10 h9Cnal* SitemU, Owmnvllç 3ne82,iS j Sections of Million Dollar Press Arrive at Gooclyar (Itèeld orlast week) land Mrs Fred Horoyd, S. and Mrs. Treri Marris, Mr.ad &àinfr thesaine week. Mrs Samn Faryna and girls, manville. 268,s-2042 bfr were Sna visitons with M.m i.Jc ynm Nwcale, oret6 H A M PTOM. n Mutt Lon and , onjc y night. Mr nd Mis. W. Rolroyd. lfamily, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Thankyou.Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cn Kersey wmne ln Peterborough Recnt isierawith Mrs.iningham, Fenelon FaIls, Mr. on Suntiay. Mn. md Mi. n George were and Mmm. Harland Trull,1 Mrs. L. Adcock and Harry, Ch~res like, Bwinavlle, wre uppr Mr. and Mrs. W. Harrison of Néwaste, issMinnie Hub- luests with Mr. mnd M !.Port Perry, went to visit Mr 6rBowmanville, Miss a aecsken Smith on SundayýGiIbert Adcock who is l Ténnant, Toronto, Mns. Ch ail-lafter the service at the céine-1 Princess Margaret Hospital in * 4 Green, Maple Grove, Mr.' terY. iToronto. While they were and MUs. Otto Pfeiffer and Mr. and Mn.. John Bird,ithere, visited the Wilbur Iiuian, Bowmanville. ;Newtonville, called at Mr. andliamily. Mns. Luther Allun and Mn. Mri. F. Holroyd'o hoine on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Apple- Myrtie Lever visited Mn.. Saturday. ton, Whitb.Y, Mn. Joe Cowx, (Mède who la in Bowmanville' Mr. and Mra. W. Fowler at- Mmi. Neil Berry and children Hospital. We wish Mm. Goade tended the Patter - Mitchell lwith Mr. and Mrs. Ëlalph Bal- a speèdy recovery. wedding in Bowinanville on'1 lard. Mns. Cowx is ln Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Lamb Saturday, supper guestà on'sonry ta hear. wre guests Saturday evenîng Sunday with Mn. and Mns. Notice - Ail children cf wlth Mr. and Mn.. LionelDon Lee and Keith. the Hamnpton Sunday School Iffickéy.i Sunday guebs with Mn. mnd are unged to attend their choir Mr. and Mis. Fred Holroyd,,Mrs. Clarence Tink were Mn ýpractîce on Fridgy evening Mr. Frank Holroyd with Mr: and Mns. Don Goode andifrteAnvraySrie boys, Lakefi*eld, Mr. and Mrs.IPne.schoal childnen at 6:30~ Ervine Harreli and girls oflp.m. School childnen at 7 J. m I - -.1 Oshawa. Mn.Cale mt 'clack. Thank you. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sinith andiand Randy, Mr. and Mrs. Ran family, were guests at thelder, Bowmanvîlle, with Mr. Ls ek la od fnweupetarvd teWs emnmnfcuesaearayo h Scottage at Lake Chemong withland Mrs. Haraldi Balson. Ls ek la od fnweupetarvdteWs emnmnfcuesaearayo h Mr. andi Mis. Lewis Trull. MnS. H. E. Tink, Sauina,îat the Bowmanville Goodyear plant, bringing sections job here. It will blé used for regular beits and steel Mr. and Mns. W. YoungiMissg Ruby Dewell, Oshawaý, of the huge new conveyor beit press that gradually cable conveyor belting as well. Total cost of the press Britigenen, were weekend with Mn. andi Mrs. Percy is being installed. This press cornes frorn West Ger- and installation is approximately $1,000,000. and it, * ~ . -guests with Mr. and Mn.i Dewell. - HaoldSaler.Mrs. Richardison, Torontomany where they make the best equipment in the will increase production capacity by about 25 per cent. LÉ 9Sunday callers with Mr. and Mrs. Trevail, Mis. James, Osh: womld of this particular type. Special installers'from ______________ der ~ ~ Mrs. Bert Stevens weme Mise awa, Mn. and Mrs. Jack Nes- -Sa am aladCrl Claa Pge Mr ad Ms.bitt, Bwmanville, Mr. and A A Cura Pge, Mn mnd Ms. ~ ~Stan RhartiniilRetiresl jr Frank McGill, Toronto, Mmm. Mrs. Harold Jebsan andi Der-etiesS&nday. Les Brooks, Bowmanville h, Baetn i .low There was no service in the Mn.. Tarn Burnaws, West Hill, lets, Taunton, Mr. Carl Wi - E I Lntt iucihr udy * Mn. Elmer Herring, Oshawa, bur and Allan weme Sun ntdCuc eeSunday U i n. ty aeEniklln guesti wit.h Mn. andi Mmi - urE r v i r i IL d I, due ta Cadnius An.nivemsary M. ati mmPage nsleon. Elmen Wilbun. a yHn o V t ra Eu a t rwhich several attendeti. Next BowmanviIle. with Miss N:. m.A .BletsStr circuit will be back te regu- Johns, and Mis. W. White, anday gueits were Mr. and Mns ,Sunday. V. Pnice, son, Billy Jr. effcintan Ov~leHidmn t-Sunday dinner gueits were F r O ut standing Careeria ilnefcetad Mrs. reEle inma a-Mr. Ernest S'wain attended tendeti the Nurses' 15th Yeam Mn. andi Mmi. F. J. Billett,1 a Seed Convention in Guelph, economical controlled ýreunion at St. Joseph's Hos Scanbomough, Mmm. Keith Sle- FonTePn rdt eky , o etiga amfiniMonday and Tuesday. hea fr eer roni pitai, ln Hamilton. ;mon, Mm. and Mns. J. Siemon, A Mni a ele and educatienal colleagues ta Mn. anti Mns. Wes Pearce h tfo vr om Mr. anti Mmi. Lamne Graves jEnnisîkiil. oAM.. fe.nhiMpostin as Puic d & you honor, ta congratulate anti Mxs. Crawford sipent thie aieteetiehaigSnd aye s hw w e ndie Pescott duing the week!Schol Inspecter fan Peel yu on youn achievements in weekend at the Wadland Sien eecri h atng d A u s ihMna tiRee g aod nb ,M ,Co ny I p cilp ee teducation . . . At the p nfent Estate cottage on the Trent saves you money oflnfl Sunday spe uss w eonfeIMn..haowaKb, M is s tonty Iaspe*prsnt-time you are the senior in- River. 'sspe usswToronftio hwa m. Co, inememony on. artntciay ,.setri th povne n stallation and mainte- Mr. anti Mmi. Alex CannickT Nt.Jn lh n atnrcev pco ntepoic n Mr. and Mn.. Hgrny Poole, nane pus conroled Mm. FmreiMis Jan am Visitons an Sunday weme cd the faneweil wishes cf edu- iength af service as an inspec-DoMîserSudavsi nane lu cntterdMr. arel,.is.JanNo-ton ls Mm. a da. vion- 'hetfreeyrm. ton, Mn. anti Mns. John Mmi. Lamne Simpson anti son cators thnoughout the caunty. trtr fM.adMs oo hea Bruc. Mm CsylckIs orth Don, Enniskillen, Miss Naa In an autline of bis hlstory, A telegmam inom the Town- Ston.g. sick îîst. Smith, .Bnaokiin, whoalase the gathering was infanieti shîp cf Taranto Board of M.atiM. amyWie M ~ k Mn. andi Mn.. Gneenley andi calieti at Mr. anti Mns. E. Wii- that Mn. Martin, a native ofi Education said. "We ioin famiiy of Oshawa, wene visit- hum, Mr. anti Mmi. Etigar Durhamn Caunty, was appoint- a.wt onfinsI ih nd reat cf eley ngan.Tr- ~ as ithMn an M.. esPnescott, Enfielti, Mms. John ed as inspecter of schois by you antiMd atn elhat Mrs.NeieHtgn.T- ~or 16t MrP.A C SaHutonS nd .Le Mallette, Woodviie, Mr. anti the council of the Unitedi nt happiness as you enter ente, spent Thursday and Fmi- rIP ER N ES. Friday evening, Mn. andi Mmi. Eldon Maiette and, Judy,I Counties of Durham andi* yor etirement. Youm con-daywt .atiM.Ri- _______________ n.Jc Lo.M.at m Argyle. iNnhmelnii 99 ntributions ta Educatian andanti Wall. Monday the White- *Lamne Annis, were In Peter- On Suntiay Mmi. Raymond j1951 he was transferreti ta o tae mmiivehs bin wichBadaaeffingladte roise - *]An' WUVAI a M qgMbamough ta sec Don Messe' Farrow, Marilyn anti Gloria, Peel Ceunty, where he bsyu aeieibas been aisoa , BffnCan ,hteadi _____________________ lîa[ers. Cal.ers weme Mr. attendeti Decomation Day ser- served for the paît 15 yeans as the highest entier . . hei onà; Cansonar*Whebed vice at Grovesitie Cemetery, Public Schaol Inspecter. *,Mn. Martin was presenteti whol isea tee VER 0 YARSEXPRIECE! in Bocokiin. Aise vîsited Mm:. Whie in Durham Ceunty,.* with a msewooti desk, a swiv- Mri. Aima Fowlem spent OVE 40 . Eadvantage ENCE. B. DeHamt at Bnaakiin. in addition ta hi. yean. as in- 1i desk chair, anti a painting, Fritiay te Sunday with Mn. Tae danaeUfItIL.24 jiur ser- Rev. anti Mn.. Reeti, Sun- spectan ai public achools,Mn "The Pool ini Late March - andi Mn. Eti Stmong, Bow- - l~~vie.; and radio dispatehed trucks eini r.Atu amr atnwsalae nmn derla'don the tathservemToronta, gueit acfe erice nySpeysitie, Halton County" by manvilie. .lwmys o h ready osrv ou. oono were geto rI fielts o ulesriei Tom Roberts. Mr. and Mns. Creighton Fue 011 Budgret Plan avalIsbleG, anti Mn.. Cecil Siemon. Brighton. He was very active At the gathering of educat- Devitt, Bowmanviie, a m e TOW 15NETN CI. fomr.C.Smntia cooen in Suy cbawoseminentantors thmougheut the anea, the vlsiting Mmr. anti Mmi. Cccli 0 OCNWISER TIDME ý fomis.C.Siemycon atentiin hunachoewaurksing as ntdeepest regret was expresseti Hamllten while Mrs. Devîtt 't at Trinity Church in Bew- anti Cierk et Session ai Trin*. at the thought that Mn. Martin is convalescing ufter sui'gery M *LA I C N LU Mmanville, wbere a noendayý ity St. Andnew's Unitedi i. now retiring fnem the fedi - wL W w * M M uncheon was servei. Cuc. ewoaieafhn-a educatian. Many fniends nBwavleHsitl JMiss Shirley Macklin, Owen an member of the Brighton anti relatives frein Dumba i Mn. anti s t. Fis e- OSA ASound, with Mn. anti Mm.. AI- Lions Club anti Paît Master of A. A. Martini 1County attentied the ceremony. Wlcdlvstt i o ___________________110_____ hr Mrs. R. Ford Sm., Sun- 723L-3481WA 1G an Macklin. ýthe Uniteti Lotige Ne. 29, day. ' SUPPLIES KN723-34814dnto, auraYAF.&A..Mr. and Mmi. Chas. Haie BOW ANVLLEafternoon, visiteti Mrs. Strong, The Minuster oai u a nn ounced W inners of er, Toronto, 623327 ST. W. Bowmanvilie. Suntiay, Mrs. Han. William Davis, sent a .Sna gutscM. Gardon McLean, Eltion Hub- letten te Mr. Martin, which anti Mmi. Jaiok Rahm. Sbard, Bowmanviiie, Mn. anti was eati at the retirement Mn.. M. Mountjay attentiet the celebration. It reati: "It is a C ~ a . ~Mm. anti Mmi. Mous Minaker, rot e c Yo u rdedication service at Bunketan pleasure fer me on the occasion 011d GrmuUL~L~eenwood, Mis as Miltireti Pr t c o rchurch. In the evening, attend- Fa m Sa et Cte terbert, Lx>oblin, weee Sun- cd the Suntiay Schaol Anni- ai the service was assisteti al visiter» with Mr. andi versany at Ebenezer. byRv at.Tcbnita1 F ~ Bwnnîî~SsnMm. W. Archer. I n nt m. aiPatr the Saivation Army was con-i The Durh ony r eMr. andi Mn.. Vincent Ar- Mn. anti Mmi. Alex Patter, Mr.dcibyCp.Hrbn ri' Safety Caunci'î safety paster Smith, Part Hope.chm iwavieM.at X T R EEand Mmi. Brian Bastin andi er. D'onation affeing was anti poem competition receiv- Honorable Mentions for Sfty1Mrs arc ae n ýfml, oor, r n Ms ppoiael 1900 ldte ed idersos rmeenn om John « Sal, et ns. MuieSm sat 1 . Patter, Saiemn, Mm. anti Mn,. sec such a nice turn aut. tary ichoals in Durhamn Coun- ville; Marie VanCamp, Nestle-1 Wentiy. Peterborough, visiteti * n V et i *n t J. Eiliatt, Oshawa, Miss Den- Mn. anti Mn.. HaroldiSkkn- ty. ton, Cathy Elliott, Newtonville; ith maSnti M.Tns' nise Carrier, Oshawa, wene nem, Bewmanville, Miss Aketi, Jutiges of the posters, Mns.;Cynthia Inch, Part Hope;,anlaSniy Sunday guests witb Mn. anti Tymone, with Mr. anti Mms. Clame Allin and Mrs. Mansell Mamie Akimow, Part Hope; 1Mr. anti Mr. Bev. Dealy, USE EFFICIENT , * *Mrs. Harolti Patter. Raymondi Clapp. Stacey, both cf Bewmanville, Janice Eiiiott, Bewmanville; Toronto, weme Suniday guests Mm.. White, Nova Scotia, Mn. anti Mmi. Reg Tapp, conducteti the dfficult task of 1Heather Reiti, Ncwtanville; of Mr. and Mmi. K. Dunsnioon. Mn. anti Mn. Douglas White IlQuebec, Mr. anti Mmi. Pedrîckeetng 2poerfom aBnandsn, Newtonl- Mrs. Ralph Wood, Bobcay- anti son, Stoney Creek, weeLewistan, New York, anc total of 367 entnies. Mn.. Wes.' ville. geon, Mn. and Mrs. Bil1 Cox, at Mm.. Mel Priimc's tiuring guests cf Mr. anti Mn,. J. Ycilowlees anti Mn.. E. Cny- The Dunhara Cnunty Sofety Bowmanvilie, werc Sunday A r a p a i the week. Smaleî.. They ail attended i demman, bath af Enniskillen, Council sponsors this Campe-! cvening visitors with Mr. and TO CONTROLPINE FLY noi, wi e t ithe Rvswm se th en "iselcîg egtwnigc de niparents morel Cartwright achoolx are te TO ONTOL INESAW FMmio.sCattoe, a e wtday:. and Mspperguest ith rom rm11pen ne-cnc so home, fanianti be congratulated. V/hile quite !adM. ata e s antir. .Sinales oi Osh- ed.' highway saiety. a sMtall High Sciiooi hene, CATERPILLARSMnCigecm i.eetOaa This yea'î competition dif-i seven students who gat early 'G 'G 'I Gi 1' o, a, a' 'G 'G s. M 'G 'G 'G o' * I. 'i r i. i. 1~ 'G r G, g' G,, i. * a. G, G,, w' I. ~ G,. i. .-- t, 'G 13 'G 't i. 'M * t" W 'G. "w w', * t' * w e a"' e~' t', w * et, t" 't. t 4' '4 a 't, 't. * fl3 Pte. Rom Jordani, who ha& been witsh the. Canadian Arnny ut Camp Gagctown, NS., wms home for thie weekend with bis parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Wil- liam Jordan. He will upenti the. next 12 weeks of hi, traîinngat Canip Berden. The '.mpthy of thecornii- munity la extendet te Mns. B. Yaun.gran ai Bowman- ville anti hem iamlily in the auddten death of Mn. Young- men. Many frein BetAiany went te pay thein lait respect. ut tee Northcutt Funeral Hogne. Mrs. In& Paliner spent the wekenti in Peterborough witb Mr. anti Mi. Haliy Mc- Mahon. Mr. anti Mmi. Harmy Preston anti memberi of their iamfily niotet t Dutton on Fniday ta attend thse funemal service of their tiaughter, Mrs.Donald Anderson (E vely n) anti granddaugher Lori Andersrn, who were tragicaiiy killeti in a car accident on 35 hig*iway on Tuesday, June 14th. Mr. Anderson returneti with themn ta, be nean his other twa chiltimen, Douglas and Karen, whc remain in cnîtical condi- tion in Roms Memoriai Hos- pital, LUndsay, as a result of the came accident. Memnbers ef the Anglican Church Y.P.A. fnom Trinity 'Church at the Mamsh, St. Mary'. Ldffcrd, and St. Paul's, Bethany, met for a wiencm roast on Thumsday evening at the home cf Mir, anti Mmi. R. A. Scott, Bethany. Rcv. A. S. Allerten superviseti a pro- gram o f s'wimniing anti gaine.. Mmi. Frank Fry anti Mn. A. S. Allerton assisteti with pe Paring nefreehient,. ChrLstfian Aflerbon provitiet guitar ac-1 companiment ter the group st. PWaIs A.C.W. The Anlican Ohurch Wb- men's Amclatlo meSnbéns of St. Paul'î Church met ut the Rectory on Ilburoday eveming. The prgamuwas in charge et Mna.Pkpei Snith 1~ members of Group T*flM fcatured I"ClotiProg'pr- Planning". Rev. A. S. Alienton lati this atudly, baalng his remarkî on the ressens for ndtigoals et the. organization. During thie worhip pemiati, tiwo minutes of silence mark- cd the rotp's respect for the reoeîytly beneavedti ainiliee ini the district nipon the deathe of Mu-s. Evelyn Anderson anti hem daughtcm Lori oi Fingal anti Miss Winnifrcti Ncsbitt of Bethany. Plans wero drawn up for the fimst quarter ci! the 1966- 67 yeam te unclude a study ni Barbados, whicb Diccesé is shontly te be closely linketi in teilowship with thc Diocese cf Petenbomuh. Alse plan- net is1 a meeting ta continuie stutiy of the wonk oft the Chancel Guilti, anti an even- ing set aside Iam a pot-iuck supper anti entertuininent for the senior citizens of ths community. There wiil bc ne meetings duîî-ing the monthes ai Juiy andi August.___ GET CASIR TODAT FOR OL» APPLIANCES throuth STATESMAN CLAsSKFIEDS Telephene 623-3833 McCormick International 234 CORN HARVESTER mounts on 5 diff.rent makes of tractors The 234 is the only corn harvester on the market with a self-coritained power.mourted universal framne. It fits 5 mnakes of tractors, 22 models. You rnount it or take it off, without effort - in a matter of minutes. Matched .husking or shelling units art interchangeable - in only 5 minutes. Completely new and diff erent lromn corwentional corn pickers, the 234 provides ail the com.-saving efficiency of a combine corn head operation - plus the versatility of rear processing units for shelled corn, husked or snapped ears. Corn Heads Make us your corn harvest equiprnent heacjquartems See ou r f ulil i ne of corn heads - 2 to 4-row sizes for both wide and narrow rows. COWAN EQUIPMENT CO, 134 King St. E. Bowmanvllle 'RATION 0F THE IP 0F DARLINGION OT'ICE S HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the nship of Darlington at its regular Council Meeting the 7th day cf July, 1966, at the Council Chambers at Hampton at 1:30 p.m. or anytime thereatter *y.law to widen, divert and impreve the. following SNo. 10, known ai Preston'. load, md Allowance between Lot 20 and Ion et the Township of Darlingtoe, the Canadian Pacifie Kailway. 21 las et itu min. lands in said Lots 20 and 21 ln the lit con- p of Darlington required for the aforesald road. ed by-law and Plans showing the lands affected ces et the Township Clerk in the Township Hall. J wiii hear in person, or by his or her couus.1, person who clain. that his or ber landi " be y he mid by-law and whs appUm e .b. huard à 1th day cf June, 19U6. W. B. EUYD)LE Ckark-Adaslaitraoer. BITHANY 20.EA TR NSERA LEGUA ANEEHope; Wayne Brown, Port~ Saturtiay evcning, Mr. anti to be helti on ThursdaY, t iComplete Hope; Barbaa Gamsby, Port, cd a numben aif fientis in Hop; RsemryArnolditi, honon of Mr. andi Mmi. Ted wilI consider passlng a b MiI on Hope; Peter Harnais, Pont Calwell wIio are leaving ini rond: O nIil Hope; Bernie Weîtcrvelt, Port septeniber for Brazil as mis- T1 pL Hope; Lintia Briden, Port sionanues of the Unit. ti ýCnev T u kS Hope. hc.Tonip oa ISection B: Chundywchhlde'o.Y OSHAWA, June 8 - A Elaine Kellogg, Pont H ;i. uta wsCite' a'theorna on bright-meti Chevroiet heavy Joanne Aluin, Bawmanviie ;1jin St. John's Church. Rev. R. teoiia o duty 80,000 - series tandem Lee Anne Hockin, Bowman- C.oer tlvetii vni m1 teltCne tuck tinove off the General ville; Janet Antimus, Port Hope;,eetn sermon train h1jntr ht Matons ai Canada asscmbly Allain Wilson, Part Hope;, text, "A sower went forth '.ô line teday to beconie the Kathy Bickle, Bowinvilic;' 90w,? expaining to thc chu- l,000,000th truck builtit n Allen Poynton, Part Hope.!timon the goond geunti et aur Oshawa. Michelle Robinson, Nesticten., heurt., some ef the itones and te expropriate centa "We bclieve that this wiil Section C: Ricky Joncs, Bow-l anti wceds.teso ofheTw hi be the best model year fan manvilie; Eileèn Raynor, Porti Mn. anti Mrs. Bert Knox' csine teTwsî aur trucks in GM history," Hope; Joanne Breaks, Pont anti Tony, CarlinWord, Miss said B. H. Walkem, pnesident Hope; Barbara Taylor, Parti Marion Rosa anti Mmi. A. E.1 h rps Of GM cf Canada. "We believe Hope; Camolyn Jamieson, Part MéDougalti, St. Marys, wce. h rps saies by the industry in Can- Hope; Rcg. Fnccthy, Bowman- Sunday guests ai Mr. andi may b. een ini the offic ada willi establish an ail-tinie ville; Debbie Thampian, Ne:- Mns. Glenn Lamer andi boys.1 model yeam record In excceus of tleton; Cmaig Cnuickshank, Mr. anti Mmm. Edigar Thorn- ~~Itig wrr~ wth Kaier Locl eprsetatve125,000 units.Y Part Hope. ton, Millbmook, calieti en Mr. The Council lad 0tl ý4î»tngworres ith Kaier ooca ReresntaiveOn hanti te take delivery ef Section D: Ralph Parkinson, anti Mn. Ernest Larmer, Sun- Woat pel ma o crck. Ml LONEALLN, the l,oO0,0Oth truck were the Orona; Bill Lord, Part Hope;l day. agent or solicitor, 8flyp AlumI~ Slduig. r~î~. I Price r., nePta<~nY~~îvice residnt ani ICMr.thMaodPart ep.;oMn.eatiun-. Gerge Dn-1 pcjudliallyaffeced b Tour,-, ili. E. Canla anti E. E. Hlggins, Lyntia McHolin, Port Hope; ba anti îanîîy, Scanbonouoh,l Part Hope; wene Suntiay gesa a ~. *lu $"*to.em te luAimsul.u m s 348national truck sales manà<1er, m -lt *Anderson, Tyronand Mn Llyd WWt andiDTDti The eight-ioot hlgh truck, les- Randy Anderson, Tyrone; Li ai ndaleonteRyDT Wbaêwu, Awmbugs, Carports and Stone, Etc. ELrIsmg cai swalcome ttine fora cuttomer i Tornti da înwards, Port Hope i h o or cail direct will te on dusplay ut the Section E: Christine Hill, Pont me ill P'xnWo. FCanadian National Exhibition Hope; Cane!Caldwell. Oraona;! Mr. and Mro. Mervyn Gra- wzm~w Ai> OON ~a»ucs (SMA A) TI.Automotive Show la Auguat Rc Bolan. Nestietop "miel; hum visiteti Mr. anti Mmi. . 1 The fit truck was but i lHanewîrh, BewmanvV rb hnl' rhm nSniy PhoneM-UcOshawa iii 1919 anti the tinst un Groot, Orano: Dawn Jisset, Mnr. anti Mra. Rois MeCann, ~aa Mrar inlem108.Port Hope; Roaewy ICea-1 Oshawa,-vWsted Mr,a«W Mr.. PHONE 623-5689