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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1966, p. 12

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12 The. camadianstateaman eowmanville,' iu]y 13, 1ctS Birthis i Engagement BUSHI-Jim and Ann (nee Mr. and Mrs. William Lock Woolner) wish to announce R.R. 4, Bowmanvile, wish the arrivai of a 6 lb. baby girl, announce the engagement Cathy AMmi, on Thursday, Julyl their daughter Patricia Ga 'th, 1966, at Memorial Hos- to Edward John Darch, son pital, Bownianville. A sister Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Dar( for Brian. Many thanks to R.R. 4, Bowmanville. TI Dr. Siemon, nurses and staff wedding to take place Satu on the maternity floor. 2811iday, August 6th, 1966, in _______Paul's United Church at 1-OPPS-Myra and Gien (nee o'clock. 8 Cooper) are happy ta announce Co igE et the birth of a daughter, Janelle ___________________ Marie, on Wednesday, July 5, Annual Rundie Picnic wi 1966, at Redding Hospital, Red- be heîd at Orono Park, Wei ding California. A sister fornedJuy0at4pm Michael and Craig. 28-1 28-yJly2 a p KNAPP-Ernest and Marion! The Wood Family Picnici (n-ee Therteil) announce the Sauina Hall, Saturday, Juiy2 birth of their daughter Phyliis 1966. Supper at 5:30. Dishg Elaine, 9 lbs. 6% ozs., on provided.28 Thursday, June 30,. 1966, at-- Memorial Hospital, Bowman- Adams Family Reunion wi ville. 28-1 be held at Cream of BarlE ________Park, Saturday, July 23, 4 p.i Please attend. 28. LAMB-Joan and Ralph are ____ happy to announce the arrivai Monster Bingo, Thursda of their chosen daughter, night at 8 o'clock, sponsore Lesley Joan, born May 17, 1966i by the Sunnyside Park, Re 28-1 lBarn. North Oshawa. 39.1 IrUGWOOD-Marg and Bob1 Barn dance at The Whee (nee Staples) are happy to [1July 16. Music by Norman M( ennounce the birth of a son,,Keen and Western Four. Ac Mfichael Robert, 6 lbs. 4 1/2 oz. mission $1l.00 per person. 28. en July 12th, 1966, at Memorial Kna udySho n Hfospital, Bowmanville Grand- edlSnaSco A : child for Mr. R. A. Staples, 'versary Service, July lthi Burketon. 28-1w 11:15. Guest speaker, Reý ________Dermot Arscott of Courtice. TUTAK-Jerry and Sharleen 26__- - are pleased te announce the Annuai Mcuntjoy Fami] arrivai of a 7 lb. 31/2 oz. baby Picnic at Cartwright Pari boy, Gerald Christopher, on Caesarea, last Wednesday i Friday, July 8, 1966. A broth- July. A large attendancei er* for Jamie, Lori and Robin. hoped for. Wiil ail member Many thanks to Dr. Sylvester, kindly accept this invitation, nurses and staff of Memorial 1 28-1 Ilospital, Bowmanville. 28-1 1 E uchr e-c a-r dpart, M em ori Park Club House, Liberty Si Deaths South, Tuesday, July 19, BAKER, John-At The Lodge pm Admission 50c, doo HomeI onprize. Proceeds for Crîpplei NursingHoe Newcaste, o Children's Schooi and Treat Friday, July 8th, 1966, Jack ment Centre. 28- -Baker (formerly of Solina), In his 84th year, beloved hus- Be sure ta attend Durhax band of the late Laura Bragg, Liberai Pîcnic at Walton dear father of Helen cf Toron- Park, Newcastle, on Saturday to, Mrs. C. Johnson (Muriel) July 23rd, starting at 1:3C et Bowmanville; Maurice J. of Ontario Lîberal Leader An Uxbridge, Tom C. of Hamp- drew Thompson, guest speak ton and Mrs. J. Smales (Kath- er. 28-ý 1leen), Oshawa. Rested at the Northcutt and Smith Funeral Woodview Cornmunity Centri Home. Funeral service was -Monster B i n g o. Twent3 held at 2 o'ciock Monday af- games-twenty dollars; f iv( ternoon. Interment Zion Cerne- gaiiies-thirty dollars; $15( tery. 28.1 jackpot, and two jackpots aý ________,$250. Door p r i zes. Nexi iMonday, 8 p.m., Red Barn COX-At Memorial Hospital, Oshawa. 46-ti Bowmanville, on Monday, Jù:y llth, 1966, Kenneth E. The Durham County Hol« Cox, aged 69 ycars, beloved stein Club Twilight Meeting husband of Ruby M. Jewell, on Tuesday, July 19 at 7 p.nm dear father o! Louise (Mrs. at Ontario Training Schoo' Jack Wylie), London; Donald, for Boys, Bowmanville. Judg. Dawnsview; Helen (Mrs. Alan ing Competition and Prograni Greville), Oakville: Gerald Mr. Hooper, Superintendent ci Crim), Orono; Joyce (Mrs. the School. Refreshments Lionel Baker), Oshawa; Mary Everyone welcome. 28-1 ' (Mrs. Ted Rogers), Markham. Service was held in the Mrris MONSTER BINGO F'uncral Chapel, Bowumanville, THURSDAY NIGHT, 8 o'cloci en Wednesday- at 2 o'clock. Sponhored by the Junior Interment Bowmanville Cerne- Chamber of Commerce tery. 28-1 _____ JUBILEE PAVILION Y-ASTABROOK-At the Hos- O S HA WA 8-t: pital for Sick Children, Toron-. S O T D T U to, on Monday, July llth, S O T D OU 1966, Joel (Joey) Eastabrook, ta Quebec and In his l6th year, beloved son cf John and Violet Eastabrook, the Gaspe Orono; dear brother of Yvonne A g u.1 (Mrs. Frank Ward, Sarnia, Sandra (Mrs. Ron Haacke), Travel along the shores of \jToronto; Donald, Sharon, Ken- the St. Lawrence River and neth and Randy, ail at home. Gulf, see Ste. Anne de Resting at the Morris Funeral Beaupre, Perce Rock. Al Chapel, Bownianvilie. Service tours, accommodations, some In the Chapel on Thursday at nicals included. 2- o'clock. Interment Orono Iieliuxe airconditioned motor Cemetery. 28-1 coach. Write for itinerary. ELLISON, Grace M.-Sudden- COLMER ly at Quecnsway Hospital, TRAVEL SERVICE Toronto, on Monday, Juiy 4, BOWMWANVILLE, or Phone Grace M. Ellison, wife o! the Mns. Carol oberts, 632-3093 late Charles R. Ellison, dear_______________ rnother cf Ruth (Mrs. T. dt Sheehan), Bowrnanville; Vel- Wanted ___Buy _ dar, cf Conn, Ont.; Floyd, SRNE efr n as PetrPal, reda(Mrs. N.- due in six weeks or less. Tele- Manser), al cf Toronto; Vern' phone Ralph Davis, 263-2284. on of Gravenhurst, and Joyce27t (Mrs. P. Clausen), Totten. ______ ham. Service was held at LIVE pouitry, old feather Anderron's Fue -al ometcs.M.Flati, R -.R. B- ISpRy, Fred-A't Ross Me- lhereby notified ta send in ta moriai Hospital. Lindsay, on Strike & Strike, Solicitors for Wednesday, JuiY l3th, 1966, tic Estate, Box 7, Bowman- Yred Spry o! Cobocank, in his ville, Ontario on or hefore 174th year, beloved husband Of Auguat 4, 19ïo, full particulars the late Miidred Cook, dear of their claimr. !ather of Mrs. Bob Cailan Irnmediately after the saîd (Jean) and Lyness, both of 4th day of August, 1966, the Coboconk. Aise survived by assets cf the testatnix will be reven grandchlldren. Resting distributed amongst the par- ~tthe Northcutt and Smith ties entitled thereto, having FuneralMrenie ftra fOofl regard enly te dlaims of 'ursda Funeral service which the said solicitors for #o'clo lFniday afterzffon. th stt shall then have lrniet Eowmanville Cerne- notie 28-1 Dated at Bowmanvife, this 28th day of June, A.D. 1966. Mo c«idBm d Strike & Strike, Solicitors for thie Estate of Md bm ýqw Ida Margaret Cryderman, ««gphý;0 Box 7, BownianviU., Ont. jArticles for Sale Articles for Sale j Work-Wanted rR-eal1 Estate for Sale Real Estate for SljelEtt for Sale Recd Estate re, 24 USED milk cans. Albert NEW Beatty wringer washxng CUSTOM mowing, baling and1 $2,000 Dow'n i r n~*v CHICKEN broiler farm; wo te Pa , ro o.28 1* m achine, used eight m ont s , bunching. P hone 7 25 5 3 r.t. a u o eer eunr i r ta e i c ra mq- a Iîy cfSEOD mrgg,$90 has warranty and guarantcc, 263-8438. 25-4 Oshawa - Detached, 3 bedroom HoyKihPtr trynn-or,2fml ___SEODotae,$,00 - bungalow, living-room wlth REAL ESTATE AND REALTY LTD., 728-7328 dwelling; breller bouse 35,' iilPhone 623-2395 _ 28-14 $115. New double laundry NORTH America expert ce- wall-to-wall broadloon, lhnge 103HKI A.STRETA STere5', uc t orna9, reg. oeh, ______ _ - tubs on casters, used 1 manth, ment work. Phone 723-0729 kitchen, ohl heat, immediate INSURANCE 103 AWANG OTR E STe275', uotyautfoat,6 breg h, WATER for sale and delivered, $15. 623-7607 a!ter 5.30. fe2s8mtsan.atiua1 possession. BOwmanville - 36 Liberty N.RE TRprpeustn,2 ie he Cail Clif! Pethîck 263-2131 2812.0 RiEa63-24ap An erh !. sk a-32-tf - - 21H 2-24prseosTarante0 ni t.ROTO-TILLER, 3 b. p., one DON'T tear the grass -eut it. 728-1656MAN V!LEamBdoel b rik $8,00ofornoatkines 4 LLOYD baby carniage in goodycar old, best offer accepted. Have us sharpen your lawn- LLE- 4 ed-$2,0.Frifmaonpe 1* condition. Phone 623-5954. Phone 987-4970. __- 82mowier. F. Crowe, 102 Elgin H. Mijlen ronbiciel1e ag home with full basement, glass- con tat eu Clwa, Iva Ev -- - 284REFRIGERATOR - Servel (10 St., Bowmanville. 28-1* ta sel.' oceso S.Pîed in sunroom, large kitchensttNw etPaa WATER for sale and delivered, cu. ft.) kerosene model BE-- - Real Estate Ltd, t, sdI. liing aOntdinng9r8om101. 24 hour service. Caîl 623-5756. 87K, freczing compartment, A. B A A R S 28-1 BWAVLE-4Bd bathrooms, bot water oul heat- 2- ril )-tf$10. roo 3 r7. 8-1 - - , -room brick, modern. Garage. ing system, soft and ard watenr r i fi1 !d i-VE6.5xl-t---elss $lS-t-A-0-MA--C ZgZ*a---w---Plumb &n Heating Pefer ]Kowal, r Give us a cali on this one. an tap. Garage, beautiful lot '.Aur Isae î*Iwall summer tires. Telephone Machine: Sews on buttons, OMNIL e-9'x14.I o r ne- -- 623-5616. 28-1* makes buttonholes, does decor- 13 Nelson St. Bowmanville REALTOR raom, brick, central. $12,500 - ested in comfortable livingi LIMITED atv tthn,1ya l.11-tf a"d GENERAL INSURAC em.dcn't miss this eue. 121 King St. W., Bowmanvilîo 23 Oao rn. Henry Eikens, Take on payments, 7 of $7.0 RNEPE FEI 52 King St. W. Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE - 4 Bcd- Country Living 6339 Os no9__2._8- -per month or $47.00 cash 623-2453 ro mmCuc tet Very beautiful 3 bedroam Member Oshawa and District ,2* HOUSE ta be torn down and jWrite Advertiser 737, c/a The PLUMBING & HEATING $1w4,900I N WATL EREA -4 vriekbnces owtastefull dcoa-' Ra sat or -remcved fram property. Tele- Canadian Statesman, P.O.Box Phone 623-3540 6 NRo wcaV2stry rick Cm AE, nar lAk-4ve. c lo t x 200', wtinl sa or 'iil Phone 263-2359. 28-1 190, Bowmanvillc. 28-16 om1,1 trybikBdomfaena le.d -t10'x2',whn eAPPROX I M A T E L Y 2,000 - P.O. Box 1599 home with fireplace and din- IAsking $ 10,500. Make us an minutes from Oshawa or Bow- Bowmanvilie Area tonbale a86afa5h7. Poe c- CLEAN-UP 0F 78 Ontario St., Bawmanvillie. îng roa;olancg4-pce. toe fe.ranille. Substantial down 8 Year-oid stone and brick -l tonvlle 78-2537. 8~l* _______1-tf 2pc ah nlrelt Caîl TAUNTON ROAD - 3 Bcd- payment te N.H.A. mortgage1 bungalow, 3 bedrooms, braad- ______ - - -for particulars. roomn ranch bungalow on two at. only $90.00 per month,11oom, stone fireplace, bar, ay SMALLcruiser, 40 b.p. EVin- HAY EQUIPIVENT SEPTIC TANK Highway 115 acres 100wibtms. principal, intcrest and taxes. Ipatic, swimming pool,gage edrude, excellent condition. Telle-$1,0 thersgag. _____-5579.__ 2_-- - Semi-Mounted Mower PUMPING1 Service station, lunch rocm 90 ACRES - Highway 35,,Farm Lote 10,x20'm$7oo FOR phone,3-579in 26tfeNlwoilan 7' living quarters and equipmnent' creek, good buildings. Priccd: 74 Acres of most productive'OtneSre t p FOR aliy e, a in f baleC de New Hoîand 6' W HITEW ASHING STABLES1 This is a family business tae d. landarioh Surnin el, top, qua6it679reasoinabs.Cd Serni-Mounted Mowcr BERT TOMPKINS 1showing an increase cachiErnie Bradley - 623-3560 tbrough the farm. Good barn 2Strybikhm,3e- d- HY, sandig orbale al- Two International No. 45 Phone Newtonville 786-2552 mnonth. Couple anxious teare- 'Lawrence C. White - 623-2158136' x 80', silo and chieken rooms. two bathrooms, ail :1-HA, tanin o baed asePTO Balers tire, For further particulars 'K A l 6-23 ouse. Vcry niee four bcd- bcating; lot 50 x 100. $ 17,500 -1 for rent, pasture for hanses. ItrainlN.9 ___ Caîl Colleet 41-tf call this office. renoA.home with-ail modem Phoe 63-86 af2r6 8prn 10 ft. S.P Combine FRATTNK BRITTY Bowmanviîîe: _ 28-1 Iconveniences, good size kitch-1 Good Incarne Home eut----u-omaticailys .P.wbiieer2 Unit apartmnt .en, dining and living room,8-om2trebichm, ____ ____eut a-tMasscy-HarnishiSP.cenatalrentbuilding, John F.DeWifh ice condition throughout, per -:2m2strybic oe Vyou wait, at MeMullen Hard-* * * ecn gcnra location, large lot, nearbthclfuncfielc wae 3 in t.E, oma-Trnhiggodtem.fect lacation, narseheol and bts i uncfrpae wae.63igSt . Bwa-SEPTIC TANK go cm.REALTOR soea pvdra. esnrec. raomn, garage. VerY cent. ville._______ -t Tractors INSTALLATION 3 Bedroom modemn bunga- Bowmanville - 14 Frank St. able price with terms.ra.$020-Tms [y GO-KART, lienw odIow with attached garage,!I Phone 623-3950 Bsies1porul iv u rck ptretet ,kg ~ lk nw go International 300 w/Leader Hampton 263-2270 private drive, many extras, in'iuiesOpotnt kdiving experience for boy;, and Hydraulie Bueket1 vesiebckartnt ýnew 3 h.p mater, 4 cycle.'Itrainl25DwLde________ 24-tf North Ward. 78 ACRE FARM, with 71 Hause, store and warehouse, 'S Pone623343. 2-1*ýIntrnaionl B75Dw/-ad- 3 Bedroom bungalow,ga roomed home. Large L-shap- !excellent location on corner lot building with large lot. Good iS IN P oo r 62-340. 8.1 Inerntioal 275 C U S T 0 M age, private drive, gas heated ced barn. On paved rond. Ask- 132 X 165 ft. This property incrn.Mut esen Going G Internationanglumn41uDe well dccoratcd; east end, short in $12,000. Termns. ýpriccd te sdil. For mare de-' rc o ano fodt * or appliances, caîl Elmer, ItrainlB1DF A R M ING distance fromT King St. 92 ACRE FA!RM with goodItails eaul us now. John Kuip-Imiss. $35,000. Easy terpjS. al Hamptn: uis 263-2 294 A REASONABLE RATES 3 ar 4 Serviced lots in North "home. Large barn. Pond. r 2-50 Jane Street '~ ___ __COWAN iod28-1tonsil s il esdece26-295 n6tf I Phone723-1308 Wa rd. $"l50$17u,000ic..God rodcin sl. Asing, -- 2 Bedroom stucco bungalow, t.13CBI oo elîatrEqirnn Tcrms available. i1 0.Tem.*lat 50 x 164, new ail frae )r re1grtrwt cpfez,î *IfrBLN LWN Single lot close ta shopping, 6 ACRES with large strenm. P. E. garage. Prlced for quiick sale iapproxîmately eight y le a r s IiU o SPRAYING, ETC. 1 $3,500.00. ý5 Rocmcd bungalow. Locatedi ael at only $12,500 - Terms. dold. Phone 623-2680. 28.1j* 1 t'Co.was -t-Phne 23568f-Several new bungalows al, porth cf Bowmanvillc. Ask- Gael moatyrs wahra rslre a 14RagStpE-owavioneCK U GES with ot-m Taplan ,staves, dng $0,900. ter 50ms. toue and frame bungalow on ian eaty.Ta PadyCret, ap-Lrne Perrault, Orono 271 OIL BTJRNERS% - FURNACES and screens. N.H.A. terms, On paved od ih50Is 28 Division St. lot 324 x 66, 3 Pce. bath, cil y, Hampton, 263-2241. 12 t! 8- CLEANED 614 % intcrest.'dai milk contract. Gaod frae aae 1,0 ____ _ __________ PLUMBNG REPAIRS We have clients for aider bidns Akng$20. Terms.Bo m n le SI N S U LA T I O N , b l o w i n g m -t - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 3 B d r o o c o t a g e , a I l u r n od, with rock wool. Work- Cars frSl PHONE HAMPTON brick homes. If you have anc WeSt Beach, Bowmanville Fmcthefr l - and thinking af seîîing, please CHRISTMAS TREE FARM, 2-31tr nldd 200fi ùianship guaranteed.Fre- 263-2151 give us a eall. 100 Acres with over 60),000 2-31.1Bdomctagalfri 2etmts ar L.Wd,191ENVOY, good running Mail Address: 'trees aging from 8 yenrs down. *prce.icue.$200fl ~ etimte, HmryL.Wad, 161Evcniugs, eal]: Apaiaey400ray o ETES.iag nsta-,rce .e Phone Newtonville 786-2256. condition. Must seli, $200. Apoiaey400rayfrCNR Tlrea ýy38-tf Phone_987-4310. 28-1* P.O. Box 543- Bowmanville A oe---6324 are.Akn ny$,0 cratic type 2-storey semi-de- Church Street - Bowmanville Y ~ ~ ~ 5 METER,_8, god ot- P. Kowal, r. 623-5868 don0ahdhm. etrscnr 7 Room brick home, 3 bed- e0 Nro. 82e McoEHmbnis self-'56nMtieR, oV8ai, g$od0mtorMountiov 28-1 DAIRY FARM, 100 acres as hall plan, dining room, 4 bcd- reoms, lot 68' x 180'. $25,0oo O proplednocsombinkxe, 0 t.'n iebd am 0 ee- 623-5436._- a going eancern, 20 head.a! rooms, 2 kitchens, garage and Termns. ttbenoctmwokexe-poe6-43.28-1* Backhoe Service osenml osFullnfulbsmt.Oy$1,00. d lent condition. Massey-Fergu-- Help Wanted Hîti ikcw.Fi iefl aeet ny$290.T H R EE new homnes und. . son Dealer, Little Britain,1'58 CHEV. Biscayne, 6 cyl., TRENCHES - DRAINS __ _____ o machinery. Peterborough VETERANS AVE., delight- er cntuto yOhnk fPhone 37. 2-, standard, good tires; reason- ONAISAD YOUNG man for pnrt-time milk centrnct. Asking $45,000. fui 6 raom bungalow with cntuto yOhnk ---OUNDA--lSETIO TNS wr.ApAND r ý ordcoce base- Construction from $15,000 Up. -TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashlable. Phone 623-3430. 28-1* TAK1ok Apl ae Shoe Trs etaddul aae e at g registers, desks, chairs, filing 1963 CORVAIR 700, 2-tone, 4 .hn Store. ___ 28-1 ORCHARD FARM, 130 acresEat icabinets. Terms, trades. New, door automatie, excellent con: iBlackstock 986-4737 CHRISTMAS t -r ee prner, Sies,25Mcrestoh ndfusettigs.hMPitta ON1acewt il used, rentas, service. Bill dition. Phone 623-3716. 28-1* _ _ _ 0t $ , 5 pe o r. A b n Kna pp, Good b ilns.H om w tnstda oapcpr e gw ith c pLo t ed 1,05 csq t i. Ohaa).moRga (ort o FARO '55 1-ondstkitiuon , CKERMAN 1 r4,--no-2-*moem convenicuces. Priced table gardens and 4 room foundation and pourcd con- Osbwa. -- 1-t godrunîn cndtio, 0,00 A XPERIENCED C h ri s t mna s to sell. Ihome. Only $6,700.00 - Terms. crete floor, sub floor ineluded. !j1'IGEONS For Sale-German miles. Albert Pos, Orono. EXCAVATING trce trimmers wantcd. Phone 144 ACRE FARM with ail MAPLE GROVE, over 1 acre Asking .$3,000. Open ta reas. ý eauty, Hemers, Rollers, Car- ' 28-1l 723-4641, Extension 602, 7~ - 9 hented brick home, 4-pc. bath, of land with 146 feet o! high- onable ôffers. riers, Dragoons, Helmets, La- 6 HVOEdee Le d aDndGav-,TpSoEnd O fet bpn, rivewny frontage. Excellent site Kna usAe LSadGa- ,TpNCHi n .. _ 8-1 Large 120 etbrdieKna i rs Heres, Nuns, K ormo r n er dan, low mileage. stîli underi F111 Delivercd EXPERIENCED mamicd man shed, etc. Laeated close ta for A. & W. Drive-Inn or oth- 1 10 Seeniec ares with st Tumblers. Telephone Whitby GM wamanty. Phone 723-2532.Hu AE EVC for modemn dairy farm; new Port Hope. Priced ta eld. cm enterprise. trout stmeam. Only thr of r 6-37 ceins -8olok o 2-5398. 28-1 house supplied. Telephone 180 ACRE FARM with good OSHAWA, NORTH WEST, these choice lots left. $5,000 noon oums, 12 - 2 p.m.- 28-1- Reasonable Rates 987-4331. 28-1j buildings and excellent soi. 8 year-old bungalow in very $1,500 down. Sealey otue iMts fo N2-o5tiBeMsVILE'AITRESSES, part time, some Large stream. On pavcd read. good conditian. As k ing 8 Miles Lindsay. e!!!y Ptostureei t ess- Notices & BYAM. experience neccssary. Phone Priced ta sli. $l2,900.00 - Terms. Cottage lots at Pleasn Ee!! uto-eewtegeDr. E. L. Ewert'sofiewl LABN &H Orono 10 r 19, Coach and Four Janetvîîîe Village, OSHAWA, CUBERT ST., Point. $2,400 - $400 down. guards te prevent saggîng, b lsdoti uy2t PUBN EATING -Restaurant, Highwny 115. 11/2,storey, 3 bedromr home $99.Afirmer model bas 27- SALES & SERVICE 25S-t-f 5 Reomed, 2 starcy home an with 'alI madern convenîcuces. Near Bethany foam quilted to cover, $49.95. ------ 24--HO-Rferin th e. Akg $300Askîng $13,900.00 - Terms. 20Sceacres wîitlag Murphy Fumniture, King St. I Dr. C. Austin's office will. unrSevc icAUe wor. 1 p.m-p.m. Fororthese and others sec: ttrout stmeam, terrifie view. West, Bowmnnville, 623-3781. be closcd from July 22 ta $24,000 - Terme.or.1 .. pm, ertes ndohesse _______28-1* Labour Day, inclusive. 28-3 SEPTIC TANKS AND exeept Wednesday. Appîy in Country Home, Mary Heath -- 623-2902 $400-Trs TVTO TES FoÇr Fuller Brusb Produets, TILE BEDS ýperson ta Glen Rae Dairy. 9 Roàmed, 2 storey home on enBryok-62705eatFrcsSl f TVTOW RSý callElse, hon 723044. PONE28-1 gaad size lot. Small barn. Hael ravelook - 623-706 5 Acelth ostale $51u South Durham, aul Whitby HAMPTON 263-2288 RELIABLE lady ta lve in, sk g ony 8,0 o nMcal Gael 234 2-stoey 8-room home, arns ESAV ' 668-6583. ______28-tf TYRONE 263-2650 witb anc aduit. Good home, Port Hope, Iïrank Hackett 1381 x 80', 22' x 50'. Very scen- OS A Atime off, Iight duties, weckiy 4Untaamntbidg. Little Britain - 1 R 22 le pmopcrty. Asking enly L. Cà. Mason, Q.C., law office- cleaner. Write Advertiscr 736, A i artentedbuiltditg. 28-1 $25,000 with terms. m TV SjUri-j., LTD. ciosed ta July l8th, 1966, UPLJJJOLTEIU±d T c/o Canadian Statesman, P.o. b ntom. ill satd i frILaeildA Taunton Rd. E, Oshawa, EXCEPT Tue. and Wed. Evs., Save Dollars! Have your ehest- Box 10Bwavll.24 00. ahoo.With 85,000o r JactonoefeRiver rJust East of Ritsen Road .9-10 p.m. for coment business. tcrfield and chairs re-upholst- 190 ____- - R I C A12000 R D$5000 5 R.oomaecottaerwt Dial 723-8131 15.14* cred. Free estmmates, samples THE Public School Board, Bewdley, R I boat hanse, ail rme otae ithd Day or nlght - Bill Leask, Prop. Th-ofceo-D. lanB taken to home. P.S.A., Dnrlington, requires Roomt home onpav]dlot 8' x 28'. E l îan e ffceofDr AanB. Buge Trm Arage mmediately a caretaker for 5 omdhm npvd Lt-I.Riealtor lo 86 28' X iôa ______10-tf Sylvester wîil be clased for BugtTmsAragd htisoclykonsBt- street with bathmoam. Close vauetol 880 STRAWBERRIES in llusivse ad August 5 ta \HYTE BROS. esda Sehool S.S. No. 10. Ap-teReLk.Asig nl Bowmanville CnsmsTe ar 1 PICK YOUR OWN August 19 inclusive. 28-3 FURNITURE AND plicants pîase state saary ex $500 down. Q~f>10Crs th 25,00tree - ~~~~~~~UPHOLSTERY pected. General information Oshawa Homes, 6320 0 ce ih2,0 re JO A N S r. Hubhard's office will be iregarding position may be New split level, brick with ready te eut this year. These closed from Jonc 30 te July 18 NwLcto obtained from M. J. Hobhs, natural stone fireplace in rec. Orchardview Blvd. treac arxent n lipty. iFirst road east of Newtonvllle [inclusive. Dr. Hubbard wiII Corner King and Division Ste.!Secretary -Treasurer, Phone rom. Extra bathroom in THREE bedroom brick bun-1gravel deposit. Near Ponty- and north te tobacco ftarin 1 e i, bus office cvery Tucsday1 Phone 623-5252 7 Res. 263-2608 and office basem1ent. But-mn steve and gnlow. Large,' attractively po.8200-Trs Phone 786-2202 land Thursday of each weekl-.- For 17-tf ý263-8401. 28-1 oven. Aluminum stors and finished recreatien momr. Ask- Kenda$2,l0 Hilis.e 26m-3 cinFor_ ___- i REAL ESTATE sereens. ny$,1.5dw ig300do. - - - --E-PERa ENCEDn 0exce2s tr3ey 7 ms o oow an ve ils e nrey EIN D5 Roomcd, brick and stone 5Suite Apt. Bldg. 10Arswh3srae jShop Here for Full Line o eola heLosCnrTWO hanses for rent;- al-so-ane'entrl ntri.Tusbus ngao.Nci aae erMODERN, all brick bldghombars 30' x50', 20' x Beech Ave., applications arellot for sale. Phone 623-57t96.rutbs1nG... Ai odm cn-'t~mams CAMjrDPN o higacetd.Frdo 2-59.opnn fra epnene odberbuhn aaeeEclet n 0 d2'x 0.Vrysei J 10 a.m. - 1., p.m. 27ll. RAIN EVCean. Main aeoation. l.&P 200 on . Atter 9 pin.: BOW/MAN VILLE 10 ea n14 iviianSt.,Bowanvl27-BUK Asking only $12,900. Terme.! ooPa4e -.*13-307 FRIGID LOCKER OFFICE HOURS NINE-rom oe usce WEED CONTROL laiybre omed1 STOREY and hait home Ken Heekin.- 623-5055 e!t Dowmanvilce, on Highway CHEMICALS bhrck wîtbLargewoo.flars with ail canvenieuces. Ex- Dont Gower-- 728-1005 SIYSTEVi uesday - Wednesday -Friday 2, avaiiabic Auguet 1. Write 2-4-D Atrazine truhu.Lag e.O ceptionaiiy nice lot with large Andy Keys- 728-0196 Phone 623-5578 7t, 2 - à p.m. - 7 - 9 p.m. Advertiser 733, e/o Canadian etd 4-pce. bathroom. 0ulytrees and ganden area. 8400 2-f28-8 Statesman, P.O. Box 190, M.C.P.A. KornOu l$4,000 dewii. Pgo ae akI iea «7383 Bowmanviiic. 28-1 M ULT orieAeTHREE bedroom Ksumn-ie7237r0 MO10DERNapartment, het, HIHQTYortic Aea Pgen ak e KUr ouer - -723-7900 haâ 6 Roomcd brick home ou home on nortb aide of the Muiough - 73218 20 - 1960 WESTINGHOUSE frig and stove, television Baler Twine almost 2 acre lot. AIl modemn lake. 1551 ot trontage. Safe 1lieyBarnouki - - 723-5787 acnai Ad lt ony;conv enifen cs. id Srn a11 barn. 'for chiidreu. $12,000. l y F se r n 2 three reoms and !uiiy equippcd CERAnyeffeLcosideed Town and Countrybnthroom. Availabie immedi- W itRESDALES. TRE eror ugao roki 65I ately. Apply Statesman Office, FERTILIZERS WeLntPhoo M L.rthE e batheorge ookiu 655n3 PORTABLE TELEVISION SETS King St. West. 27-tf LTD. aiEeuiea ot n.4pe ah ereDao for sale Personal - NEWCASTLE - ONT. Ater Hurs Cal: etc. Nicey kept home en Port Ferry 985-2987 Les. 623-7150 - us. 987-4711 Donald Mountjoy - 623-3614 ilI verloking the village. DlIi and Doren Gmblett HYGENIC SUPPlies-(Rubbër 2-!Gu elin -8331 $13,500. Office - Pt. Hope 885-45e iledPostaidin Iso iersa 73-56 1 esidence - Pt. Hope 885-25v good D TC MA ealed evptpi uIdoWinma -728-5683 Garnet Ricard -7 oso FLYING DUTCH AN MOTOR HOTL SixwithpPano T5cing hyllîs Mcîobbîe 623-7159 bMîlford McDonald - 0191PortHoe8554 24 samples 81.00. Mail Order PROFESSIONAL work gjrugner Jortensen 987-A&91 Wllf Hawke - Orono 1 R 12 Bruce R'r-haw- 8_ Dp.T28. Nov.-Rubber Co., anteed. Arthur Colson,jiou Davidson - Rethar- UHoward Wieh' - r" ~ nsy3424 Doir 91, Hamilton, O)nt. 1.52 623-3900. Lid6-t34-84 ~

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