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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jun 1966, p. 1

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Dri ver Dies Wkeri Truck -Somersaults nr VOLME11 16Paes BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY,.lUNE , 1%66 10e Per Copy NUMBER 21 Farm Union Swings into Action on Highway 115 Tractor Protest Slows Traffic- Screechrng tires on Highway 115 became a common sound again today as Durham County farmers con- tinued for the third day to take part in spreading protest dem - ~ . onstrations against the Ontario Gôvernment s agricultural policies. Members of the Dar- lington Local, joined Ontario Farmers Un- ion members. from other parts of Durham. ... . in taking their tractox s. .~- - onto Highway 115, five miles east of the junc ... tion of Highway 35 and 115. A tractor trailer driver, vehicle, loadcd with lieavy flic invertcd tank. theý driver niisfakenly thouglit Francis Murphy, 37 Beatty rolîs of papen, had tunned off The transport trailer was the entrance fo Orono was .Avenue, Toronto, was killcd the highway int o thc norfh practically demolished. The the turn-off ta Highway No. on Tucsday at 12:10 a.m. enfrance road to Orono whcn driver was cruslied in flic cab 2, whlch is about five miles whcn bis southbound truck it bit the left curb, wcnt out hanging from bis feet. Dr. soufli. overturned at Highways 35 o! control, somersaulbed across Charles J. Austin, fthc Coroner, The body was removed from and 115 at fthc northern en- the intenvcning grass, sbnuck pronounced Mr. Murphy dead fthc scene by Bowmanvllle trance ta Orono. thc concrete island, and land- at the scene of the accident. Area Ambulance and taken bo The ftruck was owned by'cd upside down beyond. Constable Murray Joynt, OPP, Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- the Hcrb Payne Transport Onono Fine Brigade was cali- invcsfigatcd. manville, pending notification Company, Limitcd, Peterbor- ed ducef0 flic danger of fine One fheory advanced as fa of next of kmn. oughi, Toronto, Sarnia. The from gasoline pouring from the cause cf the fatalif y 15 thaf Present Farewell Gifts Rotary Holds Coun cil Holds Dinher . Golf Tourney The Bowmanville Rotary Club's Golf Tournament held af the Bowmanville Golf and For Retiring Colleague Curling Club Iast Wed.nesday attcrnoon was a dccided suc- cess. Dr. Keith Silemon and M bis wife earned Uic top hon- g to o llinors in the cômpetition. Dr. Movig toColingw od TURN TO PAGE TWO) The Ontario Farm- ers Union throughout the province are dem- onstrating to empha- size demands for the Ontario Govetnment to take action on items ranging from milk price support to taxes. Ken Sinclair, north of Manvers Station, OFU Director for Dur- ham County, is in charge of plans for the demonstration, and L. J. Wood, R.R. 4, Bowv- manville, the Past UFO Durham County Director, is also taking an active part in the arrangements. His Worship, Mayor Ivan best wlshes and, the wishes of of Town Council entertainç4, for every success . in Colliflg- I(> t'y on Frida, . o as vicdth r-anad v'-eces auus & hot eaint -* W &n4n th bee A« Bowmanvile to take u resi- great los b the town. the flô er Pot-i fi ont .of bùsinessýesta -iéthrrià An us Pittma n decnolng :. Thé présentation ofa-putter Ihsve n A neOe Coroer' Inueu j~tionlrc Ton Cun s gft c ai prsen ;nis mde benc4, fôt tired shoppers to use. Who'l1 be next? 1h. death 0 Ain gus lt t n Io onCugnla if;o'al rsnw effective July 3th. He has to Counilor Chantby Mayor t t t t t teas eahof An Me>. th, been transferred by the Good- Hobbs. Councillor C h a n t WNE i mttecneilporeo 1966, Beac henl aydt year Tire & Rubber Company thanked'everyone for the gifts. of Smit - BillrgSm, shwa nones thpoi eek 196, * hed tis ornntfromn the office of, its local He said hie would put them ofSihBvrgsOha , nuesti wk at the Town Hallî. plant to its office in Colling- to good use, and that he was that Franklin Leach of R.R. 1, Hampton, has The. Jury found that ho wood. sure that the new putter would won one of the 45 Honda motorbikes given away .- . 11. ..*6 1w .Mayor Hobbs exprcssed his i (TUFN iTO PAGE TWO> I during- the recent Pepsi-Cola Honda-a-Day Con- came tw bis death y a8phyxiatIon, caused by stmouldër'lîg upholstery pro- sumably caused by a cigar- eLLe dropped ln the. car. Jury members were Chair- -pian Byron Vanstone, JIack IDunn, Robent Poste, Jack Roughley and BIB Slaght. 'The inquet was conducted b>' Coroner Dr. C. J. Austin, ,,lvth E. C. Wldmaî acting for the Crown. Twelve wltnesseu gave évIdence lncludlnt Inspector W. G. Rallida>' from tihe Pire Marshall'a office, %Dr Noble Sharpe from the At- 'torney General's laborator>', Chief of Police Bernard R. Xitie>' and Constable Tracy Davis, Deput>' Fie Chiet Jini Hayman, Arthun Hooper, Mr%. Plttmn an ad sevenal nselghbors. Accident Round-up Wendy Harncss, age nine, other injuries. was seiously injured af four The driver cf the sand and o'cock on Tucsday aftennoon gravel truck thaf hit the child when she was sfruck by a Was Frederick Albert Gallant, sand and gravel fruck while 306 Taunton Road East. Osh- she was riding lier bicycle on awa. The accident was in- the Fifth Concession Road at vcsfigatcd by Constable Tho- flic Darlington - Clarke Line. mas Yardy, OPP. She is a daugliter of Mn. and Antonio Mizkeil, Sarnia, was Mrs. Reid Harness, R.R. 1, injured in an accident on 401 Orono. Highway east of Courtice, last The liffle girl was rushed by Wcdnesday evening at 7:30 flic Bowmanville Area Ambu- o'clock. The car lie was driv- lance fo Memoial Hospital ing went out of control off flic whene she reccivcd emengency highway and crashed. He was treafment and then was im- taken fa Memonial Hospital by mediafcly transferned bo Sick flic Bowmanvillc Anea Ambu- Children's Hospital, Toronto, lance. by flic ambulance. She had Mn. Mizkeil received treaf- susfaincd a fracturcd skull andý (TU RN TO PAGE TWO) Council Bids Farewell to Paul Chant 1~r~~*oaorPaul ýChant who Is being moved te Colligwood by Goodyear the ue r future wus honored on Friday by fellow members of council. Dur- gg j;W.U ýdinnerat The F uthman ,he wus presentecl with a - w test. Mr. Leach is ernployed by Bennett Paving and he and his wif e have four children, the oldest being 14 .. . too young to ride. However, Mr. and Mrs. Leach expect to have quite a bit of fun on the Honda. it t t t t INVASION - A group of persuasive sales girls are in town selling some sort o! magazine deal. Better have your sales resistance ready unless you really are interested in receiving more maga- zines. t t t t t DECORATION - This Sunday is Decoration Day at Bowmanville Cemetery, but for tbc f irst time in many years there will be no service and no parade. No doubt thene will be many visitons ta graves of loved ones who have departed, but the pattern of the past is changing. Apparently, the decision to abandon the service was taken because crowds in recent years have been extremely small. t t t t t FIELD DAY - Public Schools in Bowmanville are holding. their Field Day this aftcrnoon at Vincent Massey for the senior grades. The junior grades have already held their elimination con- tests and many are now sporting ribbons indicat- ing their great sporting achievements. Soon, they will ail be home for the summer months te give the teachers a rest. Mothens, better be prepared! t i. t 1 t SEMINARS - Miss Elizabeth Braden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Braden, Fnederick Ave., and Lloyd Clifton, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Lloyd Clifton, Beech Ave., left on Sunday ta attend bbc United Nations Seminar at the University cf Waterloo. They were sponsored by the Bowman- ville Business & Professional Women's Club and bbc Bowmanville Lions Club. This Sunday, Neil Richards, son cf Mn. and Mrs. Ron Richards, Southway Drive, will be hIeaving on a simihar mission for Queen's University. He is sponsored by Bowmanville Rotary Club. t t i. t t TIGHTENING UP - Darlington soccer phayers would be wise te be on their best behaviour for the rest cf the season. Due ta quite a bit of rough play in recent games, off icials have issued instruc- tions to referces te champ down and penahize any players who get eut cf lune. Needless injuries are costly ta the phayer involved and the league. t t t t t OPENING - The new Rural Hydro Building will be opened this afternoon witb the customary nib- bon cutting et al. Of particular interest is the fact that tbc recently appointed Chairman of the Ontario Hydre Commission George E. Gathercole wifl b. on hand for the ceremony. tt t t t 130LIDAY - A week f rom this Fniday will b. July Ist, Dominion Day, when there will be a long weekend holiday te relax or join the throng on the roads. ILet'a hope the Ontario Farm Union boys with tileir tractors have settled their griev-. ançces by then or traffic may be.ulowed Up:.con. -uM«ibly in'.thit sam. The accident scene showing upset tradler and roils of paper Sponsored by Recreation Depi.ApelBng Young- Dancers and Twirlers Little Change ln Assessment Presnt xcelentPro ram The Ontario Municipal Present rxceueni Prog gram its Hearing held en Maroh R e vie w appeal from the Muncpality At Annual Spring R ve of Port Hope for re-asseis- The Spring Revue, a Ballet, great success. An appreciative formed by Captain Irene Riet- District High School Board Tap Dancing and Baton Re- audience filled the large audi- muller, and the troop mcm- early tis week. citai, presented in the Town torium and balcony almost ta bers, Barbara Barreli, Teresa Hall Auditorium on Thursday capacity. Payne, Bonnie Lou Carlson, The changes are slight. evening by the Bowmanville Much credit for the excellent Cathy Passant, Kim Masters, They are as follows wlth Recoaton epatmet ws aprogram is reflectcd on the Karen Sresn, Penny Al- new asseasment for each of instructors, Irenie. Harvey and mond, Colleen Cooke, Shelley the elght munlelpalitles in I' l Shirley Fowler, and their cîass Vanstone, Darla Nicholson. the area as follows, wlth the M usic is assistants, Carol Greenham, Baton Solos by Kathy Blake, oldaesmen sow n l Maureen Martin, Patsy Blake, Janet Bate, Susan Ellils, Judy 23.0116 (22.9196), Port Hope The following is a list of Brenda Hennlng and the sup- Piper, and Patsy Blake were 28.9457 (28.9332), New- successful candidates in exam- ervisors Jim McDonald and also well applauded, and each castle 3.1865 (3.1855), MIiI- 1 mations held recently by the Gary Bail. one was well timed and cernl- brook 1.7560 (1.7406), Dari- Royal Conservatory of Music The 'show opened with a pletely diferent. Ingbon '20.5282 (20.5864), cf Toronto. in Bowmanville, fast-paced baton twlrllng nluxn- The openlng ballet, The Hope8.9216 (8.9490), Cîae Ont. The nam es are arrange4 ber by the -Sailoret, which Little Wild Flowers, Michelle a (122) Sont. in order, of mert. ~ptclny i e. (TURN TO PAGE «TWO> Cvn .86(249 Pass Jery$500 Milion ver 15 Years GRADE VII PIANO Pass - Sandra, M. Sobil; Allen I2. Bragg; Carol E. Hiils; _Carol -m M P . S'ILf io A. Bellman,- Shelia Hooper 1'ISu pot Susan Craig, Deborah A. Sol, Carol L. Wight, John D. ight. Maurcen Wood (equal). Setting Up Health Resources Fund GRADE VIIIPIANO Honors - John Duvaîl; .Karen L. Yellowlees; Pass - Arlene Rumell C. Honcy, M.P. for HIe urged the necessity of moncys to support the con., M. Munro; Carl J. Hayman. D'urhamn County, spoke in the nioving ahead witjh his legis- struction and equipxnent of GRADE VI PIANO House of Couinons debate lation as quickly as possible fadilities for health researelu Honrs Tia H KoubKaren last week on the establish- so that the governinent will and training. lt will provide Honors -(Tinal. Kozub ne ment of a $500,000,000 healtfl be ln a position to iniplenient capital grants for the con« Buntîng, Eileen J. McQuarrie, resouxces fund to be expcnd- and carry out the provisions struction, renovation and baui Evangeline Mcrklcy ( equl d over 15 years. He cinpha- cf flhe Medicare progrmn next equip«ncnt of research estab.. Jan Mlnyrc Pss quancy sired the importance of a na- year. This will enable this liasuments teaching schooLs, T. Cowle, Catherine A. Port- tional heailh prograim, (Medi- social legislation to go into medical schools, and traiming er (equal). care), and ifs benefits to ail opematien effectively a nd facilities for essential healtbj GAEVPAO Canadians. lb la hoped that snixothly, he said, services personnel," he said. GRDEV IAO Medicare will be in elffct by "The setting up of a $500,- Mxk. Honey dealt with the Honors - Joanne Fayer; Mari- july71sf, 1967. 000,000 fu!nd la to help meet part the provinces will b. er olynKox Pass - Juria Fay- Mr. Roney stated that the ftic greater need for trained ex!pected to play in thc Na. ernol Phulles ragRy national h e a 1 t h resou.rces people to provide mcedical tional Medicare prograni, par. nodi(eua).funds is to provide Mor train- care service, and to endeavor ticularly with the constitu. GRADE IV PIANO cd personnel and fthe facili- tO catch up where possible in tional aspect of the responsi- Honors - Apnil G. Cowcy, tics for traini'ng personnel to areas whcre adequate trained bility of the provinces in the. Janice C. Hunt (equal); Ron- service thc national health personnel are in short supply. suipplying of funds for fuir- <TURN TO PAGE TWO) plan.. "This fund will also supply (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Nursery School Holds, Closing Party Lait week, Bowmnviles Nursery School lated by 24 young students closed- f9' the au and said goedbye to their teacher or th* -lut y*=r, Mns. Alan IL Oîl»rne, wbewUI t b Iathe iool in the laUTbo imw& l in thetr Ibo .141 5

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