The Canadien Stateffmait, 8owmanville, :une 15, 1900 41 fi DIAIkLIN E, FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:30 p. M. IlI AM ma a ___Births Articles for Sale 1 Livestock For Sale For Rent Work Wanted 'Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for SalelfReal EstatfoSae el ANDERSON-Dn ed IaWO oosoe Telephone ONE-year-old pony, very quiet. R'OQMS frirent with or with- CUSTOM mowing, condition- Firqt and Second Mgirtgageit 4-BEDROOM winterized cot- NEW brickbuglw ihLAESggursedak beth are happy te announcel623-3762. 24-1 'Phone 263-2174. 24-1 out board. Cli 263-2913. 24-1 ing and baling bey. Phone Bihi Loan Fundi; Avallable tage; boat house with cabin:tcarot eros era rn otg o ae o n thé birth of their son. Rober ÉRÉE! Large woodlpile. Tele- HEREFORD buli with papers. FURNJSHED apartment, tbree Ket9749.2-1 lNY TOL a g elte o nP Donald on Saturday, June1, phone 623-7664. 24-1,Phone Blackstock 986-4487. rooms and bath, central; aveul- HIGH SOLgr desires job Lk.* 24.î N. 2 ighwy, teehn;a epoieas fNw oe7555.Ohw.2 1966, al, Memorial Hospitl' 24-l* able Ju1y lat. Phone 623-3591. as mother's vepr o Con 2- 'e.2 ltw helperfoorsbaby-d delivereh Sowmanville. A itil a ATRfrsle and elivred 24-tf sitting. Phone 623-2746. 24-1* A.LIO E tonville. Phon78235 - -'l for'David. Karen and Kevin. 'Cali l CH Pethick 263-2131 OVER 100 bred does, New Zea- Gog llvnPgo n ieLks 24-1 l iln ht abtas 0 PTIS -or priinMVNCenn p ilReal iEstate and Insurance LGerog$2.995 Terms 12' BOAT with trailer. 16 cages. Peter Konyk, R.R. î,suitable for couple and one take away discardable and aP ,36 Liherty St. N.. Bowmanivllle ",VOVERLY -Lloyd and Joan Lambs Lane. Phone 623-5968. Hampton. Phone 725-5972. Ichild, centrally located. Phone pliances free. Phone 623-7276. REALITOR A oe on$7mnhyP '(ecGbsn aehappy te 24-1 23-3* 623-3212. 24-1 16-tf 623-7264 Poe6350 LETT n .Anonc te ithofa OnUATt o i-d ran.'FOUR-roomed heated upstÈairrs ORTH America expert ce-;1-t A!) wekedIiclde.ES Cars.f rmSaletpremenrtcenofalasontedfimix wdrgrain.e 73Cars9Bowmanville: New ranceh 119 1 foesad otae, nnug Stephen Ibs. 3o)zs.,'Phone Blackstock 986-4487. -.ý-Jnp 7h, 196. n Memrial.214 1 FOD -,-ý-tn picup. honeavailable July îst. Telephone for estimates and particulars.- W. FrankRa sietlbugowlrelvn-Bwmvle 'HospitAl. Bowmanville. A -.237024.1, .* 4l!2-0*rom wt. rplcd-ig -.Juneth, 1fr966ic. at4MemorAl o aean eie 24.1-7RD42t pikp.Poe224 70-ftr5 .. 241221'LIMITED ra wt6frpa23diig * boterfo Jaic. 4~* WTE fr alean dliere. 2î~ONE bedroom basement apart- room with French sliding 6376 _____24 hor serice. aî 2556.1965 BUTCK LeSabre 4-doorletwh tvan rd. A. BA A RS 21 King ~ . Bowmanville doors. 'electric heating, twa carBWAVL e- PtrKwl r braenrymnt itAsovrea :ide.garage and many other extras, REALTOR DYKSTRA - HerAde 9tf ha rdtop. power brkSadSeparate entrance. Near hos- - 623l93ronbugl.nrhen' and Gracia are happy te tellI ASPARA0GUS, le x c e 1l e n t steer n. PoeNwateN hlrn 23-2451. IPluma and District1 Over 1,800 sq. ft. living space. Prcdtîe]a 1.0.Tens e4EEA NUAC y(ou about the sate arrivai of1 variety for freezing. .350an. 987-4746. 2-124-1 s.J aOsacad Dsi- lLi entlant fothavndg Yau-lri HAYDoN seedonl2 lrStl.Bwmna their 1bahy brother. Robert 1-qt. Cail 263-2448. 24-t1APRTENi-3-oon 35n NeionSt Bowmanvillle RelEteBorden avufrhvigyr!H DO Andrew. on Sondav. .Tine 12th KY u uoaial hl SDTUK APAThMENT -3fig and!eI -f Tidore wn swimming pool in backl arne, large lo.I .00-100,6325 et Memorial H-ospital \,w- !b t cuIn ir-adt, odern;Avil abdlte!,- uy EN or ero r bga c.Akn e$090 amnv*Jean Dykstrparen4s1Bobille.' 6 King St. E., Bowmaii-;1964 (Chev. Ii ton. Lic. i69640Bdlts Aply. Stasan Oie, l ENEPEFC our ndoot 110' x 15 recra-; frame homeFlarekieroom ranWch bglow,1.0.toaatnn wligo 3-tf: 1958 International li ton with Bownanville. 24-1' PLUMBING & HEATINC. tion roonu; electrically heatpd. ntew ail furnace and in gaad Terms.CeteSrtcamkeihr P.SIH--NrnadBty(iet eDr Postya. 0R. 3 . rt194 arom . ie. 105 MODERN 4-room apartment, Phone 623-3540 Owrier transferred . Muqt be, repair. Asking price is $i11.900 ENNISKILLEI, ero iehoe lo o ol Smith) are pleased tean-PtrPly RR ,ar 95 ag ,1tn- Ic "5 corner King and Division; sold. Onl'y $18.500 - Terms. whieh includes an extra 60 x- frame. Large o.$(30-Uei n prmn n Èâounce the arrivaI of their1lope. Telephone Newtonville 1.954 Dodge I-ton witb stake Streets. Immediate possession.1I P.0. Box 1599 CnrlyLctd10f.bidn o.Gv s$,0 on daughter Kerri Michelle, 61786-2439. 23-2* body, Lic. 29.396B Apply Sam's Famous Fonds, 14,78 Ont&I'le St., Bowmanvilie etalLote12f.budngo.Gves$300dw.etteohr.Hsadc- ibs. 15 ozs. on lJune 1, 196,ùcCORICK hbaler, No. 46;i1961 Ford Econolint, :Division Street, Bowmanville,-f5Aateîicm oe nofr AELC e rnesdrbeipoeeî e ettshwOs enrawaop al.NenHlladlaleHoswpitarl.1 !New H4-olagelo. $5.00 $.00 Furmils ro Osaw onbugaow.Lage ot Iealcetl9 Bauifulytred9ot 24-Gh ame il SEPTIC TANK down. :paved rond, 8-yea r-aid frame 'r et ir e ne nthoe$80.Gageas.Pcdt e - 21 GhIhamerTii1.986-4796, 1961) Ford 3-ton Dumnp, SMALL two-bedroom dwell- 'bungalow. Fui basemnent, ail Tera ~hga erms. -Blackstock. 24.1* Lic. 2082713 ing, ne basement, stove heated,, U PNGIelReieen oe heating. large lot andlwIKSAO AE-Hae îeslein o e ELngagement 'BUYING or selling furniture: 1963 International 3-ton. cab equipped; garage, garden, near 3 Be'droom brick bungalow, taxes. Asking price $13.900. : lock arpa. Wneie o-hmsi ain oain Mr. nd rs.Jame Maoror applianees, cali Elnier, and chasis. Ser. 26098 Central School; $63 month, mis WHITEWASHING STABLES bot water heatiog. natuiral-tirry.tae3bdomsndbacibNI-A.ers.Clfr Orono. are pleased te annatîlice Hamnpton~: business 263-2294 -1,96.j International 3-ton Mwith July. Write Advertiser 731, BERT TOMPKINS1 fireplace. cedar lined closets,ý Near Highwav 35: 4 Bed-imodern convenine.$000 napitett e hs thoe engagement of their'residence 263-2695. 6-tf van body, 5cr. 54545 c/o Carîadiarî Statesman, P.O 1Phone Newtonvllle 786-2552 : extra lot, Ver * centr'al. OnIY roonu twa-storey [rame homelTerms.fn oe o îe m claughter Arlene Suzanne, ta1,11,000 USED brick. suitable 197,8 International with hydia ox 10,loimnvile. 24- c 41-tf $710- cm.oz four-acre loi. Big imple- Ken A. (7averI M.RbrJonHIeS ulo Street shed and haro. Asking price . 6-62mdaepossîocnh r of Mr. aober Jn Holes sn 'orchinievs anck-n np.oerUs ne body and winch, 5cr. 590C Lost . $13.000> with $2.0>00 down. Ernié Bradley 2~50agd Newcastle. The marriage ta etc. Phone 623-7621). 24-1 _h X7 N TO , vicinity -onu2sore.\ brick home: take place In Orona United' --tch. N 3TW'6 eaglThird 8Street.sBu Latrescelots TRAILPRhth 6 ro tnRend r 24-Phneusihri3ecatioroorn. rot d- $450 eracr.of-I .oEwmnanvditlleextycaan Chumch on Saturday, July 23, Chv'1 o UTIPMENT C Of atn oda1a h Trenching ail heated. Fireplace..Fn acre lots. Gaod investment atlaeago poi.Akn ,_:Ce.15h.p. Evintunde motor'..AJ;623-2'410. 24- SPT TANK- 196.241*'wîîse] r rae 'o salet- Phone 623-5689 ORANGE kitien, 10 weeks oid, 1 INSTALLATION pom ayexrs ag Mr. and Mrs. Roland Thomp-mtr.7PopetS.2- 134 King Si. E. Bowmanv,îîe Saturday afiemnoon, from Con-' nkidai-,G A son, R.R. 1. Bowmalnville. an-'PRESSURE system. complete;. 24-1 cession Street. Phone 623-7276.1 Hampton 263-2270 lot. Wold mk da n John F. DeWilh GA EL am2soe rc os miunce the engagement oÉ three power lawn mowers, : 4 24-tf REALTOR RELrT 'mmcletasopn.nimcu ____ ~~~~~~~Oronofl±a.I±r L at codto thogu. their daughier Karen Dianie, McC]ary' washung machine, Seed Fr Sl . ile-14Fan t te Mr. Ellis A. Doucette, son ,spin-dry attachmeuut. C aIIl Sale eip Vanted. C U S T 0J M 8 Yeétr nId frarne bungalow Bwavle-1 rn t ~ . rcdrgla 950 of Mr. and Mrs. Elliot 'DoP-623-5664.2-I on 1 1 acre lot on Highway, Phone 623-3950 28O .uv1SOlý.Sne rv.Batfl3 O i ~~~~~ CA .:PART-TIME*ti-uck driver.-CaW I ARlING 1.$.0 edombnao ihgr cette. Digby, Nova Scotia. The TISED washer parts, ' h-pl Sorgum Sudan 613,5.5$6,.100 - Ter ms. SO LC,16ars uVvA VLE.lg n ae rv.OI jnriaewiltkepac nmotors. Complete line o! AT REASONABLE RATES Newîonville ýwitb ultra modern buildings. flampton United Church, Sat- Beatty. iThor and Crosley ap- HbrdCOO, full tume. Apply Poe7310 Ya l rrebunIga- Two streams. One acre pond 6334 1.0.Trs trday. July 16th, 1966. 24-1*.pliances. P a d dy's Market ýVoyageur Restaurant, Wav- Poe73101Yarldfi-e6 Hampton. 263-2241. î2-tr Buckwheat Seed1 erley Road at 401. 24-1; for BAL1NG - PLOWJNG low l.267 sq. fi.. lotil1t0, x 17.9'. stocked witb trout. Over-floW- Mm. and Mrs. Jack Link of I -Ë*trc.drvr SPRAYING, ETC. .$16.900 - Term-. iog cemnent dam. Pa inted PICTON, 10 cepre.a xr ag o.Frpae Saskatoon are pleased ta an- INSULATION. blowing meth-' EDQAF XPERIENCE mc rvrr-f Hr~ nTi n barns. Very aoxious ta seil. :haîf cleared. ,00ftof2bah.admn ohr CEEM R odietukand help with - I O hi n nounce the engagement of od, with rock wool. Work - LLL±Â~L.J t rv rc ak h MILLBROOK AREA, 2001secluded beach erLk l)xrs 1.0.Trs their daughter, Pearlee Elsie ýmanship guarauteed. F r e e F SgetTeral gai-den wr.Poe JC U G S -omctaeonWs cefrr ih9roe on.itheGonMbuidinglot Be e. aiec1 h.tefe so uituriat -Barn. Partly in Christmas' ORONO). 31cefamw.1enrl nl 350 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew HofsteePhone Newtonville 786-2256. BOWMANVILLF Oti hiimstes utOIL BIURNERS - FURNACES $1.200 fuIl prc.te.Priced tosel.,,2 storey 8 amhe.O of Bowmanville, Ont. The 38-tf Bowmanville 623-71.50 ýhave experience. Maie or fe- CLFANE!) NeweC4stle BEEF' FARM, 180 acres with, furnace and dilldw].BuoEei wcedding wîil take place Sat- I TYPEWRITERS, adders, cash] Newcastle 987-4711 maIe. Cal] between 8 and PLIUMBNG REPAIRS 8-Room 2--lou-ev~ home rtilreal good buildings. Excellent 30' x 65'.Ooy$600-ACde-2-24 turday, Jly 16, 1966, at 2 p.Tn.,registers, desks, chairs, filitng _______ 4-2 19 p. mT., 723-4641 Ext. 802. PHONE ]HAMPTON lot 115' x 257. T wo fit-eplac-SailI. Paved road. Asking Terms. .owir. * 6-58 Inu Bethel United Chnrch, th 'cabinets. Terms, tuades. New, . - _______- . 24-2* 23211es. Very central. Only $15.500 '$30,0(l0. Ternus. S HA R.w ie2- St. and Monroe Ave., Saska-,used, rentaIs, service. Bil CER-S-$3001dwn206CR3P-CLocte1pesOUe t fe hsimc-- ton akthwn 41Hmitn aln(oi f_ ertilizer I K-tenographer, fema'le,-300d\n 0AR ACES oae lae eof ton akthwn 41Hlon a glan (Not fjsteady position. Write Adver- Mail Address: No r ranorth of .Bawmanville. Partly late. 3 bedroombikunaJ Osharofits-t tiser 732, c/o Canadian, States- p.O. 11ox 543 - BRowmanv.ilie Mspr Ae wooded. Priced ta seli. Iow situated o euiul c The engagement is annaun- a ne-, .p grd n creasePrft man. P.O. Box 190. Bowman-1* Newpark school bouse on 10AR WOEDpcelnspdadfeedotR CR rdo Nra enWagar , ODROMville. 9- TI411/iacre lot..$,00- $,0.i I A D isacefom PPRU ed f ora ea 'tiller; 1-gallon garden spray- FRO FORAGE , Mvouftjoy clown, 30t 100u omtn itnefau OPRUIYKOK daugler of Mms. Thomas J- cm 4 hp. Briggs and Stratton CUSTOM operator to eut, Oshawa. Asking $2.900. Brand New Buglw.1ri t. elo RLoeg. oand gate laie ga'soline engine, some ceut mix- FERTILIZE rake and bale approximatelyl Backhoe Service NI. L. A. Potential DAIRY FARM, 100 Acres as class constructomito 'gev. Noman Waga, ta i. ed stove wood anud 2-year-old AFTEi: FIRs'r Ci II')NG ý20 acres af hay; cash or- shares.I'I'RENCHES - DRAINS Choice building lot, 100< feet a going concerni. Good buildIf.$7.0 n 1.0.6320 ~oeiJme enso !GrmnSehrd uhdg-1 9 9o tvAayi Blackstack area. Telephone: FOUNDATIONS AND) fontage on paved road. Ap- 'ings and excellent soul. Full, NEAR COURTCoe .,Mr. and Mrs. James C. Keene.1hanse. Phone 1649, Oronio wih r ithutBoon 986-4819. 24-1' SEPTIC, TANKS proximatety 14 miles from line of machinery: 20 milkiacme of land wt 4 eto omnil Maidoc. The w'édding is ta 24-I iho ihu Brn i. - _ tkp place Satnrday, July 2, at. PRUNERS and shearers, 16; Phone Oshawa. $2.650. ýcows. Pniced ta selI. highway frontaeixeln SiOp.InM. ta' re ehi TV 'POWERS 'CU'1'M HEND T.yeas nd;v-47eq37efr1Near Orono ORCHARD FARM, 130) acre site for businesso eiec.Dvso t odîst Chtirch. Madoc, OntarLo.1 B15 r'HE 'REND, BktContact Hem- Blackstock cre986ful;4737W.'- - $50 ~'P . BILILK SPREAI)ING SERVICE man Wentzell, Bnrketon Sia-: 0t 00Sei crswibtrii arm wuth 25 acr e i fli.iOSITAWA. R1oârangi'g'~ le.2s.mybikh tino Pone 23-2209 24-3 view. Gond stream. $18,000 -baig pe udMIis.cnen og etbihdInmn odto.4sa~u tin hre2320. 2-1Excellent buildings. Asking seats 100, fully eupe.Etabdom.2btraa - Deaths OSHAWA WEEO CONTROL MEN or wome$6h00cati fin - - .A.CKErncRMANSu- V SP:Y 6,0CH0F(M1 d S fn. A$42,000. Terms. revenue from aaiet. 6'x12 o.$290- FOST, i er oee15va-SndT V UPL LD .lHMCA50 gond customers will be Eceni Acrage CHRISTMAS TREE FARM. BUVING O ELN rdrc t delv a br oe,15ArouTaunton Rd. E, Oshawa s-- taiehowui how ta make $600 IODN - TRENCHING 5 cui ce erCsl-'0 ce ib6,0 trees','CN TCaedaceinsbhs J Street, Port Hope, on Sunday, îJutEs fRlo oa -- taieIODN ton witb good streani andaging from 8 years down. CO JunJ11hs166EasrectEv fil3-8131 manthly. Join the largest all- 1 Sand, Gravel, 'TOp Soil and ' Thn1paon.966belor iec e vD ay lV3-81i3Leask, PropKorn Ou 'Canadian direct selling enter- Fi11 Deîivered !pond sites. $5.000 - $1.500 About 4.000 ready for market. P. 9. Grael rc. mdm3bdomhm.4 dearmoth&r af Hube f te!i (Ber or, - , î--Bill1GB QIALIT puise. Write Familex. 16001 eclaleRte own. Pn etet Onlv 4,000down.CannBart -97458ieylndcpd7'x15 larte FedricfJHn ost er,, Delorimier. Montreal. 22-41 2 -Heur WATER SERPIEdî 1'rout aBEEF CATTLE FARM, 92 Mary Heath --6320 o.$150 Deta Otni; Lorne, Brock- B E E P 11r12neHARlESE -556- BOWMANVILLE d01 Sceice acres with stock-cesihgodblin.TeHlnBryrk 62-65OtaoS. v il le : C h a r le s , O a k v il le ; B y r o n ' f r o u f e e e r l c k r E E S A L S E , . $ 1 7, 0 ( teo la . ' rnAH csk iagnr i k hmgw t o r osî t r f M u s a t r m v ti h f r e y u b y ylI L LflP JBMI Ne lET I Gle. P i *emt %1< , tnt B ramyL tt e B it i i 2 t eb b ' orrC o dSc 'gae(MsM.WIerad(Barney), Peterborough: Mar- God 1e eeCEtRecsaFMAE -FSDATM BRESEniu i stone house wutb stone fume-!$700 em.!rn akt S R.> aldwe, as O rivâHINDS 65e - FRONTS 49c: ¶'oGreia's Haîrstylîng SALES & SERVICE Cditiouu. $5.000 dnwnfo * S R.Calwel, aso urvve market tiisyeau-. Gravel de- with aIl modemn conveniences.i rahd F t SIDES 55e lb. 6 igW omnil 4H * by15 gndciren. nnferal n rpe n nc NE WCASTLE ON.6Kng.-Bomvil2-HU posii. Muiist be sold ai, nce. Double garage. Asking onlyr service was held in the Port, 623-2932 Oil Burner Service. 10 miles norîb of Bo\w\marh 8$10,900. Ternis. Schofield - Ae t.Ltet t Hdpp United Churcb, Tuesday No extra charge Res. 623-715() Bus. 987-4711241vle$4,0- rm.BWAVLE8rond ay, n'iwaste 9rmoe n,2-f 2-.ile 2.0 -Tr .îO NIL, omdOSIR WA PON 226wIlanand.Gdivs- June l4th at 2 Interment ,u oî !o - SEPTIC TANKS ANI) hoefra__niv l o- B.owmanviI1e Cemetery. 24-1* 'fat - Boy gooti prime steer beec! - ' c ALSAI IE ESIvliaiPon ru comxeieuces. Good size' Open I)aiiv -9 m.-9...metppry.$00don B-W ANVLLE Tenders Wanted 'RELESAT ALSMOTnE E)SIie anusi oint hd- om e oatfain. PIl nod- ~~TA ~OW AN--L We have an openioig for a, PHONE O aeSusg 4Bd o.Nc oain rc ny~~rPopc t - . .- -1----- - - - - -c tS- liARRISN -- At emuu-îau Hospital, Bowmaniville, on FRIGID LOOKER Sunday. June l2th, 1966, Violet Harrison, ageci 72 years, belov- SYSTEM cd wire of William Harrison,, Phone 623-5.578 II.R. 2. Newcastle, dean sister 1-l of Aileen Endicoti, Arthuir We en Seca jBnc'kland and Wynne Harri- ekn Spca son. Service was held in the Long Stem, Fresh Cîut Marris Funenal Chapel. Bow-' inanville, an Tuesday i 1:30: R 0 S E S pi.m. Cremation, St.. James' 14 oe Crematoriuum, Toronto. 24-t $14 a oe Cash and Carry <)nly~ LAWRENCE, Bernard -Suid-a denly at Memorial 'Hospital, Bo'v-manville. oun Friday even- GR Carnation ing, .Iune 101h. 1966. Bert .ý Lawrence of 1.18 Elgin Street j . ..i Flower in his 68th year. Dean father~ of Mrs. S. Crowhnrst (Lillian),ISo MIrs. 'R. Phillips (Bernice) 1143 King W. Bernard and Donald, ail 0/ f Toronto, sisten of Mrs. Mike Veana (Karin) of Bowmauî- r2- ville. Rested ai the North U E cuit anti Smith Funenal Hlome. SD i<jIiiM±j±iT Funeral service was ld a1 ow r 2 'clock Tuesday afternoouu' ow r Intermient Bowmanville Cerne- New liol landi No. 120 7 ft. tery. 24-ISeml-nunted MARSSudeîyat bis resi-j Case 7 fi.. Se.mi-mounted dence, R.R. 5, Bowman ville,J Mowers in Gond Working Con- en Monday, Jîune 131h, 1966,' dition. Must lie sold. Alexander. Mairs, aged 74 Any reasonable offer aecé'pteti vers hetoved husband of* Jýnlly Mains, dean faihen of Bil, Don, Dave, Freda (Mu-s.I Rakes Ken Maynard), Arthur and 'intrna tional 15 5 Bar Bruce. anid grandfathen of 12ý nentoa 1hro tp grandchildren. Service was , nentoa 1bro te hel i n the Morris Funemal, whe e>s Chape[, Bowmanville, on Wcd-* nesday nt 2 o'clock. Interment Balers Nestittn Cemetery. 24-1 S lospital, on Fnlday, June lth, .WO--ITrnoG Irl 1966, Leone Sutton. aged 56' Combines eiaes, beloved wifeo!fFredlO.:I't,êr,,,nanl No. 93 - 10 ft. ;.rP. inBowmanville: Mohrof Helen, Gravenhurst: .B onnie (Mrs. Morice Tnmb-ý Forage Harvesters lyn), Li.ndsay, snd Ja (Mrs. George Jonemi, Bowmanville. (Case w/Corn Head and Service was hed in the Mor-. Pif k-top ,ris Funeral Chapel. Bowmau- * Ville, on Monday ut 2 o'clock interment Bowmanvilîe Cerne- Tractors tery. ___-- 2- I International 842750 -Reception - ' Itnaini871 nd Mrs. Ernest .. 1ftmm will b. et home to their *C WA t*ds amd relatives et-' the Equipment resadençe of .Mn. and MmCo Donald 1H48JmOtpio1QOnt, é o giutuday, >130e 35È 1Sï8. froPhn62- Il- 4 and 7 IlD . e. 03tt hn 8358 gcsuim of thein *MW<dmg r 1»19 gst. X. Rowman villei IdIÎl»O ]P.errault, Ore» 271 TENDERS are invited for me-al estate salesman. with. or': .HAMPTJON 263-Z288 uoi-r uutrme cotaHge, uusuulattd,12,0(0 Ternus. painting ta be doue io Bow- without experience. Must be! TYRONE 263-2650 ful.' urnisbeci. large treed POR PERRY, 4 Unit Apart- manville Public Sehools. Work 1înidtisirioits, hontest and e- 1- ~ lot, garage. $12.501) - l'erma. 'ment building. Ail rented. ta be completed belweeuî .une 1 iae)ie with late nuodel auto- VAN-RO~ Corner Acreage 'Excelleunt. sate of repairs, Ask- 29 and Augusî 5, 1966 . Speci- mobile. For confidential, in 125 Acres 4 mriles uoibI of ing $15.000. Ternus auranged. fications may be obuairued fromi teu-view. contact Mr. Gravelle,' PaintingBomnic.I30ofped BW 'NVLE roed A.M.Tomsoî Sprvusuug i16233341. and Decorating trood l'uontage. pond. $44,0100 aimiost new brick btuugalow1j Purinucipal, Ontario Street, Bow- P. E. Girav'elle Real Estai.dwtet cmltl inse e. maoville. Telephone 623-5021. 24-t1' FtEE ESTIIIATES - 11.00 ow..wi h celocainshed rc Tenders >0 be delivered ta ' Phone Politypool cd bathroom. Anxious ta sell. my rffice. 24 King St. E., be-' Organist and GEORGE VANDEMEEN'r 'l'5 Acres with 7 room O MNVLE roe. toue ",p.m.. Fridav. Julne '24.. b ouse. large bat-i, excellentrueW, brick bungalo wih ai S. R. James, Sectv-Treas. Bow- Choir Director ' 623-3075 trut stu-caur wit gonod' pou-d nwrckhenga. wVmywellat manile ubic eho 4Bord for St. Andrew's Pretibytertan ML«ZM ie:2mlsfo w ~ built. Asking $18,300. Ternism' Church 623-2936 $ 'h000-i$5,ma0s '1'ri rm arranuged. MAEW ib htma reF BOWMANVILLE, 12 uuit,ý H elp Wanted Vhty8-f 1 Acres witb 65,000) export almosi new apartment btiild- R ('REROPfoNTV Rpr 2-manual organ. UPHOLSTERING quality trees, 8,000 ready ihis ing. Ve. oferepands Pi ed- year. Very sceuîic pu-nperiy cellent saeo ear.Pie A CAR EE ROPPR'liý.TIT Retivséait- exPerlence and Save Dollars! Have your chest- witlu lauge pond. Locaued nea r to 3el1. ousalary expelcd te terfield and chairs re-jupholIN- Orono. $17.000 - Terms. EXECUTIVE TYPE BUN-, ered. Free estîmales, samoles '!O IE O FC RS Mr.John R. Frost taken ta home. Ne'ar Tyrone GALOW, 6 roomed, brick,' rh a vle 0 u.q t . uu NngtTrm rane cnc 1( aT atps ach style with attached The akvile 501fonas t. .. -Whiby udgt Trni Arangei Seuue 11 are arclsdouble garage. Undergrouund Police Department 2- WHYTE BOS. - . wiriog. Mahogany tuim, cup- 3 Miles- From Bllowiiuaruville boards and doors. Alurnincuun offers au excellent opportuanity Towrnship FîîRNITUPL~E AND 10l Acre paucels on paved storms. screens ail amound.- for (botte who cou, qualfy for 1 [PHOLSTERY "nadi. $6,500> - $1.500 down. Gooci size lot. Many, many ibis rewarding~ profession. of Whitby Corner inew odatvion stq. HeaIth Forcex Sale etr.O ,)0do . Phone 63-2.2d6(DAcevision RNO 6roomieci.spottess SALARY - 5,.027 ta stant, ris- Pr-i ePoe6355 6<Ar 'um mites home on main street. AIl inew In&ove tretyers a P rtti17l-tf Osluawa. 7-u-oom 2 -store y'pltimbing. AI] moderntui 3i6000on prescyrits tO home. steel barri 40' x 80%i 'veniences. Colanred bath-' uic. Building Inspector roetsiream. Only $75,O0)0 - Teums. raom. TV tower. Very an xious' Overtim~ed andi Court Attend-, and By-Law YOIIR O<PEN HOIýSE t d. 8roeifmI lnePi i ime and nue ORONO. 8roe aiy hall. a;r1 Enforcement Asphait Driveway s aturda'y .lune I8th home. Spotlcss and nicely: Vacation-Two esalr10 WITH S.unday. .Iune l9th d ecora teci. Modemn cnvn months and three weeks alter' Of fîcer 2I 4 <oloc lences. Asking only $12,900. eiKht years. Applications willI b. received SEALA DRIVE 'rerraüe Sî.b-di vision Terms. Other Benetits incudc-los- for th oiio BfIuîîdîntlataînst etutv oit and gas LIBERTY S~f T. ORTJH NORTH1- 0F BOW M AN- pitalization. Medical and Life ttpsto o etut VILLE, 16 acres with large, Insurance Plans. Sick L.eave' in.pector and By-law EKnforce- Add years ta new and oid N.H.A. 3-Bedroom Brickr pond, strearn. 7 roomed honseý l Beneffts anti Pension Plan. ment Officer for tb. Town- driveways Bungalows by Jlames O'MaIIel. and bau-n. Pniced ta selI. 40-ourWor iVelc shp o Whtbyunul :30j.u. FEE STMATS Vur uajn- NORTH -OF BOWMAN- 1 4vanemenur ortunlek sh fWib ni 43 .. REETMTS tee of qnallt%, craftsmanship.1 VILLE, 6 acres wiih large AanPlcee Coil rainingt ' " JUeya few ciat these Iow sra1n -roeibna ~un P oe633S priea. Please make your ltrar nd5ome bug- 11AIAFJCATIONS: 16624-1 .selectiouî earîv triavoid dis- waskn n! 2.0 orî. A~e21 o 3 yersApplièants aheuld have ex-i -- -- -appointmnert of Bowrnanville's' OSHAWA, 5 rooneci,amst 'perenc2sudteol30g .1BesiVaî brick and atone bunga-i Hegt iimm5,* building.H veU Chc low located close ta G.M. Ali Weight minimum 160 Ibm. Peias xeine Ihs Y u Car o (il 623-3393 modern couiveniences. Asking1 Education - basic Grade XI; munlcipallty and knowledga After 9 pin.:$1.0.'e-s desirable orf:municipal uoementwil 1Suiner Drivingi1 .Howard Forder 5-83 COURTICE, 6 roomed brick lCanadian Citizen homeonieeds u mt Boki on almosi 2 acre lot. Ali Brîls Sulei Witenappictl. ~~. Engin* Tune-upK î - modern conveniences. Askingl Good liealth, Mental and 4uired stating &Il personI%Enles - Exhaumi System Ve 2.07$690 e-s Pbrsical data, experienee, eduallnRstr*Iglo 'S Poti lYes 6 23-3096 We List Photo MI. L. S. God orl hrate sdavaîlable. l'ires 'Doug Gower ' 728-1005sdExlie Habits Apply In persan ai the Salany ta be eomsnonzur&t* AU Wonk Done b Joe Barnoski-- 723-5787;Aften Hsouri Cal: wlth ibilll4y 1,011-expei«Oteu!eLlicemed Meohanleo Clire McCullough -723-78431 OAKI'ILLE POLIICE OFFICES Pesonsiaui a RyFse Donald Mountj.y. - 6234414t 9.00 s&..ta 5:00 e.m. P.S.T. ceveriste avoiltable. i IGeorge Beaton - I 321 l' eMans 62Orono151 MONAI'te RIDF H 1171 1 Port Perry 985-2987 I MRbî 2 132 Lakeshore Road Eut , Wmn . vvalacte Il ansd Doreen Gimblett Phyîil eo i - 719v OAKVILLE Box lu Is8 i "ffst. <.Uwmanvillie IOffice - Pt. Hope 885-4. Intuer Jorjgenien. - 441 or eali 845-7171 BROOLLIN, ONTAiNiO ile Ph s st314Realdience - Pt, Hope 885-25. li ouDavidien - Betban'0r z4-12-t :- 2- vreoei«,. %L.Ranch bungalow with gar- Attractive 3 bedroon age. Excellent condition. 'Large bungalow, with beauitiful 'fini,31ed mec. room. Asking cathedral type ceilings in; $26.000 - Temms. living-room situated in an' eeasAe excellent residiential area.j eeasAe on large inregulan lot 72' , Two bedmoom home in good 175'. This home is adja-1Icondition. Ideal for retire- ceunt ta a partially wooded f, ment. 811,500. lot which makes its loca-' Elgin St. tion especîally attractive -'l Twn bedroom bungalow an Il bas a Gar-Wood ail, 60' x 150' lot. $10.000. fUruIace anud a roofeci-over, patio. Cal] NOW andi an-, Apartmeint Bidg. ranrge to inspect Ibis lavely Concession St. Modern brick home. 5 plex. Goond returo. Asking Rehder Ave. $20.000 down. Prestige type 3 hedroomHa to bungalow with single car! Very attractive huungalow garage and pnivate asphaltith 'garage on Scuugog St. dimive. Has a fireplace in $14,000. the livung u-oomn -- a]] Newcastle, - No. 2 HizhwaY buoadloam and aIl] drapes au-e included iin the pr New, 1 hedroom ranch hun- chase price. T1he R .galo,ý wt atchdgre Room i hs oei lread breezewaY. Fureplace. andi extremrely tunusuial - $g15) bambon andi Ori e nt aI (roeery Store lighting add ita the oe- ail beautv and imak oe t- b I village 8 miles from Row- roomwh' h icl c iha arman ville. 4 hedraam living rnom ich ,atrine.aTbarquarlers. Excellent location. eseily atacie Tît28jnOO home is welI landscapedi andi is located inan ex- Orono cellent residential amea oný 3 Bedu-non bungalow with a large lot 75' x 1.90'. CalLaîl monvenience. 5 14,000. now andi arrange an in-Oro spection. ro 1Ait ractive 2-storPehr i r eringing Bîuyer to Seller homne ocam park. -$17,0410. 'That's otur business - z5ummer Cottage Whether the hause you Oui beautiful Shadow Lake, have ta seli is new and Cnbo.o,îk. God conditioxi, cosily or nid and rmn Furruished. Lake safe fait dowo, there are folks who childu-en. Asking $3,000) down. want it -- Perhaps its To. lWucx House for You Now (iarnet Ricard- 72-1-5688 -- Perhaps you'd be hap- Milford MeDonald 62-9i pier in a ' maîler home or apaniment -- We have Wif Hawke - Orono 1 R ÏS familles who Need a Iarger ]Howard Wighit - 621-2524 hanse and wiIl pay a good __19__ 24-1 pu-ice in get what they ~-- _____ want - If you are even Business considering selling, cail us' right now at 723-2265 and Opportunity_ make arrangements ta dis-- cuss the matter with any FOR quick 8*. Bestofe ane of the 1.4 members of buYs NurseryF,, ýrk et gerden, our sales staff or col] oun cabins, fruit 'Itnd, timber- Representative in Bow- Pavid hig* aa. Benutiful manville - pot..Wri=.$i*. A. C»meqn miL DALE, at 623-5638 %ember of Oshawa and 1 istrici Real Estete Board List Exclusive and MLS &iN(G ST W. - OBHAW6 24-1 i PART or uli time.Ma facunr' ~'9éuires deaerlR ow ~ j1e ares for exclus- ive ocea luhlgh publie *M otai inveutniaent $995 on terma. Write Dé- SChemical, 574 Rogers _Rd. TIomto là. g20-U 1