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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Aug 1966, p. 9

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s- -~r- Df.nding ms Ellis S hoomen Oýëts? Stubboroe Uphoisterers b7 JIai Gaka determinei Upholsteryclub Dadtn diàamions, llis wbo led 9-7 mter Mx liedugs. aioe..,topa1 a stubborn Witli two away k ic h top of 'the iterY-teMm. from tbbc seventh, Uic loser. op- tae~ ff picture, lust peared ta have sewed up thes Th .7n It, 11-9. Thec seres two gaines aplece. 111Ws Win gave jW theïr but of Bruce Adamis walked ta keep t"'* an*~pin31 dlis alive and George Michael- uUwci XfQW to- taise on son foflowcd wlth a, double. FM'Itty!w -the -beit Ken Veitchi ticai .nsbed a 'Of sevetIfnl for -thc Junior horner ta l.ft, movlng lls ln MenI's ehmaniânsdp. front 10-0. Dennis MeFeeters The 1905 chamions were doujileciand Bob Tugw'adj Metii tripled, nking it 11-9, baforel helq I Tenday tveflhI4 Auw~lUat lthe L40M cOdtions the parde started On tirne with thie Royal Can. dîan Legion Pipe Band lead- ngteway wittt eight floats, =ereton Majorettes, six coiÙvetileýs maklng t h e ir waY clown through town. 1This year's "theme" was historjoal events, with the Wîid West, being chosen firsi, Prenoli Revolution fi-cm Third St. and Waverley Road sec- CrIdPlynîOuth Rock froni On- aroStreet third, West and East E4cct Florence Nightin- gale float fourth, Vikings . o -emoriul Park fifth Alamo from Franklin Park 9ixlii,- MxciLions Centre Ex- Plorxng Ontario seven'th. The juciges had quite a time ci'o. QSe~the winners, as theî feit theY- were ail well donc. Thei- biggest chore came ir Cboosinig a Queen, and after considerable judging, Rhonda Melanson of Ontario St. was crOwned Quen, with Lori Hooper of Lions Centre the firat Princess, Julie Rie of F'ranklin Park. the second Princes, while Jane Edmond- son Of Memnoral Park becanie the third Prmncess, Dane Brooks of Vincent Massey the f0urth Princess, Debbie Wood- lkOf~ et Tird. St. and Waver- leY lRoad thie fitai Princeig, and Dobble Thom.on ci thie BeeAithe Sixtai Princeh. Tht Judges were Councli. lor& Ed R<indle and Maurice pmot, mas. C. Devltt, Mrs. M. Luma and Mi-. Don Gilhooly Of thie Recreation Commnittee. Presentation of awards were rnade byDeputy ReeVre Fiee, ýomcilor Ed Rundle, Coun- cillor Maurice Prout, mmi. M. L.u=e, Mrs. C. Dcvitt, Mr. Jim GUNS Aïor snc monti only SWOTGUNS (sict!jý baurrel) *utomauic Rleî (Mmt>. £Mfes (anyc.flb*) SU OTGUNS'(double, bard> R*. $24.09,_$17.50 SPeclal CoîtreR& & ottrgiI Ltd. <Art 1 Gn ua E.Put*> UBond St. W., O)Wh&a tidtion Galeed Club Holds inny Fair nt Côyle Sr. and Mr. Don Gil a hoaly. 4,Prior to the stmrt of thi us parade, the i-in pl.ayed havoi with tevarlouu floats. A i- times It seesned the para4i >d and carnival miglit have to bg 1 postiponed until Wedneuday. t Thie Playp-owid Supervisai-s Xchildren and aduits involvee in thi. event met the chal. ilenge, throqrgh dedication bard work and Uic wil tc ,e succeed, aud they dd M,34. T. A. FPmang lauded ;tc teefforts of lis flaygrcnd ,staff for a job wcil donc un- -_ der very difticult ciroum- 1-stances. id The Artistie group, a nun- ¶ber cf chidren fi-cen the vani- -ous iilaygraunde under th- Sdirection of Miss Patty Fair-, entered a paper miche dîna- saur made in, UmnH. van. -dusen's back yard. E «d i e Bons, Patty Fair's junior lea- der, did a terrifie Job on it. yWe ai-e thanlcful ta Miss H. eVandusen foi- ber asistance. n It was nic ta sac East and West Beach Playgrounds in Sthie parade, along with Third Street mund Waverley Road. Tht Royal Canadian Legion Pipe Band was out In full )fforce due ta Mr. Gary Cale. iThe crowd wus. trcatcd te esanie wosiderful Scottlah mu- esic penformecc by tais excel- elent Pipe andi druzn band. diTaie Majorettes undex taie drection, et Mrs. âAirle1" *Fowticr were terrifie as issusi. Thie Fair aud Parade in- evolved many pepl nd tlirough ir omhb dn e generous efforts, this cirent Thie Recreation Cornxnittcc would Uie ta thank the fol- lowing people for their tim-e and effort, and there are miany: Mca-chants of town who donateci prizes, Robson Motors Ltd., Bob MéMaaius, EIsyne Adeans, Rün Mutton, Jin Me- Kniglit, Mas. B. Henning, Mrs. J. Ferl, Canadian States- nuan, Mr-. Mlck Bhlown, Mr-. Rôu Brooks, Mm-. Edie Cale, lb. Royal Canadien Legion Pipe Band, 1-ya Theatre, Mr-. C. Allia, *Mi-Wl! Cai-ruthers, Mr-. Gary Cale, Lions Club, Mr. Gary griffon, Mr. Hai-ald ICennett, Mas. E. Dcvitt,. D~ uty Reeve Fiee, Councililor d Rundie, Coundcillor Maurice Prout, Mr-. J. C. Coyle Sr-., Mim Penny Jetfery, Mm. T. Westever, Mr-. Don Giihooly, Mrs. M. Lucas, Ma-s. T. Mc- Feeters, Miss H. Vandumea, Parents wlio bmked and made candy $or the Fuir, Carter's Baikery, Chief of Police, Police Dcpartmeut, Constable Tracy Davis,' parents lu taie various pdaygrounds, people wiao loaned their garages, an-d any others wiho we mnay have nulssed here, we tlbank themr for their geci-ous help. b an = 1es fafy geIt hat lu- 1.v fia u.Whyto's at4ta 1baserunner on Rus a ýfard's two..out sinale, but eMaine Pickard bounccd out ? t end thie game. p The lona was a heartbreaker for thc Upholstery tem, who after loslng thc opener by -defeuit, bousioed back to.cap- 1turc thie null-aiwlng 7-S sec- o nd<re Tliuy tten auffer- 1d a111pasting in thcthird a me, but camne back to put lip a territfie battie In the 11-9 Ica lae Thursday. They gt offt a quick 4-0 first nlng a tart, collectiez gfour bite of EUh' Tied Leveck. Elfls sbocmed back in Uic top of thie second, aioring six times, aMain, alter two were away. 1Itey hammered Dennis Sullivani for six hits, lnchâd- mng Uic tirst of two hSners by Ken Veitch. Whyte's i-couver- cd, a« they scoréd a pair of i-uns In the bottogx of the third, tying It 6-6 ElliSs cor- c d one in the top of the fourtai, but WhytpVs a.dded a > air in the fouibli and one more in the filth, ta lead 9-7. Tliey held tueur cdge until thie Shce inen struek, for their ,tour big rum n theUictop cf thie seventh., Areund thc Dases:' Ken Velteli, with a pair of 1hmners, was Eflis' bi~g club- ber. George M44ielson, and Dennis McFccteri both lied a big hand In MIfis'vctory, »UPçlyig thrce hits ecd. Ted Lcvcck survived WiYte's 13 bit attack injaost- ing the win. He wliiffe six and allowed tha-ce w&lks. Dennis Su.llivan, who sut- féred thie lomag, wals nick- cd for 13 bits, whhlc faxming five and walklng two. Wentlier permnitting, the tit gaine af thc finals, b- tweee nî. isShoca and ÏFrank'u Variety, was played on Tues. day nlght, with the second gaine sceduled for Thin'sday night. Dosxning our predlction toge, wc formae a stifi battit for this ycar's Jr. League title, bletwceen two well-balanced teans, with Ellis retaining thie chemplonthip in six gaine. Now, il I can just ianage ta esteer char- of the Frank'# Variety cew and theïr rmot- SEMI-FINAL DEST OF VIVE Sertes 'IA' Elus abois B. Tugwood D. MeFeeter.s G. Michelson X. Velticl G. Wa1lIece B. Crossey J. Kilpatrick T. Levcck Ada" ms Bruce Adass B. Oliver Whytels R.* Laragiord J. Kcnn«tt B. Pjdcard, D. Ruiter B. Hellia R. MeLean A. Osborne H. Michelson L, Stainton A. Farrow D. Sullivan E. Stevrens AB. R. H. 10 3 4 h 4 4 213 il 2 1 12 5 1 Ubbolstery AB, R. H. 12 3 5 10 3 3 1 10 0 0 FINAL STANDINGS Team GP. W. L. R. H. E. AB. Avg. UiN Shoes, 4 3 1 25 21 7 94 .223 Wbyte's Upholstery, 4 1 3 16 27 17 90 .3001 tInstructors .at N4 .*a .-T pjyirPYung Swimmers Saine of the mnethods used ta, overeome non water by playing, games together. Instructors Char-les swimmers' fear of water were demonstrate at, New- Ewert and Lynda Eilbeck are making certain the castle's Swim Night on Friday. }Iere,some very yoing childi-en have a good time while learning the funda- Tadpoles are enjoying themselves -i the shallow mentais of staying afloat. Dinosaur Takes Part in Parade Avg. .500 .400 .273 .28Î .111 .091 .083 .000 .00 .444 .4171 Mrs. Ja esE icarsEdto .4001Jm s~~cîau,~ îo 3Mm-. Florence McCai-thy o 0Saskatoon, Sa*k., was a wcek 0 end gucat cf Mi-. and Mrs-. ( Alan Beauclianp, Mrs. F. 1 5Rhodes and Misa Doroth: (Rhodes. 0Mi-. sud Ma-a. Victor Robin son, Mi-. Robert Robinsoz were guestsaet the Messie Ovens wedding in Newtona ville United Chai-ch on Sut 3urday. Mi-. and Mrs. Wellingto- Farrow of Newcastle with Ma and Mrs. Robt. Rutherford anc son Douglas have returnec home fi-cm e week's moto: trip to Sault Ste. Marie North Bay and district. Mr. Charles Taylor, Mi-. and Ma-a. Lloyd Taylor attended thie Hancock-Murpliy wedding in thie Tyrone United Church on Seturday atternoon. Mr. and Mrs. James Darling and family of Br-ampton spent Thum'day of last week with Mrs. C. Seal. Mrs. Gray of Cadmus, M.r. an'd Mrs. Reg. Sutton witb Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy Gray and son Davidi visited Upper Cana-da Village and Ottawa district for a f ew days last week. Mrs. Arthur Tennant a-e- turned home last week alter two month-s' visit with Mi-. and Mrs. Carmnan Tennant andi family at Terrance, B.C. Mms. Charlotte Annie (Mc- Kiaxion) MéKeuizie, age 74, widow of taie bate Lorne D. McKenzie and mothe- of Dr. Fraser A. McKenzie ai Oronte, a sdaway et Sanitais Fls capital on Wednesday, Aug- ust 17tih. Funeral was on Sat- urdmy. Interment in Male Vile Cenetery, Srnithcs e. Mirs. Mary LuXonMr-. end Mr-s. Roy Mercer of Kendal with Mi-. and Mm-. Han-y Mer- cci- vigited Mn,. Dave Moore and Mrs. R. Green ut Ccc IIII ou Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Neil Wood cf Peterborough vlasi tced Mas. Chai-les Wood on Mondey. Congratulations ta Mr-. and Ma-a. Reg. Sutton an their 35th Wedding Anniversary lest Friday. Mr-. and Ma-s. Ulmant Bl- look have rcturned home fraru Icr days holidaying at Gaspe Peninsula and Quebec City. Ma. mid Mrs. Murray Ken- nedy cd Sua-it Ste. Marie visit- ed over Uic wcekcnd wtl ler sWer, Mas. Marshall Chatter- ton. Mr-. Roy Mercer of Kandul baas purchmscd Uic homne of Mir. Wm. Glanvile on Park Street, next ta tht Fuir Grounds. Dcbbiceand Werady Heard have returnai homne ettex- aPecUidng a week with their 9Manperpts Mr-. am nd.. R S.Ha1,Bowrmanville. Mx. Wr. Z. Armtroo is a fBowmanville. *Mr. and* Mrs. Melville. S& nmis, Mr. and Mrs. O. Edger. ton of Ncwtonviilie attendec iOrono United Chunch. oui Sun. day and wcrc dinner guest o f Mà-. Cecil Robinson. 1 Congratulations té Mr. anc Miis. John ]Edgcaton Hauioocl - the former Mies Saielagi Ceralyn MEurphy, on thecu mariage in taie Tyrone Unit. cd Ohureh an Situa-day, Aug. ust 20th. 1Mr-. and Mrs. Ai-chie Wat- 1son anid son Larry o«t Watei- down spent taie weckend witt Mr. und Ma-s. Alex Watson. Ma. Ceci Joncs ta a patient in Ite Oshaawa General Hos- pital. Mus. Violet Campbell ofa Toi-auto iii vtsiting Mm'. Ar- thur Tennaent andi othen rela- tives. Mir. and Ma-s. Gerald. Ccx and sans spent last wcck holi- dayiug at Canal Lake. Debbie end Donna Gordon visited their aunt, Mrs. Wal- lace Bougaien et Newtonvilie. Mrs. Richard Bond cf Tor- onto andi Mm-. Ves Duner of Mount Picaant visiteti Mus. Ivan Farrow. Mi-. aind Ma-s. Ethan Jones of Poi-t Hope spent taie week- endi with Ma. and Mas. Cecil Joncs. Ma-. Carman Connish, Che- ryl andi John returned by plane a'fter vlstting Mi-. and Mm. B-d Ju &sW df ammy t, Deex- John: I would like to take thua opportunity to thenk ' tc local mercliants, i-cident. ai Bcwmanville and ai-e foi- taie excellent ca-operation receiveti froni thcm regard- ing aur Annuel Penny Faix-, Parade andi other pr- -granis. We ai-e indebtedti ktaie Rayai Canadien Legion Pipe Bandt for paticlpatlng iu taie Parade, oui- local Maj- orettes, Police Dept., Town Cauncil anti others Who so gcneroualy aasisted um Alsc thauks ta yàu and your ucwspaper for tbc ex- cellant publlcity receiveti, not only during this pust scason, but in past years. Thc succes af UicRecrea- tion Committee pi-a-nis is duc to Uic Intercat and 1sup- port of Uic people of Bow- manville andi District. Evcryona lbas been very klnd andi &gain we tliank bhem for their hclp and Interest. Yours Slncerely, T. A. Tannin«, Dfroctorcd EeUmm"o ir Ma-s. Robt. MoHolin cd Port Hope mpent taie wcekend wtth Mn. andi Mas. Don Stephacus and deugliters,. Somerville -Drive. Mus. Wma. Hooey, Goradon, Shelley and Patti spent lest week et Re Lake. Ma. andi Mr. Glen Hodgson, David, Paul and Kevin cf *Bowanuillie, Ma-s. Riussell Viatue and Mas. Ronald Scott of Tyuone, Mr. and Ma-,. Ken Cham-berlain of Oshawa visit- c d Mrs. D. G. Hooper. Mr. andi Mas. Evcrctt Cou- viei- andi son Wayne speut Sunday with Mr-. and Mrs. Orvifle Chatterton and chulti- i-en at their cottage. Mn. Albert Mitchell will be present et taie Lands and For- cats display lun the Ontario Govex-ument Building et thie C.N.E. until Lebar Day. Ma-s. Robt. Glenville of Or- eue was thc wlnncr cf thc coloreti TV set drawn for et Oroauo Amateur Athlctic As- sociation's Street Feir andi Dance. Appi-oximatcly $1.800 wes raeeifoi- thie Artificiel Ice Fund. Tht Association wishcs to tbunk ail who et. teuidét andi rem-nd then thet oui- uixt eveut ta i-aise moi-c money wil be a Cmli! Drsw. Tais drew 1, foi- e 400-lb. Herefor-d ce!! doneteti by Bob andi Harold Mofat, Oro-oa. Tickets are uow on sale and taie lucky onc wItl b. da-awn Saturdey, Sept. 10, ut five o'clock at Orono Feur. Just enougli meat -to fNI your freezer! Edmonton, Alberta. .Ma-s. James E. Richards visited lier cousin, Mas. J. Wesley Roc, last Wednesdey, who was a patient li P.P.P. Toi-onto General Hospital, and ta now lui SeinFrazxioco, Cali- toriua, ,for special anedicel treetinent. Mn. and Ma-s. Arthur Hyde of Harultan spent several days. visiting Ma. and Mas. Perey Morgan. Mns. Jin Baal, who lian been a'patient in Memocrtal Hospi- tal, Bowneite, for t past year, ta staylng wtth Mr. and Mu-s. Len Pears and family. RECREATIO.N REVIEWS Girls'Soltbai, 'fic Recmetian Departmt Miner Girls' Sottbal Lamgu will start a Round Robin Scr. les un Monday, A'us 0h st the. tollowîng Ipa S: uhb- Cook veinas Mu 's, ut Vin- cent Mascey; Robson'. vers Niohois, ut Ontartb Stoc Playaround; Robux'y ,su Z = aat Mmal~ . HAYDON Ma-w. Germld Shaieton end Ruthi, Salem-, visited Ma. and Mirs. W. Blackburn muid farnily and Mrs. K. Cowling, on Set- urday evenlng. Ma.and Mi-.. C. Anderson, Cadedonia, Mr. and Ma'.. Rus- MD' Anderson, Port Hope, weze Sunday visttours with 34r. mand Mai. Arthur Trewin and family. M1.a.nd Mis. Roy McLaugli- lin and Deaibie, Mr. and Mrs. David Kyte, Blaekstock, were Sunday evening callers et Mr. andi Mrs. Ross Ashton's. Lind aend Janet Sharp, En- nisklllen, were holidaying witi tiie Ashton tamnfly lat ,week. Mr.. Henr-y Ashton, Port Hfop., called on Mr-.end M4ri. Leilie Gi-ahan on l'ours- day. Mr. and Mre. Jiin Graham, Garfield, Gregory anid Gar- "'on, VmlyiiwaSundmy dinnerV' es wth ails par- en, M3k n d M-.Lie Gi-a- Mr-. and Ma-e. Toim ith, Stouffville, were Sunday sup- per guests of Mr..and Ma-w. J. Pottseand tmg-dy. Mr..and Ma-. Ruaqeil Ornuts- ton, Enniskiflen, Linda and Janet Sharp were Suinday visitai-s of Mr-.muid Mas. L. Ashtou. MtS Mi- a tatrWateroo, «xen~- 1- -weekoend --pa I& Mr-. and Ma-s. Rau Morrisan aid iamully, Oshawa, vasited !The~~~~~~~~~ .aada -atsa--E-an fe Ag.3,10 Mrs. M. Bertrim and tamily ou, Boden, Switzertmnd, h&ve'ý an Thursday. retumned home aftvara thrm Mis. D. Camerman d Mrs. montis' visit with Mr-. and . Peter Singer had a party for Mm. D. J. Cameon. Mx. and j; Uic chikMnen et the vilage on Mm-s D. J. Caincron, Drleaie 11iureday afiernoon. and Tcnry Topple -v tt Mr. and Mrs. Jimn Webb and Malton Airport withtheii,. fawnily, Bowmanvile, Mr. and sgt. Bemiard HoaSmn 3mi-. G. W. Mayer, Caxdlffu. Hmetan and feb Mr-. and Mrs. Haa-ry Iilis shwohaebe iJ Montreal, wer e ment dcalicru tK Mue. Rmmn'l ut D. J. Camcron's. parents, Ma. and Mrs. C. Gar.-I Robile and Steven Reud, w..îeft on yrjcly for Cal. Bowumnvifle, upentithUicwcek- e. end wlth Mr. and Mma A. BIead and Lynne. Ma. and Ma..mand M"s. ?dOrris POlai-il Mrs. Gordon Dudley, Bow.. and famity visited Mr. and' manwlle, were Sud& ere-Mm . Rapli Lyons and Mr. aid'4 inlg visita-s wiM heUicRcud Mm. HmTY I4YOO t Iish,', famfly. Lake. - . Mfr. Don Cameron waa ini Mi-. end Mii. J. Potts vlsitd. St. Catharines mi Thuzuday cd Mir. Potts' father, Mr. Tom to a gladioli diow. Potta, Cdinlgwood, who in. Attention Students BEAT THE LAST MINUTE RUSH FOI SCHOOL SUPPLIES Buy from your full time local stationery store 1 DO" T MSS TMISONE Giant Campus Refi_9 8 250 PAGES - ONLY ____ NEW CHECKERBOARD CLIP BOARDS YOUR NAME ENGRAVED FREE O4F CHARGE ON ZIPPER BINDER PURCHASED AT lei RICKABY's $1.00 BALLPOINT - Plus 79e REFILL - Ail fer_____ CARTRIDGE PENSU---98C We carry a complet. lin .-'f MATH INSTRUMENTS -. SLDE RULES and Grade XIII Texts for Bowmanville, Clark. and Courtice. "We Guarantee What We Seil" RICKABYJ'S LTD. . fTHE BIG 2W; SiwcE lUiss KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE OTiCE! Ail Property Owners and* Residents of« Orono On your behaif, w. the Trustees of the, Police Village of Orone bave passed and submitted te the Council of the Township of Clarke on Auguut Znd, 1966, the following Resolution: Resolution No. 66-104, Aug. lst, 1966, Moved by Douglas Simpisn and Seconded by Floyd Nicholson. Approved by unanimous vote of Oron. Police Trustees. "'Wh.roas the Township of Clarke did on Jun. 7, 1966, give final reading to Restricted Aroa By-Law No. 1517 and Whereas the. Trustons of tih. Police Village of Orono, affer checking said By-Law, find that it is contrary fo the now existing Building By-Law No 1351, and that it appears to inhibif the normal growfh which is essential for assessment purposes in a confined orea such as fthe Police Village of Orono, ""Be if therefore resolved, that the Trustees of the. Police Village of Orono are opposed to By-Law No. 1517 in ifs present state and wish fhat sither said By-Law b. revised or that the Police Village of Orono b. excluded from t he area governed by By-Law No. 1517." In prcsenting this resolution it is our belief that By-Law No. 1517 ereates a devaluating factor to mpny properties which will reflect directly on thec tax rate and utility rates of this village, We. would theref ors suggest that everone study this ByLaw carefully. W. would 11k. te point out the folioWing as .3amples: 1. If this By-Law Is approved, no one would b. ahie te bulld or (o conver-t an existing building into reasonably sized apartments even if they should meet the requiremeuts'of the ,P.partment oi Health. L. Many good building lots could not b. nild due te tthe requirel frontage of 75 feet. 3. No provision has been .stabllslwdwerythe. Medieal Oisqcl, of Health may approve or reject a permit te bnU m o a lot lordiq Of ise. Although, w.. belleve otht -adverse rogulations exita -a6lt By.Law, thome appear te b. the. moot >devalutlug. Auy pmrou wlshlng te proteot ts ESy-Law muet sud utk objocti, togothor wltha a tatem et <itho gr=et i u«&'be by welsoeemilor baud tfinlperses te .Ch* ofk ai of Clr », .later flan Sept.3, lIM. M 'w, t p M B I 1' I f I I * 's, 'v." l t I f I il If hi t; r' 't e ê q1 "v EDWè8 WOTAD impu t Pa"k. Vunlp fOa. Mio t w ý. iThe Camdun Matemm, zowmamme, AU& 24, lm r, 9ir-ýl v ý'- 1 KING ST. W. -98C .98C BOWMANVILLE

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