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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Aug 1966, p. 11

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Social and 1 11/m fetm dê&& 9Personal 1 1 f." 1 New castle - Announced at Mms. rmc Tilison, Editor Phone 9874213 ithe Swiîm Show and Award, Night last week, was the fact that pins had net arrived in ITykesLose e for the ebjîdren to receive; cout Describes V *i f Tye Ls Uethem along wt hi etf_ PUI ()e W i cates. Recreation Chairman h Sam Brereton now advises us; j ' Pu i Onethat the pins have arrived.ý and those wîshing to pický lamp Gorton ai Dundee N.Yain Exhibitions lttheBrerMayton he. ForIin la ifl rageNewcastle - On Tuesday anyone absent from the Awr arerange and aM3 frcery a evening, Aug. 23rd, the New- Night and nlot receiving his or! either of these and did extra castie Tykes met the Oshawa her certificate, again by cali-i Tykes on the local diamond ing at the Brereton home onJ ,~w ithfo archer, s learnedt for an exhibition game. This King Street, you may pick ~ tht fr eah arow ost itwasn't Newcastle's game at these vp. * would cost me 25 cents. I may, î,a h ia cr tte Sva hogottevl :not have gotten any bullseyes nda h ialsoea h' eea hoghu h i- but I lest no arrows either. fond of the seventh inninglg aetaeldt h Whe awy fomhom fondthem badly beate 7Toronto Exhibition within theý When a hwayrmu h omenno toarepast week and stili lothers are! matter how m ch fuhoouea e S t rd a af ter n g m ,planning to m ake the trip. Ifý ;ejoying mIl from oe sahoee1 a mtig else. by chance Yeu planned to leave' grea thng. knw Iappre- Each and every Newcastle'b rii utmgtb ~ maLItp~.e gav it il hey adwiser and quicker to take a :tork hehe aaaond mandwa played in the field in the'bus. Trains these days.are nfo home Moher and be entsame way. This game was also too reliable. hore. othrs ndfathers like held on the local diamondi to hear from the boys and against the Tykes from Frank_- Scouts, George Gray, Hub-' sometimes drastic measures ford, and the game ended with ert Vanderstarre and Mark' had to be taken, In ibis camp, the score of Il to i in favor ITilîson returned to the village, addrTesdeclt cards and letters of Newcastle. The one run on Sunday after their won- !addesse teparents had to made for the Frankford team derful week at Camp Gorton,' 'be handed in by dinner time, in Ibiis exhibition game, waç Dundee, N.Y, They were ac- or no dinner. I noticed every made by little Danny Jess, and companied home by Mr. and place filled at dinner time. se îittie was just what hie uas, Mrs. Aif Gray and Greg, and, Mar Tiiso Huer Vadertare1 imagine every parent had at bareîr six years oid. He re-'lMr. and Mrs. Art Young. This George Gray MakTlsn Hbr adrtreleast one card or letter. placed another player in theweOk has been a great experi- Bir Mark Tiligon !scene with us and they were, One other highlight in camp fourth inning and was walked' ence for these boys, who have aise given a weîcomne, even toiwas begun at five-thirty in to first base. From there heibrought back several new; Nqewcastle - Our invitation inviting them to the camp fireýthe morning. We were roused'managed to steai home, bis ideas to share with their own to viit Camp Gorton, Boyand giving them ilodging for extra early and before break- 33rd stolen base this year we Scout Troop. Scout Camp at Dundee, N.Y., the night. Mn.. Bernard has . fast headed for the bilh top were told.1 Fall and winten sports get: was receîved in June. Since real hate of tents, sO she wzas and the gold rush. Painted Umpire Ross Brown had unden way just after Labor' that time. excitement mounted quite relieved to know tbey1 rocks, to nepresent gold nug-- some diff îculty calling the balis Day, beginning with League as we planned for the trip. wr en ie h agr'gts were scattered ail overand strikes when thisliîttleBwin hreae tl ie- At times, the trip was Most Quarters. the hili top, and the race was fellow came ta bat. Anythingiing5 on the men'% league, andý kneieN noe s w end ee A ecmprWStrdyon. The troop collecting the eight inches above the gond!angrBill Harrison asks on ut wleave anda as nigtthers and feathra.most gold won. Starting so!were balîs. As little as Dannyjany interested parties to con-> Uerm lin elav aad igttlesiters and brothes.aîîar3r, Vm giad I was at least is, he crouched even lowertatim would ome. e ssesadbohr l ath cy Sout wold ome Wegathened te see their sons:,among the winning boys, and when handiling the bat. Cheers had letters and many telepbone~acp wrsere for our rewand, a huge water-1fnom both sides of the field: Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tilison calls frem Commissioner Duke!a the wk.Du ninet during!melon. and fans wene extended to and family are now camping, Starrtwho met whhle timea he and aother fbis fr wied:igsn a ejydadw'During h a nd iecr alts, we-this voung Tyke. at Deer Bay Park, Buckhorn. w¶rei amoto tnpin C n thre n adianjSoutsan weeIeanned te make woggles fromý Coeiches Eric Foshay and Mrs. Tilîson wiil be home adaoo 'i t o tri ne fitben intnoduced and from theýleathen, moccasins, wallet,,Earl Foster called their New- again Friday evening through ad'applause gîvenoto us, we feit hunting knives, ash trays and;castie team together to an-!Monday afternoon to take Inwihwe could go to apapauegvnt uw twooden rings. Ail three of us.nounce that they would again'news items. Foilowing that an whic came na ure o'right at home. boys managed to trv somne- ho meeting on Tuesday even- please contact the Statesman three Friday afternoon from' Sunday morning just after thing different with tbe'ing. Whether for a game or a office at Bowmanvilie 623-3303ý Mn.. Bruce McDonald, wife 0f'breakfast, farewells were said'Ithought of bringing home new1practice, it was not then as she will again leave for, Commissienen McDonald who te our drivers and we gotjideas for our own leaders and known, but corne out and see Buckhorn until the following had finaily gotten the okav cannied away with a few etheniscouts. a real game of fun and baliSaturday. for George Gray, Hubent goo)d-byes made te Scouts wei We also learned many new wh-leni these littie kids go tae r n r.Jh ct Vanderstarne and my.eif, Mark had only just heurs before met.i songs and gamne. AlinMr edimn. and mily, Jec nti Sote Tilîson, te attend this camp. ýBut now, one camp was eav-ýthe only way to express the a noamSia wreretey t- Our Scoutmasters. Bbinga n oterwaievng' e~ week was that we had ,. tended the wedding of their Shearer and Win Cellier in. , one busy time of being scouts., 1.t~ Lu son, Constable Jim Scott,: as ecite abut ti erea Unlike aur camp, where we!We are grateful ta Duke Star Vlr lbRCMP Jmsbie h o- abot tis np s earned te be chief cook and<and the American Boy Scouts mr CMP. is bridLohe sted We were, and while it waf bettie washer, thene was ne for the wondenful time thex .y rsiiaLhe iie getting late, they wene pleased o ahn pa hihwdu togtetm eD i Newcastle in the sping andý that permission did corne in, cooking o ats. We d t tid swe usable te be te w FUas B g y ai made many tniends whihe she They tol us hw thi tipcamp in the Sae.W i eeal eb mn hm wshr.Tewdigto They tod us hw this pitch in however te help out We are aiso gamog hn. hewddn to wouid be a great experiencee coeks. There were fan ten Tillson and rat eun a Mrsplackeoc on Saturday, August 20. te us In our scouting life, and'theMrsBern r who a ksoc F tetae vey dvntgeohmany boys te expect them te took us ta the States and to Our friends and neighbors te tke veryadvntag ofdo it al, so we were instnuct- Mr. and Mrs. Alf Gray who The Pouhtry Club ended for in Memonial Hospital this this wonderful opportunity of-ied on how te be a waiter. At breught us back, and ta Mr. this yean at the Achievement wTeek are: Mrs. Elsie Camp-' fered te us. We were alsise h table. there Were eight and Mrs. Art Young who ac- Dav at Blackstock Fair onibell, Mr. John Davis. Mns.1 advised by the Scoutmastersea mdb emisenrMDo ,people, and for one fui] day, companied them. We would SaturdlaY, Auig. 27th. Margaret Farrow, Master and y Cmmisionr Mcon-throughout breakfast, dinner aise like ta thank aur Scout- The poultry was judged atýChristopher olihMs aid that we should take things and supper, each boy in camp masters, Bob Sheaner an i ln 10a.m.,wiîtb aiiembers Rhiea Gray, GsîeigbtJamns, of interest aiong with us MrWAnJms trde wth te eteck bis turn at being the Collier. Were it net for them,I present. The tonp three exhi- Mrs. Mona Majen, Mn. Harold' boys. e wtth copies c ourate we wouldn't bave been able toi bitons cf the club were: Pedwel, Mns. Lily Reinstna,i Canadian Boys. and extra' At Ompa, my fîrst year atig0 in the first place. We onlyl Walter Rickard; 2nd. Canal Mrs. Margaret Smith, Mns.1 ucaves Th kis wuidandScot cmpaurleaerstauhthope that they too will somelKnox; 3rd, Diane Darch: withIJohanna Vogeis, Mr. Grant W.' did trade everything. us the correct method of day visit Camp Gorton. It's aloniy one point between ecWilliams, Mr. Fred Wind and Leaving at eight a.m. Sat 'handling a canne. At Camp great camp. of the top three. 'Miss Sandra Wright. tardy, e wre tkente Gortan, I received instruction camp site by my mother, Mrs. an saigr a sibaad tF r e ew a te L o Bruce Tilison who was ac-, orm r Ngra tlet.o companied - 13Y Mnrs,- Arrhîe During our stay, we .- . -* ..-4. . Bgnard. We had a great timel witnessed a wondentui tributeî trMg te read maps, especiaily heid net only by the boys in çqi e these reads and the view the camp, but by ail the Were ai new te us and we People on Cayuga Lake. O hated te have our nese bebind Saturday evening, the night the map rather than watchîng betore we were te corne home, for something new. We saw we laid bon tires ail acness several tali buildings ef cities the hake front, and at eight we bypassed, and heid ourýp.m. tire s were lit ail along 1breath at the. numben efithe hake. called "Lighting the » homes leaturing two and three Lake." Ours was the biggest car garages and buiit in bonfire, being seven feet high swimming pools. We got inte1anld six teet wide. This cus- Camp Gorton just after sevenitom started many years age p.m. and we reaily were given'when the Indians lit tires at~ a royal welcomeé. We ceuldn't'the lake te thank the gods, hehp but make tnherîds, every-ifor their harvest, and now,' one was se friendhy. We didn't'once a year, ahi Lake Cayuga~ quite knew where ta go first,'continues the lake lightîng. but we were there fer a week,: One night duning the week, an we feit we'd see it, ah]. This we were ententained by the: camp Is a training camp, and leaders and staff when they! you(Mun sure get ail kinds ofput en an haur-long show. Iti training in ail kinds cf things.1was very entertaining, as Most!I We have se many things te of these fellows are entertain-I .1 tel] our Scouts. We just hepe ers by nature. PAID ON GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES * issued 1 to 5-Year term earn 64'i interest, payable half. yearly by cheque. *authorized investment for al Canadian Insunance Companies and trust funds. H Er M 4STERLING TRUSTS 35 Dunlop St, semis 73 Mississogo Onlilu Ontario's Minister of Tourism and Information, Hon. James A. Auld, gets some useful advice on pioneer rug-making from attractive Provincial Govern- ment Guide Marilyn Koski, as he sits at the 130-year-old rug loom in the Black Creek Pioneer Village display at the Canadian National Exhibition here. The loom is part of a collection of pre-Confederation implements and equipment donated to the Village by the J. H. Jose family of Newcastle, Ontario. Jose Family Collection Pion eer Tools, Art if acts Now on Display ut C.N.E. fNewcastle:~ Black Creek exhibit at' the Caîiadiari Na-* Black Creek Pioneer Vii- Pioneer Villiage has neceived, tional Exhibition in the Tra-1 I..e is being develcsped by the 'more than 150 pioneer toolsi vel & Tourism Building whereMt~ht oot n e and a rtifacts f nom the collec-1 several rugs have been woven Mtooit oot n é Ithon of J. H. Jose oh Newcas-' on it. gieon Conservation Authority tic, Ontario. and bis thnee Included in the collection as a typical pre-Confedenation sons, Donald, Douglas and are a rare wool winder whicb, community. At present, there Francis. winds 12 skeins at a time and are 18 cornpheteiy restoned Highlight of the collection dates back ta 1860. a bec ulig ypca htepno is a 130-year-old rag rug loomn storage cupboard. an appie'ý 1793-1867. which was used by the pion-i d rying rack, a bird cage, ai The Village is open daiiy eers in the Newcast le area.i tire place crane, a surveyor's, between 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.,ý Many cf the articles werelchain. 50 rare old books 4I and on weekends and holidays used by branches eh the Joseý same dating back ta the~ between 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.ý family. 183n's -. Canadian almanars, Admission tee Is 81.00 for The Iconi is eurreni' on, frein 1860-1870, and a set of aduits and 25 cents for &tu-ý dimIay at the Pioneer VilIagei wooden barrows. idens and children, Canadian Statemnan, Bowmanvile, Aug. 31, 1900 'Jnt. 11 (UT FOOD COSUS TH IS -va-t'afP r'-. 1AT ALL SDV. lrE TM osiVA TMFS AND IN BOW WIAVILLE* ItsMany e auéOfT e e tst. William. With Pectin 9-os. Jars It'sMaily ecause0f he eatAssorted JAMS 5 for 99c Tasty Treat Grade A -5-1 0-1b. Dominien's Oswn Famous Richmello 16-os. Jars T UR K Y s39 PEANUT BUTTER 3for99c URE S 3lbKings Choice 48-os. Tins APPLE JUICE 4for99c Bromelake or King Cole Brand Grade A Clark. Condensed 10-os. Tin DUCLINS 49c TOMATO SOUP 8for99c D C IN S 49 Brlghts Fancy 15-oz. Tins Meaty Whoie or Haif APPLE SAUCE 6 for 99c C ountry Club VI'. 1-lb. Tin LAMB LEGS 59" Ali Purpose (OFFEE 99c Thurs. and Fri. open until 9 p.m. Closed Ail Day Mon., Sept. 5th. Hem Three Meal Variety LAMB IN A BASKET 29 l Frozen Food York 4 Varieties MEAT PIES Dominion White or Pink LEMONADE I I I MRS. CHIARLES PIPER 11 Vïctoria Street BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Swifts Bronkfleld - 1-lb. pk(g, SAUSAGE 59C Shopsy Famlous - 2-0z. pkg. Corn Beef 4. 99c gs 3hf IS-esL TIu or 99é, -02 Bo$tlus for99c 3-lb. Tin $1029 1-os. Bug 69C. Container 77C Pg.47C 4 Colours Ballet 2Rol Bathroomlissues4 Pkgs. 9 9C 99C 39C BAKERY FEATURE Country Girl 2-z CHERRY PIE o. 4 3C MSS. C. GIBSON 118 Elgin Street 10 WMAN ViLLE MRS. JOHIN HENDERSON 190 Moarns Avenue DOWMANVILLE, ONT. Ail merchandise is guarmnteed to give 100% satisfaction. Values Effective Until Closing, Saturday, Sept. 3, '66 in Bowmanville WB RESERVE THE RJGRKT TO UIMIT QUANTITIES. Open Thurs. and Fri. Nights 'fil 9 pem. KING ST. AND SIMPSON AVENUE (Highway No. 2, East) SHOP WITHî CONFIDENCEI la adt am m"Wu « Dam*% vIuIhr bahi, Fn.. w huma m COVRNENT-NSflCTED Fresh Produce Features Firm Golden YelIow Chiquita BANANA S2 Ibs.2 5c California's Finest .SEEDLE.SS GRAPES 19cl Ontario No. 1 GradeL Celery Stalks ç Large39 Real Savin Hi-C 5Flavuri FRUIT DRINKS llunts Pure CA UP5 Specials (Jeisco Pure Vegetable 8-0z'SHORTENING 1 4 Pkg. 979 C Hlumpty Dumnpty1 Tin 9 ~POTATO CHIPS 9 614 -oz2405,f Gnl Fl 2-z Tin 99 LIUIDDETERGENT AIND AT BIG SAVINOS! '9 Varieties Duncan Hines CAKE MIXES 3 Colours Kleenex Paper Towels 2 Pgs Ballet White and Rainbow Table Napkins 2 of60' eWINS $100 ~ Mrs. G. Pacey Newcastle V2 "oy St, 1.,.te 1/2

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