w----- - - *'.½~,~*4~~*T.'>.-*,.0'.... S!YGKIC ]Spples--(Rubber #cod) i led postpaid in plain àSIIt envelope with PaoTu igI M m rczIC rsof hnk eriice it. Six samples 25c, Pim uin nM m riu ad fTJk 5.amples $1.00. Mail Order PROFESSIONAL work gur- BISHOP-In loving memory We the family of theélat .PT28. Nav.-Rubber Co.. anteed. Arthur C o 11lis o n, of a dear father wha passed Mrs. Dorothy 0. Hancock wish U91. Hamilton, Ont. 1-521623-3904). 36-tf away July 8, 1961. ta express a sincere thank yau You're flot forgatten, dad, toalal who were sa kind and No ever shall yau be, thoughtful at the Urne of our As long as life and mernory bereavement in the loss of last aour mother and grandmother. We shall remember thee. 27-1* -Ever remernbered by son and daughter-in-law, Don and My sincere thanks toa al Betty and family. 27-11 friends, neighbors and rela- tives for their many kindness- BISHOP-In dearest memory es, gifts, flawers and cards ___ofa a loving husband, John while I was a patient in the Charles, who passed' away Orthopaedic and Arthritic Hos- suddenly on July 8, 1961. Ipital, Toranto. W. eacys Rigt t Lmit(4unttie ,ondly loved and deeply! Wm. Edmondson. 27-1 He fmourne, I miss Ta pupils and parents at LIW - ENDERaOIt o! my eartEast Maple Grve Schol, - TNDC - O ften my darling, my tears thank you very much for the Will flow, beautiful tray and serviette 11 R1 IIO Sl3 b Dimming yr p:c:u: holdr presented ta me onth U R H O S 8 31 where'er I go; last day of school. I shall ýTîs sad but true, 1 will abide treasure them as mementos of 1 Until oedyw'1b ie2 hap teaching years in SUNKISTFEHGEN i b side. your midst. -Always remembered by wife Olive Moffatt. 27-1 ORANGS CABAGE Freda. 2ov-n O RA N G S CA BA271- 1 i wsiita, convey my sincere F of a dear wife, mother and gifts, cards and good wishes, 0 Igrandmother Leta Cooper, who especially remembering Mr. passed away July 6th, 1963. and Mrs. Roy Hooper and _______Dunn, Jili Ames and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Masters. FRESH ýMETCALF-In loving memory David McFeeters, not AlIN FlofGilbert, adear brother-in- toAusrla 7 ARRIVING DAILY PIE HENLEYSTEREO Fruit Cocktail R u sK 2Large 28-oz.K 2~79c 21p29 REPEAT PREMIUM OFFER MENS WHITE DRESS SHIRTS Siue 14-141/2, 15-15% 16-161,J - 17 SHORT E$1. BLEEVES yyE.99 WITH $3.00 PURCHASE0 GRANULATED WHITE SAVE7.9 10-1b. ý SUGAR I7.9Bg et the Bologna K. Jorgensen, Weight R.R. 2, Newcastle GUESSING CONTEST DYKSTRIAS .FOOD MARKET 77 King St. W. FREE Delivery Bowmanville 8110F AND SAVE PHONE 623-3541 "HOME 0F QUALITY" OPEN THURSDAY and FRIDAY 'TILL 9 P.M. 7j 1w lwand uncle, wno passed away JuIy 7, 1965. Our sincere thanks ta He left us quietly, friends, relatives and neigh- His thoughts unknawn, bours o! Cowanville who pre- But left us a rnemory sented us with the lovely We are praud ta, own. gifts at the surprise party Sa treasure him, Lord, held on Friday, June 24 at In your garden of rest, the home of Mr. and Mrs. AI!. For when an earth Perrin. Special thanks ta Hie was one of the best. Mrs. Perrin, Mrs. S. Hallowell -Lovingly ren-embered by and Mrs. N. Andrews for mak- Don, Lovey, Steven and Kar- ing the party such a lovely en. 27-1 surprise. Steve and Elaine Simpson. METCALF-In loving memory 27-1* o~f Gilbert, dear son-in-law ____ who passed away July 7, 1965. My sincere thanks toalal my He was a friend ta, everyane friends and neighbours, in His equal hard ta find, Newtonville, for their kind- Anid no one ever spoke of ness in sending me cards and him 'gifts during my illness, also In other ways than kind. 'toalal my Bowmanville friends iAnd now that he is here no and relatives for cards, flow- more ers, etc. Special thanks ta May the sorrow that we 'ýRev. and Mrs. R. C. White and know Rev. H. Turner, as well as ,Be tempered by the comfortingi the doctors and. nurses who thought took such gaod care of me, That others loved hîm sa. while in bospital. -Lavingly remembered by Mrs. Rose Bruce. 27-1* dad and mnom. 27-1 __ 1 would like ta express my MARLOW-In loving memory thanks ta friends, relatives of dear wife and mother, and neighbours whe sent Agnes Kate Marlow, who pass- cards, flowers. gifts of fruit; ed away July 11, 1964. thanks ta Solina Women's -Sadly missed and lovingly Institute, Eldad U.C.W. My ýremembered by Clarence and roommates on Ist Floor, Mrs. Bill. 27-1 Ernily Fogg, Orono; Mrs. Mary McReeis, Newcastle, and Miss PENWARDEN-In loving me- Hattie Johnson for the lovely mory of William J. Penwardenl remembrance on my birthday. who passed away July 7th, Thanks ta other roommates on 1955. 2nd Floor for their many Resting where no shadows kindnesses and special thanks fa421, ta the wonderful nurses and In perfect peace be watts us Dr. K. Siemon during my long all, stay in Memorial Hospital, Where God will link the Bowmanville. broken chain Mrs. Nellie Hockaday. As one by one we meet 27-1* again. -Ever remembered by his Having been a patient on Aife and family. 27-1* Floor One in Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, for a BIMARmonth. I would like ta ex- RIMARpress my sincere thanks ta Dr. MEM RIA S Rundie for bis care of me in MEMORIAL Dr. McKenzie's absence and Dignified and Distinctive Dr. McKenzie's care of me Won~ment - Fat Mrkesisnce his return; Mrs. Marri- Monrnens -FlatMarersson, Supt. of Nurses and ber la deslgns for any iieed staff were kindness itself.i 152 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa Many cards, letters and gi!ts1 723-1002- 728-6627 from individuals and graups Offie Evulm were much appreciated. 1 arn Offie Evnln~ sure the delicious meals help- *ed a lot. Daily bot water myfeet again after nearly two yars a! immobility. Hattie A. Mason. -27-11 aloi :i il b WmaCONTINUES TO SWEEP BOWMANVILLE! As Trade-in Values Were Neyer Greater on FALCON - FAIRLANE - MUSTANG GALAXIE - THUNDERBIRD FORD TRUCKS 0 a A-i USED CARS 1984 FORD 2-DR. Nw car-condition. Lie. 221381E. Sharp 1964 CHEV. 2-D&. Lie. B78754 1963 MERCURY 2-DR HARDTOP Lie. 375969 1963 CHEV. 2-DR. V-8, automatie, Lie. J8850. A Bargaîn 1963 RAMBLER STATION WAGON Lic. X10234 _____ $1795 $1350 $1295 B OR 'J il 'J I Fertilizer Increase Profits FROM FORAGE FERTILIZE AFTER FIRST CUTTING 19 - 19 - 19 or Any Analysis with or without Baron CUSTOM BLEND ...- IS THE TREND BULK SPREADING SERVICE WEED CONTROL CHEMICALS 2-4-D Atrazinei Mv.C.P.A. Korn Oil HIGH QUALITY Baler Twine CEBESDALE FERTILIZERS LTD. NEWCASTLE - ONT. Re&. 623-7150 - Bus. 987-4711 24-tf HAMPTON Lest week's annlvensany visitons with Mr. end Mrs. H. A. Barros werc: Mn. aind Mrs. C. Johns, Mn. and Mis. Flett, Mr. and Mrs. L. Truli. Bow- mainville; Mn. and Mrs. Tassi- fuime, Toronto; Mn. Narry Sheppard, Oshawa. Mn. and Mns. Roy Ashton, Bunketan, witb Mn. aind Mrs. Gilbert Adcock and Harny. Mr. Adcock wais home fan the weekend. Mn. and M.ns. Lloyd Webb, Newcastle, visited with Mn, and Mrs Raymond Clapp. Mn. and Mns. Everard Sand- ersan, Gaît; Mrs. Pbilip, Wii- lawdale, with Mr. and Mns. Douglas Higgins. Ail visited Mn. Sandenson in Lindsay Hos- pital. Nia condition is just about lte same. Hope be will imprave soon. A few families from the vil- lage enjayed the finst a! July ait Haydan. On Jus. Sth Mr. and Mrs. Harald Sater, Miss Nana Harns, Mm,. George Armaun attcnded the 40th weddlng annivcmsary at Salem for Mn. and Mrs. Wil- bert Cnaig. Congratulations are extended ta thus couple. Mr&. Hilton Peters, Mr. Ralph Peters, Toronto; Misa Mary Peters, Miss Darothy Taylor, Mr. Will Taylor, Bow- manville; Mr. and Mis. Keith Peters, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mns. Harold Saiter. Miss Doreen and Miss Jo- Anne Killens from Montreal,' Ras and Dan Berry frorn St. Thomas with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Killens for the July holi-' day. Messrs. Dan and Ron Berry, Douglas and Glenn Killensi left on a two weeks vacation trip ta the Laurentian Moun- tains. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Killens and family were at Mrs. Ern- est Killens on Saturday for an outdoors supper and !amily gathering. Last week'e visitons with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott were Mrs. Sam McReelis, Miss Corn!ield, Mr. and Mrs. Han- old Knibb, Mns. Kroecher, o! Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. Jacob Kessler and family, Mr. Larry Quibbel, Bolton; Mr. and Mns. Peter Kessier, Toron- ta. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald .Luke and boys cooled off at Mn. and Mns. Don Jonah's cot- tage on Scugog Island, Satur- day and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lyon and family visitcd Mr. and M. Bll Kilpatrick at the cottage on Scugog Island. Mr. and Mrs. Middlcton and Debbie, Mrs. Allan Wilbur, Oshawa-, Mr. and Mrs. Chanlesiý Warren were callers with Mr.ý and Mrs. Elmer Wilbur. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ottawell and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Lascb, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. James Smales over the week-end.t Mn. and Mrs. Thomas Gray o! Hamilton, cousins o! Mrs. T. S. Mountjoy, wene holiday weekcnd guests. Mr, and Mns. Terry, Pat andt Julie, Mrs. Harrison, Scarboro, were Saturday visitors; Wendy Kuff, Ken Johnson, Toronto,r werc luncheon guests, Mn. and [VIs. Percy Dewell and famnily werc evcning guests with Mr.f and Mns. Alex Carrick. Mr. and Mns. Ross Spicer, Mr. and Mrs. John Hutchuke were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Stev Artym at a barbeque din-i nen on Sunday.a Sympathy is extcnded ta' Mns. J. Warrack, family anda relatives on the passing of MrI. J. Warrack. Don't forget - Vacation School starts July ilth in the aftcrnoons only at Hampton. Ramey Bellair, Glen Rab- ertson, is holidaying witb bis sister, Mr. and Mrs. Berry. M. and Mrs. Wil!ned Fich and Francy, Arnprior, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ruddy for the week. Saturday night M. and' Mvrs. Joe Guest Jr. entered a horse named "Bud G-i-ft", which tVhey raised froqn a colt, in the races at Peterborough and he paid off for them. Mr. and Ms. Gucst are th'rilled. Bud Gift won the Orval Fai- lis Mémorial Stake race. Good luck. Sonny ta hbear Mr. Clar- ence Tink is in Bowmranville Memorial Hospital. We wish hon a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mr. Harold Wil- kins; Trudie, Randy and Juil were Friday guests with Mr. ,and Ms. Jack Murray. Port Mrn. and IVIns. Hickey. and childnen, Ar. and Mr. Fred Holroyd. Sr. called on Mr. and MrIs. Stuart Lamb, Enniskil- len, on Saturday. Mr. Frank Holnroyd Jr., Burketon, was Sunday supper guest with Mr. and Ms. Fred Holroyd. Sunday was a very hot day for the dxurcb service. Scrip- tune reading was taken fnom R~eve1ations, chaîpteir one, ver- ses 10 to 20. The sermon giv- en by Rev. Catto was the first one of five sermons on the Renewal o! the Church, "The Need for Rencwal." These sermons should. be very in- teresting. Hymns sung were Glonjous Tbings of Thec Are Spoken,"' "Ail the Happy .-lne"AndZSum -n un I s i :1 J i J i s t i s F c i. s k e s 'I p i fi N a t' n Accident Round-Up John Woolner, age 19, 242 King Street East, was stnuck by a car on King Street, just west o! Division Street, when he ran into the path o! the véh icie when cnossing the road. The accident bappened an Satuînday at 6:25. The dri- ver of Uic car was William Roms MacDonald, Sydney, Nova Scotiai. Mr. Wooincn was talcen ta Memnonial Hospital ini the police cruiser. Ne reccived treatiment in the Out-Patient Departmnent for abrasions ta his righ.t shoulder and right airm. Constable Ray Hart in- vestigated the.accident. On Monday a car owned bv Harold Glen Thomnas, 150 Simcac Street Southt, Oshawa, wtmich wais pavrked et Jack- mnan's Cneek was struck by an unknown vehîcle which !ailed ta rernain et the scene o! the accident. Corporal John McGuey is investigating. A truck dniven by William Hasiuk, R.R. 6, Bowmiaxiviile, failed ta negatiate the south- ern-<nast tuis of Fleet Street on Thursday ait 7:20 pan. The vehile wcnt inta the ditch, but onlv minas- daimaige wais sustained. Constable Hatrt was tihe invetigating off icer. 7%e Canadian %ttesman, flewmanvflle, ZuIy 6, 1968 Magistratej Ç ourt HeId in Bowmanville .July Sth, 1966 OPP, tald thc court ho had ini- 1 vestigated a icar end collision Frank T. Mace, aperator o! ait the intersection af High- South Haven Nursing Homne, way 2 and Couitice. An eaist- Newcastle, was chaiged wvith bound station wagon had fauing ta remit taxes deduct- signallcd for a right turs when cd from his employees ta the it was struck from behind by Departmcnt o! National Rev- a Rambler driven by the' enue. Hec pleaded guilty. accused. Daivid Stewart, Cobourg, Mn. VanLeeuwen stated that acted as special prosecutor. thc pavement was wet and Bruce Ripley, paiyroli auditor slippeny with ramn and a De- for the Taxation Department, partment o! Nighwaiys truck testified that employers are was ait the Intersection clean- obliged ta, remit tax deduc- ing out thie ditcb. He said bie tions for eacb month by the braked bard and slid into thc 15th o! the following month. back o! the station wagon. His audit o! June 6th reveal- Douglas Taylor, 60 Simp- cd that Mn. Mace owed $146.37soAvneOha , ldd for he mnth f Apil. not guilty ta careless driving Mn. Mace explained that Apnil 8tb. He was represent- compliance with the mini1- cd by Russell Murphy, Osha- mum wage regulations had in- wa. Because two Cnown wit- creased his expenses by $600 nesses werc flot present the a month, the services Of ai charge was dismisscd. negistened nurse another $600 Chare o legal possession a mônth and impravements r'- o! ang e o! id giit quired by the Fine Depant- of cn adagis ment would co .st him $6 ,000. numben o! Mospont racing Hec added that the increase in bu1sJu ech. the plcadc rates fan bis patients would no guilty. eas h fi notgo ntoeffct nti Auustcens wene from a distance and ljst and he was bard pressed 1not prsenth. hagswn ýfor money. dsisd three months. Evidence was that a Une o! traffic was obscmved on High- way 35 ait 3 a.m. ait the north end a! Orono. At the front o! the line was ai car drives by Uic accused, first ta the east shoulder and then veer- ing left aven the centre lises. On sevenal occasions other nonthbound vehicles, attcmpt- ing ta pass, wene foroed ta the west shoulder ta avaid be- ing struck. At the Shell gas station ait Enterpnise Hill the David vebicle tunned in front af a transport. which bad ta brake hcavily and neanly struck southbound cars. The driver of the car wcnt into the Shell station wherc he was appre- hended by police. Thcy found bis enratic driving was duc ta consumption o! alcohol. Liquor faund in the car was seized. James Edward W illia m Webb, Bownianville, pleaded guilty o! caineless driving and drîving while his licence was unden suspension June Ist. Ne was convicted on bath counts and fined $50 and costs, or Magistrate R. B. Baxter IN orman DiJ, 230 Cu aiton rvenear mIli waten.be listened ta these explanation Street, Tononto, p 'ded guiîty ws~natmtcfnhrss but oined ot tat ons o a impire drvi.i chrgepension o! licence. bu pincdou tatit had t nipie diî hne E vidence was that Constable MIE QUAL1TY nothing ta do with the money July 2nd. Conviction ,'-ought Chalmens, OPP, investigated M N~~ AND due the Departîment of Na- a fine of $50 and casts, oan acieto gh y2 O M7%; tioai evnue li tld n.seven days. Thene was a- ccdn1n ihay2_ - Moa evatee HedtionsautMr.about tbnee miles east o!fthe faeta o tatic suspension o! licence. 'mtn.lefuda1 bad alneady been made from he ots Fond in a private d wages and salaries paid and Constable K.. Ruttan, OPP, wji11 damage ta t *.. . he would have ta comply with told the court that as a resuit- the Iaw. o! several complaints bie was ...... lie imposed the minimum despatcbed ta Higbway 401 ta RESULTS î fine o! $200 and costs, on anc watch for a 1959 Meteor sta- month. tion wagon. Hie obspnved it Consut >M Under a similar nuing John veering from one lane ta the -:' k. Vanoosteram, R. R. 3, was other and hitting the should- fined an equal amount for en. The driver was impaincd fauing ta pay $35.07 due the from drinking 10 glasses and Department of National Rev- a quantity o! whisky efr enue for the month o! A'pril. leaving borne. Jacob VanLeeuwen, R.R. 3, Melville West, 285 Arthur UULTIP - pleaded guilty ta followingStreet East, Oshawa, pleaded another--vebicle too closely,lguilty, of impaired driving May 16th. The fine was $15 July lst. Hec was fincd $501D and costs, or threc days. land costs, or seven days, and IC Constable J. C. Cartwnight, bis licence was suspendcd for 4 uced a gimmick at the carnival that hasn't beeni ained a car that didn't have -mruch future froni ie glass remnoved, borrowed sorne large a.nd small r - - .-j-rein business. Customers were sold three swings tase what damnage they could do to the vehicle f pent up frustrations. Youngsters and a few oldsters devery cent callected was profit. In this photo, a i1 oe fender that didn't give way mauch. a~6Md~Q Plannïi MM -- Nf Mn. Huggins received treat. tu-it in the Out-Patient Dc.o 3 UER MI I *N -lnt of Meamoial Haspi. T lacerations and abraa "isleft leg. The aie. "sinvestigatcd by' gHockey Players Gamble's School from the Buffalo airea. Others are expected f rom Long Beach, N.Y., and Springfield,I Mass. Accident This Lq the Dick Gamble r. ~ec4tey eh~m1'~ fourb is a o rd z liere. Mr. Gamble is in his' ixth year as- a member of SRochester A mi e r i c a n s An erroineous report of ail tn. accident aippeared last week. William Hmasuk, R.R,. 6, Bow« instruction staff this mamrville, was the owner not will include Lariry the driver of a truck that faii.j ,j of the Toronto Maple ed ta negotiate the southernu g <erry Cheevers, BOs- niost turn on Flett Street re- ins, Wayne Hillîman cently. ~Brown, bath of the Rangers and AI Gary Huggina, Newtonville, rie Rachester sustaned io injuries la The youngsters an accident on County Raad at Erinli Golf 8, north of Newtonville, at 'IL-10 pin. on Saturday. He was riding bis motorcycle north and Ralîph Beckmann, Camp« belloroft, was driving a car south on this road when the gawin, ±.R. 3, ho jaWr- NOwe'. I.- * Available at ai timesI QUALITY MAIERIAL5 AT REASONABLE PRICES I0 ADVICE FOR MORTGAGE APPLICATIONS - Oshawa Wood Products ICOURTICESHPIGCNR ~ 728-1611LIMITED SHPPIG CNTR UA~lOTHE NAM TO DWILD ON* I i I I g 14~ k 1965 FORD CUSTOM 4-DR. 4 cil., antematie Lie. J118854. A Dargain ---- 000'AýCT I *An unsurpassable * FREE HOME PLANNING i and ESTIMATING SERVICE $1595 $1795 MacDONALD **At your ovnec * TWO MODERN SHOWROOMS TO SERVE YOU -f-ORD E> ýP219 KING ST. Contact On. of BUDD FOGG SALES PHONE 623-2534 Our Courteous Salesmen: JERRY KEAN BOWMAANVI LLE HAP PHILP front end which he et~B at $200. No anc was in l vehicle but 30 feet away hf founcd the accused Uncozfcla and removed hlm ta Memolf aital for emergency tre¶ ment.1 The ofticer's lnvestgati revealed ýthat thi eh* westbound, had left the. way, travelled on the not shoulder for 216 feet where it struck a mail bax, cantlnued for 67 feet, where It sbwuc,#A telephane pale, anothe.r 58,fe« striking a second telepborne pole and 169 feet further, strlk. ing a car parkcd lIn the drive" way. Estiniated damage ta th: telephones pales was $250, t the mail box $25 and ta the parked car $200. iý Mr. Webb's licence was suit. pended for impaired dib on October 26th, 1965, .dvthti suspension order was stil su effect. Ne admitted drlvîng the car wbilc under suspension and go>. ing ton fast on the curve. More than 150 childxen drowned last year becau&e they had no adult supervision~ when they vcntured near te water. Your Red Cross rç- minds you ta be water wlie and supervise your chi1drehu cvery time they are in, on or oui