CLASSIF IED ADS** fThanks In Memoriamn Teniders Wcmted Coming Events * DU tbànka taDr.LEWIS-In memary of be-ýc*à Annual Rota"y Car WaUh, Ubard the Kemorial loved husband who panaie Sept. 17, at Robson Motors HeId 'ln Bowmanville oeptal for the services rend- away Ju.Iy 2, 1983. - 1IAVIL Ld 33-3 1 i tO s urng oursty n e w tc ed hi sufe, ayEnnikillen Hot Turkey Sup- Autut ZZrd, 1968 lowed it to pas and in the and found Neil asleep behInd Rap .n7ne reî by day, etaWednesday, Nov. 2nd. Venerable Fraàcls Boker next hudf mile saw It go onto the steering wheel and Mûr- 1 e34-1* To tet hlm sowy pîne awy RESILIENT £eaî ie.3- otlnOeopIeadedtesuhsoiertretnspysle ntedthara the ni And could flot give relief. M onster Bin o. Thursday uilty to mega l p session f ad cross th e centre ine the rad. Thbe w ine w as con- T like to thank Dr. lis weiry hours and days of FLOORING nlght at 8 o'cloclc, sponsored a pistai. ..twlce, forcing a hait ton truck fi3cated. Neil had a]ready CK ,the nurses on sec- pain, by the Sunnyside Park, Red "ýOn Friday, August îeth, off onto the north shoulder. served seven days. onl for 'their klndness His traubled nights are '..iJIÂfl.,,PIRfl Ban. North Oshawa. 39-tf Constable M. Joynt received a He stopped the driver and DnilSlow.frney nd l b. urke. tonUC passed; BOYS' TRLAINING SCROOL Barn Dance et The Wheelceau to Twin Oaks Motel on found hîm to b. inWsired. Port Perry, ws fined $15 and W, e ' Mary Alce Dough- And in aur aching hearts we Ags 27. Music by Norman Highwiy 11V', testifled Cor- Tr hitear w eto e Wyadcnao iedyfrpbi nihosand frlends know SEALED TENDERS will De Meeen and Western Four. poral E. J. Crough, OPP, "re- r.Cisetknt h OeP intoxication Au gust 2Mt. an aSpeial thanks ta Lec He has found sweet rest at recelved uritil 3:00 p.m. (E.D. Admission $1.00 per persan. garding a iioating. Investiga- office. Chief B. R. Kltney stated that an olrô y lor. 'Tiran ilsetta kaw wll ndyAuit8h,16 34-1 tion reveeded thet Mr. Booker, T h e r e Corporal E. 7. the accused had been found muIrd.ntTiTaylor, misonFr nk lait.T) Ori _________________1___his wlfe, sonanimd daughter Crough, who ha, over 18 yeaiz on the boulevard on Queen Goldie Fowler. 34-11 meet again, for the Supply and Applica- Waadview Cammunity Cenltre hîd arrlved about 2 a.m. andid n police work, confirxned Street sud lied to b. carried Where parting in no mare,ltion of Vinyl Asbestes Tle in -Manster B i n o Twenty booked inta the motel. Me. Canstable Yardy's opinion, ta the cruiser. To ail the neighbaurs and1 And my dear husband I loved the Boys' Training School, games-twenty CIlars; flive Booker asked bis wife for the MT. COhuistie exiplained that Jack Corbett, aged 46, alsc reen t ewelBowmanville, Ontario. j ackposthandt ollars;ot$150 pistol which she took from he had had a long day, leav- pleaded guiltytapbii- tHhom orn f Mr. and Mrs. Has oniy gone befare. Tender Documents may be $250.poado jackots a t her purse. He lntended to put ing home eariy and drivlng toxîotin August 20th. Con- expres our sncere ppreci- him, much Imiss otainedfrom Rom 663, De-u250.rDorie riiz ew..Nettiseun-r ho Hdinâw.Itacc-ete Hlieito, wher lie tans- vction roagfianfineff$$1 Wm ak, w wuldlie týGd now hw hI mssopatment f ubi c Warks63 , - ohaa8 . m e Brderitly discharged, striking acted sori business, and on and costs, or five diys.A exprLess , wsnerewould l - ike ta God knaPubles ho MOsawday p.m.,Re -Bari tien for tht lovely, useful glits He counts the tears I shed, Whitney Block, Parliament Mr. Booker in the littie fingler the way' back he dld some charge of illegaiI possession of Which were presented te us. And whispers, "Hush, lie Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario. Plan an evening in the of his lef t h'and and aise business in Toronto and in liquor brouglit a furtiier fine ~ManY thanks ta each andj only sleeps, Telws raytne charming atmosphere of the striking Mrs. Booker who was Oshawa. There he met tw ofa $25 and costu, or five more Yourhusandis. otd )a. Thecles ry ted r Saiiors' Lounge at the Flying tsken te Oshawa General former arrny friendsand they days. Sue and Bob 34me.1* s hm ay, se e , noty Dutchman Motor Hotel. Danc- Hospital.- went ta the Lancaster Hotel Constable L. J. Di-yden's re- Halmes. sam hay, soeie , yee J. D. MILLAR, ing 9 p.m. ta 1 a.m. to the The corporal added that the about 4:30. He left at 8:30, Port waS thaRt he found the I aldlket epes y The face I laved so weli, Deputy Minister sterea music of Aubrey Hoilis. pistal was registered with the driving east on 401 intendipg acoused at the intersection of 1hankuld ta e ressiL.o.L, had cay, s p, Reair s 33-2 For reservatians phane 623- Oregon Police Department to Stay overniglit with one ai Hîghway 35 and Highway 12 cardsanmd visita. Special And neyer say farewell. R p ir Plan ta attend Blackstack clare it w'hen entering Cari- on Bennett's Road. mer Ehirt. tak ommeso ...-Always remembered by his Fair, August 27. Parade 12:30. ada. Mr'. Andrews, a used car Raiph Fortune appeared for 16,L.O.B.A. 1244 and Brandi wife Rose. 34-1* GUARANTEED televislan and Ladies exhib i s, iivestack, Magistrate R. B. Baxter sus- buyer for Ontario Matou' sentence on five charges pre- 178, Rayal Canadian Legion, i radio service toalal makes. horse races, etc. Dance at pended 'sentence for one year Sales, canflnmed thl.s story. viously heard. Terry Kelly, for giftsanmd acta of kindness. Television Service Co. Phone ngt Roy Gadfrey Orchestra. and ordered the pistai con- Conviction brought a fine C.eakiî for Ed Wildm Also specimi thanks to Dr. PARKER, William KevinlIn 623-3883. 52-tiFo prize îîst or further in- flscated. of $50 and cents, or sevcn sai tht hs 1ie t lwasmar Siemon, nurses and staff of loving memory ai aur dear formation contact Mrs. Geraid Trarfic tickets were issued da3's. Thtre w'as an automatic ried with one chid mand ecm- Mem orial Hospital during my littie graridsan and nephew Watch Repcd.ring Kelly, Blackstack. 30-5 with Constable G. H. Harder, suspension of license for three ployed. Hugh Murphy. 34-1* August 25th, 1962, age 14 Certlfled Watchmaker of M N T RBNd Spptble J. D. Coc, OPP, on, Traific tickets: (Constabie sentence for two years and months. Canadian Jewellerm Assn. THURSDAY NIGHT, 8 o'clock ground patrel, to Edith Mar T. A. Yardy, OPP) Fred Bil- ordered ta repart te the pro- lincere tiks ta eers yT have ioved him and held Sponsored by the Junior ian Atkins, July 14th, Hîgli- lett, Juiy 8th, faling ta stop bation officer once taci sInwallie tank oeprs y o arr's e ler Chamber cf Commerce waY 115, sPee.Jing 75 miles an ata stop sign, Highway 35, month. He will observea who sent cards, flowers, gifts Tehaveclsenhssed 9Kn î .JUIE AIlN heur, $15 and costs, or five $10sand costs, or three deys; seven o'cîock curfew. The and visitred mewieinted i s tears, O SHnA WA 8-tf days; Larry Simupson, Juiy 15 Russell McKinnon, July 811h, bond was placed at $500 and has0pital. Speciai thanks te Hlihway 115,folaing 1ý Highway 115, stopping an tic Fortune was warned net ta orn cezenre ndsafT heard his vaice, Refrigeration closeiy, $15 and costs, or tive travelled portion of tie high- associale with James Robin- onSurgical Floar; special Ths r i hnsw emivleMde-uele days; Paul Lewis Picard, Jl Way, $30 and costs, or five son or Jack Chambcrs or rid on the work at home dur- treasure and remember and O.M.H.A. - at the 11h, Highway 115, speeding daYS; Constantine Bassias, others with known records. thnkg t my a i y hosp ar-n las p la ceSrie Lo sC nr 73 miles an hour, $15 and July 8th, Hlghway 401, 80 Crown Attorney G. F. Benny- lngmysty i hsptalmn away. r.Lios enre carIs, or five days; Phîilip AI- miles an hu, $20 anid cs, castle askcd that theu ternis si ertrigmaRe. 34] rd inGrdparts, Cmeca udDmsi a. et 4 leri, July l4th,HtghWay 115, or five deys. (Constable L. J. be strictly enforced with oee Mae Rid. 3-1 Gandmaand Gandp Bate, Comercil andDospeediSt., Spt. milesdinan2 maesoanyurOPP)nyGeorgeeorgre. crah resuitut i imimbeing Aunt Lîdge and Uncle Hank, Refrigeration - Milk Coolers DODSWORTH ORCHESTRA $25 and costs, or five days.' Fisher July 201th, Highway broughl back te face these W#*ZW.%1d like toeprs Aunt Wilma, Uncie Bill and Phone BERT SYER For reservations caii Donald Merlin, 35 Brock 401, 75 miles an heur, $15 mand charges. 1 Our slnéere thanks an p Aunt Linda. 34-1 Days - 623-5774 HOWARD CORDEN - 623-7214 Avenue, Teronto, ciiarged costs, or threc days. James Cowling, who ap- preclatian ta relatives, friends, Nlghts 623-3177 ____ __ 34-1 with careless drivi*ng on the Lewis Taylor, Curve Lake, peared last week charged with neighbors for their many acts rTW T?<I1 Lt SxiCnesion of Darling- was convicteci cf iliegal pas- darugereus driving, was given 41 cf indica, epresios a TAT-m lovng cmoy a Lader Harwar taJune l8th, pleaded not session cf liquor, May 28th. a 60-day jai sentence and an SYMpathy and floral tributes, Jack Tait Who passed away and ELECTRIC TOUR guiiity. He was rcipresented and fined $50 mand conts, or 10 order was issued proiibiting duig u ecn os fa uut 6h K. Stubington, Newcastleý days. him from driving anywhcrc Dolg ohr. Thanks misa ta Go2dItook i illhme Wanted of NE~W YORK Whe is huiseif recovering Conistable T. A. YardY, OPP, in Canada for lin-ce years. frcm a matai' vehicle cci- teîd tie court hie slopped mn Dlor sa f o Mc enze, orene Znd But i as His will; OCT. 7 te OCT. il dent. e sbound car on fighw a v 401 F N U L T Pital, Rcv. Walter Rackiam He liveti still. Cash o the Spot B u RAN -AR Irenec ee 4 uhnadludtedie idbe and the Morris Funeral Home. -Lovingly rcmembered by for Dead or Crippled Farm OPTIONAL SIGHTSEEING Avenue, Oshawa, said sie drinking and on tic seat be M RMETSAN The Hockaday Famiiy. wife Amy, son Jerry and Stock. Picked up promptly TU YMOEL aAesbudonttSxh iehm a nRpr ot 34.* Mrle 341 Tleponecoleet263272 JConcession, which is a grave] o vodka and two full baIlles 4L".I#.«M *W. flt Margwill Fur Farm TRAVEL AGENCY road, when she saw the cther of wiiie. aumRDLKe CEUiT a eber T 1.RI A TYRONE 2 King St. E. - Bowmanviiie car appraaching from tie Wilson Mlan Neil and Ed- Pliant 623-3361 te RMARWest on the wrong aide ai tic ward John Murphy pieaded 0FSTAFFORD Licence No. 4-C-66 Poe62-31road.Si uldae an311'O gnxcad Dinhic sdDitic~ve1 ESCORTED TOUR stTicp accused and two uncies Conviction brougit a fine of JWAdUI Deadstockad D Service intic car, Ernest mand Wil- $25 mand costs, or five days, t1 0 DWM Deadsock SrviceNashville ]iam Merlin, testified thteci iman. Neil was fined $50 !S1Dd Monr-ments-Fiat MarkersHighest Cash Prices for Dcad T n ese ftic wreonTlhicyron seen dayos, orhen he ciaimcd MULTIPLE LISTINC SERVICE ln deiigna for any need and 1ipý1ed Farm Stock T n eseo h od hywr nasvndywe ecane tfodBohr 152 Simeote St. S.. Oshawa BURRETT FUR FARM Sept. 14 - Sept.- 19 fisiing trip. tic pa.rt quart cf wine found LIMITED Oshawa & District Phono Long Distance Cntbe .Canrs ,intecr Re!E tt oid723-1002 - 728-66271 Zenith 66550 (no charge to you) GRAND OLE OPRY sttdthth ardaI 9 Cntable L. J. Dydn's e- 77um ni Office EveninusDp. gl.Li.N. 3--65 incorled ne $200 t6 ecdicar. H. added bY a citizen ta tie intersec- Box 133 ___________________________________________________ 2-tf Wrie o Teephne hat the rear tires on tic lion of HIgl.way 7A and Scu- 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby -- COLMER Sucee car wcre sunk down in- gog Road, where a car had PoeWib _____thel gravel and tial debris been criven inta a private MOhawk 8-3552 - -- ~TRAVEL SERVICE was aln thc north sie 01 lane. He arrived at 10:30 p.m. UTHE TOOL WITH THE 14 Orchardview Blvd. te wro50mud im dollars cThefinowst,5evnday nO R T ineOTT Tel. 623-3265 dlascss rsvndy "LIFETIME GUARANTEE"fi _2-3_ORTE_____S 32- tre4e, FortErie, was convict- d cf Illegal possession cf --Help W anted liquor and fined $50 and1 BABY-SITTER, ta ive in costs, or seven days. ON m H C Phne35639.d ea4-1, ConstabTeOJW N - C H E C 1< PLUBER Gold eatngNowak véhicie an Highway Here's Newcastle, 987-4223. 3.2* 401uc7 and found lie - CENINO woman, ever 21. driver iad been drinking. N the~~~ App1y Bawmanvilc Hatel. Four full pinta cf ale were onro )IitT 34..1* tht front seat. REGITERE NuringAssa't Traffie tickets: (Constable ant wanted for private, 30-biJ.CamrOý unMc nurînghoe. hon 63-757Artihur, Juuly l8th, Highway FO NnurOinghoma:Plone 63-If7 01pedng75ls anhour, SIZZLING ' YOUG omn t lvein and lwihglir in a Volvo) sain * mu ~look after tirce children for limead lceri ie -ta r esaw rsnop! I newcek i Sepîcîber. Wrie u, $5 ndcss, or fiv 1966 Ford Galaxie Canadian Stalesman, PO Box way 35 improper lcft turn, 4 I LP I1190, Bowmanville. 34-1 JUly 141h, $10 and costs, or 4 Dr. naraiop EXPERIENCED salesman for Vwo day,; Sylvester Yan tic, Deo taoV-,utm icClo growing Ford dcaiersiip in driving lefI Of centre witiin Antique Bronze, whitewaIl tires, Wiitby, Oshawa, Bowman- 100 feet of an intersection ville area. Contact Mr'. Stu Highway 115, five dollarsan poe trigcuomad, MaItsSales Mgr., M costs, or Ibret dav . -speed wipers,......... Donald' Ford Sales, 219 King Thoimas Joseph Christie, wheel discs. 4 1 muid May1 h.Ternc.Kell,-QC.1 -MU" ïStc E.acted foriltie qdefils;. I[TÎIO CanadIen Statesman, Eowmanvtfle, Aug. 24, 19W 18~ N. Remerve the. Rlht to tLi mitQ aties PRIME RIB ROASI 751b FESH LEAN LEAN MEATY7 OME -MADE Pr ok SAUSAGE Pr ok 59 lb.33 b Fo uI3 UI FRESH DAILY Peaches BasketO f FRESH SEE Radishes SEE ireen Onions RU1 3Bc 25, 2 P29c SAVE 13e MCVITIE & PRICE FINE QUALITY ~GBISCUITS O~$5 5KG.$10oo ASST. FLAVOURS SAV E 45c MIX OR MATCH DYKSTRA'S FOO D MAR KET r King St. W. FREE Deivery Bowmanvlle ZlOP AND SAVE PHONE 623-3541 '<OME F QUAL=VTY.» )PEN THURSDAY and FRIDAY MTLL 9 P.M. DEALS IN OU ýELLmOUT 1966 Ford Custom 2«I J ni, r'. if r r <r e -t t- - J;:: i..- Dr. n mi~IÙ N.82Obtllexperîcrice. w r ite, sithng sdence, qualification require- '~AU Sondr AfoihmjtTi qualifications muid experiencemots and application forma 48 I fayt r Gea. Vice, Chair- se poster on dlaplay ai Na- r4%. .iT~----:~Ne. 2818 mari Library Board, P.O. Box tional Employment Service 1 6 odC so . r 1 I1300, Bowmanvilce, Ontario. and Poil Office. Apply 11W- 19 6Frdndoi mr Drift Pou 34-2 MEDlATELY to Civil Service andSpw Ne os EURE o: oric e.Commission, 25 St. Clair 6 cyLVl. egin 2-»ee N.87iiREQDafr : S Ch oucretice Sec-Avenue EBat, Toronto 7, Ont1 Serial 227270 s2 98 Lie7J 1,ip. work part time evenings and Quote Competiten 6-T-1138 OWO 0Nw me. I 60 emb tandSaîurday mornings. Please N. l6O.ebtudappîy in writing, staîing ex- Teachers Wanted VISIT OUR LOT TODAYMN the undersigned by 5 p.m. Manvers Township perince muidualict ontaM» 29th. M. A MacLeod,- Administrator andSchool Area Board Scrcli -Tr ea s ur er, 181 . REQUIRES SHA A W OD ROD CTS ChuchStreet, Bowmanville, To Principals CET 'UTC EXPERIENCED sccretary for for Two-room Sehools SB P'IN C NT E LTD . CEIngtori Public Scliooi Board, fr Mdm O eR o eela * 72-187 72-161 MSchool, Hampton. HaIf-time A flCw 16rm (entral r iîtion with same extra School wiUl replace &Ul prisentBOMNIIE Ji '% olùlrs. ~~Duties ta commence W110613inl 1967. Salary sehd-21KIGS.E OMNLE about September 12. State ale in effeot. Appit, statin otctOeo urCutKs aenm AL.LOfW 1) qualifications, experience and qualiflitOua, exPu-toce Md CnatO.o u oreu aem 'references to H. R. Moorcroft name 0t1 " I Inectur, te: BUDDRY GKEfi 'Alimior The Nome To Build On' jsupervisinLPrincipal, R.R. 2, ERT Y owmanvI ; Phono 725-0133. Nu. DOROTET RBRI$TOW 33-2 I1 R . JANTVULLE. ONT. le liThe Cma&»'%temm, Bowmomffle, Aug. 24, IM la-" ta