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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jun 1966, p. 3

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* ~ ~ Â,iJ* * ~ ~ ~ lU*LI ~The Canad81ttaaomnf1,Tn2,N Exchane VIwsin' gy eDoPk'4Ii hiirch JlimA dngin N wtnvll nied LA~F1H~~ ~>vv~ ii *~n.,m.~mam vveoing rewlonImmeMarried ait reoron ntdCuc' Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McDonald Chari n shw nte boep t, were rnarried in Kedron United Church nStra]feno pi 0 96 at 4 o'clock. Formerly Miss Jackalene EilyWotebiei h agtr Mr. nd Mrs. James F. Wood, R.R. 2, Os0! n hegomi hesno r and Mrs. Guy Chamberlin, R.R. 1, Hampti. ____________ fet and china cabinet: twvoi c n r.CclTop Mr. and Mrs. Sa am plates, from the United son, Mrs. Bellare n nd r. ryDu- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bandstra, shown in the above photo, exchanged tnar- -Chuirch Womnen. and a deep Mr. Jack Gorde.Ptro-mo n hlrnirmtn urday afternoon, April 30, 1966, at 2:30 o'clock. Formerly Miss Patricia Douma, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce James Donnel1y, shown in the above photo as they cut These were presented quiet- Mr. and Mrs. MarodMKe una n ody the bride is the daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. K. Douma of R.R. 1, Orono, and the the wedding cake at their reception following their marriage in Newtonviile ly at their home. Sunclay suppr gutso Mr.NrnDyatMez groom is the son of Mr-. and Mrs. 0. Bandstra, R.R. 2, Newcastle. Rev. J. Hoy- United Church, chose Saturday afternoon, June 4, 166,at 3 o'clock for their Mrs. Rose c CailOhaa dHillhhr aens ( tema officiated. ____ Photo by Astor Studio wedding. The bride is the former Miss Barbara Louise Stapleton, daughter of Mr. B Â K T C Paul Rahm, Peteroog.adMs .A crhr ___-_____- ____-and Mrs. Donald Stapleton, R.R. 3, Newrastle, and the groom is the son of Mr. B A K T C '.Rs - sheath skirt. The Chantilly and- Mrs. Kenneth -Donnelly, Port Hope. Photo by Astor Studio Norma and Tommy Wotten lace bodice was fashioned, n h weekend at their with a scalloped neckline and srpaent th c o t t ag e onE gracefully scalloped Chantilly! 'longlily-ointa ndleves.A ,,,,y I resf .n s Mr.ondRivr gErest ar f lace train fei f rom the should-M t iI I r y~ adM~ rethr- D E I 'uU Y W 71 . wer, Mrs. Glenn Larmer andi ers. Her shoulder length. fine= Craig and Mrs. A. E. Mc-, VVeUL.L&IL nylon tulle veil xvas caught I Dougald visited relatives in! to a crown of mohair braidTrMoay encblossoms cenrith simu l50thWedding AnniversaMdîandCL T HI N blosencirce by faic orange ý f Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor lated pea ris. She carried a and Mrs. J. Forder attended TEMPERANC T O M NIL colonial bouquet of red roses,La anniversary service at Oak- fopants n r h iste M rre by au hte s ewood Sunday mocning and 1 O S ERI stephanotis and taiiing ivy. I IIIspent the day with Mr. and A L Miss Lois Stapîcton wasMr.GneMuayndgls, IU I and the bridesmaids were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Prestonipnts' Golden Wedding Armi- The Prest-on home was in the Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Arch- A Joye CmpbllNetonill ofR.. 1BetRTi wre 0 vrsa,,brought a lhasty carn- me area. Both Mr. and Mrs. er acrompanied Mr. and Mrs.D and Mae Skinkle, Port Hope. vears mared on Tuesday, cellation of ail plans.Prso tedd alwy' Vincent Archer of Bowman-! Joyce Campbeil, Newtnviiie ofPReRtonBathtynwereG50 lerayr- ville and visited relatives in,'C U T PR C SI~ DONNELLY -STAPLETON quets of yellow and urhite;They were in street-iength, June 14th, and a communityi The sympathy of the entire School and farmed for 47 thDidnaca udy daiy pms nd arkpurdec ,mint green dresses of emboss celebration had been planned comurunity og uttMrves-hretironBay The marriage of Miss Bar-.loated the church. led peau de soie de lunea with hy their faniily and friends,land Mrs. Preston In their no resides. Thrpe year% ago Mr. and MI's. Bill Fergusoni sPEIL HSW E Ibara Louise Stapleton, dPeugh- Rev. R. C. White officiated empire waist, rounded neck-1to be held in the Tovwn HallIdeep sorrow. they retired an d live abouùt and Alan visited her mother________________ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald and the wedding music warTh un e]ebow-length sleeves. 'et Bethany on Tu"sday even'.1 The weddinig rf 50 year% agoi tw miles west of Betheny and brother in Norwich, Frn- Stepleton, R.R. 3, Newcastle, played by Mrs. Frank Gilmer ITe wore three-quartec length, ing.ý took place at the homp of Mr. village. day and Saturdey nights. On MEN'S FLANE RS AT an r rueJmsDo-Sm.t areSapeo iwhite -]oves, white shoes and, The stîdden dealh of their and Mrs, David Leach, whpn Saturday Mrs. Ferguson at -eg._$9.7 so n ot Mr. and Mcs. Ajax sang 'Because" and ."I matchn g bow heeddresses1 daughter Evelyn Amnelia (Mrs. their deuighter Mebel Leach Mr, and Mrn. Preston raised tended the lOth year reunion Re.$7----------Nw 69 eth]YonelyIortHopeWlkyesiPorut. w toshuedr lnitlveiin.lDnaleAniden oYFigal,.bDaonthlbrdeAfndrerason ofnf12FhingaelTirof redatîg ctssat ictriaeENofCSHION OCK in Neton- WillTheir bouquets were of yeliow and granddeuglhter Lori Eve- Preston, son of Mr. and Mrs. eight sons, Rlalph, Charles, Hospital, London. Suinday Rg 12 o 9 ~soemnized i etn Given in marciage by hec Reg._$1.25 ville United Church on Satur- father, the bride wore a form -gernet sweetheart roses. The lyn Anderson, who were in- Heber Preston, with Rev.l Clifford, David, Glenn. Mere- they attended a family picnic day, June 4, 1966. et 3 o'clock. ai length gown of white silklgroom's only niece, Miss Sharyl stantly killed ini a two-cac Walter Smart of the Rethany dith, Barry and Kenneth all et Brantford. Mrs. Harry Mc- BOYS, BRI S For the occasionlovely bou- crepewith empire waist an diDonnelly, was flower girl in accidenit on Highway 35 near Mebhodist church officiating. live neer here. There are Kee (Mrs. Ferguson's mother) Reg.__79c __a dress ot white cotton eyelet Pontyipool on Tuesda.y afiter- The Leach homne was on 7A three other daughters, Winni-[returned home with them for! e.7e -----____ o 9 over plain lemon peau de soie noon when they were enroute highway west of Betha'iy- rd(r.C .Aai)nwafwdyvst MEN'S SPOTSI S de lune, end white ruffled home to celebrate her par- where Ross Kerr now reides. livinig in Tokyo, Japan; Mar-ý Sorry to report Mr. John" Short Sleeve e 39 o 2B lace hat. She carried a basket ]on (Mrs. Harley Maddock),iBeîuingal is in Port Perry hos-, ,fZarion sweetheart roses. ITAS TIKO HMELN OD Acoae lsa Joann e -t 1ME'S (ileane s ~ <iMr. Owen Skinkle was best SAAS- MCKOrCAM.LI LWl Ac oydE', A us a nd p. ENSSPR'SIT mani and the u-hers were Mc. El izabethville UJnited Churchý Bouquets of white 'mums Kingston, There are 14 grand-I.,i,, ig Ms hr levRg 29 o 1S Ross Rodd, cousin of the bride, enhanced with lovelv hou- and1 pink carnations pcettily chiîdren. iChacles Smith and Oliver. MEN'S T-SHRT and Mr. Willie Donneliy,, quets of white rnepdrago)s'decOcated K e d r o n UnitedM.adMs rso ee Ms atrFruoBw lc htRg 12 o 9 DEFINITIONS - TAXES ibrother of the groom, rand 'mums, aind pink cerna-ýChurch for the wedding on ,M.adMs rso ae Ms atrFrisn o- Bak-W A eception wes held in the l ions, was the setting for the Satucday, aflernoon. April 30,1 mlway eandctiv ch oM-rmeithle n the w eeen MEN'S GIREND LLW R PAT Chucch Hall whece the bride's mrig.o audy ft!-1966, et 4 o'clock of Mi mniss' huchwekgMr.wlhth5FedD5e0 Everyone ha& wondered who bit Joe Louis the hardest mmarriege on Seturdsý 166,a, efter- 'aen Eil Wod dug-Preston is an Eider inthie Mr. Hubert Cobbledick, mothe recivedin edre1 noon, May 21, 16,e :f ekln ml od eg" e.$.0: o 43 durlng hîs ring career. When asked, Jne slmply shrugged end threp,-quartec matching 1o'ciorck of Miss Aima Derlene 1 er oif Mc. end Mcs. James F. United Church and wes dr ýLaizto;Mcs. W. Cobble-,1 MEN'S W(R AT ing bat and acessý;ories. The;Mc. and Mcc. Henry Thickson,!Mc. Nelson McDonald Cha8m- Ys, amebe o te e Danny Colacicco and chidren,j gcom' mthr ssite t c- lizabelbville. and Mc. How&,Iberlin, son of Mr. edMcevRn, h oa rne Oshawa, were weekend visitors BOSPAT iceive in a;simil;;rlv styled rd dwn te_,àon<i"M.Gj hae.nR.R.iLodge, and a former commnis- of Mrs. L. Thompison. Tev cacried bouquets of dark A rception was held fol- 71 KING ST. E,- BOWMANVILLEpink roses witb pink rarne- ýlowing the ceremony, iii the LCLS RWRRS 71 KING ST* Ei BOWMANVILLE ions and white pomPoýn lchucch Sunday School. Thel OA TA ýmunis. ýbcide's mother received ia' Mc. Glen Greer, Toronto î wo-piece navy blue dress with t j ewa-g best man and the ushers white accessonies and corsage, ci c f g * * wece Mc, Johin De Kokpr and if white 'mums.. She was* FRESH DAILY 'n r d c q 0 e0 tego'sbrother, Mr. Ed- assisted by the groom's moth- Q A TT RESTKN FR FEZNEC ward Staats. er who wore a two-piece pink A reception was hbeld ai therlinen suit with white acces-i U NIYO DR A E O OUR I-..'hurcli. The bride's mother, cocues and corsage oif pinký received wearing a blue lacel'mums. dcess w i t h three- quarter TWO lengtb matching coat, match-! . As the couiple left on a wed- Good Selection in Other Fresh Fri1 egtbe ing hat. and lomne accessories. ding trip ta Eastern points, the She was assisted hy the bride was wearin a two-piece - EXPERIENCED groom's moîher who chose Rý - ue woo rs rme ib ~ C ~ ~ I tuquoie lce dess itlace, wbite accessocies and m * matdiing bat, and black pal-,corsage oif white 'mums. They HAIR ent accessories. Both woce iwill reside at Zion. The bride,, sw h atth<idMitichels CoSOFT DRI NKS CANDIE E C Before leaving on a wed-,ice Higli School, is employed!,A A ~ L Afr II . ding trip to Washington, D.C.,rat the Canadian Tire C0.,ý HAMTON~f GiAKUEN » A treat tewoermi the bride donned a turquoise Ow. An enipioyee of Du- MISTUYtravelling dress with match- plate, the groom attendedî ~ ie "~ fTno MISTUYing coat and hat, and caca- ýMitchell's Corners Publc ocaeed 4milesnoat corner nvile a rne Collegiatehe wllSco received her trainîng as Imlacsoi.Thywl Shoand Donevan r Roads.e Europeatn hair stvlist in re-sid e t 358 Grey St., B an cc îa m ___o_____oc_ Sc go FrnfFGrmay ford, Ont. ________ _____ Frakfut, xerany rA graduate oif the Univer- * ~~~~~~~MISS MARG sitY of Toronto, the bride at-I GET CASB TODAY pnDiy1 ..t 0p..- ekrd . oO m t-' APPO MENT reevd e rann t endd Eliza4bethvile Publiel FOR OLD APLIA.NcESO p n D il 10 . . o 1 pM -W FOR PPONTMET rceivd hr trinig atandPort Hope High Schools.1 the whl kown Pul Pgu and s with the Victorian Or- TELEPHONE 623-3801 Beauty Sehool in Toronto.der f N i,-e ,.T'e1-1o sSTATESMAN P O E 2 3 2 9 _______________________________________________froen the Uiuversity of Toc- - ~onto.

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