tald 'clough, H. fleeve, T. A. Wil- trees marked the places on the gatiierin.g that she is sorry son, R. Bcst and Berniece the long table which extended ta lose ber three Packies as Best attendcd fthe Presbyter- e on either side oi the Toad- Lynda Graham and Anne l rally at Welcoene on1 stool, where perched a small Westover are going ta differ- Thursday of last week. W. A. Sprague Larne D. Gow KLS. Bickell snowy owl, in the centre ai cnt sehools, and Susan Etcher There were 43 at Sunday the spacious room. The servi- is going ta a university. On sdxoal on Sunday morning R. L. Kennedy, President of R. M. Holiingshead Corporation of Canada, S ettes were in a matching gald- behaîf of ail the Brawnies with Superintendent Gea. Limited, is pleased to announce the -following appointments at the company's ç «n yellaw. Brown Owl Westover present- Tutford in charge. Mrn- J. Bowmanville production plant: K. S. Bickeli as Superintendent, W. A. Sprague, God Save the Queen was ed a travel cosmetic case ta Fraser explaincd fhe work B9 Hoar sung, and then everyone pres- Susan Etcher. recently donc by thec kinder- .. Hnor) Chem., as Company Quaiity Contrai and Technical Supervisor cnt sang grace. The delicious A special plea was made ta garten clans while studying and Lamne D. Gow as Company Purchasing Agent. supper, which featured a the mothers by Brown Owl Japan. A lovely han-c made t variety af delectable desserts, Westaver for assistance with Japanese dress, native style, wssuppiied by the mathers. the 5th Brawnie Pack. She was mudeiiied by Pearl Aus- Honor Retiring Port Perry Principale Brown Owl Mary Westaver pointed aut that this work tin. Tbhislied been sent tae introduced the speciai guests, for the girls is very important Mus. Fraser as a git ftron a .9* Deputy Area Commissianer as il shapes their characters pen pal. Pictures and othere Helen Rudeli and Badge Sec- and helps them ta became native abjects froen Japan i retary Ethna Ewert, the form- better citizens. were dispiayed in the clans-h er Brown Owl a! the 5th Pack An excellent response was rooum. Robyn Clarke played Brownies. Brown Owl West- made ta Brown Owl West- the concluding hymni. ovralsa introduced lier three over's request, and eight moth- MuR..Wn. Bird of Guel1ph Packies, Linda Graham, Susan ers offered ta hcip with the was in fthc neighborliood on Etcher and Anne Westover, 5th Pack Brownies wark next Sunday afternoon Iooking for and their mothers. A cordial season. information concerning bis welcome tealal the mothers Brown Owl Wcstovcr called fmiuly wlio were eriy resi- and guests was cxpressed by on Elizabeth Miehm and Cathy dents here. Brown Owl Westover. Samuel ta present a gi!t on Evangeline Merkley propos- behalf of 5tli Pack Brownies Hrald Austin won pain- cd the Toast ta the Mothers. ta Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffm, fuly IAI this pagt w'eek fol- Her mother, Mrs. A. A. Mark- caretakers of the Lions Com- lowing poisoning resuiting ]ey, responded on behalf o! munity Centre;' as an expres- ft naltion of fumes aIl the mothers present. sion of appreciation for their frS warble fly powder. Deputy Area Commissioner co-operation during the year. Rudeil presented G o 1 d e n After supper there was an O IU n Bands, the highest awards 'n enjoyable program o! enter- OBITUAR Brownies, ta Carolyn Hey- tainment. First there was a dens and Diane Bickle. Golden March Drill ta music, and this MRS. MILT01V KIMALL Bars werc presented by Brown was followed by Rhymic Owl Westovcr ta Susan Gatch- was foliowed by Rhythmnic Following a brie! illness, cil,. Judith aud Peggy Thick- Gym, also ta music. the deafli of Mrs. Milton Kim- son, Heather Barrie, Brenda The Brownies danced al aged 75 yearocre Brock, Karen Bail, Susan square dance, aud the pianoasccre Fraser, Pamela Clmer and accompaniment was played by ofl Friday, May 27, 1966, at Cathy Patterson. A Golden Brown Owi Westover. Brownîe Memorial Haspital, Bowman- Bar wilI be received later by ganies were played, and the ville. Janet Wilson who was unable evcning was closed with the te be present. Brownies Prayer aud Taps Daughter o! Mrs. Lucy Other badges presented by araund thec Toadstool. Smith and the late John Gil- Brown Owl Westaver were: mer, the former Eva Winni- Xinstrel Badges, Cathiy Locke, fred Gihiier was born iu Jeanette Bryson, Linda Bry- WESLEY VILLE Clarke Township and attend-. cd scliaol at Newtanvilie. ou Weslcyville United Churcli Jauuary 1, 1913, she marricd -AL______ ]ML___ celebrated its lO6th anniver- Milton Kimiball wbo survives. R. H. Cornish, principal for 34 years at the Port Perry Publie Schaol receiv- sary on Sunday, June l2th, Mrs. Kimbalbad resided at es a franied architect's drawing from Gardon Goade, chairman of Port Perry - ~ w- - --- - with Rev. W. K. Pace, B.A.. R.R. 3, Newcastle, for 50 Pbi calBad twsas none httesho' aehdoe B.__________ D., of Oakwood United years, and before moviug tea uleSho or.I a loa-one httesho' aehdbe Church, Toronto, in charge Of that area had lived in New- changed ta R. H. Cornish Public School. moruin'g and evening. services. tonville for tbree years. A *- - Rev. Jas. Cargo was able ta bousewife, ber in te r eusts On Wednesday ev en ing9, Kennedy. cioperiences, c oin paes ed by be present and 'assist at bath ceutrcd around ber home and June ist, a menorable, un- A!ter the chairmran, Mr. Grade 1 teacher, Mrs. Hilda services. 'Mhe i e s s a g e s family. The deceased was a precedented event took place Gardon Goode, had welcamcd Bal'ey, au'rprised and delight- brought by Rcvý. Pace were member af Newtonville Unit- when the members ouf the the guiests, a bouquet ouf red cd the entire gruouîp b~y its \ -y on the texts, "Christ's Thri- cd Churcli o! wbicb she was Port Pe'rry Public School roses was presented to Mrs. claver, rhyniing verse. ing Pragramn" and "Th-e lmn- an Eider. She was aiso a Boar'd were hasts at a banquet Coruish by Mur. Bill Williamis Foîlowing this readiug, Mr. portance o! Paitli." Speciai1 member a! Ncwtonville United fer !i!fty guests at Conway o! tuhe Scbool Board. Bob Robertson, spcaking for Ej nuj* usic was provided by Wei- Cburcb Women. Gardens. Mr. Sami Cawker, vice- thbe teacbing staff, presentedi corne and Wenleyville choirs On this special occasion the principal and lungtime frieud a set of natchiug luggage te accoonpanied' $bY Mdr.' Reeve, Survivixig besides bier hus- guests o! honuour were Mr. of Mr. Carish, gave a resume Mur. Carnish. singiug "With the Voice o! baud, are a daughter, Mrs. R.H. Cornish, forerly of of the principal's forty years Mir. Albert Cawker, on b.- Joy," "The Lard is iny Shep- Alfred Graham (Lena), and Oýrono, and Mrs. Coruish, on f !tcachin.g, five of which highîy and humiorously o! Mr. berd," "Upward Guide My two sans, George and John, flic eve of bis retireiment as were spent in a rural schiaol, Çornish's years speut at P.P. Feet" and "Green Fastu!res. " SNwasl.As sri-pincipal o! port Perry Public 35 in Port Ferry Public P.S., as well as his extensive Cotrlld ao hat Barbara Dinner sang "The ing are ber mother, Mrs. Lucy Sctiooî. Scheel o! which lie has been volunteer work iu the coni- Contrlledroomheat Silent Voice". and a qat Smith of Bowmanvilic, and a InjcludefJ in theu gaiety were principal for 34 years. Munàty. Then a galf bag and Ken Symous, John Gree brother, Mr. Frank Gilmer oi Mr. F. j. Wiseman, I.P.S. and A medal which Mr. Cornisih set of dlubs was presented ta wherveryou ant veld, Lloyd Kellog and Vecrn Newtofiville. She wasSpre Mrs. Wisem;an, together with had been given in 1953 as a the guest af honour, Mur. it . ths asywa Frrwsang "9Re mbr Me deceased by a sou, Jared, in the wivcs of the neimbers ai citation fromaituhe Queen for Cornish. It tOs MiglityFa ow, e." prii fow 1944. the School Board, the teach- his outstanding contributian Mr. Wiseman, I.P.S., jspake ers beautifily arranuged by The funerai service was iield ing staff, tiheir %vives sud bus- ta education. was "brought ta sînucceiy regarding the fine Drft f ree,,controjledroom Ijeoard Oughtred a d decd from the cliapel o! the Nortb- bands, aLç;o Mur and Mrs. E.lgitsu pnndobm. prt eitg aung e heat- van be. yours with much to thus special service. cutt & Smith Funeral Home, An original bookiet cau- Sehoal Board, Mr. Cornish Fe.adMs ace were Bowrnanviile, on Monday, May a taining a ten-page poema tell- sud Staff. mopderm elceril'e hcting. Be entertained at the borne of 30tli, and was conducted b3y Joins FciaLuIlty g ouf Mr. Cornish's school The chairnian i a briel coriortabie in cvery raom! Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Austin Rcv. R. C. Wbite. Intermen at, dinner and at napper with was in Lakeview Cemctery, Rev. aud Mrs. Cargo, who are Newtonville.VIU d' I[c1 t*]~ hfriands of l standing U .Ua Ladie' Nibt fr th A O Mauy lovely floral tributes - L .S as iht forher A.0a. attested ta the esteem in whicb Charlottesville, Va., June 6ý 11« M ning. Jun ed h, with aouthtii.deceased was iield. Dr. Ruth B. Wceks, fellow in,~.~' 16 TEMPERANCE ST.. 0prsn.Mrbuswr aîerr ec Msr psychiatry at the University 50plese t bav es e R. E .Chs ait Jars. cbtt frco irii opetshu VSed &peued au m«e. '1" ý whehig9 r>~,a oelour- ful Ictu e eachool, pot-Ato n y G n r l neW O' un lhe . H crniiiPa>blSc"l.& laPr ises Jr. Chamber wonmdesfltribut. iveld la the fineproia rvdtobr the S *1iwa in'ecd For Saf ety Campaig career. Mr. d odnby fuss inegea- TORONTO - Encourage- driving of the yugpqi = , ye teg& ment of mature drivlng habits tiiemacives. A few icasons 1n4 OOdUIO of«notion replied drvr iy anor at ood habite bo these oMations and gits l naro3cntnigcampaignMa on on halfof te BoTd, pokefor atreet and highway safety the highways over a 'G ils usual, capable . accordlng to Attorney Geera i ofitne camake a en H. xpeaedgreat pleosire A. A. Wlshart. doua differenceai. ri in the inforfiaI, loyal group Commentng on the aafety tiide." of sincer. friendis present. ,mag of Junior Chambers Now lini s llth year, the Elfe deep aplx'eciation cdf the of Cmerce throughout the Jayce'.s Ontario - wide aety giftt wau voiced in a heart- province, Mr. Wlshart ad campaign bas attracted mnanyi fet, "a ]Big ThaIlk Yacu" ta that this type of actlvity and contestants in the past and han' onie and aIll encouragement is vitaily im- made a number af tc-Iuý' A perlod off reminimaences portant for« 'teen-agers in the motorists more safety con. follouwed readi thfue 1931 formative yeara of their drlv- sciaus. Board cu d Wcatuo members, ing experience. Regional competitions in. as well as the many fine 66'Teen-age aie drîving volvig written and actual mnbem who served 50 faith- competitiona now belng con- driving tests are now being fully up to the present un- ducted by local Junior Chami- hled in many cities and towna derstandlag o-o p e r a t 1 v e bers ai Commerce are prav- tbroughout the province. jroup. He closed with the ing effective in encouraging Winners of regianal contesta statement idiat a sohool la the greater skiil and responslbility will compete in a provincial Prodluct of what a community among younger drivers. These final ta be heid in Burling. desires, alwaya desmnding should definitely be aupported ton on Saturday, June 25. This lie best for the welfare ofits lty aur municipal officiais and is being jaintiy sponsored by Pupiis. Emphasis was placed community affairs leaders," Imperial 0fil Limited and tha on lie attitude toward educe- the Attorney General said. Burlington Junior Chamber ot uihtetrdtion wic hl-onour- "Only by wldeapread driver Commerce. wid down taiuhtoh year training and education in ail The wiriner, last year, ac- Mr. omlsii g te eprs .i age groupa can we cope with claimed the "top 'teen-age Mr. ornsh xpresedhisthe tremendous probieni af driver in Ontario", was îi9. gratitude for fthe wonderful safety on our streets and high- year-ald Bobo Wiedemann of experience, honour and privi- ways. Far too many young Manitauwadge. He edged eut lege to serve under sueh a people are losing their lives nearly 60 other contestants to helpfui, generaus graup oi in motor vehicle accidents. win the fitie, together with a Board mesnbers. Many ai these accidents occur cash award of $100 and the -Port Perry Star.Ibecause ai bad or careless Esso Trophy. TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINCTON NOTICE NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the Corporation af the Township of Darlington at its regular Council Meeting ta be held on Thursday, the 7th day of July, 1966, et the Cauncil Chambers in the Township Hall et Hampton at 1:30 p.m. or anytime thereafter wiIl consider pmssing a by-law to widen, divert and improve the following road: Township Bond No. 10, known as Preston's Road, being the original Road Allowance between Lot 20 and 21 in the 13t Concession of thc Township of Darlington at its juncture wlth the Canadian Pacifie Railway. and te expropriate certain lands in said Lots 20 and 21 in the lst con- cession of the Township of Darlington required for the aforesaid road. The proposed by-Iaw and plans showiug the lands affected may h. seen iu the offices of the Township Clerk lu the Township Hall. The Council will hear lu persan, or by his or her counsci, agent or solicitor, any person who daims that his or her lands will be prejudicially affected by the smid by.iaw and who applies t. be heard. DATED this l3th day of lune, 1966. W. E. RUNDLE, Clerk-Admiuistrator. ~ing wearing a plastic ncck sup- Port. Witbout the support, lie told n sh p o m: there was too mucli pain. He! eve ba tasiep witli the sup- ' port on. If lie didn't, he, wauld wake up witli pains iu you can think bis neck aud shoulders. Outhiniug the case coun sel. for Harris, Terence Kellysaid the case arase from an acci-. dent at the junction o! Sum- * Coe St. N. aud Rossland Rd. in . Oshawa. Harris, an electricisu by trade, was driviug north on Simcoc. As lic cntcrcd thcGe sos junction a car driven by Sn loàk fwn N. craslied inta hlm. S.d h M ay we suggest a Larmond, against w h o m Ito ur f msdo the above ' damages were awardcd, bad tofn heroel been comuig soutli an Simcae. . Save-for-the-Little-Things- He turncd lu front a! Harris, ~ v mnaklng collision inevitable. youmihtoterwseneerbuyccun? u Inte witness box irs you- igh -ot erwie-n verbuyA count? said that befare bis injury lie liad been cmployed as a fore- man electrician ou Uic Toron- ta subway. Hie bad been earn- ' . ing in the region o! $9,000 a year. t~~~ 5MPERIAL~I~ANKScon affer lis injury liec ad .- 0F' C0MMERIALRCE been laid of! thc subway job. ~ ~ ~ 4 4QANAD FACOMM Since that trne be bad becu n b 0 uuiabie ta iind simlar work due ta bisijury. ---r CORPORATION OF THE

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