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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1966, p. 6

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* Te mnadian Sttan, IewmmnvlI, âme 2U, leu Club Hears Review of Year New Rotary President Handed Gave! of Office Attr a mut succtufu. yeai- ài ofieRetk-lng Preadent D)on Morris turnd tire gavel cirer te new Prmednt Bob Stevens at the lunden Mint- Ing cd the Bowmanvifle Ro- taay Club, held ai tht Flying t)utchmau Motor otel on VnIday. A new Rôtarian, Alistain MUcLeed, wam lnducted miet inimeoehip ln tht club. Tht iduction team was lormed bY four Paît Presidents, Rex W.atems Dr. G. Edwi Mann, W. David Miggon, snd Dr. Keith BIIIeIt. 1fr blrtfidays of W. Rosa 9trike, Q.C., Paul Andnus, Je* Bryoon, Gas-et Richard, Marty Martin, Dr. Keith Slc- on, and Dr. H. B. Rundie %rert celelirmted by their tel- low Rotarians. Ini his revmew o!fltre Rotar'y Yqwn Prisident Morris naid 14a he lrad licen most for- tuntet'i ha'vln a stroirg ex- ecutive catrinitteeto te rlp hlm, and h. expressed his aPpreelalen of! the unfailing uprtand assistance given hlm "I hrave tried to attend as ftiaiy metigs anid Rotary events as possible, the Clark- Mnt Charter Nigir , Oshawa I'turdsidp Day, Oshawa Real Ute Dinner, presented a Rotary Slrieid at the Boys ToainiWgScrool, Placed a weeath et tht Cenotaph, aI- hieaded thre Legion Armistice Dinner, prescrt! prizes at BowmnvMile and Courtice Mg1h S cho e 1s Commence- tuent. Vke-PrtSident Bob Stevears did s0 at Clarke High SahoCl Canirnencenient as if %vas the saure nighl as one af tht others. "I tlew to Evanston, 111-.ý trois, for tht Rotary interna- tional Convention, atiended the anecial mieeting in Osh- awa for the new Crippled 0sildreer'a Centre, Guelph La. dits Nlgt, Oirawa z ont 6 Meeting, Lions, Kimen, Ki- Wsrdns 'and Legiien Ladies Niglits, Oshawa Ladies Niglit, PeterbSrough District 10 Eas- ter seau meeting, Fergus Charter Nlght, Rota-yInf»r- ermton meetings tour limas, Mid others. "My b ardest biow wam the PEAGE fer you! bcn rk ktu-«)f k bçm% c, ea k arm fuy e, OOKM&.9 Cm u & jr STUAIT JAMES 'GENERAL INSURANCE u4 Kingz st. E. Off ice m-snî Dowmaavile Resience 623-5493 lkm of SoeetaY a~ ltèr BR"- the area, and Tom O.waoi for nO1dusvw owau dOlug a Ire- keePing us well iMormed on nwidoug job. My heertelt ourfinances for th. ysar. thanks te BRezWlters fer "To one and at m ncuer- oe Iong > y aansd mmu- est thenks tor helping tht leiethe Yumslà atewtorY. clu* and me espécially have "I was very pleased to have one dandy yeao- as President,", Dmn MaeGregar, Don Muray, Presldsnt Morris said befome Haxry Cooke, AI Barker, Ken tta'ning the gavel over to I- Purdy. Raidolg* Ucydena, Hu- comng Preuident Stevens lber-t HooerandJa& Le. and coeiratulatlng hini. der join the. club. 1 would Retiting President MoiTi lke to metion Mns. Muriel grandfather, F. F. Morris, Crago wlro sets out our bul- was a Chrter Member of the ttinz. Precident Morris upoîoe Bowmanvie Rotary Club. cf Digtrkt Governor Jack Me' h the only third genera- fltqties visit t thIe ckublin tion meznber od the club. Ris AtWust, and réferred te the Pait Presiert'm Pin waz pre- speakers at each meeting dur- sented ta hicu by Pr-cident Ing the year, alm. o tadgSees Night aud the Golf tourna- Presidtert Stevens aaid h. muent, dinner and dne was honored to have beeri "Cograulaion toChar. choenPresident for 1966- mon Gratutin ant bis 967."Garnet Riekardsamy: comitte>r - the bsteffrtit te quickest wyt e ef ort n a past president," he yet in »aoWa Seais denatioriLsatd and is mminitt>ee for our Announcement that th. Dis- C4ýpIedChidre's art, atrict Association meeting wilI C4npe uGr, Fdresrtyonadb. heId in tiwo weeks was Daughter Niaht, well dont by maiude by President Stevens. Stewart McTavlh and his Ht smId tht. will start tht comitteRotary yens- witlh v'is and "I would like to lhuk " aebeen lnterested in George Vice mand thte mbe»Rsiotary cirer ince 1 was lcnee &! bis Chue Cmnittet f Or high to a gramiIoffper. 1 hope tht work done on the Park, you wm enjo9r the coxing Special Evénts CiUrflAI" year au niuch as I have nîy Allun and hlm coensuttee and 1.5 yea,:' niember*hip. 1 have on.e niember In partrcui]ar, got a jot rom Rotary, and I Don Mujrray, fer selling the bupe 1 now tarn put a littie niot Christmaus trots, Rudoiçir et that back," President Ste- Heydens for bis contribution venit nid een.hatloally. inou oiarsnging an su Huli p- Stewart McTavish cendunt- cm and Mel Dale for ffilng ed a Duteh Auction for ture. il, Ken Hockin 80 Sergeant- articles le had clonated. Tht at-Antis, Merrill Brown as winner3 were Dr. Keith Sie- acng leader. mon who réceived a Canadian «'I aise appreciate Ted Flag for $5.5n, Pat President Mannm serving a second year Morris, 'an air mattress cover as Immediate Put President for $7.10. and Ted Samuel, a wicti Jack Bain moved fromlawn pniiflem for $7.50. KEDRON The iack o! an organlzed parents' group at Kedrn scheol was îagain pointed Up Ihis week, when the Grade 8 .graduatiug clamsararanged tbeir own graduating party fer Wed- nesday afternoon and even- ing. Aller school, the chiidren gaihemed ai Geneva Park for a swim and cook-aut. Mmi. Oswald - Werner, Mmm. Ben Hitchens and Mrs. Jamets Me- Nally chaperoued the party and asssted in tht prépara- lien o! foed. Mm.. McNally p rovided a decamated cake. SPecial gues were Mm. aud Mri. Peter Baluk aud David, Mm. Sinclair and Mrm. Harold Werry, Kedran leachens. Mmi. Murray waî unable te attend. Mr. Bsluk will lie meving in Maxwel Meights sehool lu September. Mm. Robert W. Walker, who has been teach- Ingin heKitchener&rareswill takeove th duieso! pninci- palat edr.Mm. and Mns. Wakrare anxiaus le locale a house Ini the &rea ta renl. Kedren Public Sehool held their annual Field Day ou Tuesday aflemnean, June 21 ou tht ichool grounds. A large nUniber o! parents wert on hand te waldr the chlldren performs. Directed by Peter Baluk, principal, lthe evenîs weme veil oganlzed and vent smoohly. Theme vas ane unlarlunate' accident when Richard, ian o! Mr. and Mms. Roy Dingmnan suffened a fracturtd lefi vrais atlenrpling te dlean the four- foot mark lu tht high jump. Mlis mmny frienda hope thal Richard vii seau be out a! hoipital and back amoeng them again. Thora is ne parents associa- ion aI Kedron taeau&est the teachers in events sucir as Ibis. Each year Mmm. James MCNaIIy sets up mand uns a refreshment stand fer the childmen. Tht preceeds from tht sale are tUrned over te the schoal fan much-needed e4uipmenl. Mmny area resu- dents fcel it is lime that oth- ens teek more Interest in tht extra curriular aclivilies o! tht chool, sud Ailà uhoped that 6%0 PAID ON G UARANTED TRUST CERTIFUCATES *4lauued in arouzits frcm $100 upwards for 3, 4 or à years. *earn 6% Interest, payable hall- yearly by cheque. *authorlzed investment for ail Canadiair Insu rance Companlea and trust funds. STERLING TRUSTS m ow 4 *wuD.Ba" 0 ug~NoStI, *1Ws 1by nexi yeCar nme arrange- Iments will have ben1 d pin tbis direction. 8 Resuitsa!oftht vaniaus tuants rwere: BaIl Throw Girls 6-7-Sharlene Turecki,i Saudra Stewart, Cathy Dasti; rboys 6-7, Ronnie MacPhersen, Leo Hohmmnn, Mark Pelles. Girls 8-9, Beverly Paîcot, Romemnary Messent, Kathy Ros- nak, boys 8-9, Wayne Watson, David Kminz, Ailmu Starkoaki. Girls 10-11, Beth Werner, Weudy Neweil, Maà ur e en Brown; boys 10-11, Neil Ma- haffy, Dennis-Wermy, Richard Dingmmn. Girls 12-13, Cindy Werner, Marion Drumm, Sumai Brown; boys 12-13, Jimmy McKlnnon, John Weales, John iWales. Distance Run Girls 6-7, Shanlene Turecki, Belir Lewnm, Terry tgr beys 6-7, Brent Carr, Ronnie MmcPherson, Bobhy Watson. Girls 8-9. Easemary Messeut, Sherry Mahaffy, Julie Ring; tboys 8-9. Allan Slarkoski, 1David Kahuz, Bnian Mahaffy. 1Girls 10-11, Maureen Brown, tBeth Werner, Wendy Newell; 1boys 10-11, Dennis Werry, iBrian Watson, Garth Pascot. rGirls 12-13, Barbara Brown, 9Palti Rasnmk (lie), Susan LBrown and Cindy Werner, beys 12-13, John Wales, Ken Tracy, Bruce MacDonald. 100 Yd. Sprint Girls 6-7, Shaniene Turecki. Karen Searle, Kaîhy Dasti; boys 6-7, Brent Cari-, Bobby Wmtson, Rounie MacPherson. Girls 8-9, Rosemmry Messent, ESherr Mahmffy, Kmthy Rom- nak; beysa 8-9, AJian Stark- aiki, David Kains, Michmel Pelles. Girls 10-11, Bath Werner, Maureen Brown, Shar- on Dasti; beys 10-11, Brian Watson, Dennis Wermy, Tommy MeKinnon. Girls 12-13, Bar- bar* Browu, Palty Aomuak. Susan Brown; boys 12-13, Ken Tracy, Jimmy McKînnon, Paul gazon. Girls 6-7, Sharlena Turecki, Belu Lewins, Cathy Dasti; boys 6-7, Bobby Watson, Itan- nie MacPherson, Douglas Mac- Donald. Girls 8-9, Rosem4ry Mensent, Sherry Mmhaffy, Dan- le Sutan; boys 8-9, Wayne Watson, Michael Pelles, David Kainz. Girls 10-11, Beth Wer- ner, Maureen Brown, Debbie Wilson*. boys 10-11, Bnian Wat- son, Richard Dinguran (tie), Dennis Werry and Douglas McCormack. Girls 12-13, Sus- au Brown, Barbara Brawn, Shelly Watson-, boys 12-13, John Wales, Paul Maman, Bruce Vaillancourt. lRumng Bread Juin, Girls 6-7. Shanlene Turecki, Kim Gonvamî, Beth Lewlna; boys 6-7. Bobby Watsaon, Bon-« nie MacPhemseir, Douglas Mac- Donald. Girls 8-9, Kathy Ras- nik. Beverly Pascot, Rose- maryMMsent; boys 8-9, Afian Slrkoski, Michael P.lttes, Wayne Watson. Girls 10-11, 'Maureen Brown, BeIh Werner. Wendy Brown; boys 10-11, Douais Werry, Brian. Wlson, Douglas McCormack. Girls 12-13, Susan Brawn, Patti Rom naît, Barbara Brown, beys 12- 13, John Wales, Bruce Mac. donald, Ken Tracy. Standing Bieai Jamp Girls 8-7, Sharlene Tumecki, Kim Gorveatte, Kathy Dasti; boys 8-7, Kevln Dingapan, Leo Ifohuanu, Rouait MacPher- son. Girls 8-9, Sherry Ma-e haify. Dianue Haury, Darimne Sutton; boys 8-9. Allan Stark- osi, Michael Pattes, Waffl Watsn. Girls 10-11, Bath Werner, Maureen Biow n, Sheron Daiti; boys 10-11, Robert MacDonald, Brian Wat- una, Neil Mabuify. Girls 12-13, PaIt! BRozual, Susan Brown, Barbais Usowa; bods 12-13, lÇen Umoy Paul Majom, Bruce Girls 644 Siarae Tnc boys 6.7. à= McParon grs? Io-11,.berln Watson; gfrm 12 tud over. Su= » rown; boy 12 aMd over, John Walus. Tnu Sugler Trophy wui won by Susan Brown. Little Sbarîs». Tureeki, a Grade 1 ~ihad. the hlgheat num- crl'rpointa ln the sehool, wlth a total of 18 pointa and six tinut place ribbons. On Tuesday evening, June 21, 14 boys fromn the 21it Oshawa "A" and "B" Cul Packs took part in a colourful "Going Up" cememony et Ked- ron United hurch. The event was held out of doors, with tht Cub Packs forming Up in front of the EHorseahot. Boys from "A' Pack who were preuented te Scoutoaster Wm. Wermy by Akela Mra. Wmn. Ellott were Joe Wmight, Neil Mahaffey, Garth Pascoe, Brian Elliott, Pat Atkinson, Harold Dervent, Jef! Thomas and David Snow- den. .Akela John Glover present- ed Brian Watson, Richard Dingman, Richard Fraser, .Ro b ert MacDonald, Alan Walker and Donald Tregunna fram the "B" Pack. Following the ceremony, the Cuba and Scouts enjayed a program. of games, whlch was followed by tht semving of me- freshments by the 2lst Oslia- wa Ladies' Auxiliary. Prier te the ceremoniei, the "A"' Pack held a short meet- ing in tht parking lot behinc tht church, when Akela pre sented tht following Stars: 'Red Star Neil Mahaffy, Billy Artenault, Rager Hancack, Jeffemy Densham, Je Wright, Brian Elliett, Ricky Melch, Gary Snowden, and David Snowden. Tawny and Green Stars: Joe Wright. Blue Stars: Michael Pettes, Harold Mount- joy and Alan Grant. The boys working on, their Blue Star were recently taken on a tour cf tht lire station by A Mrsm. Alan Mahaffy. Over 3n per cent of the drownings in Canada last year resulted from mnishaps involving beats. Baating's fur when safely donc. Be water Wise! Business Directory Âccouniancy RAT J. D1LING Chartered Accountant 93 Church Street 623-3961 WD. J. IR. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 113 Liberty St. S., Bewni4nville Phone 623-3612 _ WILSON & BTJRROWS Chamtemed Accountants 323 King St. W., Oshawa, Ont, Partners : Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. Phone 728-75594 C hir opr a cfic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office : 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. Phone 823-550 Office Haurs: By app ointment DR. W. . RTJDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E. Bawmanvillt Office Houms - 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - 823-5700 Res. Phone Newcastle 987-4291 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 75 King St. E. Bowmanville Office Hourq : à arn. ta 6 V.m. daily Closed Smtumday and Sunday Telephone: Office 623-5459 DR. E. W. 81188ON L.D.S., D.D.s. Office ini his home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Phone 623-5604 Office Houri: 0 au. .t a6 p .m. daily Closed Wednesday - Sunday Insurance DONALD A. MaeGREGOR Lt! e, Auto, Home Insuranee 9%~ Kt St. E.. Bewmanville Phone 623-5982 Land Surveying menaiLL D. »ROWN P.ENG., O.L.S. 121 Queen St. - Bôwnaville But. and Res. Telephone 623-7251 - LAWIENCE C. MA8ON, nAý. Barrister, Solicitor Nottry Public King.St. W. Bowmanville phones: Office 623-588 Re.623-5553 B. RICHARD LOVEKIN B.A., LL.B. Barrster.- Solicitor King st. W. Newc,.stie sfouria: 9 -5 daily; Set., Uè - 12 Phone 987-4735 RfoDGXNS J& FLE»MNG Wvugh E. Fleming, Q.C. Apha I. Hodgins Barristers - solicitors Notamies Publie 14 Frank St. Bownranvtlle Télephene 623-3351 STZRm ad STRIER Barrlater , Solicitoma Notarits Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. IL Strike, B.A. Edward C. Wildran, B.A., LL.B. 40 Kilng St. W..- Uowmanvmel Telephone 62-5791 Phione 1 r, 18 Virit Mortgag. Funds Residances -Fari Bu2SnssProperties Op fomeiry_ IMTE A -1UTu. l'ri àgiX&te Ip.a i Wgi. Mdi al -1 Thursbay vMIAg MitdioII's Corners Sports MeetI The annual Sports Day o! -P. Clark-J. PicGregor, N. Nichoîls, B. Bunker. Runninge Mitchell' Corners (Z ion) Dart-D. Scott, K. Larmem-D. Broad Jump-P. Shmyr, B. School was held'on June 2th Henry. Wheelbmw Race- Bunker, P. Pinsent. Bal with a complete programme N. Dart-J. MeGregor, P. Throw-P. Shniyr, B. Nicholls, eof track and field eventa. Tht CWak-D. Scott, K. Shewring- P. Plument. Running Race- Hman d School Association D. Lott. P. Pinsent, B. Nichoils, J.E [ provided tht trophit. an.d the Boys 10 Tsars Burton. Sack Race-B. Nich- -childreun ad parents weme High Jump-R. Schnmidt, W. ails, P. Shuryr, B. Bunker. Re- 1treated to Ice cream. Indi- Patterson, D. Cook. Standing a-.Mnhn .KuIhf 1vidual peints wlnners were: Broad Jump-S.Pelz . B. Bunker, H. Oyler. Wheel- :Junior Girl, Kathy Marris; Nemisz, J. Bunker. Runnlng barrcw Race.- J. Burton-P. eJunior Boy, Frank Lyczla; In- Broad Jump-S. Pabxz, J. Pinsent, B. Nicholls-P. Shmym,E ,termediate Girl,, Patay Clark; Bunker, R. Schmnidt. Ball M. Kapustin-R. Cannient. ThreeL 0 Intermediate Boy, Igor Kair- Throw-S. Pelez R. Nemisz, Legged Race-B. Nicholls-P.a yagar; Senior Boy, Je!! Mc- Bunker, R, Schmlt , G. Car- J. Monahan-M. Kapustin. 3 'e L[ean.Gr. son. Sack Race-R. Schmidt, Girls - 14 Tears or O-ver 1 ý1 Grl@ 6 YartT. Lyczla, G. Carson. Relay- MIgh Jump-D. Bamagar, 1.( tHigh Juip--C. Jordan, L. G. Camson, J. Stewart, W. Patterson, D. Frank. Standing 5 Leesher, V. Noel. Standing Patterson, T. Lyctla. Wheel- Broad Jump-P. Bout, D. I Broad Jump-L. Loeaher, C. bammow Race - P. Hart-S. Baragar, D. Frank. rRunning -Jordan, V. Noel. Running Polar, R. Schniid-W. Patter- Broad Jump-D. Baa JI Broad Jump-C. Lott, C. Jor- son, R. Nemisz-J. Bunker. Patterson. P. Bout. Bail Throw1 dan, J. Cales. Bail Throw-C. Three-legged Race-W. Patter- -D. Frank, D. Baragar, P.J C. Rout, S. Heard, P. Tate. son-R. Schmidt, S. Pelez-P. Rout. Running Race-D. Bar-à SRunning Race-M. Stainton, Hart, J. Stewart-T. Lyczla. agar, 1. Patterson, P. Rout.I. aN. Downes, J. Cales. Sack Girls - Il Years Sack Race-P. Rout, D. Bar- t Race-N. Downes, M. Baragar, High Jump-J. 1 Rout, S. agar, M.* Hasiuk. Relay-M. i C. Jordan. Relay-C. Jordan, Geissellman, D. P i n s e n t. Hasiuk, D. Frank, P. Rout V. Noel, D. Thompson, M. Standing Broad Jump - S. Wheelbprrow-D. Baragan-I. Stainton. Wheelbarrow Race Geisseilman, J. Rout, N. Head. Pattemion, P. Rout, M. Hasiuk, --C. Jordan, L. Loeshen, J. Running Broad Jump - S. D. Frank. Thnee-legged Race -Hopson, E. Woodward, M. Bar- Geissellman, D. Pinsent, M. -D. Baragar-I. Pattenson, P.t eagar, C. Rout. Thnee-legged Carter. Bail Throw-S. Gels- Rout, M. Hasiuk-D. Frank.' Race-S. Heard-L. Leesher, C. eliman, J. Rout, J. Adair. Boys - 14 Years or Over Jardin-V. Noel, C. LaIt- N. Running Race-J.RBout, S. High Jump-J. MacLean, J. Dowes.Geiselman D.Pinent Sak Bfl.Stadin BradJump- HihBoys - 6 Years Race-J. Rout, N. Head, S. J. MacLean, J. Bull, B. Thomp- HihJump-B. Sîceman, J. Rted. Relay-J. Roui, S. Gels- son. Running Broad Jump-8 yLowes, G. Lambert. Standing seilman, M. Carter, J. Adair. J. -MacLean, J. Bull, J. Tate. Braad Jump.-B. Sleeman, W. Wheelbarrow Bace-. Geiss- Bail Throw-J. MacLean, B. Delore, G. Lambert. Running ellman-J. Rout, S. Reed-D. Killen, J. Bull. Running Racé 1 Bread Jump-B. Sîenian, L. Pinsent, M. Carter-J. Adain. J. MacLean, B. Thompson. J. l Gaebel, J. Lowem. Bail Thraw Three-Legged Race-S. Geiss- Tate. Sack Race-J. Mac-1 W. Delore, P. Wells, G. Lam.- ellman-J. Rout, M. Carter-J. Lean, B. Thompson, J. Tate. bert. Sack Race-J. Lowes, Adair, D. Brockman-N. Head. Relay--J. MacLean, B. Killen, eW. Delone, J. Chasse. Run- Boys 11 Teans B. Thompson. Wheelbarrow ening Race-B. Sîceman, J. High Jump-S. Anderson, R. Race-G. Tale-B. Thompson,! aLowes, W. Delore. Relay-B. Lun, R. Mmsmey. Standing B. Killen-J. MacLean, J. Bull- rSleeman, J. Lawes, J. Scott, Broad Jump-ft. Lunn, D. J. Tate. Three-legged Race--- G. Lambert. Wheelbaraw Staînton, S. Anderson, Run- J. Bull-J. MacLean, G. Tate-: Race-B. Sîteman, J1. Scott, P. ning Broad Jump--S. Anden- B. Thompson, J. Tate. IWalla, G. Lambert, W. Delore, son, D. Alstein, R. Massey.- --- e J. Chasse. Three-leggtd Race Bail Throw-J. Koetje, R. --J. Chasse-W. Delore, L. Gae- Lunn, S. Anderson. Runnîng I fLACKSUUJ.K sbel-G. Lambert, J. Scott-B. Race--S. Anderson, R. Lunn, aSîceman. R. Massey. Sack Race - S. The Dorcas Unit met at the' rGirls - 7 Year% Anderson, B. Sayeau, R. Mas- home -o! Mra. Walter Wright,1 High Jump-C. Boyce, S. seY. Relay-S. Anderson, J. Wednesday aflernoon, June 15' " Propp, B. Burton. Standing Barlow, B. Sayeau, D. Stain- with seven members and one! Broad Jump-K. Harris, S. ton. Wheelbarrow Race-R, visitons attending. Propp, C. Boyce. Runnlng Lunn-D. Aistein, M. Kowalski Leader Mns. Lloyd Wright " Broad Jump-K. Marris, G. -R. Nichails, D. Stainton-S. a ened meeting with a atem, Heard, D. RouI. Running Race Anderson. Three-Legged Ract "T'he Measuremeni o!f Man"~. D. Rout, S. Propp, C. Bacyce.. J. Barlow-B. Sayemu. R. Mas- Mrs. Leith Bycrsg ave the - Bail Throw-K. Harris, D. sey-G. Bertrlm, S. A'nderson. wnhip reading, 1 C or. 10, ai Roui, S. Pro pp. Sack Race- D. Staînton. commeniary on "Meeting Life's D. Bout, K. Harris, C. Patter- Girls - 12 Tears Tests" and led in prayer. I son. Relay-D. Nemisz, C. High Jumnp--L. Hazelton, L. Leader gave tht offenlony - Boyce, K. Marris, G. 'Heard. Stainton, D. Tiompson. Stand- prayer. Whpelbarrow Race--C. Boyce, ing Bnoad Jump-D. Bamagar, Following the minuteg, roil K. Marris, S. Propp, B. Bur. L. Stainton, D. Lyczla. Run- cali treasurer's repart, plans' e tan, T. Scott, S. Scott. Three- ning Broad Jump-D. Baragar, fan aur share o! catering Ionl legged Race-C. BayceK. E. Dant, D. LyczIa. Bahl tht thnee weddings in the near! Marris, D). Rout, D. Yarnow, C: Throw-L. Hazelton, D. Bars- future were made. Next Unit' Patterson, S. Prapp. gar, D. Lyczla. Running Race meeting will. be in Septemben. Boys - 7 Tears --E. liant, L. Hazelton, D. Hymn 445 was sung and meet- High Jump - M. Geissel- Baragar. Sack Race-D. Bar- ing closed with prayen by mann, D. Winacot, L. Delore. agar, L. Hazeltan, L. Stainton. leader, Standing Broad. Jump-Brlan Relay-L. Staintan, L. Mazel- Mmi. Bill Ferguson was' Hart, D. Hiaiss, G. Nemisz. ton, D. Thompson, D. Bara- hostess for the Esther Unitl r Running Broad Jump - R. gar. Wheelbannow Race-L. on Wednesday evening, June Scott, B. Hart, D. Winacat. Hazelton-D. Bamager, E. Dan- lS5th. Juil live members and Bail Throw-G. Nemisz, C. B. Larmer, M. Monahan-D. one visiter allended. Noti, L. Chappell. Running Thompson. T h r e e - Legged Mrs. Arnold Taylor, leader, Race-D. liass, R. Poster, R. Race-L. Hazelton-D. Baragar, npened tht meeting with a Scott. Sack Race-R. Scott, D. Thompson-M. Manahan, E. poem. M&m. Merill Van Camp D. Haass, G. Nemisz. Relay- Darl-B. Larmer. gave the wonship, aima led ai M. Geisselmann, C. Noti, D. Boys - 12 Tear réemi good discussion on the. Winacnl, B. Hart. Wheelbar- High Jump-Terry Cook, H. 51h. 6th and 7th cha pters af row Race-B. Hart-L. Deora, Schmidt. D. Shlry. Standing Jesus Christ and tht Christian1 - D. Sîainton-M. Geisselmanu, Broad Jump-H. Schmridt, J. Life. D). Haass-G. Nemnisz. Thnee- Hopson, T. Cook. Running Unit will flot meei again' legged Race _- D. Hlaass-G. Bnoad Jump-H. Schmidt, D. until September. Closed wîth Nemisz. S. Stainton-G. Van Shmyn, W. Kaireîz. Bail bénédiction. Hostes senved Beek, R. Foster-L. Chappeli. Throw-T. Gacliel, H. Schmidt, dainty lunch and a social lime Girls - 3 Tsars D. Shrnyn. Running Race-D. was enjoyed. High Jump-J. Propp, 1). Shmnyr, H. Schmidt, T. Cook, Excellent congregations et- PFouler, L. Mmmii. Standing Sack Race-H. Schmidt, J. tended se rv ice 9 in bath Bnoad Jump-D. Poster, D. Hopsan, D. Shmyr. Reiay-W. churches Sunday mamning. In, 1Dart. L. Hamus. Running Kairetz, D. Lambert, T. Gathel, the Unitd eighi young people Bnoad Jump-D. Fesler, p. K. Dales. Wheelbarrow Race wenè received into uremben- Dant, C. Bentrim. Bail Threw -H. Schmidl-D. Shmnym, T. ship and tht Sacrement of the -D). Poster, C. Berlnim, L. Gaebel-D. Lambert, K. DaIeA- Lond's Supper waî admin- H-ass. Sack Race-R. Kruil- T. Cook. Three-Legged Race isiered. Thé chair rendered a bof, D. Foster, J. Propp. Run- -H. Schmidt-D. Shryn, T. lovtly anthem entilled "Tht ning Race-li. Fouler, L. Cook-K. Dles, J. Hopson-W. IGifI". Rev. Remneril's addrs Haftss, B. Scott. Relay-p. Kaireiz. jw as on the responsibilities of liant, R. Kruitbof, J1. Propp, C. Girls - 13 Vears chumch members or ail Christ- Berîrim. Three-Legged Race High Jump-P. Jondan, P. imns. Five hymu and lune -L. Haass-J. Propp, J. Bar- Hardie, M. Reed. Standing bocks have been placed ln low-P. Dant, R. %Kruithef-E. Broad Jump-P. Hardie, M. choir by Rev. Merle Thomp-1 Alstein. Wheeibarmow Race- Reed, P. Jordan. Runnlng son In memery of bis brother D. Poster- J. Lowes, J. Bar- Broad Jump-A. Shewnring, P. Lorne. IIaw-P. liant, E. Alstein-R. Jordan, P. Hardie. Rail In St. John's Church, Rev.' Kruithef. jThrow-P. Jordan, A. Shew- Rose delivered a very tbaught- Boy. s Y etns .Iring, P. Hardie. Running pravoking sermon tram the Higb Junrp-P. Sobil, F Race-P. Hardie, P. Jordan, text. Tht Disciples were firsî theatuut Coricl.ENFELD Outaide in the fair grounds a wlmner and rsnhniaflow Mr. and Mrs. Fred GrItn,, rosat wuas haiLater thora Mns. R. Griffin, Mr. and Mrs.l was a dance to a dh off a funi Fred Sarnia atttlided the Gold., evening. en Wedding eelebration forel, A go)d number of Angli- Mr. and Mrm. Fred Fergusort cans Ioined with Port Perry inl Bowmanvile last week. Anglicans and enjoyed a Mrs. Wilfred BowIUaiI tay- church picnic at Geneva Park, ed a few days In Toronto wlth Sunday aftemnoon. Miss Myrtie Tamblyn. St. John's W.A. held its June Jim 0ke la spending the meeting in the Parish Hall summner with the H-owe fami-ý with the President, Mns. lies at Goderich. Lawrence in the chair. The Mr. and Mrs. Harold *iis- devotional period was conduct- ton had dinner at the Mscoë ed by Mrs. V. Bailey. The horne, Sunday. usual reports were given. An Mr. Bruce" Bowktan, Uni-, attractive quilt top, the gift versity of Guelph. and Misa. of Mns. Wm. Farder, was pre- Gail eynWardwee sented. Final arrangements KnonWteower were made for the combined weekend visitors with the W. Cangregational and Sunday Bawman's. Schoel picnic, involving the Mr. and Mrs. Roy ?Nichols,- members of the Church of the Port Carling, spent the week. Ascension, Port Perry and St. end with Mr. and Mrn. McrIey John's Church, Blackstock, ta Gilroy and the Sarnis faniily. be held at Geneva Park on Roland Bowman la upending June lGth. Tht annual bake the summer wlth the Carl sales ta be held at Caeaea Sarget Ia were discussed. It was agreed et t1m ta continue the regular meet- Mm. and Mmi. Fred Griffin, ings during July and August. Mrs. R. Griffin and Mmi. Fred Miss Lorraine Dayes and her Samis attended the funeral of mather Mmi. Fred Dayes me- Mr. Robert Stephens in Bow-, ceived a large number of manville. friends and neighbors at a Miss Evelyn Cunninghamn,' trousseau tea Saturday rnfrsae e as noon. Mrs. C. Andrews, Prince an terd, staed aoe. y Albert, and Mrs. W. Ferguson,athePseho. Bowmanville, poured tea. Miss Mr..and Mrs. Don Cochrane-, Sylvia Lawrence, rnaid-of-hon- and famnily, Port Perry: Mr.," aur and Mrs. Jim Dayes and Mns. Ken Cochrane, Whît- assîsted with the lunch. by, with the L. Cochranes._ BE ECH'S MAPLE CROVE GROCERY WE SHARE OUR PROFITS i JUG MILKI 3 QT. HOMO SAVE 24c 3 QT.2% GOLDEN GUERNSEY SAVE 24e 5 7c 5iC Chisis Oven Save 21c [Fresh Bread 3Sfor 99cj Maple Leaf Cottage Rolis 69,b Round STEAKS Maple Leaf WIENERS Banquet 20-ox. FANCY PEAS 89l 1.60 5for99c KRAFT KETCHUPav, se,29 c Chocolale Jumbo BISCUITS gve14@ lb. 3 5c CRISCO Save le Ib. 36c TOMATO JUICE 105-os, t Save 150 59C -PRODUCE Tiomato CelIo's lec 29C NEW Potatoes.58c I ris-S. Hirceck, S. Plnsent-K. Dobson, C. Chappell-J. King. Three-tegged Race-E-. Bur- ton-M. Barlow, S. Pisent-K. DboW. Marris-S. Hirceck.DEI seys - 9 Tsars 111gh Junap-I. Kairetz, J.DM L 1 Sobil, IR. Head. Standing Bread JunrpI rKietz, 1B. Head, S. ed. Runnng Bread Jump-Ï. Karetz, J. Sobil, J. Adair. BalT o-. Sobil, L. Kairetz, J. Lrkin. Runnlni Race-G. Kowalski, I. Kafretz,F r dy B. Head. Sack Race-t). Car- riere, B. Head, J. Beckel. Re- lay-D. Carrlere, C. Scott, J. Beekeil, I. Kairetz. Wheelbar- row Race-I. Kafretz-J. Sobil, S. Tremble-C. Scott, B. Head- eua MikD lvr on 'G.owalski. Three-Leggad RglrMI eieyO Kowalski-B. Head, G. Neibz- J. Brockman. A UR A iJrs-PleTsyCakJS TURD Y i r -atay lark McGregor K. S hea wr T g Standinig Bread Jump-T.M- GreerP.Clark, D. Dart. ftuln 3road Jump - P. mark, k. shewrlng, N. Dart. G. , N BaU Throw-P. Clark, D). Scott, J. MeGregor. Bunn lace-P. Clark, J. MeGreor M. Dert. Sack Rtace-P. Cl=k, 0. &cOtt, N. part. nelay-C. Chaurbenlini, P. Clark, N. Dort, D). Scott.- Thm.-laggud IRacu il- 'il m 1 E 1.

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