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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Aug 1966, p. 10

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10 The. Cmnafn 5Stateuman, Eownianville, Aug. 31, 19508iii and Virginia Macevidla Pointsa-for 25 metre race were: lst, 5 points; 2nd, 3 > es points; 3rd, 2 points; 4th, i, RosMcKnioght Wins Trophy Wneswr Bosin n drs w ere: ori son, onil, 40.7 sec- J For MoWst Points in 'GIlad' Showi onds; B. Sliter, Samac, 41.9; R. Mooney, Samac, 43.6; D. itS ote very ucsf u 1 various scin ee New awarded the Alger Challenge Bowen,. Bowmanville. troeRdiOle Show was staged in Introduction - Frank Sambis, Trophy for the mast points Girls 16 and under-L. th1 Agc3 Hall, Bowmanviile, Bowmanville; Open - J. R. won by a resident af Oshawa. Kaukonen, Samac, 49.1; J. Mc- le-M Aug.ý,1t amrtd jointly Laundry, Picton; Seedlngs- Mrs. Rusa 'Van Horne, Whit Cullough, Samac, 52.9 ; B. Mor- M,7 oa aaint ton, Ajax, 53.5; J. Coutu, Osha- ý 'bY Branch 18?oaCnda Frank Samis; Amateur- Mrs. by, was Grand Aggregate win- wa. Z.Legoii and the Oshawa and A. Wlnter, Oshawa; Backyard ne; in Decorative Design sec- By 4ad udrM êýe1at1ct Gtdiolua Society. Growers- Hugh Samis,1 Boys.4w- ndrM Although generai ete manville; 'Miniature - Mrs. Ition. iJones, Ajax, 19.0; D. Dell, ~oen1tios wee n t oo Don Cameron, Haydon. Legion class was won byiSamac, 20.2; Hunt, Bowman- 1U"cPerative, a nurniber of ou Dr. E. W. Sisson won the'Bob Hayes; Legion Ladies'iville, 20.3; Bennett, Bowman-ý ï1nembers displayeui excellent R. S. McLaughlin Challenge Auxiliary - Mrs. J. Knight,!ville. quality bloom Trophy for the best collection'Mrs. Gwen Gibson; Jr. section,j Girls 14 and under-M. Mc- Rose McKnight, Bowman-t of Canadian originatian. Mary and Billy Potts, Haydon,'Laughlin, Ajax, 21.06; N. Slit- » ville, was the winner of iM.adMs A. Winttr werte o hnusiJ.scin er, Samnac, 22.2; M. Heslin, îaton'a of Canada special for E RAjax, 23.0; C. Morrison, Samn- the inost pointa in the show. MU E os 2adude-.Vn *J. R. Laundry, Picton, exhibit- K ular, Aj12and 19.0; B. an- t~ ed the Grand Champion spike, uaAa,1.;B aDn *variety Goliath - and was! (Intended for last week) amount approved by the Board aid, Samac, 20.2; Veitch, Ajax,1 awarded Simpson-Sears spec- At a speciai congregational of Home Missions, and to coni123.0; G. Geary, Oshawa. l and Oshawa and District meeting held foliowing regular form te the regulations whichi Girls 12 and under-M. Mc- SGladioiua Society T r op h y. Sunday morning services at govemn the Property or Church1 vy Samac, 23.04, L. Mîlls, Rusa Van Horne, Whitby,e-KernUtdCurhc- Extension Funds. lAjax, 26.7; G. Guay, Oshawa,i hibited the Reserve, variety, cerning the impending forma- The proposed manse is te 29.3; J. Wells, Samac. SGreen Woodpecker. . tion of a separatle charge for be ready for January 1, 1967, Boys 10 and under-T. Van-1 a., Grand aggregate winners In Kedron Church, the following when it is hoped ail arrange- ular, Ajax, 25.04; M. Bacon, recommendations from the ments for the formation of a Samac, 25.8; A. Miruskin, Calf IlUbOfficiaI Board were accepted: separate charge at Kedron Ajax, 26.6; J. Guay, Oshawa. UUD hîs Thata mnse e 'Il ijh ave been completed. 1 Girls 10 and under-D. thsfaîl and wark on a ý n September 11, foliowing Dogt, Aax, 70;C Chris tian Education building services, the congregation wiîî O Brian, Ajax, 27.6; N. Mc-1 HoId unira M eetbedfre for the present be asked to nominate and elect Ilveen, Samac, 32.8; S. Perry, Ntime. ýmembers to the Pastoral Rela- Oshawa. SThe third meeting of the (b) That manies in various tions Committee. Bc rw gDairy Calf Club was heîd building funds, e.g., Kedron Construction bas begun on Boys 16 and under-B. Slit-t jontiy with the Holstein Club Manse Fund, Building Fund the four-room addition t er, Samac, 23.02; R. Morrison, at their Twiiight Meeting at and Columbus Manse Fundý Kedron Public School. Rice Bwavle 39 .Sud 1 the BOYS' Training School on be used for the purpose of Construction of Richmond Hill ers, Samac, 25.2; G. Lees, 1 'Tuesday, July l9th. Both building a manse at Kedron, were awarded this contract Oshawa. Club Leaders, Mr. Francis and that anyone objectîng te recently. Although no defin- Girls 16 and under-R. Jose and Win. Tamblyn were such use of money they have ite completion date bas been Goulding, Oshawa, 25.03; L.11 Sin attendance. contributed be requested te announced, it is hoped the Kaukonen, Samac, 25.6; G.I *The judging of two classes notify the Treasurer, Mr. Ross classrooms will be completed Coutu, Oshawa, 27.5; D. Tay-_ o f Holstein cows took place Lee by October I. Their con- for the beginning of the second lor, Samac. in the barn area, where four tributions will be held to be term. In the interim the Boys 14 and under-J. Sing- *boys of the Senior Club, Neil used as they designate. Kindergarten classes will be er, Ajax, 23.09; Danny Dell, gTink, Brian Bradley, Jin (c) That the modifications held in the Lower Hall of Samac, 24.0; D. Bird, Bow- Byers and Murray Yellowlees of the proposed manse be left Kedron United Church. A manville, 25.6; D. Houghton,t paraded the animais. The ta the discretion of the build- shift system will be instituted Samac.1 rnembers of both Senior and ing committee, after consul- for Grades 4, 5 and 6. Par- Girls 14 and under-P. Neal,c % Junior Clubs took part in this tation with the builder. ents of children in these grades Sa ,2.01;,S. Henderson,t Sjudging. Winners in this con- (d) That the Trustees of wiIl be notified as ta the shif t Oshawa, 27.5; N. Sliter, Sain-I test were Elizabeth Kellogg, Kedron Congregation be auth- their child will attend. ac, 29.3; A. Veitch, Ajax. ei Jim Muir and Alex Muir. orized and directed ta make Barbara Rose, daughter of Boys 12 and under-G. Van-f .~Sharon Larmer, Club Presi- application to the Board of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rose, bas ular, Ajiax, 24.0; B. MacDon- Sdent, met with the club fol- Home Missions for financial successfully completed Grade aid, Samac, 25.8; S. Low, Osha- lowing the judging, when rail assistance in the form of a 13 and will be attending the wa, .30.3; T. Taylor, Samac. 1 eall was co nduc t ed and grant of $4,000.00. 1 Ontario Teachers' Coîlege, Girls 12 and under-L.t *questions taken up on work <e) That the trustees be Toronto, this coming year. Milîs, Ajax, 30.08; D. Powell,t sheet for the month. further authorized and direct- Congratulations, Barbara. Samac, 31.6; C. Connelly, Samn-e The Calf Club then joined ed ta make ail necessary fin-' Rotary Park and surround- ac, 34.7; G. Guay, Oshawa. a M~ the seniors in program in the ancial arrangements in con- ing area resounded ta cheers Boys 10 and under-A. Mur- t s chool auditorium. nection with the erection of aifrom onlookers and competi- uskin, Ajax, 28.01; T. Vanular,r Mr. Ben Brown, Holstein manse, and that shouid theyl tors on hMursdial eveo ngl a x 6.; J. Gay, Oshawa Club President, canducted this decin it advisable this author- when te MncplPoaa 7.;L akr saa !part. ity and direction is ta include hast ta members of the Camp Girls 10 and under-N.s ~,The Dairy Caîf Club wîsh ta making application to the Samac Swim Club, the Ajax Dogherty, Ajax, 33.04; N. Mc-v thank the Holstein Club and Board of Home Missions for Aquatic Club, the Bowman- Ilveen, Samac, 34.8; G. Duffy, I b Boys' Training School, under financial assistance in the ville Boys' Training School Oshawa_,.15.1; C. O'Brian, e, Mr. Hooper, for the whole ev- form o! a loan of $5,000.00; ta Club and the Municipal pool Ajax.F wening. make application ta Presby- Swim Club in a faur-way Breast Strokeq The- programn, prizes and tery for its consent ta this; ta competitive swim meet. Boys 16 and under-G. Kent, t ! lunch ail were enjoyed bysign an agreement ta repav Camp Samac, coached byiOsh awa, 25.05, R. Morrison,0 Seach member af aur club. the loan requested or the Ken Bunner, who have been 'Bowmanville, 25.9; J. Pierce,b _Ivictoriaus in two previaus Aja.jx, 27.0; B. Houghton, Sam- meets with the Ajax swim- ac.h ATTENTION FARMERS 1I mers, took top honours in the Girls 16 and under-L. r e v enrt, accumulating 126 Kaukonen, Samac, 29.09; J. W hy ay More O'Brian, was right behind Goulding, Oshawa, 33.6; A. a with 120 points. Ardyth Pal- Beach, Ajax.E S VonPremium Quality t' Oshawa team took third Boys 14 and under-A. Ro- ir OIS place with 52 points and Bow- gatinsky, Ajax, 27.07, B. Mc- t GASOLINE - DIESEL & MOTOR OL manville trailed with 26 points. Donnell, Samac, 27.08; R. Ir FarmTans Avilale.Th(, Bawmanville team were Pierce, Ajax, 29.0; B. MacDon- i. ar Tnk Aaiabe.handicapped, however, in the ald, Samac. S lack of distaff swimmers, and Girls 14 and under-M. Hes- f( i -Out of Oshawa, Whitby and District actually took,,part in only îo lin, Ajax, 27.04; M. McLaugh- a of the 31 evenits. They wëre lin, -*jax, 28.6; D. Taylor, Sam- A CLL COLLECT ýcoached by W. W. Bagnell, ac, 31.2; G. Çuay, Oshawa. T ! ADirector of Physical Education utryu il M *M* Whitby 668-3341 !for the school. Boys 16 and under-B. r D X ~ O ILh ~ Bruce Holdsworth, assistant Saunders, Samac, 23.04; G. B SEVIIN BWMAN ILEdîrector of recreation for the O'Brian, Ajax, 23.9; R. Huber, pi L SEVICIG BO MANVLLECity of Oshawa, presîded over Bowmanviile, 25.5; D. Nichai- la AND DISTRICT the meet as Official Judge. son, Oshawa. k qb ~Starter for the events was Girls 16 and under-M. Mc- r L IJim Henderson of the Oshawa Laughlin, Ajax, 27.03; L. 01 -Board of Education, and Miss Kaukanen, Samac, 31.3; J. Mc- rm Susan Flemming was the chie! Cullough, Samac, 31.7; J. ir Director of Recreation for Boys 14 and under-G. Van- b, ~~~L K K J ~~~~~~Oshawa, presided at the micro- ular, Ajax, 23.06; D. Dell, Sam- Tieswr anec 7.;T enks saa I ADfphone.Jim mrt, iner Balsn, Girls7.14 . an uner-DOsaa- D YHumphries, Judy Slencove, 27.7; Mu tton, Bowmanviile. t LABOUR DA Shirley Gelette and Rass Tay- Ior, Samac, 27.08; M. Mc- lom. Laughlin, Ajax, 28.2; M. Hes- Competitors were requimed lin, Ajax, 28.7; P. Neal, Samac. t"LLta swim the full length of the Scoing for relay races, total Septem ber 5th, 196 pool in each race, a distance distance 100 metres, was: lst, o! 25 metres. The relays in- 5-points; 2nd, 3 points; 3rd, 2I volved a total distance of 100 points, 4th, 1 point. RACING BAND M IDW AY metres, with four swimmers Boys' relay, 16 and under, ruign 3cnooi TUES,pSEPT. 6th - STAFF 9:30 A.M. - GRADE 9 - GRADES 10, il 11:30 A.M. - GRADES 12, 13 REGULAR CLASSÉS WILL BEGIN AT 1:-k P.M. DUSSWILL, TRAVEL -TO MtACH SCHOOL AT 9:00 A.M. CAFISTERIA WtLL-PROVtDE REG1JLAR MEÂLS BEGINNING TUESDAY ILetters tb the Lditor IDear'Sir: The Elmer Summer Sa!ety jContest is over for its 8th conisecutîve ycam and once Iagain it was a msounding su.ccess. Children entering the con- test demonstrated a thomougb knawledge a! the safety con- cept involved. Possession o! this knowiedge indicates Ita us that parents and cam- munity agencies are daing an excellent job in teachîng Itheir cbildren the art of sale living. We feel that the Elmer 1Contest .plays an important part in keeping cbildmen eminded of tmaffic hazards during their surumer vaca- tion and we hope f or its continuance. The success o! this contest is duç mainly ta the gen- erosity a! supporters such as Bowmanville Kinsmen Club .who sponsored the con- Itest in your amea. Sincere thanks from the Ontario Safety League for helping ta make this suin- mer saler «for Ontario chlld- ren. Yours sincerèly, GergeG.Ham, De meni Orono Roai t *Approves d Program Mr. E. R. Woodyard infom- concerned with cellar base- ed the Orono Police Trustees ment drains running into any on Monday evening, Aug. 22 storm sewers. The engineers, at their regular inonthly meet- he said, are drafting well- ing that the proposed road type drains which will help pragrai for certain streets in te drain areas and thus me- the Village o! Orono at a cost duce the water level amound o! $ 108,000.000 had been ap- hoeuses and cut down saine- proved by the Departynent of what an cellar flooding. Highways. Payment of a bill presented The by-iaw for the prajcct by the Orono Hydmo for work has also meceived two read- with water and garbage was ings by the Township o! laid asîde until such turne as Clarke. It was pointedt out a proper resolution or by-law that approval for the projcct is passed setting out the is now being saught froîn the amounts te be paid for this Ontario Municipal Board. service by Hydmo. It i.s understood that the The Hydro meeting was Trustees are ta meet with the pastponed until Monday, Aug- Couny Rad ommisio teust 29th. Mr. Dent infarmed oun t iRoa Commisson tae the meeting that Hydra would sre The appmaal o! teinghave ta negotiate a lban. projecte The ty us beinpartMoney on hand, he said, was asted taunertae thatcrtng$2,300.00 leassthan the ac- o!in the schem a!,cuming counts ta be paid. He also phaving asndetar eweing stated that payments ta Hydmo thattone s updrt ftheromi- in the amount o! $3,500.00 dicion Ths prt ! te po-weme outstanding. These ac- jejct would be in the business counts werc payable by the section o! the village on Main Orano Police Trustees and the Street. The County bas been Orono Artificial Ice Fund.- appraached on the project but OooTms have yet ta make any decisian. ________Times. _ Through carrespondence iti was learned that the applica-En i tion for an additionai expendi-En ie r g turc o! $2,000.00 for mainten- e rn ance on the village moads had been approved by the Depamt-!C u Iod ment o! Highways. C u od The Trustees, through a L iresolution, gave the Chairman, Ihird e tn IE. R.' Woodyard, authority taee tn publish the reason why the The third metig !the Trustees werc apposed ta the Dra - m= ngCu now besigpcesd eaby-Lthe ýas held on Tuesday, August now ein proessd bythe23 at the Agricultural Office Clarke Township Council. in Bowmanvillc. Don Staples, A letter was received froin the Club Leader, gave a lec- the Ontario Fime Mamshal out- turc on Structurai Design. Iining certain requests in the Gardon Talrey, Extension construction o! a library i'n Engineer, then led a discussion the basement o! the Township on Ventilation and Insulation Hall. Exit stairs arc ta be o! Farm Bulig.I a wi.lened ta net iess than threecid BuAcildimns t asil feet and ail doors for the decdeld AchieeetDay wipll proposed moom are ta be at 7th and then the projects wiil lcast 3' x 6' 8" and equîppcd be exhibited at Orono Faim. with panic hardware. The in- Temeigwsajund teior walls and ceiiings of! ythe peieng a ajum the room. are ta be constmuct-bytersint ed o! fire resistant materials and the curtains or drapes ta bealo rete wtha fire E NFIELD resîstant spray. The chaimman was also Mrs. R. Griffin has return-, authomized ta obtain all neces- cd ta hem home after visiting samy information rcgarding Mr. and Mrs. Pemcy Peters, wrater extension ta the Omona Toronto. Park. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Samis,: A letter is ta be sent ta the Miss Donna Samis and Albert F'ire Chie!, Ross Mercer, me- attended the speciai service, questing that he meet with at Hay Bay Chumch, Sunday. the Trustees when alI aspects Mr. and Mrs. Ron Oke,' of the fîre departinent are ta Kathy and Karen have been f be discussed. hoiidaying with the Howe E. R. Woodyard stated that families at Goderich. he bail asked Mr. Don Ten- Jin Oke and Roland Bow-!1 nant for a price ta make me- man have returned ta their pairs ta the pavement on Mill homes after a summer o! farm- Street which. had been dam- ing. The H-igh School stu- aged by water installation, dents have had a busy sum- He also informed the meet- mer araund heme, evidencedý ing that Ga!fncy Construc- in a good coat o! tan and ton had of!emed a cash settle- bulging muscles and no doubt ment o! $200. a healthy bank account. In discussing sidcwalk con- Mrs. Keith Davey, Elaine truction Mr. Simpson rc- ferred ta previaus requests for awaik along Division Street. After same discussion the Trustees left the matter aver until such time as a wmitten Board. Other sidewalk me- pairs in the centre o! the vil- lage are ta be ieft until it Js :nown if the pmopased road reconstruction is ta be carmmed out. The moad pmogram, it was stated, wîll in saine istances, change existing being iowered up ta 14 inch- s in some areas. Mm. Woodyamd also stated that Water Resources wemc Potato Club mURI -Iolds Meetingi' The third regular meeting 1 f the Durham Potato Club - was held in the form no! a idging day at Omono Hall on July 14, 1966, in canjuniction G ....,, H Clubs. The day began with 'e megistering o! the mcm- cers at 8:30 a.m. Then the nember boarded the buses ta o m alynte a where cas o a.1y ca-le asjuded- ndBuss. w IPo fai se thi ry Aj Pl. w. thi th Dt on) toi at tel ME AI' daý cd' an Uri th' PO, col mi w' th at w' BLACKYS LADIES' WEAR 72 Simcoe St. N. Introducing . .a FALL FASH ION S- At Black's Ladies' Wear of Oshawa, you wý,l find the most beautiful and excitlng selection cf Luxurlous new coats and suits for Fail and Wlnter that You'll be llkely ta see anywhere. Trlmmcd wlth ieh fur. - untrimmied . . . in moid shades, plaids and stripes . . . everythlng your hcart can desire. No matter what your taste you'll flnd your new Fail and Winter garment . . . tmend-settlng styles deftly tallored . . . classie models, now while selection ls at Its Peak at BLACK'S! LAY-AWAY NOW FOR FALL A SmalI Deposit WiII Hold Any Article BLA&CK'S LADIES' WEAR Oshawa ihen he metumns ta school in 71 ce faîl. The meeting was :5ln t en adjoumned. The foumtb meeting o! the 7:30 NestIE .rham Potata Club was held nAugust 9th, 1966. The club '.rBak )ured the Fedemal Farm Ltd. 7:5Ba k tBradford and the Mad Hat- >r Potato Chip ftctory. The 8:00 Burke iembers then travelled ta liston where the patato field ~ ~ E ns ay was being helil, sponsor- 8:5. LUs àby Salada Foods and org- nîzed by the staff of the 8:30 Hanip Iiversity o! Guelph. The members took a tour o!f 'O o m ie plot areas on the Salada 90 o m otata research plots witb )mments by the specialists. Fares Include adi Iter the tour the members )k up the business for the ieting. Then the rail caîl as taken and it was decided ie club wouid have an exhibit1 tOrono Faim. A cominittee BOWMANVIIIE 64 as !ormed ta plan the ex- ibit. The meeting was then jiurned. 9:00 A.M. 10:30 A.Me v and Garth niotored to Br.t ford for a weekend visit Zwitýh L NS AL Misa Evelyn Cunningham. ONSA L Misa Donna Samis, while en Misa B a r b a r a Kristahn, and farnily attended the IIM1 holiday, entertained her fel- 1iampton, spent a few days family picnic held at The. low workers te dinner last with Mary and Wendy Corn- Acres, Sunday.- week. Present were: Miss Pat ish. and Paul Burwick, Mrs. Peggy Tuesday evening, Sept. 6th. MoMahan and Kirk, Mr.* and Please note change of date O ono Fair Has rMrs. Franklin Larmer, Osha- lfroin regular meeting night.m o wa, and Misa Skeete Fenton 1Mr. Fred G. Smith received V vu s e o Hope. the sad news Saturday that Mr ad rs dgr recet- isbrthrinla M.F. G.Ne u ws visited Mr. and Mms. Jim Marshall, London Eng., had " orkewo 1Harris, South Monoghan. passed away earlier in the'!t Mm. and Mrs. Ray Smnith week in his early 90's. Mr. The NeedlecraftDeamn and family, Milton, were vi'i- Smith plans ta leave by jet of the Durham Centrai Agri- tors o! the Prescott families. froin Toranto Airport with his cultural Faim at Orono is of- daughter, Grate, Tuesday ev- ening, Sept. 6th ta visit his fering a wide variety o! clasa. sister who he has not seeni es in which you may show for 2 yers your talent for knitting, tatt- DonateCa1 fr.6yadM. Roy Boudreau, icocheting, em-broidering For I ce F un d per guests of the Smiths. There is a section f* - TheOmoo Aater Ahîcie Mr. axîd Mrs. W. Vaneyk'hibitors froîn Clarke an d Ass oton Aturhth en- visited Mm. and Mrs. George Darlington Townships only, Asoitio!nesm.robgte gnd Van Dam, Pontypool, Sunday including a special for the best Harold Moffat, are holding a a1enon pon1 on Iucky draw on a 400 pound Mrs. Ken Rundli The quilters will be inter- Hereford cal!. The cal! a and Mm. Alfred Richards, o! ested i nadtom rz donated ta the Association by Salem, wcme Sunday eveninglbeing given for the best qult Bob and Harold Moffat~~~ in aidcleso m Rb.Sm nal sections. New exihibitors o tha n aold fArtfi i Ice Mm.fMG.Smit, iss . please note, a special àward is fud th rn riiilIeýM.F .Sih isabeing offered ta you for the Iund ore atrntebc Smith and Mr. Robt. Surn weme i most points in aIl classes. In rde tetur th bef ýSunday supper guests o! the intocas theAtheticAssci-Kiddfamiy, oodood We hope the wamen's groups aton iash ragtheti Acal andd aiy odod will be interested in entering ten lucyra will beh e l nd1Visitors during the week! the apron display and deman-. the:0 lck on Saturb hdywith Mr. and Mrs. Bert John- istmating their scwing tech- September Ioth at the Orono Sha~rEMan d kileM dam iqe Faim. Tickets are now on sale Ensiln ody Came and support your !air and support o! this da evcning; Mr. John Johnson, iby showing you- handicraft means cash for the Ice Fund. Ohw.Fia n m n and competing for a red ticket. Just enaugh bec! ta fili vour Mrs. Wm. Johnson, Liiford, :For additional information or freezer . . .providing lyo u rd y e e ig win the draw.-Tmes. iMr. and Mrs. David Craig1 Mrs. C. W. Billings, Omona 354.

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