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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Aug 1966, p. 5

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ed to the hafl for the rest of procure leaders for the 4-H ,dgMMIm, thevmeeting. Mrs. E. Spires,1 Club Course "Dressing Up! LONG SAULT convener of Citizenship andIVegetabies". E1ducation presided for the rest, The "Gond Neighbours" re- Mr. end Mrs. Albert Davey, ýeo tof o f the Program. Mrs. Chas- port, prepared by Mrs. F. Orillia, M.adMs m 1motte, "Great minds discuss Doyle. Mrýs. K. Hopkins agr eed were Sunday guestseto Mr. l A I * .j. a.ideas, average minds discuss te purchase the book for our and Mrs. Bert Johnson. Wv o mTien s Institu t-es ýevents and littie minds discu sehool prize. Mr. and r.H olAye people." Miss Jean Baker sang; Mrs. C. Greenham reported and faniily, Toronto, MT@. F. MOLINA W. 1. the frequent occurrence ot teaIa îovely hymn in memory of on the cancelled bus trip. E. Alexander and Miss Donna tables and chirs t patic- rs.Adein ik.Mrs. W. Brown reported on Eyre, Bcwmanville, w.e r e 5~ ensaAgs 0 a' beautiful and restfuli Mrs. W. HiIs teck chargeithe Ontario Traffic Satety Sunday visitors cf Mr. Robert tiades of the Solmna W. I. spots. ot the business. The rail cm * 'Bulletin. Mrs. L. C. Snowden Sim. ge ered at the Hall and pro- After we had absorbed as something ia Parkwood Estate reported on the meeting held Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kidd and Weeet Parkwood Estate. much et the outdoor beautyita especiaily impressed me, for the Tweedsmuir History Melodie, M.EhlKd MrRS.m a th entrance a possible we were especialiyýwas enthusiastically respond- Iconveners. Goodwood, were Sunday visi. by Mr. R. us. cand hn, od pivlge t eae n'M j dt.The September meeting will tors ot the Smiths. Welome usandintoduedLaughlin invite us inside and A most enjoyable meeting ,be a tour et Mrs. K. Hopkin*s Congratulations te Garn3 te akon g nie. xetene pensonally cenduct us throughiwas breught te a close with a Garden at 7:30 p.m Connish who came in 4th oui thn tako teonan xens vtie his home. Seme et the high- delicious lunch in the lower Mrs. G. Beech was in the of 110 beys at Peterborough, tour etantho gares bv the! hse urido or eehl.chair for the following pro- Exhibition Jr. 4-H Inter Plnsanwoke i th le heated swimming pool, the flwr ynm'oln gram. The Mette, "A man County Jud-ging Competition ar~th hitey t al ht abe, ad ythe nyoiglialdPE RVEýwrapped up in himselt makes last Wednesday. plant its olrs by amte!tblindllythe n boiliad- 'a ROV W I small parcel" was comment-an MryCril trUs. His enthusiasm made: ec ndprris hc eWendy adMx ons tht toureaietheymoreC The August meeting oet tte nb r.Beh he spent Monday and Tuesday able. h raiufnJ*-tund ail the more fascinating*1 washdinttcE Isaid "No ene is useless wha îhBraaKnsin ap The gracious ~~~~hespitah'tyibecause each had its ewniW a el n h ' Fhtensthe bden fon-wt abr rsin a cf our hest was evident tram sia sinicce t th Building on August 8th at 8:15 'xes euesosm-tn n ensywt hi owrer. The-tour aise included1P-m- Mrs. S. Doyle was mnont tise. AIl chiidnen need te rnnohMs.G .A- an udoonvineand hich charge et the business. Mrs.jleann ta do chones, doing muHmt !a idor inyad hihwasG.Beech, convenor eft li»ig for others. A man muHmtn Gel Cash Today unique and mest impressive. Relations, mixed the Maplew'rking only for himselt and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Cargo, We were then taken eut- Grevean Hampton ladies up th ain nly o himselt, s Paul and Kevin, Providence, For OId AppliaRces !doors again te an observation 'by composing a welcoming[slis acae. i ending a were Satunday evenîng guests pltfrmwhrew cul vew'helping bning satis- of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Cor- tbrughplafor whne e cuidvie pom.faction net oniy te others but nish. truhtht lowen gardens with tht' The roll cali, "Hew te be a'tnusve"Mra-dMn.W.V ey S TA TE SM AN in poo and tfeuteainoseilIu- r em omnt"ws Mns. L. Allun, President et were Sunday evening visitons C L A9 S 1 F [ E D 9 yintd. adtetahueb-given. :Hampton Institute, announced et Mr. and Mrs. P. Vaneyk. Phone 623-3303 - An invitation te visit Ken-, the fellowing program. Miss Mr. Alan Baker and Mich- SAfter reiuctantly leavingdai W.I. on Sept. 2lst was ac- Nonah Hemrn endened tw aeal. Waterdown, spent the 'ths eatifl po w neun- eptd.Mr. . ~9~~L -lovpl 'y piano selections. Mrs. weekend with Mr. and Mns, W W WW W WJ. Burrows gave a paper on G. B3aker. da"Hw goad werethe good dMr. and Mrs. H. Murphy days'. he sid tht oodand fa'mily were Sunday sup- aild days' as companed te ta- S tud ents' S pecial! w., day should be called "the bad per guests of thetoas n ___________________________________ old days". The wealthy and Mn. and Mrs. Ceciu Langley, - influential wene the onîy ones Mr. ns avyJones, LIMIED UAN ITY:wh ha th gad ting otBowmanville, and Mr. and lite. Childnen often started M.Boei tnyCe î- work before the age et 10 and wene Saturday evening guests OFFER EXPIRES SEPT. 1ST ýworked long heurs, cheaply. Of the Kovacs. A bath was considered un- Lond Sault Club 50 held healthy. Thene wene ne Old their annual picnîc at Cart- 'Age Pensions, Social Secun- wright Park on Sunday, Aug-. WU ity or Canada Pension Plans, ust 7th. A beautiful warmI E U U ~etc. We tend ta fonget te day tavored those who enjoy- need ta thank God for those picnic lunch which everyone good l ad days we have right enjoyed, races and a few 1 0now. games wene held. Mns. K. Caverly of- Hamp- Prize winnens wene: Ann ton assisted by Mrs. Beech, Baker, tii-st school age child led in a sing-seng with Mrs. ta arrive; Kim-my Vaneyk, 'W. Laird at the piano. Mrs. frtudr~xt pl ol -Caverly and Mrs. Beech sang, aid; Gladys Burgess, aduit NATINALL ADV RTISD BR NDS"Juanita" as a duet. Mrs. S. with the most pennies in NATINALL ADV RTISD BR NDS Doyle voiced the thanks ofi purse. Ruinnîng Races: 3 yrs.ý the Maple Grave Branch ta' and unden, Ruth Baker; '4-4 the HmptonBranc. Th yea-rs, Marcia Burgess, Kris meeting closed with the re- Vaneyk; 6-8 yeans, Garry Ba-' peating et the Coiiect in uni- ker, Brenda Carn; 8-12 years, son. Mns. Beech conducted a BrcIobl ae ewr contest, after which a social 1de;cidns altrw Kn StE.Bowmanville tm a noe.Ms .E Bruce Gable; ladies' bal Billett voiced the appreciationthoEelGb;mes et the HamtnBan o bal, thra-w, Charlie Penwar- the lovely evening. don. Bob, Burgess was the first! find his wife's shats atteri Il the ladies' shots were putl in a heap. Mrs. W. Vaney-k was first in returning her husband's shoes to his teet, indlenthe came circumsta.nceg. The three-leg)ged race ina, box was won by Keith andl W oud ou ealycrowd was &mall a very en-, #a Jeyan ble . Te ashoug th like to put some moneuyawy Mr. and Mrs. Farewell Blackbu-rn, Salem, and Elaineý and et i gro fora ye r...King called on Mrs'. K. Cc-wl-1 ing and Mr. and Mrs. W.1 and asecod yer...Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Bennett, Bowmanviile, visitedMran Mrs. D. Cameron on Sunday evening. Mn. and Mns. F. Osmond and Tracey and grandsan Sandy Wise-man, Bowman-7 ville. were Saturday cailers at Mrs. A. Thonspson's. Mr. . .. .. .. .. .. .and Mms. Jerry Abbott an-d Steven, Burketon, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Thomipson and Cynthia, Bowmanville, werel Wednesday visit-ons at Mrs. Thompson*s. Mr. L. F.T'homp- son, Miss Ethel Williams, Tar- onte, spent a few days with bis mother, Mrs. Thornpson, and aise visited Mr. and M-ms.j R. D. Thompson, Hampton, Barbara Ashton and Allr Ashton are holidaying withý I-hpirni-anpnt- Mrn. ndi Albert Lock, Port Hope. Mr. and Mm. Rocs Ashton attended the Anglican serviceý Buy ou newat Blmckstoek Meinorial Ce-: Mm. and Mns. El-mer Ward,ý Growth Savings Certif icates horiday. Bbrmîe o You receive $1 0.00 for every $7.50 you invest Mr-. and Mi-s. MàOis Poliard for ix ear. Tat' a ne-hirdmnceas inyou mo.ywere dinntr guests of M.r. and for ix ear. Tat'sa oe-tirdinceasein ourmony,,Mrs. Fred Laixos, Oushawa, onî Available in denomîinations of $10.00 upWards- Saturday eveni'ng to celebratei they're cashable at any timne and carry their seventh wedding anni-1 a special lite insurance redemption feature. versai-y. Congratulations, Mr.! and Mns. Pollard. Als as abut urIncme avigaCerifîate..Congratulations te Mr. and: Nso sk bou ourInCrneSavngs ertfiCte&Mrs D. Cameron and te tht Potts tamily on winning 5ev-ý # m m~ oral prizes for their giadioli at the Gladioli Show held at tht Legion Hall, Bowmnanville. f' on Satu-rday. Sympathy ia extended te - Mr. mnd Mr@. David Malcolm CAADANIMERALin th: asietcdMms. Mal- CANA IAN MPERAL olm' broherin Englmnd. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm spent B AN K OF. COM ME R CE severmi months with theirre latives in Englmnd during one winter menths. Tuesday morning wlll help tht vegetabie gai-dens, but 'will slow up the harvesting ef grain for the farmera. Canada's Finesi The King of Roasts (Short Cu ROAST Ideal For Barbecue BEEF STEI Meaty Tasty BRAISING RIBs 31 Choice mp Meaty - Whole or Haif LAMB I Tender Rib LAMB CHOPS 5<À ISHOP WITH CONFIDENCEI As Mo Murid M ""autmiiM ihuthar F, Fruzen v Pr.omsad m GOVERNMENT-UNSPECTED I Feh Pro California Grown Malaga RUO ,-GRA Out Span Sweet and Juicy Nave Oranges S 5' BOLRO1 ' LR ""N.i Deep 2 Colours Facelle Moderne Baith roomTissi 4 2 Rol Pkgs. 99 C Riehmelio Orange Pekot TEA BAGS Pkg. O of ~SupportYour Con,nuniT' KING ST. AND $1, llql%%Tàx IMPSON AVENUI (Highway Lin ~~ Who or aid ltai nsmmer TV was ust an assortnerrt oi id epea. shows and duil onterts ornent hsd botter teks another w lokl The dmrasc weekly show, Let's Go To The R&ace," i thrilling thousands of vowers this summer! And bors5 why. Wth the running of everv excitinçr racs corne lthous of cash, prizes for everorvre la wfi-his W... vou coulrd tain 0 0 the lucky wnners of extra cash in thts uniqueDamnnio gareoFrstpet yosîr free gante cardi et Daminion. Thon weîeh thertces on TV. If vair f ucky number crmes up yau eotild win iipam 1,000 CASH! Switch ta Dominaon msnly becaiie cf tih. ment ...rnd wrn cash, toal Red Brand Steer Beef WINS $1 #000 ut) PRIME RIB BEE F 83 l %KETTES 5 c %ehnelder's Red Hot 1-l 9WIENERS ~9C.*- Drted Young Lamb - .EGS 65~ L Three Mca! Variety f c MRS. CHARLES PIPER 7lb La b aBakt 7 lb Il Victoria St. Ierve Hot or Coldy È BARBECUED (HICKENS -sl.33 ec )duce Features êIPS6.19c LIns EI in Street & PES BOWMANVILLE 'el Ontario Grown Garden Fresh Buneh WINS $235.00 9' Carrots 3bnch23C MONEY SAVING SPECIALS 40e Off Fab King Size Powdered Detergent $1.19 6 Flavours Ailen's48-ez. Tins FRUIT DRINKS 3 for 99c Bonus Pack Chase and Sanborni 7-os. Jar INSTANT COFFEE $1.29 . Lancia 2-lb. Pkg. i- 4 Macaroni or Spaghietti 39c Gtreen Guant Fancy Assorted 15-os. Tins GREEN PEAS 5 for $1.01 Orange-Pineapple and Orange Tang Fruit Crystals 4iak.89c- Grapefruit and Pineappie-Grapefruit Tant Tang Fruit Crystals 2 Pkg.3 9c J. VERMEULEN Bownianville BAKERY FEATURES 190 King St. West Plain - Cinnamon - Sugared Pkgs* ofet 1'. S $ 50 Richmello Donuts 2for49cWIS$50 Rlchmello Pkg. or 12'8 SCONE ROLLS- 27c Cut Features Richmello 16-ca. .Jar 32-os. Jar ue Salad Dressing 29c 53c -11W

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