The C"aadie stuman, 3ownvMle, Aut. X, 1lm Tê0! ~ti~1% A ML a m I DEADLINE FOR CLASSFFi~D Tuesday, 4:130 P. m. Bîtffis Engagement Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Work Wanted Iie EtefoSleReal Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale Real Estate fo ADAaI-Lida and Sam (nee Mr. and Mr.LenrI WATER for sale and delivered EE het rgstrd is CUSTOM combîning, new 1w AT 10 ACRES, building lots, with50AESwral. ' 1féo) wish toarannounce the Lucas, Bawmanville, announce Cail Cliff Pethick 263-2131 gertin and No. 1. Caîl John Deere combine. Phone L Hooey sra.BinCwel R 1 Georgre agnt blrth of their daughter Shel- the engagement of their 32-tf 6375. ___ 34-1 263-2764.. 4_1 Nestrea. ian C&78e-246 .R.1 33-iVfl.Phie lcktc 18y Leigh, 9 Ibs. 2 ozs., at Me- daughter Sharon Patricia, te REAL al nddeEre TSrokîgchirTîdCUTMANmDin TRbic 86420L3. m~ilHospital on August 18, Mr. Norman Allan Peck, son 1WTRfrsl n eieeTOrcigcarndCSO obnnbln NUAC W-erodbikbnao hn 2 r.C ek e-24 hour service, Cali 623-5756. Geographic magazines. Tele- and bunching. Cal 725-5934 obungalow PhoneC623-5309 p. E. 19tfpon 63726.3Peck,3-43.342 oWes-l -36LbetyN Subbard and Maternity Staff.1ton, Ont. The wedding wîî29-f pone623726. 23-264 rtyN. t and built-in stove. Phone Near HamptontnaceGi ta loceSMr tmr 17, 16 GRMS 28 cple etcell Etak ery22GLLN golnd od LEASorn26-848.sses!__34-23-ma 7264 - 6623e-231m4.rîeî3Corteîetr tsonpavd rad,8 yarsold at 4:30 o'clocJk in St. John'sicondition $20. Phone 263-2316. water tnvr odcn and coats. See Mrs. F. Ricard, BOWMANVILLE Reald-peace t;IBSON--Gerald and Berthi. Anglican Chuch, Bowmanvîlle. -- 34-1 'dition.Phn 623-2752. 34-1 Phone_623-3931. 33-.3 room, brick, good location, WRa Only 4 miles fr1 Ohw (eClr)proudly announcel REL-IABLE lady ---- - - 1- wo-u-]---- -baby- --- garage, good condition. Give W.FakRa *aeo ae od #he birth of their son Jaison DUS opeest ae ESetatmtcly hl EIBEld ol ay sacl nti oeyhm.LMDwl et3bd Eradford, 8 lbs. 14 ozs., August Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mercer "Broadway"'; made in Eng- you wait, at McMullen Hard- sit for a teacher, five days usacî nthslvllom.LMTow ll kptbedm bna ivso t lut, 1966, at Oshawa General Orono, wish ta announce the land. Good quality. Phone ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- a week. Phonie 623-7506. 34-1 BOWMANVILLE - 2 Bed- 21 King St. W., fowmanville'and' low taxes. 0w, niusomnil Hospital. Happy grandiparents engagement of their daugh- 623-3893. 34-1* ville. 34! CLÎEMENT Poutry-Çustomeraiusose. Ow 623-3393 ta seli. Askingprc$3,0 are Mr. and Mrs. WalIace ter, Sandra Elaine, ta Glenn BOAT, 4f. oo,16 6 YMH oo ie sdpicking, ready for freezer.e niutesl MmrOhaandwh$250oi Pholt.e Newcast4'65le 987-4353ie, sed1I1BLACKSTOCK AREA 4 MmbrOhaaadDistrict ih$,0dwn Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Earle, son o! Mr. Mercury 35 h.p., trailer, corn- eight months, excellent con- Phn ecsl 8-33 Bedroom frame, with large Real Estate Board Very close te ulcad MPEGOE utlt Lewis Clark, ail of Newcastle. 13- and Mrs. Allan Earle, Mill- plete for $675 or best offer. dition, $290. Phone 123M,-- --- lot, separate 3 roo apartmnent sreApasis-Ayieeparate school, 3bdomc,5ya-l uglwo 34-1 brook. The wedding will take Phone 623-7140. 34-1 Oroiîo. _ 34-1 WILL -look after children in Free ApralsahomeAnyhot - IeonFiay etebrwith bath. OQi 12scohme0o00tr et ½arewricpl ntitr linpce ono Fridyetembehrch UIGo sli- riur ITRS amssaesImy own home, while motherlterms. ny$200wh No Sale - No Charge ling, large lot.Asigrcestarsfo$80pr JAMES-Mr. and Mrs. Nor- 6tinOooUieChrhBUNGoseinfuntrPCTRS]aspcesvworks; Mon. -Fri. Telephorie' $390 ers man A. James (nec Joan 34-1 or appliances, caîl Elmer, ers, chesterfields, dining-room 623-51 27. 33-21* NEWCASTLE AREA - 4i Morttage Manies Avallable 1 B,9omavTesmot. skn$850Eay Allin), 154 Nairn Av., Lonedroptonframsnessath,-2largeane edan Refutesnce YourdrHomefBowmanvthlergNoWthn justnpossessionm don, a1eh94ptNairnove.,oLon- residence 263-2695.- 6-tf prices. Trade-in: Chetril A. B A A R S lot with pienty of shade. Pric-; So ItWilI 811 Ft autside the town lmtwl the birth of their son Ronald FRTgae laf ndc-lv chair, a space-saver foam rub- e esl a 1,0lit ens uiltranch stye nawl1 try3bdomh FDRST grade alfaloafand day- ber ffeead stetlp lECSTE NF dover 1,800 ft. lvn1pcwihlwtxs Mark, il lbs. 8% ozs., at Ste a.Wi vre tDrDnnwlsofc lleaean epabes. r.lumL>lng & fl tifg' bEWCASbLE - New, 3 Farms and Lniedc i ag ivnro, Joseph's Hospital, London* be closedi during the manth of erhy rt dete 4,Lots with cottage erected, on 'bdoomb r i e k bungalow, $6 0-0 cesokfn iiram inrt rnhsd TETO ULE m ut, nAgut1,196 August. c41,/o Canadian Statesmnan, P.O. 'Canal. St. John, Rice, Pig~eon 35 Nelson St. Bowmanville central, eicctric he at i ng,$60020Acesokfr ingomwt 34-1o Agst18 96.Box_190, Bowmanville. 34-lI adDîypeLk 3e 150Trnear Sunderland. 2- îng doons, clectrchaîg ce ul evcd]n 34-11 Dr. Ewert's office will be' ASYHri efpoeldro otgsfo storey brick home, 2 double garage and ayohrbree b tet;2soe ___ uus 3t ete-cmie 1'tbe horoughly iE$0RNonE4 iPERFECT ILE 1 Are bathrooms; 1 a r, g e extras. Large selddltbikbue rc an x NASH-Marilyn and Chanlie cbed Aincust13.ta 2-epe1-t10, tale, t $50 dwn, $47 m n t h I stream, on good road. painted barn, pond, with plenty of rio ahv eln ie are happy ta announcc the - ___--- verhauled. Massey-FergusonMurphy Furniture, King St. PLUMBING & HEATING Priced ta seli. stream. Excellent soil. a swimming poolinouow:CNRSTETlae2 birt af hei son ChalesDr. K. Slemon's office will Dealer, Little Britain, Phonei:W. Cal_623-3781. 34-1* Phn 2334 Rben ofChuck)so, Clbs 13be losed from August l3th 37. __ 34-tf Salene62-34 Ken A. Caverly - 263-2632 One of the best farms back yard. A s kingpîesoe eidtce oe R e ozo.,at Meoria Hospi1talet August 28th inclusive. -baycrge Cars for SalF0.. Box 1599 Lawrence C. White- 623-21581 in Ontario County.1 $31,900. Terms.Vednil-ii;grm,4bros n 34-1 LARGE Tenhistie -- - -178 Ontario St., Bowmanville Ernie Bradley -623-35601iTrs n otae grg.Mv ntmro Bowmanvl, 6.A Frdyotig- -for excellent condition, used eightl'60 CHEV. standard six, $450,1tf____341$31,500-83 Acre Lakeshorel 14 Years old, bikvne us lth 166 Abrthr orAnyone wîshîng ta bawl in months. Also car bcd, car seat cash. Cali 728-4260. 14-1 34--1aryFa mnertwo storey incahom egr ECSLadr3bd Helen. 341* 'C.O.F. League, starting Pr1- and infant seat, al like new '0.-m bungalow rinh lake _______ ~~~~~~~'64 MERCURY Marauder, A-l SEPTIC TANK CENTRAL N ew ca s tle. Goodi age, hot water hetigste.foaeirpaenda- day, September 9th, telephone 623-7304. 34-2 condition, $2,095. Telephone buildings. Terrifie This house can easl ecn g o onpyet THERELL Wane ad 62-356. ____ 4-1LARGE liquîd pump; 500 gai- 623-5097. 34-1 r 'TTDr n Jane Thentel are happy tae-_ONTARIO_ ou Tnono ilkvetedtaahouedro. 10 P.hwi hn announce the birth o! their Anyone intercsted in Taking Ion tank in Al condition; '63 FORD, black, rcd intënior,, WHITEWASHING STABLESeoritrac.$1,0 son Timothy Wayne, 9 lbs Of Pounds Sensibly, contact yaung hanse, quiet ta drive 390, 4-speed. Ken Nîmigon,' ET 1PKN TRUST clown. ;$18,900. Give usanof. HeeBrbrk-62715 2 z. nStraAgs . 329,single or ride. Ivan Mount- 623-2678. 34-1 * $25,000-70 Acres adjoiningNarigay3,4b-McheGaele-6-34 20az, 1on6,atusawagust T.O63.228. 6339,2325, 96-73.341 I---Phone Newtanviîîe 786-2552 Real Estate Dent. M os panrt. Canner raom two storey faebue rn akt 2Oh 16, tOhaaGeea-23224 4--oy 8-477.3-1-BRAZIL-bound, must seIl 1965 Cl olc 1t gipeets Hospital. 3-1Fan Fuller Bnush Praducts, KAISER aluiu i dinDdge_440__ Caîl Colîcet 41-tfpropenty. Ideal com- bigriplent shedand a 34-1 mnumsîng, oge 40 Polara atomatic 6,OFFERS . .. mercial site. Pond iano orar o. s-Mnla-iR2 caîl Elsie, Phone 723-0444. year anound comfort, repels goodi condition, 30,500 miles-, FRANK BRINKTeAcsad and 10 acres woodcd. îing pnice $13,000 wt 200___ Forthconiing South Durham, caîl Whitbylsummen heat, contains winter asking $1,500. 623--5483., 34-l* .inAce n Terres. dlown. Marig 668-6583. -.-,-28-tflwanmth. 20-year guarantcc.,1963 CHEV. Biscayne, 6 cyl., Trenching Home, Bowmanville iOnono, on town wtr ag 0hF _______________Anyanc wishing ta bawl on Larne A lun,- 1 Prince S t. 34-1 autamatic, radio, 57,000 miles, SEPTIC TANK $20,000-75 Acres o! gravel ravine buildinglo.Pie Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Wilson, the Tucsday Aftennoon League USED washer parts, matons, top condition; full price $1,195. Profcssionally planted land near Mospont. 'at $2,300. ELETELD Bawmanville, wish ta an- please Phone Donthy Colins, Beatty, Thon and CnosleyiNewtonville 786-2541. 34-1 INTLAONdafplendero-$800cw. nounice the forthcoming mar- 987-4868 on Marian Gibson appliances, nationally adver-il1962-CHEV. Impala-hardtop' Hampton 263-2270 chard with roomy modern $18,000-100 Acres, Kendal nvll -14FrnkSt niage o! thein daughten, 623-3972.------- 34-1 tîsed line of furniture. Paddy's sedan, white, original mileage ____ 4-tf hime, hare sprandf-d Hilîs. Stream, woods; 1 e~ Ptr Barbara Ellen, ta Mn. Jacob T hmI May ocr aket, Hampton, 263-2241. 26 000 6 i atmtie;ot-- p lohaf catspiong on handtop road. Ter- etP Everett Van Leeuwen, son of T hmI a ocr.34tf 1 ,, a.CVauom74c, ather C U S T 0 Mond. Ideal lctinjust rfeve flk.RAT LD - extras. Calih274W, Orono. - à-ùï;A'-t north of No. 2 highway onifciwo!ak.RAT LD,72-38 AIYFMNrho Mr. aend ofMrs. TAK aNOIChan t My iet ith ro woN l Wîgmet- I______ 41~ F A R M I N ýG third lne. The orchard is5,0 dwn1 103 KING STREE ATIOhw îhlremi Leeuwn, a Mapl Grae Cob Knan haîng lft m od, ith ock wol. ork-just corning into profitable $15,000-7 Acres in Village o! OSHAlAqOei2100yal The ceremony ta take place at domicile witbout justification, lmanship guarantced. F n e e Buy a No Risk Used Car frorn AT REASONABLE RATES bearing and increasing in- 0O r o n o. Excellent RATRSal lae.Ecletsu ibefraydbso consPhone 723-1308 corne for m a n y future building land withPaneltnesnorslig Church, Bowmanvillc, Satun- il o n ebso consPhone Ncwtonvilic 786-2256. At' ar.MvarIket eL.Epr di n evcs ers 31 nurdb e.--for BALING - PLOWING ys. xertie viadie fr pay-srvcs.TnmHampton day, October lst, 1966. 34-1 incuned by be . 38-tf where you get a 100 per cent SPRAYING, ETC. $serviceAce avaîlableMden tre b M.adMs dadMl33222ACRES ostning oats, iFree Service for 30 days by 15-tf nec yarmntwh stream; C aur tic e home with livingromsp-'!Hstimikcs.ul Mn. and rs. Edwad Mii- ___ 33-2'veny good cnap, has been Lcne ehnefo h present owncr. This isa gate, RR 3, Bowmanville, wish spnayed, will be rcady ta harv- a ASPHALT PAVING wneflopruiyfrare. Very sc0ernirte nn romlagmo-ine o!1cucr.Go ta announce the farthcoming 'SU}vMvER DOCTOR est about August 28. Make date of purchase. retired or part-time opera- Pares.Oly$,00cmthnone ena n ulig.Ptroog mil inaniaer ! teigyonoft offr.Phoe 63-150orSoshttaeRIneeEsryDRIEWY - WLKS tio. nic i riht.Cai u dwn.I athoomonmai foor 2canrucs sklow4n.00 daughter Irene Helen, ta Mn. Dre. Poe2325 rS, h aeuncs Ali Work Guaranteed now - you'll always bec ,0-0Arso hit bedroams and bahom nTes Stehenanr Brchr Drso G. E. Boulter 7281306. 33-21chances? Corne on in today $ Cntct000adyo6d0. Ars nee hrint- second floor, hot wtn~~ LCSOKAE,1 StehenHary BrchrdsonConact- gad ou id.masTre Laà ail heating, large, ncl MhrNwate h ee vemoriai Hospital TYERTRadrcsh 1a nd become .Iust another satis- SEHNF LS THE FINANCIAL ASSIST- 1eea t b o u sg .caped ltwt Ban, ecate Tecne egisters, dcsks, chairs, filing S"'U'TPne o ihtesgrg cefm ih9roe znony is tetake place on Sat- BOWMANVILLE cabinets. Terres, trades. New, ied enstomer. -TemsANTAROFTRUSTRWAL ueaSotlcksitonc ous wih blk oodr.iarg 1 ~~~~uscd, rentaIs, service. Bil I Cash - Trade- em Phone 623-54A10 ONAI RSTWL EatoBlksc. 'urday, October 8, 1966 at 3:00 OFFICE BY APPOINMENTHaitn Raglan (North of'9- huB tBwmnll _ 9t ELP YOIT SELL OR BUY. Excellent value. Williams on tra.Hs ab1ol on PHaNiltonawa) LIST WITH $ 3,300 &up-b0 Acre parcels i Lakefront cottagecope- Chunch. - - 34-1* ______ 5 Poe_2-06 __L OU urihd nl TYPEW~RITERS for students, with view and pond ly fribdicuigsoe BE AM 9 ce 6333ofiemesanpotbe,- hoo623-506 34-1' O LLYU Central TrustsienrTyne fridge, TV and 1ulln fwt lr oe rc oe Deaths ofiPetss ndprtbe ýCONSTRUCTION Phone 23227os73521teera 'dshesdcbalf.n w anLre tcm between neconditioned, 1 yr. guar. $39. NEW HOMES 1he623-25ot.oMustb3-se21. Approx.i75 acres wdrckble 33ROWN-At Memoial Hos- 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Filing cabinets, like new, 2- RParetAeatos After hours please cal' $ 1,200-Building lots in Orono 35Ace on ste Pied te p' ital, Bowmanvillc, on Satur- dnawer $24; 4-drawcr $40. PUREBRED Dalmation pups1 Remodeîling - Additions Charles Chaytor - 723-7996 on highway. Ennîskîîlen Ditit1i day, August 13th, 19866,Frank- OFFICE HOURS BillHamilton, Raglan. 314-tflwthout papers, femnale $10,' Cal Tom Houston - S68fi-4Â16Hme Ranch bungalow bu ieCRITA REFR Iin D. Brownî, aged 82years,iTuedyWdesday -mraleFEDFO AL $c15. Cal 987-4877, Newioh DAJllCast ith oh>rpsjn 7255067 $0,5-4BeHom years old wth doubeatcd10arswih6tesag cfMr.Liy hpmnOon.2 - à p.m. - 7 - 9 p.m. ___FRSLE - ___ 4-1623-2662 ______3- rc o e trygrg,3bdomlrefo cr on pn as ed rmam ow 28-8 CANNING FACTORY 34ocaticd.ho e t illymodern ktchen, nicecniiniaey400tesrayf ____________________ WEETCORNENSIAGE ivestck Fr Sae 34 Man extas. hrauhout larg lot100a 250mankt. Akinganla$4,0 Ptuneral Home on Monday, orRetDelîvered JGSEE oIdHee A K U G S ack Good termes. ift. Asking $18,50C0. on August S5th. Interment Omono Fo_____________ _____JA KBUGES___92-omavile nl 2 2100. Cemetery. 34 FOR boats and traier s1trage PHONE ford. Durham Fanms Ltd., OIL BURNERS - FURNACES R I C A R D $68-brickmbngilalosl 21 $2 hi i t1,00 TC AM 4 ce caîl 623-3243. 34-4 Newcastle 987-4727 ICon. 8, Clarke. _ 32-4* CLEANEDLd Retr by O'MALLEY CON- 'hsrnhbnao iha ade bu 0ha h COLLIS-t annt Gn-APARTMENT, beate-d,o-anc ___ ___1-2 LEGHORN hens, year aid, PLUMBNG REPAIRS STRUCTION L T D.f attached garage, : eros eraon.Tnefr eral Haspital on Friday, Aug- bdom hne6357.Ilaying 65%, each 85c. Nowak's PHNHA TO o mnil N.H.A. terres at 61i/ % 1spacious living rim ag od skn 2,0.Trs ust 19, 1966, Edward Ronald bdom hne6357. TV O ES CiknFrPoe2356.-,80cw.Ats Colinls, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, -34-tf O ES Chce amPoe23-56. HOE6A3 PONB2m151le F28as dot!Ac!suburban lot withpaian 63ARFRMwtne aged 36 yeaÉs, belaved bus- FAIRMHOUSE for rent, $80 $50 u ___ 41 2325 623-2503Fat! niccîy îandscaped. 5roc rc uglw I btnd o! Wilda Waodcock, manth. Henry Eikcns, Orono, OSHAWVA Auction Sales Mail Address: Coesin S. $16,500-OntarnSt. Boman 275 Acre DairyFri bn.tra.atywod dear father o! Connie and 9 r 20. 34-1______ _____ P. O. Box 543 - Bowmanvilleneson. ville. Close ta everv- Aot4mlsf Kevi. Seviewaseldin -TV SPP_ L-D WEELv odern 5 plex. Shows gnod thing. 7-raom Aot4mie rmBavr d nie asI thevMorrvi cue as hel i DUPLEX, 5 rooms, unheated, TV S PL L D.W E Y No.-1 N URS ERY-- SOD- 28C- return on investmnt. $53,500. storey brick home, ton, nc 2 strey brc hoeI 10 A R FA M it theMori ~unra Caplcentral. Possession Septem- Taunton Rd. E, Oshawa LIVESTOCK SALES' sq. yd. delivered. family room 16' x 20' with 4 bedrooms, acbna ag sae an ih Bowmanville, on Monday at ber lst, $100. - 623-7264. Just East o! Ritona Road No. 1 FIELD SOD 20e sq. yd. Onitario St. Exelnlem ow with 4 bedroon.Ra 2 oclck Ite met 3ow 34-1' Dial 723-8131 jat Durham County Sales Arena delivered Large brick home with sep- productive level Ioa so,2 I om d brn. pr g. Ak mavleCemctery. 3-1 -ý thDayr nlght - Bill Leask, Prop.- Orono - Every Thurs., 7:30 We maintain a complete arate apt. Only $3,000 dlown. $16,000-Newcastle, 1,104 sq. acres workable ,ibce RI AM 8 ce ILAD, John-At Memorial hCalves, Sheep, J. allA. Reid Lbry~.Hcîghts. bdomfor bee! aperations.Rao-wt odbidns oae Hospital, Bowmanvilie, o 63544.3- BE E F 0t!:SongHores anages 1-tf SERVICE Large double house in good bftalwhomei tvi60' hix arm woulcd. alsobda *high school teacher.96, foSonurSaleserManagers L BETHAPN bungalowelfo icoe20'.$,70 low6'. be riced.3Ca590 ohni-o pvdra.LagBtei John Ireland o! 5 Carlisle BASEMENT apatment, elcc- Good Steer Bec! wlth exeesJ 196,5 Massey-Fcrguson In- LA DSAIN ondii. Ie$5,r0ncrn020'5c70lown. e- 23590o4o8ohsnAkn.$000 Avenue, in his 58th yeam, bus- tniëally heated, anc bedmoom. fat removed before vou buy. dustrial tracter equipped with 623-7594 hm.3,0 on $15,300 &up-Taunton Rd. E. i728248341hrebdom-eaodspi band o! the late Mabel Cun- Available Sept. 1. Telephone HNS6h- RNS4e havy duty front end loader,____ 34-4* Ontario and Queen New brick homes byii'ee i eae ih4pe ningham, dean brother af Mrs. 62-736. - Oons341 IN SID9eS- FRONlb. 49endscaper and blade; rata- __ i Attractive, brick bungalow OCHONSKI. 4 homes bah Dolegre.Fn _____ SIwit 25bedoobs.$2,000down.nearnfg completion. PlrKwl r se e.ra.Lrelt H. Ashby (Catherine), Mrs. BUNGALOW, Oo n oams, Cut, wrapped and frozen tiller; modemn houschold furn- w.LV2.LOUflLJ$,O0yclwn Calo appointment I Oly 3,00 dwn G. Jackson (Margaret), O! bath, hydroe heavy wiring, No extra charge iture and appîtances, neaniy Backhoe Service Sunset Rd. ta inspect now. Lot REALTOR HTY omd -er Toronto; William a! New- spacinus eupboands, ail heat- Don't waste your oe on ,new: the property o! Mn. AndvauG castle. Rcsting at the North- ing pleasant location. Phone fat - Buy good prime steer beec! Kloos, Lot 6, East Whitby terniRANs.emombikbnalw7'x20' ayEEALISRNEaI rc ugao.Almd cttt and Smith Funenal Home. Onono 2228. 3-'W anspl lwrgaeTownship, 2 miles suh ! FOUTNDATIONS AND witli many extras. Close taeem. 1 igS.W.Bwavleen oneine xeln Johs Chuymch.ntermint t.cDRN4corne Kngartnd D of BOVVANVILerM.LEs ing Satunday, Augusi 27, at Phone Hilltop Drive ICave Road, Bowrnan- Tr Jowmanvi hch.Cemerthatmy. 34-1nemminateD- O MA VLL p.m. Terms cash. Jack Blackstock 986-4737 Large spiit-Ievel home withl ville. Lange lake- New Homes! e ae 1CU _____vison Appl s ms ar os I-OCE Reid, auctioneer. 33-2* ,~grg n iihdmc front lot. $2,000clw fn choice of new oe IEARA om Bow _______ FRIG ' r4-1oom.son. c aicem'slocations forCK'E yourfgiaie ndcdisIe½restorey'Icbricklcahome.f Foods, 14 Division St., Bow- -'Oeloigtetw.$470 1,02Bdrmbican _ i - Ovabei-Slooking the townhe. stuccone ahome near -spection. One left at17360Dul manvillTe udcr.ged2u-toner ILKERMAN $,0 oisuc hi e Others sîightlymoeBugag.Onlms2 PASOE, M 1n.nablSuddnlytmanvill.1324'_ ---- 'Âiii selI by public auction, ECA ATNGKedal tmnfi v 1'uneral Home, Oshawa. Fun- ~l oet hi d UPHOLSTERY--- Gas Bar; Snacks iin ayeta.Pcenders oralservce was held in SI. tives and fiends on Fniday, 1-nCmiainTPr~JNew Location 'W'anted (to a n fe .l.iQatn; aae ragd Gqorgo's Anglican Church, September 2, 1966, from 7 to, on rubber APPLY F'..'iS.LLcorner King and Division St.-Deug Gower 728-1005 Busy HighwaY. GC un ECSTE thhawa. on Wednesday, Aug-. 9, in Hampton Hall on International 13-run Phone 623-5252 HOUSE in Pont Hope or Baw- Andy Keys-- 728-0198 aven. $5,000 down.r î tIOE ulxwt w ot U# 241J' t 2 o'clock. Inter- the occasion of their 4oth Cemblisation os steel in the f ail 17-t! manville. Phone 723-5639. Rod Kruger - 723-7900 once.'daarmnu.Bt i îd mut Bowznanvlle Cemetery. Wedding Annivensany. 34-2' UTMBLN 34-1 clare McCullough 723-7843 $5,500 Pull 1voincs Eclln - .41-CSTM EDBACK FROM RG rshed, at least joe Barn"ei -723-5787 Older 2-bedroom hm nsaeo eenAkn WES.IaFrecR. NrngHome Forage Harvesters 19 THE TREN» HOLIDAYS 24' x24', for winter season. i2_. ulren-t any -At daMomoreal HOIPISI OW . CaOMAOse w/CefllHedUL anEdNGSEVIEPhono 623-5683. 34-1 PàtY 1377lre lont.Hadmna LaPotM.. ri a tomp1wu.,A ejbmoL?'o las Plek-up BL P DIN EVC ring Yeur Car in for a Ken eeun- 6 23-5055 tnt.mi xlsv me1on8Snda ks, o omg1om fersoluiesrandItes. aioalW/Cern IeaiHigh Quality TUNE-UP d& SAFETY CHECK anedtoBl oy Poster *Orene 821Me.igtI! m41r e Ph'ieOrono 71W. 33.10' oA AE TIE Brahes - Mu!! er - Etc. CHID'S ;n-w va 9g(o n.HHwardi jorder 65_- 5 Two ed grao galwwte.trHur i JO~ Wsk.; erc~al [iW..) Bl wrk doc by Phone 623-7107. 34-1' f pin5-3.3ateYcenrae. Na a LIVE Ai--r dneh GeorgeBetolI - in. MutVercnl. Onr o-DoadMonje 2331 ____________________ a Lqlpzenit CERESDALE Lîcensesi Mechmnu j LVEpoultry, old feather Port Ferry 985-2987 mMet oUf. Auîng 1,0,Gu eiu w033 Co. FERTILIZERS ~~~~~L1 'cks. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Beth- 34-1Maeoe.Dn'MisTi lfIMEbb 2315 L T ». ~~~~any. P hon o 7 r 13 collect. -__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e -î u e o g nu u * 9 9 4 9 MPOMvg EWATE -OT.Kn LW. VLA. OLD Home wanted byl___ u g A CenigToe oay-9578 c$1-0.Mat rm * ~ t .U~SNWATE -OT 5u t . NUD Owmanvlli0e pt. 1 or befone, bal! acre on PROFESSIONAL work 5gu a. e.-- 2-64 o avd.1 HtmU EMMM eut 182-t! ville. Phono 263-2557. 34-1 M2-3900. 8 418- --ý;u 1