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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jul 1966, p. 12

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DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:30 p. me Births Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Wcmted to Rent itoom and Board-R_ stt orSl Real Estate for Sale jReal Estate for Sale Real Estate fo FOSTER-Robert and Arlene HAY. Phone 263-2596. C.B. JOHNSON 2-way radio GEÉNTLEMAN requires room ROOM and board available,i - P. E. Lots for sale, one ilews (neis Smith) are happy to ap- 30-1 with aerial. Apply 74 Ontario and board, or mro with kitch- gentleman preferred. Phone, .L Hooey of Pontypool. i'hone6376. akR nounce the arrivai of a son, 9'x1'tn.Phn 2-32 St., between 12 p.m. and 3 en privileges. Phone 623-7197. 623-2361. .01 Gravelle30 . 'Guy'Robert, 8 lbs., nm- 1 et iOS6325.30-1 29-2* PJOM and -- ___ - LIMITEDabl oralHo Sia, iwmnvlleM ____30-1 p-.. oarav 30'1eJ REAL ESTATE AND ~M NYN Kn t . omnil ora on spitsayJl9, 196.' RAIabndrphoe e, ASPEBERRIES, pick yu THREE bedroomn home by male p r e f e r r e d. Phone INSURANCE .Real Erstate FiNtanec odMrggs2 30-edaJly1, 196. ORoI ir hno. o2w n at 15c a pint. 1CliffordSept. Ist. with option to pur- 623-7355. ____ 30-1 Bwmavlle -36ndbrtSN.c23-39 BOYS 6" iccle uedgod obinson, Hampton, phone chaseraol.Pne 723- omnle-36LbryN 28DvsnSt BADRGATTy n odiio. 26"-bcycl4.ued30ood263-2142. 3-105 esoal.Poe30-3. Tenders Wanted 623-726428Dvio St A. L. HOE ebrOhwaadDsrc AÂnieare GaAp ys't an coniin 6333. 012UYING or selling furniture SMALL farm with bouse and B Real EstateEstaBoard Anne re apy t anouceRABBITS for sale, NZW. R.R. or appliances, cail Elmer, barn, 3 or 4 acres, reasonable Tenders for fuel oil will be BOWMANVILLE Church S.t Bwma iLiebaleta te.N,IurnB the birth of their son, Jacob 1, Hamnpton, 725-5972. 29-3* Hampton: business 263-2294 - rent. C. Polito, R.R. 1, New- received until 1:00 p.m., Fr1- 14 bedrooms, 3 large rooms. 623-3341 3 2-24Fe prlasAyin Çlenn William, on Friday, 2__________ July 22, 1966, at Memorial GIRL'S 28" bicycle, good con-1 residence 263-2695. 6-tf ýtonville. 30-1 day, July 29, 1966, by the Priced te seil.62-E Hospital, Bowmanville. A diion. Phone 301 -__________Durham County District High BOWMANVILLE 2 bedroomý ETES. ag rso __ 01CtaeSell .optl o anil.Adto.Poe623-5245. 3-1 COMBINE, model 77 ase NtcsSchool Board, 181 Church St., bnaoonrtaserd-. CNRES . argefuiprc frfu. brother for Clara and Chris- WATER for sale and deivered, with auxiliary motor, 7' cut, Notices___ __ Bwanile 30-1 anxious tosî.rac tye semi-etchd JUST LlI'. thdlaefotct tina.. 30-1* Cali Clff - fhhome.63ea1ures centre halle Mnowwhitel3cbedroomhomrame tageeatcentrenhalle tin. 3l4*Caî Clff ethck 63213 bagaî; ac Mffat eectîcDr. Dinnîwell's office will be Tenders, clearly marked, for, OMNIL ero plan,'dining roomn, 4 bedrooms, uglwwt t ________________32-tf stave. Phone 263-2582. .30-1l-closed during the month of the supplying of oil fr he ceMnal lrg3edrlo 150 aagec1n 1900'bngow with ated gr Ws Bah Engagement Ë _____ T h* -in-crierAuus.brick, cnrl ag o.$250grgecOl 1,0.0 gJs ie _________________RED currants for sale; pÏSEbNtEEN ft5 .P.cabincruser uut 30-1 public schools of theTonhp ers Mr. Walter Murphy is proud yourself. Phone 623-3180. atwh HP.Eird Dr. K. Slernon's -office wiîl Scheel Area of Darlington will -Trs CENTRAL, 1 acre fully manville, lots of romt rolt50x1. to announce the engagement ___-- 30-1 motor. Sec Bill Kilpatrick, be closed from July 9 ta Aug. be received by the undersign- BOWMANVILLE 4 bedrnom Iserviced land bordered by pand on this large fne 0xTrs A'f bis daughter Shelagh Caro- WATER for sale anýd delivered. as Bac, owanihe ilnteMr JhnEgrtn 4 ou srvce Cli62-556 approximate gallonage 140,000. home. Give us a caîl on-this home, brick barn, e cnehurches, taxes $201.Tyyu ,0 tnbeRvrna Hancock, son f Mr. and Mrs 29-tf - For uller Brush Ort f Stove oil, approximate gallon- one. building site. down paynsent onthsouryakfed5romo- Roobtert cckOrno.ThePOTTOEronoob-LiThtoe or aleCPRtrakscaFoYvnneSahlege 600RM.J.Hobs, ecr- NWCSTLY3ondnoe NECASLEBroher hr1600.ltheM. cnJ.lenes.tag i exellnt on POTATOS, ne, Iris___b-son, 623-5968. 30.1*1tr-rasrr nnsil N EWCIn ASTE3bdom!NWATE'Brt r whmeW iyc »iarriage will take place in blers. Joe Bouma, phone 623- FIVE white face heifers. Ja---es--n-Tire- Shop willbe __________________ sngalow owner anxous ta is a bargain that will shake 7815 o 6'28.Trs Trn UntdCuco287304Poe7564..01Jmeon Tire___________0___el o account of il health.1you rigid. .3 bedroom home7216 Saturday, .4ugust 201h, 1966, - 304Poe7564.3- losed from July 23 te AugustiAbrant$950Teis thfepcgrgend6 at3:30 ..30-1 COMBINE 5',,power take-off, TEN Yorkshire pigs, 7 weeks 12nd inclusive. __ 9 9-2 ¶okW ne aranai950 ers ihfrpacgrg n 6H. M fly unihdfus god unig rer an od Poe-shw-75603.1-- W r-WntdHAMPTON 3 bedroom feetoof ap er onh Tsi tilets.Tefos M.and MsFan______tas es ffr Poe____1be osdfrmJuly 2 UTMmwnbln n:re adcpdlt aiRa sa Newtonville, announce45 __ __ unýLburDainclusive. 28-3;______wtefot osa gaemn r herdagte Ofi6RENÔX" cherries, J. ducklings. Contact K. Mostert, Teofc fD. .EwnNR-Amnc xetc-i'homegarage $13,000. Ter lse 1,000termsnow. eirKoa Pont ea abara Frances ta William H. Jase, Newcastle. Phone 'R.R.l1, Tyrone, or phone Mannficl e osed fr-.G. m mew n O-tIwor Phoexpe23-0729 ,grge 1,0.Ters 1,000 ers.PtrKw 1Denton Massie, son of Mr. and 987-4497. 30-11263-2,327.30-1'anwl eclsdmn ok.Poe7302 MIrs. William Massie, Welcome.___ Jl -- a uut t. 92for estimates and particulars HGWA 5 9 crs 5 SEAGRAVE, 50 acre corn- REALTOR oe iormerly of Toronto. The we': NEW Westinghouse electnici asfrSl Dr. EW. Sisson's office 22-l0* workable, large barn, modern'muter farm, scenic beauty and GENERAL INSl NE$050Necsl oe ,ýdN wnlle Unied Chuch nsoemn nr.Ponn63-74.1 3 Ca r foSle nco-closed for holidays from Julyl-_-- __ -house, priced to seil. Termas. with creek. Large barn ad ditovl ngtked plac n62-74.'---0159 NASHMtooiacn29th to Sept. 6th inclusive. ARE your saws ciull and liIst-ILawrence C.Wie61-18diendd rckhm u.152 KigS.W E swathe, vertble. hone 63-3406 30-2less? Let us sharpen them UP.K.en63 rounded by maple trees. 2-43rllcto.Ol A 'lc.3. l ye ngo odto.F. Crowe, 102 Elgin St 1EneA.Cvry 6-63_1îso on SatudayAugut 20 196, atCOCKHUTT12 t. Badle - 63-35ô~ 8Vear Exprlene i ail'$50. Dorad$1l0y Tauton d. Est .4 oclok. 3-1 hI te, in3good0condition.-30-IThe Travel Department Of Bowmanville. - 301 30-18 Phas e!RiealEse.ail ozy2bero hu! _____1961_four-tonFordtruck, goodIJury & Lovel will be closed Phases__of__Real__________Realrom bungalow Mr. and Mrs. Rayburn L. ON used 6' International condition, good box. Phonelfrom July 23 ta August 6 in- A epvatu HlnBabok-6376 g.Som n cen.Kl Lohes Luenerg Nvacombine, motor driven, E. 58OM4 Orono or 263-2616, clusive. 29-3, 1 H_ 1050.Whepyret? '50 ecatlCher Scotia, announce the engage- Cryderman. Phone 263-2025. Hampton. 30-1-isOfc lmig&HaicPCESfr urns us ihe rvle-6334 orment of their only daughter, 30-1 r. W.M. Rude' ffc 1 up.>n rPIKRSfr urats$ue-1ihalGrvel0063-34.tre. toea 'Pisilla Bernice ta Constable -____ '63 GALAXIE 500, 2 -door Iwill be closed from Saturday, iasadWdedys hn!rn akt airgtnw -James Edward Scott, Halifax, MOVIE camnera, wîth zoom lens hardtop, power brakes and!July 23, ta Sunday, August 14, 35 Nelson St. Bowmanville 6a23-31e8esd0. Pon!FankBaket lNwHt omesrae unalwlo -Nov Scoia, o623-3180.dande30-1 Manilexcelentcon-sRer22g aiNewwtHomes$100.f inansie.K2-211s: 324' 1 an 66'. 2 Excelltent u -Mrs. John Scott, Newcastle, dition, $55. Phione 623-3752. Phone 623-3766 on 623-5050. 1Dr. HubbNrDAs.officeMill becii ogJb o a."obIWynt e sfr h et adnwi ri Nov Sotaso o M. ndan eecni eeexelen cn-sterng al ewties $80. ncusive. 29ie il b-2 1tiCnA. LgPoblp pil"consmcb0 hieo e oe i oi.tes 270dwi Ontario. The weddîng ta take ___ 30-1 30-2lopen from 4 p.m. fromn AugustLIý IrLL L0..± c"35 ndadresd n- e bost tem hom efr> ýplace in Zion Lutheran Church, KEYS eut automnatically, while SED Honda Model 160, low 5th to 4 p.m. August I2th, PUBN ETN 'îp.MCBx44 ah onFfhT4 the pnice. Exceptinalweî$250Bwnilecos Lunenburg, N.S., August 20, you wait, at McMullen Hard- mileage, like- new. Lic. H-810. inclusive.- 30-1 PhoMBNG E A623-540 cl, Wash 30Bx.1*, Bt.Jhn . DeWilh ii built. Loaded wih xta.sopn,2-bron 1966. 30-1 ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- New guarantee. Cowan Equip- FÉor Fulle-n-Brush - Prhducts2,-35G0L oryongwoanta EA E3AE-1D Prices start at $17,3.NHAbrcnwfnae RuthandNoran cot, vile.3-t met C., Kng t.,Bowan-caîî Elsie, Phone 723-0444.1 P.Bo 59 aby'sit one pre-school chîîd in'Bowmanville - 14 Frank S tm. Ruthowae nNrannottnceD ahr-at,1/ ..ville,_Phone 623-5689. 301 )l ouhDura I clWhitb '78 OntarioSt., Bawmanville * oeadBsies 1,00rooae.8ro TJSodle naio non eD ahr 28-/ hp __Suliuhm c aochilds own home while moth- brockalage bamn. the engagement o! their matons . Camplete -lne o! '55 Buick, 4 doon handtop with 668-6583. 28tfI tf cm works. Live in if desired.1 Phone 623-3950 $5.000 Down plus soka n dauhtr Jne ElzaethtaBeatty, 'Thon and Crosley ap- rebuhît transmission, gaod -McNulty's Sports, Cycle anid Write Advemtisem 739, c/a The1 FORCED SALE, 150 Acre voice will give y(uidpn ce ad .ErugherF.aLe.Enaoneo! te piances. Pa dd y 's Market, body and motan. Hèavy duty Toy Store will be closed from, .l SETIC TANK Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box farm with goad barn. 9 Roamn- dence. This thriving etuat$550 otHp e 'Frank Leeson a! Thamesvillc. DRIED shelled con,$5prPota.Poe nn R3 clusive for a summen vacation.i REAL Estate Sales Personnel. Stream. Offers invited. with living quartiers1agodIaow.Eccient The wedding will take place ton FOB Browview. Phone ___ 30-1 30.3*!WHITEWASHING STABLES Requirements: Good characterl 100 ACRE FARM with large en oppontunity fanaorin'trs ethe Forest Grave United 'Newcastle 9817-4474 teara- SCHOOL bus, 16-18 passenger The office o! Dr. Allan B.1 BERT TOMPKINS reasonably late model car, 'L-shaped barn. 8 0ooedCouple. Need wesamre$1,0ANupTutnRd ,Church, Wiliowdale, an Satun- range pick-up or delivery 1953 International Metro, fair Sylvester will be closed forPoeNwovle7625 previaus selling experience home. Spring creek. Asking Cal tonight! Es erOoo rc day,.Septemben l17th, at 3:00 30-3 condition, fully licensed, ran holidays July 15 ta July 29 hn etnile7625 pnefemred but net an absolute $18,000. Terms. 2 unit dwellingcnalyhmsbOcnki y..30-1 INSULATION, blowing meth- every day until June 29th; inclusive, and August 5 2to CaIli- Col-lect .41-tf Inecessity. For confidential in-1 100 ACRE FARM with large' located on spacious eltee organne od, with rock wool. Wark- tires, 8 ply heavy duty. Ask- August 19 inclusive. 28-3 - ITF I terview cail Peter Gravelle. 106' x32' barn, waterbowls, lot is just the plcyuvqaitcasmsip Mn. and Mrs. Thomas Tur- manship guananteed. Free n 40o et fe.Gro FRANK BRI.NKS 'Day., 623-3341, e ve ni n gs drive shed. 8 Roomned home been lookîng for. Lv nacLt 5x0' Ïicr; Bowmanville, announce estimates, Harry L. Wade, Bamptr,26373. 1 29-2,Phn Jury & r,,l. 623-'7304. P. E. Gravelle Real with modern conveniences. and let the Other'prmn 1 0 Bwavle the engagement o! thein dau- Phone Ncwtonville 786-2256. Hampton_263-273._29-2_________ Estate, Bowmanville. 29-2 Asking $25,000. Terms. pay the martgage.Cal o hdr lizbeith aer, s n- ! Mnarac will be SEPTIC TANK SELL REAL ESTATE STOCK FARM, 248 Acres details.brc,2btros dber lizbethJPalme, tan - of.Mr.Auction Sales rnrmC -md Mrs.Loie RASPBERRIES, order by the _____________ INSTALLATIONJo Onais aetRato with 2 barns, 2 ponds and 7 Newcastle: ga ielvn om LoimrPalmer, ca e rpiky263-2270 antqesad hig -sme o ndtwn properties. Nao x-Roomed home, Asking $25,- Corne and seethsomydinromadf- \- :ylesford, Nova Scotia. The crtOrpikenron les niqe n thins-sm ie e Holiday Hampton 2327 specializing in farm, vacation 000. Ternis.brc Yi'm.Asing maraewilI take place inbrn containers. John De thing fan evcrybody. Sec sale anst, ____ I e. o e- 11/ storey bikhouetdy , S.iarriag United 1Churtch. Wit, R.R. 1, Newtonville. 1 bills for list. -Sale ta be held ___ -----24tf pemience necessary, we wilî GRAIN FARM, 180 Acres Extnemely well 0bult a 500dw.Oe o ]Bowmanvifle, on Saturday, mile south o! Kendal. Orono at Supertest Garage, Burke- Âv.onacy, .tugustL st 4 - T-- traini you. Part on full tim.1with gaod buildings. Located baths, 3 bedr omdnnifes ,&ugust 20, 1966. 508Mi. 30-4* tan, Satunday, August 6th, 1 C- U.. S T O M basis. Excellent commission an paved Highway. Large raam, modern kitehn iigLad n am 30-1* No. 82. MASSEY-Harnis self- p.m. TermsE cash. Myles King, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and FARMING arrangement. Openings in the Stream. Asking $30.000. Termns. roam with fireplacmd $150Ntnileblig Mr. rche ishntale nocominwork, excl- __302_____ o6 .m F RM NG Newcastle, Kendal and Oronol STATELY ULTRA MOD- ail furnace. Pricedmchb- ' ltono.2igwy pr n r.Aci ihropabled c usombine, 0ft utine. 02 .. ef pn. AT REASONABLE RATES areas. For appointment caîl oriERN brick home with 2 paint- low replacementcota .Lindsay, wish ta announce the lent condition. Massey-Fergu- WEEKLY For Emergency Phone 723-1308 write, Mm. Ross O'Hagan, H. cd barns on 400 Acres. Large $16,500. $120Bidn osi r -engagement o! their eldest son Dealer, Little Britain, "S 0 KSLSg ~ ' o AIG-POIGKeith Ltd., Realtor, 181 Eglîn-'river. Excellent 35 Ace 3 bedroam bungaoi1s ~ aa 'daughter Jane Meivina ta Phone 37.. 28-1!11 LVES KSLSAe . oot 2 odst.Akn 5,0,t hpigads XnehBueByn nyService cl 623-2468ý SPRAYING, ETC. tnAe . oot 2 odst. sig$000 asopn n chas ey$5001 cecoc sonneohruceos Bryant, OnlY TYPEW.RITERS, addens, cash at Durham County Sales Arena a 19-tf 17A33 0-4Trs tidy little home ani odwt enfcv son ! Mr Bos Brynt, sh-registers, desks, chairs, filing Orono - Every Thurs., 7:30 p.m. w '7~~ A EA E 0AR ACLlctdbya 1.0.Trs erRga.Trs aw, ndth lteMr. n3- abnes.Tema tads.New, Selllng Horses, Cattie, Swine, NOTCE S.rnL-LirT AINGv±rl'z Sve oe t team. Ah niled eaei edo rpris ,0 0ar cnalt ant. Marriage ta take place used, rentali service. Bill Calves, Sheep, etc. J. A. Reid DWEAYe AKSfrt sI !are kin ds.caî stdy ihfs tcmna Friday, Aug u s t 26, I Hailtan, Raglan (North o! & Son, Sales Managers i-tf GOLDEN CRISP AilWrkGarnee fo' or.unltyCentreTOBACCO F.AMillyedo t.Andrew's Presbyter ian Oshawa). 5 __GODEN__ 30A-1WorKendal, $lLins,500 downCntr Church, Lindsay, at 8 p.m.f '- cotact- Duies o comenc 30-4* COTTAGES fr-sale equipped Auction sale o! furniture -CFISHcand DuSTEPHEN FUELSngeenuspes. Mo em born e. A Ce - 62-265 nar auno ____________________wîth ranges and refrigerators, dishes, antiques, etc., property SEPTELvinBquR to avaliable hull es.od aceryom.A Cd Deaths ready for occupancy on Dal- o! Beatty Fec at his residence FS n C I TPhnF623-5410inCTOBEr ter 1966 tAtres gull wing ofnights in g .KwaJ. y2-86 .,001 cr38cesna rympe, Pdgeo, Rce ad St inBethny, blcks outhof hone623-410 CTOER lt, 166 cresgrowngMaple. AGraveP- Owat Jh ýaRUCE, Rose-Suddenly et John Lakes. Cal 623-3781 far Main Street at Reid's Gnocery. Wl eCoe 9t Closing date for application 1$60,000. with low down pay T-.stem Newtonville onTuesday, Julyappointment - Murphy Fumni- Wednesday, Aug. 3 - sale at AGS 3h 96 mn.Jc 26, 1966. Rase Irwin (formemiy ture, 47 King Street, West, I p.m. Property sold - termes Ag st to 1 6th JA K RG S Address applications ta Sec- LARGE POND with stream, T $500sea4misnot 6èf Bwanil) nler7t BwavAug30. as.Td akon JC-UR ES r.etary, Lions Commun 1 t y i16_ Acres, house, barn. Loca- R .-. R LP 5aceswthtAu ,>ear, beloved wi!e o! Raymond' T W R SeçlY, Auctioneers..g T1 OIL BURNERS - FURNA CES Centre, 26 Beeeh Ave., Bow-1 ted north of BowmnvîeLto!Bmanville cr ,;ruce, dean mother o! Mrs. TVT W R 30-1 f or J..olid.ays. CLEANED manville, Ontario. 30-3 Pniced ta selI. t.Re G. Turney (Mary) of Trenton. $50 up PLUMBNG REPAIRS . j STOCK FARM, 144Ace. B mavlentîetmt.$,0 $Restin a tHe.thut ad V1I A Auctian sale o! 30 Angus, Phone 623-7051 ]PHONE HAMPTON Rieception 'Modern brick home. 120'x32'don cattl,-pout-y,--H t-----,30-1barn. Stream. Drive shed. 623-2503$40020scncars(a serichFerao'lome. Fhural c UPL T atle, pfultry, M-Hfractr, 3- 263-2151 Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Parker Asking $35,000. Temms. -agerie2clocknere, ThrsayLT- alrfuI imla mc ney RIK OMomRoedOteADVEWrelavtivndFestoo 'Iatlernoo. Iterment B0- ano d.E saagrain, straw, furmiture, in- SUMMER rNrCr1RI1.ýMail Address: ilBRIbe atEhome ta relativesVI bianill Cectey. j-î tatoRton RE*oshaw cîuding piano, praperty o! Ivan : and fricnds, 8 Elgin Street, on.Cek eso 'rONATROCamin A. Dil 73-831Prott,7A igway jut estDr.G.E. ouler P.O. Box 543 Bowmanviile Friday, July 29th, 1966, from partly new, very central with $3 000 DOWN.Moe _______ ,Camie . usDEa o3-131PRitso7n Rhwy, uadwetr._._.___ler3 to 5 and 7 ta 9 p.m., on -the 2 bathrooms, 2 kitchens. Oil bedroom brick bunglwwtronpyet ,Itev.- (Retired Minister, Uni- 'Day or nlght - Bill Leaak,Prop. o! Nestleton, Satunday, July M utodlciAn o irmy. 29-2 ARG.fE RA NCH TYL E r argecreLakshae dif 4ed Church o! Canada). Sud- Bes - î-tf 30. Sale at 1 p.m. Farm sold. Memorial Hospital M utjyocioAnioveir sOthWe-1heARGfE RANCHiTed L Ery rgeneîfnse.e.$1,0 xeln a~.f1 'deniy at Ennîskil I cn o n $hop H for Fu-ifl Lîne-_ Ted Jackson, Ted Spenceley, BOMNLE Backhoe Service _______________BUNGA LO W, New, brickSNET OAfam 6nomho Thursday, July 21, 1966,autner.22 TRENCHES - DRAINS Wanted to Buy ~ tahddul aae ihalfrnace _Carmine Fornatara af Kitch- CAMPING FrRn OFFICE DV APPOINMENT FOUJNDATIONS AND -Ail- wiring underground. Ma- $1 7,300. Almast iw c-Bms 6x0,3'2' - 'ner, beloved husband of _ For_________ PHONE SEPTIC TANKS CHILD'S wnoden w agon, hogany cupboards, trim and moam brick bungaloClstaBkcoe.Tont Vioa mih, ea fthr o E UIMET GODpatur fr evrai62-331Phone phone 623-7107. 30-1 dbors. Many mare extras. Omîy Lord Elgin School. ml otat oa "John o! Richmond, B.C., Mrs. co.o efr, , h ot.- -$5,000 down.MENSA.NAR INte nar ecst. P.awa re au (Grac) ! u. ý BAf.B.Q SETS Murray Payne, phone 786-.2215. between stave, good condition. Phone BOWMANV IL LE, MAIN $2,500 DOWN fantioey $1,0 on re Gwa,r. H.,ZapmendRutf 30-1 10 arn. - i p.m. ____ 20-tf 623-252.. 30-1 STREET, 8 Roomed brick wel' maintained iksoc 7.0 oor ra ar W______ - __- - --ISP-NERh-frs- nd----home. Ail modern convenien- home an 1/2 acre.3lagbd-ar--00crs 4-BGnea, .Y.,MraymP.ond o! SEVEN room two-storey bouse OFFICE HOURS .IUiSERMAîiVlIi.N s ix wer sn s, .ces. Double garage. Extra 60ros 1,0.go oss an -(ivie)of B.C. , Mrs. . .pic central. Four bednooms. Im- duc insi ekorls.Te 6))orn $450 -~(Silvi) o! Winsor, Mr w onlay $10t00.Te s IGSRE .3'12,3'10,3 PIL 01condition. Savemoney. Finan- m edi i a -tel1 y, --iv---ho. . FURNITURE AND - - - cmiutcflen. ________bat-_$13,00.______t _______________________ îngarraged.Phoho6233142 30ItaySwr:WEED CONTROL oom. Priced to ssII. noom bungalow on hi t ot1W ne Mig rASE ARI 1 t. Phone -3142. - _0_- Highway No. 2 -- trami IPHOLSTERY CHEMICALS, ----BUNGALOW, Brick, a i- end o! village. 4 peebt,________ Forhcmin Sathr nicd or mmd.t; MODERN 4-romr apartment, Simpson ta 480 feet East. Ne Lctin .ost new, spotless on niceetc. " sais, ~corner King and Division MawveBvd omConrKnsdDisont. HIHQATY waoded lot. Oil heated with RN Marriage ITRAINL CmieSres mmediate possession.LemySrtta30et Phone 623-52à2ît ae wn 4-piece bathroomn. Hardwood$1.0.fredorripdFan Mr..and Mns. Norman H. "New" pull type 7.1t. Save up pply Sam's Famous Fos et ___ n an.Pie t $14 ,00Fin 1~sae rc ~ ke ppopl Gren ttw, nouc teta$000. iancing arrang- 14 Division St., Bowmanville SmsuAvne ta 1501. Term' home overlooking euiu eehasclet2322 o! thec edn< about ur sofcial i27ed4*Prince Street ta Highway No. V N R E E DA E OURIE 9Raoomed, brickOrnpakM gwîFuFrn R o s e , s e c a M D R a a t m n , h e t d 2 .h o e w thil l m o d r n c o n - 2 5 A C R E S . ~ rDmold Erneat Laird, son Harvest tinancing on new and frig and stove, television I'A Court of Revision will LTD. jeine'o lns ce.$.0 ulpiefrti a-TRN b r.Erneot Laird and the used equipment. aenial, parig. Adults oly; ibe heîd on the 8th day of Pnice reduced ta $16,900. uabie parcel Pwith7,0Xas LcneN.4C6 late Mr. Ernest Laird, 80ow- Internaltional. No. 45 Baler three roornisand fulli' equipped August, 1966 et 8:00 p.m. et adcrtin b EWC62-7150 - ONT.s. 987-4711 1-tfniel numie. The. memiage will PTO ny*9.0 bathoor. Aveilable immedi-ithe Town Hall, for the pur- FREE ESTIMATES 29-t! We List Photo M. L. 9. 30 ACRES, BUIEO ~ c~iiTi2, t ae, g 27Desl TRATO ersately. Apply Statesman Office, Jpose o! hearing complaints Phnoand Exclusive $9.600. with adrhmeoedtollev D4 u Int. TDS Crawler with loader King St. West. 27-t! lagainst the proposed assess- IIIgbut Cabarrne for D .14 lu t. B414D wlth 3 pt. hitch APARTMENTS, bachelor, two ments or the accuracy of' GEORGE VANDEMEENT Personil Alter Heurs Cm»aral ambuh COWA ready for aupancy in the snoîterestedm at esr ta-07 goods) mailed postpaid in Guy Lelane - 623-3715 Howard Wight . -254 BRETFIF 250 ~ ~ ~ os neetdma eiet plain sealed envelope with 1dm. Wiermma -7858 ae lad -7358 hn ogDsac ~jgPi& Me's peerption EQUIPMENT CO.ne2E0sKin t eArst. iiing. rm iake ndthtis byaur og- MEL ROZEMA pricehlst. Six samples 25c. Phyllis MeRobble- 623-7159 oiltord McDonald -6331 eih650<ecag ey 80-1 ~ ~ nizable by this Court. 62-2936 2-$«91 -5 ID avsa- O4tn U 3-VI3t sa- 8-129-3 Town Clerk. 01 boi 91, Hainilton, Ont. 15 osDv"-BtayI

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