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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jul 1966, p. 9

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-r.-,--- rilmn s. vi ew lasers jumped an Snowdon for Vmiwaivtour ruas in the taop!o the FranuL vu, but »rank~s repHed w 9four themselves. Webs t er, S6deChubn Swho got the win, relieved liq Jr. Leagu. rus inthe forh to aa~~ n ed out a borner, as they plcked bi Jim Clarke up four hits. Chartran's took Bob Burto's elghth inning over the lead again in the double lait 1Te a ngt fifth, scoring twice. Dave Cry- <~ji9t>, llwed nigtderm an's double and Jxm allwe Franks Cak'sarfc VtY ta shade Cbartran's ssacificefly, ulu the a0 ne af the Jr. League's damage. "aEt cantests. Burton, had The Men's Wear club ap- cracked a double in the bat- peared enroute ta a victory, tom af the sixth, earlier , ta until Bob Burton tied the tie the gazne 9-9. score 9-9 in the ast o! the Chrtran , Ter r y Baker, sith A walk and fielder's WOrked seven full frames and choice, prece d e d Burton's allOwed just seven bits. Howie double. Burton then wrapped PoUlard taok over, in the t up in the extra-inning, eighth framne and was the vic- eighth, with his big two-bag- tifti-nBurtn' Winning pkger. aàlr;wl wee ot. pakegt, Around the Bases: Dave teaXo werout.pBaker gat Sam" Snowden and Ted Pihe hAvnlE-h rm plathe um-Brown, bad two bits each for ofire Arnidth, in the top -F'ranks, in addition to Bob fougt effihbri. h hr-Burton's pair of doubles. faugt afair.Garth Linton, in the win- Dave Snowden and Harvey ners autfieid, pulled off a Webser aw munddutyforpair o! tremendous catches In Prnks 0-lwi11I ts. Thelthe sixth inning. He pulleci ASP HALT ALL WORK DONE AND GUARANTEED BY BOWMANVILLE CONTRACTOR Ir YOU WISH YOUR DRIVEWAY ASPHALT-= PAVED. . . .. r*i CONTACT u STEPHEN FUELS Geo. Stephen, Prop. FOR FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 623-5410 Whyte's Trounce Shoe men, ln Besi Effort of Season by JituClarke Whyte's Upbolstery turned in ane of their best efforts o! the season on Monday night,ý punimelling Ells Shoes 11-4.ý The game was the final lea- gue contest for the Sboe squad and was only their fifth lossý in 15 decisians. Wbyte's received a four bit pitching effort from Dennis Sullivan in upsetting th e league leaders. Ted Leveck,i making bis first outing after tassing. a no-itter last week, was tagged witb the loss. He was jumped on for three runs and four bits in the firstý fraine and was touched for a1 total af 14 hits. Sullivan, ini turning in bis finest efforts1 on the mound, fanned nineq and walked three.9 Whyte's, in contrai through-1 out led 6-1 after twa fraxnes1 and 10-1 atter three. After1 five frames they led 11-3. Ells1 scored their 'final run in thej bottom of the seventh. Around the Bases: Richardq McLean headed Whytes ef-j forts at the plate, with a1 borner, triple and double. Ai Farrow, Dennis Sullivan, Bob1 Hellam and Harold Michelson,g aIl had two bits for the Up-j holstery crew, who had one of their best nwghts at the plate. Bill Croeaey was the only member of the losers ta collect two hits;' while Dennis McFeeters pùled a homer and iDon Crossey had a single- Ted Leveck finished the season for iEuls, with a great .412 batt- ing mark. The final league contest, barring rain (what- ever that is), is slated for to- morrow, (Thurs.), between LChartran's Men's' Wear and Whytes Upholstery. We'l1 have the final league standings and entire batting, averages iii next week'a paper.- Millar Golf Championship Lures Top Pros to Toronto one hundred of Canada'sj top professional golfers will ! converge on Toronto, JuIy 27-1 29, for a crack at the $5.0001 Millar Championship purse,1 and a chance for a spot on thei 9-man Canadian team travel-, ling to Southport, EngIandj for the $200,000 1966 Carling1 World, August 31 - Septem- ber 3. To date, six positions re- main vacant on the Canadian team. Amateur Nick Weslock and pro George Knudson have already quaiified, and on June 25, Moe Norman of Bar- rie secured his seat by wind-. ing up the B .C. Open as low Canadian pro. First prize money of $1,400 from the Open's $7,000 purse went to American pro AI Feidman of! Aubur, Washington. The Millar Championship, the last tournament in the Carling Pro Tour, is being heid at the Markland Wood Country Club in Etobicoke. For the first time since its down Terry Baker's deep drive to ieft field and topped that,i by making a skidding, somer- sauit grab on Jim McKnight's sînker, to short left-field. For Chartran's, Dave Cryderman, Bill Bates and Rîck Lucas, each had two hits apiece. The victory by Franks, was their f ifth in as many meetings this season, against Chart- ran 's. PLYWOOD'UMER 1RUCKLOAD FREE DELIVERY SPUE STANDARD SELECI FIR I FIR 5/16"#x 4'4" x'8" 3.32 3.52 4.10 3/819x 4 xS' 3.79. 4.05 4.63 T/2"x 4'x 8" j5.14 5.48 6.09 5/891x 4' x8' ~6.30 6.-59 ~7.32 /4x 8,S 7.55 7.86 8.65 .SANDED FIR PLYWOOI GOOD ONE SIDE /14"x 4 x S'............ 4.64 1/21fx 4" x S' ................7. 3/81x 4' x8' ..........6.24 5/81x 4 xS' ...........8. SALE ENDS AUGUST 3lst 3/411 x 4" x 8"'........10 ANY QUANTITY EPENDABLE VALUE & SERVICE MORE THAN 80 STORES ACROSS ONTAl 96 MIG ST. L. BOWMAM inception in 1926, It wiil con- sist o! medal play. Since 1960, the event has been sponsored by the Milar 200 Club, a group o! 200 golf ing enthusi- asts, cach contributing $50 to- wards tournament costs. 1966 is the first year bowcver, that the Millar bas been a qualifying event for the Carl- ing World Golf Championsbip. Commenting on the impact the Millar wiil have on Cana- dian pros, Terry Beasley, tournament chairman said, "Apart from the attraction o! a $5,000 purse, with $1,000 for the winner, we expect many top golfers from across Can- ada ta be lured by this sixtb and final chance for a place on the Canadian team for the Carling World."' years old, the 6,500 yard, par 71 Markland Wood course bas some of the finest greens and tees in Ontario. -However, on most hales the players wil bave ta cantend witb waoded area, as well as tbe twisting Etobicoke Creek.'" Prelude to the champianship will be the Millar Pro-Ar Day on Monday, July 25, wben members o! the Millar Club' will play witb the early proI arrivais.1 On the Tuesday, entrants: wihl play a qualifying round for inclusion in the 100 Who wvill tee off in the Champion-1 ship the following day. In tbe actual Championsbip, 18 bales will be piayed on Wednesday, 18 on Thursday and the final 36 on Ffiday, July 29. Among those Who are ex- pected to enter tbe 1966 Miliar arc last year's winner Alan Johnson, runner-up Leon De- Caire, Bob Panasiuk, Alvie Thompson and Jerry MaGce. NE WTON VILLE Messers Sid Lancaster and Mr. Don Elliott's were Mr. and Roy Hall were in Toronto last Mrs. Bill Morton, Garden Hill, week, attending Grand Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. M. Halloweil,ý Mrs. Wilfred Paeden has Morrish, Mr. and Mrs. Ross returned home after visitîng Brown, Mr. and Mrs. G. her brothers in the west. Eliiott. Bridai showers seem to be Local people attending the quite popular in this vicinity, Liberal picnie at Waltona this summer, and the fifth one Park, Saturday, included Mr. in honor of Miss Donna Kim- and Mrs. Harry Wade, Mr. and bail, was held at the home Mrs. W. Boughen, Mr. and of her aunt, Mrs. AI! Graham, Mrs. M. Samis, Mr. Roy Ellis, Newcastle, on Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wade, evening, hast week. Mrs. W. and Grant. Boughen, Mrs. J. Kimbali, Mrs. Margaret Day of Tor- Diane, Irene and June, Mrs. onto, was a weekend visitor F. Gilmer and Mrs. Jim Gil- with Mrs. Clinton Brown, and mer of Port Hope were among Mrs. Roy McKey, and Sharon the relatives who attended of Bronte, were Sunday sup- locally. per guests. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bul- Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkie lock o! Niagara Falls, NI-y., and 'Mary Fae Gilmer went are visiting their daughter and out to Waliace's Point Sun- family, Mr. and Mrs. L. day, where Mr. and Mrs. Ron Tinney. Burley o! Port Hope have Henny Van Londen, of Bow- their boat; Mr. and Mrs. E. manvilie, spent last week here McEwen of Peterborough and with her friend, Grace Hol- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gilmer siege.T.nrq2 lj.LA ininpdJ thp UIC n..n1 --Mi. -"~-Mr-s. Harrý Wde were away on a holiday trip to Watcrtown and other points o! interest, hast week. Mrs. M. Leusbner, Niagara Falls, Mrs. H. Osborne, of IWelcorne, and Mrs. F. Gilmer were huncheon guests with Mrs. W. Robb, early hast week. Miss Dorella Lancaster was tending tbe gas tanks at ber father's garage last week, in bis absence, when, to ber r . mergency landing onth fedback o! their bouse, for the urpoe ofre-fuelling. Surely this is a "first eventl' o! that kind, in this neighbor- - hood at least! Messrs. Bert and Raymond Trim are away on a week's fishing trip in Northern Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Daîl- man o! Aigrove, Sask., Mr. and Mrs.. Bill Dalîman and family, o! Dundas, spent a day witb Mr. and Mrs. Vernon - Stacey, recently. Mns. W. Brooks o! Balti- more, and Mrs. G. McCuilough were Tuesday evening visitons at Mrs. F. Gilmer's with Mrs. M. Leusbner, and Mrs. W.ý -Robb. r Mn. and Mis. Kaspar Hol- len and family -are holidaying at Sturgeon Lake. - Mr. and Mrs. Willis Farrow were visitons on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Stapleton, Orono. Mn. Bougerie returned to Memorial Hospital hast week- end. - Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkle, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hall. were on a camping trip lasi week ta Algonquin Park. -Dinner guests Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Redknap and Douglas, Oshawa, inciuded Mrs. W. Robb, Mrs. M. Leushnen, Mrs. F. Gilmer and Mis. A. Rowe- Sleeman o! Toronto, who re- turned home with Mis. Gilmer for a few days' vjsit. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dubeau and family are on a camping trip ta Bon Echo. Gloria and Pauline Staple- tan o! Bowmanville, are spend- ing some o! their holidays bere with their grandparents, Mr. and Mis. Wm. Stapleton, 9Work is progressing satis- .6 actorily on the ahro project at the church. A ittie !amily gatbering 99was beld at the borne a!Mr, ý0919 and Mrs. F. Gilmer, Friday evening wben guests were Mr .0L and Mrs.Percy Rowe, Jnt ara Falls, Mis. W. Robb pWestmount, Mis. A. Rowe. Sleeman, Toronto, Mr. and Mis. S. Rowe. The residence of Mr. Hugl. Stapleton was tbneatened b3 fire on Friday aternoon oigin unknowa. ER Neighbors rusbed ta ti scene and the Orono lire ea. gine lost no time in comni dawn, but fortunately it bat R been extinguished by the timi the latter reached there. Witt the current water shortage, il 1711 ..i could bave been a disastroui îrday evening visitors &J 4or oup.yjinam imi r . an . L . !amily visited bier sîster and family, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Mason at Bobcaygeon, Linda remaining tbere with tbem for a !ew bolidays. Miss Linda Cahl, o! Brown's was a Sunday visitor at Mr. C. R. Farrow's. Mrs. Marshall, o! Selkirk' Manitoba, is visiting ber sister,ý Mrs. Geo. Harness and family.ý Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton, Lois and Neil, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Danelley, Port Hope, were Sunday supper guests with Mrs. L. Todd. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brown, Marty and Shelley, and Ron- nie Henderson, were visitors Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer and family at Cbemong. Mrs. R. Farrow and Ken, with Mr. Reg Falls visited Mr. and Mis. Jim Farrow and !amily, Sunday, at tbeir cot- tage at Canal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood and boys are holidaying at a cottage in the Bancroft area, for a couple o! weeks. Sunday supper guests at Mr. 'F. Gilmer's wene Mr. and Mrs. Ai! Graham and Janet, o! Newcastle, Mis. Gilmer-Smith o! Bowmanville, and Mrs. Leushner o! Niagara Falls. Mrs. H. Trim was a Sunday tvisitor witb Mr. and Mrs. Gord ,Trim and family, Starkvilie. Mr. and Mis. Jack HugginsI and family are nonth at the lake for a few weeks' bh-_ý Iýdays.1 BETHANY 5- Mr. and Mis. Cecii McGill, sTononto, Miss Evelyn McKin- 1non, Montreal, Que., are vi-it- 5ir.g with Mrs. James MeKin- non. Mr .and Mrs. 'Momas Rig- îley, Malton, spent the week- Send with Mr. and Mrs. Bob, Gilmour. PMr. and Mrs. Doughas Dey- cIl, North Bay, aire gisests wltbý 1&. and Mrs. Waltesr Neale. rsMis. Alex McMaster is a sýptient ini Civic Hosptal, Pet- .erborough. Her na-ny friends Sare her a epeedy ire- Scovery. Mîr. and Mirs. William Phil-ý ïg lips am spending a week's rhoiidays with their soni and ,y dau.gibter-in-law, Mr. and Mis. ,.Harold Phillips, Perterborough. t- Mr-. and Mmn Norana Booth- g. by and son Ja'nnny spent the bweekend vwitki relatives et e.Ooe III. kd 34r. and Mns. Malcolm Smneit are in AAmherst, Nova ih ScOtia, £Or two weks' hohi- )y days. nJack Palmer, mwho ban been inPeterborough boepital for ie twxn m<mthe, was able to re- - tu-n boume on Saturday. ig Mr. and Mnr.Hmoad White id and famnily,, Mr. and Mr$s. le Hury Ryley and famlly are th apending this week at a om- it mer cottage near Viewlabce. las Mr nad Mm. Reg. Palm«e abd son Alan vislted Mr&s. Ina ýThe Canadian Statesinan, Bowmanvfle, July 27, 1986 I =myn's wathing . . . vueyone'a winnng .. OfO .clsdabutths lI. ked 1 sow L«i G W ~To lTh. Races!" And n wadr Ee, ukiosnde » PM ln Ngcah pesiiI nique Dondnion 73ToS.eOOuorw wmth the drua mat tseon -EVERYTiURSD)AYNIGHT!TVn rt ol le-MM. q m- CLOSED MONDAY i n tody andwinl AUGTJST- lst It's Mainly Because of the Meat Topsy Grade A Pre-Dressed Young 5-10-1b. TURKEYS%39, Ideal For Barbecue Beef Steakettes 63b Only at Dominion Deluxe Golden Bird Grade A 5-10-b. Avg.C YOUNG TURKEYS43 Origena Deluxe Pepperoni PIZZA PIES m i' 1 la Elgn Street B OWMANVI LLE WINS $25 1-lb. 4-oz. 7 c Each 79 Capaco Brand1 Pure Pork Susage 1-lb. e Pkg. ib *HOUSEHOLD NEEDS * STRO-FOAM COOLERS ea. $199 Folding Wooden Chairs ea. $3.19 Beatiu iCmletes Ilo J. VERMEULEN Bowmanvle 190 King st. West Country Girl APPLE PIE Richmello 'DINNER ROLLS 20-ai.$ Sizie$1.00 Pkg., of 27C Fresh Produce Specials CALIFORNIA'S FINEST THOMPSON b.c SEEDLESS GRAPES I.9 California No. 1 Grade Heap1nOtao Grown Green Top uce Duarte Plums Q "inc~ A R IS iBncei SDeep Cut Features r Soft Rite 4 Colours 2 Rail Pkgs. We1lSPLV!U1Xj. Bathroom Tissue' 4 for $100 AO Tif IP Lynn Valey Standard 20-az. Tins RI Cream Style Corn 6for$.00 nt RIO E.D:' Smith Pure 9-oz. Jars *.CO E Assorted JAMS 4 for $100 )M lt a AM par ,fli fr b. lent,.1,11,01MU t" a rý«a m ,..fI Royal 5 Flavours b* siu cfé etrs mt e adslt JELLY POWDERS pkg. 1lOc l10b".1.Uâu* oFrozen Food Specials EXns Sii'O LEMONADE 8 for 89C New Pack Domino Fancy Sliced 15-oz. Pkgs.. lttdip s l29 STRAWBERRIES 2for-89C AU moehadis. l isgmamt..d tg gir. 166% uattlufct<n. Values Effective Until Closing, Saturday, July 30, '66 in Bowiavijlle WE RESERVE THE IGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. Open Thurs. and fri. Nights 'fil.9.,p.m. KING ST. AND SMPSON AVENUE (Hghway Noý,. .SHOP WITH CONFIDENCEI AUmu maMd Mtpd" w mDgi, wlhe frab, FeoFr rn« d o e *GOOD VALUES * The Tea That Dares Pkg. of 601» Reinz Stralned 43/-03- Jun TEA BAGS 79c Baby Foods Sfor$1.OG Monarch 16-oz. 32-ai. IReins Junior 8-o&. Jari SaladDressing39c59c Baby Foods 2 for 39c Libby's lui Tomato Sauce 14-oz. Tins Dainty Chinese Style -as. Pkg. Alphagetti 5for$1.00 FRIED RICE 39c Aican Pure Aiuminum Debbie Liquld 33-oi. Container. 181" 25-Foot Rail Pkg. DETERGENT 79c FOIL eWRAP 65c TeSme erse 'Lii Abner 4 Fiavaurs 48-oz. Tins 26-os. Bottles Plus Depomit Fruit Drinks 3 for 89c Pepsi Cola 6 for $1.00 4* Bakery Feature * CALRE!WINNERS Ili t . . 1 VAL;Al IUN STORE HO m- - BOIIIII IIMBIII .V

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