end al Girl Car-mGravel Truck A 14-year-old girl, Brenda Hoy, R.R. 1, Kendal, lost ,#er lif e, and three others were injured in a collision be- 7een a gravel truck and a car on the Darlington Third -oncession Road at Rickard's Road on Tuesday evening. Photo shows the wrecked car in the f oreground and the overtumned truck at the rear. Bowmanville fire- mnen were called to the crash in case spilling gasoline caught f ire. The tragic accident hcippened at seven o dlock. W%~ drivers of both vehicle- were trapped by their ve- hi8es and had to be freed by Knapp's Towing Service. The injured w ere taken to Memorial Hospital by the Bow- manville Area Ambulance. Coroner Dr. C. J. Austin, Bowmanviîîe, released the girl's body for burial after pronouncing her dead at the scene of the accident. William Laverne Hoy, father of the dead girl, who was the driver of the car, suffered multiple lacerations to his face, head and arms. He is a patient at the hospi- tal, and his condition is f air today. His son, Larry, age 13, was able to return home_ after receiving treatment in the Out-Patient Departmqnt for chin lacerations. The driver of the empty gravel truck, Larry Allan McKnight, age 18, Minden, was treated in the Out-Patient Department for multiple abrasions and some lacerations. Constable L. F. Dryden, OPP, investigated the accident. Rota ry's Governor Visits the VOLUME 112 Eve rything in Legion Carnii Branch 178's plans for the great Royal Canadian Legion i Carnival to be held on Fridayý V evernng, July 22nd, atMe-1 S.....'*-**orial Park, promise an evcning U ~. of wonderful entertaînment Bo . ~ will be a mammoth Bingo gu ~o. ~ .~' "booth, games of chance, and famq Srides for chilciren, also novel- fort] S- ties, refreshments and several and new attractions. take aThe Legion's Car, Bmw. .fo . a 96Oldsmobile "88" Four. an ,. ~ q:__ . . ..~. Door Sedan will be held. The an V R IBowmanville Ladies Auxiliary are DistictGovrno Jaes . Dds nd is if ofOragevlleviste t the Royal Canadian Legion youi flotary's Dsrc oenrJmsB osadhswf fOagvlevst Draws will feature attractive died ed Bowmanville on Friday and were taken on a tour of the area by Rotary prizes including a Tete a Tete Club President, Robert L. Stevens, right, who in this picture is showing them Parto Se, PolL and, Sun- L how his modemn Glen Rae Dairy botties milk. rbeurs $5ockcDo and and- c Crokinole Board plus $5 in Orci cash. There will also be Attend- vine Sîx ew eac ers oinBHS ance Prizes. These cash prizes but danfor at 9 p.m., 10 p.m., Spir an 1p.m. People must be can To B ring Staff Total to 28present in the Carnival grounds shor at the time to win. There wiil be six new tea- was transferred to Courtice Courtice Secondary School'PThae Cild frn's costme su chers on the staff of Bowman- Higlh School as one Commer- as a composite school will High School grokinds at 6:30 ann ville Higlh Sechool in Septem- cial C1ass bas been moved have coule in three bran- p.m.,' and Morley Etcher is the bas ber. They will replace six frai- Bownianville to Cour- ches: 1. Arts and Science. Pairade Chairman. There will teachers who left at the end tice.' The Bowma.nville High 2. Business and Commerce. be five classes: 1. Comic. 2. St. of the 1965-66 terl Another Sehool teaching staff will 3. Science, Tirades, and Tech- Original. 3. Western. 4. Doil cori f rom Bowmarwille nuniber 28. (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Carniage. 5. Decorated Bicycle. ovei Best Day Campers Presented with Awards- tr Bowmanville Recreation Department completed iIStwo-week Day Camp for boys on Friday evening, jith the customary Parents' Night prograin that in- l.uded an interesting pirate skit and a tour of the1 forts. Also, there was a special ceremony when awardss were presenbed ho the two lads chosen best camper. ,durlng the twe ka.The wamiea .own in the. fore- ground are, lef t, Jonathan Corden and Robert Strike. Recreation Chairman Don Gilhooly, middle row, lef b, made the presentations. Recreation Director Bud Fanning, right rear, had higb praise for the camp's staff, including, from left to right, Jim MacDonald, Doug McFeeters, Lorraine Hodgson and Patti Fair. br 0aiub irni 14 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1966 i Readiness for vai This Friday ffl3ts and1 9ÇAeces CLE BOBBY'S BABIES - Keith Conneli of wmanville Zoo advises that be bas some special ests for the next three weeks. They are the nous animal babies of Uncle Bobby who gives th every Friday over television station CFTO d they are visiting bere while Uncle Bobby ,es some hc4idays. Thumper the Rabbit and Yak k Ma(czaqui are tmong-tiffle-~*1'ecm yof their friends at the Zoo. Incidentally, we Ssorry to inform readers that Theodore the ang Buffalo whose leg was broken at birth bas :1. t t t t t ,D JUG - Bob Hancock of Orono brought in old gallon jug that he found on Station St. in ono. Whether it was used in early days for iegar or alcohol is difficuit to tell at this point, tit must be quite old. There is a name on the e, T. E. Simson, Wholesale Retail Grocer,*Wine, irit Merchant, Bowmanville, C. W. If anyone iremember Mr. Simson and where he had bis )p bere, such information would be appreciated. t t t t t JB POST OFFICE - Postmaster George Vice nounces tbis week that a new sub post office sbeen set up in Hap Gill's Groceteria, Second .In addition, the mail box that was at the rner of Scugog and Second bas been moved er to the front of Gill's store. Patrons will w be able to buy stamps, etc., and mail their ns at the same time anâ place. t t. t 'IL t WEDDINGS - This week there were so many weddings and pictures that some bave been beld over due to lack of space. However, they will appear in the next issue. i t t , t t STARTLED - On Tuesday evening, three golfers from Oshawa, playing just behind us onto Bow- manville Golf Club's third green, must have won- dered wbat bit them. The Editor's better balf, beard about the traffic accident east on Concession St. and with a fine sense of timing estimated that we would bave reacbed the third or fourtb hole. She drove up Liberty St. to the east side of the course, ducked througb the fence just after we had teed off on the fourth and yelled "Johnny, Bad Accident!" We lef t our clubs and dashed away with ber, while the poor fellow who was cbipping stood there in shock, bis club suspended in mid-air. t t tI t t NEIGHBORS - John Brownlee of the BTS staff tells of an interesting experience he and his family bad over the weekend. They were camp- ing at Wallace's Point, Rice Lake, when an entire neighborbood from Pittsburgh, Pa., arrived. They caîl tbemselves the Weekenders Camping Club and have been travelling together for four years all over the place. There are 10 families in the club and this was their second trip to Canada. Tbey travel in seven cars, two borne trailers, four tent trailers and one large tent. All their cooking is done centrally and, according to Mr. Brownlee tbey bave' a wonderful lime. They caught 105 fisb one day and bad a big f ish fry, inviting the Brownlees to join them. Seunds like quite an idea, depending of course, on your neighbors. t Ï. t i. t. SIDEWALKS - Port Hope bas passed and is en- forcing a bylaw that probibits merchants from placîng their wares on the street outside their places of business. There have been quite a few complaints but council is sticking to its guns. However, tbey have lifted the restriction for the trade £air to be beld August 24-27th. The billtop town is also in trouble because they have -neyer passed a bylaw appointing a f ire cbief altbougb they have bad the saine one for 50 years. They can't get mutual aid grants without the. required bylaw. 10e Per Copy NUMBER 29 Magistrate's Court HeId in Bowmanville lit was automatie instead of Attorney G. -F, Bonnycastie. JonHoward Toms, '706 standard gear shift, he stopped suspended sentence for one Green Street, Whitby, charged and that. is when >the two 'year. with ilegal possession Of Garys cauglit up with him. I "You are only 17 and should liquor, was fined $25 and Mr. Greer pointed out that flot be drinking," added His costs, or five days. Constable Michael Henley had neyer Worship. "'You see what D. Stuart, OPP, laid the charge been in trouble before and troublé it caused you thit after checking a car parked was a good student, holding a time." June 29th on the Ninth Con- position of trust with Ryerson Gordon Stackhouse, aged 63, cession of Cartwright. Press for his third summer's 412 Highland Road, Peter* Michael Henley, 282 Harvie employment. Hie added that borough, was charged May' Avenue, Toronto, aged 17 and the parents and employer 26th with driving to the left a Grade 12 student, pleaded were present in court. of centre of Highway 115 cil guilty to taking a car June Magistrate R. B. Baxter,_on (TURN TO PAGE TWO) 19tlI without the owner's con- -- -- sent. K 0i stated that he investigated a. comlantfrK rGaynurs, R.R. 1, Janetville. Burns- and en1~o s rn Gary McGill heard McGill's car being driven away fromr S fe y Co t s in front of the Burns'rs caught up to the fleeing veh-' icle and cailed pouice. Chlldren in this area will providlng Elmer Safety nlain John Greer, Oshawa, counsel; have an opportunity of win- for sehools throughout thse for Henley, told the- court that ning one of the many prizes district are again sponsor- Mr. and Mrs. Henley were by entering Elmer thse ing the contest here as part away in the Bahamas on. bus- Safety Elephant's Sunîmer of thefr program for Im. iness and their son went to a Safety Contest, starting tisis provlng traffie safety among cottage at Caesarea with two week in Thse Statesman on cilidren. other boys. There they were page two. It should bc noted tisat drinking. His client left the Bowmanvllle K i n s in e n thse flrst contest essies cottage and drove off in this Club who have contributed should be mailed before car, mistakîng it for bis so muchIn i past years by1 next Wednesday, .Iuly 27th. Car Hits Tree -- Driver Cuts. Up A car driven by Gordon Buchanan, age 44, 740 Beaupre Avenue, Ouhaw44 went out of control on Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock on the DarlingtozM First Co ncession Road, just east of the Oshawa Wood Products builing. The, eastbound vehicle travelled along the south shoulder of the road and the outh7' ditch, bit a tree, veered across the road, went mb th e nqrt1b dt.h, tlien struc&, a tree. The driver was tal5en by the Bowmnanville Area Amhb4knaese to Hospital. Mr. Buchanan received treatnient there in the O xtÏetMDeap-- for lacerations of his loWer lip. Constable T. X~ Yardy. , uz accident. -tafP"hots byr-r*4 Ki'id 0 'n collision Are