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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Aug 1966, p. 6

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8 - The Canadiari Stateummn, Ioeanville, Au«. 9, 1980 Are You an Easy Coi ng Fathei by Rev. A. Kudra band and a wile. "Fer the of divorce. and the n Pentecostal Church husbmnd ts the head of the answered it was maneY "And Isaac breathod hi:eat; wife, as Christ la the hend cf The home needsaa and he died and was gatherod the church, his body, and là father who will give te his pepoie, aid and full of himseif its Saviour." Eph. 5:23. guidance te his family da&YS- and hie sons Esau and The husband, the leader Of ancial mattera. Most 1 Jac~i urid hm."- Gnes.,the home, ie orderod te love are living on the nati 85:29. rie him.enei i wife "au Christ Icved the plan and are so burdeng 33:2n9 fm.lsitl es church, and gave himieif up mingn f paylflOfta Inr a mn istet aetewhofor her" Eph. 5:25. A happy happinesa has disappea takes the leading part in the home la a home where tMhe unecesaary ta have fanily lite. In sorte familles parents assume their reupec- leave their easy-going the father la the leader of the tîve God-qiven raies. These The chiot breadwinner, home and in other familles. deys. marriage lu aighted, the leu uualiy the father'J, the rnother "rules the rout." marrioge ceremiony lu changed talca a tirm contrai of Granted, if the leadership was te suit the parties jained In ciel problemu and lei left te some fathers - leader- marriage. Thé wife doos fnot became a firm leader. ,ý,hip in the family would be want te ohey hier huuband but father will teach hie de~îd.Thu rnthe taes herun the home on a 50-50 basts te be discreet with thi devéi. Ths moher akesh This usually spolia heartache of money ln this age dqMIneering part and ae and unhappiness in the home. spending. 4h athr rdeins nea:-Isaac was eauy-ging and What a blesseci rellu poin laherpresgesan flled in the government Of to heur a father saa nappy amikv. Howeyer. Godis hme Hie wifo bcd the friendly and tirm mnani expects the father te b. the hi leaer f te hme.uppor hand. Unlike Abraham garding hie chiidren, "T Isaa wasan esy-ginghis laither, Isaac did not com-n-eot run this- home; that Isa sathr eddnota:olln in m dbis household after him. affair" hefather Hsd inot f Ailow 'Modern fathera uhouid exain- f there ever was his athrs iotseps Abr-1 e themselven and thoîr tam- when fathers shauld hamn, the. Patriarchl. AbrahRm'ily structure te see if they are dawnright gooci - Bible was a men of action. "Ap.l,,nmmtit he same grave nion sense rooteci in G! esemenf' av. -Abaham nci errora iin tir familles. Favor- NOW IS THE TIME. A hi~vocbulry.Abrhsm aiisîm caused mut-h grief and tather who 1% commit not a dreanior but a and dissension in P- the Lord's wili wili ter' - reai the thriiling accountaI.'s ~home. So it 1: taday inand work ta persuai in Gen. Isaac Was dutiftul andi a loy- many homes. children ta wholyiy SThe modern famiiy needs their lives ta Jesus Chi lng son who brotight mut-h loyithe firm leadership af e fine Lord. to his parents. Ho unquestion-father. W. are hearing and An ideal father la' ably followed his father' In-j reactîng fJvnl eiqe-cideP 0:3 structions and was obedient ta g prcf July veleDelinquer- forhiden, Pua. 103k :1 his father's will. (This trait is- pt-yac 'ofye edyerifor isc:8;inren uke im sadiy Iacking in thousands of 0h ic fladrhpITi.58 nsrcuh famiies n Caada. iinthehome iu a contributing ren, Prov. 4:1; Deut. aI cres of Canada.'> 'tause of this malady in the corrects hi: children, P tnarried andi his wite bore hium home. 12; Eph. 6:4,5; targiv twin sens. These boys differeci The home je tacing mare children, Luke 15:21-22: rnuch. Isaac wvas the weakest poblemus today than ever ho- for hie. chilciren, Mar] inemnber in thiq family of four. fore and the probiems are Job 1:5. The Bible reveals that Isaac becoming larger as the meonthe Someone has writt did not give the proper leader- go by. Money là a great prob- stands for taith. A stai ship ta his family. His wife len. We are infarined that altruism. T stands for Rebekah, was daringiy ag- couples quarrel five timesaxa ing. H stands for holi gressive. She was a wamanimuch about money than about E stands for exempiarii wit a pirt o adentre.I tii rearing of children. A stands for re1iabiiity Istaa srit cf adntr-I minister askeci 1200 couples thein ail together an IattEacun wîsel shawedah'whatwax the principle cause haveFATHER. preferred Jacob. This caused a tamily rift that was neyer hèle.WhnEsu hea n owu en Familles Jacob's life - it was Rebekahli that connived ta rescue him and sýuggested ta Isaac, "I arn weary of my lile because of HoId Annual Reunil the Hittite women. If Jacob marries ane of the HtttIteý The smaliest group in aev- den this year and hope women such as these, ane of oral years met at the Solina hum there next year. the wamen of the land, what Hall on Saturday, July lth, Charlie is the oldest gaod will my lile be ta me?", for the annual Snowden re- member of the Snowd lier words made Isaac act. Ho union. We were very disap- Due ta the absence sent his son ta Paddan-aram ipointed with the minimum Of sparts cammittèe, L ta seek out a wife fram amolng relatives present but what we and Garry Pettit cor bis own kindred. lacked in uumbers was macle the tollowing progra Isaac did not show an ex. up in enthusîasm and quality sparts. Races: children teptiarually strong imanliness of those present. We are mure under, Jeffery Down, mnd him leadership but yield. that ail the good cooks camne fer Pottit; 4 and 5 yes ed ta the whims o! bis wifo. and showed their usual akili Mark Pengeliy, Girl Many miodern fathers imitate in their culinary arts for Susan Pleasance; Ba: Isaac today. Such a design is everyone lest their appetites Joe Pengelly, Calvin cantrary ta God's plan for a completeiy hal! an heur atter Girls 9-11, Muriel Anr happy family. sitting dlown ta the over- gelly; Boys 9-11, Gary Gôd ordaineci marriage. He Laden tables. Was it the dry den, David Snowden; definitely teaches mankind weather, location, rate, or in- 12-14, Donna Gilbank, about the relationship that vitations that kept se many Alin; Boys 12-14, Bi uhauld exist between a hus- tram attendmng? If yau have bank; Girls 18 and ove ay"bees:" or suggestions tae.thv SvMa. -% Amodemn protection package for retail stores is auow avail. able to, Most stcreowneru.This atbwactvesfremlinedpeackage la cled Retail-Pak. it off=r the.ocovenience, econoniy anti comprehensive protection foi. tures of one broati coveago Polk,. For a si rvey of your knsmance needs and detalis en what Petail-Pak ccxi do for you, ccli on u& effer as ta locationanite for next year's picnic pleese report te any memnber of thé executive a: soon as uossible. The officers for next yeem electeti untier the guidant-e of! Pres. Joo Snowden are as fol- iows: Pest Pros., Wesley Down; Prea., Joe Snowden, Vice Prés., Clarence Bell;1 Sec.-Treas., Thelma Gilbank;1 Table Committeo, Mm. antd Mm:. Eber Snowden, Mr. anti Mrs. Bill Lewis, Mr. anti Mm:.1 Ross Alun; Sports Commit-1 tee, Mr. anti Mm:. Len Gond.i- murphy anti Mr. anti Mrs. Bob Goadmurphy. Thé date anti location a!fuext yeam's« picoit- werc left li the handts ef the executive tn e bdteciti- ed leter ta suit mare relative: if possible. Sn If you have eny suggestion: lot'. heer thern. Herry Freéman circulateti a card for ail those presont te sigo anti then it in ta ho sent ta Aunt Ethel Snawdén who wes unable te ho present due ta ilness. Rena Snowden ai- fereti cargrtulati onz anti thanke te Greta Down for ber work anti interest lI corn- ' piling, cditing, anti mailing coPies cf thc Fernily Tmeo, during thé pami year, te aIl oéaie. Passibly next year we will ho ahie ta remember Gréta li a more igniticent manner, if aur tunînciai standing warrants 1h. We ahl misseti Uncle Charlie Snew. Celt our Price For Tour Livesiock througb STATESMA N C LA 8SS1I1IMD 8 Phione 123-3303 iqr Pour Goodness by the Glassfu' l I MILK'S A SUMMER TREAT THATS HARD 1 TO BIAT over, Tom Pleasance thrawing cantest, 1 Snowtien anti Greta Persan with the me:tj of buttons an their Ern Gilbank, Calvin Guesing the numberi kemnels in a battlo Lewis; Passing a box,] Huband; Whéelbarav Dania Gilhank anti Allin. Thé evenini cnti a bail game for thom ested anti a social v those who féit more1 ting etili. As darknoss advejicer anc prép5areti for hon tarewells were héai though disappeintmenl éd aver thc large nur absentes, wé cértainl tom a larger number next yebar. Cen we cc NESTLETOI tl fer last w ig with Mra ré Mm. an nngfeld, 1 ChXemyl, H; ,n Seagmove, Mm. Geori le. Weekeni iM. ant i M ltricie, Lyr Villowdale. ontô, anti Abbot anti h, for theg sixteenh Mms. Gardai anti Cynd re Sunday g rs. Maurice vMrs. Hocher ,re visiter: anti Mrs. Mmm. Malt-o ut Thumadi th their Sc mson anti !M Lir cottage 9. and bori of Mm. an eks, Hanspti eir aunI an( Mmra Jeh ,mether là a mral Hospiti Mm:s. Georg Satu.rday Ir. andi Mme. [say, en thi .andi Mmi. nniversary. mnie Chapm rth Bay, h~ vé after ai rs' holIday" r.andi Mn:. Mrm. Arno! [e, Stephér on a and b leir &brothe ry Bowers, atieneti et ýRed Lake Inters tin d1t bu mmw mat trallér btlaton télk ra »tw lutd o. Th#t vai l4*»1 #,%- Ma11 tastes - igronts, Mr Lwers. grat, gees Mm. and gr.8t with usais, fer DaleMd ma" CkEUieYfl'kee . to visit th md & deU»uà airYtown ln the produc* ft.u Cmli seuliMr. Willam a4d it la h that he bu£ ?IONE 1M-"44?th1 ~Ngo DOWKoVIU.S 1 lirUa n .b"d" f3 t sd- I Af Tk I~he1»Çocgray, the wind I at e fr.taee 1W home fer the weokend. Loku 1ke rein in aillitu IMalcol~m and family attended Recent callers at the home (Intemded tu lisat wek hum visîted on Friday with States which tank In several I disiguise.1th isfaývghen f r? et Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Roms- The church service n u Linda Coulter. On Saturday, iesi hels week. iThe clouds appear se dark ThefirtV axnilys t dendns on n Su ; rs.B. eef. Bucieand1 n draruan Net esmendatston Olvor, Toronta, Mr. and Mrm. Rov. Charles Cette. Scriptu4e Shelly- Mru. Thomas Bruce,M and m. Lltdod Ker-yBut in a !ew minutes they've!Ihome cf Mr. and Mrs. Keith njrtJonMcKeown, Robert and was in two parts . udgeu sec- Toralia. In the evenng Mr. day eihMr nd Mrs. Sîi d î sappeamed. ,Gibson, Green'bank, with Mr. i Norman Van'Nest the hanor- GoiAxn, Mono Rond, Mmi. Ken- ond chaptor, verses 18, te 19 and Mmi. Lake, Misa Lake, Mr. Kersey. 1Pleese dear God hear aur pe dgct a pca &u neth Griffin, Lindsay, Mr. and whieh l% a lescon in -itself taHlBwmnil.M. nd uniy geswih tsndutera tatudtavntfrh shelsnt 51 Mrs. Garmet Mua, Detroit, and anyone -%#ho reads it te me it Mrs. Kemi Zamn Huson ac esyr rannMr. eu h be htusdt;éentwlfor x snie 4and r~iîesMm adMrs. James IrvinQ, le telling of the Lord giving !annily Of Windsor on Sunday. Kn oleendfa1yObeealnno rs. lwr ac owe leaorse >lob~~et amilient Ottawa. Mm. Irvine lu Senater us goed things li lite and we Blake Butler, Taunton islawa. Rev. Ted Keruey andi teatn h pryih!~he ;aietolive Irvine, a representative ère net hoeding lUs word or spending several days with hiisan ait il wold e grtefl fr e har.theis mo n hiMm. Va edvwth fomWinnipeg, Manitoba. meanings. Luke î8th chapter, gendpaents, Mr. and Mr s Mnd, mrlton m. Ker-' ta the gau oe. ..H es i Tisimtiwh hiMris-a isthat s r.Krý t he.DMHleti istn ihhsss red. It Mm. and Mmm. Frank Biuhop, vertes 31 te 34. This wau an Mol Prime. Susan Prime ha:sgey, Rev. Kersey, Susan and ftesFrankie, Paul and Madeleine, thé way the Lard was teated returneci home after spending TmyLo eee h e-Mm. and Mms. T. Wray ter, Mrs. S. Be-oks, Bawman.. rwayu. Aurora, were Saturday visit- when hp was delivered te the twa weeks heiping au t tth e1tege on Lake Moire nath af Misses Minnie and Norah1vle Gus wm présent (whtrh ors with Mme. Biuhap's uncle, Gentiies te b. mocked and Crusade Bible club camp ncam Belleville. Horm, Hampton, Mm. and Mmr rm Windsor. K i ngston, should Mr. Kitchener Burton. spitotully treated. They ucaurg- Omenice. Another Christmas tree tire Sam Keane, Douglas and PauI, Bowmaonvilie and finan- That aid adage, "Ciothes ed bim and put hlm to death Mm. andi Mr:. Allen Mecklin brake out on Mandey mcmn- Mr. endi Mm:. Jackson Wray:J Nestleton. !arn ta Maketb the Man," niay net but ho rou e agsin on thé third visiteci Mr. and Mrs. Weolhead,i1 ing nemth of Leskard. This was Misses Maxine and Deba A aiways ho truc but gond cieth- day which was ancet God's Agincourt, Mm. and Mms. Gra- 1 reported by Mm:. Sid Kemsey.WaOhwM.adM:D :u~ ~ I cildren e surely give the morale a miracles. If we look around ham t ram Rugby, Engiend,l Mms. John Belsan spent a Clifford Homn, Misses Aloba D ifln O ier use boost. The Forester bell team wo would ueo; many. Hymns during the week. Taday Susan,ifew days et Williams point and Naomi Homo, Lnndon,1 *i I II 1sU of as loks miht nityin their wore "O Womuhip teLr, Nancy and Jimmie Mackiin with Dr. and Mru. Keith Bil- Ontario, Dm. and Mmm.Walc !esynew sweaters, donated hY "I Would Be Truo" and "My bave gene te vacation withlett. Homn, Toronto, Mr. andi Mm:Pu ni-F 'Pinic-Feld Day ef it is Lawrence's Country Store andi Goci How Wonderful Thou their aunit, Mis: Shirley Mat-k-! Mm:. Gaud ha: left Mem- Percy Allun, Sheila, Russel y in ae appearance doc: count. Net Art." July 3lat will be the lin et Owen Sound. riel Haspitalisj et The LogladMro Newcastle, were A inmre Onyth:t but they have chaîk- lest churcb service until Mm. Sunday attemnoon visiters rn Newcestle esh i g et theMr.attaMr. Edgarî At .ett aie Larm rhey doc cd p bini a réent gamo Catto mtumns trcm haiidays. were Mr. and Mms. HaroldmOt-uperatinIg hem elh oeHr tterctae il lu asur - mcc ganng. Mr. anti Mmm. W. Lawrie, Powless, Mr. and Mm:. BilliUSe will be haome sean. lan,: Point, Lake Scugog an' About .100 deîry fermera and Lait week the Cartwright Bowmanville, wcme Saturday Wooley, Oshawa, Mm:. Georgel Sympathy i: extendcd te Setumdey, July l6th. fricnd-t gelhemed ett he farmn time Pee Wees p !e re1atkspprget Kzb adduhc iaMm. and Mm:. H. Van Demp,I1 The family gathering was of Robert Flett, R.R. 2, Osh- 1show Pee Wees. Te Young yfMms. W.Iloyti. Newcastle, Mr. and Mvrs. JoeEnnis]-:ii1en, i thp suddenovery mut-h enjoyed by ail. awa, for field day and pit-nie S--ariîesuloineir efots. a tbuiessorTuesday callers were Mr. Bolohood and childrcn . pasig of hem father whe wasl dinner which commenced et . odlnes lke i thir ffots. ate fo riOsh pasin10:30 on Juiy 19. Gcdy nnoncmertsandconé utand Mm:. John S. Eddyvean, awa, Mm. and Mm:. Wilfred visiting xith them. ,E T E ON t1h udigcme ttedy tannuie and suppor toet.Mm. Clifforti Bruton, Orano. Britten, Tarante, wcme Sun-! Mm. and Mm:. John Lyon and, Ntîtien almas1 othevemyeine aentr. [tdre andsuhrtt hde n é Thursday visitars, Mrs. Fretday dinner guests with Mm. Judy spent Thum:day evenlng titiona m t e ecte fine ped- ciea hir -ie c hie aonal reFerguson, Enniskillen; Mm:.!arid Mms. Steve Artym. et a famiiy gathering with Mm. Vermer Mi-hello eand gmee a le meenfing ai enoldi h aainlMm. and Mm:. George Ling of,, LeydHescv Otwa e a ttng a pesnc ag as comm'i Bible School in the Presby- Gardon Vancarnp, Bowman-, Mm. and Mrs. Morris Badlev Aginc.mî te rlcomevîsîtu rt terian Church, Monday te Fmi- vle is?4ma rsoî dcide etTudyrlt~e mlead. w eeweckend guests « oit ehlv painled auiu day. Mm. andi Mmm. Lloyd Efec.Fle -leswer rdFii. cmige e-- Mr. and Mm:. Nick Differland Mrs. George Heaslip.1stajls and spolies: white wali:. ;sh:Fourney weme the leaders With Mrs, Percy Wetiaice, Saline; man's Leke. Ceurtice, visited Mm. and Mm:' F'riends will be pleesed toi Mm. Nelson then calieti the ive iaiMma. Matheson and Min& 19T- Mm. and Mru. John Camigen Mm. andi Mm:. Ralph Balle.rd John Lyon. know that Llovyd 1: chef par-ýpmogramme tea rder Judging 1:1-1o inia Mackie, the assistants. and Douglas, Oshawa. Satur- andi childmcn ettended the dir-1 Mm. andi Mm:. John Lyon' liamentemry libtarian in 01- iCempetilion or thmee classes, 1:1-2 chliTi sanndnmntoa ay celiers, Mr. and Mrq. cus which wa: helti in Whitbyiand temiy spent Sunday withj t.iwa. Icaws, ceives, matching ceives 4:9.10: school andi a difféent lesson Kenneth Elles, Holstein; Mr. au mdy etman atrM.edM: .bng t Mm:. Kale Bumlington, Wes-,with their dams which every- Pmcv. 3~ was taught each day. The niM: ibr mt,0b visited Mr. andi Mm:. Hary:theim cottage on Bue aornl ton, is holidaying thi: week:anc thoreughiy enjeyed. esh:chidren were aise engageti in ewa; Mm:. 'R. Treleven, Mount Appleton. Lake. 'et the borne of Mr. anti Mm:. At 12:30 a tielicieus picole riaicat wark. .oet i:Peg le, On Selurday the Hampton Master Temry Lyon spent' George Prosser. ýdinner wvaçs:erved and the k :4 On Fiday nigint tue parents Wibwr Double: Club heiti their bar- Monday et Rev. Ted Kesey's Mm. and Mm:. Geor ePros- Durham dukes andiclu: en.- '1wee ivitti a aten wih M:. . W Prscat. becue and square dance et'cottage, Moira Lake. soir, MT. and Mrs. Ken Hud- trant ih eea oe ton, F 1h. childron. Mm. Fournéy Mm. anti Mm:. Jacob Kessler Garden Hill Conservation, A meeting was helti on son, Miss Tc>mrchishin andi Mm square dancing numbers. tns for spoke, the chiltimen sang andi and chiltimen, Bolton; r n Pr.Evcryone enjeyed the Thilrsday evening cancerning iJ-ee Prosser ettended the wed-1 Président John Lcack intro- te peseteda sort-ply. unc Mr. A W.Precet, M. Pes-barbecued foonds and the swim the rénovation nf the oid ding ef Miss Sylvia Laýwmcncp. duced the host andi fanily et fuinose was semved anti a social timé catt's brother visited Mr. endetfter al het digested the meal.,sehool fer the aclivities et the, ati m. Jim Cooson . ad ms. heRobet Flett, dulnes. enioyed. apeit:Mrs. J. S. Etidyvean, Omano. Abieeotealsrice district': girls anti boys, bt t;ackstMrk UitedChumon 0nteJane Fleti, daughtem ni P m.W oryi was given andi led by jim ha: been tumneti down as it Satumday, July .10. S the efforts of Mr. anti Mrs.anti chidmen attendeti the Mesr:flaF yasum a tated il would take m.Wvi very gracieusly thanked every- nd Musuneyo lwe a sqarte srandc for ceming.Mc y Funyanti their assistants lh Monday night Mixed League denc-e. Music wa provideti by around $200000 t put it in onw. oo Rod e f r osrithey. ho thi: vemy worthwhile womk;Bowling picnic et Waltana Earî Brown, Oshawa. Orvilie'shape and who ha: that kind. Koe Mn Radight guesorRatle 'viW _ with the yaung folk. Park, in Newcastle, on Sundaày. Seileck, Kedron, Carl Clark, Of moncy se 1 suppese the, with m. ndintmoduced by ROY OfÏisten Sevemal attentiet the Légion Tyrone, Bamry Crain, Hamp-',ChildrCfl wiil :1111 have ta use M:.Brut-e Heasliý. !and prescnted us with a vemy irC ry Camnival tram the village on ton. Atter ail this fun thetemone h hmhMm, Norman Sanuelis was aijnteresting telk and Mr. Neil H 131es1)018 herorrSC heOrych ___________________Fidey nigbt. Nice cowd, iice evening was cleseti with "0!Mm. and Mm:. Raymondi Far- visiter during the week at]Reines, Vice President, thank- canival. Canada". Early in Septemnber mewv and family visitetiMm the home of MT. anti Mrs.led him for cnming. k .C C OUnli a n C ' Mm. anti-Mr,. Linnel Hickey, the Double: Club are planning! and Mrs. Clamenc-e Al..n, Nomman Kitidey, Mayneut'h. I Everyone enjoyeri an heur on ~~~~~chiltimen;Mran r.icelt have a street danc-e here in!Wotiville, on Sunday. Mr. anti Mm:. Charles Tra- et sparts and games. RAYTJ DILLING Hickey, Oshawa, weme week- Hampton, se keep this in mind Mm. and Mm:. William Nash vis andi Karen, Toronto, were ,Aiter a vers' delightfui andi eta se. Charteréti Accountent endi uests ait thé cottage et anti plan te attend anti givelanti Steven supper guests, Mm.1guets for a tew day: withIunteresting day ail felks steml- Uncle 93 Church Street Hay gey, Napenee, of Mm. anutthe club a boest. More news and Mm:. Murray Axfemi. Mm.anti Mms. Grant Thomp- ed for home. living __ 623-3R61 ___Mm:. James Danchuk. later on when thi: will take'Evening taller: with Mr. anti lens, - WM. J. H. COnciris- Mr. anti Mmu. Will Harrisn iplace. Mm:. William Axford on Sun-ATE IO FA ER I cf the Chartemed Accauntant ant iKm, Port Perry, with Mr. A TN IN A M R orraine 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanville andi Mr:. Gilbert Aticock anti, Mm. and Mrs. Mertin Moanr-e" nducteti Poo63d1 Harry. Glati ta hear 'Mm. djy attentiet a picnic et New- M. nt m: AstnSA Ir vhv M r 1 cfnd cBN& UROS ack l o m er.,On Fiday Mm. anti s M'weekend atNiagara Falls, aiS AVer rmu ult Jenni- Chartemeti Accountantu Mr. anti Mm:. Ken Caurtice,lMeuntjey visiteti Mm. anti Mrs visitpti Mm. Barmen': aunt, Mm:W I.o reum Qult ira od 323 King St. W., Oshawa, Ont. Mm. Gord&n Piekeil, Courtuce:î Russel Mountjoy at Black- Mitchner et Canfielti.GAO NE-D SL&M TR ,is ï Parîners : Mm. and Mm:. MeDermiti anti stock. Dry Spel AO IN ISE OO OILS 1 RoaldF. . Wlso, CAb r M. anti Mm:. Roy' Meteelfe.. For six weeks n0w il ha: Ys 6-8' G EonF.d. rrWs, C.A. Elizabeth tran, Viking, AlbMe atir- lenMtaleen drVgtals at G tioni umonC.. ta. Mm:. Pardon anti Miss M.adMs ln eclebe r.Vtbe ati Farm nTank: Available. ln;en Phono 728-7554 Helen Pardon et Oshawa werean Grant spent a few day: flecs are beginning te due.i r ___________________r._and_____a Mink Lake. Mm. anti Mm:.'The gras: j: like straw anti. fOsaa hib n Dsrc Girl: C h i r o p r a C C visitrs With Mm. uaty . Claude Tut-ker, Sterling, spent very brown. The water in theéu !OhwWhtyadDsrc Elds _ Mr. Wndburs.on unay.i a fcw day: lest week withwell is going clown, tiewn, -ALCOLC ýilGly . EDWVIN MANN, - Mmgansiti Mr. . Dugas Hig- Mm. anti Mm:. R. Metcalfe.'down. f ~f L OLC iii Gil- Ch. ep DCtor gin vieom.W.SnanideronSuntiay visiter: were Mm. anti I1 dcn't. knew whet we'me D X O hty668-3341 18, ad O ic hiepato eanetvnilhe funeMm. Mm:. ClaeAllun, Bowman-1 geing te de, 1 18FdOfc:Snesnl on imh: ville. 'îIf we tion't get the reinSE IIN B WM N LE Egg 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. pital now anti is vémy cheerful Mm. anti Mm:. James Rutitis very soan. EVCN BO M VIL Ll1o ydc Phone 623-5509 anti we wiah hlm a speedy anti chiltimen have returned!Wp wwn't have leaves aon our Down; Office Houri: By aPPOixilment recevemy. 'hm.rma rpt rr!oi eutfltes AND DISTRiCTr riuberMr. anti Mm:. Harve~y anmd frenitnp gte Amopi4or aybeautl res, clothes, D la n i a iTbompson anti chidren sperinti iw hog h nttO n oe rmci __________________________ Allin; ___________ the weokenti camping ait Canal! of corn »R. W. M. RUDELL, D.n.S. Lake. B ilil 75 Kipg St. E. Bowmanvilie Sormy ftn report Mrs. H. E. _ Miltimdoffouice Heure' Tink, Saline, is in Memorialt~ .. . ' Ar race, 9 am. tu 6 p.m. daily Hospital. We hope shé will nut Gledys Closeti Satumday anti Sunday spend toe much time there anti 1.. cd with Office Phono - 623-5790 will hé hnome smon. ~.4/., inter- Rom. Phono -Newcastle 987-4261 Saturday evening taller: s Miit foir' ith Mm. anti Mm:. Bert Stev- like it-. C. F. CATTRAN, DS ens, Mr. andi Mm:. Haroldi Office Burgess, Sawnxanville, Mm:. - 7S vey King t. E. Bowmanville Robert Burgess, Mrs. taverne neAn a.m. ta 8 .m. aily Stephens, Wiliowtiale. rd, AI- Closéti Satu;day and Sundcay Last Wednesday 43 ladiesI t reign- Téléphoné: Officé 623-5459 rmté urunigdsicI mber cffô h urenigdsrc ly hoe. DL E. W. SISSON tank a bus trip ta Toronto teý present1 L.D.B., D.D.S. sec the "Soundi ofMusic" anti outl on Office in bIs home supper liter. A good timo was 10Liberty St. N., Bowrnanville hati by aIl. It certainly wasî k --Phône 623-5604 worth seeing sa if anyone gets Office Heurs: a chance ta ueo this picture., 9 a.m. ta M p.m- tiaily don't miss it. Robert S. McKercher, Dublin Charles W. Hufiman, Harrow Donald R. Bell, Windsor Fenton G. Cryderman ýN Closd Wednésdày-tray Mrs. T. S. Moi.mtjey vîsitetirsdn is iePeietSeodvc-rsdn hmsil SaudyMm. anti Mm:. Carmin Barrett PeietFrtVc-rsdn eodVcPeiat .Taevle .~ Ilek S U r a nl C et Newcastle on Sunday. Mr. MclKercher is VcePresident of Mr. Huffman is Président of the Mr. Bell is Président ci the Ontario Mr. Cryderman is Presidentocfnie T.G Ittetm fti rtn ntdC-prtiso OntaroOnro Fedération of Agriculture. Crédit Union League. Cao-peratives of Ontario. nid mes. O<I FEMN Caf Clb ton1, are Hugh E- Fleming, Q.C.Clu ci uncle, Apha I. liodgins W-lug BSôsér liciters 0. À ~ n atient Notamies Publie n îS iiell. . . . . . . . . . .~ ai0ah- 14 rank St. Bowma*ivile ie ~ew- Teehne 62-3351 MI Monder lVril5tQ1!, Solicitors Club wit h*ld at the term icf"' .- s ccas- Notiidlê Public Rcy Sawyer, norti-'we.t ont Trt-k':1 W. R. Strike, Q.C. Klmby. Tte meeting was A. A. H. Strike, B.A. openéti hy thé prelduaut, Wal- nonnamd Edward C. Wiidmian, ter Eldeord. Tlhe molciii was avé ré- B.A., LL.E. takén and lte nminutes reati pyleasat 4IClng St. W. - *bowmmaviulm y Terr Mailehom. A clana with hem 'Telepie 623-5791 c etsta w ueo Judged anti Geogethefr wéi*tn étlattid. Bea- )I Wior ig ag ts onswr an byCUon tg . Kemdeh W. Weatherley, Ottawa Charles 0G MUnRoEmbro T. Ray Lougiued, Barrie Aubrey S. 08aloiesh. Hamilton n' Scott' 8A K*BJqMLON - O*ONO h c aipweg m Ur. B.LPhrt ý ~Welh*fth tte anims were Mr'. WothoeY is Vce-Proident et Mr Munie is send Vcresdnf M.LuhcliiDrcoadIee i.DliihiaDrcoadfr r,= Ce-1 M r 10 ge b tecub leader, Don the Ontario CrffltUnion L.aUe, the Orde Federafion of Agîiauiurc Présdent ofUnited Cooruivcs9 Péidnoftéfnai rei no eP$Ctetmlp Residenès- Farma fOntareo. eresidentot tdetneaOnoario.tUniou Rae. . BsnesPro»ptiem mmtln tock the fecmoft a Baler-qu"callen cd mnswer perioti DiaTrict. 'wiéftby ROt6r awyoar nwr hodm 0p 1cm e tr y od "tim zr ng to knoA. livéto* ftslm ng ud mmn- C -P R T R N U A S O I T O camper r, E A. N IM~T, o03. aeiea«t opemtiu 4t bis as lte Opteme4trîst ferma. K*n Wiwpn a owl hohOMELIf wifl b. 143 KingSt E. - Iowmanvllle oft* club e AuuUTO i' utry li Officeeun.a Ny appoian n M,çft rÀli D. ur liet, UT.i tSnt lot .4!i. pe 63332, wyes- Aftàr l*tefinit wde-k ,w~wu 4' e e 4 f. "- 4 4, e s. t, PROTECTION FORMULA for yeur business, Mr stersowner I STUARIT B. JAMES GENERAL I51URANCE 24 Kier St. B. omvie Office 128-5681 il 623-5493e ~1 Il-

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