More Than 150 Youngsters! Et voy Playground Picnic -The Bowmanville RecreationîMike Oke, Jack Vandenburg, Gary Lune. Age 7-8, Tom Department marked the open- and Guy Parks, ail members Woodward, John Lane, Danny lng week of the playground of the Playground Staff. Leaman. Age 9-10, Peter Nolan seas with its gigantic an-ý The winners were: 100 Yard A. Milner, Teddy Shuntz. Age lua nfic held at the Cream!Dash, Age 5-6, 1. Betty Ver- 11-12), Margaret Spry, Gail cf arley Park on Thursday.'beek, 2. Sandra Bruce, 3. Dadson, Elizabeth Spry. The playgrounds participating Rebecca Evans. Age 7-8, Jim Crawling Race: Age 5-6, were Franklin Park, Ontario Sarginson, Carol Carlson, Dan- John Grothease, Eddy Visser, Street, Vincent Massey, Mem- ny Leaman. Age 9-10, Rob Rosemary Spry. Age 7-8, Bobby criai Park and the Lions Cobban, Jane Bennett, Peter Shantz, Beryl Canipian, Tim Centre. Nolan. Age 11-12, Stephen Vanstone and Carl Carlson. More than 150 children hadlParker. John Colwell, Paul Age 9-10, Ron Stainton, Ron a wanderfuî urne, and tooklMarti. Cobban, Joe Bennett. p art in the races and contests So Kicking Contest: Age Age 11-12, Bob Luxton, The event started at Il o'clockl5 6, Jim Brown, Debby Haman Stephen Parker, John Colwell ' In the-»iorning and lunch wsPatty Carlson. Age 7-8, Wayne Hopping Race: Age 5-6, waHolroyd, Tom Woodward, Betty Verbeek, SandaBue oerveWat oon.Wayne Mosher. Age 9-10, Paul Christina Rejoy. Age 7-8, Jim Miss Heather Moore was inl'Forsey, Rick Sweetman, Ron Sarginson, Wayne Holroyd,ý eharge of the field events, Stainton. Age 11-12, Bobby Carol Carlson. Age 9-10,1 which started at one p.m. SheLuxton, Steven Davies, Mike Wendy Mountjoy, Ron Stain-' Cathy Etcher, Miss Leigh, Paper Plate Thrnw: Age 5-6,12, StephenHaer.Aws byastdbyMsOBre.on Parker, Paul Mur- McMarin, Miss Tracey Osmond,'Bobby Brant, Eddy Visser, tin, Judy Andrus. Clarke Twp. Council Recommended Charges Would Increase Rates For Orono 's Water Users Oronio's Trustee Board Chair- ýtem through the township mari E. R. Woodyard informedi office. Clarke Township Council onI Mr. Millsan stated tha h Tuesday, July th that if the hydro looked after cansum- township charged Orono a sum tion and that everything elýse of $1,500 as described by the was handled through the township auditors that it,.township office. The clerk would increase the cost of was questioned as ta what this water ta Orono users by $7.00 included and replied that ther ayear. The $7.00 figure, heiwere changes on the ro11 and said, was provided to him by 1 carda, coli ecting mones on the manager of the water' th e fax bill along with the system, Mr. Dent.1 overaîl administration. - statement came during Mr. Woodyard who wasre aVf*tcussion of a letter from presenting the Orono Police the towiship auditors in which Trustees stated that there was the auditors feit a charge of certainly going to have ta be $1,500 should be made annually la clear definition of the work against the Orono water sys- undertaken by the Township temn by the township for serv- and Hydro in connection with Ices o! the clerk-treasurer andithe water system. He pointed for administration of the sys- out that the Trustees were paying Hydro to manage the system and look aftcr it... these charges cannot continue 'ta go on and on, he said. yReeve Stone said they want- ed ta be fais both to Orono and the rnunicipality, nd further, he did not know w hatj work was involved on the part of wates. His suggestion ta cali a special meeting was S accepted and Mr. Woodyard was authoriged ta set uthis' Itwsstated that there Yappeared to be considerable, L ~U N confusion as to what duties ;ric*e.v2t~D each authority had. Approves Basemnent Plan 1 RE NCEFor Public Libsasy Deputy Reeve Lorne Per- No job too big rault asked if council was go- Ing ta give appraval of the No jo îoo mall plans as submitted for seno- No jo too mall vating the basement area o! the Township Hall for the O0rono Public Library. He FREE ESTIMATES naid that . council had given their verbal approval and ask- cd that they now either sup- fla*e* ~port the plan or thsow it out. VIVIUV CustomI On motion of L. Persault.and O. Falls the plan was given sanction by counicil. Fe cng Sidewalk Construction Ie c o Newtonville Council accepted a tender fsrom Bennett Paving ta con- WM. A. HOOEY struct 312 feet of asphait side- ORONO! walk in Newtonvilie at: a cost o! S865. The sidewalk is t PHONE457Wbe constructed ahong a par- PHONE 57W Iton'o! Na. 2 Highway. Two hundsed dollars was'ý gsanted ta the Durham Cen-1 ,.SAYS TERRY MYLES OF ORONO, ONTARIO ILL ýW B1E THE NE?(TS16 WINNER IN OUR EXCTNG CONTEST?à *7 OE Cm w OF sprte o Fantai 00O11WORANGE S.e~ ~a ndis. Sr.e ai'Foai" '* erqstuqd rad .arki ~ "b uey 1$. podu<ttsi CfflCWeLW j. A&ilioi4zd beuter of CceckC, Spvte Mmd Fuk undo as oeivu wlith Coca-cola Ud. HAMBLY'S BEVERAGES Liiùd' OSHAWA ONTrfffO tral Agricultura]. Socie Approval was also 1 council ta the C.N.R. two more tsacks, anc side of the present tra Permission was g: close off the main s Kendal for their annu fair. Counil was i n f thsough corsesponder the Ministes of Educal given approval for the out of Union School Se 19 and 24. jThe general voucl $9,876, the soad vu $13,800, the welfare for $828 and the Trustt et for $617 were aIl pi payn'ent. A letter was recei council infosming then sum of $2,500 was avail the township an the over o! the abandone tesy in Newtonvillc. tion was taken by othes than refersing a the lettes otahicAbi Cern ctesy Comn'ittee.. Tmes. BLACKSTO( Mss. Albert Nain reeve, Sa-sk., jained ends, Miss Ethel Th Mrs. Herb Taylor ai Wm. Fee for a reuni iper with M1rs. Wrn. Va Thursday. Miss Mvable Van Ci tended the wedding cousin, Paul Riding Carol Hollinigsworrth, cago recently. Mss. Lottie Kesse, sarea, wSn the Cýa Minas Sports 50-50 D July lst. Mss. Margaret Casle onto, spent last wee Ms. and Mrm. Herb Sw; took her baak hoime day. Ms. Weir Swain, called an ail his brrotk failles, Monday to, day haist week. Messrs. Harold and Miss Helen Swain visi and ýMn. Laurence Mh and faniily, Warkwcr day. Atfter a pleasant dir ýcailing on sanie other .Mr. and Mss. Leith were Sunday nippes gi Mr. and Mirs. Adamn Enndiekillen. Mrs. Roy McLau-gh testained to a tsaussf in honor of hes c Donna on Saturday afi A great many ladies the numnerous lovely a fui shower and weddii and enjoyed a pleasax Mms. Lee Butches, burg, grandniother groom-to-be, and Mrs. Rom eril poured cof!i tea. In the evening, Girl Guides and LeadE are camping at Lausel Park called on Donnai math er. Rev. Ewast Culley ai giiters, Misses Paulir Marjorie, Toronto, Rt Mm. John Porter of were Sunday guests and Mss. P. Rc.'mesil. Sorry ta report Mss. Crawford and Mms. Hý are in Port Peisy I Mr. and Mss. Elmes and Jini, Whithy, Ms lys- Ar-cher, Toronto, Saturday visitôrs, an an-d Msrs. Vincent Bowmanville, were visitos of Mr. and h Archer. ,Mr. andl Mrs. Ken rnoor spent the weeker friens in Duham.n Ms .and Mrs. Fred loyd atMi Earle, atten( rrewin pienie at 5dmin iay. Mrs. Herbert Hooeyi few deys iast week h-iend, Mr. Wilbert No at Hall's Lake, and ni N'Jrtu.Stt is visitinq H{ooey. Miss Myrtle Ti Trsonto, was Sunday g ,Mr. and Mss. Georege and boy. Ahl attendec ing service et Pioneer Port qvyiney, a nd Il I i c a ety. given by ta build on each ack. iven ta stseet of ai street orrmed Dominion Stores $100 Wihnoei This week it was announced that Mrs. Clarence Gibson, 118 Elgin Street, Bowmanville, had won $100 in the Dominion Stores contest "Let's Go to the Races." Happy Mrs. Gibson is shown in this photo shortly after receiving the good news. The Orono News ian thad Mr. and Mss. Wm. A. Tom'1Mvr. and Mrs. Geo. Cole of' ,inhdlinson visitcd with Mrs. JessieiPort Hope, Mss. Harry Bailey,ý e closing Wannan and Mr. Andrew Ms. and Mrs. Carl Billings areý 'ctian 18, 'Baird at Almonte last week.1on mtas trip ta the Westi Mrs. Tomlinson semaincd with Coast. ber for her mothes and hes uncle Mr.1 Mr. and Mrs. Francis Cow- [cher foriBaird who. is quite ill. an, Melanie and Nancy, Mr.I voucher Ms. and Mrs. Harold Soni- Ron Cowan spent the weekendi ce budg- ers of Newcastlc, New Bruns-lat Canal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. assed for wick, spent a few days lastiCecil Joncs, Mr. and Mrs.! week with his sister Mss. Brian Priestley and Aisoný ived by Sterling Mathers, Ms. Mathers spent Sunday w1th them. m that a and family.,1 Mrs. D. G. Hooper and her tlbefr gauakinons ta Terry ovesnight guest Mrs. Alex e cerine- paid ho won an ahi expense Wilson of Toronto visited Mn. Noee pi trip to London, England, and Mss. Wm. Moffat. cauncîlinteCc Coa otst Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Heard cap o! erry and his mother, Mss. and Debbie and Wendy vlsited a..n Oe Howard Myles plan ta eave fricnds in Paigrave last week., -Oon in August, for London. M.adMs ebBaly ý.-Oono Mrs. Lcland Moore of Tyrone1Mrad rs ebBdly vistedhe moherMs. Vraof Hampton spent the week- Milîson and Ms. and Mss. H ýend with her parents, Mr. ond E. Milîson on Monday. WIM.~rs. Albert Mitchell and fm CK Mr. T.M. Bupittof Wl- il at heircottage utWet lowdale, visited Ms. and Mrs.sLake. n. port- Oscar Adamis hast wcek. Mr. and Mss. Adam Sharp ohd fri- Mss. Brian Priestley and'o! Enniskillen, Ms. and Mss. hompson Ahison spent a few days last Kcith Byers of Blackstock, [nd Mrss week visiting Ms. and Mss. E.: visited Mss. Cecil Rabinson ion sup F. Brooks and familv, BOw_1and Ms. and Mss. Wm. RoWn- n Camp, m anville. son on Sunday afternoon. Ms. and Mss. Sterling Math-i Ms. and Mss. Everett Bsown !amp at- crs and Patsy visited Ms. and and daughter Evelene are on, of ber Mss. Asthur Mathers at Wih- a trip ta the Western Provin- toMs berforce. ces. in Chi- Cifford Bsuton Jr., wo s Visitors with Mss. D. G. now at the Crippled Ciidren's Hooper wcre Mss. Alex Wilson1 Y, Cae- Hospital, 350 Rumscy Road, o! Toronto, Mrs. Garnet Mc- twrht Toronto 17, spent a few hours Coy, Mr'. and Mss. Harold )rrtgtnut his home on Sunday. Skinner of Bowmanville, Ms. )rw01 Mrs. Wm. Cochrane and and Mss. Raymond Clapp o! ey, Tor-Mss. Wmn. Wannan visited Ms. Hampton, Mss. Russell Virtue, ~k~ and Mss. Marwood McKee at Mss. Annie Hatherly, Ms. and ain wth Blackstock. Mss. Luther Hoaper, Mr. andi on Sun- Mr. and Mss. Chas. Cooper Mss. Arthur Richards o! oSu-vîsited Mss. Walter Bryan at Tysane, Ms. and Mss. Dean Toronto, Burketon Sunday evcning._ Hodgson o! Ajax. hers and Sixteen Cubs and five Wednes- Orono Leaders held their an-1 JimandComing nuai camp out oves the week- Jttnand end at Presqu'ile Point. ited Mr. Miss Kate Waddell, Miss~ dountjoy to Helene Waddell and Miss Ag- h, Surn- nes Waddell attended the 25th Wedding Anniversasy o! Ms.1 rvan. Port H p and Mss. Gardon Smith (nee I Byens . Mr. andMss. Jack Biso Yuests o! WORLD FAMOUS and daughters, Ms. and Mss. Sharp,_____________ Bruce Tennant and sans areý on a motos traiher trip ta the lin en- West Coast. ,eau tea Ms. Kenneth Cox o! Bow- leughttr sI1 LLianville, father o! Gcrald. of ternoon. H L R.R. Orono, passed away at vieWed, the Memorial Hospital, on nd use- D ~ reMna nt hour. E I J Mrss John Coryeli of Lon- Tillson-D R VS don visited her parents Ms. o! the_____________ and Mrss Harsy- Rowe. ïPhilip On Satusday, July 9th, oves. [ee and 150 friends and relatives caîl- the 35 SPILLS ed ta honor Nosman and Ruth er wh~o * Allin on the occasion of their d Brook * THRILLS 251h Wedding Anniversary. and hes The guests were secelved by their daughters, *Joan and tnd dau- * CHILLS Sharon, and welcomed by. ne and; Ruth and Norman ta their ev. and' home, which was cspecialiy Oshawaf AT charming wîth several beauti- o'! Rev. DE T lfuI floral gifts. Refreshmeints wese served, George1 DE:IG in the dining om 1. B-ma DE YIN GNorman and Ruth thank hospital. * their many friends for hi ;s Mai- S UNTS lovely gifts and cards, and s Mari' T T their many Orona fricnds who were called and mîngled with their id Ms. ALL NEW SHOW I guests fsom Hamilton, Toronto, Arcndr, Peterborough, Part Perry, Sunda-- Oshawa, Bowmanvilie and 4,55. W. Newcastle, making it for them kDurs- ;TJI Y l t a mast memarable day. nd with[ Trewîn, ided the ia, Sun-~ spent a with a orthcott, low Ms. Lg M. 1 'amblyn. 1 guest of, *Wolfe' 7Camp, lateri in Ms. k to thme gentie-1 Zyears, id Mc- Nrs. Edf inday. ice Fer- ta Sun- nu, Ms. id Mss an, Mr. id faim- .Lloyd 7 P.M. TOWN PARK PORT HOPE Don't Miss It! ADMISSION ADULTS - - - - $1.25 STUDENTS - - -- .75 CHILDREN UNDER 12 VEARS - FREE Sponsored by Port Hope Agricultural Society M Trrinity Picnic The Trinity United Church Sunday School Pienic held in Orono Park on Saturday afternoon, June 25th, was a tremendous success. It was greatly enjoyed by more than 200 children and their families. 1A. A. Merkley, Chairman of the Christian Education Com- mittee, was ini charge of ar- rgements for the picnic. Chartered buses were provided for transportation from Bow- manville to Orono, and a large number of members of the congregation took their own cars. The picnic started at two' ;'clock and swimming in the Orono pool was enjoyed dur- jing the first hour. Mr. and Mrs. Alan B.- Lobb were in charge of the races which followed. There were many different races on the programn for ail ages from three-year- olds ta those age 18, and, there was a shoe-kicking con- Itest lor adult.. e I Canadian Statesman, Bownmnvle, JulY 1M,18 le%'i, Ihocrand. ame winnin casah ovey week in the .tivllting Dominion talevision show, "Let's Go To The Races." If your you havent amen this thrilling %Â heur of hors. races on r TV now W the lime to foin in th. fun end i wn abig cash Yo iria ... $2.. $10., $25. $100., or $1.000 CASH ineach Ge consecutiva racel It's sasy Io foin in this thrilling gem... Gard mly pick up your Iram 'Lots Go To The Races" cwrd ~g o a rd mvmry lima you visit Dominion. Every wmak a nmw %. hour Of races is run .. . mvery week you have 5 opportunitie te win a big cash prizel Switch t0 Dominion and gmt your fra. card soi anjoy mn xciting new TV show.. wd.n o day! à trilling nw way o %vin CASHI 1' Canada's Finest. Red or /1 ~ À MIIMBFa1s F FULL CUT ROUND END ~:177/f~ RUMP ROASI EASY TO CARVE SQUARE END NIAI RUMP ROASI STEER BEEF Boneless ROUND STEAK or Dominion's Own Famous S.X. Pure CI (ORNED BEEF 49. WI Prengwood Compass Brand Rindîs BREAKFAST BACON js wimÇoNFIDENCEI Pkg.9 DEEP CUT FEATURES For A Bettes Salad - Richmello SALAD DRESSING. 16-oz. Jar 29(C 32-os. Jar 53 C 371/-oz. Jar 63C 27e Off Powdered Detergent T ID E King Size Pkg. -sl.49 5c Off Coronation L.P. Stuffed 15-oz. Jar Manzanilla OLIVES 63c Serve Cbilled Kings Choice 41-oz. Tin APPLE JUICE 3 for 89C Kids Love It - Orange, Grape or Lemon Keen Instant Powdered DRINK îJ'oz.-419C Blue Brand 791b 791b ROASI 79lb hicken (chee wees) NERS Pkg. 5 9c Tasty Chinese Food ut our Service IMeut Counter 1Swest &Sour SHRIMP Dellilus on Ramburgs Reins Pure il-ou. Bole. Tomato Catsup 2 for 49c Domino Cholce 21-on. Tin. TOMATOES 2for55-c 5 Flavours Hi-C <"with Vitumin C) 48-ou. Tin FRUIT DRINKS 2 for 69c Save-Ali 100' Roll Pkg. WAX PAPER' 2 for .5 9c Tender Leal Orange Peko. '60's Pkg. TEA BAGS 79c "A Summer Refresher"' Grapefruit-Lemon 10-or. Bottie Carton' American D'ry 2 for 89c Excellent for Cooking 3e Off Pure Vegetuble 1-lb. Pkg« Fluffo Shortenfing. 36c Reins Fancy- 48-ou. Ti Tomato Juice 3 for $1.00 Top Choce Burger 18-ou. 36-ou. DOG FOOD 49c 89c FRESH PRODUCE SPECIALS CALIFORNIA'S FINESI - SW15T & JUIC SUNKISI ORANGES 138's D ~79~ oz Carolina No. 1 The Pick cf the Crop silo - U.S.A. No. 1 PEACHES Quart Boxop35cj1 TOMATOES lo w!Ooml /éN}fiur f 0 HERM-O-WARE talwith this p 7 12OZ ,~~ CafTumbler FmuSBolroThrm W r s guaranteed n brekabe .. .idel fr tsysummer livli . 20 lacica fo th cotag, veryday use, ton! Stt g yctn yu so da Mt Dsrrrnîsnl j-. j rýFREEoý?-1UM BLEF WITH THIS COUPON AND ONLY $500 OR MORE in Purchases PER UNTIL CLOSINGNI Deauti fui "Complters "On Sale, Tool Hui 35C. FROZEN FOODS' Dominion Pink or White614Z LIMONADE 4 for 49,c Polar King 8-oz. SaI.sbury Stock 39c. Farm House 24-oz. APPLE PIE 43C BAKERY FEATURE ]Richmello 24-oz. Loaf CRUSTY BREAD 23c Country Girl ZO-oz. Pie RAISIN PIES - -39c Richmello 1 o.Cake ANGEL FOOD CAKE 39c HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Clear Glass Berry - 1 Large Bowl - 6 Nappies BOWL SET only 77c Cildron's Classic Glass 9oz. and 12-oz. Sizes Choice TUMBLERS 6 for $1.00 Pieced Broadloom - Assorted Sizes and Colours FLOOR MATS ea.$1.491 ort Yur CommuntY Centennial Project All merchandise iu guarant..d t. give 10e% matisfacloma Values Effective Until Closing, Saturday, July 16, 166 in BowsmanviIle WE «ESERVE THE EIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES.. OpenThurs. and Fri. Nights 'til 9 p.m. KING ST. AND SIMPSON AVENUE (Highway No. 2, Ibut> c Il mm Md Md psmts sali uthmwu ,hu th Fri ro wouFhasdmv riOVEINEEN-NNSCTIDI