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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jul 1966, p. 14

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The Cmnadian %ttesmn, Bowmanviile, Juty 20, 196 Lande and Forests Weekly Report Parente IestHrnubllitr lu Provincial Parks One of the major safety problems in Ontario Pro- Vincial Parka resuits from children who are neglected by their parents, being loat, in- ured or drawned. It is thought by many Department staff that the relaxing atmosphere in parks produces a carefree and careless attitude in the ininds of many norsaily conscientious parents. While every effort is imade to ensure that Provinciali Parka are safe recreational areas, hazards'inherent to hu- mnan occupancy are present in parks just as -they are in t owns and cities. Fortunately, traffic moves at a slower speeed In parki, for youngsters forget the wise advice of teachers and parents ta stopi and look bath ways bei are crossing the street and heed- lessly run across.roads. Tools such as knives and axes which are stored out of reach of curiaus hands in the home are left withîn reach af the littie fingers et the camp- site. The fascination of the camp- tire is known toa ai. However, it seemns ta reaily attract the tots who approach much too close ta the sorrow of al when a spark strikes causing a burn. Our safe sand beaches with the trained Beach Patrol 0f- ficers delude parents' into thinking that here is a free baby sitting service. Un- lortunateiY, the highly cas- petent Beach Officer cannot watch ah beach users. Many children get into difficulties and sosetimes drown withoutý anyone noticinFr. During the susmer Of 1965, Southern Ontario Parka re- ported 178 loat children. Each of these incidents required a search by Department staff and while happy resuits were obtained from the searches every case caused mental an- guish to the parents concern- ed. We stress, parents are re- sponsible for their children while vlsiting Provincial Parks and the chiidren mst have the parents personel care and attention. Coincidence- by J. K. Sinclair Conservation officer Black bear hunting in the jIarcourt - Cardiff Township area has attracted an Ohio man and wife hunting tees for the past two years. The firat bear was shot on Tune 6, 1965, by the husband. fThe second bear was shot on June 6. 1966, by the wife. jBath bears were sale, both weighed over 300 pounds, bath were shot within six feet ai each other, and within a haif haur ai being the same tise, yet a year apart ta the day. Same date, same sex, same BEL UINI by John W. Loi your telephone manager There le more te MI than Just cuttlng doivi standing lu a woodlot ' Job as helpilg te speed country Bell Canada use usually Jack Plue, lodge weight, samae erea, saine tisne, and bth shot by the same famlily. A. E. Walroth, District Forester. NE WTON VILLE giuaxloiet wb«MeMr. and Urn. Dmu Vinkie are away on holidays MT. and Mrs. George Sta-I pletoei- attended the Martini femily picnic et Odiawa park,' Sunday. Rev. and Mmi R. C. White, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce and Mr. and M s. C. M. Jones were anong those who werej at Cobourg Park, Sundeay ev-t ening enjoying the Bn Concert.Bnd Mrs. M. Leushner accon-1 panied Mr. and Mrs. F. Gil- mer te Chemiong on Sunday-; aft; ioo, here they werel dinnr gustaof Mr. and Mrýs.1 Mr. and Mis. Gordon Sanittu, Phil Gilmer et their cottage.' witah Mr. and Mrs. Nelson 1 Sexsmnith andl deughter, Part Hope, were Sunday evening ELIZÂBETHVILLE cailers with Mrm. Cecil Bur- iey, lust week. On Wednesday evening the IMr. and Mrs. J. McCroneUnited Church Women met at and famiby have moved to.Ma .Qatri' oe St. Mary's. Mrs. Morris prcsided. Ral Mr. Frank Reed of Scer- eall was taken. The minutes borough, Miss Inez Symons of isat meeting were read., and Mr. A . E. SYMOna aif Mrs. H. White gave an excel-' Morrish were callers at Mr.llent* report on the raily et F. Gilmers, early last week. IWeicome. It was decided ta, Mrs. W. Ogden is a patientiget a strs door with screenI in Memorisel Hospital. for the basement, aiso a nasme Colleen Gardon oft Oronoýboard for the church. We have spent iast week here With been asked ta cater at Miss hei- aumt, Mrs. Wallace Bau-IGIenda Mercer's wedding. ghen. Plans were made for a menu Messrs. Bob Ki.mball andàcommîttee meeting ta plan the Jim Hatiherly are away on a reception for Miss Suzanne Western tour. Thicksan's wedding on Satur- Miss Aima Leroyd of 15- day. Lunch was served. The lington spent a co:uple days devotional part was taken by lest week with lier cousin, Mrs. Morris. The next meet- Mms. S. Rowe. ing ta be ini the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Lennox Vasey, August lth. Port MéNichol, visited her On Thursday cvening Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sta- C. Mercer, Mrs. W. Terbenchy pietan, recent]5r. and Miss Suzanne Thickson Mr.ancd Mrs. Bry'an Tyson attended a shower for Miss and lier inother, Mrs. W. Glenda Mercer which was Brooks, of Baltimuore, cailed heid et Miss Jane Foster's et Mrs. G. McCuilough's iast home, Kendal. week, Mis. Brooks remauining On Friday evening a cous- for a couple weeks' visit. in' shower was held for Miss Mms. Boa Jones spent a kew Glenda Mercer at Mrs. O. days ln Warkworth lest week, Mercer's home. Many beauti- visiting relatives tihere. fui and useful gif ta were re- Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rowe ceived. Mrs. H. Quantrili and and faimiiy c Neswcastle, with Mrs. Thickson helped with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rowe, the lunch. wcre Sunday dinner guests On Saturday evening rela- with mr. mand Mrs. Ed Bawe, tives, irienda and neighbors Il lest week. gathered at Mr. and Mrs. W.'ý Mrs. W. Robb af West- Gardons home ta honor a re-I mount les staying et lier cot- cent bridai couple, Mr. and tage again for several weeks. Mrs. Everett Sneligrove of Mr. and Mrs. Art Bonnett and Oshawa with a misceilaneous faîmily ai Port Credfit were shower. A pragres by Mr. i overnigit guests there on Franklin Gilmore and Mrs. R.: Wednesday. Short of Part Hope was en- Mis. Raymond Bruce. lias joyed by ail. An address was returned home aiter visiting read by Miss Sharon Trew. her de.ughter, Mrs. G. Turney, Lunch was served at the close. atTrenton. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shep- %;rs. M. Leushner, Mca. W. pad cebrtd hir4h Rob'b and Mms. F. Gilmer wedding anniversary recentiy were dinneir guests, Friday, in Part Hope. with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. John DeKoker Osborne, Weicome. spent the weekend with Mr.' Mr. Frank Stapleton of 'INr- and Mrs. H. Staats, Brantford. onto spent the weekend 'here Mrs. DeKoker also motored ta with lis parents, Mr. and Mmrs Brantford on Wednesday and Hugl Stapleiton. stayed until Friday visiting Mr. and Mm. Don Owl-S with her sister. went ta Detroit over thc Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- weekend.heuser, Milbrook, caiied et Mr. and Mms. Harold Bur- Thickson's, Sunday. bey end Dougie of Cobourg Misses Karen Stec and Jan- were visitors Saturday even- ice Palmer were twa whose ing at Mrs. C. Burley's, and nasies were omitted in the re- MayFcGimra Lnsyport ai the commencement ex- le staying there with hererssatNthHpShol Hope the girls enjoy going ta higli achoal in the feul. A menu comrittee meeting was heid on Friday evening [ J . et Mrs. Russell White's haone. -Sorry ta repart that Mrs. Clarence Beatty has been suf- iering iras a nasty cold which, she cannot sees ta sheke off., Hope she ia soon better. I On Friday evening a stag, party wes held et the Polish Wry ... . Hall, Osaca, ta honor Mr.! Robert Westheuser. Mr. and Mrs. E. Fawler and family and Mr. andMr.A Sheppard and famiiy àattendedà the Heil Driving Exhibition in, Port Hope, Saturday. aking a good telepioiie Polo Mr. and Mrs. Stein Mac-' a a trec. .Tusb any old tree Lean, Oshawa, are with Mr.! won't do. For such a speclal and Mrs. M. McAllister for a iew days. à cornmunlcatlons across bhe Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantrili Ss only very special trees - spent Sunday et a cottage pole ine or red Vine whieh back north. have enough fibre strength for our aeads and aise have very few knot holes or other defects. If a tree looks pronilsing, it gets a physical examinabloil. lb la checkced for heighb, lght taper, good healbh and posture - sounds like a real «'eicle Once it's eut and trlmmed, Its shaved, eut te the proper length and then lnupected again and seasoned la the sun. Preservative Io added under pressure and I's chccked again. A tree that bas gêne throhgh ail this la good for up to liait a century of service. as a telephone pole. In tact, we have a few in Bell Canada territory weil over the 50-year mark and stili going trong. Even with our continuing prograffi of placlng much of our cabie underground tbe tele- phone pole le stili an important Item la our business. Selecting the correct trees for telephone Voles la only a very smail part of the careful wark and precision that belp te brlag you good telephone service. A store heving a sale, printed this ad in a local paper: "Further information an prices and merchan. dise mey bc obtained by telephone. À speciel lion heu been insteiied for this purpose."' Every summer thoumanda of Canadians are bilel or inJurcdinl accidents. Bachi beautiful weekend brings its long 11mb of tragedies that mlght have been prevented wlth just a litie extra care. Rememberlng and observing only a few afety rules can hclp te maire this u-mer a pleasant one for Yeu, your famiy, and frlends. 1. Don't mwlm alone, la unguarded places, or venture beyend Your depbh. LUfe preservers are a MUST In any boat. 2. Wabcb bhe Sun! A good tan le wondetfu.l but a pataful hum la aometblng cime. Fini a ubura lotion that works weii on your skin and use lb while building a tan lewly. 3. Be on the lekout fei, poison lvy »ndpoison oak. They ean tara a holiday 1,f. mlsery fer the unwsry. 4. If yeuWI planing a rp. take &long a tiret id kit. If Yeu 90[toclbWeil, 7«11 l inditlbinvaluable fer everytblag froms eut tees te uaburn. 5. A»be sau, DamV CAIEFVLLY. Talte yeur thm., mspelally wbon drivlat «onuata.ilir roads. Yu'l ensaIsi bmmrearrive Just sas ela y. à" iIinme Piooc. elfrý 4ý ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Percy Peters, Toronto, spent the weekendi with Mis. R. Griffin, Mr. and Mis. Ron Oke, Katherine and Karen, have, been visiting with Jim Oke and the Howe families at Goderich. Timmy Sargent, Ida, is holi- deying with Elaine and Garth! Davey. Misses Donna and Beverley! Semis ettended the Lermer -; Fartan wedding Saturday ev-! enipg in St. Mark's Anglican1 Church, Part Hope, aiso the1 receptian foibowing ceremony. There was a famiiy gather- ing, Sunday, et the home ai Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Bow-i man, on the occasion af Mrs. L. C. Pescoe's 89th birthdav.1 Present wère: Mrs. Pascoe,' Misa Bessie Pescoe, Mr. and Mra. Ian Beaton, Andy and Heather, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Smith end Murray, Oshawa. Mrs. Hugli Beaton, Ashburn; Mr. and Mra. Carl Sergent, Timmy and Scott, Roland Bowman, Id; Mr. and Mrs. Walace Pescoe, Mrs. Keithý Davey,~ Garth and Elaine and Eric Bôwman.* We wish Misa Marion Stin-! son succesa in lier new occupa- tion in Toronto. Her many irienda are going ta miss lier very sucli. Mr. end Mra. Edgar Prescott caled on Mr. and Mrs. John Edyvean, Orana, and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott and Mr. Aylmer Prescatt, Hemptoiu. The dry weethcr la the chie! topic of conversation, among the iarsm e t prescpnt. The lees-ure lof mowing awey eautifuy cured hay is aver- shadowed by the threat of!al stunted harvest.* Those with a Umited watçr supply are concerned about their gerdens. We have the scent comnfort ai scercity ai weeds and little grass ta mow. Mr. Hawkins of the St. John Ambulance Corp of Whltby, gave a vel-y interest- ing talk ta an attentive audi- ence in thc besemnent ai the church, Monday night. He taiked about accidenta, their causes snd prevention and demnonstrated many nuethads of firut aid, amisted by junior sembers ai thc audience. 1This wau ioUoWed by Umch. W iUI prises, fers enterprises, etc. lOrono sigea ee o t tûo rsCarol Mclaughlin, I 4Eým, m hissuggesin i ob o- vi age., athSoh 13ysBarbara Morrow rd- *u,* uu wL Taran wirem s" O r no hO m er ill lowed up with further consid- tws also reported at the Taran wirersJudy Strong,,Tth: 15 yrs. Linda  s s n u l F i eration. Chme oa-Me ting that help wsnee Win 14 AwardsSM AdvancedFamSoromo on ed. sum cf$50.00 he Dur Patsy Blake, 8th. dasmo$5.0tthDu- oth'ppsfrriicl Novc Strutt, Kathy Blake, ham Central Agricultural So-lingoftepesoratica InH r n 3rd, in 8-9 yrs., Kathy Ross 1.peeti ek i I4thin 0-1 yr. IThe meeting was informed the laymng of the pipes1 At ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~s ihn!eWte ao atyBaeplcd~ The Orono Chamber of Com- 'worthwhile feature and that thtacming area was be-ppshaetbeleie Contest in Port Huron, Mich., Military March 14-15 yrs.. 4thl!merce met on Mondayv even fpsil h Cabrsop n dvl di onc ion pep ae fo te cernent loord the Tartanteen Fan cy Drill in two, Baton Twirl. and 4th xng, July llth at thie Newlendeavour this year to agai nwih teeownsienennecial Iprd o hecmet fo Corps, with Captain Cery runner-up in Miss Internation- ýDutch Oven Restaurant withipromote the farmi at the rjc.A h sn ie This f1oor must be poured at Ieue lcdfrtintea leWtr 10 members present. !Orono Fair. In this the presi- rjcA the preentenntiCo rnite least three weeks prior to the Senior Intermediate division.1 The group of 26 Majorettes It wvas the feeling of thedn sauhrz tcoat waiting on plans which are fo cFrin g iv m ple The Starlettes Senior Teýamlwith five from the WhitbylIgroup that they should assist the fair manager, Mr. George being drawn up for the aid for ______________ Twirl, Cheryl MeCune, Gayle1 Drus Corps and four fras the! in some way with the annual Carson to see what arrange- dump area. These plans wil McNally, Joan Major andlPickering Blue Note Drus- Ifair in Orono as weil as tak- ments could be made inl this include picnic area, parking G«T CAsH TODAI Patsy Blake - placed first. ersadfe parent s with ing this opportunity to help ,connection. are- as well as a camping area. FOR ou>, APPLIANCES The Tartan Lassies Junior Irei Harvey travelled to Port 1 prosote the many features of It was also suggested that Mr. Carman Cornish was the Corps were 7th in the Ad- Huron on Monday and re- !Orono to the thausands who to promote Orono a display of winner of the monthly draw tough vanced Fancy Drill with Gayle turned Thursda y. The group are in attendance at the the variaus features could belof $100.00. STATESMAN MeNally as Captain. iwere billeted in the Port annual exhibition. promoted by the Chamber.1 Novice solo placings were:jHuron Armouries and 34 Cop It was felt that the exhibit- These features would include1 The secretary was authoriz- CLASSIFIEDS 10 yrs., Toni Backstrum, 7th; i from ail parts af the U.S. wereing of Old MacDonald'È Farm the park, the tree nursery,jed to write Ruddy Sign Com- Telephono 623-33« 11 vrq Knrn M.Cni.. 19,. 1)In 12t thp,,,.,.+...,+ fnr, r i-nhi Apn I.. in strDbusinessIenter av in cpnnectin wit.h the .'i .

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