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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Aug 1966, p. 2

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l'he Canadian statesman, Nowmanvflk Aus. à- Towi vn CounctilMeeting Assessmenf 'Appg Be Heard at Revis Here on Monda y, Court of Revision wîll iûatAvenue to Fourth Street.1 en Monday, August Sth, at motion was carried. eight p.rn. te hear appeals re- Council was informed b. garding Local Improvement letter froni H. Woudatra1 Assessments for 1965. This he had provided for off ot was announced at the meet- parking nt hi. property la ing of Bowrnanville Town ed at 57 Centre Street, Council held in the Council he asked thet the town Chamber on Tuesday evening. move the curb there. A letter fromn the Bowman- Councilor Prout mo ville Centenniai Conunittee that the Town Clark heaîa krformed council that it wouid to write to Mr. Woudatral lindertake to raise thie necea- tell him that tha policy ii ary funds to buy equipmnent there is no driveway that for the town's playgrounds la entitled to have the c and parles as wcll as flood removed- by the municipal lighting and Iencing for Mem- but that if there in alread: oriai Park, and asked for ap- driveway then the 0w proval of this for a Centennial would have ta pay for project.j removal. This was seconded Councillor Ken Nieks who.Reeve Little, and carried. Is the Finance Chairm'an 0f! A letter from Dr. C. Y. C this organization, gave a re- tran, 29 Beach Avenue, - Port to council of the recent referred to the Ronds meeting of the Bowmanville Street Commnittee with po,% Centennial Committee. An ac- te act. This wasrnioved count of thia meeting is pub. Counilor Nicka, aeconded lished elsewhere in this issue. Councillor Oke and conceri TownCier Robrt ~ repairs to a idewalk. Tow ClrkRobrtL. Byron The need of an anti-ni told council lie wîli need te -aw asdcuean haf anht lie forthe cstmode] one of thia typey ofth quipment frteplay- looked at and consider grôunds if counicîl agreed to Counillor -Hughes moved tl the committee's proposai. MyrIa Hbsapii Councillor Nicks moved that Mor ivan o bbseteappoi council approve the project this rpsdb-a an and on receipt of the neces- pr opo. s by-law n sary date have application1bp ort ac. is aeseconi miade for the Centennial bynCcillorThJamems ou grants. This was seconded by tisscia htmmers Councilor Annie Oke and seilcomte carried. ;Councillor Nieks, Council There was a motion bv' k and Deputy-ev.Vc CoucilorNiks aliri fr- A map was shown to revniew of the garbaligbyr-amembers of counicil, whi revew f te arbge y-lwoutlined the town proet and an amendment to provide park, and right of way in1 for the inclusion of grass Nelson Street sirea. The Toi rnowings and hedge clippings Clerk was instructed to obti In the garbage pick-up during further information regard: tht summer months. This was the oianership of other pri seconded by Counilor Hugh- erties in tht vicinity. es and carried. This matter Onamtoéb oni was brought to the attentionHuhs eod bCun of couneil by a letter from HughOe, sconed byCouni R~obert Kent, Lowe Street. lor Okeacouncil ncurit Councillor Maurice Prout Town h actin etakenyi e inoved that the request of the v crkthenotaingle Bowmrvile ecratinPen a franchise agreement betwe arment to hold theten the town and the Consumi F air on August l6th be grant- GSCmay ed, This was seconded by "Teprhs of a two vi Councillor Hughes, and car- urne reference work w ried. atoie ycuel o A -letter frorn John B. auterhoureby coni. CO Wright asked fnr improve- coillor rou, seoed t Lante. Reme SinyLittî, payment of the $120 feef Lane Reve Sdne Litlewhich the town will be rt-j: seconded by Counilor Prout, bursed 60 per cent, $72,' Ynoved that a survey be made uhrzdfrteAscai of Lamb's Lane from Veteransoa unioripald for tt ssondiat urer's Course te be studied1 Town Clerk Byron. This w RIENT Acarried. N EW C AR th crdo r#oor o THIS WEEKEND missioners has approved t] DAILT CPR>s'plans for the constru IYAILT tion of a new Elgin Stre IEWYTUl WEEKLY bridge, and that constructig MONTJILY will begin early in Nevembe MONTULT Deputy-Reeve Fice, seconi REASONABLE RATES td by Reeve Little, moved tih a level required by the Wer MacDonald Ford department bt bought. Tlh was carried. It was pOinti S aies out that both tht Works Sul crintendent, T. K. Stewart, ar BOWMANVILLE iBuilding Inspector IR. Hethe PHONE 623-2534 ington are well versed in i use. 1000 BRANCHES.. end the deepêst roota in Canada SUSSEX, New bmunswic, welcomes a new brandi of the Bank of Montreal this week. le's the 1,OOth office of Canada's Frst Bank. Rooted in the soil ef Canada for haif a century before Con federation, thse Bank of Montreal today serves weII over three million customners through ils network cf offices stregbing from coasît t coast and reaching to the far corners of the earth. 13ANK oi' MONTRUEAL Canada* ivt batik' oewmatvihle amnds:JAMSBELL. MAMsgn Oshawa Bransh: JAMS iocAmSi. uMar N~t~M 0M .WCa, *i -W V W-n in- 1- ibne genral meeting ln Septmber, id h ntuetlnmnt. Eýrenaisrf leokeîn Clb Hld prviciI dC5 Frid=ysprogram will aù.d t atendit lud ejudging of livatm Varlus specs o fun * borne classes. lu the evenig on *udNIMEssed 6:00 p.m.hornt races wm 1 e a ls to , portance of providing" qi n r ment for the pîmygrounds wau M A new feeture of this yea: amphaaized. Fencing il need- ma *i .s. fair will be the Friday eve E~~W'~ I~~aa.4 cd for Memorial Park and the ~*~ *~ * ~ I~ 5 n rga !aidr q ; I n C u rt odEgnPagrud tl dancing. Tht fuir has arang o u.Tevleoflo to hava 4 local square dan A IighUng for softbaîl and other! I TheDurbain Gunto' Hol- toeniy of thte chool andilscfesohadtkte e . 1events was acs stressed. "ten Club hekM a very eu-aunc- in.M.JonCCw one dancing from 8.30 10 Il DIfNIICT ~' Present at tht meeting -were cessful TwIilght meeting aet.JhnOdwl p.m. Cash spot prizes will August 8ii Councillors Keni Nicks, and the Boys Training Scliool with gava a conentary on the given out during the dance. Jmes ToA. FaTninDircr o 250 present. Two diassesof> fararn operation end about the Saturday will ha anot, This A mtio vy Coueilor r. T A.Faning Diectr o cows were tjudlged and tht fine herd of co'ws and ils full day of actîvity. It will Thi A moio n CunilorRecreation; Mr. R. L., Byron, folwing were the win e".ahievegnent. T h e evening 4-H Club Activity Day and Nicks, seconded by Deputy- Clerk-Controller, Town Hall; Ladies - is. Ratph Glas- ooncluded with lunich being special day for junior fli )y a Reeva Vice, was passed ta in- Mr. H. Hoopar, Superinten- pcll, Mura. Stan Alliai, Ms. proviclcd b~y the club and as- crs. that truet Town Clerk Byron te dent of Ontario Traini*ng Ayiner PaUierick, Mns. Ger. sisted by sanie o! the staff In the aflernoon the hors breet notlfy D. DeJager, 15 Silver School for Boys (rtpresenting aid Brown, Mrs. Lloyd Kel- and boys. wil lie at it again witht >ct- Street, that he must have a Rotary Club); Mr. F. Tippins 1og, Mns. Doreen Bos-rie. gh iecosefti cu a ehginning at 1:30. Bel red aliti onbi n roerty earedn . Rnroks(Kiwa- Men - John Leask, Keith would like 10 Uiank the ing privileges will ýonce mo re-asItisno i a anerusni);Mr. A. Cole; Junior Phoenix, Bill Taimblyn, M. Su.printendent and ig Ulie provided for tht spectato state, and that if this neces- Men's Town League; Mr. R. Bird. Lawrence Mtleolm, Don and nome of the boys for tlir A new racing feature whi ved ary work i. not done within Whyte, Kinamen; Mr. S. L. ur rvrWto.hepi aigAavr iewl epr fti ersf sked 14 days according to the pro- Dunn, Royal Canadien Legion; iTeo esn ep nmkngi cyfn ii i ato hsya' and visionà o! the relavant by.iaw Mr Ci Mutton, Memor- Ehrjsbth K ellogg, eening, «i00 the following will ha the Trotting Pci Is itth twn il hvethus work Mer;riaJim Muir, Alex Muir. for don.ating the. prizes: Dur- Races beginning at 6:00 p.m. s it thttown wid haePark Association; Mr. dotadiscu olce sQîgn etnilCMit Me Èroup thon moved mb ham Farmuerg County Co-op, Saturday evenng wil hi =rb taxes. This motion waa car-1tee, Provincial Government.- the aaditorium and Pres. Ben Eastern Breeders Inc., W. H. uIngtofaiiyfr lity, ried.. Brown wa chairnun for tht Brown, Casa dealer, Vanatone youngcr set. Twa bands, nai y a bylaw enbiethtPr«girn. Mr. Jecknon and Feed Mill, MîmGregor Ha!rd- ely, Ritchie Kniglits and t 'er tran:fer o! hanefits accruad KENDAL .daughtetr and smre cf thie boys ware, Kari Hacaringe, John Minig and She as w Ja th ne uue ieCmayOf the achool providati the en- Fengusoii, Clarence Nichols, snadteMjsi.wI hy plan to tht Ontario Pensions A birthdèyprywohl tetainment. Mr. Ho op er, RaIlph 'Glaspell, Don Budd, on hand to provide contin Employets Retirement Board for Misa arga rat Anad SuPerintandent of the achool. W. J. Bowman, Lloyd Kellogg, Oua entertaininent from 8:3(. rat-Penion fud wa gien hic Th nsn atris ar iyn introducetihisastaffanti poke IviuatiTamiblyn, Wes. Yeilow- Other searliattractio Cet- Pensinsund ewac inted bmacDon ad ttMieuse -l ov the gwu*erng on thea bis- Ices, Harold Mkià& Sno which will lie availahle waxtreadn___and___c____MacDonadetthe__________Pairvisitors during the dur and on Turansky's farm when a lss ion of the Fair include 0 nier pleasant lime was ienjoyed b t , . McDonald'a Ferro, a display by IItr ti young folks. Margare 'LC our t,<iAd dition amal arm and domestic ar byW ef r Total Ansi recaived an lumbrella mals and the famous lii.t] ned andi fvailyn a record case. 1. L'U E Cow and lier calves. ois: $4,542 in JuIy CaGurthe KnGof lyWi/li Open Nov. flfh ilawere John Evans, Normian, WELEaLVILLIL r !d.9 R c ie ts Krain, Peter Kelly, Nick Prî-! Tht officiai opening o! the Tht board accepted a $2,488 Tht annual Sunday sdih M' 97 Recipiens deaux Brune, Rick Hustis, addition ta Courtice Hîgli tender fromt tht Harnden ànd --wshi tAsi hat Don Hututis, Bob Deveries, Sciiooî wiîî be on November King Construction Company picb nc VJ5 t'd eaft s 'li he repc-t o! Wclfare Ad- Bill Starke, Lily Ann Starke, 181h. This announced aeta grade tht parking lot at non .July 271&i. Consideri xc- Ministrtor R. J. Weish, suli- Janet Doge, Karen Doge, Ruth tht meeting of the Durham Port Hopt Higli School. tht number o! famnilies awl dpd mitied te 'tht meeting 01 Wyrill, Nancyr Wyrill, Bar- County District Higli Schooi ATthur Trewin, R.R. 1, Bow- oni holltays tubere was a g01 rk Touwn Couaicil on Tuesday basa McDanaid, Gail Teach- Bloard lest Wednesday avening manvilît was appointed As- altendance, and thosa presu o! tvening sho'wet ilial tht total out, Dawn Tecdout, and in Port Hope. sistant &retaker for Bow- joined in ail the ganas Wl are capcnditura for wellart in Wcndy Teachout. Work being dont in connec- nianville High School. His sal- enthusiam. Each year, m lor îuây *mounted to $4,542.014. Wednesday niglit Ken-Gar- lion with the addition was dis- ary rate wilîl be $3,800 per îhesa andi dade fincI il a1 e. Tht actuel ceaI 10 thetotwn Hil. CampW were rnvited out cusscd and paymets for a ycar. Mr. Trewin lias been do- 'harder to hold Iheir <>wn al wiiI ha only $585.48 heeause for a barbecue supper et the number o! items were approv- ing supply caretaking since the cempetitiva sportis, w! lich Provincial andi federal subsi- home o! Mr-. andi Mca. Wes cd. Tht board look exception May.. griowing youngsters. A bî rty, dits ia addition te charge- Stesike. la ont charge, and decidedti t A communication froni H. E. gaine ini charge o! Garfie tht bacm total $3,976.56, tht re- Mr. and Mrs. Eddie. Cou- postpone payment for il pend- Elborn, Assistant Deputy-'Min- Pay'ne anti RobertI Dinner '.u ýwn port eIiowLad. roux breuglil Vhs-e chldren ing further investigation. ister of Education, pertainet first on the program, then :ain Thera wert 97 welfare re- of lis brother Honier Couraux Achreo$592foth aouofheCs Tareukyugfwï rané1 ýn iinsduring the month. home with thc.from Cache Acag !$1.7frIet oro htCetTetehsytgo a ragt opnTi ~inslde four- hegds 01 Bay Bobby, Vivian and ceciteiXnstallation of a 40 galion tank Hour Company being offereti Rat Tu!ford andi Nicki Gro, faillaca with 10 depenentns, Cousoux. fer fhot water was consideredti secondary schools in the naveld, and a close garnei lor eigiLI deserted caeswith 37 Kendal Juniors playeti tht excessive. Administrator M. A. province with the assistance horseaubos wss arranged 1 cil deendnts 15 sWleperon Orno uveils i Orno riMacLeod, who il alsa tht Sec- of the Deartment o! Educa- Wesley Beat andi Timm Niel red Il patients in nu.rsing homes' Salun-day evening and won by retary-Treasurer o! tht beard, tien. ols. Mra. Fred Hckin, Sanci he andi 16 peouple wlio received quiteca large score. Thl-e gaine - htalrg ato h The letter stated, that thetPaynthendLinda Tepleocrnti ýgal O.A.A. anti O.A.S. Suplmn a alioti in tht end cf tht installation cost was for ap- cempany wili begin ils tourkeIttliteoeocui for ~ ~ uplmn tayAd Iftl nigde edrn proximately 150 feet of piping early in tht autumn, and ap- wi4h gaines. Murray Psyr en Tht expenditures in July John Quantrihl pitched for at lmigwr.piain for its presentatienswa ichreoprui trs ware as folhowa: Direct wei- Kendal anti Paul Jones for Total accounts for uchools which wil lie based on Eng- tht icae crtaxntreal and t i fart $2,585.1, nuraing homes Orono. Gary Moore of Ken- in tht ares appraveti at the lish iterature, muastlie made tiijoyjtd hy all aflar al t ýol- $1,369.75, supplcm'entary l dal gel a home run. meeting amunledtoi $30,66à. immediately. aciit. I ___ ovyo vas $320;,arxcesandi nedicines Miss C. W.. Stewart is again ______________ Tht board authorized te tteo3rakeg pitsofsui a an- $267.18. Niait peouple filet ap- htlping out in the aiternoons principals of tht five second- bit fth ae eu o sgl an by plications during tht month, at the n'useum at Oiawa. ary schools in tht area te lake tht table was set; wilh prov hat Pive were accepted, anti m- Miss Masion Mehevey. Accident advantage o!bhits offer. Indu- lins brouglit by everyori for ployaient was procurati for R. N, of Tor-onto w'as home A calions ara that tht company Foliowing singing of Grai ým- throc prsons. with Jack Mor the boliday will lie booketi for Bowman- hearty appelites matit sIc he Building Inspector R. Helli- weektnd anti visitati with KOfC1U ville High School, anti proli- work o! the gooti food. It wa onerngons reor frJuhy Mass C. W. Stewart. o n - ably othera. as- showeti that 16 building Per Mr. anti Mr. Eddie Cou- _________ apy acidernto. uir by mità were issued, andthe the roux, Marie, Lynn anti thei Two girls, boili sgt 12,by Ny accidret.6e te ras totil cst o conirutionwascousins tkpent tht weekend ti ceiveti minor injuriesinaM sxatyfrM.A. or $168,888. Tbis Is an increase titir cottage. two car collision on No. 115 D u EUa dyke nii>ailiy for Mrs.To îat ovs h rvos nh Ms-. anti Mrs. Oharlit Ehsey, Highrway near a service sta- dk hs ohr ss m- v'Nihiouly aanounted i4 $45 2 Kenuîy and Dennis, Toronte, -onet10 .m O Fid .The dremy, nbte, ttti laneFM lie 895. were down te George Mer- dties of the dayeby thiriattndan lc* Niti piumbing permit. were cer's for tht watfrend, and volv:d were Edward glier,' the funeral in Port Hope 0 et Lue There were 3« bulûd- Mr. anti Mra. Cv Elsey, Caroal 148 Morrîson Street, Oakvilile, 'tt dveoMPAEN.o h E - weck. fenon f [n inig inspections and six trench andi Marilyn,, Oshawa, camne anti John Wayne Winber, Col,- tmaican fihn ioduthrv pr-1 ewihonye sa id- ion pecins. 2 M r. eheng- Mrwn and rHay. ircr bledick Stretet, Orono. jects for rural w.ater. sterage ses-bus injury on Sunti *d.. ton reeeiva 15 inqusigis n d Ms.OniMrm.HMarryMecr Janet Stater, a passenger in«anti distribution andi a pro- mnorning while taking the cal Laithr. er ioinestgaios cllti n ii, MryLuxon lier father's scar, and her tri- gramme t o nrease tht hevel île througi the tunnel whic *8 made. Suntiay and took a trip avound and, Janet Reeti Lewis, Kit- o! skilis on the Iland ycntusudrterira nt hid Mn. ntti Mm .ogeCak chener, were taken to Mein.. tsibuticn.s towarti the pur- faran. SSeaof the catti ;ed r ad Ms.werge Clawnkrial Hospital bsr tht Bois-. oase cf becfinical achool crowdet ihlm againsl tht stu natei ume hm frth nanvihie Ares Ambulance. equipinent. of tht tunnei, bruising hi er-1 Pace ~~~~heir umnr ye o ttThay received treatmcent in the Rfrigt h edcinsole n ie ts- holi day. e! Tohnte rkt-aint atmn- ti, for bis own Riding of Dur-ham Fred HoSkin inuured hi ils ~~ INC adfnl ohorntoarohuabrus-oatiendepainrtaetfr eern ettpouto hudrat ie P c . eConsabl Jams ct*Mx. Honety sid lie was hope- eyes dus-mg tht weeken, tiown te their astinerhoe ontbh Jae S ch u lt7, fui that the res-tnt tirade taîks wihie deing semae weldini (FJqM MAE OE) fr th hoiday meOPP, inveeigatedth ie acci- wouhd ste an increasing use requiring niedical treatimani his own lack o! auccessa la Mss. W. Mercer spent a dent, o! Canadien Plue-cured to- On Saturtiay afternoon Miâ thsaï; lection. couple o! days leist wetk visit- Miss Heathes- Murray., age bacce in Jamais-a and other Haroldi Basrowciough enter The M.P.P. for Narthumber- inig ber brother, Arthur Grant, 18, 349 King Street, Cobourg, as-cas of the West Indues. taincti members of lier ftmil InMr. Rowa tld the gath- end hie wi!eetaIUibridngt. lest cents-l o! hes- car on Miliet aowe-fo a roîaitdprt n ering Ihatlih at jusl heen at- Mr. anti Mn. John Thmp Street, Newcastle, on Friday soKingfon. Carle wms ses. £endin a Holstein picnic in son Wopt IPart ofleset week at il1l,.>. Shec ecveti bsest- Exchfg ing3 astngreilWfus hia cOnstituency. Ht said that with lier sister, Mrs. John ment in tht Out-Patient De- Ex h nge e d surraunishinbg liflea( there ila alas-k o! understant- ]Baiika, andiheur huaianti at partaient of Meumoriai Hospi- aa ca-sanedbgeint, neic Ù1g of the fermer&' problems. Collînzgwood. tai for abrasions and ti ntsig Smg pndc '41 tbink lhey are caughl in the Visiting Sunday with Mr. mueininjurias its-tivêti when Student Here e dress byv Halent Karvoner ceai squeeze," lie asses-teci. ant irss. Hatcber Fostes- were lier car wcnt off the readway. o! Soarborougli; Evelyn Bot The Picnic. Comniutet mem- titis- threc daughters, Ms-. and Constable K. RuttanOP Five Bowmanville High, Iien of Newtonvillt madeà bers ini charge of!arrange- Ms-s. Jack Fonk, Mr. andi Mrs. W'55the invetbigaling i .ta i n,ht pîcisdeiv-tho te buýn an ii rtdi iring b@orrfcs. n ane holidavys wfth rela- Fo umgo tO Nova Scella whare he There was an accident mtiF . tive atSandy Lake. < ro will b. lookinug after tht dogs the corner of Qucen anti Lib-! LI 16 F Ua t a trial maet. Dahlia anti erit Streets at firt o'clock on Dilnts- faunily fflt Ithese ..0 Gail are spendurîg the week SatijUrdaY aflermoon whnen a' <PROM PAGE ON£) day weektîid et Bruce'as-att VDwth friands at Caesaea c sar drivea by Hugh Prends satitla classes will hegin. At tage, Inchrding Ms-. and Mrn G - while Janet iî withMre. H.Aiken, Newcastle, ati A 9:00 p.m. the Miss Oshawa RoSiDinats- cd Peterbor!ough. PFROM PAGE ON£) Fastes-. motos-cycle ritiden by Phiip Fais- Contest will get undes-- Baby Serry Lae opetithe Ms- Fanig wsskai b On Sunday thea juniors Carl JeWerSs, SOuthway Drive, way with tacli o! the contest- weekead wth g*sandparents, write ta Town Couacil anti wenî to Port Hope ta play collidet. Danmage te ftla ve- anIs heing jutigeti on beauty, Ms-. and Ms-s. Ken Dînner. state uallb.Bowthvelahall anti bel out b ltht part lis-les wus miner. Constable palme and pessonality anti Pearl anti VéleitAustin C ent nnial C om miltea n wll Nopa tea n. R ick A ustin an ti By H art inv etigataut. w i l a pa i n st e t ea - a-e e e t ti io . Mo ia saise the $7,300 -e q utsad for RalPli Kennedy cidthet piteh- On Fsiday ai 4:25 pâm. thetre evening wear anti hathing aigu fs-omeaIir western tour. the town te obtain Centennial ing lfr Kendai and Billy was a two s-ar collision en suit. To tht aaw Miss Omhawa Ms-. anti Ms-. a.ld MScn- Granits fsrn tht Govaraments Ryan- anti John Smith for King Street et V astone': Fais- adles- runts-s-up will tees- o! Chatlsam calledti 0stee o! Canada anti o! Ontario o! Port Hope, bridge. Thte tisivars vere go cash prizes anti a numbar the cenatary antid ch bas-i $7,300 aach. In Ibis lattas-, Mr. On Menday tht Juniors Robes-t John Cuapbell, R.R. 2, o! othar valuahît gifla. lant W.*iaatiay afternoon U'anning Will alta aubmit tie played their tihird gagnsahn as Bownsanville, and Hean ry Followlng the Baauty Con- Harold I l a granduan oet Johni proposed plan o! equiptuent, hait da3t5 whan they plmytti Pan-ce, 56 Concesajon Street. test CKLB Radio wHIlsponsor Mlounte..- andi Ana Tynidall flood lighting anti !encing, anti an exhibitâon gain. witJh Lit- Constable Don Andes-son in-1a Record Hop with a popular mairiad hart mort thait a the ettmateti costs. île Britain anti won' by a 7-.5 vestigatet. musical group on and te p-o- hundred em go. Ceanilior James Bous-keort at Newcutle's Cas-nival was appointeti Vice-Chairman Day. lb. pet Wea playeti in of the Centennial Commiltet. thie morning. W U w id Couneillor Ken Nlcku wau ap- Ktiidal neuds s-in veryW i s Aa d pntd Finance Chais-mn, hatly aû the crops, gardeas, (PROM PAGE ON£) and lie wam given authorlty saPbrries, etc. are ail dryiag The three awards represent the largest number te appoint membens te lbe Ut>. SOMs fialtis o!fcats ara Finante Cemmittea. Project, White, ansd thse cornfI curling won at one time by The, Canadian Statesman in recent Pregram anti Publieity Cern- uP. We lied tva hcwes millets wlll alima a set up, IbuadiaY but nid enougis ta years. Needicas to say, ail members of the States- and a Secs-glasy and Treasurer doehd good. 1sodc h civm n h wlll ha appointed. M AdegeeSt' brother anti man staff were quite ru ofteah v m n.T e Plans were "sde ta hold i alter, Ms-. <arflius Van Val- event will b. marked throuahout the balance of the another meeating of tht 130w.8son antiMs-s. Bronmmele, have w, maville Canteainiai Commit-i s-orneout recentl3' fros HRoi. year by a special "Prize- winner's" insignia printed jtéeeary inAulst. Tht ladanti&Mare tykg fera aule v j»Ii b te d te a mmth's holiday. alongsaide the. mauthea[d in each edition. Manvers Twp. Council1 Accounts aunning 10 $7,-' 442.45 wes-e paumdetior pay- mnt at tht meeting o! Mffan- vers Township Couacil hlid in Betiiany -escntly. This total ineludeti s-astiaccouaIs in thea eniount o! $6,420.53, thbe 196 Fetitratien o! Agri- culture lavy o! $554.20, andi otiser mettes-s. Counucil tiecidedti lat tht BoSid o! Transport for On- tar-io heasakedti telook labo the a traffic proble«n et View Lai-e anti sel a spect imnit for lhe cottage area. Tiret representatives of the Depa-timnent of léandsatd Fhlreste wes-e present at the council meeting, anti discus- set tht beaver ps-eles in the township. The fis-ut instelment of tht 1966 Pes- capita grant in the Murount o! $3,107.65 was ne- ceiveti. A cheque for $10.70 wffl s-eSeiveti frein Magistrate I nmt gel tt- .as-'s, an- Jare iged s-y- 1:30 1be her ida ses the .os. 2ici fair >ny n. a the ick- lite inu- ions ta ira- R. B. Baxter. Tfùs was for Mlnwe sTowndslp'a isaraoo fines for M .y f 111yea-. Duncan Fowler appeas-ed before tht council regarrding a &ust probleen at Balydutff MiiEl. Tie Norâhunb*entancI andi Durham Remt \4nit's montbly repos-t was r0ived. Il was arinounceti *duîthe toswnsip's ameseant 'foir oarnty purçosas is $2,241,888. A communication vas rtceiv- et f-roc thea Departaaent of Htgiuwaya rages-ding açps-oval of Suppl'ementaryfly-Lew No, 1438 for $52,000. Il vas agmettehave a s-e.. quest foewaredt t tht Unitedi Oeunties le have lIt %loy- tes chmp the 101h CasSession Roat front No. 35 Hlghway te St. Mar-y'& Chus-di, with the exception o! TimarnaHiul, whkuh la net ln shape for chips atis ialme. 2 King St. E. kwmanvlll. ani- Maria Battaglini, daugliter several yearu ago, crowned the of Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Bat- the winners. taglini of R.R. 1, Campbell- Other contestant& were: ford, was crowned Northum- Audrey Moore, R.R. 4, Co- bradDairy Prnicess for the bourg; Margaret Stewart, R. scond year in a row flo-1, Hilton; and Norma Jîbb, aool ing tht annual cornpetition at Coldsprings. -Examiner n'a thde Cambellordfairgrounds' rig Mrs. Doreen McHolm of R.R R CR TIl May 1, Port Hope, won the Durham ý E R Au. uO Cod Dairy Princess crown when! %nt she had no challengers. i E EW ilth More than 350 people from R VI W mo- ail parts of the United Coun- Day. Camp, bit tics attended the "Dairy Night T t R ceton D p rm n in '66", in the Seymour Township' h erainDprmn vi building at the fairgrounds. Girls Day Camp wound Up bîll Displays of dairy producta' Frde(rv evening with Parents' ild and free draws for butter and ý Niglit. was cheese produccd in the areai The prograni consategf a aawere features of tht evening. sho,>rt Play about pirae, foi-. lowed by Pirates Gongs by the by Awarded Prize. Youngi campe-s. ofTht winners and tht contes- Mr-. j. C. Cole S.r., Vice btants were awarded a number Ohainiman of tht Recreation ýc-of prizes donated by farm or- CSnmmutee, prsecnted "Best dra aiain and the Northum- Camnper Awards" to Joan Per. ed Miss Battaglini and Mrs. 1Mr.T .Funning thanked ne ol wiîî represent Nor- u a apsaf*rajý yethuTnberland and Durhamn res-1the ldont and saffsorthankeb ing pectively at tht Ontario Daîry wl on n asthne rasPrincess competition a t the Mr. J. C. Coyle for presenting teCanadian National Exhibition. the ewards. Pot Miss Ruth MeKinney of Peel M r. anning tianked Mrs. prCounty, the Ontario Dairy Henning and Mi. Feril f0,É idPrincess for 1965-66 attended tht cake tjhat thiey had baked ind tht event. She addressed the for thàs event. Ht aise thank- group, teiling of lier duties as ed the diidren and parents ýnOntario princess,an descrili- fr theiýr co-operation towards 111 ing activities in which she the Day Cm rgai 'Olt took part, al aimed at pro- Clpporm as moting tht dairy industry. ,d Vaida Ward, who represent-ý, When buying a Mie jacket, c d Northumnberland as dairy make sure it's "D.O.T. Ap- eîr princess prior to her marriagelproved". J. 7r- ai Deloitte, Plender, Haskins &SOUiS his wlth whom are now merged )d Monteith, Rielil, Waters & Co. layl icillChartered Accountants the tle Montreal Oshawa Toronto Hamilton del Windsor Winnipeg Regina Calgary' hi$!I Edmonton Prince George Vancouver lis' ýn Gordon W. Riehl, C.A., lI.A. Burt E. Waters, C.A. ng, Oshawa Oshawa Shopping Centre 728-75Z7 r. W r- ily nd id on enaslt-V actngref heac a n ma-5 a irpan.Hihe aly. 7i7r.dtab ai de__ a! e, Quality formula contains no lacqsm. ?W& er hair softly, without stiffness. VECOJVOES tANTfCOLO ASM inUp to 12 hooes relief frmoni oncpmsis I. ~ W- A#SAa«o.oWoe 5OUMj~ ilPopular aber antis.ptic llll um mÉo contact wbu nus.d I istrengL.69 st KEZ Anie l.M <lfW S12 os. tg DUFEREASAD Rubexrs epain reriouever now bfMd ov serelief wth esssomc st t AOA-REXLASA-*" tating hpee reswtretsegularîty. t. W pAus nti-persin for 24boolaxat civeees Oun' ýni estig, hlps estoe reularty. CYs -e PluAsMINr T AE13 MS MS 4 MS MS a. MS s. a. s. mi a. -t 44. 44 a. a. MS mi MS t' 4 t' 4 MS il mi a. MS MS 4- e t' 4 'I AS s -'I 'w a s Si 'g a. 'I 4 mi MS a. a' MS w, MS mi MS MS mi mi -'i MS a. w a. MS a. 44 0 e w se a. Si 0 n 1. MUMUM To Represent Durham As Dairy Princess m- 1 Bowm4nVille

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