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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1966, p. 16

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I #nhe BaaiuSaemn owmanvmse, ,Tie 29, 196 Nhuic,, Schools HoId Field Day S'. Bwmanv IlePubli c Schools uning Broad, 12' 611l- O; Stephen Parker, O; Garry tl .heir ItrShoal ,4Fieid -?eggy Clark, VM; Linda Webb, Murphy, C. Catch and Throw a on June , 22, 1966, ait:); Lynn Barter, C.' aeP stn Brn Vincet,?asàey Schoal. Intermedlate Boys'.Eventa aePreston ra 'halnios were: Sr. Girls,- 50 Yd. Dash-Murray ak. Cook, C; Allan Junkin, W. Lnda Kelly, Vincent Masse3 ýr, VI!; Garry Murphy, C: Wereszczynski, O; A. Aber- _rhaol, 15 points; S. Boys. lllan Junkin, O. Relay-Ste- netby, D. Tabb, LE. Accumacy 'on Webb, Ontario St. Scbool, )hen Parker, Randy Rogers, Throw, 89' 2"-Wayne Myems, il points-, Int. Girls, Lynn U.lan Junkin, Deug Henning, LE; W. Wereszczynski, O; Day- 1%arter, Central School, 5 :); 2 Central, 3 Lord Elgin. id Ommiston, VM. Standing -points; Int. Boys, Randy Rog- 3oIe Vault, 8' 10"-Randy Rog- Broad-Rick Shackelton, C; ,ers, Ontario St. School, 14 =r, O; Garry Murphy, C; Gary Randy Rogers, O; Larry Trick, points. >rter, VM. Running Broad- C. Sotball Thmow, 2161 V- ,Points won by scbools were: 'andy Rogers, O; Lary Trick, Randy Rogers, O; Gary Èt. Girls-Central 9, L. Elgin Dý; Stephen Parker, O. High Murphy, C; Danny Robinson. e, Ontario St. 10, V. Massey 29;, lump, 4' 7"-Randy Rogers, O. Ïr. Boys-Central 15, L. Elgin 1, Ontario St. 20, V. Massey 18: o Int. Girls--Central 10, L. Elg- BL.ACK STO .u CK'~ i & Ontario St. 17, V. Massey ,,15; Int. Boys-Central 18, L. Services ini the village Sun the Academy o! Sciences of 2ligin 5, Ontario St. 26, V. day norning were not quitE New York. Massey 5. Totals: Central 52, as-well attendeci as-usual due lMil. andi Mr. Ray Yateq, L. Elgin 12, Ontario St. 739 to decoration service in the Tpronto, and Mms.. R. Stinson, V. Massey 67. aiternoon, also the intense Bowmnanville were Sunday î Particular notice should be iheat, but tiwo fine services guests cd Mri. A. Wright and liken o! the following events wr ed the Fred Trewins. and contestants wbere a stand-weehl. Igg scbool record bas been In the United Church a Mrs. H. E. Ashinore, Peter- broken or tied., quartet of Mesrs. Glenn Lar- borough, called on friends in mer, -Richard Holden, Ralph the village on Saturday. Senior Girls Lre and Ernest Swain Mm. and I Mms. John Kewen 75 d. ashLina Kllysang "O Love that will nat and f a mil1y, Beaconsville,' (VI!) 8.4 sec., down .9 sec. jet me go." BRey. Roerilto ubc pn h ekn fram record set ln 1962. R un- for is text "The secret with ber father, Mr. Evemett nlng Broad-Linda Kelly (V- thigsbengto Got, but Trewin. M) 16' 7", up 11 7" from r-e- those revealed belong to us.' Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fergu- cord set in 1964. Accuracy It was annivemsamy service son andi four children, Tom- T.hrow - Joanne Brommei in St. John's Cburcb. Bey. R. ont-o, Mr. and Mrs. Georgeý (nt6.idreod !6'st C. Rose delivered a fine -ser- Dunbar and thmee chilcimen,; Seio 1962. mon-on History cd the Chvmch Scarborougb,, Mr. and Mrs.1 Senor oysand Preiparation for Future Noel -Mort-on and - four sons,i *Pale Vault-Bill Woodward Çhrstianity. Port Pery choir Oshawa, - Mm. and Mzrs. Lloyd j cord set In", p165.runnreg caine over andi assisteti the Wright and four chilciren andl corod-Retn 196bb (On) 17'local choir. Mrs. Cecil Hill haci supper 21,4", up 1We"bfrO n eost.)a'nere was a large attend- end spent thbe evefting at the, 2%11 up%" romrecrd et nceait the Decoration Ser- borne of Roy and Mr. andi Ms.' i 1963. vice at thbe Union Cemneteryl Bill Ferguson and Alan. Intermediate Girls Sunday after'noon. Mm. Franký Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Fergu- Accumacy Thmow - Patsy Carter of Bownianville Sal-ý son, Don Mills, were Sundayl Tennant (Cent.) tied record vation .Aany, witb the Sound 1 noon guests of Mrs. Cecil Hill et 45' set in 1964. systeni, provided music. Rev1 andi calieci on thbe Roy Fer- Intermediate Boys Bruce Woods o! Georgetown guson family aftem the decora- Pole Vault-Randy Rogers delivemeci a fine -sermon fro t tion service. (Ont.) 8' 10", up 1" froin e- the paable o! t-be cbanging Don't forget the L.O.L. par- cord set ln 1965. High Juinp the water to, wine. ade, with Catwrigbt Band _-Randy Rogers (Ont) 4' 7" The Anna Unit- met aitbe leadin.g, and service in the up 1" from record set in 1963. home o! Mms. L. Tbompson United Chumeh bere SundayI .Accuracy Tbrow - Wa y ne Tuesday afternoon, with nine evening. Myers (LE) 89' 2", up 26' 4t>m i-es andi three visitors Cartwright Central Sehool fro rcor st i 165.Sot-present. Leader Mmrs. G. Field Day Winners ball Throw-Randy Rogers Skelding opened with a pray- A very successful Fieldi Day (Ont) 216' 7", up 21' 2" fmom er, "Waiting on the Lord". was belci at the sobool Senior GirlsnE1en4. Mrs. Russel Mountjoy gave a grounds. The weatberman ca-1 Senor irl Evnt* paper on Trinitiad; 24 ques- operat-et 100 per cent an d 75 Yd. flash, 8.4 sec.-Linda tions on Trinidaci and Tobago tihere was a lange number ofi Kelly, V.M.; Janice Elliott, were es.led which led t-o parents on band to enjoy the VI!; Jane Cowle, VM. Relay, eal hearty discussions. Mrs. Clay witb t-be chldren. 97.4 sec.-Linda Kelly, Jane flomeril gave thle worship. Winners were as follows,I Cawle, Janice Elliott-, Darlene Mrs. Bake Gunter was hon- with points as siiown: ral.eVM; 2 nt-Brami, 36CeV- t-ens-for the Canidace Unit on Tykes, 5, 6 and 7 years old: rab Runig Boad 1' 7 -Wedesday afteimnoon, when Girls - Joanne Wolteirs 12, inda Kelly, VI!; Mary Tighe, 11 at V'M; Maureen Baker, C. Stand- les attended. Leader Marlene Krockenstoel 11, An.I Ing-Hop, Step, Jump, 21' 91/21p Mr. Dalton Dorreil opened net-t-a Keuning enti Shelley! -.Linda Kelly, VI!; Jill Dion- wittb a poelm, "What- is ai McAahon 9. ogbue. O; Beth Ann Clift-on, C. Homne?"', andi ulter a hymn Boys - Scott William-s 13, 5tanding Boad, 7' - Linda was Sung she read a seipture Robert Bumna 12, Colin Assel-' Kelly, VI!; Jili Donagbue, o passage anti led in prayer. stine 11. 0;Offening was received and Mldgets, 8 and 9 years aid: Janice Elliott, VM. Soft-ball ded-ed m onCm- Grs-Te ua1,Gi Tbrow, 144' 1"-Nancy Haop- hdeaitwit h Cern a- Gals 7, Cheryl migt10.9l ç, C; Bonnie Smith, VM; hndatwthte «ca- als1,CerlWih 0 Naomi Horslen, C. High ter 01~ Jesus Christ and the Boys - Roci Camîpbell 15, Jump. 4' 4"-Linda Kelly, Christian Life, which was on Paul Jutison 13, Randy Mac- VI!; Sherryl Davis, VI!; Jane BaPt-îsm. AIL joineci in and Leod 9. Cowle, VI!. Accuracy Tbrow, bad a real good discussion. Juniors, 10 and Il years: 60'-Joanne Brommeli, O; Deb: The Unit decided t-o enter an Girls - Glenna Clernent 16, bt-e Sellers, C; Frances ]Hen- exihibit at- Backstock Pair. Xat.hy Keuning 12, Leslie ming ,. By Next meeting ta be at Mms. Wright Io. Senior By Events Roy Melauglilln'a ln, Septeim- BOYS - Stanley Krocken- I 75 Yd. flash, 8.9 sec.-R. ber. Stoel 21, Barry Malcolmn 1-, Wfebb, O; Doug Parker, C; J. Rev. and Mrs. Moi-il Fer.- George Koualmg 16. Strychalski, VI!. Relay, 26.2 91u301, Tor-ont-o, visit-ed Mrs. Intermfediate, 12 and 13 years: gec.-Doug Parker, John Mor- Hill1 and Roy and Bill Pergu- Girls - Judy Felst-ead 19, ris, John Kramp, Glen With- son's on Mondo.y. Susie Pallis 16, Lomrie Tur- sispoon, C; 2 V. Mssey, 3 L. Mr. Harold Plotts, a former ner- 8. Mign. Standing Broad, 7' 7%," teaoieir i our bigh school, Boys - Grant MeLaughlin ZDoug Parker, C; John Hend. bi'ouWht a bus boaci of grade 13, Bob Swenain sd Wayne erson, C; John Kramp, C. eight atudents from, Dmury Kirlopatrick 12, Rickie Map- ~oftball Tbrow, 213' -Ron Jwiior High School i Wil- lpin 11. Webb, O; W. Petemson, 0; bowidale to visit at- Cartwright Seniors, 14 and up: 11ohn Kramp, C. Pole Vault, Central School on June 20th. Girls - Nancy Stinson 21, r' 11l-Bill Woodward, VM; Thesr were enroute t-o Linrd- Maya Kinnunen and Linda 13-iSimpoC J. Strychaski. say for thbe oiternoon. Two Méountjoy 11, Sandra Hem- Rjznning Bro)ad, 17' 2,,- hall gaines were organized man 10. oln Webb, O; Bill Woodward, andi a yen-y pleasant hour spet BIOYs - Jack Hummen 28, VI; B. Hamness, VI!. Run- by very quikly. Paul MaiPPin 13, Ron Bolani hg-Hop, Step, Jump, 28' 9 %I" Several o! the public sebool anti Donald Wigt 7. ,--A. Murdoch, C; P. Lyle, VI!; teacherS attendedth -e retire- Relaya: ,Harness, VI!. Accuracy ment banquet for the Insper- Int-rmediate Girls - ist, I hraw-D. Piper, 0; M. Don- tor, Mr. Earle Webster, whjcb Susie Pallis, Lorie Gobkes, phue, O; B. Adams, VI!. High was held at Hamipton last Elaine Metcalf, Wendy For- iiip, 4 10"-Bill Woodward, Thureday. est; 2nd, Judy Pelst-eat, Nom-j M; Ron Webb, O; W. Paeden, Dr-. J. A. anti Mm. McAr- ma Watt-en, Sandra Rogan, VM. thu, Mrs. No -man- Dysart Sue Bolan; 3rd, Lintia Tbomp- Intermediate Girls Event. and Miss Betty McArtbur son, Diane Vanderbuel, Bren- 5o Yd. flash, 6.8 sec-Cathy Miss Mary Prey, Mr. Allande Rohmer, Susan MéColi. Lanti,VM Janet- Large, O; Amnelstine, Mr. end Mns. GY or- Intermediate Boys - 1sf, ýynn Barter, C. Relay, 30.9 don Paisley, Mm. and Mms. Al- Grant MeL-aughlin, W a y n e tec.-Linda Webb, W e n d y an Bailey were the guests Scot-t, Keyo Kinnunen, John MacintshJYan4etLrgfontiaea boetddWoe;2d Blr Mryn üt-dlstanced ail t-be ot-ber en-1 don, Englanci. bas been work- McLauthlhn picnlc tij ta capture lst position ing as Sub Dean of Medicineý The l2th annuai picnic rf end the Frank Bottrell Me- at Kinga College, London, t-be descendants of t-he late S~oial Trophy wbich lis com- Eii<Iand, where t-bey bave Mx. anti Mas. Wn. MeLaugb- ~.ted for ec year frorn Ibis liveti for the last- five yeams. lin was beld at CArt-wight *p0mile race fom Nakina, They retumnedtito Toronta, Park, Caesamea, on -Sunday, (t.Canada, 1a8t year andi now Juste 26tb. Approximately Ô0 S The race was flown !rorn will be reaidents in British att-ended. liakia on t-he weekend o! Columbhia. After aerVing as President Boy Meaugblini jUne lSth, wth the !ollowing an interne in St. George's and reaci the minutes andth-e list qqemult: lut, L. Richards, 60 Kiflg's College Hospit-as in O! officems for next picnic: elnts; 2nd, Brown Bras. 54 London, Dr. Bilbey worked in Presidents, Mr. anti Mra. Mur- Ve3nta. Ibese were thbe only Paris for a wttile with a pi-o- ray M!alcolm, Secret-arien, Mm.ý bbèdsrerported in race time. !ewOr of medicine, apecializ- anti Mr. Boy Corden; Sposts, -Ogi Saturday, June 25tb, i Allergies. Coning ta Can- Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey. UeClub flew thei.r leut aid ada ini 1058, he beceme asso- Mas. Garnet Murray con- et mae froin Cochrane, clateti with the University o! ductedth -e following sports 19ht. a* lune distance about- Toronto medJcai staff, also which were helti af tern ad 31 mle.The weathcr was working in Newfoundland partaken o! a bounteous meal humhwid, andi a aouth to andi Labrador-. He met Pearl about 4:30 pi. ~,xth w ind which made durnig his time in Toronto Guessing content, an weigtt 2U a __ertying rce for the wtien she was Secretary o! o! a wat-ermelon was won by ~rd 0*six birds report-- }iusdioid Finance. Thbe y Bob McLaughlin, junior girls' je *,, e saine day, lut, L. were marieti b~y ey. Pbilip race, Janice McLaugblin; sen- 40 oite, Brown Roineril at the Blaclcstock ion girls' race, Wendy Me- 36 Wonts, D. anid B. Uitited Church an June 18, 1-aughlin: 3-legged race, girls, 32 point&. 1960. Dr. Bilbey won t-be Linda McLaughlin, Marleab Eý' bait owlaad race. L Benjamin Broiil.Pnize in Meaughlin; boys' wheelbar- fW dfit with Sury I Lonon in 1953-, a row race, Ivan Griffin, Wayne 'eoui t- o wti the Rais Doctorate of Pliilosophy in MicLauglilin; ladies' shoe kick, MémorW Treophy Med cinein 1957; pas o! kicTeDon Reedme's anti But . o*l&Utrohy edicate e w 1957; pas-IfMkikTD ndif; mn'aan *u Cau2stmmio n 9;Av@ispae agrm Mdl Pwaele t U& i W t îe'w - TICKETS Xetter to the C&ktor Darlene MIalolm: board race,i Darlene end Marleah Mal-] coli; ahoe ac-rnMle, girls, Uanda MgeLauhUn; shoei scranble, boys, BoblàcLaugh- lin; Oldest person present,i 'Mrs. J. Farder, Nestieton; Coming the farthest, Mr. and1 Mms. Ted Read and fmnily,1 Brmpton;, Youngest baby, Lana Malcolm. Friencis attendeci from Tor- onto, Bramopton, Oshawa, Pet- erborough, and aurrounding areas. OBITUARY MRS. FRED J. FOSTER The funeral service for the late Mrs. Florence Eva Fosteri was helci fromt the Port Hope1 United Church on Tuesday,j June 14, 1966, at 2 p.m., withz Dr. D. H. Woodhouse officiat-1 ing, who based his remarks on thee 23rd Psalm. The bymn,1 "Unto the His" was sung. The deceased was the daugh-1 ter. of Mary. Jane and Charles Tbompson and was born atà the farnily homnestead in Ken-( dal on'September 18' 1894.1 She received ber education at Kendal and.i Bowmanvîlle 'srhools. Ofn Fh,.jarn.-xr 1Q14_l ah. married Fred J. Poster of Bowmianviile and llved ln the Bowrnanville area for approx- imately 20 years. Thence nioving to Millbrook in 1934 andi to Port Hoe i 1941 where she resided for the past 25 years. lier hus- bandi predeceased ber in July, 1950. She had been a faithtul member of ber church and had attendeci 9 o'clock com- munion service the morning of ber death. She had also been an active member of the U.C.W. since moving to Port Hope. Mms. Foster is survived by ber only sister, Mrs. S. R. Caldwell o! Port Hope; five sons, Bert, Lorne, John, Charlie, Byron and one daugb- ter Margaret. (Mrs. M. Wailer). Also left to mourh ber loss are 15 grandcbildren andi five great grantichilcimen. Palibearers were the bus- bands of six of ber oldest grandaughtems. H on or ar y pallbearers were neighbours and friends, Messrs. C. Abrams, C. Minaker, H. Walk- er, G. Waller, J. Petre and L. Pomeroy. Interment vias in the family plot at Bowmanville Cerne- t .r, STARTS - -- -- -25 each - 5for LOUNGE CHAIR FISH POND - TRANSISTOR RADIO - PLUSH BOOTH 7:00 P.M. MEMORIAL PARK TH FOR THE KIDDIES NOVEL BOOTHS BINGO H 4 REfRESHMENTS4 Fun For the En tir e Family y SPECIAL SKIL-L BOOTHS. --*- dO '-,FOR THE TEEN (MOI) 1 aMSH ËNJ I l. 1, I for Aa l poeê, sarStkîg slow.. WIthout belng a wsrveyor, we ha*ving a unlversity edu- catmo, or a lot of! Jettera and honorary degrees 'efter my naine, I passess at least fii-st clas a practicaï brain, which. shows me ideal nat- umal fail down vaileys, al along the area where se'w- age disposai plants wouid handie ail disposai prob- lesns as they arise. Erecting straw men, te knock over, to me seexns as sîlly as the looneyv guy hitting himself on the head with a bain. mner. when asked if it hurt, replied: "Oh yes, but you would neyer believe how good it feels when 1 stop." Lets stop hitting our heacis with irnoginary hamniers to bit a non-existent bo.gey- man carried in some man's imagination. I amn, sincerely yours, Ralp~h R. Tooley. OBITUARY DOUGLAS A. LARKiN In failing healtb for two andi a bal! montbs, Douglas A. Larkin of Zion died June 19, 11966 .a+ the Oshawa nenral Hospital, IRé wui ln b s43 year. à A son of Mr. and Una. Tume othy Larkin, of Oshawa, tbf deceased was born Oct. ,12 at Bowmanviile. A Iifelang resident of thý"' Oshawa - Bownianvile Mr. Laritin had been an e2- ployee of General Motora fle 17 years. Rie was anadherent, of ZMon United Church and 'w member of ILocal 222, U.A W During the Second Worla War, he serVed wîth t cY4 Canadian Engnr. Mr. Laikin is surv by- bis wife, tf fa«ý1t4t. Mrs. Rbert Kla1(Colee> andi Ms. -Daniel Home'- (Linda) of Oshawa and Misa Virginia Larkin, at home aq two sons, Francis and James, Larkin, gt home.4 Also surviving are a sister' Mrs. Warren Hoit (Viola) of. Oshawa; a brother, Raymoii4 Larkin of Oshawa, and tw. grandchildren. The mernorial service waj held at the Armstrong Puneral Home, Oshawa, at 3:15 p.riZ June 21, followed by Inter", ment in Bowmanville Cerne tery. Rev. C. Catto, rninistei of Zion United Church, con* SPECIAL ATTRACTION COMPETIT-ION and DEMONSTRATI-ON featurîng. Oshawa Sîmcoe Hall Judo Club IN CASE 0F RAINJ, SATURDAY, JULY 9th BIG DRAW FOR 1966 PONTIAC StratomChief KINETTE FEATURES PROCEEDS FOR 'KINSMEN CLUB SE RVICE PROJECTS 13 Elgin Street, East Oshawa., Ontario June 24th, 1966 Dear Joh n: I eati an article i The Statesnin, wherein the Mayor o! Whitby ofered advice upon rnatters under consideration in TownshiP o!. Dartington, regarding use té land lèr building. It sounded very atdinit me ibat a mayor would jump aver the city o! Osh- aw and land right into the next to'wnshit,, and indeed right into anotkier county (Durban)!! It's been* stated years be- fore Mayor Newman was born,, that advice unasked is worth exactly what is paid for. In this case, as a witty aid uncle of mine told an- other man wbo sort of "stuck bids -nose into Bar- ney's business without be- ing askeci for his. advice,"s that saici advice was worth (as above) nothing. where mnen stated that al along this arm, Bownian- ville and eatward thwouh- mit miles of country along Laike Ontario, we would se continuation o! Metropoli- tan Toronto!! Two mnore opposite opin- ions than Mayor Newrnan's of Whitby, andi this othe'm, maybe just as brilliant, canmat be founti. Persorially, it stands out as plain as a wart on a moe, 'that if dev'eloprnent is gcing to take place, start- ing in Darlington Town- ship, and steadily working along the area on nortin shore of Lake men- tioned, water andi sewage fylteins must corne, and will corne to service ail building, botlh o! bousing andi industry.' Lake Ontario can be utilized (andi must be utiliz- led) to care- for ail building. Agreed, sewage cannot be disposeti of by each lot as in the old days:' then faue up to the answer at once, scnrenTjLae ntan waterflfl m REFRE

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