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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jul 1966, p. 3

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was St. Johns. Anglican Church Mr. and Mrs. Brian Edward Smith, shown in the above photo, were married In St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville, on Saturday afternoon, June 4, 1966, at 3 o'clock. Formerly Miss Bonnie Ariene Taylor, the bride is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, ail of Bowmanville. Photo by Aster Exchange Vows in Newtonville United Church Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leonard Willsher, shown in the above photo, exchang- ed niarriage vows in Newtonville United Church on Saturday, July 2, 1966, at 6 o'clock. The bride is the former Miss- Lynda Joan Marteli, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Marteil, Newtonville, and the groom is the son of Mrs. H. E. Scott, Oshawa, and the late Mr. Charles Willsher. Photo by Astor Mr. and'Mrs. Frederick Howard Elliott are shown in the above photo fol-. lowing their wedding in Hampton United Church on Saturday, June 18, 1966. The bride is the former Miss Brenda Elien Jean Potter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Potter, Hampton, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eliiott, Oshawa. Photo by Astor Studio June Wedding in St. PauI's United Churchl ^-etting RIRD - MARRIS Mr. and Mrs. John Partridge, shown in the abov( St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanvilie, on Saturday at 3:30 o'ciock. Formerly Miss Roberta Hetherington, ti Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hetherington, Bowmanvilie, and1 of Mr. and Mrs. William Partridge, Oshawa. dresses adorneti witli circular ELLIOTT - POTTER veiling, and tihir bouquets wcne o! deep pink anti white Hamnptonl Unitedi Cburah carnations. was thec setting for Uic mai- Mr. Kenneth Wiilsher, Osh- niage on Saturday, June 18, awa, was best mani for his 1986, of Miss Brenda Ellen W eddings brother andi Mn. Davidi Scott, Jean Potter, daughter of Mr. anothen brother o! the gromanti Mn.. Haroldi Potter, Oshea, as sher grom'Hampton, anti Mr. Fredenick Howardi Elliott, son of Mr. Following thececrcmony a anti Mn.. Jack 'Eiîiott, Ceh- reception was helti at New- awa. Standards o! white tonville Unitedi Church Hall cbrysantliemns and pick wtiene thc bride's mothen ne- carnatàons fonmed an att!rac- ceiveti in a tw-piece tur- tîve setting for the ceremony. quoise shantung suit with Rcv. Chiarles Catto officiat- white accessories anti corsage cd ai~ weddang music «f blue andi whitc carnations. -v pay yMn. Rm Met- WILBaI MATWL ather, thc bride wore a for- To assist, the grooms mothen cal!. mlleaethi gown o! white çhoee a pink lace dress and Tebie h a ie A PrettY W«WàU 'M s0 batiste with hmc trim, short coat, wite accessories ant i In mrriege by her fattien, enijlzm4 la NeWtOflVillC It- aleeves. scoop 'neckllne anti corsage o! pink anti white wore a fomal lengt>b, mul- ed Cburdi On StudayJu A-JAne *irt. Her waist length carnations. siirteti gown of white taffete I, 0eat 6 o'clock whe veil of nylIon lace was caugbt Before leaving on a honey- faille with scallopeti lace 3m issLn&a ,Oaf Malote a cuter o! lily«-ei- moon motor tour o! Onitario ncckline. A floor-lengtb, lace tisuibe ci(Mr. aSid iMrs. vafly anti chiffon lâaves. Skie andtihUi Unitedi States, the train was caught a et ifeck- joeeph A. Mj1tel. Newton-. carrieti a bouquet o! white bride donneti a green tiress lice by a detachable bow, anti and jAr. asobezt Leoiiard carnations andi stephanots. andi coat ensemble, white ac- ber shoultier-length veil feU or Cha wWte unit- Mbieis Knight, Oshawa, ceorles anti corsage of white frein a floral heetidress. She 7«fq iswas maid idG honor andtihei carnations. T7hey will reside carried a cascade bouquet ef a, esmlt wa MIs orcn t 275 Wentwortli, Oshawa, reti roses. w, ad the. aOM n M. Dubeau of Newtaeuville. Thcy ont. Miss Patricia Staples o! £ laWWuher. w. en nfMl-lenàgtii, leeve- Out..a!.townguests attendeti Buriceton was mald o! bocor É«.]a.C.Whiofidated Imm. pastel plk t a!ffe ta from Warren, Mih. Stouff- and the bridesmalds were Oshiawa was flower girl. They wcre in sleeveless, full, length dresses «f green nylon or- gansa over flowered brocade. They wore white elbow len'gth gloves, white shees, anti matching wedding ring beeti- pieces eccenteti by a fiat bow Lplace t he icfr-ont. Thein cascade bouquets were of pinck carnations. 1&. Lyle Widiman, Hamnp- ton, was liest mani anti the u*iere were the groom's bro- ther-in-law, Mr. Rey Carrier, Oshawa, Mcr. E4ien Bastin, Cobourg, antiMr. Wayne Trul, Hamnpton. Thc reception was belti in Darlington Townehip Hall. The bride's mqtticr recciveti in a light beige, silk ibben sheath, turquoise bat, beige accessories anti corsge of rose carnations. Té assist, Uic groeni's mothen chose a deep beige two-piece tires. with pink hat anti accessonies, anti corvage of P"nkcarnations. Betore leaving on thc wed- di trip te New York, the bride donneti a Pink nylon Ches andi bat, whiite acces- einm anti corsage o! wt:t oernetlons. They will remide in WIiaws. M» brde attend.! Kamp-1 The Canadian State.sman, Bowmanvffle, JuIy 27, 19608 June Wedding in Whitby. SMdTE - TAYLOIR Bouquets ci baby 'murns andi gladioi enhanced St. John'sAnglioen Qhurch, Baw- n-anville, on Saturday, June 4, 1966, et 3 o'clock when Miss Bonnie Arlene Taylor and Mr. Bian Edward Smith were united ln masxriage. Tihe bride je the daqighteroe f Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor and the groom Is tihe son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sithx, l of Bowinanville. Rev. K. J. ]Praxnpton offi- efated andth 5e diiarch organ- lot, Mr. C. Evans, played the wedding ,nusic. Thbe bride, who was given In marriage by her father, wore a fiormal white gown with lace bodice andti .1k skirt. The bodice was styleti with a scalloped neckline and long pointed sleeves, andi ruf- fled fids of Chntilly lace gently covered the skirt. A f ill-lengith organza train eIg- ed witlh Chantilly lace high- ligibted. the gown, and her shiou]der-length veil fell from a Pearl and crystal crown. Her bouquet was o! red roses and liiy-of-the-valley. Miss Valerie Adamis of Bowmianville wes maid of honor and the bridesmaids were Miss Judy Taylor, sister of tihe bride, Mies Linda Tier- ney, cousin of the bride, both cd! Bowinanville, Mrs. A. Ker- mack, Toronto, and Mrs. E. H. Bannister, Bowmanrville, sis- ter of tahe groom. They were in idenitically styleti gowns wiVh brocaded lace bofioce and1 sheer chiffo>n skirts over taf- feta. The floor length empire1 gown was highiighted by ac metching train. Pink wasC worn by the maid cd bonort and blue by the bridesmaids.E TheY wore a matchdng taffeta1 and chiffon rose headpie e with siioulder length veil. The maid of honor carried1 Pink andi white carnations andt the bridemaits, blue and« white carnations. Little Lor- rie Taylor, sister of the bride, was flo'we'r girl in a Pink, flcor-lenegth empire f r oc k witih brocaded lace bodice and skint o«f chiffon over taffieta. The groom'é nephew, Frankie Smiitah ci Bownianville, was ring bearer. Mr. Robert Smdth, Bow'man- ville, was best men for his brother and the ushers were the brides brothers, Messrs. John and Gary Taylor, Mr. Dennis 17ie'nney, cousin of the bride, anti another brother of the groom, Mr. Bruce Smith, ail of Bowmanville. A reception was held at Memorial Park Club House, Bowia.nville. T he bride'sj motiher received in a mint green, brocaded lace drme with niatching three-quarter length coat, mint green shoes,, white accessories, andi corsage of yellow and wbdte carna- tions. She was assisted by the groom's mother who wore a Pink dress with white acces- sories andi corsage cf plnk and white carnations. Asthe cople left on a weddxnîg trip te the Thousand Islands, the bride was wear- ing a two-.pieoe blue suit with white accessories anti corsage cf white and blue carnations. Mir. andi Mrs. Srnith are residing et 205 King St. East. Thc groom is emPlo3oed et Bowmanville Poundry. Out-o'f-town guestis attended from Toronto, Oshawa, Wes- ton, Oa k vi111e, Belleville,' DowÉsview aind Leamington. Several parties honoreti the bride. A miscellaneous show- er given by Miss Vaierie Adams and Miss Linda Tier- ney was helti et Memorial Par~k Club House. Miss Judy Taylor andi Miss Dorothy Lea- marn wcrc hostesses for a *hower attendeti by neighbors and aise held et Meanorial Park Club House. F'riends andi relatives et- tended a miscellaneous show- er held in Toronto by Mrs. Betty Simipson andi Mr. San- dra Mustard, aunts cf the bride. line and capped sîceves. They1 wore matching flowened head-1 pieces with tulle vciling. Their4 crescent-shapeti bouquets were of white daisy 'munis, with1 the maid o! honor's bouquet accented by golden garnet roses. Mr. John Hird, Toronto, brother of the groom, was best man and the ushers were the bride's brother, Mr. Ron-4 ald Barris o! Orono, and Mr. Richard Sutton, Toronto, cousin o! the groom.1 The reception was held ati the home of the bride's par-, ents on the 8th hure, nortb of! Orono, where the bride's1 mother received in a turquoise1 crepe sheath drcss. She was assisteti by the groom's mother who wore a blue silk sbeatb dress. Both wore white acces-i sories anti corsages cf a whitei gardenia with stephanotis. 1 For travelling the bride wore a thrce-piece white and navy suit, red bat, white accessonies and cors age o! red roses. Tac bride and groom honcymoon- cd. in British Columbia. .A negistered nurse, the bride is a graduate cf the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, and attend- ed, Oak Public School andi Orono Bigh School. The groom attended Whitby District High School and is a graduate o! the University of Toronto, York Univcrsîty and McMastcr University. He i. continuing post-graduate studies in social- ogy at McMaster. Guests attended froni St. Cloudi, Minn., Port Arthur, Bouton, Mich., Toronto, Bow- manville, Whitby, Oshawa, Orono, Hamilton, Scanbonough, Ajax and Bagotville, Que. Prior te. her inarriage the1 bride was gucst of honor et severai showers. Mrs. John Hird was bostess for a miscel- lancous showen held in Tor- onto. Another miscellaneous shower was given by Mrs. Robent Morton andi Mrs. GereMorton in Orono. A community shower. was helti in Kirby Unitedi Church when many miscellaneous gi!ts were received. Partritige - Hetherington Bouquets oit whitc 'niums anti white gladioli enhanceti St. Paul's Unitedi Ohurch,, Bowmianvill, for the mar- riage on Saturday afternoon,ý June 25, 1966, et 3:30 o'clock o! Miss Roberta Hletherington,I daugibter of MT. andi Mrs.1 Ronald Hetherington, Bow-1 manville, anti Mn. John Part-I ritige, son «f Mn. anti Mrs. William Partritige, Oshawa. Rev. Haromlt Turner cff î- ciateti andtihte wedding music was playeti by Mn. Ross Met- cal!. The soloist was Mr. Roc Morse of Petcrboirough. AUl Saints' Anglican Church, . Te bide, hiW aS 9W~ 1V Whtby, was the setting for the l arfre l ierf ie photo, were married in WiwOrc ore ength gowr aftrnon, un 26 196,marriage of Miss Inez Joyce champagne siîk organza ci y aftrnoon Jun 26, 966,Harris and Mr. Douglas Mel- champagne peau de soiew le bride is the daughter of ville Hird 2oclck.thra, e b e t sîceves, roundeti ne the bridegrooma is the son 18, 1966, at 2o ok h rd ieandi tucket bodice. is the daughter of Mr. and floating back panel, caught Photo by Astor Studio Mrs. Lawrence Harris, Orono, a bow placeti at the waistli tonPubie chol ad Bvw-and the groom i. the son of!ihgtdth -ies manill ati ouric H.ghMr. and Mns. John Melville igtdth A-nes manvill and Curtice H î rd, Whitby. For the occasion Stihool. the groom attendeti the church was prettily decor- Coronatioin Public Scbool andi ated with bouquets of white Pot ersnedt tihe rd h chl. ' u rchnd eaprgns..e A silver horshîoe, a gift Rev. S. J. Armstrong was trom lier cousins. in Englanti, the officiating clergyman andi her aunt, Mms. Wnm. Rodger of Broughton, played the wed- DEFINITIONS Ew'ell, Surrey, England. dîna music. Out-of-town guests attcnded qje bride, -who was given 1.A perlod in whlch & 91 fnom Surrey, England, Belle- in mýarriage by hen fathen, confinement. ville, Oshawa, Cobourg, TOT-. wore a fermai Iength gown2.Aproofugent ento andi Soline. o! white satin with SCOOP 2 eldo reo Prior te ber niaviage the neckline and fitted bodice. 3. The trne a girl "aes bride wus guest of honor et Flowered appliques trimmed severai parties. A miecella- the neckllne and down the lfly better. neouzs howir was held by centre of the chapel train Hamnptoxi Cnmnunity at the which feU ftromn the waist. Darlington Township Hafl Flowered appliques and a bow Wiiih Mms John Lawrence, o! the dresa material high- Mis. Fred Payne, Mrm. Irvin lighted the sklrt front, and bier CLOTME CARE&HMM Pringle andi Mn. Cliff Terril elbow length veil was caught as hostesses. Mrs. Bob Tug- to a satin crown wlth floveedPape r Eacked »eit. are un wood, Bowmanviile, anti Miss applique trlm. She carried a Pat Staples of Burketon held yeliow-centred white orchid The paper dIssolves. a misceilaneous showen at and white stephanotis. Mca. Tugwood's homne. Miss Judith Haight 'cf Osh- RED CROSS B] Mn.. Ray Carrier, aassted awa was maid of honor and by Mn.. Jack EIott, gave a the bridesmaida were the Wednesday, Augi n-uscellaneous shower at her bride'. sistens, Miss Evelyn home ln 0Oi.we. Mn.e. John Harris of Toronto and Miss Pstece As ýyM. i!! Tery rs i) were le fl Or-lngth shesoy Patresiee, aMsi taiby Mn.. I eesln ar*, rIeghoie theyof and Mca. Irvin Pringle held a yellow taffeta with lace over- liden and antry ahowerjlay and removable overkt issDarîmie Mwem hostoo!yelIow tsffeta. Tii. qownsl ior à Pwuam" d»owu wor M yle î"wft>soop zisck. - î ' and Chantilly lace appliques erubroidereti with seed pearis accen-teti the gown. Her very bouffant, shouider-length siîkc illusion veil feUl from a pili- box heatipiece covered with mnatching silk organoea, and she carrieti a bridai bouquet of Wthite shasta daisies with ivy. Mrs. Dennis Bell, Peterbor. ough, was matron of honor for ber sister, Miss Lesley Davis o! Peterborougih was bridesmaiti, Miss Ronde Hethi- erington, another sister ot the bride, was junior brides- maiti, and the flower girl wag little Miss Mindy Bell, Peter. borough, niece of the bride. They wore identicaily styled gowns with full-length A-lino skirts, empire waists, ca# siceves, roundeti nccklines, anti aocented with White lace paels The -senior attendant$ were in olive green and thé junior attendants in a paler, tone cf olive gren. They wore nnatching peau de soie wedding ring heatdresses with veiling, anti the senior attendants ecd caried one lange yeflow shaggy 'muni. Thc junior attendaxnts carriedI ba ot f yeiliow ponpozu 'munis. Mn&. Robert Dingmax io. Osharwa was best man, anti tahe ushers wenc Messrs. De- viti Ginter anti Donld An. steY, botih of Oshaiwa. The -reception was helt ini the Church Hall where the britie's inother receiveti wear- mng a street-iength powtier blue dress with silk crepe skirt anti embnoidered lace bod-ice, off-white bat, match. ing- blue shoes anti corsage or pink'swectheart roses. To- g sist, the groSni's mother wone a two-pieee ycilow linen jac- ket dress with white lace botioe, white accessories and corsge cd burnt orange swcet- hcart roses. Before leaving on their wedding trip te the Eait coast, the bride donned a two- picce double knit tanigerine dress with white accessories anti corsage of white sweet- heart roses. They wiill reside at 1497 Park Rd. South, 0mb. awa. av en Lher, n of over with ýck- A t*by jinp, dkrt, 623 -3303 iners Chuc/de S- ENGAGEMENT gille placeti lu solitaire the verge of!imarge. suntil the fludas out If ab.eauB 40 M: maervlceble sud canuot be cleasi4 LOOD DONOR CLINIC pint 3rd -. Làm sCmtrm Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Melville Hird, shown in the above photo, chose Saturday, June 18, 1966, for their wedding at 2 o'clock in Ail Saints' Anglican Church, Whitby. The bride is the former Miss Inez Joyce Harris,- daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Lawrence Harris, Orono, and the' groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Melville Hird, Whitby.

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