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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Aug 1966, p. 11

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Mrs. Bruce Tilison, Editor SRecreation Committee or Nèwcastle's busy Recreation Committee were present at the annual Swim and Award Night held at Waltona Park pool on Friday and took an active part in the proceedings. They are, from left to right '1 Gord Garrod Jr., Chairman Sam Brereton and his Present Swimming D ~y- w Three Jewca le coutsTih: Canadien Statesian, Bowrnnvle, Aug. 24, 1986 Thr e ewc ste S ou s Ms.Jack Goheen, Terri and Newcastle, are rlease W #s~ e e#~ ed AuSteven Ogden, Éowmanville, have t'their Son L.A.C. Lyle C visited on Saturday evening; Harris, his wife Donna and ~I.L I c~ PIMrs. Goheen i9 Mr. and Pirs. their four sons home from a O n vveeks v 151v to U@ t C mTamblyii's daughter. Sunday extended jouxj*y.Th ar Phn. 9V-4213 vstr eeM.adMs aiyl «Î v îsît r s w e e M r a n d rs. ~ m il y h a v e s p gn t ti h e l i ( F R M P G E F I V ) o t e o u n t y s B y c o u s. ~ t h t t e B o t e r h o dV e r n C h ile s o f S a r n ia . le r n G e r m a n y w t (FRM PGE IVE ofthecoutryas oy cous.;tha th. Broterhod flMrs. Archie Bernard andi Canadian Air Fre Their stçpped te talk to a policenian It wasn't until a quarter to' Scouts mneans just that, "Bro-! Mrs. Bruce Tillson have re- .younger two SOUs Wffl boni oW duty and te tell him where' three on Friday afternoon that' herhood." turned to the village foIIow- in Germany, on qulte naturalI n Hand for Swim Night we hoped we were going. He the finai okay w:s gvel. A the end of the carnpfireuing their trip te Dundee, Ny ithe grandprent were e and in turn askeda few ques-I aýsiewt great distance Ieft camp; Gray and Hubert Vander-1 time. Mrs. Harris, tie ferm. tions hi*mseif about the uni' they had oniy just met, while that evening, whiie others: starre to Camp Gorton, an erDnaTe1el omn form the boys were wearing.1 Mrs. Bernard and your &litor whose parents Iived nearhy: American Boy Scout Camp. ville, lied relatives on her During the few minutes o! ordtecaç ewr staved on until Sunday after- ThGoenfiyrunn side of the famiiy as well aï conversation, Mark spotted; invited to attend the Campnfoofl. Our boys bunkedinwshlrenty tSuon in-laws meet them et Trentoi' thie officer's gun în an opený fire at nine p.n. Parents o! with Cayu-gas but were ex-!1Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Airport. Soon to make thele holister, unlike anything worn1 the boys who had camped fardtnmv nSndyGhe atne.Fo o-ilywille for that a around this area, and befarej during the previous week and join the Mohawks. Mrs.<plete write-up on this reunion, fmî ilae hi dd'ing hwas it ha. were aiso there te see the Be'rnard and I were given the, see elsewhere in this paper, som e tient w an ni bisdads gn wsn' lie tat.boys recognized and receive. Rangers quarters, and invit-ý Mrs. Ken Whitney, Janiehing rltovsitwt as po anyl ot;_ ~~ ~ Vie were quick te explaî'n tiheir neit badges and dtjonhebstenetndCig ad Mrs. H heirrltvsa osbeb- tha hi Da wa wih te aard. Drin ths ~mpfremorning for breakfast, after'Whitney have returned teothelIfore ieavîng again, the twô O.P.P. After ail, we were w e aduIts were introduced ta wh ich we took a lot of pic-Mvllage following a campingfaies rrndaruio strnges m astrngecou-jthe Scouts and their parents,!tures of the campsite, said!tnp ant Buckhorn. Mr. Whit- ýo atuPr a llvening a M try, not qu ite lost but iooking afiter which Hubert, George1 goodbye to aur Canadian ney wvas unable, to be there mra akHlBwin lik i, he tre bys'0and Mark were brought up on1 Scouts and Mr. Starr, and,. the full timne but when he vile, t othed by somei,5' strange looking uniformis start the platform, introduced and, headed home again. was he used every minute 1 ebr !tetofmle talking about guns. Neediessa received quite a standing The boys will return sanie- fishing. This, se for, basl Basebali, for the girls' and to say we soon got away from tien of applause from their time ncxt Sunday. Mr. and praved ta be a good thing, as! boys' Pee Wee teams is at an there. Arne'rican brothers. Mrs. AI! Gray are planning among the fish caught. was a ýend for this season. with thé: te go down for theni. Thev small-mouth boss, weighinggisbenbetnototh Thle last stop was nt ourý They are in for a grest, are each keeping a Scout 3 lbs. 9:¾ ounces. This was series Tlaursday evening by destination, Camp Gorton, and' week. Boys are boys the diary and will be writing:the biggest small-mouth bassithe Orono team in a scor« this truily is a beautiful camp world vrbu eeotriwih nd 2te l. n site, On aur arrivai one oftan' oen utwhre othrsmethinýg fair the paper on: caught so far this year in the 1hc ne 2 ai.O tainCanada or the Unitedý their experiences. iBuckhorn area, se Ken hasiSaturday afternoon on thâ Sthe Scouts came over ta the States do therv get the o>ppor-i'Ientered it in the contest. Wei hometown diamond, New.- 4 ~~boys, introduced hiniself, and unitý, these boys are getting?ý wish him good luck. icastle boys were beaten dut iri we were given a briefing oný We know our boys have gone ..2.. .. riends and neighbours 0a score o! 13 te 1 in fayon of the camp. Within minutes., OVer with things to swap and IdFU Memarial Hospital this weekîFrankfard. The coaches ot wpswre being made, gar- ibarter and stonies to tell, and' are: Mr. Roy BaIl, Mrs. Essielbath girls' and boys' teamà ters hand cre rd hnsiit will be interesting ta hcar P rsI C,,bell, Mr. John Davis,Ihave worked liard and ae before yau could blink an eyo-, the stories they bring back O la Mrs. Margaret Farrow, Mrs. with their tennis, but many- and pals were made as though , and to see the treasures the' 'Rhea Gray, Mr. Robert Harte-ïo! these games were played- thyhad known each otheri have traded. Mr. Starr men- Mr. and Mrs. Stan Powell, mink, Mrs. Mona Majer, Mr. with a iack o! effort on 'the' &Il thein lives. toe at the Campf ire, as, Judith, Harold and Dale are. Harold Pedwell. Mrs. Mar- part o! the players. It is hop-1 One o! the Scouts went ta well as in an earlier ietter to enjoying a holiday at a cot- 'garet Smith, Mrs. Johanna jed Ihat next season, hall wiIl1l wife Marg who is the Secretary, Earl Foster and infoirni Commi&sioner Duke: the parents, that he hoped tage in the Haliburton area., Vogel. Miss Lindsey Wadell, get underway with the boys'i Treasurer Mrs. Evelyn Northrup. Absent when this Starr that we had anrived.' this would lead to a possible Visitors on Thursday cail- Mr. Grant Williams, Mr. Fred nterest being higher than 'it, photo was taken, Eric Foshay and Councillor H. C. Mr. Starr is the person re- regular exchange basis be-, ing on Mr. and Mrs. Percy'Wind and Miss Sandra Wright. was this time. Boatansponsible for the invitation l tween Scouts froni Corning, ýTamiblyn were Mr. and Mrs.ý Pte. Gary Naylor left Iastý Our boys' Tyke team is, Bonathan.extended te the boys early iii N.Y. and Newcastle, Ont. Nclson Sharpe and Mr. and week for Germany where h elstil in there trying, and thereý; _______ ________________ hesummer. Lettes-s and telP-Otheir boys right here in the Mn. and Mrs. Boyd Sharpe oiwijIlbe stationed with thelis a game planned for Tues.-. phone calls have been made! village may get this sanie op-! Valentia. and Mr. and Mrs. Canadian Armed Forces. Hisýday of this week, between' isplay mixed colons, Mrs.: Jose, Mrs back and forthan a great, portunity another vear. ThereiRoss Courison of P"frla.w ne nNw- Newcastle and Oshawa. Ti McM.ahon; alierf husbando scorexene bi a xcane assinopo! thatn riaywre, rgameewil owilIhubaâs bwe f ý1splay ~mixed colons, W. Farrow, Mrs.1 bath American and Canadian eration now with one NewT and Mrs. Irwin Whithlead,!when he is able ta locate an Nitten up next week. We of' MeMahon: Decorative Con-1,parties trying to get permis- i York State Tro>p and a TroopPort Hope, and Miss Kate ý apartment. ewcastle wish our littie fel-*' tainer, Glads, W. Farrow, J.1sion te allow these boys out!froni Scarborough,_ provinglCassiday, Toronto. Mr. and' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris, lows good luck. Rickard. ___ _____ Single Spike Gilassý: (a) 1 spike, wýite or creani, Mi-S. Jase, Mrs. Schmid; (b) i spike, yellow or orange, Mrs. Jase; (c) 1 spike, pink or sal- n a l r c re mon, W. Farrow, Mrs. Jose; D p (d) i spike, red, Mrs. Mc- Mahon, W. Farrow; (e) 1I- sipike, mauve or purpie, Mrs.1 "THE REAL. THIUG" spike, smo4<ey, Mrs. MeMahon. J..eku Sý A REAL INOT A MAlTER 0F PRICE AtONE! Ws what you Cet for vshat you puy. Th. hou»es u or ahift st $1.»0 's ne borgain if - th. semma pop the. first time yots i ,or it shrinks isoh«. thé firot time you wash if. 'A ohmp0oduet jm'tt« 0-êIlopiè ls borgain. A equality produot at a low pri«, thatas a bargain ..and thassaàrosi valut.. that's Our ALP Brando. Mor e n 40 y.ara Me we decded ~u owm bri àould bp the f iet values. Tlwy sam . . md we'r* pne.ud of if. Se proud ...- so sure, we unconditiosmlly Duemt'nee yeur faNf satisfaotie>. »-Po A&P Brands à goed reason for- shoppinig A&P? Thy'r e o« of mony. General Exhibits Dispiay of House Plants, Mrs. McMahan; Basket of Zinnias, Mrs. Rudell, Mrs. Me- Mahon; Ail White Arrange- ment, Mrs. S. Allun, Mrs. Mc- Mahon; B.owl of Roses, J. Riekard; Rase, i stem 'Hybnidl Tea, Mrs. S. Allin, Mn. Mc-1 ts Maihon; Flower Girl's Basket,! S~J. Rickard, Mns. S. AIllun;ý Special Occasion, Gwen Gib-i son, Mrs. S. Allin; Corsage.' Mrs. MeMahon, J. Rickard;ý Dispiay o! Pansies, Mrs. Me- Mahon, J. Rickard; Dieh Gar- den, G. Gibson, R. J. Rickard; Dish Arrangement, D. Brid- ger, B. Bridger; African Vio- lets, anc crawn, Mrs. H-. Hobbs, J. Rickard; Hanging house plant, Mrs. McMahon, Mn-. B. H-oogkamip; Flewer arrangement in cup and sau- S~ cer, Mrs. S. Allun, J. Riekard; Miniature arrangement, Mrs. S. Allin, Mrs. MeMahoin; Dec- '-orative arrangement for caf- ý ý E fce table, IMrs. S. Allin, Mrs. Thes tw yang adis wee potoraped uatafte thy hd cmpltedZweir; Arrangement in un- finesetoyuglde eepoorpe utatrte a ope usual container, Mrs. S. Allin, a iedisplay of swimming during Newcastle's annual. Award Night on Friday. D. Bridger; Living Arrange- -They are Andrea Ewert, lef t, and Anie Eilbeck. ment, Mrs. McMahon, G. Gib-, son; Centrepicce for Dinn",' Table, Mrs. S. AllUn, Mrs. Me-1 Mahon; Dniftwood Arrange- ment o! Flowers, Mrs. IH. Wate Sho an Awads NghtHobbs, G. Gibson; Beot Flow-' Aittracts Enthusiastic Audience Mhn r.G atn Newcastle-Each ycar the had neyer been into the pool they were given their awards Mahon:Sweepsadestr, .i Water Show and Awards before classes began this yearan a ticket which when pre- Rickand, Sweepstake Aster,i Night increases in papulanity ,and just within weeks, they sented at the refreshment Mrs. Rudeil; Sweepstake Dah- as C-ore and more girls and i too were cnjoying water and booth entitled theni ta a treat.i lia, Mis. MeMalion; Swcop- b;)s o! the village lcarn o! : the fun of splashing and A duet o! Synchranized stake Rose, Mns. S. Allia. the wonderful opportunityi kicking. The tiniest of this Swimming was beautifully oftered ta them ta iearn the'class, littie Sheila Munro, perforrned with gace and skill Section "B" correct way ta enjoy waterlyaungest daugliter o! Mn. and by Anne Eiîbeck and Andrea! Aster, White, 3 bloonts, Mrs. sports. Residents of the vil- Mrs. Ronald Munro, could just Ewert. Foîlowing this, a: McMahon, J. Rickard, F. Fer- Ia.g Iied il fur ide o!barely, on tip tae, manage ta chorus of lovely young ladies gusn; Aster, pink,3blos Waltona Pool on Friday even- ; keep her head out of the wat- took ta the water and their i J. Riekard, Mrs. MéMalian; ing, pleased with the children ier. Duning classes. she liad timing and skill was much Aster, cnimson, 3 bIlomns, F. of each class who showedita be carnicd around the pool, appreciated by the audience. Ferguson, Mr&,. McMahon: Aq-ý what they had been taught bylbut when it came ta floating Takin& part in this were Carol ter, pua p le or mauve, J. Rick- way o! swi.nming, diving and! an the board, or being assist- Lovekin, Alie May Munro, ard; Calendula, 2 bloomis, D. MUe saving. cd by ane a! the instructors lJennifer Gray, Mary Grace Bridger; Damia, deconative, 2, .Sam Brereton, Chairman of trying ta teacli len ta swim, 'Paterson, Susan W alIton, blooms, Mns. MeMahon; Dah-' the N ew ca st le Recreation thene wasn't anyone morelHeather' Hoar, Jackie Rice 'lia, cactus, 2 blonis, Mns. Mc- Comnmittee welcamed the par- eager. Froni this class the and Brenda Terrili. Mahon; Dahlia, show, 2 ents to the pool, and invited second and third Tadpole iBinging the pragram itoa a blooms, Mrs. Jose; One Tuber-ý a&U the boys and girls whoi dass penfonmed. 'close, Miss Lynda Eilbeck oui Begonia in water, Mrs. S.1 have been taking lessons ail' Faellawing this, Mn. Ewert prv1wa odsimn!Ala r.MMhn n c season ta sit just inside thc presented Mrs. Rice witliaa can do, with her water sala. Mahon; Lily, any variety, on&e fence. He then introduced ta beautiful corsage and said he 1Ntsa long ago, she was al stem, Mrs. Rudeli, G. Gib-! the boys and girls and the wa presenting it n ehaf Tadpoie, and now she assists- son, N. Hoogkam.p: Mar$gold,' parents, Bowmanville Chair- of Miss Eîlbeck and himselfwith the instruction. She en-! French, double, Mes. McMa- mani o! Red Cross Water and the 'Ring Around The Jays water fun and with ihon; Marigold, African, Mrs. Safety, Mn. Winton W. Ba9g- ýRosie Gang", this being anc perfection in timing and skill Sclimid, G. Gibson, Mrs. Jase. neli and turned the mike aven of the many games played by she performed with tremnend- Petunja, single, W. Farrow, to him. Mn. Bagneil said how the Tadpoles as a means a!ouigauns.D rdgr .Gbo;Pt pleased he was ta sec the having fun in the water. Lessons are aven now for nia, single ruffIed, Mns. Jose, icreasing intereat s h o wn ei wad another year, but the childrea J. M. Riekard, D. Bridger: th ~ ~~ Foliawing thnextads year no doubt will be Petunia, double, Mn.. S. Allin; amog îdenandadts'te Learn ta Swim, Beginners, ýlined up for lessons in double Phlox, annual, Mrs. Rudeli, wJiere swimming lessons weie Juniors, Intermediate andthnubstatweteeMrSAl;SavMs.J ofered, and cangratulated Senior Swimmcrs then took ta ithis ymear Eah yerethereM- RirdS llSi, M M Maho. the Newcastle instructars antewtr hydmnta- hsya.Echya h m ik d r.McMahon the work they hadt donc. Fal- e the water Themademonstat- portance o! swimming and Snapdragon, Mrs. McMahon,ý lowing this, he and tw)oathe c h rors ad ncc water safety is atnessed, and B. Bridges,, G. Gibson; Sweet-I memberu o! Bowmanvi le Red'class. Style and form werc imore and more corne ta the pea, Mrs. S. Allin, Mis. Me-' Cross, Mrs. Williamî Rud eil and ý ne uti wm stroei pool for Instruction. Mal-on: Verbena, D. Bridger, Mr. William WalIls he ped ta îeving was demonstrated, with,' Names o! those receiving1 G. Gîbsoin; Zinnia, large, Mis.: pésout awards. the senior dlass aima showing ,awards on Friday evenîng RudelI, Mns. MeMahon, Mrs.. PéSdiffenent wajys ta apply iirtI were not available at this Schsnid; Zinnia, pom pain, .At this turne, Mis. Jean Rice, ficial respiration. tm u ilb ulse sMs uel n.ZeuMs Swlmming Instructor, 5i aiu wl epbise sMs RdlMsaZer r. weicomed the parents ta tlhe After each cloi& performcd, isoon as we receive theni. McMahon, Collection of An-i A,w ar d Night. explainin g nuais, Mms. MoMahon, Mis. brlefly that lessons were bas- . Zwein, D. Bridger. ed finit on âge, and theni :+,.4'm~u Section "C" - Vetetables abilitY; that in the alider,1 mmw.u u lmm u ra Society Beets, Mrs. McMahon, W. * groupeaof uwimming, tests F arrow, G. Gibuon; Beanq, wpere based on a near perfec-ý The Newcastle Horticultur-1 pts.: 2nd hi.gest points in yellow or green, W. Farrow, tion. She explained aloo thatlai Society held their Annual! Flower sectlon-Maw. S. Allin, Mns. MeMahog, Mrs. lur- whiie the senior clans was Flower and Vegetatîte Show1 41 pts., J. Richard, 41 pta. rows; Carnets, Mrs. Burrews, larges- thon the number re- on Tueadiay, August loth, ini (tic). 3&î. MoMahoin, W. Farrow; cqlvlng awards, it was due Uic Cormmunity Hall. It wa&ý Highest in »lC-1 Cabbage, W. Farrow, Mms euec* again ta the age. Some a very good show considening tion -Wellington Farrow, 21 MeMation;-.Corn, Mrs. Sur- in that dlais were only 10 the adverse weathr eani pts.: 2nd highest in VegetaW1 rows; Cucumben, Mrs. Bur- - old and while great tions prevaillng throughout; se«tion.-,Mrs. L. McMahon, 171 rows, Mira. S. Allia, Mns. H. rèen swimmers, the âge ne-lt1 %tmer; net go good on' pts., Mrs. BurTowg, 17 Pts.i Hobbs; Onlons, pickling, M-. qulred was 13 and aven tai qiantiy, but good on .quality. (tie). MdMuahon Mn.. Burrows; on- pa*,,Êhe senior tests. ýManN' very good cxihbits werel J. Anderon Sith er>o-. ton$, wînter, Mrs. MeMahon Mrs. Rice, stili et the mike, shown. The supper was well ial Prize was won by Mr&. W.î W. Farrow, Mrs. S<*imid. calfed on the different classes, received. ueloaBaktfZins.Ppr.swtM .G.S- with the top pupils of each 'The foUlowing are the prize Rdl naBseto ina. per, seers. . G.ySte- c$gU thowiiig what they hadj winners. Iese prîzog wuli bh Gladioli Clamees - Open Mc' Àldaredduing he pst !w uwaded on Wodneeday even. Decorative Basket, not more row, Mi-. MoMahon, Mr-s. H. Vie.In the water tea îsilng, Auguot 3Zut. thon 26 apikes, Mrs. McMa-~ ob;Pnkn i.Bt smmers, wre Ms-s. Rice'. Highest Points in Show-! hon: Basket o! Glads. nat rows, .Farw;S uasW efflble assistants, Charles, Mrs. L. MeMahon, 93 pts., 2n-d; more thon 25, Mn-. Jose;î Farrow, Mn.. Schmnid, -Mrs. s. 1wsrt and Lynda Eilbeck. 'hi.ghcst points-Mrs. Stan AI-' Glacis, 12 narned varieties,' Alia: Tomatoes, G. Gibson, ris-st in the water were the lin, 49 pts. -M-s. Jose: Centrepiece, Giaî Mr&. S. Allun, Mrs. Schmid;1 vougen cithe -Tadpole% Clase- 1 Highest points in Fglower'til*,Mn-s.Mctahon, Jean i Market Basket of Vegetah.s, et theas childrma mctoa-àmuL.moaha.. 7@I1 RWXdi Vase et 10 AMiuî . i B" owu, W, Farrw. ORANGE JUICE 4 6JFL-OZ T#NS 89C 12-oz-tin 430 Ann Pa"e SALAD DRESSI NG 32-FL-OZ JAR5 9C CLA RK BMEANIS W kinh ek l @mu ua PEATUREPnom SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY. CANADA'S FINEST NATURALLY AGED RED BRAND STEM SEEf t:B E E F ROASTS +md BLADE ROAST BLADE BONE REMOVED lb BONEtESS RUMP ROAST ... BONELESS POINT S#RLOIN ROAST... BONELESS TOP ROUND STEAK «r ROAST .. . BONESS PULLROUND SEAK or IROAS. . . .1h SHORT or CROSS RIB ROAST RED HOTS PORK SAUSAGE PORK LOIN QUARTERS PORTERNOIJSE ,ROASI WING ROAST 8CM NE IDEWIS «RED MOTS" SWIFT SROOKFIELD SIC I NLEB8 CUl' INTO 9 TO il CHOPS 59C B59c b87C WaMhF4 ae.. .M.I , amaaa N. 1 Grode PRUNI PLUMI .a~~39C e 1 1 I #.Y',£ - -, APPLE PIE 24-OZP SOLO MARGARINE 15 PICGS 9c '111 BAR CAKE ~29c. « Rad Maven, Yellow Flash, No& i Grade, Ontario Ga-own, Froestone PEACH ES ét i79C CaaaN.1Gae.JagL»o« CaIifornia Mo1ir4ft",i BARTLETT PEARS "uBy Thom By The wg» 6 f«I9c "'Super-Ri*ght" M'eats-Your Best Buy! Fresh Fruits and Veget-cibles-1

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