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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Aug 1966, p. 12

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The Canadlan Statesma, Bownmnfle, Aug. 31, 1088 p Births Cards of Thanks Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Work Wanted RealEtaefr_ Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale Real Estatefo F N--Gord and Sharon We wish to express cur 400 BALES oat straw. Phone GO-KART, gond condition, TYING ad in my own eWfi wish to announce thanks toi residents of the 263-2060. 35-1 $95.00. Phone 623-5278. 35-l* home.' Cali Orono 591W. George lleveny KwiJ." n 9ARS okbe N e arrivai of a daughter Jen- community of Blackstock for Peteo aean eiee,50 ADMD uhl o--RATRrEKoALTO W rank Real96.20 er Jîli (Jîli), 7 lbs. 10 ozs.1the wonderful gifts presented Cail Clif.t Pethick 263-2131 es.0 ad sandar.Sutbl UTO omiigbligP one62-30 nt EEAL INSRAE LIMITE» «D August 28th, 1966, at Me-:1ta us at the shower mn the 32-tf es. ade stanr. 26-224.and bCUnMcnig. C baîlin Poe25350-an59341 NSRA frial Hospital, Bowmanville. Recreatian Centre. ON hwrsal n il trg.232'l 2-94 21 igSt . 35-1 Charie and Lorraine Andrews. NEhoesainesnk,__3-_ or 263-8438. 34-2 ORONO - an town water,152 King St. W. BomnllnIgS.Wfowmanville fi niScun ots. 35-1_____ with csen 623-3113 large ravine building lot. Pri c«' 623-2453162 31 IMPSON-Ray and Ann (of __ 35.-1 ouwait, at McMullen Hard- ichildren in my awn home. ed at $2.300.. oM) are happy ta announce 1 would like ta express my GIRLS' teen-age clothing, size1 ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- Phone 987-4998. 35-1. Near Hampton, scenir tenMoeRhtIi elesawadDstit A L OE eh birth of their son Stuart sincere thanks ta relatives, 10 and 12. Phone 623-5932. l. 3-tf ATEAT..aocrselots.Go $450eCTis2bdro unao urnce, 7 pounds 13 ounces, friends and neighbors for 35-1ATRTON ndeseIt$5 per acre. ihgreisvcnadFeeApaal __ stvfrdewsinand coats. See Mrs. F. Rîcard, Ol'4mlero s awith gafrag i acYr.antadFel prlas-Ayim 6LbryS.NBw foUaSndcëie E D stochie, dfhlrdgssig:hn 2 l ies f saw ie throughout. Very large NoSl-N F A ugust 28th, 1966, at Pet- cards. vis ts and fl aw ers. A W A T E R_ for sle and7d61vet, m achin e, a n h l en's s ing hone-23- 931.on paved erod ie r id o . A s xt a g r g . A k- M r g r o t s A a l b e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ borougb Civic Hospital, a special thanks ta Bowmanville 24 hour service. Cal 623-55-3et93r1raonb..CîlCLMNT3u3r-3tmwl kp eroom bungea-o other for Dennis and Mar.n resAmbulance, d29-tf,, 6237547._____ ___ 35.* et 3 m buga-lot. 1 1,0.Oen taagoffrs, We Ca eMlneYuHm 351 ursalnlordusinffmfstay Surgi- inghors--itsadle 2-74.picking, ready for freezer. low. large lot and low taxes. n$1,0.Oetofer WCaRennc --nagmnt 'eral osPuital.K a nOE iighos it ade -- one cookstove. Phone Oron' BUYING or selling furniture Phone Newcastle 987-4353. Owner anxious ta sell. Priced Newcastle IFao î ati Lai Eggmn M Mor. Hsida. 536w3. 35-1 or appliances, cail Elmer, 34-4 at $13,900 with $2,500 dlown. Large foundation with sub- Mr y. esy. 1------ -Hampton: business 263-2294 - DON'T tear the graàss-- cut it. Very close ta public and floor near school. Total price FaNTARan M.and Mrs. Keith Yeo. 35-1, THISTLE baby carniage, grey, residence 263-2695. ____6-tf Have us sharpen your lawn separate schools, 3 bedroomn $3,900. - Hurry! $65,000-200 Acre sokfr RS tomnilannaunce the excellent condition. Telephone -- mower. F. Crowe, 102 Elgin stucco house, hot water heat- Store and four apartments near Sundeln.2 aeetof their daughter 1 would like ta express my 391 Orono. 3,9.1 USED washer parts, niotors, St., Bowmanville. 35-1î*ling, large lot. Asking price in tptpcnito.Soestarey bric: oe elEtt st anna Carol, to Mr. Johnisincere thanks to all who -GI-RL Guiide-uniforrn -size Bplieat Ton al dre -$390.Temunder lease. Real good invest- bathrooms;I ~Ward Barnes, son of Mn. sent cards, brought flowers, 14, used one year. Telephone tieAn ffriue ad~ .> rA. >RS Maple Grave area: New !pîtment. Caîl for details. ted 1* d ppedlincesof, ntnallyadver- A. pond pi Mrs. J. A. Barnes, R.R. 2, fruit and gifts and visited me 623-,51.98. 35-1 painted barn u Lokn fr hm wtha bo-mentranceTh4 bedroomwhbunga- LookingHosforaa homearkithHaantstrea3-22Excellentresou. ipowmk v plc T e au d ding wh-S eile if Memo ria esHopta MASSEY-Haris self-propelled M n , Ha po, 2 3 4-1. Plum bing '& H e tping. ow, electic heating, large incare? This lovely 2-unit One of the es fa mT n Ac e a d pe l aceS66, at furda ,O'c o - Secirt oalshanks t nrs eAs on ombine, 10' table, thoroughly 3 5n t' ow a v le a iy o m w th f ep a e ,dwellin g s t e a w r. L -i On i -take ___________________________ ~~a miry roo m wit free d p lc, i he a sw r L -in tr ia C u ty o e, B w an T r st 19 6,ited fur o'co ck, i rsan d Floor tals D ci trs A ust- overhauled. M ass ey -Ferguson F o r 3 N l on S . o nin.l e ]an.y r o cr e ed p rc , cate cî on a w ell-treed spacious IT r s r l s l n l y p a t t t nited Church, o inand E wert. Spei thanS Dealer, Little Bnîtain, Phonel 1-tfinten-com radio system, gar-îlot in centre of town. Recent-1$31,500-83 AcreLaehrdaf ~ianvi1le. 35.1* ta my family who carnie f 7 age, large workshop and many ly remodelled. Priced right at Dairy Farmna hr pl nipa r - t om ad îne etrnn. -34-tf een-arrers OnERNIE PERFEC T with roorny moThidemus athm n Pnertr iANCbHit-ACEo KNPOLESPUBN HAIG ohretrs hshuemust $19,000. Gond terms. N ew ca s t1e odhmwrhueat Mn. and Mns. Allen l'aster, home. PIN, raig (sold byHt- AN rSI RBESPUBN ET be seen ta be appreciated. itendal, ws o theirdaughen Elsie McGill. 35-1 cond)i. Exclln guarcante e "PE frSOaLREE & SKfIouSuitable for VLA sig2Soe n prmnbuildings. Trii ie afar plgft wismn o hei anucetemaniti). Excllnt mecaniclAs oraFRECYofar Phone 623-3540 pri e $4,90 . Asi HeStre s andre al mn soil. Torotiikpn.Iellcto a i e M. Grdon Ralph We would like ta express Phone Bethany 40 Ring 2, P R O A IY & S I ..Bx 19 e$490 eei e oe-maker.f contra c t 1, ot tN.2hgwyo eney o fM.adMsiaun __ __ _ CAKE" Bookiet P.Bx19 14 Years old, brick veneer Choice location. Builigini on 5011 ofMn. an sincere thanks and ap- vngs 35-1 78 Ontario St., Bowmanvilletwa storey income home, gar- good repair. Invest $1 0,000 as'Ja onn n.poial FaId Kennedy, Orono. Te preciation ta relatives, friends TILLER, 6-blade, McCormick; Jury & Loveli Ltd.________ 1-tf age, hot water heating ss a clown payment here and!$5007 Acres ajmxgbatgat nralgI. lrdigta take place Satur- and neighbons for their acts of 2-pce. Kroehler chesterfield, Phoe 23336 pTr91T.Tv te. Tisbose aneail ____ watchmer it grow., at iCornerPhoco6Znem.fors maue cfutur.l *aY Sptmbr 4t, 166 a kndemwhile Frank was at turquoise; Sunbeam Mixmast- St. E. SEBawanvlTANK be converted into 4 bedro New Homes property. Ielcm -00 'clock in :Kendal United home during the past years, er. Reasonable. Telephone 35 UMPNG$1850. ive u nome r. uys in nhaew homale.centetc baagrementwt Curch, Kendal. 35-1* expressions af sympathy and 986-4420. 35-1 35-ne9m-yhm.1ehvesvra xeletanP0ace aoe.sevc aaibl o sry qq$8,0. ieusaTerms.y i e hms.Cm floral tributes during aur re-ISLAINblwnme- rR9TVk T WHITEWASHING STABLES Near Highway 35, 4 bedroom and have a look. 1aatdPrTetrwermhtsl ~ ~~~~~n ro c mr gc n lss a a ln rthr o, with rock wooi. Worký- BERT TO M PK IN S two storey frame house. Big near shopping and schols.l$20,000-75 Acres o! rve wo efn op rt iy fo :M crriage ad uce rn Brown, manship guaranteed. F e e implerent shed and old barn Reay well built. Prices atland near opn. rtrt r pr-i e oea ____ ____ ____ ___ han s ta Dr. cKen ieestimates, Harry L. W ade, M IA T T R E S S Phone Newtonville 786-2552 on four acre lot. Asking p iceat $17,271.00. N.H.A. terst. $8000 dom n i n rc . rg t ai n Mn a.dMr. tale RhmOreo, and 2nd Floor Staff af Phone NTewtonville 786-2256. Cai Colleet 41-tf$100wih200don cesr -yo' aayb Mr n r.SalyRh.Memoial Hospital, Bowman- $13,000 wKTith $2,000 clown.I kTTFCail for appaintment .oo I gaiyndd ýrish ta anriaunce the forth- 38-tf CLEARANCE OSHAWA - Well built and $5.500 is the full pnice for î$5,O Arno.e xcelen comin mannage a thei vill; Rev Basi Long andr students, - A kept two storey 3 bedroom ader 2 bedroom home. Handy' building l nd w t E F NA C L A SS !. daughten Canal Anne, tarow !uneiae Home. -anT poTtablesghome, livingroom with fine- man*s special. Makeofr evcs em. AC FCENT4. eorge CJim Wood.ofMr.35.1* Irecanditioned, 1 yr. guar. $39. plNTARTO TRUST newoILL ànd Mrs. Lenard Porter, R. R. ____ Filing cabinets, like new, 2- furnace, large secluded lot, j 1, Pontypool. The wedding ta We wisb ta express aur dnawer $24; 4-drawen $40. INTLAUORNag.ITUBEie 1,001Sak aGa up, e!stem INSALLTIplgaac.eAkin prce$14900 Snck ar Ga PupsRe steam C u ti ce LST IT '16a p lac setembUier d4tsicre tanks and apprecia- Bill Hamilton, Raglan. 34-tf Hram pton 263-2270aLI Terms. iaiQarg ad Living a" I l V 19 6, at Bl ckto k nie tion ta relatives, neg bors, AUïT HORàI-Z E-D B u rr u-gh s, TOP GRADE QUALITY AT j,___ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ j 3 -1 uarters on busy highway.' parcels. On4$.0 '. ~ f t a _________________friends and onganizations for Olympia Dealer. Cash Reg- TRMEDOS EDCTON et into your8500 dwnpls tok.Lok b400-6 Aceso!Chis- ttrcoulown.eea their many acts of kindfess, isters, Adders, Typewriters,1 . FA. b j REjyj _- S-or Rent ýL _ tina thisrare pu it ta-$4,00m0Acres an - Marriages sympathy and floral trihutes File Cabinets, youn choice, $2 SpTi'ig.fillld Mattresse,, with UwSth Chanci rarChaytor - 723-7msggge at the time af the sudden deatb wkly. No money down. New, hundreds of cols, guaranteed RV APARTMENT for rent. Phone day. several t hnusa~dTmHutn-6841 CHARTR.AN - MAYNARD - af aur daughter, Brenda. A Used, RentaIs, Service, Trades. 1 o__ ____2_-255___5-1_For____-_Cetra ~' e aria e s nn un ed afspecial thanks ta Rev. R . C. Bil H am ilton, R aglan, (N orth c n t u to m - --- 16.8g - A E S N BL A E - 2555.'3-1 O e F ror nt aCe tai prEdas o tci e l a h m i n 7 8 2 7 Phyllis Maynard and Gardon White, Nortbcutt and Smith of Oshawa). 35-tf Crib Mattresse, .8 Phone 723-1308 FIVE-ROOM heatediOn beoo apartmetat0 lcsok ap eoili7550 Cllartran on1 Saturday, August 9uea.HmaloD.8cg ~ -F ment. Phone 623-.3,573. 3-1 Newly decorated. Excellent vle 4 90thh1961,966, h MtntheunManseoe, KenzDreMc.nurses, doc PLorsG -ndenB ADGEres, ostoraged WANTED Bed cAmreal, 'niceYI$G3ET3.0AN&Eu-pA ralAcre pancelsu-10 t'yroe, Onaniaby Re. D. taff i Memnial ospitl R Bnk Bc. comleteI FORRAYIN, ETCaFOR oats ndrtriler ungalwuinaheo$2.000tange.with0iew arapone. Jon F. eWii Tyone, ntrob Rv D tafofwmile, mo wee FRMMATRoLSpital599515tf cal 623-3243. 34-4 #orthy. 3-1* Bwmanillewho ere s1 FAM MATRIAL From-----Must---have--garage- 9an5d5-beusclose gsite ndneaclosTyione.a kind duning my stay in hos- HANDLING EQUIPMENT Sniooth-top Mattresses with ASPHALT PVN TWO -BEDROOM__ apartment jta shopping. List yours and Terms. D ea- Bill Yvonne and Larry Ho . G o rd o n L . C o rn er - a a k T c i g ------- 39.88 1 RI-EAYS fn re t. Ph ne !Evenings, all on ig wa yP o o 6 33 5 ,PARCH-At Hempstead, NY.SALES &SERVICE Flake Fa lw ---.9 AIt Work Guaranteed i ovnecs xeln o .Kwl r 2-88$02t--ero try20arswt omddel n Thursday, August 25th, R. R.Foa1POSlHAWA Contact - THREE furnished roms with JA. Code - - 62,1-2645 Home.O T F E L VL E t966, George Herschel Darch, We would like ta express __ 35-1 SmI)oth-top Continental Beds STEHNFES talchners. Cîl xeletfrP Kwl r 623-541.35168__ in.Eceln1fsm àged 76 years, beloved bus- aur sincere thanks and ap -__FUL_____.Cll63544 3-* 51$2 504Bero ater of Harold and Arthur. and neigbbouns for their many $50 >uSf Bd Space Savers___ 29-tf tr, 3n St. E., Mlde'sJack Good terms.9 CEwt kested at tbe Morris Funeral acts of kindness expressions RStore, 23 King St. E., BowOR___ anvlle 3- ICAARM y,8-Bwani Chapel,' Bnwmanville. Grave- of sympathy and floral trib- OSHAWVA Rouieway Corat - av enpr FRAL OR ave. 51 RI $692briwkmnilal omdhoe odu an vide service was held Tuesdaylutes received during the r Sie i rsial eucdbikbnao etEceln ol sig*700 CO SRU TO BASEMENT apartment, elec t elo yOMLE O-Trs ï,norning at 10 o'clock. In-ct loss ai a loving husband TV SUPPLY LTD. for quick sale tCcOyNetd oebda,'STRUCTION LTD. ORCHARD FARM, 130L lernent Bowmanville Cerne-ýand father. Special thanks to Taunton Rd. E, Oshawa NISNSFRNTR O EWis HOAMES available immediately. Tele- wSv±~ ...termCI a O ec.Aou 5arsirh ~tery. 35-i Mn. and Mrs. Harold Coucb Just East of Ritson Rond rations I 1phone 623-7326. 35-1 -280dw.Atad otySis cno and Wallace; ta Mn. and Mns. Dm1l 723-8131 20 CHURCH STREET Rmoeln Additions --$,0ii WO"RSLEY - At Westminster AI! Garnod for the use ai their Day or nlght - Bill Leask, Prop. OHW ~. eCalI APARTMENT fnr nent, six 623-2503 l'ast!!! t.Godbidgs om ~spital, London, on Tuesday, home and aleo ta,-the- Marris t '-John De Jon canst. oomsLandebath, immediate vr-c oewt ugust 23, 1966, CpI. Robert Funeral Chapel for their kind- pI----63-62Sorse 23 ing St. MEr. ow WBineaycking dst- tinge. 7rC12»OR OE RA . .. 2-62Soe2 igS.EBw s- sing.puuTems #1elvern W o sley, of 409 Reg- ness. . F o rL LY LI,.F ers O n ../ LYm anville. 35-1 Wa nc a sop ing a re . Exrktoeib i k hoegcr cii h a g *Livestock ForSale 34-5, ____oshpin ra.Etr tre r 1 Dr., London, in his 39th Betty Brown and family. Give Your Baby thetnu S~ THREE large rooms -ndfbamily room 16' x 203,0Brick home, ah modem ararra (oer hs) Wdorsly,_5___1___"BATH____ THAT LASTS GUERNSEY bull calves. Tele-JA KBR Ë heated, fnig and stove sup-$200on Excellent tem. vnec1.Coet c dearatoer)ai rLei, Re pin ALL DAY" phone Blackstock 986-4856. OIL BURNERS - FURNA CES plied. Adults only. Very $2,0bedroombrc bS ~at home, and brother af M . and Mrs. Francis W erry "Phisohex kin Cleanser ONE Registered Holstein bull, PLUMBNG REPAIRS sion. Phone 623-3715. 3~ * 1wk ta h n a 1,0 - e csl, 114a d c uc. Pie o si I --È ----- - -Fulî price $1 1,900. Heights. - dro wih gn- Axrthur, Toronto; Mrs. william wifl be at home ta their rela- corniiete with Bath SPOnge service age. Apply Lawrence PHONE HAMPTON HUEfan rent, 6 rnoms,1 bungalow,lo60 letbn.u padro. (Marina) Mardien of Scar- tives and friends on l'niday, and Bookiet" Malcolm, Nestleton, _35-21viè~ - available Oct. lst, 28 Liberty I George Street 200'. $4.700 on tem oddybi al borough., and Mrs. Allen (Nai- September 2, 1966, tramf 7 tojuy263-2151O~ . i Street, Bowmanville. Apply 4 Bedronm brick home. OilPicdt e. ddine) rnet oaPnetrng ai., nicmpte Hingn jry p.m., Lt.iRGISEREamptonHer- HallAdd&ssL!JvJesen BLtd0,.obREGISTERhoEDaer ePolled15300&ere-'ni ]Beach. Rested at the Need- the occasion of their 4th Phone 623-3361 fard. Durham Farms -Ltd., ailAide:J ensOnt, PBoe 280, 10.Bobc 50y - f3red0hot wn.hetng 1530&epwanonR.b.SOCrAic19kcrso bhin Memonial Chapel, 520 Wedding Anniversary. 34-2' King St. E. - Bowmanville Con. 8, Clarke.,----32-4"*P-0. Box- 54 3 --- Bo w m anvllle genOtPhn73-9 15.500 - $3,000d.Newrigc oe ypvdraEcletbid Dundas St., where visitons No.___ 1_NURSERY SOD 28o 51-netRa-C-Na.4hme nsleesaot10 eda were received from 6 to 9 p.m. Ntce 5---cin ae s.yd elvr OEN corner King nnd i-Modern 3 bedroom brick Calfor appi tetpn ea rud ag betd cre in n i bungalow. Close ta, Lord to inspect nw o -ervice at St. Mark's Chapel, Dr. Ewert's office will be Na. 1 FIEL» 02e s.yd iio tees mmdae a-Elgin Sta close30 -estate.' x20 4V1elyBrrcs Thursday clased August 13 ta Septemn- for your freezer, locker WEL We eivered cmpet session. Apply Sam's Famous Scalt1.0 erms.75x20.Eay3ACEPRLaiani mnornîng, BAgucst2, atIla.. br icluiv. 2Beef wthexcessLIVESTOCK SLSFod,14 Division St., Bow-, Hillltop Drive iLifatremove2,d b1uy..te_ inluiv. 2- 1LANDSCAPING SERVpEe-Mod en oatdestauewat -ftrmvdbefore you 'a ura CutySle rea B manville. 32-4* 1 Large split level, electnicaîîy $14,000Mdenbgaoonarywod. ly50 Interment in Soldiers' Plat, Effective September lst, HINDS 69c - FRONTS 49e Otrom Ecry les.,7:30p.mTHANY APRMN nN.2ih eed home. Attacbed gar- Cave Rond,Boa-dwn .2ount Pleasant Cemetery. Do- cal Russ Oke for booking of SIDES 57e lb. Oo -EeyTus,73 . PAMN nN.2Hih ea . ations ta the Canadian Can- Lions Centre. Phone 623-5938. iSirpet nifoe ciing Horses, Cattie, Swine, LA DCPN way, near Maple Grave. Al age. Large finîsbed nec. raom. ville.. Largelk-,FTCTL AM 4 çen Soiety ould b apprci- 3.2 No xtra harge Calves, Sheep, etc. J. A. Reid i tcanveniences. $65 month. ý$24.700 - Ternis. fotlt 200dw.arswt omd~ve _________ AnI&ononintalestednage2s7594 Write Advertisen 747, c/o The Apaniment Bidg. $12,500-2-BedroombrcanTwbrnteear pd. Ited. - ~ ~ ny35e ine-est- d n Tk »gon't wsstc your money on nSls aaer3t 44' aainSaemn .. tcohoena sigoi 2,0.Tr T. k -Off Pounds Sensibîy, contact fat - Buy good prime steer bec!Thfath iednutoneranad19iBanvilltesma, .OGBx odernestmunt.brckaîldgfor w, LL In Y.emriain T.O.P.S. 623-3592, 263-2295, We can supply a lower grade will selI by public auction for MolunLjoy God nvetunt.brck bîord12.aendlo terii-iBACSOKAE 5 - 23224 4- f efat5 p r l. esSUB-LET very spacious modcr-lt nce de n ace an wtigod ban 263 22 4.34 2 0 B ef at 5c er lb l ss M rs. G ilm er S m ith at er resi- VBa c k h aO sh w a - r men t od- d ta l .h om e. O w n en a x o s s e l s a c i n , w t r b w u IMAR .-F o rF ul er-Bn-u-sh- Produc ts-, BOVJMANVILLE dence in Village of Newton- BcheServie c saaantet w Orono ta seil. Openfro-8roeioe ag tem cal lsePhne72-44 FIGD OCER vll a MndyDRtmbAIRENHS DANSbahrom, winrig oo, rad ewbic bnglo, er.Haptoboldson MEMORILS Soth Duh ne,7ca 0444.bîtby Stb aR ill 1:30 ocn, Sail ber FOLINDATIONS AN» darnage deposit prepaid. FreeBrn ebicbuglwfrs SYSTEIL ouh uram cllbob tîhold effeets nc luding SEPTIC TANKS irent left on month. CalHand1y ta uptown. Nice aren. $ll,500-Newcastle. Ms eSrieSain uc one 668-6583. 28-tf bSE huedroliving room nd Pane728-7942. Childnen welcome. $15,800. sold at once.2Bdfibmdmlvn urea Dignifîcti und Distinctive Anyone wishing ta bowl in PHONE 623-5578 kthnfunue:iin ord .F1 Q~~Q735-2,Ornoroor bungalow ag I qimn nldd a Fit aner the Ladies' Nigbthnwks Bowl-1 ithe fr tre . . ronnB.LacSk.sLcY1 "986W-47d37mbualw Small brick bungalow in lot. Terms. ctaNnha ssa Mon-riments - inlaLegue Wenesdayeven -suite, 2 bedroom suites, one, E -e o ugalwýilg.Htwtrhaig - __eaueWdesvy veage. wal]tenenencsnt0 ing.l la designs for any need lings, Phone Lois WodV k ~L).~.>1MN real good Findlay OvnI cookiJ20î Ilcnvni$cs 1 rin500otbeoMnpîe Grav.LtAxiu aml USDE UP ETsoe o vnadrsrori A _EMAý _drive fnorn Bawranviîle. AI] Full pnice $7,500.00. I' 701' x24'W-Bd 5ROMDBUGLO f 1263-2374.3-'sae o vnadrsron; AKR~A 1 t0 etdwt :,.'I5 Simcoe St. S.. Oshawa - 2 - p okrhaeca;dcs ae od ett coliOooro uglw 250~ar o mu e*QteyiJamuy wiue 1 Lvemoral Htospital iCocks.hat 15-m Cbnuonh a tdde, lumbn, hapensNew Lcatio----IA--HA---o Mun lfordhy Viisi - 63-29138How roo a-35rdoeanrcubads ilw th nk a r S o ks r. M lI ~ W M N IL Eon1bh r2000 lb. scales, pig crate, w at- Corner K ing an ti D ivision St. ning condition, $250, Phone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 35-1 G eore ea tai - n u de ro d. M ai ol ~ nt hestf a ar ~OFIEInternational 13-run cm trougb latiders, 50 tei! Phone 623-5252 19874310. 35-1' *adtestaffGofema H5FOFFCEBY APPOINMENT , , . sec t . -on-steel-Port Perry 9528 oe slg$.0 on CesubheiOhtwon oneai Heel Pnsth, 50 cedar pasts, snaw .17-tf CEv. -rukva ffl Mj IPHONE **fence, od rn. Livestock-28 '55 n R rvr-to truk, vn WSani toBu s.Jo Sawen -351 23331 ?1 ram, .5 stocker cattle, AC F_86245 a n t i ~ ~ b e t e e nC a s eH e a t a n t g o t i ; i a n o a n t i b e n h , s a v e , O L2 - D r ., 6 c y l ., s t a n d a r d s h i f t , G O O D P l l e t i H e r e f o r d b u l l , S C A o k r n e e d u t r ei < > . M . S àhan-ks and appreciatin te le am. - 1 P.M. Pck-up new;sideboard, tables, ail izes; Dring Yont- Car In for& radia. ny2,0mie.Tl-srcab g.Ph eOooorfu & or hu &a aetion frInternational w/Corn Heati antiques, iran kettle. dishes ""'UNE-UP & SAFETY 6235269.3-5-I 0 51 s osbe ona ant nigborsfa OFFICE ROURS carnckinychairs, someCEKpon__5r2. 5*asosil:Bwnvler ,chains, forks, s ovels anti many Brakes - Mutiler - Et-. "61 CHEVROLET Bel Air -- -- -- - vicinity.Ph eRap Am-Aer ersCi 'Cdu tit h o se i g ur z - Wedumd- - Fri.'n..L'i other articles. Tennis cash. i okdu ytwo door hardtap, sutoamatie, LIVE poulîry, nId feather strong 623-3301, Ex. 24 51 ' Muîo 63-i .tab'wasvement 7% 28-8 E m'i Farn solti. No resenve. Clif- radia, 31,500 actuni xmilestk. M.lltR. Bh--______GuLBao -6341 '[LA pment fard Pethîck, suctioneer. Licenseti Meehue ot oniin eehane any Phone 7 r 13 coilect Ro nBadr.ui eobe*13 M,_________________and_35-tW Orono _39______1____________andBc Pu.eial Hn oneiL1Nurs-ngHome -c ________1____ ____________ l )NRURT ________Phne__23__________ 28-tfoun bMr ' ' dý 4 esjand 1,enFMu uninwokg . j85 KigVt.W.nPJ mirU e ROUND, white and tan, Sat- IPARTLY -German Shepherd RO adbor

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