- .-------. -- - - - -w,~ '~'. T lhe Canadien tateiman, Rowmanvflél, Aug. 17, l19M SPORTopmcs 87Frank Mohim 623-7234 >off at the end of the regular schedule, have opened up a three gamne bulge lni their eto seven eifnlsrs. -WhUle the pannant winners extended their winning streaký to eight straaght, for the opposition, Ken's Men's Wear, iti was the ueventh consecutive setback. tran's led through niaut of the With Kramp's almoit a certainty to reach the finals oontest. Singles by Jini Clarke (ln fact a win last night would have wrapped it up) Stephen, br Burns Me-Millan's triple, Fuels and Bil'. Billiards are hooked up in a much closer1 gave Chartran's a 2-0 lead in semi-final. the top of the second. Franks After dropping the opener, the defending champion Fuels: scored a single ln the bottom boucedbac topos a airof insandtak th seieshalf of the innin'g. The two loead Th toteamupoaairtofnit(nesd nd tagaesein clubs each scored a pair of lead Th tw tems g atit oniht Wednsda) ad aainruns in the third, as Chartrans thzTuesday. led 4-3. Franics tied i pwt + t t ta single run in the last of the SEIO SCCR tIRUt END sixth. After two were out, SENIR SCCERCIRUIT NDSJerry Falls was safle on an Zion walked off with most of the prizes as the Darling-1eror and scored when Clarke tnFootball seniors wound up one o! their most closely-Ithrew Bab MoMenus' ground- eloitesteil schedules ln years. They won the pennant by a, er Past first. Élender two point margin over Solina. Hampton and Mapleý Chartrans appeared destin- Grov wee ted or he ina plaoffberh wth 3 pint ed for their first win when Grae wre ie fo th fialplaoffberh ith23 oins!they pushed across a single apiece, only three behind the leaders. Courtice made it close,, run in the top of the seventh. maissing the post season playoffs by a mere single point. Dave Cryderman was sate on Goal-keeper Frank Sobil was one of the main reasons! an overthrow to first and for Zion's success allowing only 18 goals in 13 games for' oe oscod1esoe a trmendus .38 verae. when Rick Lucas' flyout toI ar eous 138averoh a joge.i tepennt centre was thrown wildly past Larr Neis as noter ajo co inthepenant third base. Afler one was winners' attack, rattlîng in four goals Saturday night to win out, Ken Baker walked, in the scoring titie with a total o! 19. ýFrank's bottom of the sev- t t tenth. Gerry Barker then T t T 1 t Jcame through with the game- JUNIOR SOFTBALL PLAYOFFSi ending clout, a drive over Chartran's Clothing are putting up a strong hattie in! centrefielder John Connors'i their Junior Town League playoffs, but it just isn't enough. hagvigFakstesr Frank's Variety, favored ta reach the finals, came-from-i lrs nd a tight 6-5 win. :rudthe Bases: behind again to edge the clothiers 7-6 and grab a 2-0 lead, Wlhile Barker's homerun in1 the best o!f ive semi-finals. ýwas the decisive blow, for The two clubs met Monday night, with a report by Jim i Franks, Brian Bradley and' Clarke appearing on the sports pages, and also a latie additionj Dave Snowden chîpped in as t theoutcme i thi coîmn.wîth two hits each. as l theoutcme i thi colmn.For the losers, Bill Bates'ý Defending champion Ellis Shoes walloped Whyte's'had a triple and single, whieý Upholstering 15-2 ta move in front two games to one in the Terrv Baker and Burns Me-I other series. They met again last night (Tuesday), with the;Mla ahha he-a- ornas likely to get underway Thursday, unless Chartran's g ebtecoletel orWyt' anpl ofavictory. ] Hred ese olceý t t~ t t Franks' mound, allowing sev-Jl TEST YOUR SHOT en hits, w'hile fanning three Received a note from Maple Leaf Gardens publicity and walking only one. Terrv deprtentths wek telig u tat heorgniatinInBaker, in droppn his third depatinnt his eek telin us hattheorgaizaion lnplayoff decision, pîtched sev- particular the Marîboros, is going into the space age. Ap- en b4it hall for the losers, fan- parently some new and astounding computer-like dovices: ning three and walkîng fivo. are about ta become standard equipment in the Jr. "A"' GP. W. L. R. H. E., training program. Frank's 33O 9 1 The firat such device ls an electronic device which Ch. Men's accurately gauges the speed in miles per hour at which a Wear 3 0 3 16 22 141 puck ln shot. This shot speedometer underwont extensive (F'ran'k's win best of fivel testing in top secret until Tuesday of this wook when the semi-~finals 3-O. press, radio and TV characters had their chance to test the velocity o! the wrist, slap, forehand and backhand shots. ri When Leafs' coach George "Punch" Imnlach tried the I Ellitsl' ater device, he immediately requisitioned it for use *at Peter-;* borough. And now we know the real reason why he banished.\&hv1 1- Eddie Shack to Victoria. Naturally he didn't want fast Eddie hy e' 1 - to show Up the rest o! the boys. Can you imagine anothor N.H.L. coach sending a 26 goal scorer to the mninora NiteFor 2-1 Edge can we - no matter what he mlght be guilty of -Inther eyes of management.i by Jim Clarke But backta the. autapeedorneter which will he un-'I Ellis Sboes battered Whyte's Upha1gteêry in a lopsided 11-1 velled to the publie at the 'Canadian National Exhibition, victory last Thursday nigt.1 lni the Better Living Centre. Visitors, will be able to test The win gave the deifending1 their Sbat, frae of charge and wlll recelve a certificate to Jr. Lealgue chamipa a 2-1 edge1 attest their speed. in their best al five semi- 1 final Series "A" Wyte's, af-c Frank's Take Series Defeating (hartran's Three Straight Cames hy Iin Clarke Chaitran's Mens Wear went dowIn lor the final oount on Moeiday night, droppirsg a 6-5 contest Wfth Fank's Variety. Thbe victory gave the Variety crew the best of five .es.i- finals, three games to nne. Ail three games were by one rua, margins. GxerrY Ba-ker delivered the kaoekout punch on Monday night, a homer, la the bottom cd! the seventh. The big blow calhe with Frank's trailing 5-4 and one away. Ail three gaines in the series were de- cidjed in the seventh inning. As la tihe previaus two gaines (6-5 and 7-6), Char-P LIBERTY Bi -BASE LUNE ANNOUNCEM The Directors of Liber, manville, are pleased appointment of Mr. A] Manager. ter a strong showing in their second game, a 6-5 win, were completely outelassed la this game. With Whyte's performiingý nurnerous mnircues in thel field, Elils built up a 6-O lead1 after two frames. Ted Le-( yack, the league's top hurler,i scattered eiglht bits in coast-1 gto the easy win. ElIis1. manjged only six safeties offil Whyte's Dennis Sullivan and Hlad Michelson, but theý lasers committed a whapping total o! 10 errai-s. Around the Bases: Bill Crossey paced Ellis at! the plate, with a pair of! homeruns. Gord Wallace had i a pair o! hits alsia and George! Michelson cluhhbed a rouind-' tripper. Blaine Pickard hadi threeofa Whyte's eight safe- ties. ___ OWL 'LTD. BOWMAN VILLE %ENT!1 -ty Bowl Ltd., Bow- to announce the ian H. Osborne as OPEN FOR SEASON Saturday, August 2Oth, 1966 7:00 P.M. SPECIAL PRICIS OPENING NIGHT Ali Gomes -125c COME AND BRING THE FAMILY FOR AN EVENING 0F RECREATION 1 Ali requests Io reserve alicys for th. comin sason, must b.umde t the manager immediatoly. PHONE 623-SW6 FOR DETAILS NELON OSBORNE, Seeretary. Slugging Hero Wins Series For Frank's Start Playoffs Newcastle Ladies Take League Titie For Durham Sof tba~ Team GP W L T pt Newcastle 15 12 3 0 24 Whtv Q0R0f U l Frank's shaved the lead ta 5-4 Bowmanville 16 7 8 i1 1 as they scored three times iný Port Hope 16 5 10 1 i the top a! the sixth. They' Courtice 16 5 il 0 10 didn't manage a single hit, but! were aided by a pair o! errors Port Hope pratested a gamenow tied 1-1, Wednesday%, Aug. and three froc passes. In the' in Bowmanville that Bow-'l 17, Bowmanville at New- top of the seventh, the Variety manvillo won 1-O, Port Hope tIle: Friday. Aug. 19, NewciMtle club really went ta work, add- î won the protest so thon won at Bowmanvi]le: Wednesday, ing throe mare runs, ta takel fourth place over Caurtiee.iAug. 24, Bowmanville at a "7-5 lead.i The executive decided it only'Newcastle (if necessary). Bob McManus led off ifair ta lot Port Hope andý Serles B Frank's seventh with a walk!Courtice Play a sudden deathi Tuesday, Aug. 16, Port Hope and Brian Bradley follawedý in Newcastle. The game was' at Whitby: Thursday, Aug. 18, with a homer, ta givo the! played last Thursday, Po)rtWhitby at Part H'ope: Tues- winners a 6-5 lead. Davei Hope won 5-1, thus putting day, Aug. 23, Port Hope it Snowden thon fallowed withý Port Hope in fourth place an-d Whi:tby; 'Phursday, Aug. 2.5, a single. Baker gat the next'Courtice out o! playoffs. Whithy at Port Hope (if nc- two mon, but Snowden scored SerleF, A cessary); Tuesday, Aug. .10, on an error hy tho catcher., Newcastle and Bowmanville, Port Hope at Whitby (if n.- Chartran's managed a single esy. run in tho hattom of the; Tessary).f Sris seventh, when Torry Baker'sishort end of a 4-2 tally. R.,Te iand o Series np a h Iead-off drive ta contre was Sivinski and Ron Siblnck hest of seven for the Cham- dropped and ho went aIl thelscared two apiece and John-'h. way. Harvey Webster boreîHamilton counted two for the pionshp down however, retiring the'lasers. Zion defcated Solina next three mon. Dave Snow-'3-1 with Jeff MeLean seoring (iET CASH 'rODA? den's lunging grah hehindItwo and John Qyler one. Don FOR OLD APPLIANCES first, on Dave Cryderman's'Hamer seored Solina's ]one drivé, for the final out, was count. On Thursday Courtice: througb the top fielding play in the will play at Hampton and CLASSIFIEDS game. Zion at Solina. STATESMAN Around the Bases: Brian Bradley, Bob McManus and r . i.- ~Dave Snowden cantributed two hits each for Frank's key 1win. For Chartran's, John Con- nors and Rick Lucas had two of the losers' sevon hits. .. Darlington Soccer, 1Darlington Seniors finished their schodule last week *Îrth Zion heading the loop with 26! points, followed by Solina with 24, Maple Grove 23, *.Hampton 23, Courtice 22, Tyrane 7 and Salem 3. This is the first time in many years that Courtice has been out o! the playaffs. Last Wednesday Hampton hbeat Courtîce 4-1, witb War- ner Wallroff scoring two, Geo Trailing by ane run in the bottomn of the seventh on Monday evening, Frank!sFair one and Joe Balson nme Variety came thraugh ta win the Junior Men's Softball semi-final series by 'for the winners and Archie one run. Hero of the night was Gerry Barker who slammed a homer to centre ýCourtice counting the lono, ta score Ken Baker ahead of himn and make the count 6 to 5. Frank's had wo teCoiebtay. alm -0 two earlier games by one run each. Barker is shown atop Bobby Burton's and with Ron Davies and Bortý Harvey Webster's shaulders, while at rear, Ted Brown and Garf Linton jain in iMiller scoring.i the cheers.' On Saturday Zion white-' ________ _______ _________ ___ - _______ wahed Salem 5-O, Larry, Nemis scorine a tremendous' four goals and'Barnard McLean Fuels Down Billardsone. There was an upset la the Fuel Dow BilllcrdsMaple Gi-ove versus SauinaI game with Sauina knocking off: Maple Grave 2-0. Ron Broome scored hoth counters. To Grab Series Lead scrn ooswtheopl thrughut he easnRay, Defending champion Ste-; when third-sacker Bill Hay BiW's conte-d bath inarkers'Prestofi as econd w1th 17' phen Fuels capitalized on un- made an errai- on the paten- in the bottom haîf. and Frank Sobil was top' tîmely cri-ors and cluteh bit- tial third out. 1 A walk, sacrifice fly hy goalie with 13 scared againsti ting ta defeat Bill's Billiards Singles bv Bah Abhott ad Çhc"Klarc and ii~hm 7-2 at Vincent Massey, Thurs- Jack Bond completed the i1 gasfiarn Oshorne, his second, Playoffs will now got un- day night. The second succes- damage, before reliefer Bill1 a9d e aro rvd h ewy wih Hmtn a sive win of the week, moved Osborne came on ta get tho e Sln hrdy u.lt Stehes ntoa -1series, final out and thon retired the oig Maple Grave at Zion on Aug.1 lead. next six in a row. Stephen scattered six 'In-I2Oth, Zian at Maple Grave on: With a slim 3-2 edge, the An infield bobble,. singles; gles effectively, walked five"Aug. 24th and Sauina at Hamp- Fuels rallied for four unearn- hy Don MeMurter and Wright,' and struck out three. Kilpat-! ton on Aug. 27th. Game times- ed runs in tihe fifth ta put and Band's triple sent Ste-~ rick gave up seven safeties, 7pm fncesr apo the larm auto! rach Pit phes ontop wit ow i-uns, nnly gave up one free pass will play at Sauina Aug. 3lst cher George Stephen started ln the opening frame. Thev and had a pair of strke-outs'[and Maple Grave will play at it with a single. A hase on added another in the third onta his credit. Osborne addediZion on Sept. 3rd. halls put another runner on MeMurter's double and a bob-J three strike-out victims ta iAil Star Senior players have, andGrantWright__was safe hie by Tom Pearson, beforeithe total. ________ been selected as follows:. 'rank Sabil, Rick Rundle, Archie Courtice, Allan Glas- pelI, Ron Clemens, Bernard. ýKramp s Down Kefls Men McLean, Jim Coombes, Ptr Nemis, Henry Courtney, Larry i Broame, Don Westlake, Ken! To Take 3 Game Series Lead Spier:, Warnor W:llroff n' Kramp's Furniture, regulari Kramp's broke up a 2-1, After opening the scai-ingi Waye Junira f are al- sohedule pennant-w in ne r ,! game with five i-uns in the'in the firsat, Ken's came back ready_ going strang. Hamptoni dawned Ken's Men's Wearý rt forf hmuen- with another in the fifth, and has played at Caurtice where' 7-,Wensdynih at Vin- faurtingflur of tem Guna two on with only one oui, Hampton came aut on the' cent. Massev totake an 1a m4oat --- ibuVem hrubii k Sfl tat1a boe Il rÇt~iï~ 14,r ame -~iî Cn unie an --i- --- ,down toretire the neyf ---,- --- --"enrr ans af<sc-----------"n ~ lead in their best of seven rifice fly and Terry Black'sý batters. The winners counted; Town League semi-final ser- infieîd error, did the damagYe. their other two markers ini _______________ _______________tlie opening frame.i Stata tossed a strong three-1 hitter, fanned three and is-' Stephe Fuelssued a pair of! free passes in 'Ste hen uelsearning his second victory of the series. Losing pitcher Mol, ýEdge Bill' 8-7Burgess went the distance,! Alter almost having victorv w ates snatdhed f rom their grasp, tobtes SehnFesrlidfra Jones an.d Grubin each col-! pair of runs in the hottom of etdapiofsnlsolad the seventh to edge Bill's Bil- ~t wnes with "rhe liads 8-7. The victory at Vin- Crossey contributing a double cent Massey park, Tuesday and single for the Men's' night deadlocked the best-of -__Wear._____ seven Men's Town League semi-final series at one win aPieo.n held a 6-4 advan- Seventh lnning orm, hn an infield error hy second sacker Charlie Trim al Gie put a runner on hase wit'hi 'one out. Bill Hay cracked R I home run ta tie the score.withi frank's 2nd W n two more hobbIes allowingl 1 Joh Folertocout te g-J BANNER PASSANT Frank's Variety used a three' Jhn Fowaler o ouut1'h1g-run, aeventh inning rally, ta ~ahad all. I623-3258 take a 2-O Iead over Chart- In the bottomn hall, withl ran's, last Tuesday aight (Aug.' one out, Ron Pollard doubled 120 Duke St., Bowmanville 9th), in the best o! five semi- and scored the tying tally on~ final series "B".1 a wild pitch, fallowing JaL.k1 * Life InsuranceJ Chartran's leading 5-4 alter Bond's single. Bond raced * Income Disability ýsix, saw the Variety crew bat- ars altlhewnero * Pension Plans tie hack, with three runs and pased ail hang on for a 7-6 win. Frank's.ý The Fuels scored once iný * Group Insurance captured the opening game in the first, errupted for four' h eis îha65 ati- fourth inning runs and added * Business Insurance theng rally.iH a6-5,Western, another in the sixth. Bill'si * Estate Planning collected his second playof f scored twice in the first and win, holding Chartran's ta just again in the fifth. Sun Life Assurance sýix hits. fanning two and walk-. Pollard had a double and ing anc. Ho tossed one hit' singles oand B tnea pirso! Compa ny of Canada hball, over the last five frames., sinls owle a te innrs.opTerry Baker, who appeared' Joh Fwle ws llls op - - - - - - - - - - - headed for his second plavoff, bitter callecting three singles,,,'in ntedoneaai1a whileHay ddoda sigle oiFit disappoar in the final frame. his circuit clout, Bill Oshornel Name ______"Boomner" gave up seven hits hoauered and Harry Snowdenig *and struck out seven, while contrihuted a pair o! singles. f issuing four froe passes. Trail-, George Staphen scattered 1 Address 'ing 1-O, Chartran's moved' ton safeties to earn thie vic-a 'Jýahead 4-1 in the last o! the, tory, walking five and fan- Iscn.Atr w eeot ning two. tLosng pitc!her 1Ocuaton -Rick Lucas. Jim McKnight, iDe-Il Tierney and John suerfl four troc passesl and, Exact Date o! Birth liCannors ail connected safely. clr'i--ed seven via the etrike-1IThe lasers wont ahead 5-1, tout toute. M addingddingaloner ninnhe fith.& fJlwttati 01 We cordially invita you and your farnily to enjoy our SATURDAY POOL PARTY 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAY, AUGUST l9th - AND - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24th 8 TO 10 P.M. ANYONE WANTING ICE TIME FOR FALL or WINTER M emorial Arena 50 WMAN VI LLE CONTACT: ARENA MANAGEMENTft BEFORE SEPT. lst, 1966 , * e Children mnust ha accompanied by aduits. Aduits - $1.00 Children - 75c Corne early for a glorious day outdoors pleasant pool side snack at reasonable prices. THE MOTOR HOTEL HWY. 401 - INTER. 75 PHONE 623-3373 MEMORIAL ARENA BOWMANVILLE Telephone 623-5728 -j I # HAMRY GAY, Pbrediut.. stay and enjoy a BOWMANVILLE