P~p~up -~ , **, ~ The Cmadian Statesman, nowmanvMfe, Aug.17, 190 Receive $34,,000 Centennial Grant ~hganizeAtletic Program lu Retarded (hildren's Schools mi and me mot 45 age the Mos 4 ~ort Thie Canadiari Association tivatian 'whiih will iniprove schools, Canada'Às retarded chilé ibr Retarded C h il1 d r e n, the general ph"ical perform- chfldren will have the chnc road Ilo*the assistance ofi a lance of the students and help toprtcpaeinaare tS4,0O.00 grant from the teacliers in future paiysical patcpt iaProgram ar Centennial Comimission, is educatiion developnient. for ail children a.nd at the selve organlzlng a Centennial With simniler level, stand- saine time join with publicit es &chool Athletic Program with ards, and award systems asischool students in a mass - M qvents for Retarded Chuldren. are being u;ed i the pub-icl'Centennial project. ITroci Ibis announcemexit w a s here à,ade todnay by Secretary of Mei Ddaug itate Judy LaMfarh as she . I m 'W4 a ta cheque to C. F. th K il National Vice-Pre- in h ulation for Rctarded Childiren. Na rnd 1Ail chikiren attendkig the fê iC i a m -the Rtetarded Scliools in Canada Need ReW TeIcheLI1UI> wMllb. able ta poe'ticipate, in- Spir cludhAg those i pre-schoal The Public Sehool Board oiflot overly anxiaus for the ta il lassem with children aged the Township ai Clarke met ln additional wairk and .same was orand five years, and nur- Lockhart's Schaol Monday board members epressed gardt sey d1aes with six and evènig, Aug. 8th, when it some scepticism on the use ai Satw even ycar old children. was reparted that there was the gym by autside graups. low's Thle over-all prograi wi stilli uv. teacher vacancies. It Mr. Best is ta report his find- We Include-was also stated that ather ings at the next meeting ai brath Teacher training with work- Boards were also having the Board. leyN jiopa gj~;trouble I hi hring their require- Three sehoal b u i i d i n g s r A mmiuLstrti provincial ment ai teachers. The local which have been permanently i sud lacet C.A.:R.C. Cextennial Board is ta again advertise for closed are to be advertised for I Athletlc Progreni comxittee. teachers and preparatians are sale by tender. The schools I A manual for orgaÉi.zaticn being made ta hire teachers on are Oak, Antioch and Lake-.I tion classes as well as extra It was expccted by the Mr. Best reported that eurricuar Si' grams; Board that ane or twa con- around $1700.00 haed been A testing program for the tracts would be signed withinIspent an text books tis yearý11 participants. the next few days. Mrs. Bar-land that most ai the texts The testing program will be low was authorized ta make had been standardized through- lI two parts, with two oute- further intervie's. ýout the area. 1orie of participants. A request was made ta theî It was stated at the meet- Th iirst catcgory includes Board cancerning the use af ing that the Cowanville school i' thie pre-schîoolers and the nur- the closed Lakeshore school is ta be retained as a spare sery classes. Their prMgram for a reunion af former stu- school which could be used in will consist of hiee compul- dents ai the sehool. The re- an emergency. It is expected gory events and the optona union would be held ln 1967. that students from this school evets f simmng nd ik-It was pointed aut at the may this year attend Lock- evnts wnnnga meeting that the school was hart's school. Te second oategory in- ta be sold and that the %Board, The Board took no action toi The would not be in a position tpu an additional sum of eludes dilidren eight ta eigh- .t1 a at teen. Thieir programim s close- grant the use of the school. oney ta Mr. Carscadden for ly related to thet of regular Mr. James Lowery was au- busing four students which schals Th fist artcilthorized ta look ater the pasi-lhad not been reparted during sch-ols.Thefirs par oftianing ai entrunce culverts ta thc sehool term. thear tests will b. coiupulsory bath the Lockhart and New- On question of Mrs. Barlow' events: a vertical jump, a 300 tonville schools. Mr. Wm. it was stuted that children yard run, and 30 second speed Wunnan was uuthorized ta iromn the O'Chonski subdi- Sit-ups. Tiie second part i secure prices for sodding at vision, west ai Orano, would Inade up of optional events: the Lockhurt's school. Curbing have ta wulk ta the Orono ewimndng, skating, or outdoor is ulsa ta be placed at New- school. This wus due toaa paricpan wil e-tonville and Lockharts. met-resalution passed by theBoar eelve a Red Participation ing that Grades 1 ta 4 are ta policy af busing. In some B!iield, and an award for each be taught at Enterprise while instances a student may be performance level he reaches. grades 5 ta 8 are ta be taught bused if within a mile and -anc awards for' performance ut the Kirby school. Some a quarter while athers must ère based on three levels: Junior pluyground equipment be at least two miles from the lkonze, Silver, and Gold. is ta be istulled at Enterprise school-Times. Time limits have been set schéol.________ for thre-e series ai scores: No. All locks at the Brown'si vesuber 3, 1966; May 24, 1967; school are ta be changed as ai and Decemiber 31, 1967, jnumber ai keys are missing H M TO Thc entire program has for the achool. been worked out with educu- Before setting conditions and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Killens tional and physical education estabishing a price for the1 and family spent Sunday ut upealaliats, 'PaitiicuLarlY thase use ai the Newtonville gym Outlet Beach Park on a pic- Who have lied close associa- by the Scouts and Cubs, the nic, also were visitars with tion wlth thie mentallY retard- secretury, Mr. H. Bcst, was Mr. Merrick Foster and Arnold cd. requested ta contact the Part Fosters, Wellington. Thc Centenilal p r oje c t Hope Board ta find out their Garry Killens came home Ohould stimulate both teach- arrangements for suci groups. with his parents after spend-' ers and the trainaijle retarded Mr. Greenwood reported that ing the week with his cousin, la a mror Of a phYsical ac- the Newtonvlle caretuker wus Bruce Foster. "Mrs. Cann, Dana and Ellen are spending a few da:ys wlth Mi'. and M.rs. Mcl Prime. They are fram Nova Scotia ,. BE3 LLMran r.RyodF- C i Allun, Woodvilie, also with IN E Mr. and Mrs. Luverne Farrow, N E Welcome, on Sunday. Mi'. und Mrs. Don Lee and by John W. Lowry Keith, Enfield; Mr'. and Mrs. your teephoneDownsview, were s u p pe r managerand Mrs. Wilfred Fowler and Mrs. Fowler's sister, Ms The Weatherman ha@ certalnly corne up with May Bisiop, is spending the ~ U~~jflold-ashined"week with her niece, Mrs. a «rea od-fshone'lCanadian summner this year. Don Lee.. Plenty of heat, sunshine and the oceasional thunder- Mr. and Mis Steve .Atym storm. Although vacationers are smillnt and t': and family spent the holiday bee prfet eaterforth bechor for camping, weekend at Emerald Isle an beenperect eater or te bachBuckiorn Lake. lu most areas faim lands could do wlth a few good Mr. and Mrs. Gcrald Corri-l! rains for the thlrsty ground and craps. However, gan and family, Mr and Mrs. 'H'1: for thousands of holidayers the weather has made Ross Spicer, Mr. and Mrs. Zap- trips much marc pleasant. Just a stroli through the arozan, ail of Oshawa, were Sunday dinner guests with business section here la Bowmanville gives an indi- 'Mr. and Mrs. Artym. cation of the way Canadians are on the move..* licence plates from many Provinces are parked along wlth local vehicles. With Labar Day weekend only a short distance away 1 Imagine that many of us wlll again bc on the move ta enjoy the last long weekend of the summner months. You've a specil servant ta help make rour trips more pleasant... either long-planned vacations or spur-of-the-moment Jaunts ta a nearby beach or commuinity. A quick caîl ahead and yau ean be sure frienda or relatives will be at home when rau arrive. I've found it a gi-est Ide& when an a long trip ta telephone ahead for hotel or motel reservations. That way, at the end of a day af covering many miles by car, 1 don't have ta begin the search for accommodations. That can be a frustratlng expenleace and eau, resuit la added miles of drlvig duuing the busy tourist season. Happy travelling, and do drive caretully. i. i. i. *I. t You may have heard or read about aur renewed effort ta stamp out obseene and harassing telephone calls. I hope none af you ever recelves suci a euhl but if you do, here's wiat ta da. DONTr TALE. Tuis type of cller wants and needs an audience. With fia response tram you there's no encouragement ta continue or ta repeat tiec4l~l. RANG UP. Put tic reccîver back in place quietly if the caller refuses ta say anything or at tic first abseene word. Notiing le ta b. guined by slamming tic receiver down. In .t, by replacing it narmaily the caller gains no feeling ai satisfaction that he hus anuoyed or fright- ened you. CALL US IF abusive or obscene calls persist. Our' Service Representatives can cull in people w. have specially trained ta help investi- gate, identify and wark with police in tic appre- hensian ai these cahiers. We are as concerned us the unfartunate victim w~hen obseene or iurassing cuils are received. It is aur business to provide tie best possible telepiorie service for our custamers and we are determiued ta stop deliberately irresponsible and maliclous use af tic telephane. On August 8I1M0. Alexander Graham Bell died At the age of 15. Uilike mauY ef têrra tgest men, h. was fbrtunate esouth te live ta sec ba is le' wark well establshed and la the banda ai tslented snd udllated »Pole. Prom Dr. BcDl'à work have imMUns Maayet the mIraeles ef eemmanicans Wb" s t4a we aimai t 6k.fer grntet 6~ KENDAL Linda Lungstaff and Donna Lungstaff eaci underwent a tonsilectomy ut Memarial Hos- pital, Bowmunville, Thursduy morning. A Donnybrook Sale was held last Wednesduy evening on the Kendal churci Iuwn - a new idea ta tic most ai us. Jack Reid was tic very efficient auctianeer but the folks tiere got same real bar- gains. Mrs. Carl Langstuff, Linda and Debbie spent part ai tic wcck at Eddie Couroux's cot- tage ut Lake Kusiog with Eddie going back later. Mrs.1 Couroux and daugiters undi Carl Langstaff went back for i tic weekend. Mr. and Mrs. A. Couroux (Eddie's parents) were there from Cache Bay for tic week. Mr. and Mrs. George Mer- cci' let Sunduy morning ta spend tiree days with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rusk at their motel ut Collingwood, Tieyl also called on Mr'. and Mis. Charlie Rouci wio have a ctaenear Collingwood. Mottagand Mrs. Bob Young- mun returncd Wedncsduy from their trip ta tic Maritimes and report a very pleasant time. Tiey lflced Price Ed- wurd Island better than que- bec, New Brunswick' or Nova Scotia. Tiey aiea enjayed Uic Cabot Trail. Ticy returned home via US. Mrs. H. Quuntrill, Elizabeth- ville, and Mrs. Wm. Leonhardt (l'eue Inch) and ho, daughta- cers, Churlene and Cieryl, and ici' lady frlend, Toronto, call- cd on Mis. Wm. Mercer Wed- nesday aiternoon. Tbey are in Toronto for the summoer holidays wiilc ici' husband tukes a course on Education. They live i Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. C4kil Tebblc spent Wednesda aternoon with Mr W b. c. The. showers that ca» cm ,Thursday iminag wce a Preat benefit ta th gaRdn e., and wc hffl the" ieff be *y 're to foflow. Mia. Wm r là .#ceu- 14 6:00 p.me Clarke Council Gives Two Reaîdirng to By Law for Orono $ 108,000 Road Plan", the week wlth Mms Vanes ln at their cottage back on nk Lake. Wr. and Mms Norman Elgear & famlly are aending the !k at Mis. Bell Thertell'a 'age here. Fust a word of warning to Iorists. There are about chfldren of Public Sehool eand smaller (not counting Svisitors) i the village. st familles have a bicycle two or a tricycle and the Idren prefer out in the tway. A number of them just learning to ride and flot very sure of them- ves or road rifles. So, take easy. &is. Janet Langstaff of quois is visiting the family eand staying with heri ighter, Mrs. Jack Neil. resley Tebble passed away his home, Thursday, sitting is chair. His health has been gobd for somietime 1last winter he stayed i nursing home in Orono. wever, he was glad when ng came and he gat back s homnei Kendal. He ioften out warking i his den. The funeral was held urday afternoon from Bar- ,s Funeral Parlours, Orono. extend sympathy to his ther Cecil of Orano. Wes- was i his 83rd vear. and paving ai Church Street North, Centre Street, Park Street, Dickson Street, Prin- cees Street and a portion ai the, Main Street la the business section ai the village. The estimated cast of thc storm sewers amounts ta a sum of $52,900 .00 whule thc curb- ing, guttering and paving amounts ta an estimate $55,800.00. Thc by-law also makes pro vision for thc township ta bar- row a sum ai $38,080.00 eitheri on boan from a- bank or by debenture at an interest'rate not greater than six per cent. This cost Wlll be levied againisti the village praperty and is ta be repaid over a live. ycar1 periad cammencing in 1967. Township Council also gave tirce reudings ta necessaryj by-laws establishing the nom-1 ination and election dates for1 lage. Nominations are ta be held on November 25th with elections, if necessary, on De- cember 5th. Approval was alsa given ta Mr. R. D. Parker ta iniprove thc township roud at Lots 16 and 17, Concession 8. This work was requcsted by Mr. Parker anid is ta b. undertak- en at no cost ta thc munici- pality. The work is ta be donc under thc supervision ai thc Township Raad Superinten- dent. September 9th was declar- cd a Civic Holiday in Clarke Township for Public Sehools, enabling .thc sehool 'childiren ta attend the annual Oronio Fair. A letter was received con- cerning improvement ut tic intersection ai 115 and 35 with1 the County Road No. 1 andi thc Sixth Line ai Clarke. 1 A petition fram Mr. Wm.i BINGO RIDES FOR THE kIDDIES Something New and Different a.0. CAMERAS &. TRAVEL CLOCKS 10 WINNER MAY HAVE -CHOICE 0F COLOUR wi»b drawn for at cudss.Of Canuvl TICKETS - -23c 5cCh - 5 for $1.OO Ô0le e..fora Forbes and seven otber prop- erty owners requested the closing of Princes& Street ln Orona from Xala Street ta Chuch t~et.The request wa rrred b% the Orona Police Trustees. Mr. K. L. McQuiggan af the Department af Tourism and Information met wlth Coundil at which trne Centennial pro- jects were discussed and also the work of the General Cen- tennial Committee.-Times. OBITUÂRY IBIRENDA BLMUEBOY Th'e death ofi Brenda Marie Hoy, resulting froin an acci- dent, occurred suddenly on Tuesday, July 19, 1966 at the Third Concession, Darllngton. She was ini her 15t4 year. Daughter of William and' Yvonne Hoy, Kendal, she was born at Port Hope and had lived the who]e af her life at R.R. 1, Kendal. She attended: Sixth Line and Kendal Public Schoals and was a student at Clarke High School. Miss Hoy was a member of Kendal United Church, and was also a member ai the 4-H Farestry and Dafry Clubs. She was, as well, active in nmnnt of the. Hegb eoIevmnteV Bemides her Hiothur .M& father, 1&. dM.Wila Roy., Brenda Marie i. uuryvl.G- by one brothçt ary The iacalsvlfra&e from the cap 0,~rt. 22nd., Zand was conduct Y* Rev. R. C. White ofNwta ville. Interinent was ln Orono, Cemetery. 1Pallbearers ;w eemiessrs. Lyle MeMahoýn, WlliaB.aî, Douglas, Mercer, Gord1 toni, Wayne Oke a~ Herne. Among the many beautiful floral tributes, attestlng ta the esteem in which the deceased was held, were those from the Staff and Students of Clarke' High Scheol, Grade Ni Clarke Hlgh Schoal, Kendal Lodge L.O.L. 405, The Dirc. tors and Staff of D jrhain Farmers' Caop, Orou~Cn dl Bsntam Basebal e* 4--lI Forestry Club Mmerand Clarke High School Girls' Bantam Basketball Team. GEPT CAS13 TODAIT FOR OL» APPLIANCES tbrougrb C3LASSIFIEDO STATESMAN FINAL:PLAYOFF GAMl, SBOWMANVILLE ME N'S SENIOR SOFTBALL LEAGUE 2 TOP TEAMS PLAYING FOR CHAMPIONSHIP HONOU RS SPECIAL.,FEATURE 0F BOWMAýNVI LLE LIONS 1 f ie7 - Em lei IN CASE 0F RAIN, MONDAY, AUG. 29 SPECIAL DRAW FOR 19é" PORTABLE~ TELE VISION- T.uer 25c suds - 5 for si.4 The Township af Clarke ati their recent August meeting] gave two readings ta a by-law 1 on behaif af the Police-Villagei of Orono ta authorize the cou-1 stuction, reconstruction and extension of certain capital works i the Police Village ati an estimiated total cost of $108,700.00. The work as out- lined in the by-law includes storm sewers, curbs, gutters Memorial Hospital Weekly Report Week ai Aug. 8-14 inclusive Admissions 78 Births-3 maIe, 3 femalÏie 6 Discharges ---_____91 Major operations 15t Minor operatians - 4040 Emergency treatments- 51i Visiting hours 3-8 nv. dil-vt MANY DIFFERINT AND NO VIL BOOTHS FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMINT . a. REFRESHMENTS THE, BIG DRAW 1967 (HEV. SEDAN Ail Proceeds for Lions Community Work T.ICKRIS 23c m 3 for $1.00 ý