-T- 4 - v - ~-t, - .. - t .tt * ' t T'he Candian Statéam nowmanvle Aug. 24, 1966 rought themi alongte h zp obr point where several haeb r-j n lntd riprovincialfil.ItgaraIiGta m cue - l interesting ta note atltseicsv ,wà ft year there were 27,000on1er atàhre SPORTopucs ~~~~~~~~figure should reach 000akvte a laN lli S O "p during the current seao.I n ap t afprW c sZone J, there are abot,00een au'iceesnaJy bowlers ini the age groug rmt h anlrltvsai 8 to 21. Locally, regitainfinlh b alge u place at the LibertyBolo GE(iNXXAL START PRACTICE Sept. l7th at 1 p.m. Oshawa, Generals, a club that survived a late season. ý 02I the way last spring. They were, as everyone knows, de- M RRS feuted in the Memorial Cup finals by Edmonton Oil-KinÉs. (Intended for lastwek Many fans figured that Bobby Orr would have made the! l'I * ., egular Worship Srie 4 whIch we readily agree. wt -f5l el .0 Honof re for Service Church on Sunday, Agi But what of the forth-coming 1966-67 Jr. "A" season"up F V fort1 am. i Gênerai-manager and coach Ted O'Connor expect vr40 757cS ~w . fira unew mîniter theRv players, ta attend, the opening practice -Saturday morning l av en1 1_ - . Munro. There wasfoe Se1Anber 24th. But -four of the big guns wiY'b' mssi S ,IEFI..1 IIvery «large congregaton a Stry etr anyO'hahghsorn wnerWyn many regular attendatar St~yceteDan 'Sebghsoin ige!an Left-hander Bi 8 k-w-Ii't bid b~y slngling, Fowler collecte#a #ip and ' stili away'on holiday. Cashman and Bill Heindi the excellent centre tramn the west1 came up with a glittering one- wiM-ozna, out, in the fifth. Onxe sing1e,'Vyith Gùy park- clout- The regular order cfsrvc have gone aver-age. It seemas certain that O'Shea will joinibit pitchbmg performance, at of the thSe.. base.;Èur'nefrowas .gahoirmanOsre was followed with thexc- ibm niational team with Cashman and Heindi turning pro. Vincent Massey, last Wednes- nalled by cabbber ,Johq Fowl- nahot x ndO ore' tVt ofhecirnssorI- Itwsanucdsvrlmnhs tht Bobby Orr1 day night as Bill's Billards er, attempting tae go te thiird- pçklng up two singlès ta 'aid t1t b tead of t hi, r. . uno Itwa nnune svra mns g awalpe efndn capion on a passdbal - his .own cause. gave us "A Thoughtfoth would definitely not be returning to Oshawa. Assuming hie Stephen Fuels 9-0. The vic- Bill's scored a pair of mark- George Stephen gave up 10 ~ Week." caU make the big jump ta N.H.L. ranks, he would be in atory cvenedthe best of seven ers in the tirst, second, fourth hitm and walked fourto ta ke The theme of the Sro Bouton uniform this October, but if bis salary demandsi Town League semi-final series and seventh innings, adding a the lois before giving way ta was taken from Genesi an weren't met, it was rumored that he was headed for thelat two games apiece. sinigle tally in*the fifth.. Bob Bob Abboti in. the sixth. Ini 2 witb empbasis uponthor Osborne faced only 23 bat- Marjerrison shared the honora hi. short'- stint Abbott per- - der of Creation for sià as national team.. ters, as lie struck out five with Osborne, rapping a triple, mitted three snfetiei,, fanned wben God saw that"alwsANE PA A T To the best of aur knowledge, notbng bas been settled :and walked a pair. Fîrst saezk- double and tbree singles for foiîrand îusued a pair of tree,..~ good and rested the meet yet, but Bobby will definitely turn out at the Bruins' train- er, Jim "Lefty" Allun spoiled a perfect evening at the plate. passes"- Many Junior membr=!6335 I. r. camp. ~the choir were presentir 'Some o! the highly-rated hopefuls who will be trin 'eresN w t,1,a e sweet voices blended vr12DkeSB w anil for a berth with the Generals are Peter Nevin, a young «- ....psnt une the dirtio! u nuac 1ellow who we tbink will be a good one, John Cîsyton, cur- gj'LJA . the organist Mrs. HelnM- *n rently playing lacrosse with the Green Gacis, Bob Walton 5 II R U a a Holm. cre Ia»~t from Toronto and Gananoque's Fred O'Donnell. 'KenIIs M en Keep-IIUpJé'siivive 2 ..-the hseCrviecnedih*Pnso ln Several people asked this reporter if there was any Loe thehymL"or ne, eth bt *ropI truth ta h story that Oshawa would e some o the Este-1i IIf ~'* ~ icin"*Bsns nuac vanfplayers wbo toiled with Edmionton in the finals. We Dy i ( i V f f I Iýl V ffu D C~' Sunday School washlda,* tae la canactd OConoronyhtsubectlad h inored s ta a t EK E EE jJp...s.11:15 a.m., it was conutd(Ul S-tce 'onrontesbet n h nomdu ht by Mrs. Harold Osbornei h there- was a possibility that smre migbt be in Generals' uni-,-. . , absence o! the Superintnet SnLf iu~c Ken's Men's Wear gave up following singles by:Bill Nich- ed four safeties; nieither walk ' -* Mrs. D. Haines. Therewee2- forrn, -but nothing definite would be known until rnid- Sep- 'five runs in the opening olson and Don Bagneli, as ed. or struci< out a ;bitter.~'--~ -~ ~peet atrJbneE- opn fCnd tember. t~~rame and then came back to Ken's completed their scarinig Bagnieli paced, tht winners mnto ptecleto. t t t j _t1' t down Kramp's Furnîture 7-5 off reliefer Dick Stata. witb a triple -ad singlei while ta keep their hopes alive in After 'surviving 'the open- Black added a pair-of- singles. % ~--e' Mrs. Helen McHolm wapan- -------- WOIJ-LD YOU BELIEVE! the best of seven Town League ing frame, Nicholson steadied Coyle was the lasers' best, 4~-~~Tht passing of thte Mr.1 Recently, in a $100,000 tournament, pro golfer, Dave' semi-final stries. Despite tht dlown ta taos- a six-hitter, clouting a 'triple and single, . .> , Edith Brimacombe cameaiNm iThursday night setback, pen- while walking eight batters mwith. Jolfin 'Fr olciga geasoc taht ebrsI lui ecadedproablythtbigestscoe inbisoryforontnant-wînnîng Kramp's have a and striking out five, ta tara two-bauger and a single. It --~s-'~a hle- 108, That's right- for just a single hale! Wel, 3-1 strangleha1d in the set, tht i.wa.Kn' is of Ch urch, Sunday Scel aculyHili didn't really shoot a 108 an the l8tb boit; he Tht furnîture dealers ap- Foster and Stata eachfiallow-wse' en' trir est. .....atr. ---- UciW. of wh.Ih thewa Adrs Just.gave it ta biniseif. 'peared well on their way ta liber greatest pleasure wsa ~o _______ After getting a two-stroke penalty on the final hale wrapping up tht stries in .i..mLm B ufmmuMîssianary Conveneran t' cu bystraight garnes as they put ta- aiI L .FU , .-t--evrmein Ms. rraI and apparently getting an eight for a 78, he was asked gthr heebae a bis, Tw los payffgatnie Sogacceraitat7«.niînery eeting lttrs oified[ one o! his partners, Gardner Dickinson, what he shot. Htan outfieîd error and a double combecaosays had somg m'ery1 Exact Date of.7hî.t replied, "An eigbt or 108, 1 don't know"~. by George "General"' Jones wvtrt played last week ini the In the. Junior playo-ffà, Zion ' in tht Mission field orreot ---- Dickinson gave him an eight, but disgustedly, Hill wrote and Jirn Coylt's triple for all -Senior Danlingianf Soccer Lea- blaaked ~Solini 2-0 an Thurs- àten beside it, making 108, and he signedi the scorecard.itheir ruas in tht first. gue, wîth Solina and.- Zion diy;, tic eimînirte theni tram $* 4jTh WrdsGeastSfblPice At lirst, it was anaunced that he was disqualified, but later o nil ice aps ton andi Maiple Grove:. ko nd Je!! f lk an were the tarn ihe"'VPG.A. stated he was not, but was charged with shoot- across four third inning runs, 1 On Wednesday ai SaUina, scorers with Jo. Hircock win- .~ ~4 . ~. ig l08 on the hale. three a! thern unearned, and Hampton were- shut out, with nînig the shutout.- -~'ED D IF~~ We kind o! got a chuckle aut of that one. Anytirne a! then talled three mare un- îRon Broonie scoring the only -CutieEd D DonpI- Is~t-t progolerwins u wth 17, ou igb sy bs caneaarlîîernarkers in the faurth goal o! tht gaine for the homne ed. ta a1.1 -1 tie,, Norm Reylolds . ~ pr ofrwnd pwt 18 o ihtsyhscane o h ictory. oclub. Goalie, Larry >WelsGi was counting for Courtice and ~~r 6 innar ahrsi- to a y tele . Tht Men's Wear knocked credited, with the sh-utout. John Hamilton for, Hamapton. 'TE-IN j' i j' j' j starter Bob Foster fram the On Saturday, Wayne Jordan Courtice n-ow bias three, points ""-~~. box with singles by Don Bag- counttd on a pictuire gosa for ta.1-oant for Hampton.: They-vs SEM - FINALS CONTINUE ýneli, Terry Black, Larry Piper .Zion. ta leave Maple Grove will! meet. Thumsday a-t. Cour- Wih h ri frin pspoeen f as uedy, ndNesn e. twasn't all scoreless. Zion's ýgoalie Frank tice. Should' Ham'ipton wia HarHA WABAnnettSTARS Wit tt am tocig aspanrnnto!lat ueda's oser'sfalt hwver, with SobiI racked up inother shut- this gaine - and t'hey have ta oaod Bneta tilt, only iwo games were played i tht Men's Town Leaguel"Mot" Richards and Coyle out. . wii ta survivle theb two At Peterborough on Augusti he was re-eiected Zone Rep best o! seven smn-final stries last week. Bill's Billiards 'rnaking errors at the corners Tht aext *Senior gaine will teania will mcci next Tues- 18th, Harold Bennett of! Baw for anather twa year term., OSHAWA KNS E STDU defee$ed de!ending champion Stephen Fuels 9-0 ta deadlocklo! tht tnfield. take place this Wtditesday clay. Sboiild thty Jose, Cour- manville was honored during Thîs was tht first certificatei tht stiesai wo ame ai whle e' ens Richards, the first garnelwit'h Zion playing ati Male tjîce wi]i play t Zion .onthe Zone J meeting of tht presented ta a Zone Repre-- fhi seiesattwogams pce, wh le e' Mn'Wear slugging hero, cauldn't tind Gra .ve. On Saturday, Sdila Tu.esday in 'the. opening gaine Bowling Proprietors Assn. of sentative. For tht past severaIý siaved off elimination onth srngh fa -5wn ovr Canada. Ht was presentedlyears, Mr. Bennett has donei W ED ItviS Kraznp's Furnuture. ttsrat !a75wnoèîh adtaanl h orh ilpa tHmtn i ! h with tht certiticate sbownîa tremendous job with youngi t , 1 6 sbutb~, facng any 23 biteraover Ihe reulatin sevn Sa m~iuuu ...L.U...... tetht BwlingIndusty. Mr: thrughou the zne tht Strt-: Pr-gameticke sale Bill Osborne tossed a masierful ont-bitter ta posi tht, e - aovte fowlinstndngSrvice broghtthoneer traaib s re n 80 pm - Nft acn o -2 bter ve th egltinsee:Bennett bas been a Supervisor ches from Peterborough tai innings. Tht bard-throwing lefi-hander alîowed onîy îwo M en .-s IGJ VI Lie s UUW W IW:'a!ofTeYoti-h tdhWin9-CounciI Ajax. Here, he has been it' BOLAHOOD SO T A E ailier runners ta reach base on walks, and one of them was, and Zone J representative for, charge of about 150 yaung-1 KING ST. E.' SH W wîped out atternpting ta steal third. That was ta be as farý Tht Meni's Major League. Don't forget ta gef -ia a few No. 6-Fred Cale,* Dr. H. svrlyasA h neig'tr ah ya n a au anyone advanced. . will start tht 1966-67 stason 'practice games et Liberty Rundît, Bon Maynard, Bob Osborne's bid for a na-bitter was ruined by anotheri on Wednesday, September 7thB I - 'Williams, Jack Lander, Frank at 7 p.m. sharp. Sarffis. - *othpaw, Jim "Lefiy" AllUn, who singled with ont out in e -arc.Anat thttith Bh sruk uifie, ncudngtbrd-acerJii'President Ernie Perfect wil Menas Major League Teai n o.7Murc0Anat thefith Bllstuc ot iv, icldig hid-acerJi ibeon hand ta welcorne al, No.l-r Ppr "arecc Oke, Fred Thomip-, Moorerafi ibreet imes.- Sorry about that Jini! N.be ry ier ou son, Hrl ihloGog T ' T L P NS A Ke'. trailiag in their 'series thret games ta nothing changes for tht new season. Wiseman, George Stephen, Piper. Gîta Hodgsori. apere onthirwaytaelmintin a Kam'siumed Harry Akey, Jack Parker, No.' 8--Bob Lawton, Bob apeaed n teirwayto limnaton.as ramls umpd Te eecuiveforthi y Bru1Bree Adas RisarsRichardsl, S fnao a 5-0 tirst lnaiag bulge. But the Men's Wear,-rallied cansisis of: Past President,i No. 2-Bud Henaîng, Al-ToDoStn MBagne , À i0rth -is i ater svnsr'Ptlse t e t erfectWllm; cePrésidentClr- j lGeorgle Glanville. thttit wn eve sraibtlasesta ee thirBobWihias;PreidntEri!Osborne, Ab Saman, Don No. 9-Russ Oke, Jack tact Oke; Treasurer, FredlBshpl JhGulJir. Cl-ond Kani Piper, Frank B11's clashed wiih Siephen'a hast nigbt (Tuesday) with Colt; Secretary, AI Osborne lIlJriMohun, Murray Tighc, Frank KI the sixtb game slated for Thursday, while Ken's and Kramp's Il and Directars Bob Kent and i No. 3-Ed Leslie, John Cart- Blunt. areFmeetinggtoniaht.isusofHteams . er, Harold Bennett, Bill Orme, No. l0....Bill Shotter, Mat I B S O N MO T O R S Ltd t t t tFolowngîsa istoftemsBruce Milne, Cecil Mutton. Harrison, Rusu Haieiy, Maur-! . and tht schedule as reheased i No. 4-Ernie Perfect, Dave ice Richards, Bob Glanville,Î JR. TOWN LEAGUERS REACH FINALS 1bytht Secretary, Alan Os-i McKnight, Hap Palmer, How- Ron McLean. BbeRs Xiwil e rak' Vritybokig p it dfedig byNo.' 11-George Bbe us ON ALL LATE M ODELS It il b Fan'sValey hckngupwih efndngborne. ýard Bromell, Bob Kent, Gar! HaIlîman, Bud Barter, Jim champion Ellis Shoes ln the Junior Town League finalsi Tht tirst naine on each team Clarke. Callan nSr., Lou McFeeters, ibis week. Tht stries actually gai underway last aight!indicates tht Captain. Al No. 5-Lowell MacDougah, K@ icel 1ex Tuesay-ad-,!rsdy._rfernce-Ro Come. . n.ng,- John Oke, Ken - L.uxian. ChiUijiI5 ulOf Osnawa are now ini the tern Canad- ' Ail Olds iuxury power 700x£15 tires, ail heavy dt Pinalt. On Monday, they defeated Mimnico in a bard-fought Dec. 7------- -- - -6- 4 1-11 9-. 7 8-10- 12- 2 3- 5 equipment. etlP95414A ipme 12-8. Tht scene shifts ta Mimica Thursday night'for Dec. 14 . 8-11 12- 9 2-10 6- 3 - 1 . 4 - 47 Lic. 39219E- ---- --------- ---s2 4 the second game o! tht best-of-seven sentes. Third game Dec. 21 7- 5 2- 4 1- 3 9-il 10-12 8- ô 91BIKIVCA . OECR'- wiIl be on Manday, 8:30 p.m. ai Civic Auditorium, Oshawa, 1961 f0 choos. f ro0M onurscIs and the tounthb*bck in Mimico on Wednesday. SECOND SCHEDULE 4D.HRTPto c oerec ik Jan. 4 10- 1 8- 5 1- 2- 7 4- .9 12- 3 lo -crn Jan. 1l 12- 7 il- 3 5- 9 4. 1 6-10 2- 8 Power steering. pow'er brakes and and mak sanOfr Jan. 18 4- 8 .5- 2 6-12 3-10 .7-11l' p ower windows. custoni radio, white M EM ORIAL Jan. 25 3- 9 10- 7 8-i1 12 5 2 ô - 14 __ $ 1 5 CcNENdlETiGMA ARENA e. 8 9- 2 6 1 37 10- 4 11- 5 8-12 Fe. 51- 2 9-10 11-12 i7- 8 3- 4 -6 BOWIL&IVILLE ____22 10-11 9 2- '3 4- 5 7- 6 1-12 Mar.ou 0478 1 3~----- 5 122 81-.4) 7, 1-il -0- 4 166PI N PU L CMar. 15'8 .4-12 8- 169-11 .213 112-9à 8-11 :U R C ar.15 0-1 8-6 911 - 3 2- 4 7-5 KN Mar. 22 ~ 12- 3 4- 9 2- 7 11-6 8- 5 10i1 KA NGMar. 29. 2- 8 6410 4-1 à- 9 1l- 3 12- 7STE3~ 36 PRIDAY# AUGUST 26th Apr. 5 . 9- 1 4-8 el-1o 6-12. 5-2 '7-11l a- Apr. 12.1- 4 2-6-f 12- 5 8- 11 0, 7 - AND - Apr. 19. 6- 9 1- 7 1-2 12-4 3-8 5.10 WSDUSDY, UGUT 3sfApr. 27 - JOHN M. JAMES ]ROLL-OIF'FORTEAM CHAMPIONIP SEW PRESTON GORD C0.0miS, ae aae ER AT 87010.ÎILAr l20.'May3a- MNS MAJOR.LBA(QUE TOUBNAMUIÇ