la The canadien stateman, Eowiuanyme, .TuIy 27, M96 RUSSIA 1966! [. Or "Behind the Plastic Curtain" I by Dr. G. Elmore Reaman Editor'.Ume>- Dr. ea- .315E la a tormer Suiierin- tenudent oftfhe Ontario Training Sohtool fer Bois bere &ad now a Professer ai the University et Water- iso. Ho a" mi M.eainau reeetir viitel tiiê soviet Union, Polaisand West Gfrmany; Thse ollowlng, Iesot Interestlng article Oves bis up-to-date Iipres- sions ot these communlat governed countrie. Ta read bocks about Russia and ta visit Russia is ta give, one the idea that changes mi that country are taking placei Be fast that by the time a book about It has been written and published, it is eut cf date. My wife and 1 were told te be sure and take saap, sink! stopper and tailet tissue, but we tound that al a! these articles were provided in the' *various. hotels where we werej quartered with anc or two: exceptions. Actually the botels are quite gacd although the newer cnes are lcss Victarian in style and equipmcnt than the aIder cnes. Moscow is jst completing a 6,000 room hotel. 'Whether new or aId, thcy ahl belong ta the State and tour- iats are dirccted by Intourist stations where they are ta reside. The hotel in Novgorod1 ln Russia had a beautiful dining rooni which at ten o'clock in the evening was1 filled with diners who troni1 time ta time rase to dance ta a very fine orchestra and pop1 singer. Because aur tour group1 wcre British and/or Amerîcani the orchestra played "John1 Brown's Body." Most of the1 mnusic played was similar ta what we hear in England or -Amnerlca. We enjoyed the meals serv-t -*d and those who liked caviar1 . ad the tume cf their lite. Cearbonated water, flavorcdi 'and plain, and sometimes plun i ïjuice, was served at everys ,meal and ice creani in manyc Abrms was a favorite dessert. Oranges are very expensive, 5'bout 50 cents apiece. It isI 'rohibited ta import fruit, so1 117 Bond St. East 2nd Floor Oshawa, Ont. ~: I communal kitchen and bath- room with tour other tamihies because housing is very scarce. Such families wiil have anc or two children but in the country where there are indi- vidual houses, there may be tour or five children. Russia is anxlous te increase bier population wbich was di- mlnished by twenty million, most cf thein men, during the hast war. This tends ta make the saciety matrîhineal for women. are paid the saine wages as men fer the same kind cf work. Women work in the fields and on the roads with men. Oten they are the street cleaners. The wark week Iu 41 heurs, seven heurs a day, including Saturday morning. It is said the next move will be te make it a tive day week. Wemen's dresses at a dis- tance hook the sanie as they are on our streets, hoever, the quality et the materlal is net as good. One neyer secs a woman in slacks,-even those seme e! the group who bad ýwho work in the fields. One beught oranges toecat in their woman in aur tour group re- roos hd o et tembefremarked that any finm that roos hd t ct tenibefreweuîd persuade Russian we- we lett Finland. Otberwise the men te wear toundation gar- food was much the saine as we ments would make a fortune. are accustamed ta. (We çaw very fcw bats.) By Centrary te Western opinion, and large, the Russian woman the people in Russia are happy is quite attractive, mare se and why not? In 50 years tban the men wvhe only feed Cemmunism bas brought theni dressed praperly wben tbeyj tram serfdom te freedom as are wearing a beret. they understand it. If they Divorce is simple if there take ilî, tbey are looked after are ne cbildren but difficult if ln hespitals where the majori- there are sanie. Bachehors and ty et doctors are women and marnied persans without cbild- whcre there is ne charge ta ren must each pay an extra the patient. One et aur greup tax et six per cent eft tleir had a tcmparary illness, was incarne. Abartien is legal and taken ta the hospital in an contraceptives are easiîy avail- arnb ul a nce, treatcd, and able. breugbt baék witbout any cost ta him. He was vcry pleased Education is free, includiag1 with his treatment. the uaiversity. It is compul-î sory tram seven ta fifteen andi In thec cities everyone lives then the student may choosez in a fiat. Sanie cf these build- a Techaological Institute or by1 ings are huge and space is a qualityiag examination en- suppascd ta be allocated ac- ter university. Moscow Uni-t cording te the number o! per- versity bas sanie 6,000 studentst sons in the family. However, whe live in a large block et we learncd that it is net un- flats. Because education is free commen fer a whole family ta there is plenty et indoctrina- ive in anc roani and share a tien for the Communist idea. Hewever, it is net unlikely ~ that Communism is digging its1 own grave by raising the, standard et living for every-E H ionc and by insisting thati cverycne be educatcd. Histaryi has shewn that *lien these two amis are successtul, people then resent rcgimentation. O! course there are nursery schoals. One marning ln Len- ingrad we saw perbaps twentyi children about twe or tbree years a! age walking twe by two holding ente a rape, witb a woman at tie front and anc at the rear. It rcsemblcd ai chain gang.N Now let us turn tram the1 personal te the physical. I have1 mm 1-be odpm L»k jseen tew cities that can cein-t te Our lise . f IbeauilulBrlj ,1t yled pre 'wIthfLeliingtad. Becauseç m colora hIenJing frein dark te Leningrad, tarmerhy St. Peters-ç ýd with thse fiatering, snatching burg, was almost completclyi -a thrilI te wear. destroyed - anc million mcna were killed - it bas had ta be ail rebujît. This bas been1 INE LOWK PRICE donc by haying eut vcry wides stretsand many spaciaus squares. The city is the Venice HblAPES AND et the nerth, being buîlt on FIOOSEFRON nany islands by Peter the B IFOCALS Over 100 bridges cennect the ishands. Many islands have phenty o! boats and sanie have large vessels plying them. The 8 95 buildings are replicas a! thoseS destroyed but treatcd in suchr a manner that they do net ap- t El ME AND CASE pear recently built. s Leningrad passesses theq ýES AT SAME LOW PRICE Hermitage, said ta bc the larg-p ME FOR CHILDREN est museum in Europe; at least0 it is comparable ta the Louvreu I.ABORATORY AND SAVE in Paris and the Prado in( tREPLACEO WHILE YOU WAIT Madrid. Unfertuaatcly, becausea kOptometrists prescriptions af delays there was ne timeq [ces. for us te visit it. Frani thee Hermitage it is only a short distance te the vast Palace0 Square, past the Admiraltyn with its unusual dome topped i , y a slender spire te St. f * Isaac's Cathedral, whose gold-a en dome us second in spîcador s ta St. Pauh's in London. It is ne longer used for religiaus HOURS:purposes. HOURS:Moscow, besides its large Monday te Saturday -s'Aid-buildings- Ad,1blocks,-4,o! OSHAWA FAIR THURS., FR1., SAT. AUGUST 4 m 5 - 6 THURS. EVENING: Gat.s Open 4 p.m. - Buildings 6 p.m. CKLB RECORD HOP - SADOLE CLASSES '"MISS OSHAWA FAIR"ti CONTESI - FRIDAY - LIVESTOCK JUDGING- HORSE RACING . 6 P.M. (With Wag.ring Privilpgis) MODERN SQUARE DANCING -SATURDAY - 1:30> pm.a. ors. Recing (With Wagering Privieoges) 6 pami Trottjug Pony Races pm - Miedmacling to '%"l.Kug "W im m d tii. M4esUa Y ~ EXHISITS. BAND6, i Nuclear Plant Form Becmes Visible "West BeUIt- rst and Lanlds and Farests seem to be more intercourse between the two cities than ia uaually thought ta be the e l y R p r case. We passed quite near W e l i p r and took photographs of the ____________ Brandenburg Gate. Pire Daager Eatlng - Extremel Religion is much mare a At present four small (less YELVERTON Y tact inEs Germany than in than one acre> tires are under Russia where it is possible contrai in Anstruther, Cardiff, ta be a Christian but where Cavendish and Monmouth Mr~. and Mrs. HOWoard a advancement is only possible Townships. A recent Darling- conTer and Candy, ve by jaining the Party. In Pal- ton Township tire covered 150 enjoyed a week et a cottae and the' Roman Catholic acres. To date a total of 41 Onl Lake Sougog. Howared Church stili carnies on and in tires have been extinguished atteiided thec Swlne apo East Germany the Lutheran in 1966. AUl but two of thesei ment Conference held t* Church has the samne Privi- tires were caused by human tawa recently. lg.carelessness. Congratulations ta Mr. and It is quite apparent that Anglint Study Mrs. Murray Farrow (nee EatGcrmany wauld welcome AIl fishermen are again ak Juiie Keirr) who were ache- getting out of the clutches Of cd to report on their tishing dldt e are nStr Russia. Germans do flot ap- trips using the "Fishing Data day. Many guests froqm this preciate State ownership and Repart" prepared by the On- comxnmunity anticipated at- it is only à matter Of time tario Federation of Anglers tending the happy event. until she gets some of the samne and Hunters and the Carling We at M.alconia e -. reedom such countries as Conservation Club. Saturd.ay and Sunday =_~r ... Poland, Jugo-Slavia and other F. L. Belford a!nd MTs. È'auke sllite states have succccd- Forms may be abtained tram and fainily of Brighton. En. cd in gettjng. sparting goods dealers, licence yoyed a tour of the Trenton One orns bck rama tur'issuers, resort operators, Con- Airbase including an instpec. bOhnde ron bC rtmatou- servatian Officers or by writ- tion of a Yukon jet in wliich ing that it is no longer an ing taleOnti.A.. o 0,WlBelt regularly officiates as Iron Curtain but a Plastic anc. Rowd Val ue ntrio. est navigator. Other vital gtatjs- There is a rigidity iran stili eodVle u avs ties - accaimmodates up ta 120 but th~e opaquencss is slowly Betwccn November 7, 1965, passengers, weighs 48 toll disappearing, and as everyonc and April 30, 1966. the 541 empty and over 100 tan maxi- knaws plastic is much marc trappers in the Lindsay Dis- muni load. Alil very fnterest- flexible than iran. trict took an estimated $202,- ing to us rustics. For three reasons Russia s 000.00 worth of raw fur. Strong A speedy convalescence te rapidly changing. First, theirifur prices and moderatcly high Mrs. Ray Robinson, Mrs. system hasn't achicvcd the de- catches resulted in thc most Dorothy Bristaw and Mr. Spindly against a clear sky, reinfo rcing steel rises above formawork on sircd resuits; second, their valuable harvcst in aver 15 Dave Wilson, ah nof w1hom reactor building walls at Ontario Hyd ro's Pickering nuclear power station. satellites are breaking away, ycars. The beaver catch alone have speint a term I hospital wih aces o herectr uidig y eas nd third, China is a thrcat accounted for $112,000.00. , recently or are currently Open port at bottomn centre wl provide acest h eco uligb en and Russia is bcginning ta sec Beaver numbers may be de-1doîng sa. af an air-lock. Ontario Hydro photo that she had better have sanieclining tram the record peak, A number from this com- friends in the West. The Bearlof recent years. It is believed m.-unity attenjded Pontyipool million inhabitants. Russia. One felt as free ta go and here we spent threc haurs is pulling in bis claws and bis that beaver numbers in the Street .Fair on F'riday evening The Kremlin (which means wherc he wanted ta - and gaing thraugh customis. The grawls are mucbi less disturb- District wcre at a higher level~ where many gaimes of! chance forres an terearcseeraisae ng. than at any other time since; wcre avaHable ta entice the citess withears in M os- of us dîd. One man tram Polish autharities taak their~ the white man first came ta, gambline spirit of those pre- catsw ithe m is ) mu.inko- London, England, was up ear- awn' good tume with the re- Ontario. sent, with the procceds going in th maritghnd gxng ult hat c rcchIdThe total reparted catches o! 1ta the worthy cause a! cori- about tn acre, the remlindown bck strets taing pi- Berlnaria1:s0fur-bcarersb are:s Musk-arrsmane ty betterment.tere The citiiti abot tn cre, he eniindaw bck tretstakngpic Behi at1130 .m rat 32,915, Beaver 7,218, Rac- zens of Pontypool are ta be consist of several buildings. tures - as he wauld in any But what a difference in, coon 1,478, Mink 1,114, Fisher commended for their com- The Armoury Museumi where western city. Shopping was this city tram ather Cammu- Attena s iour 369, Otter 140, Red Fax 122, munity intercss an.d activityr yau don telt avershoes, con- nist cihies we visitcd. It is al: atn17 esl19 yxadaeette otesp tains a fabulaus collection of usually donc in the hatels for gbost city of splendid buîld-lMarten 117, Weasing10ftLynx2aDr farccited t cm te s. objets d'art. Twa which re- souvenirs or in Intourist stores ings, many o! theni designatcd Tetidmeigo h 2 main in one's mcmory arc the which wcre tax free. Prices as State owned and opcrated. oth Durham Corn Club was coaches which royalty onice arestb h tt n r As we came into the cîty there held by the members attend- OVER 40 VEARS EXPERIIENCE! used - anc whîch at anc time resti h tt n r was scarcehy a persan on the ing the Durham Soil and Take advantage of it! 24 hour ser- took 800 horses ta bring tram the saine everywhcre. streets and absolutely no anc Crop Improvernent Associa- vice; and radio dispatched trucks Lcningrad ta Moscow. It was In anc important area, in the hotel, which, incidental- tion croij tour an Monday, always on the ready ta serve yon. as large as a small house and oeeRsi a ld ly, was new and adequate July 18. I Fuel 011 Budget Plan avaiIableý was equipped with a heating howcer, Russiaag basutur.ahie thougb quite functional in de- Mr. H. Wright, Souls and 0 NOW IS THE TIRE apparatus and travclled onlaetby-grctu.Thr sign. There are 100,000 inhabi- Cratps Specialist, canmcented TO CONVERT AND CALL runners., philosophy that the State awns tants in East Berlin and 200,-1 an cern and barley craps and Tbe other show piece was alI the land cuts across human 000 in West Berlin. Eastl weed contrai plots on tbhe ~U thc vestments the priests of nature. There is an inherent Germariy bas 18,000,000 pcoplej fanns of John Ronsma, Lar- MLA UGHLIN* the Orthodax Church once desire in cvery human being - and West Gcrmany 60,000,000. mer Bras., Karl Heeringa, wore. Many of them werc particularly the peasant type - The faîîowing marning wc Leonard Henderson, Carlas OH W covcrcd with countless pearîs ta own land. He would rather drove around the city and saw Tamblyn, Dan Staplies and COAL & 723-348 110 and diamonds. Of course there starve an bis own land than the "Wall." I was surprised y Sawyer. UPIS7338 is no use for theni now as live in affluence on sameone Rofn hti s o shg o oatnace ws L BOWMANVILLE ST. W mast of the cathedrals bave elsc's. There are two kinds Of afind thtit sflotas highmadegood attndn aerws LD623-3278 S.W been turned into muscunis. fanms in Russia - State and places wbere persans go back and 4-H1 . STe JILlJ LC Rohcial Olet CAI Lom q t.ii Lve - 2ndtA **L .sn'. seca in Moscow as it is cara- tea rnuch difference. In the ing bard moaey for the State State fanm the farm worker in ether cauntnies works as many heurs in flic The god in Russia new is day as if be wcre in a tac- Leain whe is given the credit tory and is paid for his work. fer libcrating tbe Russiafts In the Cooperative fanm it is tram the domination et the managed by farmers wbo once Czars. Lenin's body (hie died awaed cattle, implements and in 1924) is shown in a glass seed and gave them ta the case in a Mausoleuni in the State. Having given these ta Kremlin just as if lie had the State tbey are worked by recently died. Every s0otten the farmers. The crops are the Mausoleuni is clesed and divided amang the farmers. If his body treated la sanie secret the retura is good, all is well; way se that it is preservcd. if net, the farmers are the This building was epened at lasers. A certain portion is 11i a.m. and we werc amang given ta the State. Duning the the first ta çnter-, e, .p h4j,300 miles wc drove through waited sffÏic -lO -h..ù>. '1There Rusai wé saw- few signs ef were cues of two deep stretch- farming; largély I believe be- ing for a quarter ef a mile cause there is a shortage a! around the Square ta view the fanm machiaery and know-how body tram 10 a.m. te 7 p.m.ta run it. It was much i dffer- Evcrywberc anc looks in Rus- cnt in Poland for there are sia even in the forests, lie secs many sigas et successful farm- a statue o! Lenin or an en- ing - large fields o! rye and larged painting. market gardeas. On the side opposite te the 1 understaad that the Cana- Kremlin buildings is Gums, dian Ambassador is shepherd- the great dcpartment store o! xng a number ef Russians in Moscew, with over a mile et July tbreughout Canada ta counters. It covers a large discover how we grew wheat. block and is a show piece in- I also learned on goed author- side as well as outsidc as the ity that the mca at the top raof is mostly glass. It is a in Russia are beginning te state-operated store as every- question the validity et Corn. thing cisc in Russia. The goods munism te reach Russia's pot- seemed expensive and the ential. This is considered a quality intenier but there ap- hopetul sign. pcared ta be plcnty et choice et goods. It rcmaiaed open Sa mucli fer Russia. Let us until 8 p.m. evea an Sunday, naw turn ta Polaad wbicb (which us always a holiday) senis like a differeat world. and is said te be used by )As~ just meationcd, instead o! quarter o! a milin aol interminable miles et forest every day. mlinpo we fouad a country wbere We eaeredagricultural is a reasonable We eneredRussia by way success. Houses arc better and e! Fialaad, a country very there is a general appearance much afraid et Russia. For o! up-te-dateness in the rural instance, wc were very cane- districts. Commercial advcr- fully screened by the Finaish tisiag is permitted la Peland, authonities. It seenis that Rus- something wbich is forbidden sia holds Finland responsibie la Russia. for any spies that comc in Wasw sabeuiucty tram that country. WArswI euiu i By cantrast aur receptian 1y gain we bave the wide ,the Russians was quite pleas- steets and extensive squares. ant. I was impressed'by the T e nly time wc beard yauth et the soldiers at the Stalin's name mentioned was barder. I learned later that in Warsaw. Our guide la Pal- whea niacteen, ecd youth and was a young girl whe must serve three years la the painted eut large buildings army. However, there can lie saying that they had been exceptions for our Intounist built an instructions tram Guide told us that lie was cx- Stalia, probably, she theught, Sempted as e was training te s a that lic would be remei- be a teacher. bercd by theni. Sic funthen One thiag the Russians are added that tbcy cauld il1 a!- lipu nrttlilm nhilfjýjjýrjfond t eni. currency. None must ever heave the country, theugh one can brninl as much as ane likes. But thc amount breughl la must be accurately declar- cd both on entrance and on leaving, and if more is taken eut than brought la, you are in trouble. Sanie people try ta make maaey on thse black market and that is wby you can leave with more money than you brauglit in. Ia pass- ing it la interesting te note that Canadian moey was jusi as acceptable as Amenican in Russia, and that once admitted nationality did not matter. As sean as we crossed into Russia an Intourist Guide jein- cd us in thse persan o! Flada- mur, 31 years cf age, a bache- 1er, wha graduated fran thse University et Leningrad in 1959 and who spoke excellent Englli. Ris tirst werds when comlng into tic bus wcrc: "I hoe you have your cameras Mlt you. You can take pic-ý turcs anywhcre except within fic miles of the border n anythlng havlng ta do with fortifications which lncludes soldiers. A* me any ques- tonu Mis and 1 shalltry te mwe Uim."And lie kep lie g~vo us ' ire~Ia rla Moscaw anc saw fcw ,mater cars, altbough there awere plcnty e! buses and Ion- tries. In Warsaw there wenc -as many cars as la aur own icities. Goeds ia the sheps were i better and se were the hotels. SPoland is Cemmunistic la name ibut Capitalistic in practice. cShe bas neyer forgotten that ijust eutside ber borders sanie 7 anc theusand officers werc - shot dowa in celd blecd by the Russians. But being sa tclose- ta Russia for tise tume 1being at least they must ce- loperate. A 420 mile bus ride teck us through Poznan la Pehand on aur way ta East Berlin. Poznan is a vcry aId city and it was liere that the tirst in- surrections teck place against thei Czars. Wc had occasion ta remernber it because our girl guide liad ne knawledgc et tise location o! the liotel wliere- wc werc ta have lunch with Uic resuit. that we drove around thre city for marc thapi hait 'aun our trying te reacis IL. Many of thse streets were oe-wXy and sanie of them were tee narrow ta accommo- date our bus. Iiawever, - when we did succeed we found ît very rnucli to aur liking and the MnèM wu, good with traw. berns Md creani for dessert. bWg« loto itGàmn Would you reaJiy like to put some money away and let it grow for a, year... and a second year., and a sixth year? Buy our new Growth Savings Certificates You receive $1 0.00 for every $7.50 yeu invest for six years. That's a one-third increase in your moneyA Avaiable in denominations of $1000 upwards- theyre cashable at any lMe and carry a special life insurance redemption featurs. Aiso ask about our Income Savings Certif icatesÙ CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK 0F COMMERCE ~3