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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1966, p. 2

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The -Canadian Statesman, Bowtnanville, JuIY 13, 1966 Opens with Judo Demonstrat ion Exciting Kinsmen, Car nival Attracts Fréem Spendi ng Crowd Due to Several New' Features The annual Kinîmen Carni- man, Dave Benny, John Lunn, 1 the two Plush Bonths; Duke Val hcld at Memoiai Park on Dunc Ulley, Neil Haoey, Os- Brunt, Glass Pitch; Dm. John fflday evening was a great borne Williams, Roy Waod- Wcmry, H o o p 1a; O s h o r n e auees. It was greatly enjoy- wamd and Tcmmy Masters . Wlliams, Milk Bottle Tons; cd- by the cowds of people Mms. William Blair, 44â Lor- 1Navelty, Arnold Sleep and Bil Who thmengcd the grounds ing Street, Oshawa, was the Martin, Wreck-the-Car. and cnjoycd the event tre- winner of the 1966 Pontiac Ernie Villeneuve, Oshawa, mendously. f Strato-Chie! sedan. Hem win- was in charte c o the Little President Bill Kilpatrick,.ning ticket, No. 5587, wasiTrain Ride tor the children, expresid appreciatian fan the drawn by yaung B a r'rylmnd Bill Gibhens, Oshawa, .fenerous nesponse gîven by Shackclton, son of Kcithlfwas In charge of the interest- residenti of the tawn and a! Shackclton, a member of the ing Judo Demonstration pre- the surraunding area. He saidifCar Draw Cornmittee. scntcd by the Oshawa Sime It was gaod ta sec sa many 1 Bugene Murdoch was the Hall Judo Club. The prize tom people of ail ages, and the Car Dmaw Chaimman. He was the best decamated booth went childnen having a fine time assisted by Hammy Collacutt,ita the fruit bootb. at the camnival.f and the other members ai this -Ray Latbangue was the icommîttec, Dave Benny, Bert Finit Vice-President Virginia Carnival Chairman. Other Snowden and Mr. Shackelton. Faimey was Kinette Carnival membens af thc Canival Com- In thc Kinette Draw, Mmi: Chaimman. She was assistcd -imittee weme Dr. Jahn Wermy, Murray Wood, 96 Scugog St. by President Barbara Connell. Don Masterson, Alex Wise- was the winncr a! the lounge The Baoth Chairmen: Records, chair, and Mmi. Peter Murdoch, 2nd Vce-Presîdant Cannie Stratfomd, Ont., won the trans- Wiseman, Fish Pond, Anne1 SALEMV istor radia. Haris; Pop, Secmtary Elcan- Treasumer Ruby Waodward or Murdoch; Rciresbmenti, Mn. and Mms. Ken Maynard1was the Kinette Draw Chair- Kay Cain, a Paît President; and tamily, wbo bave sold rnan, and other members of Coffcc, Pesident-elect Bar- Aheir hause on the Manveri'this cornmittec werc Gladys bara Masters, and Kinette1 RIoad and moved ta town,iUlley June MeMullcn and Draw Chaimman Ruby Wood- wcre bononed at a social iBeryl Hughes. ward.i -gaCthering lait Monday even- Thc Booth Chairmen for the Retumni tram the successful1 ,ag. Atter the yaungem folks- Carnival were Stan Dunn and Kinsmen Carnival amauntcd1 had enjoycd a basebaîl game, Art Hooper for the twa Cown ta approximateiy $2,600, and1 wc went over ta the church. and Anchor; Kcith Connell, it is expected that the expens-i Mn. Farewell Blackburn cx- 7 Over and Under; Justin Mur- ci will be betwecn $300 and1 fres scd aur beit wishes ta ay, Fruit. Bert Sycr, Bingo-; $400. Thc Car Draw reccipts Knand Freda and they were Gardon Wilcax, Free Moncy; are not included in the retumni Ipnescnted with a tm-light lamp Bob Fairey and Bihl Siaght Jr., quoted above.1 and a dish. Ken and Freda bath expmessed their thanks A ater wbich a deliciaus lunch v , PL GROVE was îerved. Dan't target aur community picnic at Oono this Friday .evcning, July 15. Mns. Grant Bah centertainec a number of friendi anc nieighbars at a showcr ir honar o! Miss Marion John- ton, a bride-to-be. Sympathy is extendcd to ?Ars. Muriel Johnson anc family in the death of bei father, Mm. Jack Baker. A riumbem from this charge ettended the presentation fori ']Rev. and Mns. David Northey at Haydon on Friday even-1 Ing. Mr. and Mmi. Ken Fletcher hcld a family party an Sun- dlay when their gucîts were Mmi. Maud Beit and Dr. and Mmi. Ted Campbell and Melis- sa, Toronto; Mm. and Mmi. Haward Vice; Mmi. Walter 'Vice and Mns. Minnie Drinkie, Oshawa; Mr. and Mmi. George Vice, Mmi. Elmo Anderson, and Mn. and Mmi. AI Fletcher, ]Bowmanville. A number o! children and X,aders tram this commuanity .ïkr attendîng vacation schaol -et Tyrone this wcck. SRENT A, NEW CARI THIS WEEKEND *DAILY *WEEKLY MONTHLY LREASOINABLIE RATES .MacDonald Ford Sales BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623-2534 Deloitte, Plender, wlth wham are Monteith, Riehi, Chartered A( Oshawa Winnipeg Prince Gordon W. Riehl, C.A., R.I. Oshawa Oshawa Shopi CIElI ONE RACK! ~ RESSES Values te $25.00 - SAI BETTER I Values to $39.95 '10O9412~-99- COATSd 250/oto 3 2 y Mm. and Mmi. Roy Van Camp Mmi. Barry Bleeks, Ottawa, A-urora, vIisiteld during thi 5are spending sorne time at spent lait week witb hem par- weck, witb the Bruce Heas their cottage on Mink Lake. ents, Mm. and Mmi. W. H. lips. r.L. C. Snowden and Mm. Bmo'wnandbohrDvd Miss Janice Saddicm, nurse Mrs Ba<rygos spent the weekend in-training, Oshawa Genemi !Bob Snowden spent a couple with tbe.m. Hospital, spent the weeken( -lof days last week at the Van Mr. and Mmi. Len Groom with hem parents, Mr. an( Camp cottage and enraute wemc Saturday evening viii- Mmi. Ralph Saddlem. Shome Wcdnesday callcd te sec toms with Mm. and Mrs. C. P. Rcvcrend Merle and Mrs j!Mr. and Mmi. Sain Castle af Swallow. Thompion, Jahn and Ruth r PeterborouLgh. On Sunday Mr. Mm. and Mri. Roy Judsan Meifort, Saskatchewan, wer, an.d Mmi. Castlc were visitors and family, Caesamea, wcme wcekend visitors with hi. ewith Mmi. L. C. 'Snowden and Saturday visitors with hem brother and bis wifc, Mm. arn rMr. Bob Snowden. brother and wifc, Mm. and Mmrs. Donald Thampion. r iple Grove U.C.W. was Mms. Ray MoColl. Mr. and In the Presbytemian Churcl - ield June l'6th in thecbcurch Mmi. Len Switzem, Warkwortb, on Sunday Mm. Lloyd Fourney hall with 23 ladies present. spent the weekend with heriB.A., delivered a splendid ser. rThe Devotional was taken by nîcce and husband, Mm. and mon on "The Cost af Disciple. -Unit 3, the theme being "God Mis. Ray MeCoil. ship". Mm. E. G. Fisher >in trust we intercedc." Mrs.1 About 25 friends of Miss Toronto, was gueit organisi H. Stevens opened tliis, mad- Susie Laird gatbercd at thc and Mns. Fisher sang a beauti. * mg a short poem. A hymniJhome O! Ma-s. Ray McColl, ful solo "How Great Thou was sung, tollowcd by prayem.< Mapfle Grove Rd. North, on Art". Mrs. Bert Snowden rcad the Monday evenirug, to spend a In the United Church, Sun. scripturc and Mmi. H. Stevens vcey enjoyable evening witb day mamning, Mm. David Rom. ead the nieditation followcd Miss Susan Laird befome leav- cmrii, B.A., was the guest by pmayem. Mms. Fmed Stevens ing ta reside in Oshawa. 'speaker. He spoke o! the 'gave a couple of readings on Susie and ber mother Mms. A. Requisites o! the Christian, Friendsbip. Mmi. W. H. BI'OWll, Laird bave sold their home. Gail Malcolm, in hem sweet *president, took charge o! the The ealy part o! the evening young voice, sang "Bcyond the business. Evemyone vated that wGs apent in cantests and Sunset". Mm. Romeril ha: *we have another turkey din- gaines. At thbe proper tne, been teaching in Wawa but ner, Mmi. H. Brooks intro- Miss Veira St. Pierre present- duing the paît six summamu duced the guest speaiker o! cd Susie with a set of! four ha bas been the supply min- thc evening, IMiss Mayova, a TV trays and stands. Susie ister in Nestîcton. Port Worhce..he tVold us o! vemy graclousl~y acknowledged M adMi oadSt he ey interesting work as Rte ift aind 1ivited everyone ftonmjam ebi n Tae aPart Womkcm. She spent a to corne and see them çMine-bave ic, ebbite pandtmae f great lot ai! time in the ail- time. They wiî ha mresdîng jwith ber parents, Mr. and Mmi, wa tations at Montreal and at 400 Gre nfeli Street, Apart- Larmen Hyland. On Tucsday Halifax meeting people com- ment 414, Oshawa. the Suttons will ha tlyîng ing to Canada fmom overseas The symipathy o! this <om- tramn Trenton ta Fouste, Gem- ta live. It must be a great, munity is extendcd ta Mmi. many, where ha is îtationed satisfaction ta ber ta know, L. C. Snowden and tamily 111 om thnce yearî. that býhe devotes so muoh o j thc passing o! ber brother,M hem Miet i eyw rt-jM. John Baker, Sauina. Also Mis Virginia Fortune wha wbile work. She gave a vemy Ito Mrs. Dan Holmes, Mm. Barb oldyn wt e interesting taik ana told how ney. M'aImes in tihe sudden gandmother, Mrs T. G. this work could not ba donc3 passing o! hem husband and' aged hspî ek a I COXllotoMrs en 1returncd ta hem borne in Wil- if the U.C.W. didn't belp fin- fahras t mi e lowdale. Nestîcton friands ance it. The meeting closed and iamily who are moumning wiîî ha plcascd ta know that iwith thie benediotion, foiiaw- the lois alter a short ilîns bar sisten, Miss Lynda For- cd by a social bal'! boum. Iof!hem husband, and tather.tue a chsnMsO- - ---- -IMr. and Mms. Lloyd Snaw- tunio as aci hoe n.Miss On 'danpn t fî asatailatyainteNCHA we en tt a ew dayns atcontait. Lynda is in Kansas wee atther sn'scottage, this weak whcrc she is com- Haskins& Sellswith Re'v. and Mmi. Stan eignabauycts. Haskins & SelisSnawden on Baptiste Lake. engnabauycti. now mrgedMm. and l'Ars. Hovrard Hall, Her mother, Mmi. Wm. Fortune now m~ged Iis flying there on Tucsday. Toronto, calcd last Thursday Besto!ucLna Waters & Co. Ms nSevens andH.R.Faf. -Mmi. T. G. Langfehd and Mr. Mmi Jon tevns nddauh-George Donnerai attcndeda teruntants H. London, epent the farnily dinner party on Sun- H.R. Foley. On Saturday and famihy, Mm. and Mmi. Tomonte Hamilton evening Mrs. H. R. Foiay, James Johnson, Richmond Hill. Regina Calgary Mms. John Stevensa nd Gii- Many tram here attended eorge Vancouver hian, London, wemc visitO'rs the hall game at Stephenson's with Mm. and Mms. C. Bell and Point, Scugog Island, batwecn daughtcm Patsy, Bowmanvilic. Scugog boys and Nestictan A. Burt R. Waters, C.A. ,Mms. Gary Pettit and dau- Foresters. Cheer up, Naîthe- îing entr 7287527 ghters J a n n e f e r, Joanann, ton! Mri. Wayne Pickard and day.- Mr. and Mmi. Clarke William __________________ gtem ngea wre Tesdy jattended the 12th o! July cale- lunchcon gucits witb their bration in Fenclon Falls. ___________________ -sistar, -Mmi. Bill Lewis andj Thcy report a splendid parade. family. Southway D r i v e,j Four lodges, Davitt's, Purphc Boimnvle Hill, Blackstock Mn'i and panied by he agtrac-[ d f rom Cartwright. The husband, Mm. and Mms. Len Cartwright Band, with John Goadumurphy and daughtcrs,1 Hamilton, as Druni Major, spent the wcekcnd with the led the Cartwright lodgcs. formar's daughtem, Mr. and _________ Mrs. John Aitchison and fam- IAN CE hy at Holyrood. IAN CEnd :Mrs. Bon Rogers r J4E ville, Mrs. Jennie Blackburn, wame taken through the 'Uîxbidge, wcre dinner guesti museum. Assîîting on theîe aoie day lmst week wit<b Mn. varnus occasions In addition DRESSESand Mmi. Fred R. Stevens. ta Mmi. Aubrey Smith, weme - CLEAROn Satunday, Mm. and Mms. Mmi. Mcl Wiseman, Mr. andl CLEAING Roy oppng and sons Glen Mmi. Foreit Dillîng, Mmi.Roy and Ted visited hem parents, Lunncy, Mmi. Wilbert Teeple,' Mmr.and Mrs. Fred R. Stevens. Mmi. P. Greenfield and Mmi. 14-99.y -16-99 Ted remained for a visit. on R. G. Cowie. Sunday, Mmi. Charlie White The musaum la pleased teý f visited with hem brother and have, as regular assistant ta & 1.wif, M. and Mri. Fred R. Mm. Smith during the sum- SU I Stevens. mer, Miss Isabelle Davis. suI ~ IQuite a number o! nesidents Among out-of-tawn visitons are on holidays at. cottages. in June was Paul Duval, art 10 1 O FF 111 cmitic of the Toronto Telpoi-nm c W w 1q rw a à CLARNGAT $4OO & $51O --. ALL SALES FINAL - c461 Sk'oppe 1MAIRY CONNOItS, Prop. XIgst. Bq.wuzaVilh NESTLETON On June 28, Mmm. Arthur Hyimnd, Praîldent of Nestie- ton Women'î Institut. and ,Mmi. Cecil Wilson, Vice-Pnesi- Ident, peented the Wamen's Instîtute gîft of books to grades VII 'and VIII pupils wha made fthc most improve- ment in writing during thre year. Joanne Balngal and Chrlstopher Sharpe were thre luc'ky winners. Congratula- tionsi Mri. I. MeCalden, who bas recentlY returned tramn a two rqonths' vacation in Scothand, isr remnimng with Mise Ruthr PMu forthre sumer. Wel- who congratulated the rnu'eum on its intenesting callections and diiphays. He was particu- haly lntcreited in exmmining art wonk, includin g a very fine po rtrait o f Anne Sinclair Jury bySir Wylîe Gnier, an lban from Mn. Gardon New; the three pîcturea by Alice Gilhert etbidings whlch stood wbeme the new post office and Tar- ento-Dominion Bank now are; and a painting ai the bouse 1 on the north-east corner o! Ontario and King Streets, as it was vears ago when occu- ed -y B.Peate,, the talion. '93,Mr.Duval called a neal treasure. It wus given ta tihe museum by Mr. Fred Partner, but its history and, the are unkn wu, H*Igh Winds '<PROM PAGE ONE) was too close ta press time ta deter- mine if there actually were two separ- ate Nlazes. The lack ai main has lef t the entire Christmas tree and tobacca planta- tion area ta the narth extremely dry. Pruners are also at work throughout the area and there is an ever present danger -of sameane dropping a cigar- ette or a match that could start a f ire, destroying many acres ai valuable trees before being extinguished. The Statesman reporter at the scene ai the Van Dam f arm. fire esti- mated that there wauld be heavy losses bel are it could be brought under control. No buildings had been destroyed at that time although the fire was very close to one barni, and a house. Ian Munro, o! the Wclcome Charge, waî held Tucsday cv- ening, July 5th at the Zian United Chumcb. Members tram the Cobourg Pebytery weme in charge of the service. There was a gaad attendance and cvcryone had the oppartunity ta meet and vîsit with Mr. and Mmi. Munro and their littie family during thc social boum that iallowed the service. Miss Elaine Cswcll and fniends la!t Mondmy morning for Winnipeg. Elaine will ba visiting with ber sister Camai and tamily a! Gypournvillc, 150 miles north ai Winnipeg. Church service was held at Zian, Sunday, July 10, at' 10 .m. There was a tair attend- ance. Rev. lan Munro was in charg e et the service. Mr. Ralph Banbuny, of Brighton, a nepresentative o! the Ontario Temperance Federatian, gave a. splendid talk. Sunday Schaol tellawed at 11:15 witb a tair attendance. Mm. Ralph Genow will jaini the Senior Citizen.' Excursion by bus, to Midiand, an Tues- day Iuorning. Mmm. Banl MeBnide, who sent same time at the Part Ho pe and District Hospital,. neturned home lait week. Mn. Robert Morton, wbo spent several days in the. Port Moopltal "u week with niouuaay >peciais TEMPERANCE ST. BOWMANVILLE MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS. Short Sleeves, Reg. 2.75------- Now $1.88 MEN'S SHORTS Reg. 3.98 ------- - Now MEN'S CASUAL PANTS Reg. 4.50 --------------- MEN'S DRESS SOCKS Reg. 1.25 ------------ $2.88 Now$35 -Now 89C MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Long Sleeves, Reg. 4.95 Now MEN'S T-SHIRTS Reg. 1.49 ---------------Now BOYS' PANTS Sizes 8 ta 16, Reg. 3.98 Now $3.49 $2.881 BOYS' SOCKS Spocial 9 Sale Starts Friday Mornlng - 9 o'cloc 1WE ARE OPEN FRI. AND SAT. ONLY coame back to Nestieton, Mi MeCalden. Mmm. Lonnie Chapman, Pau Jim, Jeffry, Ryan and Lis North BaY, are holldayl with hem parents, Mn. ai Mmi. George Eowiru. Mn. au Mmi. Robert Rhodu, Litti Britain, were recent suppl gucits with the Bowers. Mn. Kitchener Burton a, cornpmnied Mr. and Mmi. Frai Bishop, Aurora, ta «Brackvil ta visit his sister Mns. Mab Metcal!. A moit enjoyab taznily reunian was heldj bonour o! Mm. Burton's niec Mri. Robent Cale, Vancauve who had flot been home forn years. Mmi. Cecil Wilson and hi brother, Mr. Lomne' Lam, Enniikillen, weme over-nigi gucsts with their sister ail hem husband, Mr. and Mr Clifford Hetz, o! Fairviem Pennîylvania, at their cottai at Dorset. Friday and Satui day Mm and Mmi. Hetz visite at the Wilsons and Mmi. Star ley McNcilly, Toronto, calle during the week. Mn. Wllsc visited his sister, Mmi. Herma Samnelîs, at Glen Cedar Nur, ing Home. Friendi arc plea cd ta know Mmi. Samelîs mi ceives a great deal o! enjoý ment mcading and dole needlework. Mm. and Mmi. Norman Lyon and Lori, Uxbmidge; Mm. an Mmi. Hemman Rodman, Kare and Wilson, Little Britair were Sunday guesti o! thei parents, Mr. and Mmi. Cc Wilson, in bonour of thei father's birthday. Mmi. Frank Symans, Mamilyi and Pcggy, Bawrmanville, an, ,Mr. and Mmi. Gilbert Marlou Broaklin, wcrc recent visitai with their mother and grand mather, Mrs. Nelson Marlau Mmi. Marlow was a Sunda: supper gucît with hem son ani family, Mm. and Mns. Alvii Mamlow at their cottage Caciarca. Mm. and Mmi. Norman Irvine Bawmanvillc; Mm. and Mm: !Donald Dixon andi TCl1F, m~ Montreal Windsor Edmonton rn. Interestngreor, ndexpres- Justifies the hlgher price toli scMed teappeito of the Northern Producers. Com pletes .Ioarctmmba erhmco-op. In, maklng this anriounce- r i g o o n i as. ~~~~~eration and the support he bas ment, The Ontario IMilk Mark- D rig o o n f se gven to teheiuneamounting t $51,g thatrd doateflo lla mutha nd CourseIt was decided by the meet- fluid mllk shippers In On- Rond accounts for the montb Albert Crawford b. ivformed -nraeintepie o hi 605.97 were passed for nay- tt hire n el o thbeen. De- ment at the meeting of ar machinery without ~ prv I. Ms Rnal Haihorethe price Increase han lington Township Council held ai af the Property Committee troduce ad M Hsawtho ri- been due In part to the tact in the Township Hall, Hamp- le- trong w e br Mis jm n. tht the new Board firit had tan, on Thursday. Deputy- le arvis a nd Mss A .rm tot estabIllh uniforrn prices inl Reeve H. C. Muir presided inOB cIeF wer sapontd MeAmest Southern and Northern On- the absence of Reeve A. L. OBTUARY le the Publicity Commnittee chair- tarie, whlch it dld In the early Blanchard because of iliness. edinn Wye ud o art of this year, before Counilor Carl Dewn mov- JH A. WAR* ~ ee the E s WCnet ta befhrldinitiating thia general price ce hencreonet obehl ed that Deputy-Reeve Muir The death of John A. War- ein September. Inraie. and Graham Dalla. be author- rack, aged 61 years, occurred 15 October l7th wau set au the In order ta maintain a lzed ta attend the Ontario miter a few hours ilînessata date for the annual CNIB constant supply ef fresh milk Municipal Association Con- Memnonial Hospital, Bowmmn. er. Blitz Campalgn and it was threughout the year, It ha. vention to be held in Hamil- vine, on Sundmy, July 3, 1966. ib, decided ta hold the Biindcraft been necessary ta raise the ton on August 21st toC24th. Son af the late Robert and ýht Sale on December 2nd land pnice paid ta farmers no that This was seconded by Coun- Maud (McCann) Wmrrack, id Srd. The next meeting wll be the returns ta formera supply- cillor Richard Gibbs, and the deceased was born al rs. held onSpebrOh ing the fluid milk market are carried. Brantford whera ha received W, - ing ents. In the aeofthe0ycrs A By-Law was pmssed ta his education On JuIÉ6) 1929, ge nf o t. nthem ag1 es v provide for the issue oi deben- he marnicd the forMr Ger- r- oorexample, frnwgshv ed OBIUARY isen 54% and machinery tures for Public Schaol pur- trude Allan who su vives. n- prices 46%. To offset these poses in the amount o! $450,- Mr. Warrack was a sales- ed ~DANIEL M. ROLMES and other increased conta, the 000.BSTLaw Nô. 2333 was man for Bick's Pickles during Dn dairy former has onîy receiv- misa given three readings and the past five years and had an The death o! Daniel Mani- cd an additional 17% foi each passed. It authanizes the ex- resided in Bowmanville for fold Holmes occurred at Mem- 100 lb.. of milk that he selîs, prapriatian of lands in Lots 16 yeans, movinig here tram analHosita, Bwmanill, oer he mrnepenod.20 and 21, Concession One, for Toronto. Ha was a member i ligOfie . .Oie on ridHiaJly, B1966l, ol- Ithsi nehope haotîspncegrade crassîng improvement. a! St. Paul's United Church, onwingdan Jly nes 966foltw o icra e litthe fîow of ce Two- other By-Laws were Bowmanville. ig f North Bay and Bowman- weeks. He was inl his flthfarmers leaving the dairy in- passed by the Municipal Coun- Surviving, besides his wife ville, Ont., has just recently year. idustry where there is a def- cil, No. 2334 ta authorize aj Gertrude, are three daughters, campleted the Officers A o ! h at r admt psiilt ! rdc sub-division agreement with Mrs. F. Motyl (Lamna), Mrs. 1~ nacrnto CoreaB Asico;h at'r n it osbltyo rdc W. Parrinder and H. Parrin- 1ID. Drew <Lorrene), bath or .d Idan FainCe uBse a Cana- Mrs. Alfred Holmes, he waî shortage In the yearî ahead. der, and No. 2335 which releas- Toronto, and Mrs. D. White "Ont. The CeocrnaintaianinCuy Coukserel NOTE: The price paid for es the sub-division agreement <Marilyn) of Hamptan, Also ~" s te Idocnintio Corseand received his educatian at "dairy requirement" milk at with E. Hockaday.suvinartw sstrM. ir he inaugural course for Middletan College, Caunty $5.75 per cwt. should flot be Osuota yCanilr iviMgceo (H selean Mrs, Ilr tew commissianed officers Of'Cork, lreland. On November confused vith the price paid Onamto yCuelrB.MLd(He)adMs teRCAF who have received 14, 1923, he married the for-fo"auacuig ik"tt Down, seconded by Cauncillor j . MacMillan (Grace), botIý ir teirprootin t Fling0f-merJea L.McCead, w o rman at $3.25 per cwt tMary Budai, the Tawnship of Toronto. ier from othe on -o mml i sO- survives n L . ea y w ore an a 3.5 pe wt nClerk, W. E. Rundie, was The funeral service was n lioed ranktheF/On-Olwisurvridvats.R.Ontario, plus te 7c per cwt. directed to prepar aB VLwheld tram the chapel af the dn besigned r new dut Oive at 6 Mr. Holmes fre a federal subsidy, which t e .n ar fe andiL Nathu&SmhFura id RD Trigednton, O trlo. F/O3, Bowmanville, for 20 years, combined brings the manu- r-oeptofheln Nrhct&SmhFura mlivenftoe, bOthr, i trrtii.fie mntF/afatrngmlOpieta$ wned by Joseph Wichmnan, Homne, Bawmanvilîe, on Tues. retiing ine monts ag faturig mile ricetop$. art of Lot 17, Concessionday, July 5, and was conduct. - and wife have ail served in ohen he anTd MS., Homspr .attepln.F aur, f rom green beit ta agri- ed by Rev. Charles Catto. in- u. the Canadian Armed forces at movied a 1 H ird St, meBo cultural, and ta advise Mr. terment was in Bowmanviîîe iy same time. oftmAn i cH a a memberiWichman that he îhould de- Cemetery. id !teAgia hrh n tlp osit $100 ta caver the casti. Palîbearers were Messrs. JnSra vng. Hol de a sofeýn, a lina ai e-zaning. Howard Christie, Ken MeLeod, ýe aDrn . A.Holmes, are a o! nw- w mpool Councillor Bdi oeiBH a cMlanoomldaa K o a n s yrnrrle, ndangohethat the Township Clark i aodMcQuarrie adPercy Dr. . Homes allof Bw- wimm ng orm George Feddema that he Dewell. manville. Also surviving are is expected t deposit $100 taý FUi 's three sisters in England and At Duthman caver r znigcots -i a brother who resides in Ire-. .'ur-oigcss hî <POMPGEOE< l1d was scconded by Councillor diggig Goo ONEpick and . h tnra erieWork has begun on exten-,Down, and carried. diggng god od pck adý Te fnera sericewas sive additions and renovations, It was decided ta have 12ý shovel style. On one occasion held fromn the Morris Funcrallat the Flying Dutchman Motor copies o! a book entitled Muni-I Whe owrswbrk onlhpl, Bwavil, 0'Hotel. A 40 feet by 18 foot'cipal Cauncil and Councillor dwhile logs wcre being cut for Monday, July llth., and was swimming pool ta be sur-lin Ontario ordered. A motioni the dam, local veterinarian, conducted by Rev. Geo. K. rounded by a patio area is'by Counicillor Budai and Coun- d Doctor Steel came to the es- Ward. Interment was in Bow- being installed just wcst o! cillor Down was passed that eue with a trusty old crossi manville Cernetery. sr. the present dining rfo0tm. Fut-aniurdkehs etrd etsw- ntqies at Plberr ee Msr'ueplans as caloraninannjrdkehsetnd -but soon the job was done.lRussel B est, Edward Foley, door swimming pool. lhome. Es The last log was dropped intoiNorman Oke, William Brown,l A two storey addition is Mrs. Charlie Raby. was ad- Splace and slowly the water Lloyd Gifford and Joseph being built a short distancetmitted ta the Port Hope Hos- I dboast on e. the inest Wat son.________ ! n front of the present build-Ipital, Monday, July 4th forý boual"swimm o teing oos Kia- jing. The addition will have a surgemy. She is making god'I , nis style.Trfi nubr nwuispg ,u pc 1_ JaMbath, and a sun-deck. The ad- home this weckend. - Before the watem was flow- Trarni ministration office will also be Rev. Ian E. Munro, the new ing over the dam, the oar of~ in this new building. minuster of the 'Welcome a, nc of Ron Rowe's bulldozers i1.r;,j The downstairs banquet halÜICharge, in taking bis holidays ýwas heard clearing the stumps Interup in the present building is be- tram the middle o! July ta the "Tm returnmng an. engage. [- ram the new roadway. By thel mltl r-e;ae middle of August.Th next ,nent ring ... could thepos.-I u time this machine was finished, lad ing cape.Charn-ecorate ed ie ofwo h e o*1i. ia trwi a i? the park was complete Oih'.range rParade"' nvtd hne aeivc orhp o hs .n ho ea î? oneway entanc an ext Ialso been made in the restau- charge will be Sunday, Aug. on-a nrneadeiiýrant. 14th. Morrish 10 a.m., Wel- - mads. More than 100 lodges and came 11:15 ar. ;t Repairs had already begun 50 bands took part in the Mm. and Mmi. Darcîl Mor- i DFRESHMENT eon the picnic tables. Soon Orange Day Parade held in f~ A IL don, Wellington, spent Sunday 1they were spread throughout Fenelon Falls on Satumday RECRE IN afternaan with Mmi. NormanBO T the park and along the creek. afternoon. It was the largest Gcrow and David. AOTH New garbage barrels were con- Orange Walk ever beld in the D III I Mr. and Mmi. Arthur Meneil- A stributed by the Hollingshead area, Parade Chaimman Roy R VIEWVV ley and family, Port Hope, had KIWANIS PARK tCompany. Construction of a Joncs stated. dinner with Mm. and Mri. C. JACKMAN ROAD snew ladies' washmoom was Te Bwavle Lgo The Bowmanville Recreation Mencilley on Sunday. trayled by frelc neds Pipe Band eceived a great Dcpartment Mînor Gimls Soft- trye Ncw gats re isale hand from the crowds o! bail League games played lait Nhrougtesswinstao! or 10,000 people vicwing the par- wcek saw Slaght - Cook de- tho's Fhar siqtapmentf. o ade. Bowmanville P urp~le feat Nichais 27 ta 3, Corona- The refrcshment booth me- Guards, L.O.L.; Bowmanville tion 12 7Slgbt4 Cok 7 quird mnorrepirsandnewPine Ridge, L.O.B.A., and Coronatian 9 - Muttons 8, and s qinrem repr ndedcoresy lodges from Blackstock, Ponty- Slaght - Cook 20 - Robions 17. e o!gn Smtwee ragie. he oth pool, Toronto, Sutton, Whitby, The Nichais - Slaght-Cook O IV J - ofSit be suervis.edfo thBracebridgc, Cobourg, Part game saw the Slaght-Cook summer by Bill Cobban Jr, Hope, Lindsay and Oshawa power os natina a- CO NTuFIENCuE' and AI Hooper. Refrcshments' took part in the gigantic lene Rowe, Evangeline Memk- will be available daily tram parade. ley, Karen Conelly, Darla Traffic was brought ta a Nicholson, Julia Pearson, C N E IN E President Fred Tippins isstandstill as the colorful par- Jtan MasallMarg emi-e plcased and proud of the!ade marched througb Fenelon sta ndPasySnwdn er Falls. It was reparted that standouts at the plate. the members o! the Club. Helcars werc bumper ta bumper Foth lsesJae owe staedtht heclanupprg-souih o! the village for the Lee Ann Milner, Mary Daveyl Central Ontario Trust stm atedlt te e an p rogsix miles ta Cameman and that and Gloria Stapleton werc, pansion project. Manv hourslIhe situation was much the standouts. 1 1. CONFIDENCE - knowing that you are o! time and talents were gen ýsame ta the narth. Th e Saw Jaan PeCrfect, receiving the best rate of interest - paid crously given bv the members) iJ ae argSeJn Joanem ore often. Without their co-operation, alJntLreSuJosoae of tîs wrk culdne~e havl ,Therteil lead the Coronation ofFarmrkcud eerhv tcam ta victary, wbilc Dam-I 2. CONVENIENCE -langer saving hours been accomplished this '<a ers t It ~ ~ yer ishshp htmn lene Rowe, Eve Merkley andj daily and ahl day Saturday. It i hi hop tht mnyý CarlynHeydens wemc thel people wil benefit from the I4 reest for the lasers. 3.CM OT-daiRwt iedyv - Effective July li, 1966, the leadingthe Mayrforothe caf ý 1 lect(q

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