The Canadia Stateamnan, BowmanvMle, Aug. 2, 1968 DEADLINE FOR (LASSIFIID Tuesday, 4:30 p. m. Births____ Cards of Thanks Articles for Sale Cars for Sale ,ÎIiî-.--Clarence and June Sincere thanks hi relatives RABBITS for sale, NZW. R.R. '50 CHEV. hait ton truck, gc-n *fnee Reid) are happy te an- and friends for letters, cards 1, Hampton, 725-5972. 29-3* condition, best otter. Phone ýnounce the arrivai of their and flowers received duringGRLS6"bclegodon 263-2628. 3h!1 ~by girl, Lee-Ann Larmne. 8 my stay in Memorial Hospital. dition. Phone 623-3400. 314f 1 1960 TRIIJMPH TR3, red witfi 94% oz., on Tuesday, JUlyISpecial thanks ta Dr. Anfoss e6, 1966, at Memorial Hospital, private nurse Mrs. Beerthui- WATER for sale and delivered, ý2 white tops, good conditioný 11owmanville. Proud grand- zen and the entire staff on Cali Cliff Pethick 263-2131 Phone 623-3543 atter 6. 31-' ,parents, Lee Mutton, Bowman- Surgîcal Floor. __ ___ 32-tf '49 G.M.C. hait ton pick-up, 'iïIe, and Mrs. C. Currie, Tor- Eve Loucks. WATER for sale and deiee.damnaged left front tender, in ,@fto. 31-1. 31-1* 24 hour service. CaUl 623-5756. running condition, $45. Phone 29-tf 623-2401. 31-1e YIRTUE- Ralph and Joyce My sincere thanks ta the POT-'ATO-ES, n-ew, -Irish Cob- 1961 DODGE Seneca, V8 auto- *1(nee McGill) are happy ta an- nurses an Third Floor for hiers. Joe Bouma, phone 623- maltic, good condition, $875, :iounice the arrivai of their their kindriess and care while 2847. 30-4 Trade considered. 25 Prospect ,ébaby daughter, Laurie Joyce, I wals in Memorial Hospital, - St., Bowmanville. 31-1' 17 Ibs., 1 oz., at the Oshawa aise te Drs. Sylvester andI JOHNN motor, 10 h.p., like 63GAAXE50, -ào .General Hospital, Saturday, Spraule. Many thanks for aliInew, half price. Phone 623-'6 GA XI 0,2-do sistr crdsgifs ad flwer frm 1390,---31.-i hardtop, power brakes and W&uy 30th, 1966, a little sse adgfs n lwr rm1300-- steering, al new tires, $1800. :for Judy. 31-1 friends. COCKSHUTT 12lftL swather, Phone 623-3766 or 623-5050. eMrs. Clarence Hall,- pull type, in gaod condition. 3- :wERRY- r. and Ms. Clark31-1 Phone 623-7150. 30-21 _______ :Werry happily annaunce the M d ' 58 CHEV. Biscayne, 283, auto- F rR n ,birth of their son. Peter , ai r. amnd rueGordnd matic, in good running candi-- 'James, 8 lbs., 3 oz., July 22nd 'auy r adMsGro Itia-1. Phone 986-4758. 31-1* APARTMENT for rent. Phone ,1966, at Toronto General Hos:Tre n id, ol i.---- 623-3573. 31-1 ,pital, Centre Block. 31:1 to express appreciation fori' l ACRES clean standing - ----------- - - - Scrs.towers and kidess alye stem, Phone Adrian LARGEl8 roan iehuse, avail. S -shown them since their loss of !Bons, 263-8453 after 6 p.m. able August 8. Phone 623-2509. 31-1 nt31-1 M n a beloved wife and mother, 31-1____ M.and Mrs. Henry Wotten Ms oeBuc;t e.R WARDROBE, 36x22x65, in-1APARTMENT for rent, apply -I.R. 2. Nestleton, announceiC. White, for his words of laid mirror doors, solid wood 114 Division St., Bowmanville. the engagemnie nt of their comIfort, ta the neighbours construction, $25. Phone 623-! 31-5 1:daughter, Patricia Muriel, ta i who came in and served lunch 5104. 31-1 iFRO-NT part of double hanse, ILyle William Milison, son of at the home following the--b Mr.Alfed ilion f Tron, tnerl srvie.31.1* KEYS cut automatically, whl12 bedrooms, modern coriven- lér AlredMllon f yroe,_______ervce you wait, at McMullen Hard-liences, call 786-2489 atter 5 and the late Mrs. A. Milîson.TefmlofteltRoswa,36KnS.E, wm -1 31-1 ,The weddîng will take place DThensoamiy ofte eross warIle, 6KngS.E, om-_________________________1ý 'hi Blackstock United ChurchDcisnws aepesS-vle -f.PRMNflyfmih on Saturday, September cere thanks and appreciation COMBINE, 5', power take-off, ed, three rooms and bath, 196. 3.1*to relatives, neighbors, friends goad running order, many1central, avaîlable immediately. * ____and organizations for their extras, best affer. Phone Phone 623-3591. 30-tf many acts of kindness, expres- 263-8400. .31-1 SIX roomned house, new fur- Forthcoming sions of sympathy and floral BUYING or selling furniture nace, immediate possession, Marriage tributes at tme of the sudden or applances, call Elmer, corner Church and Park Sts.. Thefothomng ariae a e of a husband and father. Hampton: business 263-2294 - Orano. Telephone 410W after mnnaunced of Miss Margaret Rev. E. C. Woodland and Mor-resd-nc -26-265 -tf5__ Irene Ewart, daughter of Mrs. ris Funeral Chapel.- COOK stove in excellent con- EAST of Newcastle, modern Joseph Ewart, Oshawa, and Marjorie Dickinson, dition; 2 650xl3 tires about bungalow, 2 bedroonis, sun- the late Mr. Joseph Ewart, to Ronald and Ben. 1500 miles. Phone 623-3546 or raom, full basement, garage. Mr. Frank Melville Swin- .1_______ 1-1 apply 58_Queen St. 31-1 Available Angnst lat. Phone ,burne. son of Mrs. Jack- ______- COMBINE, model 77 Case 7-394 fer5 - ..McNulty, Bowmanville, and Coming Events with auxiliary motor, 7, cut, MODERN- apartment, heated, '?41r. Frank Swinburne, Don - -'argain; one Moffatt electric frig and stave, television .Milis. The cerernony is to take Monster Bingo, Thursday stove. Phone A. J. Hoar, 263-ariprkn.Autony place on Saturday. August 27,inight at 8 o'clock, sponsored 252 1treromanfuy qie. .66. a t 2 p.m. in St. George's by the Sunnyside Park, Red - bathroom. Available immedi- ,Anglican Church, Oshawa. Barn. North Oshawa. 319-tf WESTING H O U S E electric aey pl ttsa fie stove 29 '/àx251'/2 window iin ngSaet.l. ppySttema fc ___________________ _ Decoaven, completely automatic, in -__ Itien Service will be held Sun- perfect condition. Phone 623- MODERN ane bedrooni aPt., J..euaLLs day, August 7th, at 3 P.m. 544 31-1 with private bath, large kitch- Tho Rev._ Percy Page, Peterboro,--- en with fridge and steve, all ]BROWN, Thma,-. Suddenly wiII speak. 31-l* TJSED washer parts, 14 h.p. srie nldd n lc 'et Newcastle on Manday,- motors. Camplete line ofisfrom daintowne. Aduetbocky ,August 1lst, 1966, Thomas Decoration Day, Lakeview Beatty, Thor and Crosley ap- 8 e oth vial 1 R]rown, Newcastle, aged 59 Cemetery, Newtonville, Sun- pliances. P a dd y ' Market,:$85pe rith. vilbe2 .years, beloved husband of day, August l4th. Service at Hampton, 263-2241. 12-tf Sp.I rt detsr72 13etty Garrod, dear father of 2:30 p.m.. Music by Bowman- ---c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Jean (Mrs. George Skelding), ville Salvation Army Band. ýCOMMUNITY and Rogers sil- Box 190,- Bowmanville. 31-2 *Bband Judy (Mrs. Ronald 31-2* - verpiate teaspoons, dessert 1- Hope) and grandfather of fivel I iw omnt Cnr ponos, serving spoons, knives Help SNanted gîrndchildren. Resting at the WoliwCmunt eteand forks in lots of 4 and 8. 1 - -- Moris unrlCaeow -Monster B i ngo. Twenty Phone 623-5744. 31-1 THREE men with Chauffer% s avile. ervie n h ChaeBw games-twenty dollars; five DIDseldrm 6 e license to do garden wark. Ex- "shnvile Sevic i th Chp-gaîiaes-thirty dollars;, $150 IRE hle on 6 e einehlfl 8-74 ýe nTusa t2olc.jackpot. and two jcpt at ýton FOB Browview. Phone pe3nc1-2tl.97-74 Interment St. George's Cerne- ,$250. Door p r iz es. Next Newcastle 987-4474 to ar-' tery. Donations te the Ontario Monday, 8 p.. Red Barn. range pick-up or delivery SELL REAL ESTATE 1jatFoundation I bOsa'a___ 4-t*30-3 appeated. ou e -0ha-a.- -Join Ontario',,;largest Realtor apeitd.MsnrServic - ------ ------- -ýSEVENTEEN -ft. -cabin cruiser specializing in fanm, vacation in the Chapel, Wedn esdayl Plan ta attend Blackstockiboat with 75 H.P. Evinrude and town properties. Na ex- evening at 8 o'clock. 31-1 Fair, August 27.* Parade 12:341.imotor. See Bill Kilpatrick, perience necessary, we will Ladies exhib-i ts, livestock, ýEast Beach, Bowmanville. train yen. Part or full tirne -GAÀRROW - At the Hospitalihorse races, etc. Dance at 30-tf basis. Excellent commission for Sick Children on Tuesday, night, Roy Godfrey Orchestra.1-larneet pnnsi h Aug. 2, 1966, Thomnas John For prize list or further in IINSULATION. blowing meth- arneet pnnai h Garrdw Jr., aged 2 years, e formation contact Mrs. Gerald lad, with rock woal. Work- Newcastle, Kendal and Orono be-Kelyhi guaranteed. F r ee areas. For appointment cail or loved' infant son of Thomas elly Blackstock._--- 30-5 siaeHryL WdCt M.Rs 'gn . and Florence Garrow, R.R. 3, Phone N Harry L. Wad225. ewite, Mr. Reasa o'Ha81gn H Bowmanville. Resting at the APNTE99' BTINGO ewonile 85.tlith Ltd ., aToront1812i. Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow-NIG----o----k -r-r--y.the487-3333. 30-4 inanville. Funeral Mass inSt THURSDAY NGT 'lc RASPEERRIES, ore j h Joseph'a R omna n Catholie Sionsored by the Junior crate or pick your own. Please Church, Friday morning, nt Chamber of Commerce bring containers. John De CARETAKER 10 o'clock. Interment Bow- JUBILEE PAVILION With, R.R. 1, Newtonville. 1io mnanville Cemetery. 31-1 - - O SH A WA 8-tf ,mile south of Kendal. Orono n nn o - - - 1n4* <',nq Cmmînitv Centre MA'Y, Grace- At Hope Haven Nursing Home. Port Hope, Fi- day, July 29, 1966, Grece Wmnn, beloved wife of the lete H-arry Mai', sister of Mrs. Florence Ci r a y, Jenetville, aunt ai James Gray, Janet- ville, Kennedy Gray, Orona; Mrs. Cy Churchîci' (Eliza- beth), Collingwood; Mrs. John Heard (Margaret), Brantford; Mrs. Ronald Ough (Lorraine), Alsask, Sask., Mms. Arnoldi Holdswomth (Florence), R.R. 4, Cobourg. and Harold May, Graton, sistem-in-law ai Mms. Edgar Harcourt and Albert May. Service wes held in the Rasa Funeral Chapel, Walton St,, Part Hope, Manday, AuZ. 1, et 2. pim. Interment Union Cemeter'. 3- ESCORTED TOUR NASH VILLE TENNESSEE Sept. 14 - Sept. 19 GRAND OL1P OPRY Included Write or Telephane COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE 14 Orchard View Blvd. Bowmanville Tel. 623-3265 after 5 p.m. 31-1 SUMMER FUN!! Planning an POINTON, Isac- At Memor- O0UTDOOR PARTYi il' Hospital, Bownianville, onj Thursday, July 28, 1966, Isac, or Painton. R.R. 4, Bowmanville,1F ML INC aged 74 years, dear brother ali F M L IN Laura (Mrs. Thomas Baillie),! New Toronto, and Lewis, R.R. VISIT 4, Bowmanville. Service was KW NSP R held et the Morris Punerai KW NSP R Chapel. Bownianville, on Set- JACKMAN RD. unday, July 30, et 3 o'clock.abe Interment Bethesda Cemnetery.j Swimming, Plcnic Tble 31-1i Refeshment Booth ____ For GROUF RATES, check at WOOD-At Oillia, Ont., o REFRESHMENT BOOTH or Tuesday. August 2nd, 1966,1 CALL 623-7157. Helen Leone Wood, aged 37 eyear-s, beloved daughter of red and the late Leone Wood, Bowa¶anville, dear sister of Yvonzne <Bannie), (Mrs. Mor- Ice Tamblyn), Lindsay, and joafl <Mrs. George Jones), 13owmnanville. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- mnanv ille. Service in the Chap- el on Thursday at 3:30 p.m. Interrnent Bowmanville Cerne- tery, Funeral private. 31-1 IMemoncam -RIMAR MEMORIALS * ignifIied Pi Distncive Momlments - Flat Mark erai ta deigna fer amy need 152 Shncoe st. S.. Ohawa 72)3-1002 - 728-6627. OtfIim Eveminga Piano Tt&mg- ~~1QlAL~work guar- ou* CUI Rthr Ol4ion î6t Î i-Personcil HYGENIC upplies-(RuÏber gonds) niailed postpaid iný plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 saxnples $ 1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28. Nov.-Rubber Co.. Box 9i, Hamilton, Ont. 1-52 Repairs GUARAN1TEED -televisi-on-and radio service to al makes. Television Service Co. Phonej 623-3883. 52-ti Watch Repaiing1 Certlfled Watchmaker of CanadIan Jeweller'a Aman. Marr's Jewellery 39 Klnz St. W. Refrigeration and Appliance Service i 9.1' - 1U3-574 1 NIMA I- 42-3177 Lander Hardwa crej "d KELI~O 1 TYP1EWRITERS_,adders, cash registers, desks, chairs, tiling i cabinets. Terms, tredes. New, used, rentals, service. Bill. Hem ilton, Raglan (North of Oshaw..). 15-tf: TV TOWERS $50 up OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LTD. Taunton Rd. E , Oshawa Just East cf Rltsan Road Dial 723-8131 Day or nlght - Bill Leask, Prop. Shop ifer* for FUll]LUneofe EQUIPMENT iBAR-B-Q SETS 85 King St. W. Bowmanvllle' Phone 623-3134 26-tf Du ties ta commence SFEPTEMBER lit, 1966 Living quarters avallable OCTOBER lot, 1966 Clo.sunK date for application AUJGUST 13th, 1966 Address applications te Sec- retary, Lions Commun i t y Centre, 26 Bosch Ave., Bcw- nianville, Ontario. 30-3 HERE'S VOIIR KEY TO A BIG INCOME- MAIL TODAY The W. T. Rawleigh Co., Ltd., Dept. H-140-MV. 4005 Richelieu. Montreal, P.Q. Gentlemen: i atm Interestedi n the world famous Rawleigh Lin@ om a ( ) part-time basts ( ) ful-time hasis. ( ) Please send me FREE Cook Bock and eatalog wlth full détails. NAM E - - ----- - - --- ADDRESS- CITY PROV. -- - --1 31-11 REAL ESTATE EXPERIENCED B E E tCentrael Oaio Trust has an for yeur freezer, loeker apening for an experienced iGoo Ster eefwit exessReal Estate Salesman in the faot teoerBeefortexcesa y.Bowmanviîîe Anea. This offers fatremvedbefme ou excellent opportunity be- HINDS 69c- FRONTS 49el cause wc are able ta provide SIDES 57e lb. jmotgage funds ta assiat in Cut, wapped and frozen the tinancing of your sales. No extra charge In return we requime -a go- Dent waste yeur money on getter wha cen help us build fat - Buy tond prime steer lief listings and sales. Your in- quiri' ta Ralph Schefield, Su- BOVMANVILLE pervisor Real Estate Dept. nt Oshawa will ho contidential. FRIGID LOCKER 19 Sinicos St. N., Oshawa. SYSTEMAtten R. E. Dept. SYSTEM31-2 PHONE 623-5578 30-tf MASSEY -HARRIS l'0 ft. -S.P. Swether priced for immediate sale. only $695 INTERNATIONAL Combine "New" pull type 7 fi. Save up Pets TIWO m-;aie poodle puppies, small white miniatures, wilI hold during holidays. Phone 623-7057. 31.1l ta $500.00. inancing arrang- SrIe ýïW INTERNATIONAL 10 yiari Holstein boiter f.S.1. Combine, completely strayed tram Lot 28, Con. 9, equipped, $5400, special pur- Darlington. Phono Oshawa chase plan.72-20311 Ask about our special72-2031- lHarveat financing on new and W atdt u_ used equipment. ______ _____ __ INTERNATIONAL Noe. 45 $PRINGER heifers ad cows, Baler P,T.O., only $395 due in six weeks or loua. Tele- TIRACTOR Shn ap avs 8-24 B275 Diesel with loader pooRlp i,2-284 Int. TD5 Crawler with loader Int. B414D wlth 3 pt. hitch LI Zpotltry, aid feather cowAN. MY hoei i 3 cLft t't'ITTDM T _CO.____28-tf C.BENCHf lathe; 2 h.p. air cm Phono «3-U» 38 rrOqr; 91-Fo1d door 30"x7à", 184 ing nt. E. 8ewmauffle pja is e dôor 33 "78". 31-1 hSe 0-7m. 14 __ Lost Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale AuctionSl4 d BLACK andi white temale kit- Antiques and things - srë ýe ten, ireaoe Sunnicrest Blvd. P.. E.W vnR iPeat JhnT fl *i thing for everybody. Scsl 28ff09p.aepee62-~.ALAALALU ..0U~ . J lAL bills for list. Sale ta be held ___ - 31-1 Grzavelle LIMi ED at Supertest Garage, Burke- SPANIEL, white with black REAL ESTATE LTD. ton, Saturday. August 6th, 1markings, vicinity of Iîth Real Estate 21 King St.W. Bowmanvllle B1avle-1 rn t .r.Tri ah ye ig ie;t anwr ta namne of 623-3393 Phone 623-3950i Auctioneer. 30-2 n Sam"~; children's pet. Phone 28 Division St. Member Oshawa and District FORCED SALE, 150 Acre WEL - 623-5815.v31-1 Real Estate Board fanrre with good barn. Bulk v E.iK.r'e Bomaviletank cooler. 8 Roorned horne. LIVESTOCK SI3ZLa ______ ___ - 623-3341 NSCAp:aIAyln Beautiful trout streani. Offers at Durham County SalesArens t Increase Prof its HAMPTON, 1/acire with gage Monles Available. We 248 ACRE FARM with 2 Sellng Morses, Cattie, Swine, FROM FORAGE streani on praperty, 3 vege- Cai Retinance Your Home barns, 3 ponds and 8romel Calves, Sheep, etc. J. A. Reid r tblegaden an 14 rom e t Wll ei Fat. home. Handies 80 head o & Son, Sales Managers î-tt à FE TT'7WZ table.gaden anil ro$ i eI 700 Si Fst cattîr the year around. Asking ATRL FlIS UTTIN Tom. Akn ai 6,0 Homes: $25.000. Termre. Auction sale of modern and 1- 19 - 19 or Amy Analysis ORONO, 6 rmain, 2 storeyl$ 9,500 Kendall 7 yr. old 3 35 ACRE PARCEL, located antique furniture, the proper- 2 with or without Beron home on 75' x 150' treed lot. bedrooni bunga 1 aow, east Newcastle. Partly wood- ty of Mrs. Beatrice Samnela, Close ta downtown. Open ta corner lot 62' x 120'. ed. Asking only $500. down. lst farrn south of Ceesarea, CUSTOM BLEND . .. an offer.1 Terms. 10 ACRE WOODED PAR- Sat.. Alug. 13. Sale et 1 p.m'., _i ~IS TITE TREND NEWCASTLE, rontemporary $10.500 Newcastle, dlean as a CEL, located North of Bow- see bills for complete list. Ted DBULK SPREADING SERVICE 3 bedrooni brick bungalow i,2bdon o-ravle*sig$90 ful Jackson, Ted Spenceley, auc, Ilwîth full basernent. Ol ern bungalow, lot 47x price.1 tioneers. 31-1 WEED CONTROL $10 on aac iernt. 99. Only $1,500 down. GENTLEMAN FARM, with' Household effects of Mrs. E. CHEMICALS NEWCASTLE, attractive 3 $1 1,000 Taunton Road East, 10 excell e n t buildings. Large1 Witheridge, 23 Srugog Street, 1IH ULIY Ibedmoani brick bungalow with yr. old bungalow, 2îpond stocked with trout. 2 Bowmanviewilb ody RIHQAIY fireplare on 60'x200' lot. Calacres land, garage, streams, Sîze ai iarm lbî Baler Twine for full details. small barn, Terms. ýAcres. Has ta be sold to closelpuiblic auction on Saturday, CHURCH ST. 7 raom home $12,000 Liberty St. N., nearlestate. August 13. List in ncxt week's CE E DA E with garage in preierred area. Golf course, 10 yr. aId !paper. Property sold. No ne- CE E D L wner will take balance on bungalow, 1%Y acresl 100 ACRE FARM, near serve. Termis cash. Sale et 1:,10 FERTILIZERS anc mortgage. land, suitable for VLA 1Cobourg with 8 Roomed home, p.m. Cliff Pethick, Auctioneer. NEAR HOSPITAL, 3 bcd- $1 ,500 down. IL-shaped barn, hen house, LTD. rooin brick in tip top con- $12,500 Bowmanville, 18 shed. Asking anly $18,- ________ 3- NEWCASTLE - ONT, dition on extra large lot near aid. Centrally locatei00O. Terms. Re@. 623-7150 - Bus. 987-4711 schools and shopping. Asking bungalow, lot 50xl64.1 DAIRY FARM, 100 Acres as B T IN ______________ 9-t $ 5,90. aîlnowforan p-Must be sold at going concern with 20 mnilk - paintment. Open forofrs cosFulnea ahiey Wlork Wanted KING ST. Older brick bun- $15,300 Taunton Rd. E . Holstein milk contract. Ask- a aieti hvrHospital, ______-galow situated o very deep' Ne w brick bunga-iing $45,000. Ternis. Peterborough, is now able te C2T6c3inn.Poe o.Coe eBae Lumber. lows b y Ochonski, ORCHARD F A R M, 110b hoewthisprnM. 2-2764. 31-1 Commercial potential. y Ounr guarantee of Acres with 25 Acres of Spies, and Mrs. Vinrent Jackson. rUTM gan cmiig ayHah --6320 quali t y construction Mclntosh, Russetts. 7 Roomed contact Joe Feddein-c-m Onono ar et 63zo and craftsmans h ip.' home with bathroorn. Large The Rev. A. S. and Mrs. 1 phone 462W. 31-2* Hee ryro 2-7065 Cal now for appoint-l L-shaped barn. Asking $42,000.' Allrnd fa.mily have ne- ____ - - Michael Gravelle* 623-3342 ment to inspect Osh-!Ternis. hredfo<iseea NOR erca xprt e-awa area's best home! 144 ACRE FARM with 7 actin .spent inttheRi ement work. Phone 723-0729 lFrank Hackett vle o lts7'X Roomed brick home. G adbse,î r a nd . Durn vthir for estiatea *ad panticlars. jManilla 1 R 22. 200'. Easy ternis. ýbrn, hen hanse. 120 AcresabeeM.nd r.Dvi 22r40* 31.1 New ricuarsSisamore and their tamîly SAV timdgs- av us- $16,982Ne N.H.A. 3 bcd-1workable. Ask i ng $20 ,000. spent two weeksaet the Ret- rombrick bungalow,iTerms. iShArpten ar lanrhawe frus..Bowmanville. Sunset' tory in Betheny. with Mr. zbhetter uing F. Cowe, 1o2 Jack Drive, close toa chool. 1BOWM AN VILLE HOMES Sissmore conducting flhc ser. f3etrctig .Coe,102* Many extras. Built by1 5 Roamed bungalow with et-1 vices. Mr. Sissrnore lsaet pre- -Elgin St.. Bowmanville.3-* R I C A R D Jae 'aly o-1tach ed garage and al modem j sent a student et Wycliffe A. B A RRealtor struction only. 52,850 [conveniences. Nicel1y land- oltge, Tonitoppeîn A.B A Sdawn. 61/4c/.mort- fscaped. Asking $12,000. Ternis, o h miit Plum ing eatigl, nowma-nvill $1,50 Ogari e. , Ima- 8 Roomed 2 storey home on Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Plu bin & eatngi$1750 Onari St, Bwmnn-Elci n Street. Ail modern con- Edwards are away for thiree 35Nlo i omn ie 623-2503 ville, close ta every- veniences. Nice shade trees. weeks' holidays. Dnning their * 3 Nlmo S. Bwmaviiething. 7 rooni, 2 storey Asking on]y $12,000. Ternis absence, Harold Padgham of - - - ---1-tf $3,000 DOWN brick. Family roorn 16 'arranged. Harwood is the nelieving Attractive, 3 bedroom brick x20, excellent ternis. Brik lotnwlRoe aae fteT>ot-o ERNIE PERFECT bungalow with large, expertîy $17,900 MeNangh t aorn, Osh- b iukgalowo hSteoed thmanoank.f h Trnt-o PLUMBING & HEATING fiihdrrrom Clstawalrg lt,4b- finished 33' x 2' recreatioMm. and Mrs. Addison Scott St oehsCuc edroom brick, Gon ~d'e St.oJsephs2Chu354an d ean homne. Ownen room. Extra plumbing in base-j spent. the paMt week with Phn 2.50School.opnfrofres ment. Aluminuni stornis and1heir, son Donald Scott at P.O. Bei 1599 SUNSET RD. opnf fer s, eascreens. Balanc in convenient Newb urgh and with Mr. and 79 Ontario S. Bwaville Almoat new, 3 bedroorn ceris St.,________ î-t brick bungalow. Close ta Lord incarne Properti': 6% N.H.A. Mortgage. iMrs. Gordon Chase at their ______________ ______ 9 Roomed, partial ncw,lsummer cottage near Lynd. _________ Elgin School. $17,300. :$22,500 Port Hope - 4 unit brick home with 2 bathmooms hurýst. SE TI ANMILLTOP DRIVE Apertment building. and 2 kitchens. Oil hcated. Mm. and Mirs. Norman Booth- S P I TA K 3 bedrooni split with attach- Re n t e d at $252.50 Pnice redu c e d ta $14,50(). by and son Johnny are et a PUMPING cd garage. Electric heat. Over- maitly.Gaod invcst- Ternis. summer cottage near Coe Hill WHITWASING STALESlooking the town and lake ta ment, large lot. Ternis. Nw amdbikbna for this week's vacation. "the south. Close ta Lord Elgin. '$35,000 Bowmanville 5 unit 1 ihatce aae I'M.adMs octGl BERT TOM KINSilding,$4,0. rlkaarge lt modern conveniences. Exceil.- r ieur and sons Terri' and Paul Phone Newtemvillie 786-2552 ONTARIO STREET Excellent Investiment. ,jent location. Priced at $18,300.1 spent the pant wcek with Mr. Cail Collect .41-tf Large brick home with eycnra1 nyTrsaafgd1adMs.Ceiho Ca t aprtet, 3,00Dwn 5,000 clown. 8 Roomed brick home with iPicton. F A K B NKLIBERTY ST. $45,000 Bowmanville, 3 units12 bathrooms. Double garage. DYr. G. M. Longfield, FRANK BRINK Double bouse sitnated on plus office $430 mon- Oil heated. Extra 600 sq. feet Longfield. Randi' and Ru Te ciglarge lot. Well meintained. thly incomne. Bmicî< storage space. Very central on Bramnpton are Iiolidaying i ETeChiANK Central location. Ideal for in- building, lange cen-!main street. Asking only $10,- thet ir otg etc ETCTAKcorne retinement home. $5,000 trally loa t e d lot. ý900. Ternis. th ilae INSTALLATION Down. Ternes. 12 Unit Apartment buildig Mrs. Edgar Beer left by Ha ptn 63220 5ACRE PARCEL Cottages: *Elcctrically heated. Ahl leased:. plane on Pnida'v ta visit for Neampftodn7,00W263-227lage0eer 'Stove and frig in earh apart- a few days with her parents, 24-tf trees. $5,000. ' te nLk nalo"ment. Pniced ta selI. Mn. and Mns. Hugh Talbot et ORONO Rire Lake, Scugogi COUNTRY HOME, 9 Rooni- High River, Alta. CU ST 0 M 1 -à storey brick home an Main Otanabee River andi cd 2 stomey home near Nes- Mr. end Mms. Hanîci' Mad- F RM N G St. backîng an the Park. $17,- Bnckhamn. Priced tramtîto n on large lot. Small baem, dock, Anchorage, Alaka, are 00MN G ((0. $1500 up. lLow down payment. vîsiting with ber parents, Mr. AT REASONABLE RATES ORONO Wc have at Pleasant'ORONO HOMES: and Mrs. Harny Preston. Phone 723-1308 NEW home at north end of Point, 7 m. North of' 6 Roomed home. 12 years' Rev. Percy Page, Petembor- for BALING - PLOWING ývillage with walkout base- Lindseay waterfrantOî i eae ih4-ic ugi,, 15 the guest minister for SPRAYING, ETC. ment. Fireplace, etc. This is lots at $2,400 - $400 Icolon r ed bathroom. Ultra-1j the United Churh while Rev, j,,t trul.y e fine home, beautiully t ktcn.Al ew and Mns. Wm. Piency are on - - - - - sîtneted. $19,500. Lots $1200 - Omono, onem.lmbn TViowr A 1n vacation. ASP AL P VINONW ON0 T aunton Road and No. i$13,250. Terms. iMmr. and Mrs. Howard Scott, DRIVEWAYS - WALKS 'street close ta shopping. This Orono), 13 acre parcell Bedroom, 2 storey homeLmdy, erSuaygst Ail Work Guaranteed 3 bedrooni brick home is con-, in village on services.lon Mainstreet with all mod- with Mr. and Mrs. )Wter - Contact -1 sidered a real buy et only $20.000. Ternis. e1 ovnecs vr etiNas $15800 j noo, ace rcl and dlean. Asking only $12-' The visiting leam fmom Pon- STEP EN UEL CALISE AE. n srvies 15,00.900. Terms arranged. ' typool defcated Betlany in Phon 6235410ho" storey, 3 bedmooni brick 300Trilrecn LARGEan il score 12 -1. Bob Ednminds' Ph n 2-40 on.Top condition, close ta' ,00Newcastle largeGAeLOW. Brand rwas the anly Bfethani' 219-t everything. $17,900. tral lot over 1 acrejbîk îh tahc1oul score. Open for offers. garage. Mahogani' cupboamds, Recently Mr. and Mns. JACK URGE S ýRwârdWight - 623-2524 j$ 5,000 10 acres in scenit Ken-itrim And doars. Wiing ail n-Thomas Wa'nd lost their hemn FUNCSGarnet Rîcard - 623-7397 da] Hilîs with fast 1derizround. Hardwod end tie and e numben of aninials and OIL BtJRNERS - Milor Mflnad 63-91 trout streani $15001floors. Medellion home. Ask- sm iciey hog ie P LUM N EPAIS Wllf Hawke - Oromo I12 an.1gony5500 dw.On Saturday evening, friends PLMNGRPAI. $ 7,000 10) scenir acres Cour-I We List Photo M. L. S. and neighbons pnesented them PHONE HAMPTON Dorothy Vivian - 263-2138 tire area. Good stream. i and Exclusive with a purse of monci' in the 31-1 Gond building a nd ý amount oi $800.00 plus a do- 263-2151 Noies ---pnd s i t e s. 52,000 After Hours Cal: nation ai 550.00 traon the Zenih 6550 me harg a lierton the sack race, Mr. and OilBune SrvceMeoralHopialCal 623-3393 Dept. Agric. Lic. NO. 351-C-65i)Mrs. Kenneth Porter thé SEPTC TANKS AND BOWMANVILLE After 9 Vin.: _____ 3t tnaw and peppermint relay. j TLBESOFFICE BY APPOINMENT ý& e - - There was Man a men': tug PONE PHPOtE e_-.*.*623-3077 Wanted&to Rent ~~~---------- HAMPTON 263-2288 POEKen Hockîn - . 623-5055 - TYRONE 263-2650 623-3331 Andy Keys --728-019g TEREE bedroorn hanse for UPHOLSTERING hetween CaeNC og 2-9331-1 le Brmak.-- 23577THREE bedroorn house, in or RaveDolars!Bav yeu ehst- J*eBarnski723-787near Bowmanville. Parnilyo tertieli amd chairs re-upholut- OFFICE HOURS gay Feuter Orono 321 B. Phone 623-2477. 3- * 623 -3303 orei. Fret eutimateu, uampies Tauday - Wedmeudar - Priday 1flewari Forder ferbdroihoeb taken te home. 6.35 THR:1 ero oeb Budlget Tenu. Arranged p.m. - 7 - 9 P.M. Brooklu 5-35 Sept. lst, with option ta pur- 28-8 George Boston - ichase reasonable. Phono 723- WHYTE BRO2S. -__ __--- port Perry 985-2087 8045. 3- FUNTA AND ftom andi Board miiiami Dereen Gisnblett THEorfurbdro UPIROLTERY Avaiffl -le *Pt 1090 5 Bhanse, Bowianville area,imi- New Leosti« - valbl j dee-Pt, Hope 95235mediateli' or hi' Sept. 1. Write Cerner Klag aMi DvIu«is t. om and Board avaflable, lins Houston - Advertiaer 743, c/o Canadien ?kmou 3-un83 maie ipreferried. Phone 823- Port Bop* U8-454 Satsan, P.O. Box 190, Bow.. 1-i73M..i8513-,"ile 11 ::l