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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1966, p. 5

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ýpeaks toOrono Chamber of Commerce L.R. Wood yard Outines1 :100,000 Oroh-o Road Piani *E. R. Woodyand, speaking at yrzar was sun!eced. This street, County ta have themn do thei Mte Orano Chamber of Com- he seid, was the highestas Main Street section. rnerce an Mandgy evening, sessed in the village per house., The cast ta the local tax- l3th, outlined certain However, the residentiel as- payer, after neceiving subsi- J -s petaining ta Police sessment on this street of alildies, would be around $35,-, 3V*ile wonk and also pre- the houses did net equal thati000. To repay this amount itl, usented i« proposed plan o! a! Curvply, he steted. The ýwould cost the local taxpayerý starm sewering and pavingi biggest asset in Orono, he said,' tram 2 ta 22 imlîs over a' streets in the mid-section of the! is the Cunvply business.. possible six year periad, said! village. The assessment a! a centre,'Mn. Woodyand. Mn. A. McLaren introduced *he said, gavenns the emount The speaker feit there wes' Mn. Woodyard, who has been: o money e municipelity may certainly ecanomic neasons ta active in Municipal affains iborraw. This resuits in the'camplete the job al et once since 1944 when he entered' wnrk that can or cennat befor it would save annuel as deputy-reeve for the Town-Ildonc. We in Onono are facedi maintenance costs and would ship of Clarke. Framn 1945 ta flot only with school deben-<be cheaper than ta plan the 1950 Mn. Woodyard was Reevel tures but also a $35,000 hydro work out aven a pcniod of o! the Township and under his' debentune, he said.1 years. recvcship the Township pur-! At this point, Mn. Woodyerd' Hene Mn. Woodyand referredi chased its finst snowplow and .pointed out that somne years ta the tact that municipal 1 completed the finst major road ago the rates for hydro in wterwes irst taîked dkn construction program. Mn.1 Orono were reduced. At that' even though the people new .Woodyard was lso a memberltime residents were flot com-; it had ta came. This delay has o! the Police Trustee Board plaining but a surplus wes cost the taxpayers o! Onono tram 1950 ta 1955 and was re building up. If the rates had'at least $50,000.00 he said. turned ta this office egein inlinot been reduced et thet time In neferring ta naed mainte- 1966. hie felt that the hydre would; nance cast Mn. Woodyard stet- The speaker stated that ob- 1not et this time be canrying aecd that the Trustees had al- stadles do exist in openating a $35,000 debenture. ready spent their budget a! Police Village under the pres-1 Mn. Woodyard then intra- $3,500.00 this ycar and that cntsetp. Youarede!nitlyduced a plan o! storm sewers,jlast week it had taken 9000 governed by the Townshipipaving and curbing for the gallons o! oil ta ail the streets Council,"' he saîd. It is oftencentral section o! the Village. in the Village. hard ta get legislation ta suitThe plan has been compIc The speaker made mention bath the Township and the' by engineers and is camplete o! parking in Onano and said Police Village. ! in every detail, he said. that the plan was net yet He spoke on developmentl The scheme costing aven quite complete. When it is, and said that everyone was inl$100,0000 includes stonm sew- lie said a meeting would he favon of development but thet'1 ens. paving and curbing tan held with ail the businessmen a sense o! control was cen- iflickson, Chunch North, Centre and property ownens in the and Park Streets, as well as area affected. tainly necesiary. "We have' two ubdvison lan inthefor the Main Street fram Mill Mn. Woodyard was thanked Village but people are afraid;'Strect ta the Tennery Hill and by Mn. Horst Hoensch on e o! thern when they sec t-heýDuchess Street. Mn. Woodyand haîf of the eighteen membens, cost. Howevcn uncontrolîrdsaid that the Trustees had o! the Chamber present. developmnent could actuallybeen innegotietian with the -Times break a municipality,"~ he said.'-- "ans a!o this tact the Municipal' i. w n ýW> are supplying the O e i i to houses fan the General Mtrs~~ .nd Goodyear," said nthW: 1Chaànge S ta tus ever, benefit trorm this Indus- trial assesment which is in0Of Village Library enother munîcipality. We need industriel assessment for suchBill 155 o!f'the Public Li- of the municipality In whlch assessment costs very littlc teade Act now before the the public librairy of the service in companisan ta resi-i nai eiltr iia-Poievlaei iut hl dentiel assessment. "As e fcct the OLoeis iare will a-yPolie ilageula ite lsah] Chember you are intenestcd OooPbi îr.yetels ulc lbay in getting smell industries ta' and gîve it a widen soope and, on the day the board for locate in Orono," he seid. within the municipalîty. The such public ibrary is organiz- 'Thene is a problem of îocet- new act la ta corne into force, cd, the public library boat-d Jng sueb industry within the: by Jenuany lst, 1967. o! the police village is dis- village where the village cen Under the new Act the solved and its assets and lia- reap the benefits. The speak-1 Orono Police Trustees will no bilities becomne assets and lia- er funthen stated thet it wasi longer have thc handling of bilities o! the public libnary bettc-r ta stent with small in- the Orono Public LibrarY. board cf the municipality.' dustries that could gnow as The Library as o! Jenuary istl It is this section o! the;c did the municipelity., wiJl becomre a Township Lib- which dissolves the Orono Mn. Waodyend referred ta' rary undlen the jurisdiction of Public Librany, esablished -Division Street, which lest' the Muniiplity o! the Town- three yeans ega by the Orno ship o! Clarke. Revenue ta Police Trustees of the Police apenete the Librany will be:ý Village of Orono. Cet Cash Today povided by the Township' Under the new legisletion rather than by the Police ithe local library will beoome E' fll.l Ai'Trustees as In the pat thre te Clarke Townsihip Public For O .d ppliances 'years. 1Librany. The affecting section of thei The ncw board will have through ýnew Act reads as follows, four members appointed by 9 T A T E S M A N ý'Where a public library here- the Couincil o! the Township C LA S8 F 1 E D S totore established for a police of Clarke, along with the C Avillage is being operated im- reeve o! the municîpality. Phone 623-3303 mediately before this Act, At the time of forming the *camies into force, the counicil new Orona Public Li'bnary representatives trorn the Li- S OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! bnary bnanch of the Depant- Take advantage of Il! 24 hour ser- ment cd! Education nccom- vice; and radio dispatched trucks mended that the library be always on the ready to serve you. then set up on a Townshiip I Fuel 011 Budget Plan avallable. basis. The Township Council 10 did net accept this proposai. NOW IS THE TIME As a resuit the Police Trus- TO CONVERT AND CALL tees o! Orono set up thc Or- ona Public Library with f in- encîng by the natepayens McLAUGHLIN1 withn the Village cdt Orano. OSHAWAIt isenticipated that the COAL & OH W 1 new Township Public Libnary 723-3481 will have a greaten budget on SUPPLIES O M N IL KING which ta operate. The Vil- LTD. BW A V L ST. W. lage rnul rate bas bepri 623-3278 around 1.3 nulls on ail Village r p p p p pi pli w lqw Iw w, 4 w w w w w .wr.~ WE'R s' cc"....~<c~...c'tc-,.','4' BS YU AN 11PA S-u il JL SPORTS ALL DRESSES AND C OATS CLEARING AT REDUCED PRICES I<gpt~iy~g~SP@RTSWEAR< lKY E S57 King St. W. B.wmanville I ftIL'~ At This Adldress Onty His Firsi Birthday Jeffery Bertram Logan, son of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Logan, High Park Avenue, Toronto, celebrated his first birthday on June l7th, 1966. His proud grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Bert Budai, Jr., R.R. 6, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Logan, Bethany. His happy great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Bert Buciai, Sr., Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kiss, Oshawa. HAMPTON Graduaite (Intended for lest week) Mn. and Mns. W. Holrayd' attcndcd the Goodyear picnic1 an Saturdey attennoon. Mns. Hoirayd and childrený visited Mn. and Mns. S. Faynna West Beach, on Sunday. Callers et Mn. and Mns. A. W. Prescott during the wcek werc Mn. and Mns. Harold Knibb, Miss Corn!ield, Osh- awa, Mrs. S. Mceelis, Osh- awa, Mns. M. Hurd, Mrs. R. 'c Ormiston, Enniskillen, Satur- day cvening, Mn. and Mns. Herb Prcscott, Mapie Grave, Sundey, Mn. and Mns. Jacab Kesslen and family, Bolton. Mr. and Mns. M. Mountjoy ettended the Maple Grave church anniversany. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Hurst entertaincd et e family picnic for 7r) guests on the occasion ton Mn. end Mns. N. A. Hurst, ........... Seagreve, 4th Wedding An- niversary. Mn. and Mns. R. Luke and children with Mr. and Mns. Robent Thiesbunger Elmer Hawes, Whitby, supper son of Mn. and Mrs. Willianr guests on Fathen's Day. I A. Thiesburgen, Tyrane, nec. Mr. and Mns. Harold Ash- entîy graduatcd from Waterloc ton, Enniskillen, and children4; Lutheran University withà Mn. and Mns. Len Player endi Bachelon o! Arts degre i boys, Bowmanville, Mn. and economics. rodbent is novN Mns. Ken Poolen and famnily, warking with Clarkson, Gar. 'Oshawa, Mn. and Mns. Sydney don & Co., Montreal, whilf Kensey with Mn. and Mrs. studying ton bis Chertereé jean Lyons and femily, supper Accountant's degee. guests ton Fathen's Day. Mn. and Mns. J. Lyans Coîlege, Peterborough. visited Mr. and Mrs. Andy Wendàll Prime attende' Beth o! Whitby. Oshawa Christian Youti Mr. and Mrs. Allen Mack- Centre netreet et Consecai lin and chiidren visited With aven the weekend. Weitor Mn. Art Wood, Stou!fville, on Prime attended the Higi Sunday. School students canference a, Mn. Martin Hull, Seuit Ste. Bowmenville, spansoned by tht Marie, spent the* wcekend Central Ontario Chnistiai with Mn. Ross Metcal!. Higli Schooi Association Fni ICongratulations ta Miss day evcning and Saturday Danlene Hall and Doug Dcw- Susen Prime spent the week ell an gneduating et Teachers' end with Kathy Jensen, Boxw Mns. L. Allin and Georgo accompanied Mn. and Mrs nLJLLU rifLLVI an..qlQnt E eottage et Oakland Lake. The Canadian Statesnsan, Eowmanvifle, June 29, 106 Mr. and Mrs. L. Clemensi visited Mr. Alvin Clemens on' Sundby in Bowmànville.I Mrs. Leona and Elsie Stain- ger, Oshawa, Mr. Ban and' Miss Edith Duthrie, Coling 9E E wood, Mr. and Mns. L. Clem- . uImI'iedik r b e bitdy at frM.Duthie'Ove wu iuM IPrb m Mr.andMr. L GBsanchrd The OPA Oormmodity GrouD George MoLaughli2i, Chair- action should be taken whltti Millbrook, were Sunday visit-' meeting held in Toronto on mon of the Ontario Milk Mar- could t*ircw a road block ors with Mr. and Mrs. A.iJune 21st voiced concern over keting Boa.rd, explained that agamnst this needed national Blanchard. I the troubled milk situation. much of the probiem lies in programme. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rodger of,- the Quebec provincial aubsidy Ewell, Surrey, England, were anT A V&d suggested that, rather weekend guests of Mr. andj £B.JAYt-netrn noam Mrs. Harold Patter. Mrs. Rod-,iý . FI M ONE P war wih Quebec, OII-ý ger is Mrs. H. Potter's sitri nfiin elh o w tario might better tny to, O and they attended the EllIioilnghe-t'fr 0o reach an &Agreement withl Patter wedding at Hampton,! months and seriously sdck for Quebec on a standard flor C DB church on June 18 and the ne' flive days, Mrs. Effie M. price.C U DB ception held in the Darling-! CGoyne, of Courtice, died June Onriwt it adn-WIMN ton Community hall. 123, 1966, at the Oshawa Gen- ta , wnvetiîss notanS IMN Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Alex eral Hospital. She was in her' island. What happons in otherIN HE PO N W Potten, Sauina, were with Mr'81st year. She had been a1INT EPO W and Mrs. Bert Rickwand, T.or:1 resident of the Oshawa dis- provinces ahfects Ontario. In, onto. i triet ail her life.- Ontario there is a floor price1 at the Sunday evening, Mr. andi A daughter of the late Mr. fofr$.25enuhcundred weih Mrs. Harold Patter called on, and Mrs. John Heard, the de >- mnfcuin il, ile Mr. and Mns. Jack Elliott, Mr ceased was born June . in Quebec thene la no mini u pntaio rce sobligesyth and Mrs. J. Potts, of Oshawa.' 1886, in falanington Township < mum prce s obltoges thatR NC S and was mjarried June 7,lorpie.I utethn NN A T 1911, at Oshawa. She was a fls a proiSnlQubed, which I le Fa Iy memrchadof tbenezr flte d mn'ay bring the eturn ta he Cywme Fa mi h e UnJited. Church faimer above $3.25 dper cwt Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax H olds Picnic wPredeeae by lier hus-haet y Workers! The fourth annual Cowle 1942, Mrs. Goyne is survivedi skim milk powder produced Tired cf the long drive pieic asheld June l9th aH by 'two daughters, Mrs. Wil- in Quebec can move into On- to and from work? Thistie Park. Mable and Eve- liam Ashton (Viola) and Mnf. t-i kthan t al rodu ice o- osdr iigI h lyn Cowle wene in charge of Charles Langxnaid <Alina),ri der.dpw-Cnsd iin n h the sucoessful day. both of Solina, and two sons, Winners of the variousi Raymond J. and Garnet R~. While the OPA and the On-1 most modern medium events were: Jane Cowle, sen-liGoyne, bath of Countice. tario Mi]k Marketing Boardi rentel apartment, ion race; Ricky Leblanc, in- Alsa survivinig are three and the ODA woul like ta terrnediate; and Vicki Cowle, sisters, Mrs. Robent Hall (Ida) see higher prices for produc- in Oshawa. junior. The tots race was won of Hilton, N.Y., Mns. A. E. ens of manufacturing mllk, it' by Donna Lee Fenguson. Winter (Rose) and Mrs. W. is difficult ta see how this! Shoe-kick winnens wereî Winter (Mabel), both of Osh- can tappen until the two p 'rndo-he!. po ,Joan Cowle, Don Cowle, Di-lawa; three brothers, Clarence vIncial governments cancern- Ido etdpo 1anne Cowle, Danny Cowle.1 Orville and Walter Heard, ail cd arrive at an agneement. Sauna steamn bath Jane Cowle won the shoe! of Oshawa, and 12 grand- On top of thàs situation, the, Huge balcone scramble. Winners of the egg! children. Government of Canada pays aoie throwing contest were Bill Mrs. Goyne was predeceas-I subsIyof .75 perc wt direct' Oversize suites Cowle and Wanda Jones; and, ed by two sisters, Mrs. Nellie ta producers. One solution of' the balloon blowing contest Watson a'nd Mrs. Flossie the problem might be for the! English Decor was won by Donna Cowle. Goyne, and a brother, Nor- Governiment of Canada toi In an ecciting tug-of-war, man Heard. make this .75 subsidy candi- 121SM EST Don Cowle was pulled into The memorial service was~ tional on e standard minimumn 21SM O T the creek to give the win ta held at the Armtst.rong Fun- price.1 Bill, Buck and Bonnie"Cowle eral Home, Oshawa, et 2 p.m., The prosperity of dairy 725-9934 and Clint Ferguson. B i il June 25. Interment was in farmers in any part cd C an- Cowle won the bean guessing Oshawa Union Cemetery. The adla depends an an adequate Model Suite open contest. The oldest pet-son service was conducted by national programme. T his 2:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. attendintg the picnic was Bea Rev. J. P. Romneril, minister programmue is outlined in tihe Rylott and the youngest, Don- oft Ebenezen United Chut-ch, prc>posed Dairy Commission Daily na Lee Fergusion. ýassistedbyRev. D. Arscott. ýfor Canada. No__provincial' JULY let HOLIDAY WEEK-END STORE HOURS: Thursday, June 3Oth, 9 arn. to 9 p.m. Friday, July lst, CLOSED ALL DAY Saturday, JuIy 2md, 8.3 0 arn. to 6 p.m. AT Il...M.... ......... n &M~~d~ ;: Ar.~-~ c..: dc n S. c.i Woodstock an Sunday and stayed overnîght with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McMullen, Jane and Bill. Mrs. L. Allun and George were with Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Orr, Oakville. Mr. Jim Measures reported at a meeting held at North- minster Church in Oshawa re- cently, on Presbytery Train- ing Fellowship sessions. Guests were invited men of consider- able social and business prom- inence who are flot regular church members, specifically for purpose or constructive criticism of the church. Ail delegates were very pleased with this session and hope more local and similar sessions will be held in the future. The Christian Education * Comrnittee met Sunday even- ,ing. The week of July 16 to the 23rd was suggested for Church Vacation School for Hampton charge. The church sermon for Father's Day was taken from the Book of Proverbs, chap. 3, verses 1 to 8, on Solomnn's in- structions ta his son. This ser- mon was called Christian Dads of year 1966. A few ladies from Hampton accompanied the Enniskillen U.C.W. Group last Thursday on a bus trip ta Kitchener and surrounding district. A very enjoyable day was had by ail. Mrs. Morris Bradley and children spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bradley, Bowmnanville. Mrs. O. J. Mountenay and 'Deanna spent the weekend with Mrs. Lewis Mountenay, Trenton. Mrs. J. Ruddy attended the 25th Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. KennetO'Mich- elson of Arnprior over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Far- row and family, Starkvifle, were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Farrow and family. Sarry to have neported Mrs. Raison in hospital. It was the wrong Mirs. Raison. Mr. and MErs. Ruddy Jam- mer and boys, Port Perry, b.d lunch with Mr. and Mrs. John Burrows. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Chant spent thse weekend et their Ail I GA Stores in the vacation area f eatu re low, Iow Toronto City prices. SAVE 301MEATY, &I TÈr -rp cVn £-.A.1 l'el.U lie,,5_ _ _ LEG Supplied by THEI OSHAWA WHOLtSALC LIMITIO supply depet for progressive ndependents FRESH CHICKEN CUTS OS & BREASSI Alpine, Priniroge, Triangle Bef .STEAKETTfES 9i TableRitec WINERSVac. Pak49 GOLDEN RIPE Bananas 2 c 9 b itities.AV P1csEfciv ue2,30 n y2 FrASONva CNEDFoe Produce of South Afriea A BERS Canada Fancy Grade APERS S Gan IGA Oven Fresh APPLESGs.rn Y5j49C APPLE PIE 2 Pkg. àI FamIly pied 9 Bowmanvillle IGA Foodilmer' BOWMANVILLE 1.LLING O 1UT! LEASE EXPIRING! EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLO! )ST IN TIME FOR HOLIDAYS: 4 WEAR -BATI-NG SUITS -ETC. BATHING SUITS VALUES TO $19-95 rtALL ONE PRICE $ 5.00 SLIMS VALUES TO $14.95 AS LOW AS $5.00 BLOUSES "SHIRTAILS" VALUES TO $4.98 CLEARING SHORTS GOOD SELECTION AS LOW AS $179 Produce of U.S.A. Cardinal Red GRAPES ÀL À6. ÀL ý& Aý ÀL AL ýàl

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