MM bruce Tilison, Editor Playground ,j IReport Newcastle- This week we opn ur arts and craat per- ioacontructing batcastles and batbugs for aur special event Friday entitled Batmani Day. i Early Friday morning, manyt of %be chldren araived at thei pialigrtu>nd donncd in apprap-c late, cbtume. Oua- eminent( judge Harold Powell, foundi it quite difficuit ta choase the1 winers for the mast aut-i standing and imaginative cos-t tume. He did, however, afterE lenghty moments af rnedita-t tion, came up with the follow-j ing winners: Jeanette Wager,1 Alan Wallace, Alan Glanville,j Shelly Janes, Robbie Glan-1 ville, Suzie Wmgca- and Rene1 Batelaan. Many thanks are ex-i tcnded ta Ma-s. Florence Till-c son for donating such wonder-, fui prizes ta the childa-en. Throughout the morning we played sucb games as Bat Tagc and Bat Bal and sang the1 sangs "lWe Are the Batmen",, "'Jus;t Plant a Vampire on My! Grave" and III Sent A Bata-! gram ta the Riddlea-". The highlight of the day was a drama festival in which the Batman theme prevailed. Our- actars and actaesses were without script; thcy simply conjua-ed up a scene as they went along. Their zest and esprit lit up the entire play.- ground as the play progressed. The cmst included the fol-' Iowing people: Batman-Tom- zny Welcock, Robin- Lesi Wallace, Ma-. Freeze- Sammy Glanville, Policeman- Donald &rilîson, Bartender - Robbie GIçnville, Catwoman- Jackie .Afltifis, Paoducer- Mike Al- PROCLA It is hereby prg VILLAGE 0F MONDAY. -AI will be oi CIVIC H Citizens are requested accora D. J. JI ewcastle1 r,)t ;tlnrr Pr,, ~ -nn, Phone -98-4218 their week's camp out at Om- Spa. Scout Leaders Win Col- lier and Bob Shearer are au- sisted at the camp this yeaa- by Keith Rogerson. FatherS who drove the boys ta the andMr. A. Dubeau, vith Jim I ~U L~lLI' ~ LL* ~ ~E~F Oniy 14 boys have attended camp this year. They are Da-1 Newcastle-We draw neareri the parade will take place, vid Shearer, Rod Johnston,1 !ta another long weekend, and with stars Carl Brewer and Dale Barrett, Peter Foy, red1 this weekerd promises ta be Kent Douglas in the spotlight. Hobbs, Norman and Mark Till- another gala day for New- Messr-s. Brcwer and Douglas son, Robbie Scott, Jaey Denny,1 castle. The Civic Holiday Gala wili be in the park to meet Timy Waiton, Daa-cy Dubeau,4 Old Time Carnival, compiete and sign autographa for their Greg Gray, Kcith Cli, with a1 with numerous hall games ta fans. Scout from Toronto, Ted Me- be played ail day long, and One final hall game wil Culloiigh- another big parade. We cail take place before the carnival While the number is a lair the boys' and girls' attention gets underway. This time YOU cry from their registr-ation1 at thus time and aemind themn sec Gale Lumber and Durham iist, it is ta be hoped that ani1 ta plan on taking part in the All Stars at bat. The carnival even better tinie wiii be en-4 parade. Decorate your bike, will feature bingo and sevei'ai joyed by the boys who did wagon or doil carniage and other booths offering grnes attend. They certainly ren'ti enter in the contest for the of chance. Rides are planned going ta starve by the look ai best decorated vehicies. Bail for the kiddies, and the New- the graceries piied into thej games start as early as 10::30 castle Hockey Mothers wiil be truck. If they eat ail the sup-C in the moa-ning when New- proud ta serve up their taste- plies they took with themn, castle Pce Wees mneet the Ken- tempting treat of hot dogs, there may be a need of more da] Pee Wees. As the aiter- coiiee and cold drinks, whiie cars ta bring the roiy poliles noon goes on, Little Brîtain jothers ai the sainie association back than were nceded ta Juniors will meet with Ken- will be in the parcei post take them up. A cli for help, dm1 Juniors. This wili be foi- booth, where for a very small is still eut for drivers. If you lowed by the Newcastle Lad-,suni you can buy a mystery will be in that area, or could les who will play the Bow- Iparcel containing a reai trea- be ta bring the boys back on manville Ladies. sure. To finish off the carni- Sunday, picase telephone Wil- Taking time out farn bail, val, there will be the flfty- lhem Cali. fifty draw. Someone wiii be Th Gil ude msaet dread, Director-Greg Forget. richea- than he or she was ear- Th Gil ude soef Surprise guests were the lier in the day. It could be the village on Saturday mnarri- Penguin, the Riddler and Cat- you, but oniy if you have a xng, just an hour or twoafater wormn. Underneath the cas- ticket, se buy ane 00w. thScuslf.W haen tureswe-eJ.Gaey(Pn- Mrs. Marilyn Crydermnan idea at this tume how many guin), Kara Fergusan (Ridd- has received word fram her have gone ta Guide Camp, but er) and Kathy Wallace (Cat- mother, Mrs. Rose Osbornela full repart wiii bc inchuded woman). letting the famlly back here in the next edition. know she and Mrs. Vera Several telephone calîs andr This week we are very O'Neil, Toronto, had a very letters have raeched us since [pleased ta annaunce the fol- safe and comfortable trip ta the latest Council Meetingj lowing new members ta aur Goose Bay, Labrador, where and since hast week's letters piayground, Cindy Gara-ad, she is visiting her daugliter were pubiished. This t leait Mike Allda-ead, Donald Till- and son-in-law and grand- proves that people are raeding son, April Couch, Babby Mc- daughters, Mr. and Ma-s. Ran- ýthe Newcastle Independent. Lean, Sanda-a Gara-od and aid Hockins. 'But as a fua-thea- remninder ta Billy McLean.1 There will be swimming those writing letters, if yaurs Sharma Fea-guson. lessans as usual on the hall- is not printed it is because day Monday. ýthere must be a signiture at Mrs. Phili p LeGresley has the bottom af the lettea-. Yau T N returned ta t he village foilow- cao use a pen name, but we M A .1 0 N ing a delightiul visit wîth her must have your name. The brother and his wife, Arcli- letters aeceived this week are. deacon and Ma-s. Balfour, Pet- filed away until we hear agin -oclimed by the lerborougli. frarn yau. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tilisan, ~AE A~~ IDonald and Stewart cnjoyed Miss Laura Ferguson, An- N EW C.ASTLE Ithe weekend camping et Buck- caster, la visiting with ber ho. aunt and uncie, Ma-. and Ma-s. at Me. and Mrs. Percy Hare George Walton. Laura Io a left the village on Tuesday ta grandidaught era-o! Ma-. S. P *~f atr ta St. Thomas ta visit Maise, Newcastle. ELa couple af days with their Mr. and Ma-s. Ken Whitney Ile lI st, 966OO ' son and his wife, Dr. and Ma-s. attended the reception on Sat- bserved as Jack Hare. Their granddaugh- urday evening in Bancroft for ter, Sally, and ber friend, the newly-niarried Ma-. and Marilyn Smith, wiii acconi- Ma-s. Ken Sutherl.and, Ma-s. I 0 £I 1 A Y pany them back. Sutherland, formerly Linda Eriy Saturday mornirig, ai- Whitney, and her husband ] to govern themselves most before niany o! themn were maraied in Newcastle dinly.were ovea-iy wide awake, United Chua-ch the week pre- linly.Scouts of lst Newcastle A and viaus. She is the second eld- B Taoops met et the barn ta est daughtcr o! Ma-. and Ma-s. FCUNNINGHAM, Reev~e load thieir geer and fond Slip- Ken Whitney. plies onto truck, trailea- and Ou-fiesannigoa- car trunks before leaving on Ou fiens n nei hifr! N EWCASTLE ARTIFICIAL (CE ASSOCIATIONI cIvIc. HOLIDAY CELEB RATION 'MONDAY, AUG,. isi COMMUNITY BALL PARK 5:30 - PARADE - 5:630 Featu'ring N.Hi. KENT DOUGLAS Sta rs CARL BREWER BALL GAMES 10:30 A.M. Newcastle Po. W..s vs. Kendal Poe W..s 2:00 P.M. Litte Britain Juniors vs. Kendal Juniors 4:00 P.M. Newcastle Ladies vs. Bowmanville Ladies .4:30 ~ MEN'S FASTBALL GALE LUMBER VS. DURHAM ALL-STARS 50-50 DRAW RIDES - FAVOURS FUN FOR ALL GAMES FOR ALL REFRESHMENTS BINGO iveek are: Mn. Wellngton Ad- anms, Ma-s. Tannetja Batelaan, Ma- John Davis,- Nelsan, Wil- lien:-, Rose and Blanche Me- Cally, Tracy and Todd Mac- Lean, Ma-. Lloyd Peary, Ma-s. ,Marie Seymour, Mr. Id Smith and Ma-. Grant Wiliams. ELIZABETH VILLE Oi hua-oh iservices wea-e held here on Sunday and the ser- vice wiil be liere again neit, Sunday. on Satund'ay tue U.C.W. catercd for the Westheuser- Thickson wedding in the base- ment ai the chua-ch. Ma-s. Jack Fowlie, ber nia-f ther and Jakie and Karen' Fowiie af Calîýfornia spent 'a few days witih Ma-s. V. Wmi- ters and Ma's. Smiith lest week. Little Janet White spent a1 few days with ber cousin, Kâthy H a a-a-y s, Knoxville, wihiiýe Katlhy's brother spent a few days with the White boys. Marleen Beatty cellchrated her birthdary an Sunday. Thle ladies cmlled on Suiday ta sec Suzanne Thickson ,s Ma-s. Sami Moore, Donna and Patzy, Toronto, au-e vst- ing at ThIckson's for a wcek. Ma-. andMa. Howar-d Steats,I ,Brantfor-d, spent the weekend there also. : Ma-. and Mias. A. Stec are on a two-week tour o! the States. Ma-. and Ma-s. E. Fowli and, Ma-. and Ma-s. A. Sheppard left an a camping trip an Monday. Ma- and Ma-s. Harold Holden and Clara, Guelph, wene witlh 'Ma-. and Ma-s. Quanta-i over the weekend. Ma-. and Ma-s. Russel Savory, Starkvilie, were with Ma-s. V. Walters on Suniday. Ma-. and Ma-s. Don Whit- bred, Oshamwa, are with Ma.' and Mrs. L. Muldrew. Ma-. and Ma-s, W. Muldrew, Osh- awa, are also at Sunnyside. Ma-. and Ma-s. Erie Baty ae- turned home ta Toa-ontoa efter f theja- two weeks' bolidmy with Ma-. and Mirs. 0. Mca-cea-. Mr. and Mm-. C. Meren iwore at Mr. aM mi i. S. Min- nis, Whitby, recently. Ma-. and Ma-s. John De Ko- ker spent Sunday evening. with Ma-. and Ma-s. De Koker,I Brooklin. STARK VILLE Fridey evening Mr. nd' Mirs. E. C. Westlieuser ente- tained reixcamal for the wedding of theïr son, Ro- bert. Guests lucre indluded Ma-s. H. Thiclcan. Ma-.dc Ma-s. John Quanta-ll, Mr-. andi 'Ma-s. Larry Mlanders, Mr. Da- vid Poster, Miss Glanda Mer. cea-, Ma-. Rey Caombie, Mî-m. I Howrd Staata, N«Nancy Molr.M U.Om aiisI <1/g. ~~it te s e CORN I Basebail Action we ent guesawlth Mr. and Mm Roy Cornish, Portj Pery. -MT&.a&M Un. Sid Haliowell spent the we*kend ini Ottawa.' Woend gu et heWet- Iemrhcm wreMislànda Weiimmer, Kincuton, Mr. and Mi. Fawik Wenheuser, MinI- buio*, Mm~e lena Hutebison and Mr. and Mrs. Biibwier, Toronito, andi they wMiiM. and Mm. Wetimuer aUteced the Webheuor-T hjek ao n wetiding at Elizabethville on: Saturdlay. MiS Doma Soeich, Torot, âpent thxe weekend w0tli er Pareents, Mr. and Ma.- Harald SOut, after halving haed a gulm week holiday to vie- ltni§a, C., and also attendrng' thie Calgary Stampede. Mim Catherine Knox, So- lina, viuited her granjdpar- ente, Mr. mnd Mm. Ha'ward Farrow. Mr-. and Mm-a Delbert Hal-1 Iowe4l and il, Toronto, hav'e beoen spending holidlays atý their sunvrâer home and visit- ed ftiends in BancrMft, Sun- dayr. Miss Liada Halhiwell, Ontario Grown, Hydra-cooled, Young, Tender Cobs, No. 1 Gr. Galerie, G,-on4 T0MATOESbW1 made16 19C il The. Canadian Statesman, Bownmnvllle, Jiily 27, 1986 Toz=Aio, sPent thieweeikend Mr-. Alex Linkie badly sev-f holiday. 'elland ul . S if Lin, Tor wth ber parents. ered bas arm with a chain saw Congratulations to Mr. and ont dMoi.GaifiT r Mua-. Shutke, Ma-. and M-s. on Monday, requiring 50 ta, 60 Ma-s. Kenineth Hardy (nec Welcome ta Mr.. and Mrs. Ai Rogers, Oohawa, wea-eSun'. stitches, and is in Bowman- Miss Doris Pennie, Port Per-- Leop0hd Schrnid anid sons, day ciler. t Mr.a Llew Hal.~ ville Mernorial Hospital. a-y) who wea-e married lastTa-n woreowlvg lowell's. MT. and Mrs. Kenneth Black, Saturday. To -. rhu aHrey' farvng. Faiday aftenoon, Mrs.Llew cnjOiyed camping and fishingi Ma-s. Fdith Murphy attend- oMa-&. AthurMa-s. W. Ray and Halowel eteotaied ~ along with othea- frîends at' ed a shower for lier grand- Debbie visited lier parents, Beuleh TalIowell, Ma-s. Mal i Dernoine Lake, Quebec. daughter, Shelagh Murphy, Ma-. and Ma-s. C. Harper af Gr-ay, Mrs. Orme FaIls, Miss Mir .and Mns. Neil Newton a rn atwc.Saaae audyeeig Nora HiloellendMas.anNelenjeda oths Mr. and Ma-s. Isaac Murphy, On Surnday they. visited Mr., Bill Reid. camping vacation in the-Mrs. Isabella Murphy, Tor- andMi-s Peter de Jong, New- Ma-. Alvin Siouch and Ma-. Maritimnes. ýonto, Ma-. Gilbert Murphy, castie. Jin Suoh eft Sturd Rev. C. A. Fornataro of Northern Ireland, wea-e Fai-t _______ mOta- ta-ip through Y aenaito e-pse w y erday guest ofairsn. Edith Mur- Canada.Wetr suddenly at the home of his ph'y. Metin g ewa onso a n daugliter and son-in-law, Mr.ý Miss Shirley Sykes, Mn. W. H Y O Mrs-EwRt Roinsn sen-and Ma-s. Hank Van Doa-p, hastý Sykes, and Ma-s. Sykes, Waa-k-H Y O tetanig elnEddie a.nd Thua-sday. Funeral was held: worth, visited i M-. Edith Carnnunity picole wil be! Step~hen Stcc, Eizabethville, on Monday in Hamilton. S r-Mrh n n .D ye.hi ntecuc awn on whie tei paent ae by-pathy is extended ta the be-1 Mas. C. Shaw, ittie Sue Satu'rday, supper et 6 p.nx. ing boliday.. aeaved families. ' Ann Shaw, Mis Dareta Ta-ew, Church service et 1:30 p.m. Rev. R. C. White was in Ma-s. Percy McCov returned Oshawa, Miss Marion Best, on Sunday. Rev. Noathey wiJll charge Sundey moa-ing with hiome on Sunday efter spend- Ma-. and Ma-s. Wr-ay Fmlladown be on hdidays for the month Ma-s. Rasm Todd as organist. ing two weeks etlier daugh-' and Diane, Bura-ingtnn, Ma-. of August. There will be no' Service wiii be in the maorn- tea's home, Mr. and Ma-s. Bill and Mrs. Kenmxp Smith, Brian ohureh service. ing next Sunday and during Taylor, Toronto. Valerie Tay- and lan, Ma-. John Smith, Ma-. and Ma-s. G. R. Thomp- Auguast, Ma-. White wili have lor returned home with lieri Oshawa, Ma-. and Ma-s. S. son and daugliters, Miss Lyno holidays.__ graodmothea- for a1 week's Parker, Ma-. and Ma-s. J. Dean, a'nd Sandra, andl Wayne, Car-1 Jeton Place, Mns. Jean Wood1 Bowmanville, were Moriday visitors of Mns. A. Tohançeon. Thureday dinner guesta were Mr. and Ma-s. Jerry Abbott and Stevein, Burketrin, M-aii Peter Singer anxd Prisca.. Mr4,' and Ma-s. B. McDonald, Bow. nianvilie, were Fridmy visitors with Ma-s. A. ThSnrpson.. Newcastle- Newcastle Pec enough players. This gaine Wees won their fia-st gaine on will be played et another Thursday mter losing 9 gam- time. es traight. This gaine was by The Newcastle Girls Pee far the best bail game New- Wees travelied ta Newtonville castle Pee Wees played this ona- Thrdyenig ad season, a gamne sa close that i hrdyeeig n it cou1d have gone either way, were deteated by a score of 35 the tin. scoreg v 0ng Bath the girls and boys with tefnl'cr ingpee Wee teams are taking a Newcastle the win over Bow- ' ra u ek ihly nianville 6 ta 5. The winning' a ra j'wek ih ly battery was Greg Gray, pitch- eSottedica itemGupeo ing, Tom Wallace behind theScuca. plate, aided by Keith Mil- Sam Brereton, Chairman of hiench's timely hitting and the Newcastle Recrea t ion fielding. The gaine went ta Commîttee, has announced a Newcastle, but both teams kind gesture on bebaif af Mr. shared the giory in greatJoseph Dlugosz, awner of the sportsmanship. lQueen>s Hotel. He presented The Tykes, who were to Mr. Brereton with a dozen have played Port Hope lastIbrand new bard bails for the Tuesday evening had the gaine teanis to use. The players, canceiled due ta many ]lay_ coaches and Recreation Coin- cers cither on holidays oruii nittee are ail very grateful to Part Hope couldn't round _UpMr. Dlugosz for hi% kindness. j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DOMU 9 c Colif. Thompeo,5., LaMp .Fxul Clusters, GRAPIS NO. ADE 162 5e NewScstle, -were visitors of Mr. and Mm. E. A. Virtue. Letrne Phare, Tyrone, along wiiii Miss Mabel Jewefl, ~Mi-. Markim Msrjerrison, Miss Ann Bottreil, Bowrnan-4ifle, reoently aperit a week hall- daying at PeM Sound, Sud- bur'y, Stuxgeon Falls, North Emol, Timtagamii and Pemx- broke. Mrs. Annie Rivet'. upent the weekend with Mr. and Ms. .J. Hioldstock, Bowman- ville, and were dinsier gues Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. John Beckoett, Seugog Idiand. Mra. and Mrs. F. L. Byanx vislted Mr. George Mace-ilsn at St. Joseph's Hospital, Pet- erborough, and Ma-a. MacLel- ian at their home. Visitons et the homre of Mr. and Ma-s. W. Rahn were Ma-s. Alex Perger, Stoney Creek, Ma-s. Gordon Whlttaker, Hamn- ilton, Mr. and Mns. S. J. Ped- laStaynier, Mr. and Ma-s. Tom Bernry, Braimpton, Mrs. J. E. Ga-if fin and Robert, Osh- awa, Mrs. George Squibb, Oneu Grown, Mm Crop, Hond Soected Quolity, Pack.d under A&P Supmioe, No. 1 Gr. P OTATO0E S10LeIB3 9c kue Pwkor CHERRY 24OZSIZE SAVE 3Us ALL paIcE IN THIS AD GUAWANTERD TIRou4t4 ATURDAY.ýJULV 80, tlm i.- M TYRONE Dr. Gordon Slemon, Mm-s Silenion, Steven and Jane, Don Mlls, cailed. on Mr. Milton Sienion and Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Slemon on Sunday. Mr. and Mms. Ross Ashton. and faniily, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. Ronald and Ray attended the MeGill pic- nie at Peterborough' on Sat. urday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blacigburn Dale, Neil, and Shirley Tabb accompanied Wa. and Nirs. F. BI-aefbuir, Mr. an~d Mrs. Ger- aid Shackleton, Eric and Ruthx, Salemi, and bad a pieic t Seripent Mound Provincial Park et Keene on S-unday. Mr. and Mrs. Rov Grahain are on the Antique Car Rally this week froni London t& Brighton. Ma-s. A. Thompson aCSOTIJ penied Mm. and Mrs. Jerry Abbott, Burketon, end visited Mr. Ll-oyd Thompson. Toron. to, eind aaso visited the Ab- botta at Burketon. Congratulations to R on Rahm on heing lat on the harness race with 'IRusty Bill" at Peterborough an Sat- urday. - Cet Cash Today For Old Appliaucos, through S TA TE S MA N C L A S 1FI1ED 8 Phono 623-3303