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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Aug 1966, p. 6

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t MW. Oaadiam statnm BowmaavlA 8,1 ~Sunied by E.V. Hoar NMembers of Rotary Club- Viit th e of the Rotary Club Eowanllewus this ~svce lub gusispeaker at . m Jmhenmeetinig on Fr1- Uaugust 101h. HeIl e fhed a mont lateresdn ~8 etog of a recent tour Whec e and Mrs. Hoar made SI1.Orient. Jack Bryson, Chairman of FPeflewshp and Club Ac- lisCommitte., lntroduced 'nrasReg.¶v!cFadden, front bare red Aiskett, Belle. vil;Ken Dcsmarteau, Co- frugand from Oshawa, ohn Morris, Merv. Cryder- Jlm McCansh, Hayden nag erey Manuel, Irln.Thcsc guests cordlaliy welcomed by c nt Bob Stevens on b.- ffitheClub. Tee Bowm anvllle Rotar- .ris:Stew. McTavlsh, Forbes REyland and Harry VanBelle, ~Who were thus week clebrat- 4jng the anniversaries of their natal days, ecd received -bandsome boutonniers from »cPresident, and were re- pidwlth humorously rau- cous renderings of "Happy » irthiday To You", by their bllow Rotarlans. ýAL. MacLeod, who recently 'Vacatloned in Bermuda, pre- bctd to the President a =aner from Uie Rotary Club êf St. George's, which lie had e lved in exchange for a el n leReay banner ,presented there. He aise re- beived for his home club a #ecshly mlnted Bermuda OBITUÀRY ORVILLIK JOHN BOB 'fre death occurrei suddcn- Au gust 6, 1966, of Orvilie JonBoe, of Seagrave. Mr. Boe ta survived by lits wlfe, the former Reta Sleep; * daughter, !vfr. Rose Dow- don of Port Perry, and a son, Carl cf- Kingston. Also sur- viving mr two brotliers, Wil- bon H. Bac of Btaverton and Doaald Bee cg Bowmasxville. Sewas predeceased by -a is- ~MoeL Garnt Roberts- c Y. The funeral service was beld at the Mcfermott-Pana- bkrFuneral Home, Port errAugust MU. Intcrment 1sI Pine Groyve Oeantr, 7rneAlbert. >y peovids Sound lMo mmmSprotocb*=. l wouas &&.wdoe! tuday f l id.aaboa STUART a. JAMESZ 'ZER ONNIRLSURANCEC 84 KIng t. IL. Oui" q88-m88 Bowmmavmhl Residege' crown. Mr. MacLeod later vialtcd the Hamilton, Bermu- da Rotary Club wbo com- mlssloned hlm to extcnd their gpo wihes te Bowmanvillc Rtrasupon bis retura Harry Coche, Chairman cf Bownianville Rotary&s Civîc Af afru Commlttee, reportcd concernlng thc Rotary Park work -Party held on Monday evenlng, Auguet iti. Twenty- two Rotarians asslsted on this occasion and thir activities were niainly devoted te the removal cf legs from the area, of the stream, and to the con- struction ef a barbecue pit. Mr. Cooke lndicatcd that con- siderable useful work had Ibeen accomplished, and tiat thlngs werc deflnltely taklng shape at the park. He went on te anneunce Uic next work larlt on Monday cvening, Auut22nd, wiich, ho stat- cd would be foliowed lmn- mediately by a corn roast la the Park area to whlch RB- tarians' wives were aise invit-ý ed. Durlng Uic lundheon perled Al AllUn, cf Uic Rotary Special Events Committee, distribut- ed tickets to all club members prsent te be soid for Uic Rotary Annual Car Wash, Sat- urday, Septemnber 17th. Thc Car Wash is an important tund-raising endeavour of tliis Service Club in their program et philanthropic work. It was ncted that tic tickets bear the slogan: "lHelp Us To Help Others". In lits Introduction of Mr. Hoar, Ross Strike, Chairman ef tic Programme Committee, described Uic guest speaker as a native cf this area who had become nationaily known as a transport tycoon. He added tiat Mr. Hoar had attained this prominence la lis chosen field as a resuit eofliard work; and further that he was a bosiness executive wio work- cd with is empicyees and cnjoyed trouble-free relations witi them. Mr. Strikel, wcnt on te describe tic speaker as onc wlio iatterly liad biossoni- cd into a world traveller. One who, on hie recent trip te thc Orient, iad doncis home- work, and thus provided use- fui background information for tic travelegue to be pre- sentcd. Mr. Hoar, with Tom Reider as projcctionist, kept ii audience intenscly interestcd with his views ef important places vlsited; principaily la tic norti and south islands et New Zeaiand, and wiUi uis in- formed commentary. He stat- cd that Uic tour, entirely by air, cemniencing last Fobru- ary, extended for a period cf two -nmuhu and touched suci4 points enroute as Honelulu, F44 Japan, New Zealand, Au- stralia, Tahiti, and finaily Los Angeles and Las Vegas in thc United States, before Teturn- Ing home. The vicws of New Zeaiand were cxpertly photo- graphcd and espccially wfl chosen te depict thc lite of New Zealanders, Uic natural resources',and Uic beauty of this Dominion. Mr. Hoar's pietography of Uic thermal region, and liii description of iow thermial heat, producod by boallng streams, Is empioy- cd industrlally and domestic- aly was a igiliglit cf tuis Intnlguing travologue. During Uic kaleidoscopic view of this intcresting coun- tzy,,.mad tic speaker's com- mcntary, this reporter quiclc- ly notéd the follewlng tea- turcs: Tic very rugged moun- talas la sections et bath. North and South Island; Giow Worm Cave in South Island, witi glcwlng werms, like tire-flics, on tic roof et tic cave; vil- lages cf tic Maori tribes - there arc five suci tribes - (the original inhabitants). Thc speaker described tiem as a liandsomc and Intelligent race, wio eten do weil in business. Hugie geysers whici erupt about twice daiiy; a thermal eiectric plant, eperat- cd by steam eut of thc earth, led la by Pil e Uine fram thc "bore" a huge monument erccted te tic memory of John Campbell wio brougit Marina sicep te New Zea- land, Uic only varicty wiici thrived there. Slicep teday arc tuis country's main expert; rainbow trout two and one- hait feet long -sounds like a Itha (ni.. lm absotaybu .~eb ..W$!,~aSd md edelichm 0« Ne s.u» poepl ~ Rles Mt Jimfer MaI fiai, story, dccsi t net? Tcm-. perature ia the North s1~ neyer bclow 36 degrees fabrea- hait, Set Island sometimus ha$ tghit froit. Paut Presideât Ted -Mina moVcd a vote cf thanki te the speaker for bis lnteresting and Informative address. la tend- crlng this motion te MUt. 1Har Prosident Bob Steveng mon- tione4 that the speaker'. audi- ence tsC-tlibteughly 4oyed lits splendid commentary gnd ii excellent piotography, and ail were happy to wel- come him as a former mem- ber of thc Rotary Club of ,Bewmanvillc. OBITUÂRIES M.19O98 DICKINSON Thc death of Harold B Dickinson, aged 57, of Ne castie, occurred suddenly. Monday, July 18, 1966, Margaret Lake where Mr.à Mrs. Dickinson were vacitV Ing. A son cf the lite Bena Clara (Greenaway) Dlcklns the deceased was born at1 home farin, west of Port Ho- at Port Britaîn. He receiN lits education at Port Brit Public Scieci and Port Hc High School. On October7 1933, hc marrlcd tic fori Mari orle Cowan who survi' Mr. Dickinson lias resid ln Newcastle since his = niage. Proprietor of a tru( ing business, lie aise was e: ploycd during tic wirI menths by the Department Hlghways He was, at c time, road superintendentJ Clarke Township. He was a member of1 United Churci, and was i a member cf tic Masci Lodge, A.F. & A.M. Att time of i death he was member cf the Council of Village of Newcastle, and - aise a member ef tie Reci tion Committce. Survlving, besides his wi are two sons, Ronald Oshawa and Ben cf Orono. sister, Mrs. T. W. F. Speni (Norma) et Clarksburg, a survives. Ho was predece cd by his parents, an o]c sster Edna, and twe broUie Murwin and Carilus. The funeral servicev heid tram tic Morris Fune C h a poe, BowmanvMle, Thursday, Juiy 2lst, ando conducted by Rey. E. C. Wc land cf Newcastle. Intern, was in Bondhead Cemete Newcastle. Pallbearers were Mess Jack Holmes, Lewis CI& Clifford Fiintoff, Austin Tw or,.,,Çouglas Cunninghiamia Art Young. Aniong the many beauti floral tributes, evidence of1 esteeni la whidli the deceas was held, were those from 1 Reeve and Council, Newcast Recreation Committee,1 partment of IHighways, Y. Deprtment, Durham ChE ter O.E.S., Durham Ledgo 60, AF. & AïM.; Newcasi United Church, Bridge Cli General Motors,, Canadi Tire, Bewmanville; Fricz and Neiglibors of Newcast Cottagers at Margaret La] Elnihurst Hotel, and tic Fis lng and Hunting Club. JOSEI'H THOMAS BROV IThc Village cf Ncwcas was saddened Monday, Augi Ist, by the passing of Joe Thomas Brown in his 5S year. Tom, wio was la poar hlati for tic past elght years, passeti away uuddcniy at his home ater only five wecks of serieus illacus. Tom was tour years et age when le and his parents, Mn. anti Mrs. Matthw Brown,. left ilicir lhome laWavcrtrec, Iàngiand, te settie in New- castle, Ontario. His parents predeccaset i hm some years past. Hie matieis home ln New- castle for 55 years and here he met Betty Mary Garroti whem lic married on Apnil 2nd, 1932. Tiey werc blcssed wlth tirce childrcn. He began is apprentice- ship as a cabinet maker at tic J. Anderson Smith Box Factery at tic age et 15 under Mn. J. Anderson Smith Sr. and was an empleyee of thls flrm until is death. He rnafor and was eiccted te thc Council ef the Village of Newcastle in 1948, 1963, and iad just accepted re-appoint- ment te Couneil. tllling tic vacancy ieft by tic deati cf Councillor Bose Dickinson. He wms affillated wtt Durham Lodge No. 66, A.F, & AML, and was a member et St. George'sAmiglicn Church, Newcastle. Besides i*svite and many friends, Tom leaves te mourn liii l03s two dugters, Joan (Un. George Sukclhlag), Of Chlppawa; Judy (Mns. Bon Hope), Newcastle; a son, Bob, of Newtonvllle, and five grandcliildren. A Masonic service was held ln thc chapel Wedncsday ev- The fumerai was lield Thurs - day, Aquus 4th at 2 pM. frcm Uic Morfla FuneralClapel thRe .D. PL Dcwdn.y Intermcnt. was lan St. Cbms etery, Ncwcastle. 0ZC aren wore Mbssis NOeM iAlla. Laurem « aie Zoo Smith PFrd Gaeo MOU Mareu miand niGry Tb*e many omttul oe ama the datonW t eb esêsom tu wbich To wu1 WýMe MUW bcm the J. AaiuuS o 511hCo. Ld Lege no.SaF. W à3*0wm> Winnîng -"-WiId West Flô ai" Penny Fair- Parade Grim Reaper Hones Scythe For Labor Day Weekm-end, 2r The second of Uic 1966 score la traffic deatis, in- ick- U.S.-Canadian sharcd Suniier juries and property damagefl. em- Holiday Week-ends cernes up Last year, 1965, a tol et 66 ater *11e year, September 3rd te Canadian lives was exactcd as tcf OUi. IM It toiiows the pattern a sacrifice tu the great God one cd previous year, it wâil be Specd, a grin total whidli ler responsibie for a new iigh paies in comparison with Uic over 500 killcd in thc US. tic BusinIess Directory during tic sanie peniod. ause ___________ Dominion Automobile Aseo- nlcie ciation, in oompany witi tic A CC 0 U n 1ica n C Y otier safety niinded organiza- à a RYJ ILN tiens, lias a vital intercat in ticRhe.DILN their "%led-the-linc" efforts in was Chartered Accountant holiday motai, mayhcm. Mr. ea- 623-3861 Sree R. W. Trollope, President et 623-3861tic Association, offers tic fol- ite, WM. J. H. COGGINS iowing suggestions te lielp en- o! Ciartercd Accountant sure a crash-f nec 1966 Labor A 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanvillc Day Week-end. cer Plione 623-3612 Says Mr. Trollope - «'Don't alse WILSON & BURROWS hurtie across tic countryside eas- Chartered Accountants at 60 m.p.h. just because it's Ider 323 King St. W., Oshawa, Ont. legal to do se. Forestail haz- crs, Partners : astis by travelling at speetis Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. consistent with existing traf- was G. Edmondi Burrows, C.A. fic conditions. At 600 miles a erai Phone 728-7554 day, one secs little more than on black asphait witi whitc linos C h iro rac c painted on it. Il you're net £UUAAI interestcd la viewing tic ent G. EDWIN MANN, DC. c0untryside on your holiday, &yChiropractor tien an ainline will get you gas Office: te your destination, quieker 15 lgn S.,cor e Hose ~ anti safer than any motor ira- Phone 623-5509 4a! Office Heurs: By appointment 'Caian highways will be thironged with U.S. visitors n ~ i who, in' cosl'caes, wilil bc iful iD e n 1 a visiting Canada for the first tic tine. Make allowanccs for sed DR. W. M.L RUDELL, D.D.S. their umfamfiarity with Cari- tic 75 King St. E. Bowmanville adian roads and customns, driv- itie; Office Houri -t ing defcnsively wien Uiey're De- 9 a.m. tu 6 p.m. daily around!" Pire Closed Saturday and Sunday "Start for home, early. .ap- Office Plione - 623-5790 Congestion and consequent No. Res. Phene Newcastlc 987-4261 accidents peak up duning clos- ste DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. iâg heurs efthte Iast day. Il .ub,, Office you'rc alreatiy home, you arc ian 75 !King St. E. Bowmanviile not oontibuting te Uic con- aids Office Heurs : gestion, and youtre not expos- tic, 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daiiy cd te thc inoreased risk et la- Lke, Closed Saturday and Sunday volvement ti a crash." is- Telephone: Office 623-5459 "There are seven million DE. B. W. SISSON automobiles la Canada, ail cf L.D.S., D.D.S. wiici wali seeni te be on tic WN Office la ils home road yourne tra-versing on tic 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvillc Holiday. Add te tuis, an in- sfic Phone 623-5604 Eux of American vehiclos, up ust Office Heurs : te 50% la volume la areas ýepi 9 a.m. te 6 p.m daily adjacent te the US. and you 1th Cioscd Wednesday - Saturtiay wontier why tic casualty rate n s ur a nce DONALD A. MacGREGOR Lite, Auto, Home Insurance 9% King St. E., Bowmanville Phone 623-5962 Land Surveying MERRILL D. BROWN 1P.ENG., O.L.S. 121 Queen St. - Bowmanville' Bus. and Res. Telephone 623-7251 Le gal1 LAWRENCE C. MASON, K.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. Bowmanville Phones: Office 623-5688 Res. 623-5553 E. RICHARD LOVEKIN B.A.. LL.B. Barrister - Solicttor KCing St. W. - NewciLstle Heurs: 9 -5 dally;, Sat., U. - 12 Phone 987-4735 MODGIMS & FLEMING Hugh E. Fleming, Q.C. Apha I. Hodgins Barristers - Solicitors Notarles Public 14 Frank St. Bowmanvilic Telephone 623-3351 STRUU and STRIK Barristers, Soliciters Netaries Public W. R. Stnike, Q.C. A. A. IL Strike, B.A. Edward C. Wiltiman, B.A., LL. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanvllle Telephone 623-5791 K origa ge s um U ADMITON - ORONO Pione 1 r 16 Pirst Mortgage Fundi Rlledecu -Fara lBusin Properties SOptometry" K~~Bovmanvile '4cm. - Tues -bis- Fgt 98-am to 5 p4mi BROWN'S Thc sponsoring group for Bown's Ist Cubs anti Scouts are planning their annual bake sale whici will probably be helti on tic holiday wcek- end at tic Stephenson-Boyti fruit stand. Watch for de- tails later. Sutiay visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilson wcre Mns. Vivian Davitisen, o! Batavia, N.Y., anti Mn. Fred Douglas, Oshawa. OBITUARY RICHARD JOHN HENRY BRANTON ls net higher tlian ut is."l 1fr. Trollope aise, urges the use of Seat Belts during al holiday travel. He points out that Seat Belts wcn't PRE- VENT aocldents, but ticy wil lessen tic severity of those Wich do occur. It ta estiniat- cd that seat boits reduce fa- talities by 30% in highway Crashes. On your Labor Day hodiday trip, thc 30% may in- clude among others, YOU! Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy and family and their gucsts, Mrs. Hales and Mrs. Cantiedgc attended tic wcdding of ticir son, Chiarles at Paris, Satun- day. Mr. and Mrs. P. Tobin and son Dale, Van Nyus, Cali- fornia, have arrivcd te spend a holiday witi her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Curson. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sav- ery and Mr. and Mns. John Stark were gucsts at tic Murphy - Kili wedding at Paris, Saturday. Mrs. Llew Hailowell was a dinner gucst witi Mrs. Brian Caswell, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Vinkle, Tliousands cf businesses tliroughout Canada bave uscd IDB loans te expand or rnodernizo their faefities. If you have plans for your business and require finanelng, ii ln and discuss your needa with us. M~INDUSTRIAL L DEVELOPMENT BANK iTORONTO, ONT.t 250 Unlvmly Avue s-. Toelom: 3UlI45 The tieath et Richard John ,Henry Branton, il Brock St. W., Oshawa, occurred at tic Oshawa General Hospital, Monday, Aug. 15, 1966. He lad been fil for twe wceks. Bora in Bowmanville, Oct. 16, 1889, his parents werc tic late Henry anti Margaret Branton. Mr. Branton rcceived is eanly education la Bowman- ville before cemlng te Oshawa in 1909 and lu survlved by i witiow, tic former Kate Kel- low, whom lie marnicd la King Street United Churci, Oct. 2, 1912. Empioycd as an inspecter la tic shippixig departnient at General Motors et Canada Ltd., ho retircd la October, 1958, atter 29 years service. Mr. Branton wau a member ef King Street United Churdli past president ef the Oshawa Pair board. and a past presi- dont et tic Oshawa Horticul- turai Society. Ho is survived by is widorw and five sons: Edwla, Glenn, Ray and Bruce, all of Oshawa, anti Blake et Ste. Tierese, P.Q., and a daugliter, Mns. Johin Clainmont, (Grace) et Raglan. Survlving aise arc Il grand-1 chldren and tour great-grand-1 chludren. Mn. Brantoui wis pre- deceased by two sisters, Tic tusicral service wasi held at thé Mclatosh-Andensoaý Funcral Chapel. Thuroday,l Aug. 18. Ir. ItalpliM ocre ot lOng !Ste United Churcb conducted 'thc service Inter- =Mt -a-e'14 b4i~i Orient by Fil w! -, SAVE 171 BAMI B11H400M TISSUE 4 83 SAVE 29, [uýHus JELLY POWDERs 2 89' SAVE 10Ç MIMER FANCý TomATo juicE 2 59ç: SAVE 121 ýRANùLAff.Ü 7 5 " WHITE SUGAR .1 -1 ý 1- ý 1- 1 -1 1. ---m -1 .11 ýj- rfi tous cw- on at and Jon- and Son, thc ope, [ved tain [ope 7th, ner cci. Api

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