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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1966, p. 13

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~~AIII* I ~~~.Short-tem"pered. r e m e m b e r The Canadien StàtemnafBw nvle ue1 i8 Cee r-t -G le e d n what Yeu have seen today, --- -______ and what that police officer N wr,,yuro ..iuaurm an h's had entvveta il 'al_______1___c_ W ; Ia vote of thanks ta Constabile v r VIIICorneil for his talk on his W i iffec ea 1 p nsafety, duties, and for present-' Ail mTembers were peetpoeth h aevle ing the icture.and Reeve Lewis MCGiliiPnyoladBtavaes Presderi Mor isasoex-!he chair for the Jufl nt -roidththesdco- pressedl his personal apprecia- ing o anesT(wsi îtesbi hi ln o adquarters June 22 ~ ~t Sergeant Barker. President A grant of $25.0<)' 0 û ea:~~ t h :ni foxr Onîare, Hvdrn's bridge uwfia total nif o er fi stnmet 9 w t cpr ive ateMlbokAr-fr h~poeti netkn go nvleArpa stFiff was 10,160flArca cu!ztomerg, The virec.e.y MondaY lunie Il That tvaq power Ioari n Bowmnanville The miern Area buildin g of his visit ta the club. Tetwsi îletrgvnt Raktc ar tho, dayt Bowmanvitue Area Area ItaisqomP 17.000 kilo- Ihat beromps the nev. head - inta an agreement with Jsp omnctosrec vd 55f o perions romplet-d uýatti and the staff of 55l per- quarters for Bowmanvilie AreaE T1PT ~ T T Staples, whereby t.he tw-ra n icse eelo thaff ý wetl thennedwaa d IDLABETYlIJ.iI. ship will acquire 10fetoth Lae naroRgna thei~ moving to th ne~ ail sont h~ ome i~fl m les ofMr. and Mrs. E. Fewler went additional land on the a- irrY aoprti:Otro elcric hadquarerF on Se i aistribution litirsalsn ahotit functînnal. 11,cntaîns somne 909 Rend. at the nrthi nts 290 miles of sub-transmission 7032 sq. feet of space Iti ac bc at naci u- erly 1,237 feet of theiîat ae eore omsin Ôf, the town oi Bow manville, and transmrisson bries In main- comm "date the growing staff daSndun-h om a hait of Lot 12, Concesin.Dprte o Hgha r Custarmers sArved bv Bow- tain There are eighti dîstri- ai thîs expanding Area and' day..* m nd whogh bre Ray-Oubin excess of the requird6 rvl0 eua ylwi inanville Area ill have an butîng stations tn supply the bas ample storage facilitiesataendcm. feet road width for a cni-Ih muta 5.0.f n epportunit.y ta inspect henew Ulodyeenn en~eration of supplying aE t h nerm sbiyi h ftll-elertricallv heated and air- A committee met et Mrs. G. wire woven fence; Mr. Salsaon f.i,5.0 ai. eI';ine ba urtr o H n r ss . P ie tMorris' home to set prices forj tasupplyithe posts,lbortrI Bae. eclin a Wednesday,Julie 22 when the H nàinermenus that might. beleA by-taw wa pashed e tiîî hrso ie o pi 96 Officiai openinz of the biid- iIh~q 1el uigtecmnyar Ab-aw aspsd ing wili take place. The re\ Iv~li I iI f On Tuesday evening M r. stpfr 96 he ratbneefsiinr Manvers eulzto Bowrnanville Area offire will (IS . JojJ NE's 4IFMI hEDand Mrs. B. Quantrili and countyorate,6. ohe cip aeI~.O,2% ilro r be open~~d by George E. Gath- Mrs. H. Thickson attended a high school rate., anbi îil c1o,16;Nrtubr ercole. Chairman of Ontario i 25th wedding anniversary fo Hydro nt 23n p. , Jue 22.Mr. and Mrs. E. Elliott inr mail rate and public eho anan ura HethUi The public is; invjted tb attend A t Farew ell P arty rt;tecmeca ~ydrc~, aI 210 p.m., lune 22. Oshawa. îils arm and. residen ( eSok~rî.r rnhs o that ceremonv and to in.zpect On Wednesday evening the mlst the building iinmrd(iately after. The RFe'. C. L. Hicksoli, painted IEaster li i s o i bb1ci .CW met at Mrs. Russell 73.0 milis. Due ta a osdbusevcinCanndpl Light refreshmeýntq wiIi be Assistant Priest at Si. Jseph's upper corniers. A gold cross Wieshm;abu 5atn erable increase in the ihn avr onhp eat 8lerved followiniz the tour oi Roman Catholin Chuirch, xvas was painted in both margins d rGMois presided. colrqiie n Inspertion. honored on Sundav eveuîung, On the loxwer rgIt corner A rjc adosmtigfremilIirate d oub ncraed Acun od1, a r Bawanmlanv iaiervs .JJnrStni tS. Joopfs adith shaut-insc o St t. ar hutin tnhreheled- y 0 mli o1r0he olowsrHrrheha,1a! rapidlý,-growing sector includ- Iorium. Falher Hickson is Josepb s Church, and in the ~.- . ~ ership af Mrs. M. White, at The street lighting i n y-aer arl flspyig ing rural and subuirban sec-leavng tb ak a speciai lower leit corner a band- . Easter and Thaiiksgiving, w as ~ BtayadJntil 380 odnSrnbl tions bend Whitby. Oshawa, cnursc at Queen s University, painted golden monstrance. poanolTheprttamte s t eanyandiîs h nc ewrbefàspaig Port errv. Bowmpnville: Kingstonî. this sumrmer, and in'In the loxwer centre there wassck omitewsra bvPnyolFeAraeyt.$70;radaouvuhr Orono.N~wcatle ad Ux-the auturn wil take up bts a painting of a priest at the .Ms .Bat. Ms c t3mls o .$,4.R onilr new dutieses asand a membC.eratoy MaltMer remainet3mls ne Lte saAfflister gave a repart on the The United Counte nislre ni nehtya, the teacbing staff of St. Father [ficksoii expressed ! wedding reception. Mrs. K. Northumberland and Dra 620 hre Votn o PONTYPOOL Peters High School. Peter- bis apprectation for the r--ITareradthe enot u ~g illbeuse atr vrcnr1 76;Ry MC boroiigb. exquisite scroll adgenernuis bak - -te en metng$50000 f heoriginalbld7ng Jntil Our snithati teani w'elit Io Stewvart Chistîolm. President .gift, and also thanked the on ng a uthO ur m e t - vers allotment oi the Cne-graedm,$20 ec MIlbrook on Sunday 1eve-ning.iof file 14olv Name Society, peopIe of bath parishes fortiglva . sotdu otheniigatEeci frsrt.igtbls This time tbev played gond presented a beautifully band- ýtheir gond wishes. His mt-* lateness ai the bour, sa that Mi r osCr wsapit-$85 ru upisisln bail and w.on, 15-1 withbDle painted and illuminated scroll ler, Mrs. L. Hickson and bis we will have aur cbapters riext ed the Editor of the Hstrai arl Fypwer Stinson pitchiig , dybi adaguiffmoney ta Father;sisler. Miss Isabel Hickson.!mnl.Lnc a evd were*.:s M. ad Mr. H StatsManvers Township tabeu-t6.0MuipaWolup for the winners. Terry Fisk Hickson from the people of baelli'o Peterborough,. ef r n St ,osphs aish and ai Si. presenitat the gatherbnig wbich' Brantfod r Mrs . ' tat' iishied as a Centennial poetpis l.6 efr hre hepe te ase a om Jh'sRCPais ewasbehaoed Father Hickso .....5.. .. DeKoker, Whitby, spentth fteowspb197 InbconbpafatYrk run. We should have plenty Jh ' ,C P " ecsle ooiteýthis connectian theCotcl$7;Rrad elfe, of bal Ibis year as the vauniger:The *scroillWaS ilILustrated and: There was an excellent Pro- weekefld at 'hick-son's. ýare prepared te givea$5.0$87; ilrokAiutrl boys bave a teamn ready ta go baud illuminated by larry >gram nf entertaiument. Jeli Miss Suuzanne Th ic kson, grant ta each of the Cne ths ee. h grl ar asoiHreatl. ope, ps pesdetMr. R. Westheuser, Mr. and niai cammittees workingo oit,$50;wlaea. ptisin andk Theirl s e as adasl.Coer tprsdn iMrs. Larry Manders, Part Hope. -- - pacti sn n, oet e The scroau read as iollows: the Holy Name Society, ws Mr. and Mrs. George Allebin I spent Sunday at Presqu'ile action soon.To the Reverend Father C. L. M.C.Pon We understaîid thaïl uriHicksani for devoted service A porn, Di-op a Word ofMi. auld s George Ail-1 Austin Slepheîis, granddaugb- ed by Membei:s nf Parlieet oit ladies received a good recep-irand timety help with admira- Kindnîess bv Rebecca J. RyI, chin, Liberty St. North, Bow- Iters Margaret. and Janet, Bow-1 telegrams tram Prime Minister Mr. and Mrs. L. Muldrew. tien wben they put on their lion and respect froni St. was recited bx' Mrs. Egon Riet-mnilhl n"tHm'mnil;M.adMs er eraGvro General1Osbawa, with Mr. and Mrs., twn sort laysaI Ylvero seph's Parish. Bowr-nanville,; mu]ler. A tria compnsed ai au the occasion of their Stb Wildey and wee great grand-Georges Vanier anid Mrs. L ude vr h ekn. Garden Party, Friday. and ni St. Johns Parish, New- Mrs, William Lawrie, rvrs. j. 'Wedding Aniniversary, June idaughter Cindy Lea, Cobourg, Vanier, letters (rom Han. 1I The local Chamber oi Coni-! castle, Ontario. A New Testa-: C. Nawlan allé Mrs. Stewart '7th. ýMr. and Mrs. Max Holland,lMichael Starr, Mr. Russelil IK D O merce- beld a well attendedlment quotation: 'Seek and ye C. Nawîan anîd Mis. Bert M Ali,.ablePrtHp.,oe, .. nd a visit from!K D O mee-ting on usa with theshali find, knock arnd it shall Paviie as eexe .c îee desaondwt etrn a tastefully dec- Durbam's M.P.P. Mr. and Mrs.. olwn h rglrSn. Tuesdav~~~~~ oraied table was a three-te lxCruteswr zd day services, MVay 29, members President Mr. Hiarry Van be opened unto ynu", and tIieapplause for their singing ni corsage oi yelloxv carnations. lweddbnig cake, antamoey by e iertecoupe otKero liedChrc cn Wieringen in the chair. F'urth- exhortation "O Lord, give 1liSdSanta LuciahéThe Moccouple er las eie mdefo te bah ov aîdfear Ofni'TbyBird, and Aura1,ee. Bet MS ia' ile.Wetn tree was attractively showu. Mr. and Mrs. Alichin were Irgto oe i hte r Street Fair. Holy Name," were aiso on the Payne played the piano ac- be-idesmaid and sisier ai the Many beautitui floral bau- presented with a guest book net Kedron shou]d remain part! Sevraliro hee ateidedsceîl.compartimnt. rbie n i.Wl lciqeswr preseuted among album by their nteighbours lof the joint Columbus-Kedron-1 the Orange Clitirch Parade bui The enitre scioli was out- Several piano solo~s pla\'ed Oshawa. brother ni the groom, ýwhich was a tribute tram the wba sa woriderfulty cantrib- Raglan charge. The vote was' Tyrane. Sunday morning. lined lu gold and bore band- 'yM.Pyean ihnsl re(eived with the happy pair.'Tawn ai Bowmanvifle. ;uted ta making their dayaapoxatl95 infvu * seectonsby 111 ihldal Precut also were thel Messages were received fram1 very; happy event in theiro eaaigta h he wete greatly enjoyed bv the ;otpesa1vM.adMsPrme arsaplqein-ivs - -'point charge and farmilng a large audience. Me. Wihida] separate Kedron charge. Sasmaeahtwt iba - If approved by Presbytery, rYvs manica niîmbers. Da 0 it, is hoped that by January 1,1 4W AMiztah, a poem bY tila A. IIUo sequ nc 1967, or as soon thereafter, Bake, wa exressveîyte-as feasible. Kedron lJnitedt Maewa rs. ivelllrTen Cbirch wll be operatiog inde- ctdby MlwI RietmpelidrtTh' SHOPING CENRE hereewas an erejoyable siug-r p,,Iers C ireess es ong ccamanid by Mr.Rev. Cecil Brennofo Capital Wbhtid E T R on ccal te harmonic. D rie rs a r l ss s Funds Service af the United A iciau lnehasonca - Church is currently directingAL G IS S A ite os chl Wa eusrv I: Ila Stewardsbip campaign ta BABY .ed gue thlb cflO lAI n assess the amaunt of support O E [0 RC BA Yý,aîe The president, Mes,___ yy,, in iIlm a Rta y the church may expeet ta de- ,j. E. Rand, was te caterir g T rive tramn members and ad- convenor. hrrt nti BO N U vot. - I'ta.i nisequences ai CoînielI said. nverture ni tartLll*e. the film Jack Francis has been a p- ,rvr- -r](snsora dis-1 The coloreci motion picture ýonP out. The crieso the one General Chairman of SJTVtI Ai ~~ DRAN4' ! ~~BETHANY i egard for the rules oi the'Signial 30 opened with a police l injured were heard in the the Stwrs6 Cmag, 5 IIJI>4w E ~ LB COS ortaemin lo n1t0 road were vividly depice e in taificer taking a telephone cal aftermath af an accident caus- wilb J. K. Glaver as Visita- DONI! SEMT!RI.fSTIA4K1IêM tiD Trno 'a motion picture sbown t tbelabout a motor accident bu ed by speeci and carelessnessttien Team,ý Chairman, and Mrs.. C400" *0Ta o wo ~ n~yo e S o soh -N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ î~vsîting wîth Me. andi Mrs meeting ni the Bowmanihile .which one man andi a chilci had ltbirough which a warnling sig- RS iboasostess Chair- 1 Select hmawd urmo fhris 6 'M Percy Jakeman .Rotary Cluib beid at the Fly-lbeen killeci andi several peaple tuai regarding aununexpected Imen. sqe %eilyfrvn aI. roaiya. eilcnor h 1 Mrs. MldedBristow s in, inîg I)utchman Motor Hotel on .în.iured. The oaicer im-icurve was missed. il enbrad ahen s ..r n. ret.e t ale oJ4h Hqîe for f t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Knso for this week, \isit- ;Friday,. mediatehy asked the cahier if The pi'uce for net obeying a 'are being invited ta "Home PRICE. Wo&t you conpr . oprsnpoe.S.Km a . lng wiîh ber daughter and' Returns <i date fuoni the 'anyane bad sent for an amnbu- Yield or Stop Sign is otten Meetings" Wednesday a n d __ 00 snin-law, Me. anad Mrs. Mel-:Easlýer Seals Campaign totaillance. ideath. The film showed al Tbursday evenings ta dbscuss No AppowTUM EESR ville Ogryzek. $6,50t0, Vice-Chairman Doml The camunentator bu the> four women, who bad been in the problems attendant on A win and a mss for tue' Muru-ay announiceci. This is motion picture explained tatia car, killed when one of. such a maove. Mr. Brenn wiPt 0 Cashi your Soby Bonui Choque of eny Ohowc Bethany Meu's Saftbali l'eamn. the largest. amaunt ai money 'ils scenes were authentie, and îbem, the driver, lidnet beed- be supplying a speaker ta each Shopping Centre Store On Wedniesday nlgbt. playing ever raiçýed iunue oi the Bnw- ,haci been iilmed at the scene led a Stop Sign. ai these meetings ta answer " Fil ut eword conte5t entry bienk and deposit in ballot box cet thle 'nihClbEatrh abcsate fine l. o1 ins ecso oeue $00. U~Pontypaol. they won wthManville Rtarv lb Ese:iebhcs mmediate]y afr Many other -instances ai questions. Hostess and co- :tescore 9-1. Suindav uight's iSeal Campaiguis for Cîippled ýthe accident happened. i teagie accidents were sbawn, hostesses are Mirs. John Glov- c'iv elo s $100.00,rofc prhaeatohd-une e game here with Bailiebaro, .Chiidren. Glerilbolme Hughesi The first accident shown iui- and the audience was aiso re- er Sr. and Mes. Harold Carr; c~vn510..ihey lost witbh te score 6-4. 5is he Chairniian ai the 1966 volved a truck and a passengerlminded ai the sorraw, bard Mrs. Ronald Robertson and i * I pasonwboe nono i drwn s t tt Soppng en,. r rporg -- astei qalsCampaign. 'car. The tr-uck had been drix'- ship and laueliness that resuts Mes. Lisle Noble; Mrs. Clar-: 17 Bond St. Eas wôtin 0 inue, f he rowhorecive $00.0.A. O. Daleympie received a- ing alnng an expressway and tfram the trattic death af a lence Werry aund Mrs. Robert DRÀW IS ON THE LAST THURSDAY Gel Your Price Five Yenars Perfect Attendance'a passenger car with seven husband and father. ýDale; Mes. Murray Mauntjoyý 2nd Floor Pini. Tbe presentation was ipeaple bu it was camning along' At the carnclusion ai the ýand Mrs. Albert Wood; Mrs..AJDYWENSA OF EACH MONTH AT 7:15 P.M. F:,11 m adc by Tom Rehder, hie'a side roaci. The driver oi the iiiî egeant Barker saidlRonald Werry and Mrs, Nel- OhwOt hn:7816 or SUI~A ~ Attevîdauîce Chaieman. Guests:passeuger car ignared the rulelîhat the police see too manylson Wright; Mes. G. Tenkbnk' Shop At The througb preseuit ait he luncheon meet.- ni stopping before enteriug a 'ni theseý cruel deaths. "Thelanci Mrs. Wm. Woadwars;, Mrs. Wp fil) ail 7S.Ouss .Otîîtlt rsrpin . M A T V çý M A M iîug- were John A. Weiss. Osha- highway, andi bac driven nuil next tiey ou hear sameone iOrvel Sellick. Mrs. J. Simpson atgm <' rrs "dav Ihveabrte each driving over the centre' y ou r lon g on g estyffgcet-Pta prel en tI s i . dThdieibtruck'sne cab, you e l ng o g u sts ifiet o rsnl fl m.bere as u e Thindrie ru ne bn-off01a li c the Safety Officer work-land.the other driver was kili-1 an s or o c rs ing iu'om aur OPP Delach- ed bn the explosion that tai-1o h e cut," Sergeant Barker said, lawed almost immediately j ci caileci on Constable Cor- afler thec collision. l'exi a 1966 car I.LUI.L us. duties coucerning satetv. driver paiully and seriously BowmanvilleA e SConstable Coruelh stated that injured being placed on a (We'e jst f w miute aw y.)there are approximately 5,600 stretcher. This man had beer, Public Schaol children, and 53 driving quite fast and givingi Public Sehools in the four only casual attention ta what townships poiiced by the Bow- he wvas doing. His vehicle bit Wh2v crowd vouriqelf and your gitests, whexi -renting an ex*ra manvîlle Detacbtnent of the a guide post. went off the W d e d y u '.x rou ,~ "' ~-~ uull" )) 1" O iai.teau gaid fa1eondî'edTrot skidded. sanie distance,- E§>'66 buo d ' uari rtfor rou hn V0t' nKb.' kldVfl'.1nur . nie G oV~ei. foi r îrne- a Nyea. .1.only v siî.1 Tri e dari n eteî".Ieoff!cîf'.1ooe !nq 0v ( Ceorge E.Gathercole, rim ino O tro ît ki î 0-AC Jong A'Q 11n'u WRO1. . 'lfaI.pic~vrrorn 'W jh meLgl c l -ri nir farmer in a. venicie struck-:b7, ro 'n.b'" a4l ar-, reraDiv m ---area by i tvitation, This seas- sa tiafltilliîstrated the neces- r-v'Q ro, \,iib flci/nb o ro h iiii iow. And i &~~~xaxice i~ Includea. ~on 1 have ckiecked 1,500 slty of extrerne caution at ail vvIDefioîdb'atoro th biidn.t91>rfr'm nt iow. An insurace is ijludiü bicycles, and each has received rallway crosslngs. The reck- -wid be served. You drive our cars without a a safety sticker. There have less operatlon of a motor veh- worry in the world. %o next time been four unfortunate- bicycle icle often resuits In the death core fr te eekndby RENT-A-CAR accidents in the last few of the driver, or the deaths or These new, ail-electrie headquarters wili provd oe pc n gticsisconfoth ek db months. But we must keeplinjury of others. ail means rent a car from us. S S E on trying ta instill caution1 The film emphasized the facilities ta enable us ta meet the growing ehetia ed foe glipet IMi#sO SS t tROOtthe raad mb 12te younste of protect the inotoring public. 10,000 Area cujstomers. i"We beld a Bicycle Cliinie One a result ai an accident SEE YOUR NEARBY FORD OF CANADA DEALER LISTED BELOW during the Easter Holidays. plctured a yorung mian who f'or an aider group there is had been speeding down an M a cD N *O 5 the Traftic Cinie. Anyone in- untamuiar road, went througmRd knowledge ai the rules ai the thrown out of the car, and 21PKIN S". . PONE623253 Ioad could attend one of the crushed ta, death between the 219 KNG Sil. E PHO E 6232534 Traffic Chlnis, whiclh are hel cardercîand¶ oorpost wený i September tu J une," Constabler Death somnetimes lias an r'

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