Men's Town League Standings TEAMl RECORD (Final) wLt Kiamp Furniture 12 6 Bill's Billianrds 8 9 Etephea Fruels e 9 lCen'8 MemVs Wear- 7 Il OAB 512 559 539 540 JOPS BATTERS (36 or more ut bats) O&B Osbonne, Bil'à Billiards 57 Sn owden, BiII's Billiârds 3-__ 7 Wright, Stephen Fuels 44 Hoan, Kramp Funnitune 51 Bagnell, Ken's Mens Wear - 59 Kilpatrick, Bilî's Billiardis 59 Wisemnan, Ken's Men's Wearn--58 Mason, Kramp Furniture 47 Cressey, Kens Men'S Wear 48 Crombie, Xnamp Funnituné 61 Marjenison, Bis Billiards ---46 MeMurten, Stephen Fuels - -46 Pearson, Buils Billiards -- --.5 Pellard, Stephen Fuels ____36 Richards, Kramp Furniture -- 43 Abbott, Stephen Fuels -- 57 Black, Ken's Mens Wear 57 Datison, Billà Billianrds 50 Moorcraft, Stephen Puels -___39 Stainton, Stephen Fuels 36 Avi. .280 .306 .269 .257 T HA Runi RBIi 13 12 109 134 13 23 142 120 13 9 124 88 14 15 125 92 Sac BB 16 121 il 49 10 61 8 65 BATTING LEADERS Ilita Avif. Doubles - Osborne 8, si .544 Crombie, Wright, 7 each. 21 .544 Triples - Vanstone 4, 24 .421 Cowling, Kîlpatrick, 3 em. 18 .4«9 Home Runs - Osborne 9, Bagneli 5. 20 .392 Runs - Osborne 26, Crombie 22 .373 25. 22 .373 RBI - Osborne 30, 1Bagr 22 .373 Hoar 23 each. 20- .357 SB - Black, Wiseman, 16 .340 7 eacb. BB - Hoan 17, Cole 15. 16 .33 S - Lowny 11, Datison, 20 .328 Hioar, Mooncraft 10 eacb J126 .326 .311 .306 .302 .298 .281 .280 .278 .278 PITCHING (30 or more innings) Coyle, Knamp Funn., 4-0. Stata, Knamp Furn., 4-2. Stephen, Stephen Puels, 6-5. Cooke, Kens Mens, 3-3. Kilpatnick, Bis' Bill., 3-3. Yeo, Ken's Men's Wear, 2-2. Osborne,13s Bill iards, 5-6. Abbott, Stephen Fuels, 2-3. Fosten, Kramp Furn., 2-3. ,Whyte's and Chartran 's 'Ed Schedule With TUe. by Jim Clarke outfieid error. SWhyte's Upholstery a nd Whytes tied it up again 15. Chartran's Men's Wear, wrap- 15 ln the iast of the seventb, L cd up the Jr. Men's League when Harold Michelsoni sing- Pgular schedule with a 15-15 led, scoring Blaine Pickard, tie. TPhe game was caileti after who opefled the fraine with a ale rmes, due to darkness. double. C~tan's, ieading 14-12, Plate umpire, Arnold Etch- Sa'w Wthyte'9 score twice in er, caileti à hait to the high- thé bottom of the sixth. Both scoring hi-jinks, after seven runs came after two were out. innings, due to the darkness. Joè Kennett walked and Rich.. AI Osborne worked 1%' fram- ard MeLean singieti. AI Far- es for Whytes, with Harold row bounced back to pitcher Michelson, hurling the re- Trerry Baker, who threw wild mainlnig 5 2/3 innings. Chart- tô first ailowîng two runs to râns nalled Osborne for eight 8(cÔrt. runs, on tour bits and four Cbartran's pushed across a walks. Michelson allowed sev- run ln the top of the seventh, en runs and four bits. Terry to take over the Iead once Baker went the route for more 15-14. Trerry Bakers dhârtrans, âliowing 15 rUhs, tâcriiice fly scôred cavè Cry- whlle fanning five andi allow- der'man, who got on "via en ing 10 walks. The Osborne, ASPHALT PAVING AIL WORK DONE AND GUARANTEED BY BOWMANVILLE CONTRACTOR Ir YOU WISH YOUR DRIVEWAY ASPHALT.' PAVED. . * ê CONTACT STEPHEN FUELS Geo. Stephen, Prop. 4 FOR FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 623-5410 r Michelson combination f orn Whytes claimeti il stnikeouts, while walking seven. Arounti the Bases: Lloydi Stainton, for Whytes, was the top bitter of the night, with four bits. Blaine Plekanti, hati a triple, double anti single, Dennis Sullivan (2 for 4), in- clutiing a borner with Richard McLean ant i arolti Michel- son eacb collecting a pair of bits as well, fon Wbytes. For Chartran's, John Cannons, Bill Bates anti Rick Lucas, ail hati two bits, witb ane of Connon's biows., being a rounti-tnippen Bates, (2 for 5) evéning, al- lowed hlm to capture the Jr. Mens batting title, witb a iofty .447 mark. Ted Leveck, wbo led for mucb ai the sea- son, was runner-up witb a .413 average. SOLINA (Intended for lait week) Mr. and Mrs. Wesley HRil andi family visited i wth Mr. and Mrs. David Craig, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor anti family enjoyed a trip to Niagara Falls on Sunday. Mise Nàn AllUn, Toronto, spent thé weekend with Mr. andi Mr. Wes Yellowiees. Mr. and Mns. Glen Larmer and boys, Blackstock, visited with the Harvey, )Yellowlêes famfiiy, Paul Lattmer remnaineti for holidays. Brenda Yellow- 1ees is spetding holldays with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Short, Courtice. Janice Yeliowiees is attending Camp Pretrola. Mr. andi Mrs. Geo. Knox andi family visiteti with Mr. andi Mrs. Ueo. Harnln, Whit- by. Misset Annette andi Collette Taylor had holidays with Mr. and MrÉ. Bruce Montgomery. The Bruce Montgonmery's visit- eti with Mr. anti Mn,. Bob Dykstra andi famnily, Little Britain. Mr. andi Mn. Gordon Hardy anti boys, Courtice, Mr. Isaac Hardy anti Stanley were Sun- dey tea guests with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snowden anti Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vice; ýMr. anti Mrs. Russell Vice, Mr. Everett Vice; Mr. anti Mrs. -Murray Vice and famnily; Mr: MORE VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR BEAVER ANFCTRE HOMES Thrifty ctA é%". 4Starter Homes' As Low As 0 a Value and SMrIC$ The Savings Are Ail Yours! When You buld icur own hbome, Yeu are the bos s ad the sivings are ail nours. With a Donver' Manutaofured Môme, à go.d deii of the ditfloult labour bau been done for Yeusuti te plant se Yeu are under caver tant, roadr te do tho finithlng lna îy weathor. Manufactured exterlar walls, partition seetionsansd roof trusses, ail beame, ponts, doora, windows, sAuing, rootl n id fluer underlay la- ciuded la the, package. VAuit Beaver for full details. *OTARTER11 110»S IPROU $3425. t. $5970. BEA VER LUMBER SPORTOPICS KAWAETHA 25. Sut Taovella of Chlosgo, a rtlatively iankuiown driver, who falted to win a single U.S. auto race last year, mode it big Slturday by finihing ahesd of a fleld of 27 ln the, Kawartha.250 at Mo4port. Don White of Keokuk, Iowa, lied the pote position after turning lanfthe faitout quatifying lap amêflg the new model stock caro. 'Mle ooved the 2.5 mile track ln one minute, 37 and on.' quarter seconds <turing J'niday's time trials, and appeared to have the race iii the bag. He won the first 125 mile boat la an hour and 28 min- utes, leading ail the way, and took up where hé left off ln the second heat. However, only 12 miles frôm the end, a broken cranlkghàft endeti Whlte's chances. Anothur trong contender, Mmnlio Andretti cf Nazareth, Pa., an Indianapolis 500 veteran, was forced out lite la the second heat when bis trànsràission blew Up. That lefi the way open for Troveila who had lagged ln third or fOUitth throughôut niost cf the final béeat to take the checkered fiag. It wasn't until near the final lap that the 37-year-old used car saiesman seemed certain of victory with Normn Nelson, the top UBJAC driver last year endlng up second. White placed third Ovèrall. Billy Poster, the Victoria, B.C. driver, who was fingerd as théc dnlVer responslble for cauting th§ big pile-up aet Indianapois (end liter exoner- sted)) llnished fourth. Poster mode a greit bld ta win but couid nôt overcomne a first heat pit stOp Oiuted by iltetrIigl tr'ouble anti two second heat béat stops Whên hé blew tires on two succesive laps. It hélpg te have the best car and it doemn't hurt to be à great driver, but sometiffes other factors enter in te motor-raclng, and tht là ilrgely why TroVétia was the firstl ever Kawartba 250 Witiflr. Sel tôld thé prêe '1 arn so. happy that I almoît cnieti, andi 1 don't cry often. Trhis Was my firit big tJ.B.A.C. win in 16 years of conipetitleri. Amnonif the other big namne drivers, Jim Hurtubise, bis arma .Ét111 scirréd from the 1058Inidy lire, lAisted 50 miles of the tiret heat before a blown englne knocked hlm eut of cornpetitiôli. Gary Bettenhauéen biy mnaged twô circuits of the tratk befôre engluée trouble fenced hlm out. Hé wat back lni for the second heat, but opérated under oibviouis difflculty. Officiai pald attendance wl. 23,491, with 2,500 pasls and an estimated 8,000 childrna. Wétliftg the trowd toa ruly 32,000. As an added attraction ]Pesten gave a special denmonstra- tion drive cf hiie Indianapolis care a réal utlck-looking job, whch in case you're interested, la îtarted by an electrie crank. Tbe small cockpit is jtst about riglit for littie guys like Poster Êtid Andretti, but it muet be à tight squeeze for many ef the other drivers. We would like fa thank Èôb HBfubly of Hânmbly Bever- ages for hie assistance in helilg ut côven the race, and in case you didnVt know, Bob would probably be quite happy if we pointed eut that Coca Cola spônr!Êreth te race. i. 1*1t t i JUNIOR9 TOWN tEAGUE PLAYOFFS The junior tewn league wéht tight down to the wire, and even iMt that 1111 Shoes ild Franlk'& Vatiety wound up the règulaïr schédtile ail tied for thé pennant wlth idèntical records of ten wifl5 andldivâ defeafs. The shoe-men go.t the decition becaÉuse Of à better Won-loss average between the two clubs. The best cff ÉV& Sti-final playotff got underway Tuesday night with Elli meeting Whytê's U1pholstery. In thé othen mriet Frànk's tangle *!th teil-énti Chartran's Clothing. Dêfendilli chimhpion Eliis Shoés will be tougli to béat, bôaétinB lerhàik thé loop's top pîtchèr Ted Leveck, bâcked up by à StrOuif club. However, iNhyté'à toUiti give them a reil tuftle. IDéàpite a third place finigh, the teâtm carne on strongly et th h id'h* lêturh f0 action of Haroldi Micheloti giVes fheM a fine, noaid duo, aldng with DelIhic Sullivan, Who hâd beeft bearing flhe bntnt eftfthe pitching duties. Fratik't hâve f0 lie rated asi hedv3 favôniteh ta take the ôther sêmi-final. Chartran's have Bill Bates, who won bis second batting titI.l flth@four years the léagué hàs been In operation. gut the Vatléty Cnew are the Overâl1- top fieldi- ing and hitting team, anld thimt la a tough ecombinat ion te beat. i. t t i. t IN SEMI-PINALS A couple et young lellôws who are wetl-known among the local sports-followers havé advanced to the teuil-fiinals in the Oshawa Golf Club chaêtiplnehlp to e léhéld thîs Bunday. Bob Watt Jr. fmeus -"Rubé" Waddél, whllé Jâckie Gertnonid Jr. will tafli with Bob Bradley. i. i. f' t t t WORLD CUP SOCCXft Satundey wam one of thosé days when this reporter was finding It diffieult ta take in a couplé of sportlng events et the sai time. I1inally, decideti on headiag out tei Môsipont alter the race bâti started, 80 we coulti set the Worid final Mn m M..Maurice Baker, ding annlveroary Mr. andi Uxbridge ie d wlth the Mrs. rank Wright of, îow- Tom flkr family. manvîlle were surprlsed ut a Mn. andi Mn. Wes Yellow- gathering ut the home of Mr. tees; Mr. Murray Yeflawlots, and Mns. Ivan Elhicot, Peter- Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow. borougli. Mr. aud Mr&. Ernest lees and tarily; Mr. aud Mrà. Hockaday aise atteaded on Rmipli Davis; Mr. and Mrs. We.. this occasion. Wenry and Mr. Edgar Werry Mn. and Mn.. Karl Potter, attentied the "Yellowiees - El- Isllngtoa' Mns. W. lioftt' wedding in Belleville on Stter, dshaws, visited witb Saturday. Mr. and Mr&. Alex Potter. Master William Taylor Is Mn. Lawrence Squalr, Salem, holidaying witb his cousin was Sunday tes guest wlth Glenn Abennethy, Manilia. the Roy and Chas. Langmaitis. Misses Ellen, Ruth anld Jean Mn. and Mns. Roy Langmnaiti Aberaethy, Manille, are hall- neturned home on Wedaeuday daying with Valerie sud Amn- evenlng from a trip to the ber Taylor.' west cotât. Durlng the trip Mn. and Mm. Fred Samis, they visited with L.A.C. anti Enfield, were Sunidiy -visitons Mn. Tapp aud Steven, Winai- with Mr. aud Mr#. Donald peg, Mn.; Mr. and Mns. Taylor. Geonge Pascoe, Saskatoon, Mns. L. Cochrane and Ralph, Saik.; Mns. Myitle Wilson, Entild; Mr. and Mn,. B. Pdmonton, Alberta and Mr. Bnowes, Courtice; Mns. E. and Ms.' Alla ý*lor andi Browes, Bowmanville, vislted by Duncan, B.C. Tey Iaoi with Mns. fl.Hoekadmy sud sY'n à few days wlth Mens. Mn. sud Mns. E. Hockaday. IEn. Stephens sud Mn. and Mns. E. Bnowes has jimat e- Mn. Jonathan Stephens and, turned tromam strip inflhéfarnill3, larres, Baukatche-ý west. wan.1 Mns. S. lloékday; Mr. s»d W. are sorry f0 report that Mns. E. IMookadsy viuted wlth Mn,. A. Tink and Mima Elle Mr. and Mm. C0. P?ô Oro O. Crydenan ane on the sicki Mn.ani ins E lock z la. eho they bot h willlj a"d f Wcattn I - on b. bonDi more corfont-i The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvlle, Aug. 3, leu8 DEEP CUl FEATURES ÀM-E Vanlty 3 Coiours 2 Roll Pkg. Instant Nesties Quick Bonus Patk 32 l,-b. Bathroom Tissue 29c (hocolate Drink 89C 1i1 White Swan 2 Colouns 2Rail Pkg. Red Rose 0O..pkg. of 0 PAPER TOWELS 53c TEA BAGS83 ï White Swan Lineti Finish Pkg. of 250'3 Keiiogg's 16-os. Pkg. SERVIETTES 55c CORN FLAKES 39c White Swan 4 Roil Pkg, ]Kraft Veiveeta 1-1b. Phi. Bathroom Tissue 55c (HEESE 75C k Chum 2c oft liog or Cat Luacheon Meat 12-ai. Tinta IsÉgi treet PET FOOD 10 for $1 KAM 49c kLII( 63c -WINS"'$25' FRESH PRODUCE FEATURES CALIFORNIA GROWN No. 1 GRADE (antaloupes SWEET JUICY OUTSPAN SEEDLESS Navel ORANGES NEW CROP California No. 1 Grade Bartlett, Pears BOLEO,'T-UMLER,,, 1 eautfi -Cmltr l-To KING ST. LGE. sinE 4 7st45c Bakery Feature Bowmanvillu 190 King St West B argain Buys COUNTRY GIRL KOUNTY KIST STANDARDl Cherry Pie Green Peas 15-Os. c 24-0.os Tin 1 0 Bise RIORMELLO Raisin Bread 16-ox, c ILaaves49 NORFOLK< WITII PECrIN APPLE-BASPIBERRY APPLE-STRAWBERRX 24-ox.C Jar' 39 ""If's Mainly hcause of the Meat"f THÉ KINGO0F ROASTS - SHORT CUT PRIMEROASI BEEF RUMP ROAST BEEF IMPORTED WHOLE OR HALF LAMB.LEGS ROAST - CHOPS - STEW LAMB in a BASKET MEATY BRAISING RIBS I ~ RIB LAMB sUOPw INcONFIDNcE I1C HO0 P S - bmaw fi n w ssuo 68vno-mcb 93 b 2 9 43 b 4c31b PLAYI 7tgèohme \WINI.. Cet Vurre.Card Todayl Ail rnorchaei s guarant.d t. give i1W% satIsfactIon. Values Effective Until Clogsmg, Saturday, Aug. 6,'6 in Bowmanville WB RESEVE"T UE G TO LIMT QUAnTTIE& Open Thurs. and Fri. Nights 'tii 9 p.m. ADSIMPSON AVINUI (IIighwoy No, 21Isê r, ,1 t, r.., r, i 1"' m m -- MNM"