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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1966, p. 3

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Recently Married Mr. and Mrs. Allan Thomas Woodlock, shown in the above photo, chose Friday evening, June 3, 1966, at 7 o'clock for their wedding in St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville. The bride is the former Miss Car9lyn Darlene Tennant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kck1i Tennant, Bowmanville, and the groom is the son of Mvr. and ivrs. .Tnomas vvooaIock,; manville. Photo1 STC REDUE .SAVE $$ON EVE MENS - WOMEIN ALL CLEA REDUCED rLloyd Ehl 149 KING ST. W. Exchange Vows in Tyrone United Church Mr. and Mrs. Thornton John Webb, shown in the above photo, exchanged marriage vows in Tyrone United Church on Saturday evening, June 11, 1966, at 7 o'clock. The bride is the former Miss Joan Florence Davey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davey, Tyrone, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Webb, Bowmanville. Photo by Ireland Studio ...-s-..4 ~ROUGHLEY - MARLOW ais Ol.bW- ..~... k~' I Out-of-town guests f r o m by McRobbie Bay City, Michigan; Buffalo,, 0 Royal Oakes, Michigan; Ken- dall, Kingston, Orono, Otta- W eddLngswa, Nestieton, Perth, Bow- manville, Oshawa and Ton- Weddingsdth wddngi mnCath'olic Churc'h, Whîtby, of Carole Anne, dau.ghter o! Mr. and Mrs. Alvin George, Marlow, Whitby, to Donald Richard Roughlev, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Roughley, Oshawa. WEBB- BAET heircasade ouqets ere The Reverend Owen Coch- WEBB* TAVE ther cscae boques vererane officiated and the soloist Bouquets of yellow carna- o! yellow a'nd white shasta was Mr. Frank Rosettani, ac- tions and white gladioli. and daisies. companied by Ms Hen soft candlelight, formed a Mn. Garfield Webb, Bow- Wilson. y Ms Hen lovely settirng for the man- manville, was best man for1 riage oen Saturday eveningi, his brother, and the ushers' Given in marriage by ber1 June 1l, 1066, at 7 o'clock in Mir. Don Meehan, Osh- falher, the bride wore a for- Tyrone United Church of awa; Mr. Ken Bickell of Tor- mal sheath of silk lagoda de- 'Miss Joan Florence Davey, onto, a cousin of the groom; signed with a scoop neckline daughter of Mr. andi Mr, Mr. Gill Lantaigne, Torontfo; and beil-shapeci sleeves. The Donald Davey, Tyrone, and aind Mr. Ray Davey of Osh- empire bodice was encrusted Mr. Thornnton John Webb, son awa. brother o! the bride. with lace appliques and the of M. an Mrs T. . Web, ikirt and chapel train wereý o! n. nd rs.T. . Wbb, Following tihe ceremony a en'hanced by similar appli- Bowmanville. reception was held in Tyrone ques. Hier peari and crystall Rev. C. R. Dugan of Frank- Comanunity Hall where the crOwn field lber bouffant lord officiated, andi the wed- bride'a mother neceived wear- shoulder-length veil of scal- ding music was playeti by Mr. ing a sky blue shantung fit- Ioped tulle illusion andi she Ross Metcalf, Hampton, who ted dress. with full-len.gth, carrieci a glameJIia o! gamnet also accompanieti the soloist, front lace insert, mnatching sweetheart roses and whiteý Mr. Ross Cotton o! Os'hawa. ooat, and blue bat. To assist, gladiolas. Given in marriage by hier the grooni's mother chose a The maid of honour was father, the bride wore a for- blue dress with matching the bride's sister, Miss Sue mal length gown o! white coat, and white bat. Both Marlow, W'hitby, and the M lagoda styled with an empire w'ore whIte accesSOries and other attendants were Mrs. new waistlinie. The bodice was corsages of pink sweetheart îa Brnsnth s:e1 s:appliques and designed with Before leavinig on their Keenan, both of Os'hawa, and elbow-length sleeves. A cha- wedtiing trip to Califonnia, Miqs Joyce Davies, Tor;ontO. pel train, falling froma the the bride donneti her travel- The flowen girl was Missý from shoulders, highlig.hted the ling ensemble of a burnt or- Susan Marlow, Whitby. The'j ýchest gown. Her five-tien shoulder- ange !itted sheath dress with attendants w'ene in pale Mue, with length veil was caught to a matching thnee-quarter length full length sheaths with' Withwedding ring heatipiece Vim- coat, white broad-brimwned rnatchin.g long sleeveless re-i clud- med with lace appliques, and Milan straw hat, white acces- dingotes. They wore pale bluel vour she carried a cascade bouquet sanies and corsage o! white headbands and carried hou-' r be- o! yellow rosebuds, white carnations. They are residing quets of shasta daisies. olor laOshwa. ho tteded The best man was Mr. Da-l ,Olf hebrdes ttndnt wre The bride, woatne vid Roughley, Onono, brother ber five sisters. Mrs. J. Bis- Tyrone Public School and of the bridegrooni. The ush-ý hted: hop was matron of honor and Bowmanville High School, i, ers were Mn. Douglas Mar-1 the bridesrnaids wene Mrs. E. employed as a secnetary witiI low. East Whitby; Mr. Tedý (94 Bartlett, Mrs. H. Woodcock, the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Marlow, Whitby: and Mn. AI-: aJIlof Oshawa, Misses Lynda Conmpany, Bowmanville. A ian Bryn, saw Te, an NriaDavey, both o! pninter with the Toronto 'i- answashasa.TerBha Tyrone, They were in floon- Telegnani, the groom attended Manlow, East Whîtby. e rs length, mint green gowns in Bowmanville Public and High The reception was held in' empire styling with crepe Sechools. the Piccadilly Boom of theý INVILLE skints, lace bodices and elbow-, ýtlGnsa h rd' length bell sleeves. Their1HtlGns. ebrds wedding ring heatidresses in HAMIBLY - COE mother received in a pink silk shantung sheath with mnatch-1 matching green were accent- Lillian Irene, daughter ofl ing jacket and accessories, ________ d by a flat, front bow, anti Mn. and Mrs. William Hl.CO-"'and pink orchid corsage. She and Wilfred Reuben Hambly was assisted by the groom's M Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- mother who wore a pastel fred Reuben Hambly, aIl cf yellow sheath and jacket, O0sdiam'a, were m'arried iwhite accessenies and yellow J Westmount Unitedi Church,i orchid corsage. Oshawa. ' efone leaving on theiri ,The Reverend Frank Ward honeymnoon to Niagara Falisi IC K ôfcae n Mr. Rowland ýand the United Saete iMcCordaccompanied the so0-bidedne frtaelig in mrrige.Her oufantnavy blue hat and acce'ssoies T IN was enhanced by a fufl-length valley andi oonnflowers. orgnatran eadge sie n acorsage of lilMro! the lo'ped neckline andi short by. sîceves. A coronet o! tulle petals. edged with pearîs, held hen elbow-length veil o! ga- FALLIS - ARGUE thered tulle and she carnied, A quiet wedding took place' a cascade o! philînopsis, ste- in the United Church at Beth-, phanotis and trailing ivy. any on Friday evening, when M"c. Paul Besse was the the Rev. William Piency of, mnatron o! honor and the ficiated for the double ring other attendants were Ml*s'. cenemony uniting in marniage Kenneth Graves, Oshawa, andi Mrs. Elsie Argue, daughten o! Miss Susan Samnis, Canning- Melvin Bowins and the late ton. Mns. Bowins o! Bethany, and Mr. Arthur Hambly was his Walter Fallis, son o! Mn. andi 1 N U - E brother's best man and Mr. Mns. Earl Fallis o! R.R. 1,,I Kenneth Gravies and Mn. Hol or1 pol lis Newman, Toronto, ushered.Mns. William Piency playeti Following a reception atIthe wedding msc ERY AIR F SH ES' the Flying Dutchman Motonl David LaChapelle was ush- 1'5 - CHILDREN'S Hotel, Bowmanville, Mr. ad er*Tebiewa enn cono Mounitains, Penneylva- dress o! heavenly blue lace, nia, andi will reside at 1221 with three-quarter l e n g t h II G A lUSimcoe street north, Oshawa. sleeves, white pictune hat and 2 IN G A TFor- going away, the bride matching accessonies and cor-, donneti an ice blue dress with sage o! pink roses. A-uine skint andim.oi ng Mns. Myrtle Brown was PRCSjacket, with a white fiwdbriçiesomaiti for ber sister anti bat, white accessonies and alwas wearing a dness of beige * corsage o! white chrysanthe- jersey crepe with pink bat Guests attendeti from Tor- pink roses. onto, Oshawa, Trenton, Char- Douglas Fallis o! Bowman- landi; West Hill, Belleville, ibrother. lvarkhani, Brooklin, Boywman-! The neception anti dinner BOVvMANVILLE J ville. Janetville, Bethany, was held in the Sunday Sho Leaaktiale, Cauminglion, Ux-1 al, catered for by the United Pretty June Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Donald Richard Roughley are shown in the above photo as they sign the register followingý their marriage in St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church, Whitby. Formerly Miss Carole Anneý Marlow, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin George Marlow, Whitby, and the groom i' the' son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Roughley, Oshawa.__,, the grooms mother was wear- ing a navy blue dress with matching jacket, white hat and corsage of red roses. Later, leaving on a trip to points east, the bride travelled in a navy blue dress wih white hat and accessories, corsage of pink roses. on return, they will live at R.R. I.. Pontypool. 1Guests included Miss Myrtle Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Duckworth, Miss Sandra Bow- ins, Jack Bailery, al of Pet- erborough Mr. and Mrs. Jack Armstrong, Albert Bowins, Mervin Bowins, Allan Bowins, Mn. and Mrs. Earl Fallis, Pontypool; Mr. and Mrs. Doug-j las Fallis and family of Bow- manville; Mn. and Mrs. Lorne Bowins, Orono; Miss Laura Powell, Mn. and Mrs. James Nelson, Frasenville. Prior to the wedding, Mrs. Earl Weatherilt of Bethany en- tertained with a miscellaneous shower on Wednesday even-i ing.0 !The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvllle, .TuIy 13, 198 white peau de soie satin. The university graduation on June back of the gown, whidh was 5th. For travelling the bride made by the bride, was high- wore a pink, basket weave lighted by a paude de soie wool suit with white ac*~s. panel f.alling fromn the empire sories end corsage cd pink waistline ta the skirt hem. sweetheart roses and wlAIte Her shoulder length veil of carnations. After the gradua- nylon net was caught to a tion they honeymxooned at fabric rose and lily-of-the- Cape Cod and New York, Clv, valley headpiece, aind she end are residing et R.R.,.60 carried a cascade bridai bou- Bowmanville.1 quet of white carnations, pink The bride. whio is emploXied sweetheart rase, and stepha- in the Commercial DeptIt. notis. ment of the Bell Telephene Miss Beth Bowie of Ottawa CO., Ohawa, attended Salbrm was the bride's attendant in Pu.blic School and BIOwnin- a gown, fashioned by Miss ville Hiîghý School. The groom, Bowie, of rase pink Chantilly who attended Hampton Pub- laceandpea desoi stledlic School and Is a groduate along the lines of the bride's of Bowmanville High School gown, wit3h the exception of a and St. Lawrence *University, back panel. She wore a rose- Centon, N.Y., is ernployed at pink peau de soie rose head- General Moto'rs, Oshawa. dress adorned with a short veil, and ber cascade bouquet wa fwhite and pjnk carna- YELVERTON tions.Congratulations ta Master Mr. Emile Therian of A1y- Ion Page who passed his mer, Que., was best mnan and Gra de 8 Music Exams (piano>) the ushers were Mr. Mike with honours. A budding Savage of Willowdale, and Liberace perhaps? Mrs. Dav- the groom's brother, Mr. id Wilson was his instruct6r. Doug Woodlock of Bowman- Mrs. Blanche Nairn and Mr. ville. Walter Nairn of Port Reeve, Areception was head at thec1 Sask.,ascalled at Malconia as home of the bride's uncle and ell a on other friends aïmd aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Elton irelatives in this locale during Brock, Bowmanville, where1 this past week. the bride's mother received1 Our chief historian of our in an aqua crepe dress with Manvers Township Centennial matdhing brie! lace jacket, History (Mrs. Ross Carr) is white accessories and corsage progressing favourably with 0f yellow and white carna- ber accumulation of historical tions. She was assisted hv the.facts. However, if anyone can groom's mother who chose a provide authentic history gf pink crepe suit wîth beige the Lotus area and certain accessories and corsage of parts of Pontypool district of pink and white carnations. bygone days, it would be a:- Following the reception the preciated if they would coin- couple left for New Yorkitact either Mrs. Carr or your State to attend the groom*s Yelverton scribe. m'oto oy Stannett oa *ff WOODLOCK - TENNANT DEFINITIONS« St. Paul's United Church, Bowrnanvile, bathed in the' 1. The time of Year when soft glow of candlelight, was the regular roads and op the setting for the inarriageý on Frîd.ay evening, June 3, 2. The ime when chlldren 1966, at 7 o'clock of Miss left open ail wlnter. Carolyn D a rle ne Tennant, daugibter o! Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tennant, and Mr. Allan Thomas Woodlock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomias Woodlock,' aid of Bowmanville. CLOTHES CAlE RINT: Rev. H. A. Turner officiateti' and the wedding music was playeti by Mr. Ross Metcalf. The bride, who was given in marriage by a very close: !amily fniend, Mn. Normnan' Joh'nson o! B,owmanville wore a wfhite gown with em-ý pire waistline, fitteti midni!!i and A-lîne street length skinrt. The bodice was o! white Chantilly lace aven satin with set-In sleeves of lace ending in a scallop just above the elhnw, and the skin1. waso rters -ftrucftW -VACATION TIME n the highway autherities cloÉe Pen up the detour. continually slam the doars they Proteet Yourself: always Insist that Four local retail store guarantee garments sold to you to be dry-cleanable. BOWMANVILLE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION CARNIVAL- FIRIDAY, JULY 22 - MEMORIAL PARK Dont sign a-ny decil The Main Who (an Save Yollu the MostI position to give you immediate delivery on your new automobile . . in time for holiday driving. Don't put off another day, now is the tîme to corne in anid Se. 0.0. ROY NICHOLS MOTORS

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