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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jul 1966, p. 2

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'- - ~- 2 The Canadian Statesman, Eowmanville, MTuy 27, 1M6 OLLts and 9£Aeces t HOMEMAXER - Jane Flett, daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flett, formerly of Bowmanville and now of Oshawa, bas been selected to represent Ontario County Homemnakers' Club at the Cana- dian National Exhibition from Aug. 24th to 26th. Congratulations! t i.t t GUESTS- Several' young ladies £rom La týelle Province de Quebec are guests here this week With Bownianville famies. They are exchange Students paying a return visit. The Bowxnanville girls visited in Quebec previously. ýToday, they are seeing Niagara Falls and other scenic points alon the way. Burgess Whyte Sent to Trial Burgess Whyte, 24, 137 E.eMIBillvd., Oshawa, for- merly or Bewmanville,'waa sent to trial te face a charge et criminal negilhence as- tg death followlng a pre- inary hearlng at Oshawa eurt Ponday. Wbyte, who was not oeil- ed ho gîve evidence. la our- rently lu Jail unable ho rais e $5,000 bail. Kiwanians Entertai n 32 BTS Boys Tie Bowrnanville Kiwanis Club entertaihied on Monday evenlng at Kiwanis Park 32 boys froim Kiwenis House et thie Ontarlo Tnainling School haro. Mout ailU teboys on- joyed a swim in thec pool %vble (the memrbers ae their £'4-per. Afterwards, volley bail, horeshoes, etc. were eni- joyed. At dusk, hot doge and pop were servedto ail Uic boys. The Kiwanians extcndcd spe- ciel lihaks o Kiwanis House- Master Roy Spry fou, meking the outing possible and super- vWsng the boys. Presideuit Fred Tippins aud RBon Brooks who attended the meeting of thc Bowmanville Contenniail Comxittee held at the Lions Centre on Thursday evening ro'ported to bbc club on the plans for the propoeod Centenniall Park Proj oct to i o 'I *Collision Repairs *Painting. *General Body Repairs *Free Estlimates MacDonald Ford Sales BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623-2534 provide equlpnent, fenclng and flood Eghtiq fr te town's park aend playgrounds. President Tippin. called on the club menx*ers to attend the Divisional Caucus to be helidaet Camp Kendron, Osh- awa, on Septemben bth. Ho elso urged attesidence et the Kiwania District Four Con- vention to be held on Sep,- tomber 25th ho 2Mthin Hennil- ton. Congratulations w er e extended ho Bob and Pat Car- ruthers on the biTth of their daughter. 1h was pointed out that aIl the recent fine weathetr has resulted in a lot of people ineking good use oft Kiwanis Park. The Kiwanians expres- soci their appirociehion of Uic finenicial support given by the minimum entrance f et paymienhs as this money on- abies tihem to furthe n imirove this fine recreatione! centre. Legion Carnival (FROM PAGE ON£) by the Legion Drew Car whiîch followed thc police cruisern was headed by thc Bowmenville Legion Pipe Band. *This aenuiai Parade was the best onc yet, -and the many spechators ail along the route werc enthrusiashic about i. There wene a wide vaniety of aimusing, upectacularansd ingen jous costumes worn by the y'oungsers es well as a large numbon cof decorated doli carrnages end bicycles. Morley Etcher, the. Parade Cliairmian, was i charge of ail the arrangements, and de- serves much credit. Hc was helped by Reoreahion Direcher T. A. Fanning and bis assist- ant Joe Keninett. Registra- tiens for tihe Ohiklren's Par- ado wene haken et Uic hown's playgmauncls. Tracy Osmond was the Par-, ade Mishel. The cbfildrcn' iardied i theïr playground1 giroups. The Recreahion De-1 pairtment's Supervisors assist- cd with Uie parfade formation as foUoews: Mémorial Park Playgrouud, Heather Mooce; Vinctent Massey, Lelgh Mc. Menn; Franiklin Park, Jack VandenbuSg; Lions Centre, Mine Oke; anid Traveling Playground, Joe McKnight. Majorettes and Beton Twirl- crs werc an edded attraction in theCOhildires's Parade. The Selorettes, ca!Pained by Imee RletmiuBLer, shepped out srnart- ly after Uic Bowrnanville1 Legion Pipe Band. Reoreahion Departîment Majorettes Linda Farrelil, Brenda Henning, andji Deloitte, Plender, Haskins & Selis wlth whom are now merged Monteith, Riehi, Waters & Co. Chartered Accountants Oshawa Winulpeg Prince Taranto Regina George Hamilton Calgary Vancouver Gordon W. Riehi, C.A., R.LA. Burt R. Waters, C.A. Oshawa Oshawa Shopping Centre 728-75270 . 1 - nm" 623-5589 BOWMANVILLE WEDNESDAY TO SATURDAYP JULY 27-30 Matin.. Saturday at 2 p.m. WALT DISNEY'S "THE UGLY DA(HSHUND"f In Color Starring Dean Jones and Suzanne Pleshette also "WINNIE THE POON"# In Color ADULTS $1.00 STUDENTS 75e CHILDREN 35e ANYTIME SUN., JULY 3lst to SAT., AUGUST 6th One Show Each Night at 7:30 p.m. ""MY FAIR LADY" In Color Starring Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison ADULTS $1.25 STUDENS 75e CHILDREN 5OC Matinee Saturday at 2 p.m. - Children 15e SUNDAY MID-ITE SHOW, JULY Slst "ISEOF SIN". and "PYRO' mnoo 1Dianne Thertell were betweeen -the playeround groupa. The judges for the five cles in thie m1en's Par- ade were Hie Worsaiip, Mayor Ivan Hobbs, and Mr. andM Mm Byron (Duke) »runt. The wmnners weoe: Co0nMi c - 1, Siervy Sellera and .Darlene Hughes, 2, Dale Barrett aâd Evangeline Merldhy; 3, Saen- dra Knight and Connie Kriight. Original - 1, Donna Hilditch and Devora Woodlock; 2, Greg Balson and Randy Lake; 3, Mary-Ellen Franmpton and Peter Frumpton. Western - 1, Lililan Knig*t and Leonard Knlght; 2, Glen Farrelli; 3, Bred., Reg, Alan, and Wendy Freethy. Deoorated Dol! Carrnage - 1, Kelly Gouki; 2, Lori Brv>me1l; 3, Ronniie Burgesand Mitzi Burg. Decorated Bicycle - 1, Julie Vivian;, 2; Cindy Hughes; 3, Wayne Mosher. The prizes in each parade des. were $5, $3, and $2. Af- ter the. judging the ebuidren weTe given free refreshments. The youngsters were delight- en with th2e Ferris Wheel, the Tilt-a-Chafr Ride, and the 5mai! Train. The Boothi Chairmen were Bill Lawrie, Refreehmcnts; Jiam Barclay, One Plus; Jack Baker, Two Plus; Art Shee- han, Crciwn an' Anchor I; Art Bro'wn, Crown and Anchor II, Bill Kilpatrick, 'Ring Tous; Luther Welsh, Blanloets;' Keith Yeo, Free Money; Maýurice Annaert, Darts; Rae Aber- nethiy, Fruit; Ross McKnight, Over andi Under; and Ernie Perfect, Bingo. The auxiiio.y's Novelty Booth was convencd by Lim- mediete Past President Rich- ards. She was a6sisted by Cornrade Theline Little. Aux- iliary 2nd Vie president Lea!h Grahiamn an4 Conrade Helen Little were ini chargc of the Fish Pond. ConIrade Mflllie Bates was the Coffce Convenor. She was asaisted by ComZades Ann Piper and Helen Wallis. cern- rade Audrcy Cook was the convenor for the Sale of Home Bakiiig. Comrades Ber- ncy Bois-ert, Rena Batligahc aRnd Lorraine Bruton werc in change o:f the Hot Dog Booth. Liberal Pocnoc (FROM PAGE ONE) strong followiug,"1 Mr. Honey stahed. Farm prosperity is an os- seutial requirement for the healthy ecouomy in Ontario and in ail of Canada, Mn. Thouipson declaned. Ho spoke o! the difficulties facing those engaged in agriculture because o! the cost-pnice squeeze, and said that the present Couser- vative Geverumeut ah Quecu's Park heu neglected the farm- ers. Ho changed the Robants Goverumeut with showing ar- rogance ho the electonate. An instance o! this was the re- usaI of. the Ministez of.Agri- culture ho sec a delegehion o! fermers fnomn Northern On- tarie who had gon. ho Toronto ho seek advicc on thein prob- lems. "Cold receptions have also been given ho delegations of business mon, fermons, and labor represenhetives. The people o! Ontario have corne te realize that hhey now have a governuient that is Indiffer- eut ho their needs and con- cornn," he assorted. Speskiug o! the difficulties of lebor, and union feers re- gending court injunctiens, Mn. Thompuon calied for the es- tablish ment of e labor-man- agemoent council which wouid enebie constant dialogue bo- twoen hhcm eand assist in find- ing solutions ho problemu. Mn. Thompson aise expres- sod concern oven conditions et the Smiths Falls institution for rehanded children. "We have the weeith in Ontario te niake conditions et this home botter, and wo cannot remain complaceut about such mat- tors," ho pointed out. In recent mouths he has travelled 60,000 miles hhrough- out Ontario, and ho said that ho heu been thrilled ah the large groups of Liberals ho heu fouud cverywhene who are workiug hard ho rovitelize the party, and win the noxt eloction. Ho addod that can- didates o! high abiiity are: coming fonward and are being' soughh out ho carry on theo ideas o! Liberalism. Thene were seven pnizol wiuuons lu the special draw. Hilton Tiuk, R.R. 2, Bowmau- ville, a lounge chair. Mrs. George Nicholson, 14 Seugog Street, a cof!ee table, donated by Ross Cobbledick, New- castle. Mayor Ivan Hobbs, a cof!ee hable donated by Mn. Cobbledick. Oriel Edgerhou, Newhouville, credenza donahed by Don Murray o! Woodland Products. Henny Collacutt, 116 King Street East, picnic bas- ket donated by Russell C. Houey, M.P. P. G. White, Oshawa, jewel box donated by J. Anderson Smith Company, Newcastle, and M. Huben, Co- bourg, .22 rifle. Mr. and Mns. Lawreucel Farrow, Newtonville, werel awarded the prize for the neareat wedding annivenuary ho the picnic date. Mrs, S. Snell, Jane Street, age 88, won a pnize as the oldest Liberal aheUi plenie. The pnize for the lergest family present went ho Mr. and Mis. M. Vog- elà, Newtonvllle, who had their elghh children wthh thhm. During the. atorsionRager Knihlk, P tmnof the Port RopellImgýlAssociation, Iaun charge tbe race.E LoekIp,,"ewaUme, wus in -'I the. bell arni tehu frani suhh Dunbai. captaif. ad by PwlutWide, deuat Some of the Legion Parade Prize Winners Photos by Lloyd MeRobbie1 Winsome Little Girl The sweet littie girl in the above photo, who seems to have just concluded a delightful chat on the phone, is* Sarah Ann Stickels, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Stickels, Bowmanville. She celebrated. ber first birthday on June 27th. Her grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Rance Dilling, Bowmanville, and Mr. C. 0. Stickels and 1'rs. É. Downer of England. WESLEY VILLE bas been spending seme holi- days with her mother, Mrs. L. Holdaway. LONG SAULT Mn. and Mrs. M. Mavin and! Brout, Oshawa, wore Wednes-i day suppen guests of Mn. and Mrs. Robent Cameron. Ted Wood, Tynone, and Bob Brown, Maplo Grove, visited with Raymond Cameron Set- unday oveuing. Mrs. Alice Brldgoman, sister o! Mrs. Rye Gibson, passed away very rocently et ber homo in Cambridge, Kent, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Ripley aud Tenry, Milton, spent Tues- day and Mn. and Mrs. Raymond Thouipson, Paul, Weudy and Rolaud, Lakeview, spout Wed- nesday with Mn. and Mrs. Rye Gibson. Mn. and Mis. Gibson spent Suuday with Mrs. J. R. Park- inson and famiy, Cobourg, in houer of Duane Pugsley, Tor- outo and Mrs. Gibson's birth- days. Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Rowley and Joan, Palgnave, Mn. and Mns. Wm. Johnson and Linde, Lifford, were Fniday guests où their parents, Mn. and Mns. Bort Johnson. Mrs. Geo. Wills, Inglewood, and Mrs. J. C. Cook were Wed- nesday dinner guestu of the Smith's. Miss Grace Smith and Mn. aud Mis. J. C. Cook were in Toronto lest Monday attend- ing the funerai of Mn. John McDonald and visitod Mn. George Wills, Inglewood, 'who lu a patient In Pnincess Marg- aret Hospital, Toronto, for hneatment. Susan and Debby Vandam spent the weekend with An Baker. Mn. and Mis. Gordon Baker and famiiy; Mn. and Mrs. Keith Gobie, along with Mn. and Mrs. John Baker and family, A meeting o! the Sunday mainder o! the uummor Reg- Aldersiiot; Mn. and Mns. John School executive was held lest ulan lessons arc annanged for Baker and Ricky, Brookln Monday night ln the Suuday only heu mouhhs se it was de- and Miss Grace Rockc, Osh- school to discuss current needs cided ho not hold Suuday awa, eujoyed a family picnic and make__plans fon the ne- school on July 3lst and Aug- north o! Sunderland on*Lake ust 7th, beginuiug egain with Simcoe, Suuday. the resumption of church son- Mn. and Mns. Wm. Miller, vices on August l4th. Plans Orono, were Saturday eveuing Fl ewere made for the annuel guests of h mihs D estvroys Several ladies completed a ily picnic lu Cartwright Park, Red Cross quilt ah the home Sunday, August 7th et 12 noon. (FROMPAGEONE) of Mrs. E. Barrowclough ou Brîng youn basket and enjoy FRO PAE OE) Tuesday afteruoou. yourself. William Banting, nu r serny The annuel wiener roast supeintendent for the depant- spousoned by the UCW for the mont of lands and forests. commuity was held et Port MAP LE GROVE "The last rain we had a Britein soe thnough the Juiy 6 wheu we received only kindueus of Mn. sud Mis. H. Louise Ann Whitney has eue quarter ýo! an inch and Danke. Philip Nichols and TetUrned frein AI Malbeiae, befono that, on Junt 15, we John Tufford were responsible Québec, wheno she spent two neceived only fi-mee quarters for arranging the bell game wecks with some other cx- o! an inch," said Mr. Banting. which began about 8 o'clock change studeuts. She brought "«Ou June 15 tue danger for and lasted untîl dark. The Miss Carole Savard home witli forest fines was zer, nw ît suiell tykes eujoyed the usuel hon for- e two weeks' visit. is conside'red hazardous. Mois- gemes sud evoryone eujoyed Mrs. Frank Carefoo' (nee turc heu goe down six inches the bon fine and siugsong led Kerr) o! Virden, Manitoba, a in the ground. by John Gnoeneveld. Thene formeneietotisc- "There are thousandu !weo wlnofeogh te munity, speut the weekend acre of reesaround tUts evenyone had as meny as ho with Mrs. L. C. Snowden, and acre o! reesor she could et, with pleuty aise called on a !ow o! hon aTea and if a fine gels a o! mustard, relish, coffee and closet neiglubouns. They aiso chne t crown (burn on the freshie.caedtscMi..Lid tope o!fro 0) ilescan eura Harold Austin roturnnd and Miss Suale Laird, Ouh- an ipeed o! 3 lnes an h dr home from Peterborough Hos- ewa. action, could wîpe out towns,"» pitel on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Laird he sai.Oid friendu and ueighbors on speut a few days lest week Nu rur y eman llenthe lakeshone were shocked to walking on "The. Bruce Treil» Bree sad, henasked wa week o Ross Dickinson whose Counhy. it oul beUkeil he e boyhood home wes here ah Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cry- zldge n-ca cm eot uh Port Britain. 'derman were guests on Set- oontrol: "Ilt would be a fi-re "ht I weqidnt even want h Nicki Gnoeueveld and Rae undey et Uic Hussey-Lord Tufford rehurned home fnom wcdding held in St. George's lilgEe.Quit-Mo-Lac cera near Ma- Church on the hull. The ne- "'Motiorista, .camn~ra nd doc, lest Wednesda:Ey and re.- eption was held et Old MIlis blini me i 'gi 8St ex-S port a good holiday. in Islliigton. Ume caitian WII 1aeb oee ,,, Mn. and Mis. Leslie Colla- tufiesm d c ire. hMr. and Mrs. Harold But cutt were Sundey evening woln' ake Miiteget it Wesley and er edafwcaîlens on Mr. and Mis. Elmer Lti.but lit w*W.d t*e edy'cmigls ekl Wilbur sud Mis. James Ho- >~pt . a, t cti,' sald UgOun Park. .garhh, ai of -Hampton. J -T~~S.N£oldEaway of Toronto Mr. and Mis. James Greta- ham, Port Huron, Michigan, were visitors last week with their sister-in-law, Mrs. Char- les Greenham, and Miss Carole Greenham. Mr. Reid Miller, Gait, Mr.ý and Mrs. Wm. Munroe, Co- ,bourg, were weekend visitorsi 'with Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Mor- !ton at their cottage at Twin Lakes. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown and Master David Brown were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rogers and family at Windsor. Mr. DJavid Cryderman re-ý cently visited his cousin, Mr. John Twist, Minden. They ai- se called. tQ. see.their sister and cousins, Misses Kathy Twist, Karen Bell and Janey Stout et Cofllngwood where the girls are worklng for the ZO sumner. ZO Mrs. T.' Martin, CutKle Sask., was a Monday dinner Mrs.Cak guest with her cousins, Mr.,! Mrs. George Gordon and fain- and Mrs. H. G. Freemnan. lily, Oshawa, were Sunday Mr, and Mrs. Boyd -Coch. visitors et Kcith Stainton s. rane and son David, Toronto, Mrs. Ray Camneron was hos- were Saturday visitôrs2 with tess for an Artex Denji tra- their cousins, Mn. andM. tion et her home lest. ek. Stephen Jcffery and Mr Ms. Kcith Steinton, Cark., Gary Jeffery. Suman and Scott attended the The mnanY littIe frlends of Ferguson family picnîc et Miss Tammy Rogers will be Spninghill Park. pleesed to learn that Tamnmy Mr. andl Mrs.. R. C. eain- has returned home from the ton and deughtcrs r9fVrncd Sick Chlldren's IHospital, Ton- home after spcnding two onto. weeks at a cottage on Lake Mis. John Aitcheson (nec Papinieaui. Mary Snowden) is in London Mn. and Mrs. Walter Haas ]Hospital under the doctor's and family, Mns. Alex McMas- care. ter and Ross visited et James Master ýBlIe and Ralph McMastcr's, Millbrook. Mils, rcturned -home on Satur- Mrs. F. B. Glaspell, Mrs. day from Calgary whene theyýAlex McMaster, Joan and visitcd their sister, Miss Joycc1 Ross, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mils, and attended the Calgary1 George Hilts, at tlIans Stazupede. Point. Mns. Cecil Jeffcry, Mr. and Mrs. Alox McMashon and Mrs. H. G. Freeman, in com- Joan, Mrs. Charles Naylor, Ipany with Mrs. Frank Care- Oshawa, visited Mrs. Grant root, Vinden, Manitoba, wenc Jack et Scarborough. Sunday supper guests with Mn. Mn. and Mrs. Tim Brooks, and Mrs. Ross Stevens, Scu- Oshawa, spent the wcekend at gog St., Bowmenvillc. Ray Cameron's. Mrs. Kay Burgess, Toronto,ý Mrs. Don Prout, Donnie and visiting with Mr. and Mrs. IRandy, Bowmanville, visited Lloyd Snowden, in company et Ray Cameron 's. with Mr. and Mns. Roy Van- Mrs. Elsie O'Neil, Oshawa, Camp are spending this 'Woek Mr. and Mrs. Wes Camenon, ah the VanCamp cottage on Mr. and Mns. Allen Fisher, Mink Lake. went to Buckhorn on Sundey. Mis. E. Ashton, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Allaiê Fisher Mrs. Gordon Beech, Miss had a nico holiday in the West Bonnie Beoch, Miss Janice and visited thein son Alvin Becch and Mr. Henry Dryor, Fisher and famiiy et Winni- Hamilton, attendod the 25th peg. wedding annivcrsary of Mr. and Mns. Orval Ashton at En.I njukillen, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harrison, Toron- B ID R to, werc visitors on SatundayI Beeh ad Ms.E. Ashton. __,S EC L T R RENT A--- NEW CAR ""uTS WEEKEND ~ DAILY *WEEKLY *MONTHLY KRËÀAONABLE RATES MacDonald Ford Sales BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623-2534 INVESTORS Over 100 cholce building lots ln the Village of Orono. Look ahead - new cernent plant le offlng. Caîl exclusive agent P. E. GRAVEL& Real Estate 28 Division St., Bowrnanville Phone 623-3341 or 623-7304 (AREER OPPORTUNITY in PETROLEUM BUSINESS Major oil company has opening for aggressive individual to take over existing business. W. seil a full range of fuels, lubricants and chemicals for home, farmn and industry. Your investment of $20,000, on terms if de- sired, will enable you to earn $10,000 per annumn, starting now. Reply in strict confidence, stating name, address, telephone, age, past business experience to ADVERTISER 741, e/o Canadien Stetesman, P.. Box 190, Bowmauville. ASA-REX Fast-actig pain mi- Mlet front discomfo4t ot headache, colda. neuralei and mus- cular aches and pains. Rexl'bad ofhgetquallty acetylsakuylic acid tablets. 5 GRAIM TABLETS 59f5 ()RED'-SET MIIAR SPRY COL.D CAPSU£LES Up to 12 bcwrs continuotr. relief Truly a qublity fOrmula fo« Suui0r Sail« ofeg dmW hy fever yMptonis. and touch-ups. Hoids hair softly w«Ihout Checks ruimy nose and watery stiffness. 11 oz. eyes like magic! Bs. 69idf MU Rexalils fineat pain reî.evernw spcai'buffemad ta help speed eiefwh aitonach Upset. 50 tablets I <~) MI-31 MOI/TII WASII I Popular an*er mouth ~sh and gatEle kilis àevma on contact. Faghtsbad I breath and acre Iiiroat due to coldi. l2oz. ~3ç Montreal Windsor Edmonton ROYA L 70 OUR CUSTAMRS:- As the cost of nearly everything seems to be risng Umee days we're happy te announce everyday lm epices on the Rexaît brund of the miost popular healtti and beauty products. Nothing Mas chanb.dbut -the pre. You ca.n coiJit on moeducts forntuWaed ft the highest quaity ingredients tender liexalfs exacting laboratory standards. We continue to guarntee satisfaction vith every Rexal %product or your moneit cheerfully refunded. This isaLi way of saymng "«You can count en our Resoefl drugstore for quaiity products at reaonbliews evertwyot st«'". ... Y« rReuît Phanacist ()COOL POjU-ON (ýD KLEÈVZO DEODOR4ffANT OUTIIWASNr Ruby-red splcy flavotjrd Mouth wash CoMintion deodomat wth an#r nd gargitse« b'ah ard leva spîrant givu * , m i t 4fu.clckrmuith refreshed. PieaaaMttastin tion. Non4mfrtgit l t. 1b.t2 0W. AgSenleating famlly laxative. Pi.- Keep ruWwlstaot Infection hig eih OPEN HOLIDAY - MONDAY, AUGUST lst JURY &LOVELb, LIMITED1 2 KING ST.. E. SQ WMANVILLE" LI: OUR c E OU EVERYDAY LOW PRICE

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