B LACKSTOC K. ReV. A. Dea.yck Moon, al Miss Elsie Warren, Midland, Rowland, Cabourg, sndy. M!AS'Wes Ila guest cf lMr. aid Mns. Ten- Mrme niMs. Suart Dorrell ion furlough and nysan Sesneils; and viùing and fanily retoe.ted horne 9-ue8tafker in the United Mr. and M«. Harry De La deys et theirf fam nt Chani- .ad preadjed froen tht Par- Matter, Toroncto, viited on Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fer- able O! the Pearu of Great ¶lusidgy wlit lins. George gazoni spent the weekeiid wlth CPwfr ider adMr te r arq-abetone n»vlng 4 tua!t orel was in Wes. Peas-ce. a kfioni Toronto e eï innevA etdSunday Sho. amttéuMtw ek t M .Erie Barrand Baever- 1M!. Taylor, a Lay Reader Berean Boys Canxp, Sudbury. ley spent Sunday evenlng and *froni Chu ch osTrn, Recentan preserit visita« Mt ywitu Sindii-, Lind. was In hrgeof te service with the lloyd Beacocks are gay. in tht Anglican Church. Ht Mir. and Mim. Fred Motton, Mr. and NMs-. Mervyn Gra- -rnd a semon written by KfDidadRbrWljheman sd MW. and Mmn. Ed. Ps'hoenBr'own of Liberia on. iowdale, and Mr. and Mns. iHarmis visited their unt, Mrs. Ilie Collect for the thun~. Jiin Hedge, Oshiawa. Gog rMi anrgo ci8v alfter Trinity. Mimses Sharon Knott and ecgda.GrnCnigo Mr. Leslie Graha'm, Miil- Malon Ross, St. Masy's area Sndy brot*, qpent a few deys a are visiting Mr. and Mmi.! Mr. and Ms-s. Orval Stin gu.ebt of Mr. and Mrs. MervyniGlenn Larujer and boy's. ýand fan-dly, Chcsley, and Mm. 'Grahiam and visited his otherl MT. and Mrs. Noei Mortor R. Stinson, Bowrnanvllle, relatives. and boys, Oshawa, vislted Mn VJem SOtuday visitars; Mr. Mr. and Mns. Wilbemt VWery Roy and Mr. and Mmm. Bill and Mmm. Arthur- Trewin and visited relatives in Cavan on Fergusan and Alan, Sunday. faiiTily, Haydon, were Suriday Tuesday. Re'i. F. M. Ferguson, Misses evefling vistors with the Fred Mr. and Mm. Bruce Mount- Pauline and Joye, and Mr Tmrewins and Mns. A. Wrhffit. 'ay, Ray, Gary and Paul and Herb Van Curen, Toronto, Miss Sharon Lancier la away Toivo Kinnunen spent Sun- wt1rt Fiday night and Satur- on the 4-H Centannial trip ta dayta Wedncsda'v on the an- day guests cd Mrs. Cet-i Hill. Manitoba, havlng been chosen ijjlAntqeCrClb ;i~ Mr. and Mms. Roger Dom- ta represment Dlurham County. fromn London to Brighton. rell, Valente and Brenda, Ot. Tht group flew fronu Mian tawa, are guests of Dalton ta Winni.çeg last Thursday DE'TTT'r!Dommeuls and vsiting Me. Eami anid are to metumn Aug. 4. IRESULTSCOUNTII Dorreli and the Stuart Don 3Mm. and Mrs. John Kewen COnsuit a Member or the reils. and lemily, Boeonsvîlle, Que- Mr. and Mrs. Keît.h John- bec, are visiting her father, Sston, Linda a.nd Pearl, Belle- Mr. Ernest Tnewln. ville, spent tht holiday week- Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dune- MMEend; Mm. Joluneton Rowland encor and Beth attended a and son Bobby, Milibroc>k, and faily picnic at Mtebell on MULTI_LJ MmdM. Ralph Tipple Saturday end spent thie week- USTIN SERICEday vis rs of Mir. and Mrs, ~ eitit ]Real Estate Board 'Mr. and Mrs. J. A. JohnstaniBairy and faniiiy, Banton. night guests of Mm. and lins. K. Dunsmooor end faxily. - r M r. a n d M m. C reig h t ori HE 4 C"s ~~De v itt, winflêar j cpending this week at tht OF SAVINGhome of Mr. and Mns. Cecil Harilton while thie Hamiltos are lholddaying with the La- CONFI ENCE!vern Devitts o! Oshawa at a f cttage near Campbel!ord. CON VENIENCE! M.. and Mrs. James Mrner-j ton and Lori Ann haere turned froen a pleasan t tnpf1 COM FORT!and visit with relatives in -ý - a »9I Regina and Saskatoon. Central Ontario Trust 1. CONFIDENCE - knowtng that you are receiving the best rate of interest - paid more often. 2. CONVENIENCE - longer saving houri daily anid ail day Saturday. 3. COMFORT - dealing with friendly people - with a community Trust Company. 4. SAVE WITH. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION !3 King St. W. Bowmanvllle 623-2527 19 Simce St. N. Oshawa FOUNTAINIIZAD ~ z j V .AE $ $ $ es. 19 AUi bure, Momdair. Aoprozimtly 70 -rnbers OfEmtY= oWoi her-ja lh <arwijt Par*, -à ' July 30, 19M, and e'Jq«a plemant et-tffltiiw. S enjoyed àwkming or alie or- mines and older mue vlaited. iTOllwjng th. bowiteooe mal, Pretiéent ]BillFrgu1o c0fiductd a buoe 1~ig Miutes of laet pile herg two years ego. were iimd by Secretary Euq DoITOD. (Lasti years jointlxdcnico!fateen and Wetern secions was] held at Guebb~). MN.i Murray1 Byts,, tremminer, gave tht financial sttemnent. Decded: tu hold çienée for Uila section« in Cartwr<kit Park gi next yéer, nid Ioflowing o- cers weme electsd: President, Bruce Montgoey. Rfi. En-, ni'ekhlen; Vice, Dalton Dos-- reîl, Rfi. 2, Neutffon; Sere. tary, M-ra. Lloyd Wright, R.R. 2, Nestlabon; Tressurer, 3m.. Murray Bytro, RAR 3, Burke- ton; Conmttet, Ms-. and Mrs. Stuart ormel, R.11, 2, Nes., tiston, anid Mr. and bfm. Ivan Mountjoy, R.i. 3, Burketon. Wiiile stil et tables, prizes were given: YoungWstciiild, Lie Dormll; One with near- est birthday, flgny formel; Coupie with nearest wedding anmàvemrsay, m. and Mrs.: Dalton Dorrel. Having corne thet Iathest, MT. and m. Roger- Durrell and girls, Ot- tawa, Largest family present, Mr. and Mmi. Bruce Taylor and f'andly, Enniskillen; Old- est car. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Jëhnst-on, Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mount- joy now conducted %)orts, with thje following winners: Girls 5. and under, Pauline Taylor; Boys 5 and under, Darcy Doms-cii; Girls 6-8, Col- ette Taylor; Boys 8.8, Neil, Taylor; Girls 9-11, Leslie Wright. Boys 0-il, Peul Ma.untjoy; Girls 12 anid over, Paulane Ferguson; Boys 12 and over, Donald Wright; Men' s aot kick, Dalton Dom- relI; Ladies' shoe kick, Mmm. iMuray Byers; Lucky spot, Mrs. Menriil Ferguson; Heavi- est purse, Rose Ellen Hannati: Ohildren enilcvtd p ea n ut screnibles. Mr. end Mmi. Bob Mahaffy, ________ David and Glen, St. Mary's, 1 spent the weekend wàth :Mr. E NSKL E an r.Bill Mahafy, Granti N IKL E and Neil McLauýgh-lin. 1 Mn .and Mms. Deryck Moan' Miss Gerdina Snack e! Tom-1 o! West Indies spent the onto spent a few days holi- weekend wîth tht David Ro- daying with Mr. and Mm.. E. mecrils at tht Manse. A. Werry. Mr. mand Mirs. Norman Dy-i Miss Lois Heddan, Colun-à sart, Metz, France, are spend- bus, Mr. and Mmm. Elwynq irug this month with the Me- Dickey and Velma, Bowman-1 Athurs and Dysarts.j ville, were Sunday tea guesta Mr. and rs. Roy ar fMr. and Mm. M. Staintan.q Mn. and Mmthe oy hrdTayr Miss Veina Dickey spent a, wedding in Cobourg, Satur- fents as th eek. adar day, lihen spent the night en-,d t as ek Sunday with Mnr. and Mnr-. Mr. and Mmi. R. J. Ommisten, Anson Taylor at the&ri cottage Mr. and Mmm. -Ivan Sharp and on Rice Lake. girls, haed Suuday ovening din- Mmm. James Robentson 01 ner with Mrs. S. R. Caldwell, Unity, Sask., and lins. J. ]For- Port Hope, in celebration o! der-, Nestleton are spending a Mmi. Cldwell's birthday. Con-' 1few days "rth Mr. end Mmir. gratulatians te m. Caldwell. Roy Taylor. Tht Oi!uuiston's called on Mr. Mn..mand Mmm. Harold Kçyte J. D. Brown at tht hospital, anid Mr. aud Mli. David Kyte who i. impmoving and mso on 1 and Miss Linda Kyte attend- lins. .1. D. Bnown, Onano, who ______is better. Mn. and Mmm. Ted Werry and fmmily me holidaying, at Murdochville, Quebec, with ?6 6 SMr. and Mn.. Bey Vernie. P66'sMisses Kathy Sharp, Sharon Wermy, Patti Werry and Linda Sharp spent lait week at Camp Pretoria. Miss Winnifred Colo, Wil- IGUSIlowdale, Miss Bctty Jane IG U TWerry, Elizabeth and John Wery. Etobicoke, weme ecent - - - -visitons of Mr..and Mmi. E. DEMON STRATOR C LEARANCE Color burguudy, fully equipped. Lic. J17410. Sugg. List $6611. Yeu Save $1116. NOW ONLY $5495 Mustang Convertible Hcre's luxury equipmcnt! Lic. J17222. Sugg. List $4237. Yeu Save $ 542. NOW ONLY---------- $3695 b4-tw- FORD FAIRLANE "500" 4-DR. 6 cyl., utomatic transm permsteering. Lic. J 17494. Sugg. List $3191. You Save $ 416. NOW ONLY- nisiiin with $277510 Ail arc low mileage autornobiles in showroom condition! GALAXIE "500" 4-DR. HARDTOP 2 to choose fron: Lic. J17035 - J17165. Sugg. List $3966. You Save $ 766. $30 NOW ONLY.---- ----$ 2 Mw-qýFORD CUSTOM "500" 4 -DR. SEDAN V-8, automatie transmission with power stecning. Lic. J16651. Sugg. List $3645. You Save S 645. tIJJ NOW ONLY Visit aur lot today and choose frcm Our selection cf ncw cari. Mac DONALD -FORD 219 KING ST. E. PHONE 623-253 Contact One cf Our Courteous Salesi BUDD POGG JERRY KEA1N SALES BOWMANVI LLE H"? Pl" Ô OD A. Werry. Mr. Kenueth Lamb, Oak- ville, spent the weekend at Mr. and Mmm. L. Lamb's. Misses Linda and Brenda Bnock, Bowmanville, wene holiday visitons with Dm1e.and Brian McGill. Mr. and Mmm. Donald Weamni and family, Dundas, were Monday visitons at A. L. Wearn. Deepest sympmthy is extend- ed ta Mr. and lins. E. McNair and family on the sudden passing of their brother-mn- law at Stouffville. Mr. Elmer Hemnlng, Oshawa, Mr. Frank Gilbert, Sauina, was a recent caller an Mr. Allen Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. lnwin, Waterloo, viîtied the latter's muster, Mr. and Mmm. A. Lead- beater. Mmm. E. Pettifer and Roa, Willowdale, spent Sunday with A. L. Wearn's. Miei Judy Virtut spent a !ew days with hem gmndpam- ents, the H. McGill's and la misa spending a few days with the E. Masters, Bownanvillo. Miss Ruby Vitut, Toronto, Miss Cindy and Master Trent Masters, spent tht weekend with R. Virtue. Miss Marguemite Wright, St. Cathenines, Mmi. Lloyd May- hew. Quebec, spent tht week- end at Mr. and Mn. N. B. Wights, Mr&. P. A. Tresise, Oshawa, was a visitor. Mn. and Mm. Roy Werry and family, Sudbury, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mmi. F. W. Wermy. Mr. and Mmm. S. Kersey, Hampton, Mr. mand Mmi. Len Player and boys, Bowman- vile, Mn. and Mmi. K. Pooler and !amily, Oshawa, Mr. and Mns. S. R. Kersey and boys, Ottawa, were Sunday supper guests at Mm. and Mmi. H. Ashton'm, ln the tvenlng Mr. and Mmi. J. Lyon, Hampton, Mr. and Mmi. R. Burns, 0mb- a wa, Mr..and Mmm. A. Sankoy nd fmmily, West Hill, joined tht fanily. Ail enjoyed the supper and ovonlng. cecent callers at Mr. and lins. S. R. Pethicks were Mr. and Mrs. C. Hooey, Mns. Lacy and Lorraine, Debbie .and Susan, Mm.. Routly, Mns. E. J, Dickinson, Pont Hope, MMa Downey and Barbera, lins, ,Bruce Marks, Terry and Kelly, Whitby, Mr. and Mr.. A. Gra- harn, and Janet. Newcast1e Mr. MIUson Kimble n granddughter Jüne,Pe Durbom, Dom MIià&& Ir TmRemia, Ans"it2., 190 flou Muston, Toronto, was ehmnged ln the Towmshlp o! Manvera with divint wth Do license. Ne was given Umne to produce It and for fmiling to do so was flntd $2500 and casts-or three dayo ln imil for default. Harry James Chambers.E, Eownmnvilllt,appeared hefore Magistrate Baxter on a charge lo "f*Mlng ta yill" on May 3rd. Re pleaded "not guilty". Durham, Mr. and Mrs. Mann, and Diane, Oshawa. Mr..and Mn,. D. B. KRY,j Toronto, were weekend vit- j ors of Mr. md Mrs. A. Sharp.1 Misses Cormi and RHida Kmy. were lait Wednesday guests cf. the A. Sharp's.1 Mr. and Mns. C. Avery andi John wert visitors of Mns. C.Ï Avéry, Sr., and Vernon, Pla-i ant Point on Sunday.1 Mrs. H. Stainton is on a1 holiday with Mr. and Mns. C. English of Bowmanvifle in their trailer. Mr. and Mrn. David Stainton, Belleville, spent the weekendi with their parents the L. Staintons and the Nielson'a. W. are very sorry ta report Mr. F. Draper is in Bowman- ville Memorial Hospital again. W. &Il wloh him a speedy recovery. Mis& Janet Dalton, Ottawa, who is ttending a summer: course at the College of Art, Toronto, was the weekend guest of Miss Lois Ashton. Mr. and Mns. George Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. E. Knowlton wert recent visitors of Messrs. John Tripp and Howard Pye at Cobourg. Mr. mnd Mrs. Floyd Tindail,' Toronto, were weekend guests of Mr, and Mrn. B. McNair. Don Trewin and Gien Ash- ton, spent the weekend With Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn at their cottage, Williams Point. Sunday evening, Mr. and Mns. E. Trewin and Doreen, and Miss Maureen McNair, were with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn at their cottage. . Mr. and Mrs. George Irwin were Sunday evening visitora' of Mr. a d Mrs. Norman Seott Newtonville. Tht beautiful home and spaciona lawn *t Mr. and Mrs., A. J. Werry's was the perfect setting for the third annual out-door Sunday School ser- vice and picnlc luncheon. Tht opening wonship service was conducted by Superintendent A. J. Werry assisted by five members of tht Hi-C Young. people's group. Misses Maur- een MeNair and Betty Wright, Mesrs. Wayne Beckett, George Leadbeater and Charles Ash- ton. A comfortable shade tret at several places on the lawn was chosen by each class.and teacher for tht lesson period. A long buffet table was laden with delectable food for the lunch. Mrs, A. J. WermY as- sisted by her n¶other, Mn$. P. Lee, Kedron, and her hus- band's mother, Mrs. E. A. Werry served the hot and cold liquid refreshments. Theme was an ample supply of relaxing chairs in the shady areas te enjoy tht delicious meai which included a treat ef dixie cup ice cream from the Sunday School. It was interesting to note that four generatons were f, resent who have lived in the ovely Wermy home viz: Mr. J. A. Werry, Mr. E. A. Werry, Mr. A. J. Werry and Master James Wemry. Ail thmee aduli members of this group have also the distinction cf being Sunday School auperinten- dents. Little six year old James will likely continue this tradition. 1 Mr. and Mmm. Edgar Wright tand Betty weme recent visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Spry and their family, Roch- ester, N.Y. Mrs. F. Tomm was an over- night guest of Mrs. G. McLear of Bowmanvilte. Mm. and Mns. W. Howells, weme weekend guests of!lher mother, Mmi. Norman Moore. Trenton, Sory to learn that Mrs. Howell's father passed away very auddenly about a month mgo. >Mr. and Mmms. Edgar Wright 1and Betty recently accompan- ied Mr. and Mms. W. Sander- son of Columbus, who ai' visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray iSanderson nt their cottage or Pigeon Lake. Square Dancing New Feature at Oshawa Fair This year's Oshawa Faim will feature a Modern Square Dance as the highlight of tht Fniday evenmng, August Sth, progr. Mode squame dancing hîs become a very pepular leisure tino ctivity in Oshawa and district mand it Ilanticipated many o! thteniebans e! the vaiaus clubs will ho in at- tendance. Thene will be four local cillers on hand ta keep tht dancers going. They wil in- clude Bill Munray o! Oshawa Cirdle Squames who wil cal mand serve as M.C.; Gien Dow- on, Ciller fan tht Pife Ridge ]Proninadena mand a momben a! Bawmanvllle Swingln' Bows; Bil Robinson, Caler for Brooklin Squares aid Jin Allen, Ciller of the Oshawa Allemanders. The dance wiil b.e!ofpar- tieular interost to modern square dancers -but mil people attendinthe fair are invited spot pizswll hoawarded sud it feloca1k. a full even- ln# i fu forail. in te evntcf bad weath- or tht dance willI talc. place aI O'Neilll ConuseaJust uouth et lthe P4rk4 I9vidence wua given by Gott- wlth havlng liquor lni ether Rosb Attor, loi King St. E., than their reaidence. AU Ihat h. waxa- roceedlng West pieadod guilty. The car driven en the above date, a 9 a.M. on by Dingman wmu followed by No. 2 highway, travelling ap- Constable Smith Into the local prozlmately 35 miles an heur IGA parking lot and stamc.hed. when a collision occurred. Mn. Tva botties o! liquar were Chambers st.at.d ho dld net found open and wore aelxed net the Astor vehicle until by the officer. They were aften the impact. Defence ecdi nod. $50.06 and conts $1 Counsel aaked that Mr. Cham- lu default moyen days. bers bo given tht benetit o! wa&yne Fox, 10)4 Stevenson doubt. The Magistrats in sum- Romd N., Oshawa, was charg- nulng up sald there wai noecd .Tuy 9th, in the town with ividence te indicate Mn. Astor having liquor other than lu wua driving other than indi- his esidence. Ho pleaded cated. Mr. Chambhers was suiîty. Constable Smith testi.. found guilty as changed,ith iedtedriver was on barder- a fine of $10 and $7 costs on 1ulne impairment. Ht was fin- in defauit five days.. cd $50.00, coit $3.00, in de- Four mmcm mon, Roy E. fauit seven day.. Ho asked fer Saunders, Lloyd Saunders, two weeks te pay, which was Mr. Beaucage and Rosi Wil- gnanted. kinason, who are chrgtd Douglas M. Grahanm, &go 18, jointly with unlawfully kili- 21 Soudan Amve., Tonanto, waî ing a eattle beait belonging charged at Caesamea with the to Ralph Davey asked ta have came and control a! a mater tht case set aven ta Septem- vehicle while impaired by ai- ber fth next. Bail fan each cohol or a drug. He pleaded wus set at $500. propemty and guilty. On Constable Laton's $200. cash until final dispos- evidence, Magistrate Baxter jUaon of tht case. found hlmn guîlty as changed. Wm. G. Quinton, 304 Lake- A $50.00 fine, and $3.00 coîts shore Rd. E., Part Crédit, was were levied, in de!ault seven charged on June 5th with un- d ays. lawfully eperating a mater ve- Wayne Steven Wright, mgo hicle an Liberty Street N., in 18, Hampton, was remanded exceas of ipeed limit. Mr. eut o! custody until Auguit quinton pleaded " guiltY ". 30th,, to tmy and secure cm- Constable Smith testi f ie d ployment. Magistrate Baxter Quinton was in a 30 mile zone. told hlm it was up ta himseîf Tht fine was $25. mnd $2 costs, ta tmy and make something o! in defauit five days and ta be his 1fe. Ht had pleaded guilty pald by Auguit 30th. July 8th lait to the charge o! Racla! Hansmna, 129 Barrit illegal possession cf liquor. Ave., Oshawm, was chamged in Gerard Veleke, Newtonville, absentia with diving 46 miles who had been given ont week an heur in a 30 mile zone. A ta make up his mind about fine o! $20 was levied. !surrendeming his license andj Peter Nelson Lloyd, 9 3 owfl's permit ta tht policel Church St., Campbeilfomd, was until Septemnben, was given a charged on June 27th, 1966, further week. Veleke stated with driving in excesi cf 6o the car was his fathem's. Mag- miles an heur on King Street istrate Baxter said tht fathen East. Magistrate Baxter levied will then have te sumender a fine o! $25.00, costs $2 or in the plates. Veleke is ta appear de!ault five days. Wayne Wil- August gth. llam Buchanan, 40 Rainey Ray Fmank, R.R. 1, Harnp- Street S., Campbellfomd, was ton, chamged with impaimed charged at tht same tint with diving, asked ta have his allewing a vehicle ta b. op- case put aven ta August 9th. trated by ont net covered by Juvenile Court compieted insurance. In absentia he was the court docket. found guilty as chamged with- a fine o! $50 and $3 costs, in FINE QUALITY defauit seven days. MONUMENTS AND Edward Clarence Goodwin,I MARKERS R.R. 6, Bowmanville, was charged onr July 6, 1966, with ~,4 tue&faM84.Wb m consumning ini a a public place. 1RO(k\ ee- M M"f l Constable Smith testified he STAFFORD examined a car lu tht Jack- Î "" ROS. LTD. man Road mmcm and found a g îame full. Mm. Goodwin was AI ut«d changed with ownership andilM NMET1, df released on pensonal bail. Mag- istrate Bax t e r found Mr. Safoi roh s 'Goodwmn guilty and levitd a StfodB thr fine- o! $50 with $3 cests on in1 LIMITED default seven days. Ht wasi mllowed twa weeks to pay.Mou et Thret Oshawa mon, William J. Dingman, 62 Warren Av. Box 133 Thomas S. Trimble, 193 CIane 33funa t.EWhltbr ;Rd. N., and Eric J. Brown, 49 i hone Whitby Warren Ave., weme charged! MOhawk 8-3552 - -.nhiy o.- u.J"m The um unadIn ttmiin. flowaavMflh Au&. 8, 196 a . * * atr o W. £Ume,.theWme*t.eLUnit Qua«"ii. FSHORET RP 3 9c GARDENPNT-HWAG TAEWM ROLAJSTRAWBE.RY 3 Tns E 3 <Ca4-ous. 2 Largr COEE N DYKS, STRA'SRR FOOD ARKET 77 King St. W. FREE Delivery Bowmnvllb SIROP AND SAVE PHONE 623341 "HOME 0F QUALITY"» OPEN THURSDAY anid FRIDAY 'TILL 9 P.M. I I I I I I i I I PROTECTION FOR YOUR MAJOR INVESTMENT TWO CAR GARAGE' 20' x 20' *Same Quality Materials as listed for Single Car Garage *Cottage Rf !. e . mnd two Overhead Steel Garage Doons MATERIALS ONLY SINGLE CAR GARAGE 14' x 20' * Gable Roof - fi" overhang * 2" x 4" Studding - 16" centres * 2" x 4" Rafters and Collar Tics *210 lb. Asphaît Sbingles *One Economy Extemior Door *9' x 7' Steel Overhead Garage Door with Hardware S44" x 31"' Cottage Slider Window *Ranchwail Exterior Finish MATERIALS ONLY $483*00 (i. Tax) ERECTED - $698.00 (i. Ta%) IL I $62800 <ie. Taz) ERECTED - $886.00 (incl. Tai) PHONE OUR STAFF FOR PRICES ON OTHER WIDTHS AND LENGTHSI, ALSO FOR CONCRETE SLAB PRICING IF DESIRED BUDGET TERMS'AVAILABLE Oshawa Wood Product, AW uI COUETICE q.. du 1 LIMITED SHOPPING CENTRE 729-1417 "ÂLLONT-THI NAM TO BUILD ON"# Magiitrùte's Court HoId in Bowmanville TI-underbird Town Landau FOR BEAUTY AND CONVENIENC E ow * 1 .......... jointly