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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jun 1966, p. 15

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**CLASSIFIED ADS***-M gsrleiout Te" nt e 'in 'g, 9 Carda 0~~. ý M agist tes C ourt' court w~tl this wSS£oe of mla Ti d ~Th='I e oimC mn v6flts CoùngEve'car accd:oetwith f ta rniguie g ruh wi wOuld Ilke te thank aIl HUBBARD - Ini oving me- Monter Bingo, Thursday Hampton Sunday Schoo elc o m nileweaes ovito bot fine of $50 ad myendol MrY frlends for the gift and -ory of a dear husband Oliver nigtet 8 o'clack, aonre Anniversary, Sunday, June el i *'mn iaflef$0adcst~ r1 as r10dy.Ilglps the gave for me on Hubbard, who passed away by teSnyiePark7ReC 26hatmes.m Gestupeké ru -Y ey .James Ed*ownJue 7 Brn orhrsaw. tCMr lwlieesocTgmeJia lt 96 ue hacosi ee. eiesadorun tefive".4 ca Pat Chant. 25-1* 1963. The Prout Family Picni-c tord, Ontario.. Speclal mnusic anyTais58 Hr Mo Vnct,15Whigcrt mv teSie ttiIlc P It'a se lonely here without will be held at Cream o! by Sunday School children, tre rvn,57Hr o AvenetD15wlIming- ar o e bt e crulse o 7 ltiq iega ou sOIo!p it eethnmt vey oBarley Park, Sunday, June 26. assisted by Mr. Douglas Dew-mofly oad, 401w,,polontoto ttemn wi-theImisyu oe ahd ,Sfraude amweared fr sn-charged witii faillng tyield Houle Hgwy 40,peded gulityscodtaf toeo!tu 4vg ýas se kinc1t e I isyu oemchdy ports 'nt 3 ýcIock and supper ell. 242 wthtene vdneh~ hie nutof way May 3Md, where there wau heavy trot- charge end xnet guilttoteengbLsieruth x dui tay in the hou- For life lu not the sane te me, at 5. 24-2 ec. viec e enw rpeetdby .M-,c nd lok hm t75fs. 1 Sit . RyMcoad. -oing yu reembeed bwy VARIETY mer 'rvcsl n five Lean, Toronto, end pleaded miles en heur for iiiree miles. Congtabie R. Page sdml ortfnida ee p a. RoScoal. -ine youwreecaled awy. Round and Square Dancing chargea invclving bouncing not guilty. Andy Gocxlwin, R.R. 3, was tliat he andi Corçora!MGe ocok 25-1* wife Minnie. 25-1,at "The Wheel" every Satur- MUSCfNIGTT!9 cheques. A pre-sentence ré._______________ _____ _____day, starting May 28. Music port ~was prepared. William Gearing told the fineti $10 and costs, or three were on pa 1olwe le by Norm McKeen and Western Intermediate ad Senior Choira sprceigwetdyfolwn onito erntcdth vue -I lvig emryofMi Sihi an mhd appeareti in' Oshawa Sfl Highway 2 andi colllded making an improper turn ofl other youth walklng suho bourse relatives anFoieds.y arntdmisGansaaon, $__ 1 -t ISperriitamD. - aitrt'pertonas-i ih lclaysco s*e ihay2a MpeGrv ivso Sre js ou. ! UI aMmere h - Ganpa Wlte ad hobelips, School, Oshawa, wlll pre- lar charge early in Mardi ap.d drove out ot Bad Boy park- Road May 29th. Hec was re- King Street. Cowltneen nioria Hlowespi, beso! frl uit, Grnd, Water59. Phobe Mp r avTes, udues Staw-ntInstrumental eeciîons, beeui given auspended sen- ing lot. Constable H. Cook, presentet by E. C. Wildanan. the cruLsr, set a ht. cars ad isia wil inMe Ok wh psse a a o br Tean, Tu esday hJme' 8th, twfrliag adballet, as tence fer onc yeai-. He said OPP, wae lnvestigating f- Constable H. Cok, OPP, was beer down In a daoora MsFlrneGavle25-1 W anbak, te ld a v aple Gravt Road North' weII u choir selecions. Te uiat lie was no worlcîng andi cer. investigating officer. disappeared into SinsR- Whnwb wrahtoehrc63k.. dsSOcide be hell In Church Basemeait, il given a chance, coulti ne- Magistrate Batten listened Michael Lootsma tolti the tauranht. When theafie Iwish te thank ail my *u erttasan oigrn3c 25.1* ORONO, THURS., JUNE 23 gatiate a Joan witli the Credit to thc evidience anti agreed court he was eastbound be- entered, Cowling wasi i triends for the set of luggage Bu etogtas adBavng rn n c ,Ked -,Juai 7:30 p.m. Union and make restitution with dfnse counsel hat hind the Goofwin car and wachioim. He Sfllllbdsrig ~TPELSIOsvc and especially Mr. and Mrs. Will hwth s Brvr. 2talleDneostes arn u- Poce tbOooSouts for ail his choques. there wus net a prima facie about to pass it when Good- ly of beer andi wâso h Witherspoon, Connie Brook- Wl l-Ewt u ve ed by dau h c lenby Gary rieCBrn Os- P A d s te - Cren 15 Megistrate R. B. Baxter Cms. lHe dismâssed Uhc charge. win made a left turn without veffe of 1n1pairnt. lnGail Kilpatnick and Jane ter Marie and family. l25-1 w arAdmision $1.00 per pe- Au24 5e- Chlaen 1hlmon probation for Xic Grant HUIS, 74 Simp- signalling. OowlingadhefutUiOs wa&D tit Withrpoio agn he ____scin. Sponsored by Kendal - 'oyer ith bond net at son Avenue, was ctiarged June Trrnothy Thoeas, 3 11 Coch- Steet, icdi adowa nKlgD..ui a,ê lovely surprise. 'Recreation Association. 25-1 Haydon Sunday School Anni- $500. He was ordered toeniako 4th with catchass driving and rane Street, Port Perry, Srepce tu nicr m " J.é Valenie Adams. OLVERIn loving memory of versary Services will be held restitu1tion tb th. five Bow- tailing te uotify a police of- pleadeti net gullty te causing rieti it oround tuechnr 25-1 dear parents, Mr. and Mrs. Woodview Community Centre Sunday, June 26 at 2:30 p.m. maiwilt stores andi turn hlm ficer cf an accident. The a disturbance by swcaring ___Sam Olver;, mothen, who pass- -Monster B i ngo. Twenty and 7:30 p.m. Speciai music receipts over te the probation second charge was disnissed Mav 27th. Constable H. R. Mrs. Owen Nicholas wishes cd away December 23, 1965, garnes-twenty dollars; tive by Sunday School, assisted in offices- in Oshawa, to whom and Uic first brought a fine Corneli, OPP. testificd that ta thank ail her relatives and and father, who passd away gaxes-thity dollars; $150 aftrnoon by Mrs. E. White hie wil report once a monthi. o! $50 andi coste, or 10 days. le and Constable L. R. Jameés' vrsits during her stay in hos- If we had ail the worid ta $250. Doar priz e s. Next Ross Metca]f. Speaker: Rev. R.R. 3, Ralph Fortune, Bow- saud h. was caUed te UieBReg's Marine, Caesarea, and ital, aima many thanks to give Monday, 8 p.m., Redi Barn, ar Atkinson, of Gruce manville, and Jim Robinson, scene of! an acident on High- tieard the aocused shout an i Rev. War, Unit Three o! Trin-i We'd gîve it, ycs, and more, Oshawa. 4-fCurch, Toronto. Friday, Newcastle, were ciharged with wa3& 35 just north o! the in- obscenity ut another youth Kr ity United Churcli, Dr. Austin To hear your voices, see yaur July lst, unnual Tea and Con- supplying beer ta rainons. A tersection with Highway 2. inside thic hall. The words and the nurses on fîrst floor 1 Smics M N T RBN O cn.Tasne :0pm n 5ya-l iltl e tr A northbound car hli run were writtkn not spoken in Fr forther ondrfu atenio. Ad gee yo utth dor.tii ail are senved followed by last week andi a 16-year-old across to the west et the open court. Tht Crown point- 25.1* iBut all wc can do dear parents THURSDAY NIGBT, 8 'clock Vaiety Concert. Admission: this week. 'Mle girls stated highway and back te the east cd out that they werc obscene ____Is go and tend youn graves ISponsorel hi the Junior adults, tea and concert, $1.50; that they skipped echool and ugain sheairing off one guard but net swearing us chargcd. Teetheott wprehtstodthank Dr.BLEEK.Alove N adults, 50c; children, 25c. with Jura Robinson and three exteit o! $25 damiage. No the case. Siemon, the nurses at Memor- T te csm a reGdee. OBSHE AWAILlO 24-2 otiher mien, who were net driver was att he scene and Paul Lawson, aged 27, l Hospital, Bowmanville; ae.OS lA 8f- harged, andi drove ta Osh- Uic car was towed te Knapp's Quecu Street, Taranto. picad- is donc, Vacation Bible School will Second Annual ae aho h c li-grg.Tohusltnttc o ulyt aigi i manyfrieds ad neghbors ýpetiin n-oney and Robinson owner came -to thc garage posesion a switchblade for - tht beautiful flowers,' iWhierever heaven May be, again bc hcid this ycan ut the 'V~VT'lulîbc-a rwn'n-weettefcrwshvn a e cards and acts of kindness. We You'Iliboth be standing ut the R ht hrsinReformed ±J.L'...JL LIail tobreTey d roeeut trepaihr weok donc on thencentdedMy E. . HeWilan r. ,m~.LhIA hIU IjIkqj are al most gratetul. i door Chu nc, Scugog Street. Al (.K K TW fT a streon Hanco Rodu drplie crs er.n th Cosnstadb E . J . B id sac E Mn.. S. B. Leggott, 1 Up there to weîcomne us. chldrca ages 5-12 are favited CARoptncda Uit been ank d andpolierue. vCoansuse fr thalhe ki tte hch M. and Mrs. E. Rss ýSadly missd by the family. to core and njoy Bible pndtebean rk .E.RLvkicuslfrhth totek-fwih n e g 25-1 ,stonies, games, and craft. Date TYRONE COMMUNITY PARK Jack Chambers, Raipli For- tht defense, calied His to was produceti in court, frora ad famiiy. 25-1* July 4 -J15y Ti- , 9 - 12 noon. Frdy2 tune and another manot the stand. He said he had lost the accuseti and lie showed Next ime yon st n e xrca...orahusd, We is toexcadou vey AR-In îoving mcmory ft!Transportation providcd if 1F ida , un 2 charged arrived inl Fortune's conta-cl o! tht car when a how it operatcd. The six-inchi a week . rent a'6Fr rmu.h.teeu e nccded! Caîl 623-276 for in- People fa the house told VolvO inicdiutely aheud et blade when opened locked 'l t av ou rnpraininbes Tsicl idtl uincre hans ad apreia-my eanhus and Wuite ! formation. 114 IC me - pe hmtadiei ose hthissoe -d sreniy. Bis place. Chief B. R. Kitncy uiso us what kind t orfyuwn.Tataalyun tien for the kindness and mes- Park who passtd uai Jnt _ -mesRie building whcre the plcpstge hainijurcd lis denionstrated its use, show- ta do. Your Ford wl esaklgda drayt sages cf. sympathy tram l2th, 1965. ache ThteNewcastle Lions Club ~ r coulti not sec thern it .they hant i'n tht accident and it ing how it could le chunged go. Try us and àe friends, neiglibors and relu- Our hearts« tlacewh present their unnual summir .JoflSer Bingo passed. Some o! thc been was laed to be bundageti. Thle two to a wicked-iooking weapen. tives for floral tributes ad sadness Caraivai on Saturday, June trunsferre te t Fortune's car. youths hitchhiked te Newcas- The accused, wowrkas EAO BL RTS- nuegsadIauac donations te the Canudian, And secret teurs stil 2th on the grounds of thue Outdoo r Dancing Tih girls '10it Iwios l oa latboh.Te nc die o orontoNALE Cancr Sciey. pecal hunm fowCommuiyHl.Fauig___ 25-1 fon a whulc and then came useti thein only dime asking firm, cxpluîned tht way hl FORD GALAXI: 50 -DO ADO te Rev. Gco. Ward and mcm- 'What it meunt te lo-SeeuOu games of chance, rides and out andi got into Fortunes car the operutor foir tht OPP useti the knife for cxtracting ber an orrisnity U.C.W .lnitNootwlevsae kd n dw 5-0duti ya' de SOTwith Jack Chambiers and jim numben, then hitdhuhiket back nails andi bits of steel frein $8.00 prdypu prml 12 ad orrs uneul ome Wea ht u3' ue sd atiattnaction is the A-Go-Go Con-1 Calif ornia Tour 'rîompson. te Bowrianvilt. Ht was giv- fris tires and strmpping wirîng FR UTN Fred Wood andi Family. 1 bonelv test. Plan now to attend, this 13da Tle¶y drove arouad for some en Uic benefit o! tht doubt on off tht truck liglits. Ht said~ 25-1*.ý And evcrything goes wreng, promises to be a tua night or t2imey then down te Rowmaa- tht second charge. lie bougît anethen FORDt like We seem te heur you whisper everyone. 25-1 JULy 2 - Auut ville Beach wh.ere they pick- Armnand Houle, 172 St. Ag- it for two dellars la a dis- Wewih e xpes or Cherup ud ury n. Pontypooî Unitedi Church Places of lnterest : Toledo, ed up two more teenage girls,.fies Street, Azilda (nean Sud- -count store and took it to he artfelt thanm un ghrat i e Legy nm er b nens )-lý6h ary Services, June Little Rock, Grand Canyon, They drove te Newtonvilie bury) pleadeti net guilty te Metro Police to ask hcm il it tnd railotieds, eibrs Hee.2512thu 1:0am. d7:30 Phoenix, San Diego, Disney- n we I a tpeio aeesdriving June 3nd. Ht was illegaifor thcm te mciliit1RNACI 178, Rel a also tc rundip.m. Guest speaker, Rcv. land, Las Angeles, San Fnan- Highway 401 about 1 a.m. ont was fineti $50 anti casts, or anti fer hlmi to have it. They Mo7ri Roalnaian egiand RIMAR Charles Catto. Garden Party, cisco, Reno, Sait Lake CitY. of!-thte then girls ploncti a 10 deys. laed disagreeti on the niatteri YSE MNstorrsn oeralCha ntie Wedncsday, June 29t1 ut 5:00 NO NIGHT TRAVEL taxi which toe vtrnOe but Conistable R. Hart testified Magistrate Batter gave h Ntoa FaciciSme foNetn omtes Ist itut MEMORIALS ip.m. (Kentucky Fnieti Chick- 1 Atlantic Cit the two girls giving evidence thet he ives purked on Buscelthe benefit o! tht doubt andetFr fCndDoea forthir hoghtules, knden).- Entertainrnent. Two andi Fortune back te Bow- Line turing est near tht disrnissed thc charge, advising nesses, floral tibutes and ex-, Digniflel ,nd Distinctive ýplays presenteti by the Pontv- CIVIC WEEKEND TOUR manville. Thethtret stayed Libetyt Street stop siga. Four lira te use a smaîl serew pressions of sympathy extend- Meniments - Fiat Markerspool U.C.W. Admission: udults Jl 9-in teJark Robinsorn a irst sigauaiing o u gtsthe dri.erkna itrippercon- ofdea usningath u eitsfosn ne H l andTu'starne Mrs. Emily Mains 152 Sieoe St. S.. Oshawa i______ __E. unt il imn crs pTheoced esutul, tht divce rap aD N L F R A E o!a er uhadun ften a eigi fr n ne $.0,c ic oc.___ 2- Hnomt i our. rit rapne pesentd b. .Wlut ntuTh t ccsc utacea isatd zinFrIfrainwieo'hoi admitteti buying the bec,-buteh service station lot, round- Clarence Huard p le a d o an aiy. 2-12310 78621saiti le lad not given it tûe d tht corner with a equealing guîlty te carciess driving May 219 KING ST. E O M NIL anFIN umIY 2 O172 ice2 -72E .627 UntedChrchBO E ither o! tht girls. Be saîi Of tires, cuttiag off tht four 7t1 on Higihway 35. The Of-i MONUMENTS AND STRAWBERRY TRAVEL AGENCY he lad taken it away from Wantd 3 BLOMSGOVE VE. ont of thtm on Uiree ceca- MARKERS iBW nFFET3BLOOSGRVE VEsiens. Each tira. she took 4 te" la "Cash he . turr.YM Port Hope 885-2527 more. Cash on he Spot wea., lune 2 25-2 E. R. Lovekin, nepresenting (RJ~~.K\ Plktd r prmptly F a duts - 9 usne- Chunibens and Fortune, an- STFFRD fo DadorCnppe tFam4-30 on o STFOD Stock. P - - pomty dlt,$1.50 Bsns-gueti thut thes' anniveti after ~d ~ BROS. LTD. Telephone callect 26-1-2721 Chiidren, 12 and under, 60c tht been wue bouglit anti thut M a g il F r F r -25i _ Ap o L r L thy ad net known the girls TYOE AT rfultie1Mn-would be there. FA(yAil Y EH A R NES S PATofultm Ma- Magistrute Baxter r uled Liene o.4-e6 facurer requines -dealer in that ail thirce wenc equally Wý0UET e nNo .-C66R A C I NG Bowmanvillcentra for exclus- guilty. Be mid that mothers StaAforBonus Curd1 " ive new procesa in higli public tend to blame men in cases PORT PERRY tiemanci. Total iavestmcnt of this kinti but the girls LIMITED Deadstock Service -T lt $1,995 on ternis. Write De- wert net forceti te get into oum usFriday, ll s Luxe Chemical, 574 Rogers tht car, they were not physi- m nm ns Higheat Cash Prîtes for Deai Rd., Toronto là. 20-tf cally ferced, te drink tht beer_____ Bo13ald Crippled Farm Stock POST TIME 2 P.M. _____________andti Uey coulti have lett. Be Box 133 t E, hib BURRETT FUR FAIM WAGERING PRIVILEGES Personal recommrendeti that tliey bu 31 hoDnasSe.Whltby Phono Long Dstane I h edbyOhawchargeti us juvenile delin-FRS ONA ON POhneWhl8-355 Zenith 66550 (no charge te yeu) Hamnesu Horst Dnvlng Club HYGENIC Suppies- (Rubber quents. RS ONA I No1 Mhw 8-35-pt gre Lic. N.31C6 25-2 go 0dm) maileti postpuid in "I know we live in a per- Let A-î. N.3l~6 plain sealeti envelope witii missive age" comm e nt edt pnice list. Six samples 25c, Cnown Attorney G. F. Bonny- 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order custît, "but Uic courts must Dept. T-28. Nov.-Rubber Co.,.-maintain smre degret of con- TABR ox91, Hamilton, Ont. 1-52 Vrai over irrespounsibie and i Ia TA WE I S 9 1EZ11U -- ~proper behavioun. These girls, .FRS DA Y E5IEWanted to Buyn wh o are 15 and 16, stayeti out RS DAL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -_ .1 n igh t. T h t p aren ts nm u st I BOUT 30 acres standing a ae been hystenicai. Tht tom pu1ry odol e days la jeu for caI on-t S Ic.ks .athu, 63R3.R 2 cU- c1 ei. f 1et spnaiin 'li~~~er daugliter, Mns. Jack Glov- île weioSmed Magistrate Rich-I__I _ _ _ _ er, Oshawa. ianti Batten, Pcterborough, A -i U*SED CARS M~lr. anti Mij. IiCw Huleo- whvyVilltk seoft he ______________ PONP.NTIAC PARISIENNE 1965 FORD CUSTOM M lweeSudyguest t - Iodno aredi Mr ilRi',Orono, anti courts o! tht United Counties.-AL EFBTYCOKRo ILBR 1 'Fattentied tic specia service. H. demt witl Uic nmanîng EW..A~V uItàORHRTP4DO Mn. anti Mn.. Roy Best, VOO G M IXE Lic. 38912E $2695- -Lie. J16854 --- $19-el e vstd tM. ra 1965 METEOR 4-DOOR 195POTAchwll.x ooî mBoard Le, o mlsg. TAT-HIF4-DOOR pant-tinie, ut the Township Li. 106 ~Cerksoffice, Ornna. eeks RIL i. Lie 1108 24 5 i r.anti Mns. Sit Hullowell Ku i îng - 1964 RAMBLER 2-DOOR Lic. J13Z07 LIs pn Sunday In Tenante. 1DO cl~,~p~s yl., autematic, 1964 CHEVROLET 2DORMn. anti Mn.. Charlie Trim, Thc Durhami District Bigh AE2c~U @ egaten radio. BIY owmanville, wene Sundmy Sceo Board will seek a nul- SAV 29 Lie. J16425 $17 5 il., autonsatie. ~Mf dinner guests with lier pan- ang fnom the Depanîment o!f ________________________ 1963 PONTIAC Lic. H78754 enI cts, Mn. anti Mn:. Orme Education on the boant'à e. O -AL CONVERTIBLE 1963 FORD Mn. and Mn:. Carl Totiti pecial commercial course next ýN E W NO. V-S, automatic. CONVERTIBLE $9 5 wene evenîng guests with Mn. tti4m. neifr~nîa rs ¶~1-b Lic. 1»82217 - - $2095 Lic. 1H$0350 _____andi Mn. Len Fls h edfrarln rs Mn. anti Mrs. Deibunt Hal- out cf a lengthy discussion cf 41> , 5bEA tweknathenumecomtetatpealcr-lowell ant i Bll, Tenanto, spent e equest by tht Part Hope<iID A U~7 h ome. merdiaI clauses not be offereti LJ..Mn:. L. Todd ha. returned at tht scie ai next Septernbur. Ma c N L orne aften upending somne Miilbrok Higli Schcol Prin- j> wthMn. anti Mn:. Don cipal W. C. Brown saidti tIre _____ -leon Newtonville, anti was ont girl ut his achool who AN 1P -alec visitipg Mr. anti Mrs. B. would like ta take the course. U Donnelly, Port HoLpe l. Tht question is whether tht F O R KS L E S Weiland Jim spcnt ffiday of uuition af the tudent te, go ta >Wo<4e;~ ut week ut Mm. Harald a high achool whene the courseFOuM R I 219 KING ST. E. BOWMANVI LLE îittîe's, Campbellford. 18 uvailable outulde the high F O A K PHONE 623-25M î ~Al were very orry an achool arca.77KNSTW.«P L«ai one of Our Courteous Salesmen: heai tring about Mr. Youngman's Part ot the uchool mct legisia- 7 IGS.W UN 234 Con C passing. H s contributions te tien stetes a reident uchool BUD Ffl JMY EA HP HI th Satmn e re oyed, ourhs e rgttotk

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