Burketon Holds Dg For Remc During recent week.s the cOnreatofaiBurketon trtddChurch, with the In- 0iat o a their church org- nls, r.J. A. Turnbull, i*drokto beautlfy and re- dêcarate their sanctuary. The front -interior of the church was comopletely remodelled, the sides and rear arch p an- eUed, and thc pews re-made ta sejiieve a spacious centre aisie, also the remainder of the interior redecorated. Friends of the church donat- *d the mnaterials. Members, adherents and friends contrib-, Uted al the work. On Sunday Jne 2th, an finpressive ýdcication service was held ta dedicate the re- newed interior of this sanctu- ury. The regular minister, 10v. Mary Alice Dougherty, planned the service and pre- ulded. She was assisted in tIfe cerernony by the Rev. Dr. B. A. Mellow of Northminster Unlited Church, Oshawa, and the Rav. Fred Lane of Oak- wood, Ontario; bath of wham have been closely associated with this church in the recent past, the former as Supervis- ing Minister and thc latter as Ordained Supply. 1 Pllawing responsive read- Ing -of Psalm 122 the church Daàiry Products For Meal Time Cook up a casser-aieoran dessert with ilk. They'l lave' th e lavQr of cthis wholesome faad. GLEN RAE DAIRY PHONE 623-5444 La Eowmanvllh, lâme 22, 1988 OriUin, Ilae ck, .ves nu MI. 0.EO. ODR W tg tinSvetawlto.. n. O B TttRen death of Mrs. Fred O. Wood, Bmçm'sIlet SOt wa M inrillant rseHaspon. aged 8 years, occurred at the opfliPUild b57the&r C o n g reg a tio n ed w~~~r AMatraer ha. recelv- EVVA CAMPEELL (Mabel) and Mrs. Stan Halk- MES. FRANK N. ON Torot eea optlo esr.R OC n cd wy od thte ha. üsuccearA er, Mdland (Jean). Services were held. June g, Friday, June 10, 1986. soni, went on a 1k m D oueat b. nivruit fiut .arSarah Evans (Evva Am The late Mrs. Campbell rent- 1966, at the MeCabe F=nerai Daughter of the lite Mr. overniit camping tpli S ervice o! Western ~~~~~se ang waeteaeat Pnb rMDr Home, Detroit, Mlch., for Vel- and Mn.. Edward Suttri, the Sturdayan Sudyt ed ïca ti'Sunay visiton with Mr. eateroo Memorial HosPital, Perry, and the funeral was at Jmabew[ell Downs6,who6.ded fLreoneeFrances Suto d n hta od analo d Mrs..Alex Patter wéesGaît, on SaturdaY, MaUy 21, Nestlcton United Church onnde ay, thew8d,% 1966. In 128as bon arrytownr. Ont orth aOrond tErne - Mr. and Mns..John EJot 96 fe nIuns !fv usaMy24, at 3:30 p.m. Se1a Uc iol a e 0. 1928, sriesM. eFredparti ood tiwo th V an ctu ar, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. B. Bas- weeks. Jh Three af Mrs. Campbell's late Frank N. Downs, whoOWodwhsrve. kept homne withmi d e ieS n t a y Cobourg. M K Pt born in CartwrightTownship, wîth Mn.. Lawrence Malcolm sddtiB mavleporo anlewth er aetsborIho are sf111 cot Mr.an r.ar ot, the daughter aftelteJh t the argan. Mr. Ian Bowie, maovung ta Detroit. Mr. D w bwena small hl and bas Meuiorial Hospitaml,B a- choir sang à well-chosen anth- inspired them ta express de- Islmngton, spent the weekend Armstrong and Margaret Sîv- Port Perry Baptist Church, was abohra h aeMs ie i omnil o ville: Mrs. Olga Kezb M. em 'I was Glad'", by Mere- votian ta their sanctuary in with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Patter igy. She received lier educa- conducted the service with in.ILlaDr.wn d Ms.oberite . o3 years eidin at Qecr ut rwelMi.J Br dith. this nianner. They aise ex- and they ail attended the tien at Cedardale Schoal and terment in Nestietan Cerne-IaeM.adM. oetS.fr3 er.Semtne and Mrs. L. Shaw. L1teMs Dr. Mellow, assisted by A. pressedi the hope that the Patter - Mitchell wedding lii Iived near Nestietan ml ber teny. -Dawns. Bawmanville Public and High Shelley Pickering ntre E. Ribey, representing Uic beautifully renovated sanctu- Bowmanville an Saturday. lufe. She was a member ai Floral tributes were fromanIi the '80s Mr. Downs was Schols. She was a member frn theh tspta1nMody congr gatio , peronmed tht ry, a d ther wor ung t geth Mrs. Frsnk Westl ke Sr, NetietomUlit deChuin thdeneghbiniond heffa ily. he enUnitedin he Do inion ad romit.Unito Chur h on doeatin, cerm. theiswasr nthir wnaject, aud aethvMsite Fihan. Wa M r.Nelonniyedrs sang in ttdeemsed hsad rethefmlTed ognand Piano Company In of Trinity U.C.W. Mrs. Wood For ail theso people fi o follawed by ad e BesTi possal evengretrsres onFc,Taunton. chi. I 91eleMridtrbutionu ta The Canadian Bwanville. In 1901 when was aisa a member of thec nuuniy wse sed House" effectively rendered by in ihis portion oi the Mster's Mn.r d n.Lly Bom Richard Wesley Cam'pbell Diabetic Association, ini lieu ho and Mrs. Downs took up Flower Club and ai Memra Pat Bernard, Nec1te Mrs. Doreen Turnbull, chair vineyard. and MLloyce uday toe Who predeceased ber in 1942. ai flowers. residence in Detroit ho be- Hospital Auxiliary. won the quiît wlhwa diretor an Mis Brnie te bnedctind guests we M n adMrs. r.Cmbl a enlf h albaeswr, came an employee ai Grinneli Surviving besides her hus- dona ted by Gwen Hige GiraceoranosoMist en Following tebre t ihM.adMs r.Cmbl a eni h albaeswrDr. Brother-s.He was with the band, Fred O. Wood, are thnee quilted by Uic BrowN'sB thae, ograin oluddt. h and while ladies of the con- Larry Dewell, Bowmanville. pon health for a numben 'of Robert Bonney, Howard Me- îirm ifon 58 yeans and was dsughters, Mrs. George Jones Bees. The money f-rnti thecogregationcnlddtegean wexe prepanung to Recent visitors with Mn. and yeans due ta a diabetes con.~ Mullen, (sons-un-]aw), Ml head ai the piano nepair and (Joan), Bowmanville: Mn.. i, goinatwadUiprese ceremony with the singung ai serve tes ln the Church Hall, Mrs. Frank< Westlake addtn d h frd aueclnEesn ereBaw-Ituning department. Marice Tamblyn (Bannie), of gpr et». ion te stol the doxolagy. appropriate sacned numben. iamiy were Mr. and Mrs. L. oye trouble. In bier younger ers, Clarke William. and Guy Mrs. Downs is survived by Lindsay, and Miss Helen Wood, Ma.. rujetnndMf.or eso The Rev. Fred Lane, who were sung b r.J .Tr-Jhso,-M.adYassewsatv ncucicil enderedhimelfin al cn- ullandMr. Bruce Hirat, the Mn.. E. Timble and grand- organizations and the Women's -Gaehrt hr r ee.etn pca h gregations oi the Enniskillen latter ai Albert Street United daughters, Base Line, Mr. and Institute. She was alwsys an-I ison ((Frances) ai Paw Paw, grandchildren.i those who hel'ped take te Charge when hoe ctcd as Sup- Chur-ch Choir Oshawa.M. tnMfat r .iu a help in tume ai needi CLARENCE M. PENFOUND Mich.: a son Douglas J. af The funeral service was held1 draw a success. ply Pastor two years ago, A social houn was set nMns..Lloyd Par-ker andchild- -1 excellent neighbor md eroiadfu.nncîd nm te Mrrs Fnrl Ms meSehnoM preached the sermon. Taking 'tht Church Hall where mcm- ren, Oshawa; Mn. and Mr,,...a good fr-rend. Aie re liea renr, Ann Harrison, Mn.. Fred, Home, Bawmaiiville, on Mon-!Peggy Boyd an-d B1 y t as tht Scriptural basis for hi. bers ai Burketon congregation CecilRame, Union; Mr. and! Leit ta mrourn the las, of! 5*laenc e Msd en !thourt- a nkaR chr PusDoles. d, ucteby Rev. Gesorge K.erciresthelleil Hapta ton 10 ai St. Luke's Gospel, nearby communions, and by Mn.. Ron Broome and Kelly,1 Nestioton, Mn.. Robent Bon- at Memorial Hospital, Bow-_ Park Cemneter-y.UitdCuc.ItnetW5grutd asaRitnd Mn. Lane proclaîmed the great several friends who farmerly Bown'anville and Mr. and Mr.ley, Gait (Evelyn), Mrs. How- maniie.eedas or Mrch.I- nBom nvilerenty. Nraute s need fan dedication and cou r- nesided in Burketon and wor-lmnil.H wsbr ac Garnett Hannah, Leamington. ard McMullen, Pont rd 89, h tir snof! ALinDERMAowmany euiflfl rater ib-Nurs.Are pennMs age on the part ai chistian shipped in this church, but I OrSuda1Mr..ndrstShmo Pcfaud sndAEADR thtaybauiu lrl rbýMs An tpe workens in t he modern world. now reside elsewhene. Al in Ones attstcdMta aenesteem iiSBmon î Stephensnanndthe Bath Dr. Mellow and Mn. a]l, it was a most inspiring ,FndkWevake, G ard n Si r- rdBrio wn achdue.for-ner Acy Ann Rundîe. iThe, death of AIe xander w ich the deceascd waa held.Iviisited Mr. and Mr..Hiin Lane congratulated the con- occasion and wiîî long remain ley anIeincopne'Mn oadB-w a November 1923, atMaira, aged 74 years, occurred 1ee Msn.a udso ady Mn. and Mr-s. Ron Broome and t5kefl ta Rass Memnonial Ha.-ý Palîbearers _______________________on____ gregation upon the dedicatian a iandmark in tht lufe ai this Kel avstwt n ~pital, Lindsay, early S58urd.ay! Brighton, Ont., ht was' mar-1suddenly ai his nesidence,, R. ilvison Mundhy, Elgin Munday, j and christian enthusimsm which church carnmunity._________yM..a. Sithqltwad an with aMr.artdcandi- nied ta Miss Dorathy Boyce, R. 5, Bowmanviîît, on Mon-,Rosa Stevens, Bob Mitchell, I -____tien. duhe fRv W.adM. a, ue1,16.Jot Nolan and AI. Fletcher. Wc undonrstand that Mr.IBoyce. Ho i. survivtd by his Son of tht ]ite Alexander'____ Rober-t Halboran has been di.1 daughter, Mn.. R. L. Evans ý and Mary (Long) Mains, the M er ores ofFo n erSALEM chargod fr-arn Hospital in Ter- (Rth fa Bowmanville, and dtcnd rd was bar-n aONPar-r-y Recaumea at R eun on ~ A. . Har-dng, ontaand is ith Mn. nd M,..two sons, Sim, af Courtice, Sound, Ont.,adreivdhs LN SA T - Recoled ut Reuni n 'Re A. . HaoCite ed iveit r. an irs and Lamne, ai Whitby, and 12 education in the Parr- Sound HO: W, ta avoi 4 :.F- manville, has been incharge: Mr. and Mns. Robert Brown gr8fldchildren. Hoev.as pr-e- dsrc.H ane h o-n r.Jh aek ws~ of u services for tht 1 t have received an invitation todeeaeo by his wife, brother- rEiyTwe h u-hse. aCu 0ld e ue- O f ~unsru ne ~irOUptwo Sundays. Ther il e attn ednvn uysse selaadgac~ives, in Torontaoen Septem- day evenin%,, June 14 whe O ffahn e G o pn chu ch service he e next i o a c t a. O t ai t son Jerry. ber -"#, 1920. seven m e s w e e pr sent.~. On June 3. 1966, the Sun- tion in preparing tht lunch-,Sna sI .Hyo ni.mn ap o h o AMsnesrieudrteBowMrail ndhare res 5 iBVie-roeidnthemesetadng. Lie! rversary. !,nd board with tht Brown's auspices af Cedar Lodge No.-ow nileadrefo25Bk-opcdttmtngwh shne Gr-oup held their- iir-st eon, ta Mn.. Heavysege foryy lxineyounneresasnhs ~..&AM,~ ~da 'ar-s, and before coming here lhymn 194 and canducted the reunian ai Trinity Sunday the lovely table lave. ors St 20,AFhart ived at Nestleton and business. Devotianal was weîîr ..rn44,mne Schoal Auditorium. It brougtat tac h place, te Mn. Syer forinS lex Mdn ain anofamilyethe inlrvit on arn shawo Am-ngFnralHmeng, 'Kapuskasing. Ht r-etired six given by Mn.. J. Vaneyk in itogether- many members past her part in onganizing thelMi tht sutn pk.Aassigke thesîiy fwill n eeiv Mandri- ul shawa, onFray even, years agoafater 16 year-s sony- tht forrn of four beautiful an-d present. This group ha. reuniani, and ta Mrs. Dunn for,-îMairs inste k. A basketimasimltratthend.Mari- ue 3d. Fuvonerlsevce ewith the Goodyear Tire & pocmr. Committees wene ap- been in existence for- many 1 'lcas i il onteabfl w er in tht chnch n m ersif bl taattndscodu ted by Re v.Dohn Rom- Rubber C . o ernanvial pla tandt l o mtr tht hot poftale iyears. and was started by the Supertest. Sna eei oigmm . nl sitd b e.D late Miss Vesta Spango. ut i5sftanguss iriclu ofaiMn. Mairs. y Arscatt, was held at Courtice acr-ot.HtWsadgtndtTynea-ivl Mayapftbewl-u now associated with tht Out a 1- e wert ail sadrtened tet iocoy United Churclu, Saturday, JunemebraBnch1,Rya ifcommtte r-cve buî h.bnwrkd cenSoiey nddos on Evelyn (Wilson) Br-own,ihear of the sudden passing a,4h and bunial wasaiMt ' Canadian Legion, and vd monty and Mn.. J. Vaneyk ,inanciially bocauseo ,ce Sciey nddoe wrkferîLpasîrte; Aileon Gibbs, 05h ýMn.E Youngman. Aithoughl .A C C U ian Lawn Ccmeteny, Oshawa. uring World War I fr-arn conducedtovr nes- seu gpima tht Red Cross and tht Hospii.'awa. .Ioyce(Aas Gry, Ed ddntknwhu'un anCwre ix 1914-1916 with tht l6th Bat- ing contesta which tested aur- tAdms Auxilary.many ofus____nt______ miPallbearens wr sxne-,talion, Canadian Scottish. skiîî and knowledge. tection. Ta reduti s At 1l a.m. tht tables were JPon Rpt;RubC (theri ) es areîî c ookd orhid.RY. DILLING pes oad n detn Surviving, besides bis wife Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vanieyk danger, it's smart toaea ail gaily aranged with blos- SJackm.and S. Catanies; Mn.. ta resrtîng Hshi. osun tf'l hChre ccontrt CBaye,ADonaldStape.,ran d ak minay, av ivds, Williamnd ei aily er fte Sundar- xeine aetrve soms in shades af pink. Tht onto; Madeline (Joncs) Beat- lufe will be long remnemberedi 3Bye lnSrie n akDnlDvdA-hradeei clesn hi a- your business àsrac tables were set and ara Seitapl eori (and r Vow ir o- StateresmaHi hlosophy a! Church Stre3861Penfounrt. dal Bruce, and ont daughtr- Freda onts, MUn. and Mn.. W. Vaneyk. edpriicly - - - r- _ fe i- --' eahi Ms.KnMyar) hr IyMsS.MMreMr-s. O. shah; ,Olive (Braakîng) Slem-ta Mns..Youngman and fariîy. MM .CGISAtr u ann ivrs r.fiiyir, u r-O M. and Mn.. F. O.Smth !Williams, Mrs. C. McDoald,bon, Hampton. Wea1sryt eottat Ca-e-dAcutn 1917, Mn. Penfound continucd are 12 gnandchiidren. Aise Bowmanrvil, and Mn. andi equipped to penfarth - 'Mn.. H.Sidr, n.O n.Wknn xrse are M s. Wm. Cann, ortm anile 15 ibrty S. S, Awmunanile t operate the far-rn whene he sur-viving are a sisttr, Mns. Mn.. J. C. Conk wcre Stnday portant service for yu c Pumrand Mn.. E. Thomp- prcaina h uasfrhr h ifrtn a nd' Phono 623-3612 was born, until tht 1930's.,Rone Hennicks of Hague, Sask. evening visitons of the Srniths. adwtotolgto.Cl Plummer- _ote________hd hemi otnetafal i - - --when ho commenced work at and a brother, Eh Maire aif Mn.nad Mn.. Ba-r-y Bake son. Tht food was prnvided the enjayable reunilon. break hoer hip on Sunday and WILSON & BURROWS GeuslMtos ftrinonretetn adsoBnînto;MnUn anilsre y h rsn~Th eane i h te-t now in Oshawa Hospital. Chartered Accountants Mar-cl, 1962. Ht was a mnem- Tht funeral service was Mn.. John Baker and Ricky, 'members. t was a ver-y tasty noan was spent in renewin g Congratulations and best 323 King St. W., Oshawa, Ont, ber ai tht Hunt Club at held fr-ar the Morris Funeral Bnooklin; Mn. and Mr-s. Keith saac buft1I cuitne.Ttgo piwishes ta Rcv. and Mn,. David Pmrtner-s: Kingscote Lake, and as a Chape], Bawrnanville, on Wed- Gable and Miss Grace Rocke Miss Jean Rundie met tht leit wrth tht feeling that the Narthev (nec Betty Bilmen) on' Ronald F. D, Wilson, C.A. yugmn m eyatv ody uu 5 n a o-wn udyape u..o guestsaia tht doar and pinntd' pages oi lime had been turne d thein reeent marniage. G. Edmond Bunnaws, C.A. i okyadbsbl.H utdb e.J .GlhitM.adMs .Bkr name tags on. Tht guests of;back faor- abrie!f lit. Miss Kathy Twist, scaom- Phone 728-7554 pin hdoe nd basic ebaoHt SiuctedyRev.JS. rîchiat M. and M.. Bake honor- wer-e tht late Miss Spar-i panied by Misses Jenny Stout- bail team, who, thr-ough a Churclu, Bowmanville. Inter-- and famnily, Taunton Rd. W., STUART 1. hens sisee, Mrs. SVaesn an-S LIAdarewnkBllfan h tumr- inropra C Iic period ai 13 years, neyer- bat mont was in Nestleton Cerne- and Mn. and Mns. Cimyton TU I ht nceon h. o Mis Flan- monAdathaa okrt helue , ir raa game. Ho pîayed aise with teny. Brown and Linda were Thurs- J N oh nche o n ry, Miss Fpalor-s ri ped h iidrBlesMuntan- G.EDWIN MANN, D.C. two Oshawa teams, Williams Flower beanens and psul- day evoning guests ai the A E astntWe, issbrauhtfarn 's (Intended for last week) Coipungwd Cid. ' Camp Ai Chirapractor- Piano Ca. and Chevrolet. Ibearers were ail members ai Bakers. Strathaven Rest Home ta greet Bradley'a Sehool Club htld Th ppisatt 0~r- Office. Althauglu keenly interested Bacu18 iteRy1 a- M.an r.W.JonnEA IS tht guesta. Mn.. W. J. S. Run- their iast social evening in 1Rooem accsof. anhe bSen. 15 Elgin St., con. ofillpr-set, in sparts throughout bis ile,1 adian Logion. Flower bear-ers and Linda, Lifford; Mn. Jh EEA NUAC dîtwa sîo spcii gca. ht ~od rd chol ous" n rooks coand 0?. sri M . i fiePhone 623-5509 his main interests wene bis were Comnades Don Wrght, Johnson, Mrs. Fletcher and 24 Kîng t.E. Biwavih Dunngth lncea, n.Friday, .une iflth. A lange Cnaig, hdIl to aybu Off ice aurs: By appoin trnt.tfamlJy,,his Chur-ch, 'andI1 Ab. Ma-iii, Jack Go<lall Stan Miss jean Johnson, Oshawa, Drn th ucen r.crowd oai bath you.ng and aId ta the C- nwod_0 11l -- Mmonry. He joined Cedar Dunn, Ross 'Wright aP Jin wer-e Sunday guests ai Mr. andi Office einc S.i M.tr iteaa et enJao'eoiCoIîngoad riraD n a Lodge in 1953, and senved as Woodward. Mn.. Ber-t Johnson. 623-5681 6359 manes ~rp1omd t, Coup rt ht. r.S a es stwek e- chaplain until netiring in PaIlbeaners wene Comnradeg Dan't far-get tht pic nat _____ land gave a brief outi ourclldMiss Normna Grifiths ar-d! DD- u cniuigtasre-]Dnsm W .BteCarl teshn] u 9 tht wonk naw car-riedon b Mitîon t orahot gbtusing Dnses wrorcetDRn. . aEÏLyDDS.194ubtcoteuin a eveA]Dnsn, m BteChriet.8.ho, uel9 thi gnup.Shey a oderfana hor buines undy sppe gtet of Mn. 75 King St. E. Bowmanville occasionally until shorthy be- Disley, Jiin Fair, Thomas that all war-k done by this pernd. Tht pupils of tht and Mn.. Ran Welsh, Foxboro. Office Heurs ».fr- hseathHaesan Iany Eaut i fu* gnP their- numbers acconupanied by their-,mond, Miss Jean Willett, Ter-Coe Sandyad udycre evident that a second floral tributea, evidence ai the - f**- funda s on ethe r-el o ho l agafw msia n.Ge BakunRc- 9 ar a f pn. Sday bcamthteary14'. ~ in u ihth e any eatfu teB without asking far anysp-teacher-, Mn. JmCrydemman. lonte, wer-e weekénd visitons OfcePooè 2-59tnie hur-clu wou i n- oseeu whic ho eomeeL pont fr-ar the public in a ns. Evenett Cryder-man with Mn. and Mrs. F. Bîack- Rt.ý. Phono Ntwcastle 987-4261 quined ta serve hegreaE i- EshldCwnoths f-an h fîanra M..Mcunergave a rcading followed ~D.CF '~A D creased population in the Be1t Room, Goodyear Tirec anwmy. t r.Jm r- Cour-tice ar-ta and fr-arntbat Rubber Ca.; 'Beaver Lumberi expressod ber thanks ta the ardersa Mn. r Jy ic n-1 - - -= - Office tmnil ime Mn. Penfnund was untir- Ca., Smith Bever-ages and staff E graup on their full co-apera- der-ari.f Mn. Mo cubr pVie an 75 King St. E. Bowavîl ing in bis offorts ta stîmulate and Branclu 178, Royal Can- seneriMn.Cryer-an ith ru9 a.m. ta 6 p.mn. daily interest and raise funda withadian Legion, Salemu Churcb an iaitlalled lenther travelling a new chunch building as tht aad U.C.W. bag. Gall Dennis on behali af Dur community ba% beenl Closod Saturday ari Sunday objective. In 1946 tht Cour-t- tht pupils, presented Mr. veny much in tht news during1 Tclpoe - .Office 6235459lice Uniteri Churclu was omgaur: ROBERT M. STEPHENSGREY Cryderman with a desk larnp. tht lait week. Unfartunte3T, DR. E. W ISN izcd andi tht site purchased, RCY Mr. J. Cryderman then ex- most ai it bas been ai tht L.D.S., D.D.S. anri it waa a happy day for! Tht death af Rober-t Maur-ice, pr-essod bis deep appreciation sari variety. The major car110 Office ia his homne Clarence Penfounri ari bis' Stephens, aged 72 years, ne- for- these iovely gits. Mn. John accident that tank six ivos10 Liber-t ySt. N., Bowmanville 'family when the building was 'curred ai Memonial Hû9pitaI, I PCA S O EK FJ N Kno onbeaîfaithopaent ws sb. hlw a al itien Phono 623-5604 completeri, anri an Novemben Bowmanville, an Wednosday,! ~ A SF R'vEK0 U E2t andi pupils spoke a fow wards especially ta tht Harr-y pre,-1Office 'Hours: 21, 1954, dedicatcd as a bouse June 15, 1966, following a o! appreciation ta Mn. Cry- tan family. Wt .încentiy hopel 9 a.r.t .m. inl !wosi.Htwsfr re6iiea derman for- tht yeana hie has;Irttertogancide:lRd W ddY- SundaYInumbher af yeans Supcnintend- A son af tht late' William spet l teinseool i1Raa eoiea w ilLslo n '- -- - - - nto!tt unay.co .A d re Stephenr anri Calte u farne hae-t e ma, -calri__on the- Wes Yel- wou .. be juist what Edi W,duilL i -JL . lqet. tFlock, 1(Helen),' mil -of Hnwniaavilt;. reso fa oera okt . owlees' on Suiday. d)iix.elf. ha.hcî F ouri: 9-5dal;Sat., t,' 12Baseri on a Faith, buibt upan 1Mn.. G. Thonupson (Betty): Blade Rernoved mtsofre opraio. M. ndMn.Ro Lngn&i Te amiY ashel u te' Phono 987-4735 _-tht Rock, ILondon; Maurice o! rmpo Uic eginingcf 166,were Sunday tea guesta with tradition ton antd ar-e a ways BODGINS & FLEPMG Whieh nothing, even reallY Mn.. R. Fr-ank (Peggy), Grog A A C th eingo 16,Mn. and Mn.. WiU Moffat, willhng ta help when nomded. H-ugh E. Fleming, Q.C. cariestnay. ari Rober-t, ail o! Bowman- C oskes te gr-gacOroiio, and an Sunday even- Mach and mare cou]d be sairi Apha 1. Hodgins That's what ho taught, emch ville.i B LA D E RtVj MJIT74 !metwa the.y2 enate ing they calleri on Mr. and and no doubt ether corresiion- Barristens - Solicitors girl ari boy. Also sunvivlng ar-o tbnee! fae a ny2cnsMn.. Roy MeGili, Enniskillen. dent. and friends will con- Notanles Public sisters anri three brothers,Ik l P Lrd homo ma.lcMn.. Wra. Ashton and Mn. tribute. Deceased iwll be miss- 14 Frank Sht. Bownanville Be'& gorre ahead, where ther-e's Mns.. F. Fenguson (Lois), En- Sh t .K o s iryf"o v o t M June 10th et the horne of Mr. ness toacmt as gueit speaker STRIKE and STRIKE Anri we'Il aIl sec hlm, sur-ely (Marion), Bovirmanville Mns. 1877 bvefot~Raymand Gayat, Prestonvale, and mnay athen virtues. It il Bannistens, Solicitors once again, R. Gibbs (Ethel), Tyrone; Roy ost other food products. ta welcame a number ai rela- ta bis widow ari fanully wha Notarits Public Ini that Great Place, wber-e af Oshawa, Calaai Michigani, tives, frenris and rieighbans sufier tht groatest lIs1 would W. B. Stnike, Q.C. tuer-e lsan sin, U.S.A., and IvaiofTaranto. G ou d C u k5 9 the binnis of 966,who called an thein inather, like to extend, the most mncene A. A. H. Stnike, B.A. Whene not a sonnow, can ever- The funer-al service was G o n h c Lu eimn f~Mn.. Effie Goyne on the oc- .yrnathv o!fa&l who live ini Edward C. Wildmnan, enter in. hl rmteNrhu. rarkets, the aggregattc casion af ber 80th birtbriay. the Fontypool arcs- B.A., LhoîrSifrnthe N omtecutt & livered mi&k (standard Other- uembers ai the Ashton Manching smartîy ta the 40 King St. W.. B. Svle nwasw ase hmnih Fonaue r da ome, K ensaqur.ad Langrnaid families Jalned Bailieborn Flute Band, visitons Telephone 623-5791 flying ycan, i8th. Rev. H. A. Turner o!M e ts4 1 rtaqat.tht. gthering for- the eveni- and nimemben. o! the three local--Bauem mnysydStPu' Uidiburýh"!- ItrlsitltOllec..Baen Or-ange Lodges paraded ta the an g80brightly dlean.. ducted the service and inter--____________ styisvtl oor c r. ad Mns. T!r a ket Uniteri Chur-ch on Suday or . ag e s Tie fun andg laugrs ari tales ment was in Bowrnanvlhleý Dnal hieahh If daîry James and Catherine, attend- aternoon. They heard a vony B A MI L TOÀ?M N - (IORqONO and jokes, Cernrtery. ioe than they used ta, cd Decaratian Service at fine message delivered by aur Phane 1 n 16 Enjayeri by aid time. deceat, Many lovely floral toker-s gmtfodbu.pt Cmtr-yadri ato e. r.Pir Te Fis orgg Fnsver-y happy îolks. wiriched oeestweld inP R O D U C E a but food buy. Sundtay tes guests with Mn. Junior Choir- with Mn.. Clif- Besidences - Farins hc h eeae a ed anri Mn,. Walter Ormiston, fard Fallis as ar-ganiat sup. Business Properties To i Farnily, ari every mmnong 'whlch were thias front Oshamwa. piied capably tht service ci _____________ kindly inienri, Branch 178 Royal Canadiaen Local Mn. ari Mn.. Bar-ny Cowl- sang. After a parade thraugh ' My syrnpatby in this Ode, I Logion, Goodytar Departrents !ng and John.. Salem, were the village the bondi gave a 0 1o mIfl r yj kindly naw oxtenri. Nos. 2713, 2711, 2747, 2748, Saturday evening guesta oi ew extra tunes for the local Tey'l h given comfort froin260n, 2712 ari 2740; Canadin the Tm Baer'i.citiens.KEJTE A. ILLEI¶',C.D. the Heaven Above, National Railwayr, Sm ith j Bi , ,, [ )Mn.. N. Wotten and Fr-a-. I was sanny 1 was unable Optornotriat Protected by Thoin Maker, Transpoart, B ow mi nv ille mTrno¶,Otlocis, Mn. Arnot Wottcn Arnot tn attend the bail gamne Sun- 143 Kn t .-Bwnnil and Hia Perfect Love. Chani r ai Commence, and NEW (J oono1,Onai r.) Alleandr Donna, Hamp- day evening when aur loeal Office Houns: Ey appointient Mernioial Park Association. ton, attenderi the Watten pic- cieioated lest year's Champions Tlephans 623-3252 -Wnitten by '"Longboat", pen Pallbearers %were Messrs. niceat Sauina hall an Satur- Bailiobona 3-0. We undenstanri mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Tri. Inîme oi Ralplu R. Tooley, a Don Stephens. George Gibbs, da t wus the beît gae eof the 9 am. to 5 Dam. j ic-long nielgibouxr and friend, Carl Frergwon, £leu Green- P t t e %r. Joe Creuawell,, Mr. Gîlb- samba. W. hop.eur boys wlIIj Wed and &at. - 9- 12 13 1VnE treet Eut, Ohawa, ham, Stan Froatsanmd Kuith bons, Toronto, Mr. Melville ,continue tirir winnhng wmys I uaday -eveningi taroFezgulofl. *1 t, t.,